The main rules for operating a jacuzzi: how to turn it on and use it without problems for many years?

Hydromassage baths have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Every fifth person already has such an interesting and useful font in their home.

This is a fairly high-tech and not cheap product, so it must be used with extreme caution. Below we will look at general instructions for using a jacuzzi.

User manual

Each manufacturer must provide its product with detailed operating instructions. It differs from model to model due to the characteristics of a particular bath: in some places the functions change, in others the buttons are located differently.

But if you have lost the book with the rules for using your hot tub, it’s okay. There are basic principles that are identical for all models. We'll tell you more about them below.

How to turn it on and use it correctly?

STEP 1. Before turning on the hydromassage, the font must be filled to such a level that all nozzles are hidden by 2-3 cm of water .

This is the minimum level - you can dial more, the main thing is to take into account that when you immerse your body in the bath, the water will rise and overflow may occur.

Experts recommend filling the bathtub with water at a temperature of 38-40 degrees, so the hydromassage procedure will be the most correct and effective.

STEP 2. After filling the font, you can turn on the hydromassage. For this purpose, as a rule, there is a special button on the control panel, indicated by the letters “ON”, or by a special symbol - “a circle with a stick”.

STEP 3. After the water has started to bubble, you can customize the hydromassage for yourself. The menu often contains ready-made modes for specific procedures. But you can adjust the strength of the jets and their air saturation using the “ + ” and “ ” buttons, or a special control similar to the volume up dial in a radio.

STEP 4. After accepting the procedure, press the “OFF” and open the water drain hole. Typically, manufacturers recommend taking hydromassage for no more than 30 minutes.

To ensure that the water in the hydraulic system does not stagnate and, as a result, does not become moldy, it must be drained from all pipes and the pump. To do this, turn on the hydromassage 2-3 times for 3-4 seconds after draining the water. This will help eliminate any remaining fluid in the system .

Features of care

In order for your Jacuzzi to delight you with its shine and trouble-free operation for many years, it requires constant care .


First of all, you need to keep the surface clean and wash it at least once a week. The methods and means depend on the coating material: the methods of cleaning acrylic and cast iron hot tubs differ significantly.

You will find detailed information about care and cleaning using the links above, but we will present the simplest and safest method for coating:

  1. rinse the surface of the font with warm water;
  2. wet a soft sponge and rub it with regular soap until thick foam appears;
  3. wipe the walls of the bathtub with it and leave it in this state for 10-15 minutes;
  4. rinse the surface with warm water.

If there is no serious contamination, this method will help maintain the coating in good condition.

Hydraulic system

The hydraulic system also requires special care. It must be periodically cleaned and disinfected in order to avoid the proliferation of microbes.

  1. Fill the bowl with water 2-3 cm above the level of the nozzles;
  2. dissolve a special disinfectant in volume according to its instructions indicated on the label;
  3. turn on the hydromassage and leave it for 5-10 minutes;
  4. drain the water;
  5. turn on the Jacuzzi mode again to get rid of any remaining product in the tubes.

We provided detailed information on cleaning and disinfecting hot tubs Recommended reading.

What not to do with a hot tub?

A Jacuzzi is a very useful, but quite expensive pleasure.

In addition, the hydromassage procedure has a rather strong effect on the body.

Therefore, it is very important to know in what cases it is possible and in what cases it is not possible to use the font. Here are a few rules:

  • if there is no water in the bathtub bowl, or its level is below the level of the nozzles, it is prohibited to turn on the hydromassage mode for more than 3-5 seconds;
  • Do not plug the bathtub plug into the socket with wet hands;
  • It is not allowed to fill the bowl with boiling water, the maximum water temperature is 50 °C ;
  • It is prohibited to use metal sponges and abrasives for cleaning;
  • It is better to limit the procedure time to 30 minutes;

Hydromassage can bring not only benefits, but also harm . Therefore, before use, be sure to consult your doctor .

Connection to communication systems

Before starting work, the water supply in the pipes must be turned off and the power supply in the bathroom must be turned off. In the case where a Jacuzzi is planned to be installed in place of an old bathtub, the first step is to free up space.

Water supply and sewerage

Installation of internal systems begins with the removal of protective covers and the installation of the water filter included with the product. Hydromassage equipment places increased demands on the water consumed.

