Steaming with fresh brooms wisely: how to steam and use

If you like to take a steam bath, most likely you cannot do without such an important attribute as a broom. You can make it yourself. What material should I prefer and how can I make sure that the broom does not fall off after steaming? Let's talk about this.

You can make a broom for a bathhouse yourself 60 Visiting a bathhouse has a positive effect on your health. Such procedures help strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, and make the skin smooth and healthy. The bathhouse is a place where you can relax, collect your thoughts and have a good break from the daily routine. To experience the full benefits of a bath, you need to know which broom to use.

Popular bath brooms

The brooms that we will look at today float beautifully and have great peppery healing properties. 61

Birch broom for a bath

A broom made from birch branches can rightfully be called a symbol of the Russian bath. This type of wood is considered popular and versatile. Its leaves are rich in vitamins A and C. They contain essential oils and beneficial substances that are released during heating and disinfect the air. Bath procedures using birch branches prevent the development of respiratory diseases, colds, and bronchitis. They are of great benefit to those who suffer from nicotine addiction. With the help of a birch broom you can increase blood circulation, eliminate puffiness, get rid of the first wrinkles, improve complexion, heal wounds and remove acne.

Birch broom

Oak broom for a bath

Most sauna fans choose brooms made from oak branches. This tree is valued for a huge number of beneficial properties. Procedures with its participation are of great benefit for those who have shiny skin, inflammatory elements appear on the face and other parts of the body. An oak broom cleanses the skin, makes it matte, and improves complexion. This natural healer has a therapeutic effect for hypertension and increased nervous excitability. That is why it is recommended for use by people who play sports professionally.

Oak broom

An oak broom is no less useful for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis. If we compare it with birch, then it produces more steam. Moreover, it can be used repeatedly. However, it is heavier, making it much more difficult to swing.

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Linden broom for bath

A broom of this type will be most useful for use during the cold season, when the human body is under stress due to the lack of sun and vitamins. To cheer up, just add bath procedures and use a broom woven from linden branches. If you steam it well, you can prevent the development of colds, strengthen the immune system, cope with headaches and overcome insomnia.

Linden broom for bath

To enhance the healing effect after visiting the bathhouse, you should consume a decoction of linden. A linden broom is an excellent remedy for facial skin. It helps lighten it, eliminates scars, post-acne, eliminates acne, freckles, age spots.

Coniferous brooms for baths

To make them, you can use cedar, fir and spruce branches. They are not as popular as other options, because they are characterized by increased rigidity; not everyone can withstand the lashing of needles. People with thin, sensitive skin, as well as those with damage, will have to avoid such procedures.

Coniferous brooms

If you use a pine broom incorrectly, abrasions will appear on the skin, which in turn can lead to serious inflammation.

Needles are a healing plant that is beneficial for tuberculosis, rheumatism, and respiratory diseases. It is used to relieve toothache and increased nervous excitability. The aroma of pine needles relaxes and soothes. The huge advantage of coniferous branches is that they can be harvested at any time of the year. To prevent the needles from scratching the skin, they should be steamed for a longer time. It is better to combine pine needles with deciduous trees.

Nettle bath broom

A broom made from nettle leaves is the best remedy that allows you to resist many serious ailments. It is not used in the bathhouse as often as other options. If you are worried that nettle leaves can cause burns, we hasten to reassure you that after thoroughly steaming they will lose this property. Instead of blisters, slight redness will appear, and you will feel a tingling sensation during the procedure.

Nettle leaf broom 62 Nettle broom removes muscle spasms, relieves joint pain, and heals problematic skin. Has a healing effect for liver diseases.

What mistakes do we make when faced with hair loss?

