The best infrared saunas for apartments and houses for 2022

Everyone knows the benefits bath procedures bring to the body. The body, warmed by generous heat, removes accumulated harmful substances from the body along with sweat. Alternating warming up in a steam room with cooling under running cold water or in a snowdrift hardens the body, circulates blood through the veins, prolongs youth, making the skin elastic. Lately, infrared saunas have attracted a lot of interest. The heat in them is transferred to the body from infrared emitters directly, without an intermediary, which in traditional steam rooms and saunas is air heated to 100°C. In this case, profuse sweating occurs under more gentle conditions, since the air temperature in this case does not exceed 60°C. In addition, such a useful device can be equipped not only in a country house, but also in a small apartment. The popularity of infrared device models is just beginning to gain momentum. The editors of the YaNashla website offer visitors an introductory review of “The Best Infrared Saunas for 2022,” compiled from customer reviews and expert opinions.

From steam room to infrared sauna

Over the course of its existence, the bath procedure has turned into a many-hour ritual. Our ancestors lived in large families. It took a lot of time for everyone in the household to steam to their heart's content. Rushing in such a matter could not only not bring benefit to the body, but seriously harm it.

Commercial baths in cities were not only a hygienic facility, but something like a club, whose visitors, along with water and thermal treatments, enjoyed communicating with each other. Such a pastime contributed to the improvement of body and spirit. And it wasn’t a shame to spend a day or half a day on this.

The rhythms of modern life do not allow time to be scattered so generously. But we must not forget about health. Otherwise, you will soon have to work only for medicines. This is where an infrared sauna comes in handy. In order to relieve fatigue and sweat properly in it, 30-40 minutes is enough. Businessmen and athletes were the first to appreciate its unique qualities - people whose day is scheduled to the minute. However, saving time is more of a side effect of this useful invention.

What is IR radiation

It is a form of energy that can transfer heat over a distance. Electromagnetic radiation adjacent to the red color of the visible spectrum (hence - infrared, i.e. “below red”) remains invisible to us. But we feel its warmth coming from the sun's rays, a heated stove, an incandescent lamp, a heating device.

Infrared radiation has a wave nature. Its temperature is directly proportional to the wavelength. There are short, long and medium waves. Short waves are considered the “hottest”, long waves are considered the “coldest”. The human body emits heat in the mid-wave range, from 3 to 50 microns.

In traditional baths, stoves and heaters heat the air in the steam room to 100°C, and only then does the body heat up in the hot air. This heating method is called convection or indirect. Infrared radiation does not require intermediaries. Its waves will spread even in a vacuum until they meet a body and give it their heat, and the already heated body will give up excess heat to the air. This is a direct heating method.


Externally, an infrared sauna is almost no different from a thermal steam room. The only difference is that the heating element here is an IR heater. It consists of the following elements:

  • Metal rectangular case.
  • Infrared lamp.
  • A screen designed to reflect heat waves.
  • Thermal insulating gasket.
  • A reflector that emits thermal energy.
  • Heating element.
  • A thermostat with a rotary mechanism designed to maintain a set temperature.

Operating principle of an infrared sauna Source

Option for arrangement of heating elements Source
When turned on, the reflector receives heat coming from the heating element. That, in turn, emits heat rays that affect the human body and everything else that falls within the zone of their distribution. This ensures uniform heating of the entire cabin area.

Saunas can be ceiling, floor and wall. Diversity is also based on different work elements:

  • Incalloaceae.
  • Film.
  • Ceramic.
  • Carbon.

Infrared radiation of an IR sauna Source
See also: Catalog of bathhouse projects presented at the exhibition “Low-Rise Country”.