Sensitive nozzles quickly become clogged with impurities present in the water and fail within the first months. Therefore, when installing the system, it is necessary to provide for the presence of not only coarse filters, but also fine filters. Subsequently, during operation, it is only necessary to periodically replace the filter elements.

Multi-stage cleaning will avoid damage to the nozzles installed on the walls of the structure, which form a mixture of water and air

The water pressure required for the Jacuzzi to operate should not exceed 4-5 Atm. This parameter in a central water supply system is rarely higher, but still, to reliably protect the equipment, experts recommend installing a pressure reducer.

Some Jacuzzi models on sale in the mid-price segment may be equipped with Chinese-made hoses. But low quality products are not always able to withstand water pressure. In this case, to increase the reliability of the design, you should take care of purchasing more durable rigid connection tubes.

Unlike the installation of conventional bathtubs, mixers in a jacuzzi are installed directly on the sides of the structure, and not on the wall adjacent to them

The technology for connecting a Jacuzzi to a centralized water supply system is carried out in the same sequence as for conventional baths:

  • fittings are installed to the central water supply pipes;
  • pipes leading to the mixers are connected;
  • faucets are mounted on the bathtub so that even when the position of the bowl changes, they remain motionless. This will prevent problems with leaks during operation.
  • carry out a detailed check of the internal hose, hydromassage and overflow systems.

After making sure that the elements are working, remove the protective film and remove the labels. Water and air compressors are wiped of grease with a cotton napkin.

The structure is installed so that the drain hole is located at a height of 10 cm from the floor level. All connections are sealed and sealed using gaskets.

If the drain hole is placed above the established height of 10 cm, it will be necessary to build an additional platform for the Jacuzzi

Connecting to the sewer system is a little more complicated. The master’s task is to carefully hide the pipes from view, but at the same time maintaining a distance of 20 cm from the pipes from the floor.

Connection to the sewerage system is made using a corrugated pipe. The sewer hose is laid in such a way that it has a minimum of bends. The connection of system elements is made as tight as possible.

In addition to the main fastening to the Jacuzzi body using special elements, the pipe is additionally fixed using a clamp. This is necessary so that the high pressure that occurs when draining onto the pipe does not damage the joints.

Electrical network

Electrical connections should be made in accordance with the diagram supplied with the jacuzzi. To carry out this stage of work, it is better to use the services of a specialist.

The bath is connected to the power supply via a three-core cable, which is laid in a waterproof corrugated pipe

All work is carried out only with the RCD turned off. When connecting the electrical power cable to the Jacuzzi wires, the following must be observed:

  • connect the cable neutral, painted blue, only to the neutral wire of the device;
  • phase supply wire, painted red, brown or white, corresponding to the phase of the connected system;
  • The incoming yellow-green ground cable is connected to the bath ground.

This is interesting: Dimensions of acrylic bathtubs

It is better to choose a European-style socket that has a grounding contact. When installing the socket, you need to think about its location so that when taking water procedures it is impossible to reach it with your hand. Ideally, the outlet will be located outside the bathroom. This will eliminate the possibility of oxidation of the outlet, which could cause a fire.

The recommended distance from the jacuzzi to sockets and lighting fixtures is 60 cm. They are placed at a height of 30 cm from the floor level.

To protect the system from problems during overload, installing a 16 A circuit breaker will help, which will simply knock out at borderline values. Having installed the protective shutdown system, proceed to grounding the cable from the jacuzzi. The grounding cable is placed at a height of 25 cm, reliably protecting it from contact with water.


In the article, we examined in detail the general operating rules for hydromassage baths. If you follow them, the font will last for many years and will bring considerable benefits to your physical and emotional well-being. But you should understand that each manufacturer’s models have their own operating characteristics, so be sure to read the instructions that came with your bathtub.

How to use a jacuzzi at home

Installing a hydromassage bath in an apartment or private house allows you to carry out massage water treatments. Installation involves switching water and drain pipes, as well as laying electrical wiring. Before turning on the Jacuzzi, you must obtain permission from regulatory authorities and prepare the bathroom.

Shower cabins: photo

From the photographs you can understand that the choice of such plumbing fixtures on the market today is very wide, almost limitless. Shower enclosures vary in size, style, color and other characteristics. But regarding how to turn on the shower stall, the device of all models looks approximately the same. We'll look at how to do this using a standard classic cab as an example, this guide will work on any other model over 99% of the time.