Don't panic if you're losing hair

Everyone knows the close relationship between the process of hair loss and the state of the psycho-emotional background. After all, stress is a factor causing hair loss, and it can also delay hair loss caused by other factors. The prospect of future baldness is one of the main reasons contributing to the appearance of neurosis, especially in women who naturally have thick hair. The longer the loss lasts, the greater the fear of losing the “last” hair becomes and the emphasis on the fact of loss increases. It is necessary to understand that severe and sudden forms of hair loss are most often the most favorable, most often they have a clear connection with the previous fever, disease, medication, etc., and in most cases they even go away on their own.

Don't wash your hair rarely

Washing your hair is an important hair care measure, especially during periods of active hair loss. Limiting the frequency of washing, especially the fear of washing your hair, is undesirable not only from a psychological point of view, but also from a health point of view. Sebaceous secretions that accumulate on the surface of the head during infrequent washing can cause inflammation of the skin and aggravate hair loss. On the contrary, trichologists recommend intensifying skin cleansing during periods of active hair loss - using active medical shampoos that regulate oiliness, peelings, and exfoliants.

You can’t limit combing your hair or “accumulate” falling hair.

The hair loss stage lasts 3 months - this is the period from the cessation of hair growth until the moment the hair leaves the scalp. If the hair is not combed out on time, then the dead hair will mechanically prevent the growth of “new” hair growing in its place.

You can't be in the sun without a hat

The role of negative influence of ultraviolet radiation on hair loss has been proven. The more intense the loss, the thinner the hair becomes, the greater the progression of the hair loss process.

Lost hair should not be collected or counted.

According to statistics from trichologists, collecting and counting hair that has left the head has only a negative effect on the course of hair loss. Collecting hair helps women focus on the process of hair loss, makes them neurotic, and in no case allows them to understand how much hair loss exceeds the daily norm.

Do not rub oils into the scalp

The scalp is an area with very high sebum secretion. Additional application of fatty products, especially oils that have a comedogenic effect, can contribute to the appearance of inflammation, dandruff and skin soreness and aggravate hair loss.

closed day slot text

You can’t be on a low-calorie, low-protein diet.

Hair follicle cells are one of the most rapidly dividing cells in the human body, which is why they require a large amount of energy for normal metabolism. It is believed that a caloric intake of less than 1200 kcal can lead to hair loss. As for protein, this is the main structural element of the hair shaft (keratin protein), so all essential amino acids must be present in the diet.

Oral contraceptives cannot be stopped

Many of the existing oral contraceptives have a positive effect on hair growth because they contain female hormones estrogen, and in some cases they reduce male hormones. Follicle medications are not advisable at the time of hair loss, when the hair cells are already too sensitive to all unfavorable factors.

Hair should not be treated with immunostimulants and anthelmintic drugs.

In the old fashioned way, some doctors associate hair loss with reduced immunity or helminthic infestation, prescribing appropriate medications to “treat” hair loss. In fact, most immunostimulants and anthelmintic drugs, on the contrary, are the “culprits” of hair loss.

You cannot start or stop medications containing minoxidil on your own.

Minoxidil is the only topical drug that has a high degree of effectiveness in hair thinning. In Russia, it is freely available and is often used independently, on the recommendation of a pharmacist or consultant on the Internet. However, minoxidil is a drug for chronic use, which has a “withdrawal syndrome”, can cause unwanted effects and gives enhancements at the beginning of use. That is why in acute, benign forms of loss, and in diffuse loss, it can only do harm.

Don't despair when faced with hair loss. Most often, this is a temporary phenomenon that will not bring irreparable consequences. Remember that if hair loss continues for up to 3 months, hair leaves the entire surface of the head - this is acute hair loss, which, with proper care, will even go away on its own.


Unusual bath brooms

The most pleasant aroma is exuded by brooms made from branches of bird cherry, currant and cherry. Bird cherry contains substances with antiseptic properties that have a wound-healing effect, treat colds, make hair shiny and healthy, and improve skin condition.

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Brooms made from cherry and currant shoots are soft, but they can hardly be called durable, because they fall apart during use. You can combine a broom from branches of different trees, supplement it with branches of eucalyptus, raspberries, and juniper.