Infrared heating film Source

The benefits and harms of infrared radiation

Researchers have found that thermal radiation can suppress the development of microflora and activate blood circulation, i.e. will improve metabolism, stop the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and accelerate tissue regeneration. Intense short-wave infrared radiation can cause the body to overheat and cause burns. At the same time, devices generating infrared waves with a length of 3 to 15 microns coincide with the length of thermal waves of the human body. Therefore, they are practically harmless to him and are effectively used in medical practice. According to doctors, they have a lot of beneficial effects on the human body:

  • normalize blood pressure by stimulating blood circulation;
  • improve blood supply to the brain, improve memory;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • strengthen the immune system.

As can be seen from the list above, there are much more indications for taking procedures in an infrared sauna than for visiting a regular bath. In addition, intense sweating is useful, including for weight loss. However, there are health restrictions for them too. Therefore, before undertaking these procedures, it is worth asking your doctor whether your health allows you to take them, and if so, how often you can use them. In order not to cause harm to health, such procedures should not be taken by patients with elevated body temperature, suffering from inflammatory processes, or persons in a drunken state.

Interesting! The “father” of infrared saunas is considered to be the Japanese therapist Tadashi Ishikawa. Over the course of a number of years, studying the effect of heat from infrared emitters on the human body, he was able to determine that heat waves with a length of 3 to 10 microns warm the patient’s body to a depth of 4 cm without harming his health.

Based on his recommendations, engineers managed to create special emitters, place them in a wooden cabin and obtain an installation in which the procedures have almost no contraindications. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun were the first to appreciate the invention of their compatriot in the 70s of the last century. In the USA, the new product began to be produced in 1990. Two years later, Europe learned about the benefits of these devices.

Mechanisms of action

As an example, to imagine the principle of operation, remember how the sun's rays heat objects in a room through glass. Over time, the entire room warms up.

The cabin also works, only waves of infrared heaters warm the human body. To ensure uniform heating, heaters are placed on the side, behind, or below.

Infrared heaters are made of ceramics and are simple in design. However, carbon ones heat up more, so they have temperature sensors that turn off the device when the maximum is reached. Working in this mode allows you to save energy.

Before visiting, you need to follow simple rules, which will allow you to achieve maximum benefit from the procedure:

  1. remove makeup and take a shower;
  2. do not use cosmetics to avoid causing burns and allergies;
  3. limit yourself to eating 1 hour before the session;
  4. take a dry towel into the cabin for drying;

After the session, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids without gases to restore water balance. If possible, take a warm shower and only then apply skin care products to your face and body.

How does an infrared sauna work?

So, what is an infrared sauna, what elements does it consist of, what basic and additional equipment does it have? Let’s find out here and start with the walls.

Material and size

Of course, the best and only material for making infrared cabins is wood. It does not heat up and cannot cause burns. Some types of wood, even after sawing into boards, are capable of releasing phytoncides into the atmosphere for a long time - volatile substances that kill harmful microorganisms. When heated, this process occurs more intensely.

Most often, the product is sheathed with boards made of coniferous wood: Canadian and Siberian cedar, Canadian hemlock. Domestic producers prefer Siberian cedar and linden. In addition, alder, aspen, birch and oak can be used during assembly. The doors are made of tempered glass.

Infrared emitters are built into the walls - sources of useful heat. The built-in monitoring and control system allows you to adjust the temperature from 45 to 70°C. This is quite enough to make you sweat properly.

Important! When the body warms up, up to 20% of solids are removed from the body along with sweat: waste, toxins, salts, etc. In a traditional steam room - no more than 5%. Procedures in an infrared sauna are 4 times more effective than in a traditional bath!

Manufacturers produce infrared units of different sizes. For a city apartment, a single cabin, the internal area of ​​which does not exceed 1.0 m2, is more suitable. It is not difficult to find a place for it in the bathroom (if you remove the washing machine from there). If the area of ​​your apartment allows, you can order a double box and enjoy wellness treatments together with a loved one.

For a country house, a three or four-bed option is quite suitable. When welcoming friends to your property, it will be a pleasure to pamper them with such an exotic type of vacation. Five and six-seat units are more suitable for fitness centers and sports facilities.