Models may differ in their design:

  • Type of installation (most often models are corner, but there are also those that are installed not in a corner, but near the wall).
  • Shape (most often models have the shape of a square, a square with one rounded corner, or a rectangle).
  • Pallet type (high or low pallet).
  • Type of door opening (the door can move on rollers, moving to the side, or can be hinged).
  • Type of glass (tinted, frosted or regular).

Here are the main division criteria and their distinctive features, this is not the entire list, but the main points have been listed.

Manufacturers' imagination is limitless. The models are very different, there are many of them, and they all look pretty nice. Making a choice is sometimes difficult. Sometimes it is the above criteria that help you decide, because not all options will fit in every bathroom (dimensions, etc.).

Briefly about the varieties

Hydromassage baths differ in their material and configuration. Standard products are made of steel sheet or cast iron; there are designs made of natural stone. For small spaces, acrylic tanks are used, which are lightweight.

The equipment is also classified according to the type of massage:

  • jets of water;
  • air flow;
  • 2 in 1 (supplying a mixture of water and air);
  • with ultrasonic emitters.


There are three main categories among manufacturers:

  • Famous world brands from Europe and the USA.
  • Budget brands from China.
  • Russian production.

The price usually matches the quality. The cheapest options are models from China. This is not to say that the quality of their performance is always terrible. There are models that will serve you for decades, but this is always a “pig in a poke” purchase.

Shower cabins from Europe and the USA are the most expensive and of the highest quality. These are models from the premium segment. If you can afford such products, then feel free to choose what you like.

Domestic models are somewhere between the two categories mentioned above in price and quality.

Let's say that absolutely all manufacturers have their own customers. As well as positive and negative reviews for all options. China still occupies the largest segment of our market.

How the device works

Before carrying out installation work, the owner needs to understand how the hot tub works. The design of the equipment includes an electric pump and compressor; the injected water is saturated with air. To supply liquid, nozzles are installed in the walls of the container (the injection intensity is regulated by the controller). There are baths with simultaneous adjustment of the performance of nozzles or with the division of sprayers into working areas.

The type of massage depends on the configuration of the nozzles. The parts are located in the lumbar area, on the sides of the tank and along the back of a lying person. Hydraulic elements are connected using flexible hoses designed for high water pressure. The scheme provides for a standard sewer drain.

Auxiliary components include:

  • a drainage system that maintains continuous circulation of fluid;
  • connectors for connecting an external multimedia player (audio or video);
  • built-in units for saturating water with aromatic substances or ozone.

Some Jacuzzi models are equipped with additional sets of water intake nozzles. Sprayers can use the stock pump, but may require a higher pressure or higher capacity pump.

The effectiveness of massage procedures depends on the location of the nozzles and the pressure in the water supply system, so during installation it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations for connecting the jacuzzi.

Typical faults

  • The most common problem is when you add cold water and it gets hotter. This is not mysticism at all. The whole point is that the person who did the installation mixed up the hot and cold water connection inputs. The solution to the problem is to swap the water inlets. But some people simply put up with this problem and over time get used to the fact that cold water is hot and vice versa.
  • When you turn on the water it doesn't come out. Check that the connection is correct.
  • Flow. Check the tightness; if sources of leakage are found, you can correct the situation with silicone sealant.

Features of installation work

If the equipment will be used indoors, then before carrying out work it is necessary to complete the finishing of the floor and walls. Water mains are equipped with filter blocks that allow mechanical impurities to be separated from the liquid. Since electrical circuits are laid in a room with high humidity, RCD protection units are provided in the sockets. It is possible to switch the equipment to the distribution panel; the circuit is provided with an automatic fuse and an RCD unit.

If the owner intends to install hydromassage equipment on the terrace or in the open air, then regulatory requirements must be taken into account. The container is located at least 1.5 m from the walls of the building, and the distance to overhead power lines should not be less than 3 m.

A foundation made of monolithic concrete or prefabricated slabs is built on the surface of the field. The dimensions of the base depend on the dimensions of the container. Electrical power is supplied to the installation point, and lines are installed for water supply and drainage of liquid into the sewer system.

Selection of necessary materials for installation

You must purchase in advance:

  • 16 A automatic;
  • three-wire electrical wire;
  • socket with hatches and grounding contacts;
  • uninterruptable power source;
  • fitting;
  • faucets;
  • corrugated pipe d 40-50 mm.