Useful properties of pine needles: what are they?

Needles are a valuable source of vitamin E and carotene. The concentration of these substances does not depend on the season and does not change throughout the year. It also contains vitamin C, the concentration of which reaches its maximum values ​​in winter.

Components present in needles:

  • help wounds heal;
  • are a strong pain reliever;
  • have an antiseptic effect.

Brooms made from trees of certain coniferous species have individual properties. This fact is due to the different percentages of biocomponents in the raw materials.

When to prepare raw materials for a broom

The ideal time to collect the raw materials from which the broom will be woven is mid-July. At this time, the leaves become soft and exude a stunning aroma. It is generally accepted that you need to prepare branches for Trinity. As you know, this church holiday is celebrated at different times every year. Basically, it occurs at the end of May - beginning of June.

According to popular beliefs, the process of weaving brooms must be completed after August 2 (Ilyin’s Day). The exception is brooms made from oak branches. It is believed that by this time they are not able to show their healing effect.

What not to do if you have hair loss

10 “don’ts” or what is not recommended to do if you have hair loss

Human hair has long lost its biological purpose - it does not protect us from cold and wind and other negative factors. The only function that hair continues to perform is aesthetic.

Hair is of great psychological value for both men and women, and its loss becomes a severe emotional tragedy for most. It is necessary to have a good understanding of what is prohibited to do during hair loss, because incorrect behavior at this moment can affect the course of the hair loss process and lead to its aggravation.

What raw materials are suitable for a bath broom?

Harvesting brooms should be done on a warm, dry day. Never collect raw materials in the following places:

  • in areas where power lines pass.
  • near factories and factories;
  • near highways.

When you cut the branches, check that they are well attached to the post; it is unacceptable that they fall off due to slight shaking. Give preference to specimens that are devoid of thorns and those that do not have resin.

Show respect for trees! Trim as few branches as possible. For brooms, specimens from young trees that have not reached 3 years of age are suitable. They bend well and are endowed with healing powers. Don't bother yourself and climb to the very top of the tree to collect raw materials. The most suitable specimens grow at the bottom of the tree.

If you want to make a broom from birch branches, take a closer look at the trees that grow near the water. They are often called “weeping ones.” It is worth noting that you can find out how good a broom will be even before using it. If the leaves have roughness, discard such branches. Give preference to leaves with a smooth surface. Cut the shoots from the sides. For this, use gardening tools in the form of secateurs.

Do not put cut shoots in bags, because they will lose their elasticity in them. As for transportation, for this they can be bandaged or transferred to the car. Do not tie the branches tightly, as they will have to dry out.

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Ten main “don’ts” for varicose veins

Varicose veins are a pathology that requires constant monitoring and following medical recommendations. Symptoms of the disease (increased lumen of blood vessels, thinning of their walls, congestion) will progress if all provoking factors are not excluded.

What is not allowed for varicose veins is one of the main questions that interests the patient. Failure to comply with basic restrictions can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of therapy.

Ten main “don’ts” for varicose veins

1. You can’t rely on ointments and tablets. There are no miracle ointments or magic pills for varicose veins. There are drugs that facilitate blood flow, there are substances that strengthen the vascular wall, but all of these are temporary means that can be used in addition to the main treatment. They alleviate the condition: with the help of drugs you can relieve swelling and pain, but do not normalize the condition of the veins.

2. You cannot self-medicate. Varicose veins are not a pathology that can be cured on its own or that will disappear on its own. The problem will not “resolve”, so if you have signs of varicose veins, you need to consult a doctor

3. You cannot treat yourself with leeches. There is a strong belief that varicose veins can be treated with leeches. We do not recommend that you try this method. At least consult a specialist, in this case a phlebologist. Yes, leeches secrete substances that reduce blood clotting. This facilitates blood flow, but has no effect on varicose veins. Leech secretion does not strengthen the venous wall and does not lead to normalization of the condition of blood vessels.