Types of emitters


Ishikawa's emitter was a ceramic tube with a nichrome spiral passed through it. Quartz sand was used as filler. Such ceramic emitters, when heated, provide the most useful heat, with a thermal wavelength of 3 to 7 microns. Experts consider this type of heater to be the best option.


An interesting device, which is a quartz tube. Instead of a nichrome helix, the tube is filled with carbon fiber and sealed tightly. An electric current heats the carbon filling, which heats up the quartz tube. Carbon heaters are characterized by high efficiency and a long service life (about 100,000 hours).


Modern flexible heating panels consisting of two layers of heat-resistant film, between which are conductive carbon heating tapes. Along the edges of the panel there are flexible copper bars. The contacts of the power supply from a 220 V network are connected to them using soldering or a riveter. The thickness of the film heater does not exceed 0.4 mm, the width is 100 cm. The power of one square meter of the film heater is 220 W.

Optional equipment

In addition to emitters and lighting, the product, at the request of the customer, can be equipped with a built-in audio system. Listening to your favorite tunes promotes relaxation and, to some extent, enhances the healing effect of the procedure, and at the same time increases the cost of the product.

Some installations are equipped with a color therapy system. These are several ceiling lights with multi-colored lamps + software. The user selects a specific program, turns on the system, emitters, music and enjoys it to the fullest. Some people perceive this addition as color music or just a fashionable toy. This is a misconception. The healing properties of color therapy have been known almost since the times of ancient Egypt.

What is color? These are light waves of different lengths. It has been proven that there are certain points on the skin of our body that are sensitive to the effects of these waves. Their location surprisingly coincides with acupuncture points. The healing properties of color therapy are not inferior to infrared radiation, and in some cases even surpass it. So, when purchasing a device with a color therapy function, the client receives two healing procedures in one session.

Interesting! Manufacturers use light therapy programs in their products, developed by specialists from the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after V.M. Bekhterev.

Practical tips for arrangement

Experienced builders give practical advice to novice craftsmen on how to design an infrared cabin:

  1. The room should be maximally sealed. The radiation must exert its effect within a limited space.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the room itself. Every parameter matters: the composition of the material for construction, pre-processing of parts, assembly of the structure.
  3. A separate issue is the issue of security. It is better to entrust the electrical wiring to a specialist who will efficiently install the wires on the panel and install the devices in accordance with current standards.

When working, it is important to follow the sequence of actions, so it is better to use a high-quality drawing.

How to choose an infrared sauna for an apartment

Before choosing one model or another, you need to determine the basic selection criteria for yourself.


For small-sized housing, a single model with dimensions of 100x100x185 cm is sufficient. For a large apartment with a spacious bathroom, it would be appropriate to purchase a double version - 1300x1200x1900 cm. Three and four-bed models will fit well into the interior of a country house.

A portable mini sauna is not entirely convenient to use and cannot be compared with stationary installations in terms of comfort. This option should be considered if there are cramped living conditions.

Shape and design

Here everything depends on the whim of the customer. You can purchase a standard rectangular model or order a corner one, rationally using the available space. Some people like a large glass area. In this case, the supplier will assemble for you a device with two glass walls out of four.


Deciduous trees (except oak and Karelian birch) will cost less. True, there is a fear that over time the inner lining will darken. If this is not critical, you can go with this option. Canadian and Altai cedars and Canadian hemlock will cost more, but will delight you with their unique aroma for a long time.

Heater type

Experts say that ceramic emitters are the most effective. They are followed by carbon fiber ones, and then film ones. But it would be more correct to focus on price. If the budget is not limited, it is worth listening to the advice and recommendations of experienced users.