This is interesting: Acrylic bath: pros and cons

Mounting feet are included with any Jacuzzi model. They are necessary to secure the bathtub at the desired height in a horizontal position. By twisting them to the desired height, you will fix the structure in a stationary position, eliminating vibration during water procedures.

When working with polypropylene pipes, to perform high-quality joining of seams, you will need a portable device for diffuse welding

It is impossible to install a jacuzzi with your own hands without a set of tools. To carry out the work you will need:

  • building level;
  • tester;
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • gas key;
  • construction knife;
  • support system.

Initially, the Jacuzzi is installed, leaving a distance of 40-50 cm from the wall. This distance allows for free access for connecting communications. Later, after connecting the system, if the bathtub moved to the wall does not adhere to the surface, you will need to apply a sealant.

Step-by-step instruction

Installation of equipment indoors consists of 3 stages:

  • fastening the container;
  • connecting water pipes and drainage;
  • switching to electrical wiring.

Housing Installation

The equipment is brought into the room in its original packaging, which is equipped with handles for transportation. It is strictly forbidden to lift the tank by the protruding pipes or nozzle bodies. Then the bathtub is placed in a corner of the room and unpacked; using a hydraulic or laser building level, the equipment is installed horizontally. To adjust the position, screw elements are provided in the supports; when installing the product on a tiled floor, it is recommended to place metal coins with a diameter of up to 100 mm under the legs.

A steel frame is installed around the perimeter of the acrylic tank. The design allows you to use the equipment without the risk of deformation of the edges or walls. At the same time, the location of the drain window relative to the floor is taken into account; the resulting gap should include a drain siphon. All units and pipes must be in an area of ​​unobstructed access for preventive repairs, maintenance and cleaning.

Connection to communication networks

The design of the jacuzzi is designed for pressure in the water supply network within 3-5 atmospheres (information is indicated in the instructions for connecting the equipment). If there is increased pressure in the pipes, it is necessary to install an automatic reducer. Water mains and additional components should not block access to valves or couplings on the body of the hydromassage unit. The pipes are connected to points located on the inside of the tank body.

At the bottom of the container there is a hole with a diameter of 40-50 mm, which allows you to drain dirty water. The design of the equipment includes an overflow tube equipped with a manual valve. The sewer drain is connected to the pipes with a flexible hose or using plastic elements.

Electrical connection

For switching to the electrical network, a 3-core cable with the ability to ground the equipment is used. The wire cross-section corresponds to the power consumption; it is recommended to use copper cables with a core cross-section of 2.5 mm² or more. The bathtub is connected to an outlet located outside the bathroom, or to a wire brought into the room (the cable is laid at a small height from the floor or embedded in the wall). The design of the power system includes voltage stabilizers and protective elements that prevent electric shock.

Preparatory stage

When planning to install a jacuzzi at home, be prepared for the fact that you will need to spend a lot of effort and time to implement your idea.

The design of a jacuzzi often has impressive dimensions, so its installation in most cases requires remodeling of the bathroom

The hydromassage bathtub is quite heavy, and when filled, depending on the size of the container, it can weigh up to one and a half tons. The load on the floor created by each square meter of the structure can reach 220 kg.

This should be taken into account when planning the redevelopment of rooms, for example, combining part of the corridor with a bathroom. In order for the floors to withstand the load created by a filled bathtub, it is necessary to provide reinforcement for the floors.

The main 9 elements of a hot tub are collected into 3 groups:

  • The external group includes pneumatic activation of aero- and hydromassage, as well as adjustment of the power of the water-air jet.
  • The propulsion system consists of an air compressor and a water pump.
  • The piping system includes inlet and outlet gas pipelines, as well as air pipes of the vehicle system.

Before buying a Jacuzzi, you need to take a number of measurements in the bathroom. The dimensions of the selected model should be such that after its installation there is still a free space of up to 50 cm. This will make it possible to move the structure away from the wall for carrying out preventive measures and repair work. It is not recommended to tightly embed a Jacuzzi.

A hot tub is a rather complex structure, equipped with pumps, a heater and all kinds of nozzles, and therefore requires a thorough approach when connecting

To power the unit, it is necessary to release a large amount of energy, since the total power of the electrical mechanisms can exceed 3 kW. And the wiring of apartment buildings is not designed for it.