4. Compression stockings should not be worn occasionally. The main requirement for a patient with varicose veins is to wear compression stockings. It helps normalize blood circulation, and if you have undergone treatment (for example, sclerotherapy), then compression hosiery helps you recover better. You need to wear stockings or tights exactly as recommended by the doctor: if you do this from time to time, the therapeutic effect will disappear. Of course, it is difficult to put on knitwear, and in the warm season it is uncomfortable to walk in it, but all these points can be discussed with a phlebologist and the most convenient option can be found.

5. If surgery is recommended for you, you cannot postpone it. Doctors note that varicose veins never go away on their own, and over time the condition of the veins only worsens. That is why, if a phlebologist recommended that you have surgery now, you should not postpone it.

6. Massage for varicose veins does not improve the condition; moreover, massage for varicose veins is not indicated and can have a negative effect on the legs. Especially massage, which is done with force, rubbing, squeezing the legs. And although many patients report that they feel relief after a massage, this may be due to the fact that swelling decreases after the procedure. But in the longer term, massage can negatively affect the health of the veins. Especially if these are specific types of massage, such as honey, cupping, vacuum, anti-cellulite.

7. It is also not recommended to go to the bathhouse. Yes, for varicose veins a contrast shower is indicated - the temperature difference “trains” the vascular wall. However, the temperature contrast that usually occurs in a bathhouse is too great and can have a bad effect on the veins. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with varicose veins, it is better to forget about the steam room. Or postpone it until you solve your vein problems. A diagnosis of varicose veins does not mean that a healthy life is over. This is a chronic disease, which, however, has been well studied. Serious operations to remove veins, which were performed several decades ago, are a thing of the past: today, minimally invasive interventions that spare the veins come into first place. And then follow preventive measures.

8. What foods should not be consumed for varicose veins:

9. Not all physical exercises are indicated for damage to the venous bed. To understand what kind of sport is impossible and even dangerous to engage in with varicose veins, you should pay attention to the presence of force or impact loads in it.

Among the prohibited:

Lifting heavy loads in a standing position is contraindicated not only for varicose veins of the lower extremities, but also for damage to the veins of the rectum. Strength exercises can lead to prolapse and then strangulation of hemorrhoids. In such cases, emergency surgery may be needed.

What exercises should not be done with varicose veins of the legs:

10. You can’t take hormonal medications without a doctor’s prescription

This mainly applies to women using oral contraceptives. Some medications to prevent pregnancy are hormonal. Their use leads to blood thickening and, therefore, creates an additional risk of thrombosis. You should take hormonal contraceptive medications only after prior consultation with your doctor.

Laying long tiles on the floor options

You can make an appointment with our phlebologist by calling the call center: +7-495-981-23-45


How to knit a broom correctly

Let the collected material dry. Leave it in a room out of direct sunlight. Sort through the branches, take those that are of equal length or trim them. Then clear 1/3 of each shoot of leaves. Gather them into a bun. There should be thicker specimens in them, thin ones around them. Tie them up. All of them should bend inward. Don't make the broom too thick. It should be such that it is comfortable for you to hold it during the procedure in the steam room. If we talk about the length, it is permissible for it to be a maximum of 60 cm.

Let the collected material dry

You can knit a broom in various ways. Let's look at the most proven of them. If you listen to our recommendation, you will get a strong broom that will not fall apart during use. First, take two identical parts of branches, fold them crosswise with their bases so that one of them has a margin of 10 cm. Then tie them tightly where they intersect. Transfer the short branches to the long ones, immediately rolling them up and pressing them tightly with an overlap. Next, tie the components of the broom 15-20 cm from the place where you tied it for the first time. If you wish, you can repeat the dressing, but leave the fluffy “tail” of leaves intact. Hemp or cotton rope is suitable as a material for tying. Never use wire for this; under the influence of high temperatures it will heat up and cause burns.