The cost of a single product fluctuates around 1500 USD. You can choose inexpensive products, without music and color therapy additions. They account for up to 15% of the purchase price. There are mini saunas on sale, which are something like a sleeping bag with film emitters inside. They are quite budget-friendly and not easy to use. Another savings item is assembling the product yourself. This is not so difficult if there is a description and instructions from the manufacturer.

What else to pay attention to

When buying an infrared sauna, make sure that it has its own floor. Some manufacturers, trying to tempt the client with cheap products, offer to install a box without a “bottom” in the bathroom, installing it directly on the tiled floor. In this case, dampness and moisture from the room will definitely penetrate inside. Health procedures will have to be taken in conditions of high humidity, and part of the heat from the emitters will be used to heat the outside air. This design will not bring the expected health benefits to the user and will cause excessive energy consumption.

There are models equipped, among other things, with a shower. You need to make a decision about purchasing such an installation based on your living conditions. If the product is installed in the bathroom, there is no point in such a purchase. If the installation is planned to be placed in a country house under construction, then this option deserves consideration.

It is worth taking a closer look at the design of the front door hinges. An unscrupulous buyer received window hinges instead of door hinges.

They are not reliable enough and do not regulate the position of the door relative to the frame. A wooden door, under the influence of temperature, may become deformed and will not close tightly. In high-quality products, special door hinges are used that allow you to adjust the position of the door leaf in three directions.

You should not choose a model lined with pine boards on the inside. When heated, pine “bleeds” resin, even at relatively low temperatures. Leaning against such a wall can cause discomfort.

Be sure to ask the seller or manufacturer what kind of glass the front door is made of. Choose only doors made of tempered glass. If damaged, it crumbles into small fragments that do not pose a danger. Broken regular window glass can cause deep cuts.

Selection of materials for work

Wood works well as the main consumable material. You should be especially careful when choosing wood: linden, aspen, and alder are the best for use. These varieties do not contain harmful resins, do not cause allergies when heated, and are sufficiently durable.

You will need clapboard, ordinary doors, fasteners, a construction pencil and tape measure, and a jigsaw. All parts should be pre-treated with an antipyretic, preventing the possibility of fire in the room and smoke.

The best manufacturers

Regardless of the number of manufacturers specializing in the production of infrared saunas, the buyer always asks the question: “Which company is the best to buy equipment from?” We invite you to get acquainted with the most famous companies, whose popular models are in constant demand in our country and abroad:

1. Wellis. The group of companies united by this brand occupies one of the leading positions in the world in the production of equipment for SPA procedures. The pools, Jacuzzis and cabins of this brand are widely known. 2. Helo. A Finnish company specializing in the production of equipment and accessories for bath pleasures for about a hundred years. The popularity of Helo models is explained by their excellent design, thoughtful design and choice of the best finishing materials. 3. Sawo. Large supplier of bath equipment from Finland. Production facilities are located in Europe (Finland, Germany, Austria) and Asia (Philippines). Sawo products have quality certificates according to ISO standards. 4. Uborg. The Russian company Yuborg began its activities in the field of infrared equipment in 2001. Continuously improving their products, Uborg specialists supply the market with models that are not inferior in quality and functionality to the best world models. Considering the adaptation of the company’s equipment to the peculiarities of power supply in our country (the presence of voltage surges and impulse noise), Uborg products are more preferable for reliable operation in the CIS countries. 5. Koy. The full name of the company is Foshan Gaoming KOY Sanitary Ware Co.Ltd. Chinese manufacturer of infrared cabins, showers with steam generators, and household electrical appliances. It produces high-quality products with a stylish design, interior trim made of Canadian cedar and a full set of basic and additional equipment. The product is ISO certified. Delivered to Europe, Asia and the USA. 6. Harwia. Another representative of Finland, occupying a leading position in the production of bath equipment. The company was founded in 1950. Its products are in high demand in 85 countries around the world. Production facilities are located in Finland, Estonia, Russia and China. 7. Mountfield. Czech manufacturer of garden tools. Produces inexpensive and high-quality infrared cabins. 8. Saunalux. Manufacturer of high-quality premium devices from Germany. Saunalux products are distinguished by their stylish design, high-quality finishes, the use of innovative technologies and a very high price. The product of this company will decorate any elite SPA salon.

