How to treat a sauna with oil: tips and tricks
The traditional material for building a bathhouse is wood. And it’s no coincidence that the benefits of bath procedures are the most
Construction of a foundation for a wooden house: types, pros and cons, selection criteria, installation stages
Wooden houses are environmentally friendly and beautiful. In addition, subject to the technology of laying logs and
How to increase the efficiency of an iron sauna stove
DIY sauna stove (110 photos): how to make a stove with high efficiency, foundation and boiler drawings
LATEST NEWS Most owners of private houses with main or backup heating from conventional
log bathhouse for shrinkage
What to build a bathhouse from so that it can be used immediately?
Despite the fact that wooden baths are significantly cheaper than brick ones, this technology often
Stove heating of the bathhouse
How to make heating in a bathhouse - choosing a heating method for a steam room
Rating: 494 A well-designed heater stove can rightfully be considered a prerequisite for a good sauna. Basic
Bathhouse in the country - design, choice of design and construction with your own hands. Photos and videos of the best options for construction
There is no need to talk about the benefits of visiting a bathhouse for a person. Everyone knows how beneficial it is
Bath structure
7 tips for choosing a barrel sauna: types, advantages, disadvantages
The Russian people love to steam bath and can come up with everything in such a way as to save money and
How to build a brick stove for a bathhouse - technology for laying a brick structure
A brick stove is the main functional element of any Russian steam room, which is traditionally made of
How to attach the lining with your own hands step by step: instructions with photos and descriptions of all stages of installing the lining on the ceiling or walls (120 photos)
Lining is a popular finishing material, which is equivalent profiles with spikes and special
Do-it-yourself pitched roof: device, design, drawings
When constructing small buildings - garages, outbuildings, small residential buildings - they are often used
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