How to properly dry and store bath brooms

Before you start testing a broom you made yourself, you will have to dry it completely. It is best to send it to the attic or to the same bathhouse. The sun's rays do not penetrate into this place; moreover, you can hang its base up and let it dry. Place them at a considerable distance from each other. If you hang them close together, there is a risk that they will not dry.

If it is not possible to hang them indoors, you can place them on newspaper in a cool place. Don’t forget to turn them over systematically, preferably every day. If they are stored on top of each other, those on the bottom should be placed on top (alternately).

When the drying process is complete, provide the brooms with proper storage conditions. It is advisable to keep them in a cool, dark place.

Take a closer look at one of the storage options:

  • A rack in a dressing room or other non-damp room that is regularly ventilated. In this case, the broom will have to be hung with the base up.
  • Cardboard boxes with ventilation holes. Place several brooms in such a container. In boxes they do not shrink and do not lose their correct shape.
  • Roof of a building (house, garage, barn). Leave a small distance between them and let them dry. This storage method can be practiced on days when no precipitation is forecast.
  • Balcony. If it is open, you can hang brooms or spread them on the mat.

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In the morning or evening?

As for the time period, expert opinions differ. If we turn to a botany textbook, we will understand that the active movement of nutrients through a tree occurs in the early morning after sunrise. Accordingly, if you cut a branch between 7 and 10 am, the foliage will have maximum benefit, which will be preserved and open when steamed.

Now let’s look at the opinions of two parmasters who “ate the dog” in their business.

Bulat Siraziev , a famous bath attendant in Tatarstan, claims that it is best to prepare brooms after 4 pm, when the movement of nutrients in the tree is still active, and all the excess moisture in the leaf has already evaporated under the influence of sunlight. Such a broom will dry faster and will be stored well for many years, and when steamed it will not shed leaves or give off an unpleasant musty smell.

Daniil Petrovsky , who is engaged in bathing and at the same time maintains his blog on YouTube, recommends making the cut in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, considering 9-11 o’clock the best option. In his opinion, this way a maximum of nutrients remain in the broom, which in the bathhouse will “create the magic of healing,” allowing a person to get rid of worries, worries, fatigue, problems with the musculoskeletal system and the heart muscle.

Both methods have their advantages and in practice it does not matter at all whether the branch is cut at 11 am or at 12. The main thing in this matter is to wait until the dew dries and the leaf warms up.

How to steam a bath broom correctly

In order for the procedures in the steam room with a broom to bring pleasure and benefit, before you start using it, you need to steam it. This must be done taking into account certain rules. Moreover, the methods for steaming brooms made from different types of wood differ from each other. Let's look at these options.

How to steam a birch broom

You can steam a broom from birch branches in different ways. Do not put them in boiling water, otherwise all the leaves will fall off and you will lose your broom. Give preference to more gentle methods:

Method 1. Rinse the dry broom and place it in a container of cold water for a few minutes. After this, place it in a bowl of warm water. This time the soaking procedure should last 5 minutes. Then pour boiling water over the broom and cover with a lid or towel. Leave for 10 minutes. After uniform heating it becomes flexible and elastic.

Steaming a birch broom

Method 2. This method of preparing a broom requires a more serious investment of time. The day before going to the steam room, place it in a bowl of cold water. Before visiting the steam room, take it out, wrap it in a towel, place it on the shelves and leave it for 10 minutes. In a humid environment, the branches will warm up and begin to emit a pleasant aroma. This option is considered more gentle, which means that most of the nutrients are retained in birch raw materials.

Method 3. Wrap the “bouquet” in a damp towel. Before using a broom, pour boiling water over it.


Fir brooms are best used for bathing procedures in winter. The oil contained in fir is useful for various diseases. Infusions are even made from fir, which have long been used in Siberia as a means of combating fatigue, various colds, scurvy, aching bones, and gout. Also, fir broom is a natural relaxant, helping not only to relieve internal tension, but also helps calm the entire nervous system. Therefore, traditional healers recommend drinking this infusion before bed. Then your sleep will be pleasant and calm.