Electrical wiring of 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz must be brought into the room before starting work, hidden in the wall of the room and waterproofed. It is better to connect a bathtub with a hydromassage not through a socket, but directly from the input distribution device.

In a room with high humidity, where it is planned to install a whirlpool bath, ventilation outlets should be provided

Repairs to the premises must be completed when installation work begins. Pay special attention to the following points:

  • The walls and floor within the height of the jacuzzi, which can reach 1-1.3 meters, must be thoroughly waterproofed.
  • To prevent possible overflow of water into the corridor and living rooms, the threshold from the bathtub is made 3-5 cm high.
  • The towel drying coil is placed away from the jacuzzi.

If the repair is not completed, individual auxiliary parts of the system may be damaged during installation and operation. When changing the installation location of the bathtub, care should be taken to purchase the necessary components for “extending” water and sewer pipes.

Additional aspects that are important to consider when connecting a jacuzzi:

  • The pressure in the water supply system should be 4-5 atmospheres. Compliance with this condition will make it possible to regulate the water supply.
  • Installation of a filtration system. This is due to the fact that running water is rarely particularly clean. It always contains various kinds of impurities that clog the injectors, shortening their service life.
  • The drain should be located 10 cm below the drain level. If this condition is not met, there is a high probability of stagnation in the pipes.

One of the prerequisites for installing a whirlpool bath is to ensure easy access to the installed system.

The ideal location for a jacuzzi is when the sides of the structure are not adjacent to any of the walls of the room, and the communications leading to it are hidden under the floor

Some craftsmen solve this problem by placing the structure closer to the middle of the wall. In the absence of the possibility of placing the bathtub in the center of the wall, it is installed in a corner in such a way as to ensure maximum access from both sides.

A pre-compiled communication diagram will help to simplify the task of installing the structure. It should indicate:

  • water pipes;
  • sewer pipes;
  • wiring.

If you want to ensure maximum safety when operating the system, take care to install a residual current device and grounding.

Instructions for inclusion and operation

After installation work is completed, the container is filled with water to check the tightness. Then the pump is started, after a test run the equipment is turned off and the liquid is drained. If no problems are found, then the supports are attached to the concrete base. The gaps between the acrylic bowl and the walls are sealed with silicone waterproof sealant. Decorative screens with viewing windows are installed on the frame. An overview of the equipment commissioning activities is presented in a video filmed by the installation crews.

During further operation, it should be taken into account that the nozzles are started after filling the tank with water. Operation of the pump and nozzles without liquid is not allowed. After turning on the pump, it is necessary to adjust the flow intensity; aromatic substances are introduced into additional containers. Equipment manufacturers allow the use of water heated to +50 °C.

To clean acrylic containers, special substances and soft sponges are used. The use of abrasive materials or chemicals is prohibited. To flush the internal channels of the nozzles, it is allowed to use an aqueous solution of acetic acid. Disinfection is carried out by pumping a mixture of water and a special substance with antibacterial additives.

9 Common Hot Tub Questions

Usually, magazines write tedious lectures with a classification of types of hydromassage. But they don’t tell you the main thing: how to use the bathroom? How to choose a Jacuzzi to get the maximum relaxing effect.

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What is a Jacuzzi?

More than 40 years ago, the Jacuzzi brothers invented the prototype of a modern hydromassage bath and since then their name has become a household name for such systems. The operation of the bath is based on the principle of water movement through a closed system: with the help of a pump and compressor, water is mixed with air and this mixture, or water and air separately, is supplied to the nozzles, which massage our body with pressure. A Jacuzzi is a great way to relax and enjoy treatments without leaving home.

In the photo: model 240960..Y from the Roca factory.

What size is ideal? One that you can buy and install in your own bathroom. There are not only hydromassage baths on sale, but also baths for feet and hands. In a full-size bath, the nozzles can be along the entire length, or they can be located locally: for massage of the neck, back, and arms. Most often, locally, the nozzles are located in “sitz” baths 140-150 cm long. Finally, hydromassage baths can be for one person or can accommodate several people. These giant Jacuzzis differ from mini-pools in that the water is drained after each use.