Buy or equip

The average price in stores for imported cabins varies to a maximum of 170-190 thousand rubles. A portable one costs between 31-35 thousand.

Making an infrared sauna with your own hands will be economical for the family budget. Requires minimal skills, instructions, and a standard set of tools. In an apartment, the best option would be a single cabin. For a cottage, you can aim for a three-seater.

The miniature infrared sauna looks like a parallelepiped, width 1000x1000x2000 mm. The size of the cabin base increases depending on the number of seats. The structure is well attached, but it is important to provide for the possibility of dismantling.

The joints are sealed to prevent the influx of cold. The outer side, floor, and shelves are made of wood, which must be coated with water-based varnish; frequent wet cleaning will be required.

For interior decoration, lining made from wood species that do not contain essential oils is suitable. We need corners, cornices, and fasteners for installation. Beam, secure frame and board to form benches.

Door made of heat-resistant glass. Infrared heaters, lighting device, components: sensors, sockets, cable. The electrical part is carried out according to the instructions for the equipment and in compliance with electrical safety standards.

Where can I buy

After familiarizing yourself with the best manufacturers of this product, visit their official websites. There you can find answers to all your questions. In addition to finished products, you may be asked to voice your wishes regarding the size and configuration of the product, finishing material and a set of additional equipment. You can be sure that all your wishes will be heard and fulfilled. The main thing is that there is enough money for this.

Having found out what types of infrared saunas there are, which company makes the best product and how much this pleasure costs, you can think about purchasing a similar health complex for your apartment. To make it easier to make a specific decision, we offer our review of the best models this season.

Rating of high-quality infrared saunas

10.Mountfield Arawa

The review opens with the Arawa model from the famous Czech manufacturer Mountfield. The compact single-seat model, finished with Canadian hemlock, is equipped with everything necessary for a home SPA salon. Four ceramic emitters are positioned so that the user's body is heated evenly. Two of them, with a power of 350 W, are located to the right and left of the front door. One, 300-watt, is above the seat. It is responsible for uniform heating of the back. To protect against burns, it is covered with a decorative protective grille. The latter, equal in power to the “back” heater, is mounted under the shelf and warms up the calf muscles. The control panel is located outside, on the front wall. The entrance door is made of tempered glass. The audio system speakers and ceiling light are built into the ceiling panel. An ionizer is suspended in the upper right corner of the rear wall. A shelf for drinks and a reading light add a sense of comfort. The average price of the model is 77,499 rubles. According to buyers - very good value for money.

Mountfield Arawa


  • stylish design;
  • quality materials;
  • fast warm-up;
  • safe operation;
  • compact dimensions;
  • quite low price.


  • there is no color therapy system;
  • The control panel is located high.
Model name / brand originCharacteristicsaverage price
Mountfield Arawa / Czech RepublicSingle infrared cabin. Externally and internally finished with Canadian Hemlock. Equipped with 4 ceramic emitters, a total power of 1.3 kW, and a temperature sensor. Powered by 220 V. Dimensions: 900x1050x1900mm. Weight - 107 kg. The cabin is equipped with an audio system, lighting, an air ionizer, a reading lamp and a shelf for a glass of drink. Entrance door made of tempered glass, 5 mm thick. The control panel is located inside the cabin. 77499 rubles

9.Mountfield Salome

The Mountfield Salome model from the same manufacturer received the best customer reviews. It is a four-seater cabin with a pentagonal shape. To quickly and efficiently warm up the human body, there are 8 ceramic emitters located so as to simultaneously warm up the body from the back, sides and legs. Despite its modest size and nominal capacity, up to 6 people can get a boost of energy here at the same time. This is a great option for a large family or those who like to receive guests. With a smaller “load”, you can warm up lying down or reclining. For such a case, the manufacturer has provided a comfortable back support.