During bath procedures, a fir broom is also effective, helping to cure colds and inflammatory diseases. Also, in combination with a fir broom, fir oil, tannins and phytoncides are used, which penetrate the pores of the body, curing skin diseases and rheumatism. After all bath procedures using this broom, pathogenic bacteria leave the body, helping to cleanse and smooth it.

How to steam an oak broom

The leaves of this tree are more rigid, so you will have to steam the branches a little differently. Consider two main methods.

Steaming an oak broom

Method 1. Place the raw materials in boiling water. After 15 minutes, fill it with cold water. Then put it back into boiling water.

Method 2. Dip the branches in boiling water, then place them on hot stones. Repeat this procedure three times. This way the leaves will become softer and the steam room will be filled with a calming aroma. Do not use the broom immediately after removing it from the stones - this may cause serious burns.

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Method 3. This steaming was practiced in the old days. The broom was dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes, after which, and then, like a bouquet, the ends were placed in hot water.

How to steam a pine broom

As mentioned above, not everyone can withstand procedures in a steam room using a pine needle broom. The massage effect of such a broom is amazing, but for the procedure to be enjoyable, you need to know how to properly prepare the broom. It is important that it is made from fresh branches. This way the needles will not be too dry and prickly. A pine broom is steamed for 10-15 minutes. Procedures with it can alleviate the condition of colds.

Steaming a pine broom

Spruce has thinner needles, so the steaming time will have to be doubled. With such a broom you will be able to eliminate muscle pain, improve blood flow and cleanse the body of toxins.

It is recommended to soak the fir broom for 15-20 minutes. Fir branches will fill the room with essential oils, help relieve coughing attacks, and improve sleep. The juniper broom is steamed for at least half an hour. The branches of this plant are too prickly, so you will have to steam with it carefully, barely touching the skin. But with its help you can clean the air of germs and enjoy a pleasant aroma.

A thuja broom is rarely used in a steam room. The branches of this coniferous tree are not so hard and prickly, so the duration of soaking the broom in boiling water will be about 20 minutes.

The pleasant aroma of thuja disinfects the air, has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and fights increased excitability.

Learning how to properly use a spruce broom in a steam room

  • it is important that the rhythm be uniformly small and frequent, with gradual movement throughout the entire body from the ankles to the neck;
  • When using a coniferous accessory, it is customary to work with short point blows without pulling over surfaces in order to reduce the prickly effect.

According to experts in bath culture, spruce treatments are contraindicated for people with sensitive skin. In such cases, a worthy alternative is recommended in the form of a gentle option for using pine needles in a steam room. To do this, the floor in the steam room is covered with spruce paws for acupuncture foot massage.

Let the collected material dry. Leave it in a room out of direct sunlight. Sort through the branches, take those that are of equal length or trim them. Then clear 1/3 of each shoot of leaves. Gather them into a bun. There should be thicker specimens in them, thin ones around them. Tie them up.

Let the collected material dry

You can knit a broom in various ways. Let's look at the most proven of them. If you listen to our recommendation, you will get a strong broom that will not fall apart during use. First, take two identical parts of branches, fold them crosswise with their bases so that one of them has a margin of 10 cm.

Then tie them tightly where they intersect. Transfer the short branches to the long ones, immediately rolling them up and pressing them tightly with an overlap. Next, tie the components of the broom 15-20 cm from the place where you tied it for the first time. If you wish, you can repeat the dressing, but leave the fluffy “tail” of leaves intact.

The leaves of this tree are more rigid, so you will have to steam the branches a little differently. Consider two main methods.

Steaming an oak broom

Method 1. Place the raw materials in boiling water. After 15 minutes, fill it with cold water. Then put it back into boiling water.

Method 2. Dip the branches in boiling water, then place them on hot stones. Repeat this procedure three times. This way the leaves will become softer and the steam room will be filled with a calming aroma. Do not use the broom immediately after removing it from the stones - this may cause serious burns.