Which form is better? The configuration of the bathtub is not important - it can be anything: round, square, rectangular, corner. It is important that you feel comfortable in the chosen model. And so that the nozzles are located along the contour of the body, then you will get a greater therapeutic effect from the massage. There are combined types of Jacuzzis with shower cabins: the massage can be taken while lying in the bowl and standing in the cabin.

Examples of shower cabins equipped with massage jets in combination with a bathtub.

What is a Jacuzzi made of? Most often made of polymers coated with acrylic on top. Look for models where the thickness of the acrylic layer is at least 4 mm, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks and to have a “reserve” for polishing possible scratches. Less common are bathtubs made of enameled steel and cast iron. In the elite lines you can even find models made of wood.

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On the picture:

Today, Jacuzzis are made not only from acrylic, although acrylic in combination with polymers is the most common option. You can find models made of glass, artificial stone, steel, cast iron.

System health check

To check the correct connection, smoothly turn the cold water supply shut-off valve. If there are no extraneous sounds when supplying water, there are no leaks in a static state - open the tap with hot water, pouring it above the level of the overflow system. At the time of draining, it is also necessary to monitor, identifying leaks.

When testing the system for the first time, do not forget that you first pour a little cold water into the bathtub, and only after that open the hot tap.

If all is well, the container is emptied. Backlight lamps are screwed into the housing. After installation is completed, all that remains is to cover the mechanism with decorative shields.

The bath itself is moved as close to the wall as possible and fixed through special holes. Having installed the structure in a permanent place, the utility networks are aligned, correcting sharp bends.

It is not difficult to bring the structure to the required level using adjusting screws. In this case, the adjustment must be made so that the tilt is made towards the drain. The easiest way to check this is by turning on the water and observing the flow. No puddles should accumulate at the bottom of the bowl. The installed bathtub should not swing when pressing on any of the corners of the structure.

The gap between the side of the installed structure and the wall is sealed with silicone sealant, which will prevent the development of mold and mildew

Having secured the structure, they perform a full test run, testing all operating modes of the system. If no problems are found, the Jacuzzi can be safely used for its intended purpose.

We invite you to watch a video about testing a jacuzzi after installation:

If all conditions are met, you can install a jacuzzi with your own hands in 1-2 days. But if you have the slightest uncertainty at any stage of installation, it is better to consult a specialist. You should also not try to experiment with changing the system. The manufacturer has already brought it to perfection, and your attempts may not live up to expectations.


What are they? For hydromassage, for aero- and turbo-massage (with a mixture of air and water). According to the method of jet formation, there are ball (powerful, directed impact) and rotary (the mixture is fed in a spiral). There is a separate type of mini-jet for the back.

All nozzles can have a rotating mechanism, so it is most useful to massage the body at an angle. There are also models with closing valves, which greatly simplifies the maintenance of the hot tub. It is preferable if the nozzles do not protrude too much above the surface, in order to avoid discomfort when touching.

How many nozzles of one type should there be? By the way, they are also called jets. Basic options include 4-6 jets. In advanced models their number can reach several dozen. But it must be remembered that the greater the number of nozzles, the weaker the pressure of the supplied jet will be. Plastic injectors are considered more reliable.

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There are turbo and air massage systems with nozzles that can be built into the bathtub without extending pipes to them (each one sucks in water and throws it back out). The nozzles can be located on the bottom, side, feet and lower back.


We learned how to turn on the water in the cabin. Now let's look at how you can change its operating modes. That is, how to turn on the water in a shower stall from a hand-held or ceiling-mounted shower head or wall-mounted nozzles.

There is another pin to switch modes; it is located directly next to the mechanism for turning on the water. By rotating this pin clockwise, you can switch operating modes. Switching the mode is accompanied by a click in the control mechanism; you need to rotate it until it clicks, so that you do not have two modes turned on at once (each half).

In general, washing in a stall is very comfortable and convenient if you fully understand how exactly it works. Many people who have always washed in the bathtub, having tried at least once to swim in the shower, almost immediately change their minds and believe that this option is much better and more convenient than a bath.


Is it possible to wash in a hot tub? Yes. It is advisable to do this before hydromassage, then it will be much more effective. However, you should not use highly foaming products. It is strongly recommended to wash only when the hydromassage is turned off.

Can I get an electric shock when using a hot tub? No, subject to safety regulations. It must be connected to a separate RCD (residual current device that controls current leakage). In case of any emergency, the RCD will turn off the system automatically.