The product has a pentagonal shape in plan. The front door and the windows of the two side walls are made of tempered glass. The control panels for the emitters and the built-in audio system are located inside the room. As in the single-seat version, there are: an ionizer, a reading lamp and a shelf for drinks.

The canopy above the entrance is equipped with spotlights. The pleasant aroma of Canadian hemlock, which is used to decorate the walls, enhances the therapeutic effect of the procedures.

Mountfield Salome


  • stylish design;
  • decent functionality;
  • high quality finish;
  • safe operation.


  • There is no color therapy system.
Model name / brand originCharacteristicsaverage price
Moonfield Salome/ Czech RepublicFour-seater infrared cabin, equipped with 8 ceramic emitters, a total power of 2.4 kW, a temperature sensor. Internal and external finishing is made with Canadian hemlock. Entrance door made of tempered glass, 5 mm thick. The cabin is equipped with an audio system, ionizer, lighting and color therapy system. To create a comfortable environment, there are ceiling lights, a reading lamp and a shelf for a glass of drink. Cabin dimensions: 1500x1500x1900mm. Weight - 185 kg. 122706 rubles

8.KOY H01-K6

Chinese company Foshan Gaoming KOY Sanitary Ware Co.Ltd. presented in our review by two samples. The first of these, KOY H01-K6, is a single-seat version with five ceramic drivers. The device is equipped with a built-in fan, lighting, audio system and speakers. The entrance door is made entirely of tempered glass. The unit is lined with Canadian hemlock wood inside and out, providing an atmosphere rich in phytoncides throughout the healing procedure. The average price of the model is 91,800 rubles.

KOY H01-K6


  • compact dimensions;
  • fast heating;
  • decent functionality;
  • safe operation;
  • quality materials.


  • simplified design;
  • lack of a color therapy system.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicsaverage price
Koy H01-K6 / ChinaSingle infrared cabin equipped with 5 glass-ceramic emitters with a total power of 2100 W. Heating interval ranging from 30°C to 60°C. The camera is equipped with a built-in fan, backlight, built-in audio system consisting of an FM radio receiver, and a CD/MP3 player. The entrance door is made of tinted tempered glass. Exterior and interior decoration is made of Canadian hemlock wood. Installation dimensions: 1100x1100x2000mm. 91800 rubles

7.KOY H03-K61

The next model from Foshan Gaoming – KOY H03-K61, is a two-seat infrared sauna with the same set of functions as in the previous version. Pentagonal, depth and width 1300x1300 mm - an excellent option for apartments and houses. Despite the declared capacity for 2 people, four users can comfortably sit here. There is enough space for two to relax reclining. Four ceramic emitters with a power of 2200 W will provide heating in the range from 30 to 60°. Finishing from Canadian hemlock wood will provide a phytoncidal component to wellness procedures. The average cost of the device will be 122,400 rubles.

KOY H03-K61


  • stylish design;
  • large volume;
  • fast heating;
  • built-in ventilation and audio system.


  • lack of color therapy;
  • high price.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicsaverage price
Koy H03-K61 / ChinaThree-seat infrared cabin equipped with 6 glass-ceramic emitters with a total power of 2200 W. Heating interval ranging from 30°C to 60°C. The camera is equipped with a built-in fan, backlight, built-in audio system consisting of an FM radio receiver, and a CD/MP3 player. The entrance door is made of tinted tempered glass. Exterior and interior decoration is made of Canadian hemlock wood. Installation dimensions: 1300x1300x2000mm. 122400 rubles

6.Harvia Radiant SGC 0909 BR

The review continues with the Radiant SGC 0909 BR model, from the famous Finnish manufacturer Harvia. The device, lined inside with light Canadian hemlock wood (Pine family), will delight the user with a pleasant aroma of pine needles, rich in phytoncides. The exterior trim is made of plywood stained to look like dark walnut. This color scheme gives the product an original and stylish appearance.