Method 3. This steaming was practiced in the old days. The broom was dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes, after which, and then, like a bouquet, the ends were placed in hot water.

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As mentioned above, not everyone can withstand procedures in a steam room using a pine needle broom. The massage effect of such a broom is amazing, but for the procedure to be enjoyable, you need to know how to properly prepare the broom. It is important that it is made from fresh branches. This way the needles will not be too dry and prickly. A pine broom is steamed for 10-15 minutes. Procedures with it can alleviate the condition of colds.

Steaming a pine broom

Spruce has thinner needles, so the steaming time will have to be doubled. With such a broom you will be able to eliminate muscle pain, improve blood flow and cleanse the body of toxins.

It is recommended to soak the fir broom for 15-20 minutes. Fir branches will fill the room with essential oils, help relieve coughing attacks, and improve sleep. The juniper broom is steamed for at least half an hour. The branches of this plant are too prickly, so you will have to steam with it carefully, barely touching the skin.

A thuja broom is rarely used in a steam room. The branches of this coniferous tree are not so hard and prickly, so the duration of soaking the broom in boiling water will be about 20 minutes.

The pleasant aroma of thuja disinfects the air, has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and fights increased excitability.

Despite the fact that nettle leaves are prickly, they do not need steaming. Such a broom must be immersed in hot water for a few minutes, then transferred to a container with ice liquid. Such contrast procedures must be repeated several times in a row. Nettle will lose its stinging properties, but will not lose all its beneficial substances.

Steam a nettle broom

In the old days they said: “the broom is the boss of everyone in the bathhouse.” Indeed, the effect of visiting a sauna with a quality broom is amazing. The procedure allows you to quickly get back on your feet after serious illnesses, improves well-being, strengthens the immune system and restores youth to the skin. If stored under proper conditions, its service life will be at least 2 years. Take care of your health!

Brooms made from deciduous trees are popular among people, especially real Russian symbols - birch and oak. Coniferous bath accessories are often made from spruce, pine, cedar, fir and juniper branches.

It is also good to steam with herbal brooms made from nettle, mint and wormwood. They cleanse skin pores, rejuvenate it and add elasticity.

Important! Why is there nothing to do in the steam room without a broom? A bunch of branches or medicinal herbs acts as a natural massager. And all the healing substances contained in properly steamed brooms penetrate the skin well and quickly, having a beneficial effect on the body.

Birch broom

Why do most steam lovers go to the sauna with a birch broom?

It is very durable and flexible, and thanks to phytoncides, essential oils and flavonoids it:

  • Cleanses the skin of toxins;
  • Helps eliminate skin problems, including acne;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the lungs and bronchi;
  • Eliminates aches in joints and muscles;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, which helps improve the functioning of internal organs.

To get the maximum benefit from using a birch broom (dry), you need to know the rules for preparing it for bath procedures.

Method number 1:

  1. Rinse the broom with running water to remove dust.
  2. Place it in a bowl of cold water for 2 - 3 minutes. Then we transfer it to a container with warmer water, about 40°.
  3. After 5 - 6 minutes, add boiling water, cover the bowl with a broom with a lid and wait for at least 10 minutes.
  4. And the final chord is to hold the steamed bunch of branches over a hot heater for several seconds. We make sure that the leaves do not fall on the stones, otherwise they will start to burn and emit a specific smell.

A bath accessory made from birch twigs can be prepared in advance. It needs to be placed in cold water for soaking, kept there for 10 hours. Then removed, wrapped in a damp piece of cloth and placed on the bottom shelf of the steam room.

About 10 minutes is enough for the broom to acquire the necessary elasticity and begin to release its special birch aroma. And its beneficial properties will be fully preserved with this method of preparation.

Oak broom

Tannins in oak leaves improve the condition of the skin, especially oily skin, and treat acne. Bath procedures with oak brooms tone blood vessels, calm the nervous system, and normalize blood pressure.