What types of hydromassage control systems are there? Pneumatic or electronic. The first is simpler and cheaper, the second is more expensive and more functional.

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Jacuzzi baths are equipped with control panels with a display and remote controls.

What can a bath do besides massage?

Additional purchases.

You will have to spend money on a mixer with a shower head - they are not always included in the package. In addition, the bath can be “retrofitted” with headrests and armrests, holders for newspapers or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

In the photo: Thalia 180 / 170 model from the Albatros factory.

• Chromotherapy (lighting using specially selected LEDs, which has a beneficial effect on our mood and well-being).

• Aromatherapy function (not every bathtub can be dripped with aromatherapy oils - the nozzles of the nozzles will become clogged!).

• Sound system, TV, telephone.

• Remote control of all Jacuzzi functions (let it run while you undress).

• Automatic cleaning (disinfection).

• Automatic drying option after a hydromassage session.

• Automatic control of water pressure.

• Maintaining the specified water temperature.

• If you find it inconvenient to climb over the side of the bathtub, there are models with a small door.

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In addition to hydro-, aero- and combined massage systems, Jacuzzis can be supplemented with various accessories from the company’s range (for example, headrests) and equipped with chromotherapy, aromatherapy, automatic water purification systems, etc.

History of creation, benefits and design of a jacuzzi

A jacuzzi or, in other words, a hydromassage bathtub from a luxury item quickly turns into the category of ordinary and even necessary things . What kind of device is this and what is the difference between a Jacuzzi and an ordinary bathtub?

Let's look at the details about the design, types, maintenance, benefits and contraindications of hydromassage baths.

History of creation

The Jacuzzi is named after its creator, the Italian inventor and entrepreneur Candido Jacuzzi. In 1903, the Jacuzzi family (seven brothers) emigrated from Italy to the USA, California. All brothers had a talent for mechanics and invention. In the USA, they managed to create, sell profitably and set up their own production of more than 200 developments in the field of aviation, innovative pneumatic and hydraulic devices.

In 1943, the child of the youngest brother, Candido Jacuzzi, fell ill with rheumatoid arthritis. The one-and-a-half-year-old baby was prescribed therapeutic massage and water treatments at the clinic. The father decided to arrange treatment at home and developed a device using an aeration pump immersed in a bath of water. The invention produced a massage stream of water mixed with air bubbles . This device became the prototype of the Jacuzzi.

Good to know When creating your own home SPA salon, you should not lose sight of the interests of the younger members of your family - children! Therefore, we recommend that you read the article about children’s exercise equipment for home. Then your children will grow up strong and healthy!

And don’t forget about exercise equipment for adults either. For example, exercise bikes for weight loss, according to doctors, are very effective. Find out more here.

Jacuzzis quickly became popular among people suffering from various diseases. Before the first industrial design presented by Jacuzzi Inc. in 1986, pump baths were sold in health equipment stores and pharmacies.

How the hydromassage system works in modern baths

Using a pump installed inside the housing, water is first pumped out through a special hole (water intake). After passing through a hose system, also located inside the body, water under pressure is supplied back into the Jacuzzi tank through hydromassage nozzles .

The nozzles are designed in such a way that at the outlet the water is mixed with air bubbles and comes out in a concentrated stream under high pressure. The nozzles can be installed along the entire length of the bathtub, or can be located in certain areas that are most convenient for massaging the back, limbs or neck. The minimum number of nozzles is 4 , but the most modern models are created with several dozen.

According to the method of jet formation, nozzles are divided into several types:

  • Rotary - water and air are supplied in a spiral.
  • Ball - directed, intense impact.
  • Mini-jets – designed for back hydromassage.
  • With a rotating mechanism - for massage at an angle.

The air to water ratio is controlled by an aero compressor. The activity of the massage jets depends on its power and intensity of work: the more air bubbles enter the water, the higher the effect of the hydromassage. Using the regulators, you can change the volume and strength of air supply, pressure and intensity of water supply.

Jacuzzi models have been developed in which you can change the direction of air flow and switch its supply from one nozzle to another, if there is a need for more intense hydromassage of certain parts of the body.

Mixers, taps, and drains in most Jacuzzi models are mounted on the body. Also, the most common option for operating the drainage system and preventing water from overflowing over the top of the housing is the semi-automatic mode. A valve is installed in the overflow hole. If water reaches a certain level in the housing and begins to put pressure on the valve, it opens and allows water to flow into the drain hole.