Uniform heating of the body is provided by four carbon emitters with a total power of 1.34 kW. This is less than the power consumption of some home vacuum cleaner models. Therefore, to all the advantages of this model, you can safely add economy. In addition to the main heating equipment, the device is equipped with built-in ventilation, an audio system with two speakers, and lighting. The control panel is located outside, to the left of the entrance door, made of tempered glass. The average cost of Harvia Radiant is 120,809 rubles.

Harvia Radiant SGC 0909 BR


  • stylish design;
  • compactness;
  • fast heating;
  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • safety of operation.


  • no color therapy system;
  • no internal control panel.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicsaverage price
Harvia Radiant SG CO 909 BR/ FinlandSingle-seat infrared cabin, equipped with 4 carbon emitters with a total power of 1.4 kW. External and internal decoration is made of Canadian hemlock wood. Additionally: color therapy system, built-in audio system consisting of an FM radio + CD/MP3 player. Entrance door made of tempered tinted glass. Dimensions 900x900x1910mm. Weight 82 kg. 120809 rudders

5.Harvia Radiant SGC 1210 BR

Another model from the Finnish company Harvia, Radiant SGC 1210 BR, differs from the previous one in size, amount of electricity consumed and price. This is a two-seat box with five carbon emitters with a power of 1820 W. The interior trim and shelf are made from Canadian hemlock. However, if desired, the customer can choose hemlock. In any case, pleasant pine aromas and the healing effects of phytoncides will be ensured during the healing session. The dimensions of the unit are slightly larger than the dimensions of the single-seat version, but they make it possible to take healthy procedures in the company of a loved one. The average cost of a sauna is 139,623 rubles.

Harvia Radiant SGC 1210 BR


  • fast heating;
  • original design;
  • built-in audio system and ventilation.


  • no color therapy.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicaverage price
Harvia Radiant SGC 1210 BR/ FinlandDouble infrared cabin equipped with 5 carbon emitters with a total power of 1.85 kW. External and internal finishing is made of Canadian hemlock wood. Additionally: color therapy system, built-in audio system consisting of an FM radio + CD/MP3 player. Entrance door made of tempered tinted glass. Dimensions 1200x1050x1910mm. Weight 117 kg. 139623 rubles

4.Helo HSL 10 C

The next pair of models are made by the no less famous Finnish company Helo. Let's start with Helo HSL 10. In this single-seat variation, Finnish masters managed to collect all the latest achievements in IR sauna equipment. Four carbon emitters, with a total power of 1.4 kW, provide uniform and rapid heating of the body to a depth of up to 40 mm, and cause profuse sweating already in the twentieth minute of the session. The finishing made of Canadian red cedar will saturate the atmosphere with a pleasant pine aroma.

Your favorite tunes from the built-in audio system will allow you to relax to achieve maximum healing effects. Seven multi-colored lamps of the color therapy system, switched on in various combinations in accordance with the selected program, will complement the therapeutic effect of the procedure. The entrance door is made of tempered glass with a frosted bottom, visually expanding the space of the compact device. The average cost of the model will be 145,654 rubles.

Helo HSL 10 C


  • signature Finnish design;
  • fast and uniform heating;
  • low power consumption;
  • built-in audio system and color therapy.


  • not identified.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicaverage price
Helo HSL 10 C / FinlandSingle-seat infrared cabin with 4 carbon fiber emitters with a total power of 1.4 kW. Dimensions 1020x920x1910 mm. Color therapy, lighting, external and internal control panels. Wall decoration made of Canadian cedar wood. Built-in audio system. Entrance door made of tempered glass. Heated floors and seats. 145654 rubles

Helo HSL 20 C

The next model, Helo HSL 20 C, is a two-seater version of the previous model. Six carbon emitters quickly and evenly warm up the body until sweat appears in 20 minutes. The finishing made of Canadian red cedar will organically fit into any interior and saturate the atmosphere with phytoncides. For lovers of light-colored wood, the Helo HSL 20 H model made from Canadian Hemlock is suitable.