A bunch of oak branches is prepared for the steam room in the same way as birch branches. There are other ways to soak oak leaf brooms:

  • This method is suitable for those who have time to prepare bath attributes. A day before going to steam, the broom is wrapped in a well-moistened cloth. Within 24 hours, the branches and leaves will be sufficiently saturated with moisture. All that remains is to scald the broom with boiling water, and it is ready for use;
  • Even an hour is enough to bring the broom into proper condition. It is kept soaked in a basin of cold water for half an hour, turning it over periodically. After this, they are placed in water for 15 minutes like a bouquet - cuttings down, leaves up. This way the water will saturate the branches and they will be flexible and strong. The broom is placed in a bag and sent to the bathhouse. There is no need to steam it anymore;
  • If you don’t have time to prepare an oak broom, the classic method will help - place it in a bowl of boiling water for 10 minutes and let it steam. Then the bundle is held directly in the steam room for 5 - 10 seconds over hot stones and after that it can be safely used;

Useful video

Be sure to see how to properly steam an oak broom

Fir broom

A fir broom is a useful thing; it treats rheumatism, colds, allergies, and bronchitis. It emits a special aroma that has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and nervous system.

But the branches of coniferous trees with their needles are prickly and quite hard. Not everyone can afford such a hard body massage.

Please note: for harvesting, take young coniferous branches with small buds at the tips. It is better to work with pine brooms with gloves so as not to get injured by the resin that is released when the pine branches heat up.

How to properly prepare a pine broom for a steam room:

  • To soften fairly hard pine brooms, they should be placed in boiling water for 15 - 20 minutes. You need to close the basin with the branches with a lid, otherwise the essential oils may evaporate;
  • After steaming, the needles will become softer, more elastic and will not prick as much as dry ones;
  • When the broom is ready, you can massage your body with it, previously steamed in the steam room. Use it carefully; there is no need to whip the inner thighs and stomach with branches, so as not to injure the delicate skin.

Steamed pine brooms emit a wonderful healing aroma. But you can also use essential oils in the steam room. They have the effect of relaxation, stress relief, antibacterial and healing effects.

Pour water into a wide bowl, add 7 - 10 drops of essential oil and place the container near the stove. You can steam brooms in this water and water wooden bath shelves with it.

Help: The water in which the brooms were soaked should not be thrown away. She absorbed all the beneficial properties. It is good to wash your hair with to strengthen hair roots and prevent dandruff. Rinse the body with water to make the skin more elastic. They also sprinkle the infusion on the heater and walls, then the steam room is filled with a healing aroma.

Anyone who knows a lot about the bathhouse treats steaming brooms as a special procedure. After all, you can only get pleasure and benefit from visiting the steam room with a carefully prepared broom in your hands.

Tags: bathhouse, broom, tree, species, coniferous

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How to steam a nettle broom

Despite the fact that nettle leaves are prickly, they do not need steaming. Such a broom must be immersed in hot water for a few minutes, then transferred to a container with ice liquid. Such contrast procedures must be repeated several times in a row. Nettle will lose its stinging properties, but will not lose all its beneficial substances.

Steam a nettle broom

In the old days they said: “the broom is the boss of everyone in the bathhouse.” Indeed, the effect of visiting a sauna with a quality broom is amazing. The procedure allows you to quickly get back on your feet after serious illnesses, improves well-being, strengthens the immune system and restores youth to the skin. If stored under proper conditions, its service life will be at least 2 years. Take care of your health!

General tips and tricks

Everyone understands that the country’s climatic zones are diverse, so some knit brooms already in May, when others at that time had not even seen buds on the trees.

Here are some tips from experts on how to understand that the time has come to prepare brooms:

Focus on your own feelings. Preparing brooms is a kind of magic that helps improve health in the winter season.

Advice! Don't forget that you shouldn't cut branches after it rains. They will dry worse, and the quality when steaming is inferior to those prepared in dry, warm weather.

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