The benefits of hydromassage

Compared to a regular bath or shower, a Jacuzzi is much more effective and provides comprehensive benefits:

  • Allows you to quickly relieve muscle spasms and tone your muscles.
  • Improves blood circulation and speeds up the process of cleansing the body of toxins.
  • Tones the skin and improves its general condition.
  • Relaxes the nervous system , relieves both physical and emotional fatigue.
  • Improves joint mobility and has an overall positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Reduces pain.

The newest models are equipped with additional devices that expand the useful properties of the jacuzzi.

Learning to care for a hot tub

If a cartridge breaks, it needs to be cleaned, but if this action does not give any result, then you need to purchase exactly the same, new one. When installing it, the nest is treated, to do this, remove the deposited scale and wipe it dry.

If the nozzle becomes clogged, then water comes out in a small stream. To clean this element, unscrew the cap and use a soft cloth and water to remove dirt.

We looked at how to repair Jacuzzi bathtubs yourself, but you need to know that after eliminating existing faults, you need to configure the equipment. If they don’t know how to do this, then they turn to specialists for help who will do all the necessary work quickly and efficiently.

Common technical problems

A hydromassage bath is a complex technical system equipped with an impressive range of functionalities.

They are responsible for starting and stopping equipment, stimulating the movement of water, saturating it with air, generating pressure, and also performing a number of various significant actions. We talked more about the construction of a hot tub in our other article.

Along with other types of equipment, functional Jacuzzi systems require scheduled and sometimes unscheduled maintenance. Scheduled inspections should be carried out at the frequency specified by the manufacturer of the technical system, unscheduled inspections should be carried out immediately after a problem is detected.

The technical equipment of the jacuzzi requires preventive inspections and periodic troubleshooting, some of which can be fixed with your own hands.

Signs of an easily repairable or impending serious breakdown include:

  • Failure or delay on/off. Technical systems with braking react when buttons are pressed and do not start or turn off. If such deviations in operation are detected, it is advisable to call a specialist who specializes in repairing Jacuzzi equipment.
  • Knocking out traffic jams. You should definitely call an electrician to possibly lay and connect a separate branch of the electrical network for the hot tub.
  • Difficult water flow. A purely plumbing nuisance is a blockage, which, if you know the design of the Jacuzzi bowl, you can deal with yourself.
  • Insufficient pressure. If the jets no longer produce a massage effect, it means that the nozzles are clogged. To fix the problem, you need to carefully unscrew the cap and remove dirt and sediment from the inner surface with a soft rag.
  • Low quality water supply. Occurs due to clogged or failed filters that need to be cleaned or replaced.

Like any plumbing equipment, a hydromassage bath is subject to all breakdowns that occur due to the failure of faucets or just cartridges. Their repair and replacement are carried out according to the standard scheme.

Another type of serious disruption to the operation of equipment is associated with breakdowns of the air compressor and pumping equipment.

Without knowledge and experience in the field of repair of compressor and pumping equipment, you should not undertake troubleshooting. It is better to contact a specialized workshop.

We recommend looking at our other article for more information about various breakdowns of a hydromassage bathtub and methods for eliminating them.

Additional functions

Whether they are needed or not is a moot point. Some people like all inclusive, some need to try all the options, and some prefer simplicity in everything. Therefore, in the words of the poet: “Everyone chooses for himself...”. Let's look at the most popular and interesting additional options in hot tubs:

  • Player (video, audio): practical and necessary for those who do not like silence or prefer to relax in the company of friends with fun music.
  • Chromotherapy: a smart word, often used in instructions - in fact, backlighting. It can be of different colors, which, according to manufacturers and psychologists, affects the human condition, that is, it can relax or invigorate.

Aromatherapy: This term is already familiar to most people. In the case of a bathtub, it works like this: somewhere in the body there is a special compartment for essential oils. Different scents also have different effects on the body.

There are options that are designed to protect and simplify the process of using the bath:

  • Built-in water filters.
  • Automatic shutdown in case of power failure.
  • Temperature regulation through the operation of a thermostat.
  • Protection against turning on an empty container.
  • Availability of handrails.
  • Voice control.
  • Device disinfection, etc.
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