The built-in audio system and color therapy will be a useful addition to a pleasant treatment that can be enjoyed by two users at the same time without feeling cramped. If this cabin is purchased by an individualist, he can sit on the shelf reclining and relax even more. The average price of this model is 186,186 rubles.

Helo HSL 20 C


  • stylish design;
  • quality materials;
  • wide functionality;
  • fast and deep even heating.


  • not identified.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicaverage price
Helo HSL 20 C / FinlandDouble infrared cabin with 6 carbon fiber emitters, with a total power of 1.74 kW. Dimensions 1120x1220x1950 mm. Color therapy, lighting, external and internal control panels. Wall decoration made of Canadian cedar wood. Built-in audio system. Entrance door made of tempered glass. Heated floors and seats. 186186 rubles

2.Sawo 1R-1P Cedar

The last pair in our review is represented by products from another well-known Finnish company, Sawo. The Sawo 1R-1P Cedar model is considered first. Already from the name it becomes clear that we are talking about a single-seat sauna with Canadian cedar trim. It is equipped with four carbon emitters with a power of 1.2 kW, a built-in Bluetooth speaker, and LED backlight.

Thanks to the presence of adjustment screws at the corners of the box, the product can be perfectly positioned on uneven floors with slopes. The control system allows you to set the session time from 1 to 99 minutes, control the built-in ventilation and adjust the temperature at your discretion without going outside. The entire front wall is taken up by a tempered glass front door. The device with dimensions of 900x1000x1900 mm will easily fit into any apartment, and thanks to its high-quality finish and stylish design, it will become its decoration. The purchase will cost 183,590 rubles. This is the average price.

Sawo 1R-1P Cedar


  • quality materials and finishes;
  • stylish design;
  • moderate energy consumption;
  • fast and uniform heating;
  • wide functionality;
  • convenience and safety of use.


  • lack of color therapy;
  • high price.
Model name/brand originCharacteristicsaverage price
Sawo 1R-1P-Cedar/ FinlandSingle-seat infrared cabin, equipped with 4 carbon fiber emitters with a total power of 1.2 kW. The control panel is located inside the cabin. The body is trimmed with Canadian cedar. The device is equipped with a built-in fan, built-in Bluetooth speaker, and backlight. The entrance door is made of tempered glass. Dimensions: 900x1000x1900 mm. The bottom of the cabin has adjusting screws. The control system allows you to adjust the temperature during the procedure. 183590 rubles


Epigraph -

And here 99% of respectable buyers step on the same rake.

That is, they, having surfed the Internet well, seem to understand the question “how to choose an infrared sauna.”

Then, even better, after surfing the Internet, they choose the parameters that suit them: size, wood, heaters, design, options.

Looks like everything is ready? OK. We start choosing by price. Who has it cheaper?

Have you forgotten anything?

No. Nothing.

Did not you forget. You didn't know WHAT else needed to be tracked. That is, which is not the last, but one of the most important parameters you need to find out.


I'm hinting -

Cheap, fast, high quality - choose two

Have you heard of this principle?

I heard.

One business coach argued that there is no balance in these three indicators. One of them is bound to fall out. But for two – no problem. That is:

  • or cheap and fast,
  • or quickly and efficiently,
  • or cheap and high quality...

But here he lied. Can you give some example of a product/?

Me not.

Can you? Bring it.

I'm willing to bet that the times of “cheap and high quality” ended in the last century.

Yes, this is obvious, intuitive, and experimentally understandable for the vast majority of people.

But not for “just everyone.”

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