How to make heating in a bathhouse - choosing a heating method for a steam room

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A well-designed Kamenka stove can rightfully be considered a prerequisite for a good sauna. The main component can rightly be called heating in the bathhouse and stove.

Stove heating of the bath allows you to create the necessary temperature inside the room, heat the water for washing and ensure the proper level of steam in the steam room. To provide heat for a sauna of impressive size, you should opt for stove heating. If you have decided to build a steam room without knowing how to design a sauna heating system, your preference should be given to a heater stove.

Classic "heater"

Heating by furnaces with heat exchangers

Stoves with heat exchangers are an alternative option to conventional heaters, which provide space heating, hot water supply and steam generation.
Heating in a bathhouse from a stove heat exchanger can be organized both for the main premises - steam room and washing room, and for auxiliary ones - dressing room, relaxation room, billiard room, shower room, swimming pool.

At the design stage of heating equipment with a heat exchanger, the following data is taken into account:

  • dimensions of the building and area of ​​premises;
  • design features of the furnace;
  • weight of heating equipment;
  • number of heat exchangers;
  • coolant volume;
  • length and diameter of the chimney pipe.

The following options for connecting heating equipment using pipes are possible:

  • to the expansion tank for hot water supply in the washing compartment;
  • to heating radiators installed in functional rooms;
  • to hot water supply and water heating system in the main premises of the bathhouse and residential building.

Heating stoves are equipped with internal and external heat exchangers. The internal element is located in the firebox, the external element is located around the chimney pipe.

Independent arrangement of heated floors

In most cases, continuous burning stoves are installed in bathhouses, which do an excellent job as the main source of heat in the room. At the same time, it is worth immediately making a reservation that for arranging the stove it is advisable to use only cleaned stones, the diameter of which reaches 10 centimeters. To achieve the optimal temperature in the room, it takes at least two hours to heat such a stove, during which you will have to periodically add firewood.

The bathhouse is a wooden building with a high level of humidity in the premises. As you know, wood that is regularly exposed to water can become unusable in a very short time. Because of this, unpleasant odors may appear in the bathhouse, and the building itself will require repairs in the future.

To avoid this, issues related to its quality heating should be resolved in advance. At the same time, it is advisable not to limit yourself to just one stove, but to supplement it with various heating systems, which, moreover, will significantly reduce the time it takes to warm up the premises before taking water procedures.

For safety reasons, in a wet room such as a bathhouse, it is allowed to use one or two heating radiators, which must be connected to the heating system of a residential building. In addition, there are several other options for heating a bath, the choice of which depends only on your requirements and wishes.

Heating radiators in the bathhouse

This option for heating a bathhouse is one of the modern methods, which has been used frequently in recent years. It is quite difficult to install special equipment without the appropriate experience.

The base of the floor is first prepared, then the screed is poured using cement mortar. Next, they waterproof the rough base using a special mastic. Then a thin layer of mortar is laid and carefully leveled.

When the mixture is completely dry, install the heat-insulating material. Take a heating cable or mat and spread it over the floor surface, connect it to power and test the functioning of the system.

If the structure works, a thin layer of solution is placed on top of the cable. After it has dried, they begin to finish the floor surface.

In most cases, continuous burning stoves are installed in bathhouses. which do an excellent job as the main source of heat in the room. At the same time, it is worth immediately making a reservation that for arranging the stove it is advisable to use only cleaned stones, the diameter of which reaches 10 centimeters. To achieve the optimal temperature in the room, it takes at least two hours to heat such a stove, during which you will have to periodically add firewood.

To avoid this, issues related to its quality heating should be resolved in advance. At the same time, it is advisable not to limit yourself to just one stove, but to supplement it with various heating systems, which, moreover, will significantly reduce the time it takes to warm up the premises before taking water procedures.

How to make heating in a bathhouse

Heating in the bathhouse is necessary to provide convenience.

One type of heating is automatic. Separate heating can be provided by electric convectors or electric boilers, as well as gas boilers. All of them can work offline. You can set it so that the room temperature is slightly above zero. This will prevent water from draining from the toilet tank, pipes, or electric boiler.

There is a minus in this system. Since it is autonomous, you may not notice that a failure has occurred and the temperature may drop below zero. Therefore, you need to install a temperature sensor with a signal.

How to install heating in a bathhouse from home

You can install both gas or electric boilers and stone or metal stoves. But these are all quite complex structures.

To heat a bathhouse from home, you can lay a heating main there. Install radiators in the house. Such a system will operate from heating in the house.

Heating a bathhouse from a sauna stove

The easiest heating method to manufacture, operate and maintain is heating a bathhouse from a sauna stove. The stove is installed directly in the steam room, and the firebox is installed in the dressing room.

Brick kilns maintain temperature for a very long time, but they must be heated for at least 5 hours. And it takes even longer to heat a bathhouse in winter.

High cost is another disadvantage. It is very difficult to build such a stove yourself. The help of an experienced stove maker is needed.

Heating the dressing room from a sauna stove

In most cases, a classic sauna is heated with one heat source. The stove is installed in the steam room so that all rooms can be heated. A tank of water is placed near the washing room.

It is very important that each element of the stove is made of refractory material. Therefore, it must be built from bricks

Such an oven will take up a lot of space and be large.

The ideal option would be a stove with a tank and an open heater. The firebox is equipped with a register, the lower edge of which is located 50 cm above the register. It will prevent premature boiling of water.

Is it possible to make heating from a tank?

To install a heating system from a tank, you need to know its operating specifics and operating rules. It is necessary to take into account the volume of the room and power consumption.

There are mounted and built-in tanks. There are also set-up tanks - a container of water is placed on top of a heated oven.

Comment! You can use the already created heat: a tank is hung on the chimney, the water is heated, and the temperature there can reach 500 degrees.

These methods do not supply hot water to the shower. Remote water tanks can do this. The heat exchanger is placed in the furnace, and a tank is hung next to it or in the attic. The system is connected by pipes through which water will flow. Thanks to the heat exchanger, it is heated and supplied to the shower through the tank. This heating system is simple and effective.

Overhead tanks are sealed containers with a lid and a tap for draining water. Attached to the wall using metal hooks. Made from stainless steel.

Attached water tank - an inclined pipe sealed at the end is welded into the furnace. The other end is at the bottom of the tank. Cold water rises through an inclined pipe, where it is heated to a boil. Hot air bubbles transfer heat.

How to make heating in a log bath

Three types of heating are installed in wooden houses: water, electric and air. Each has pros and cons.

The most popular type of log heating is water.


  1. Economical.
  2. High heat capacity.


  1. Difficult to install.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the heat generator.
  3. In winter, be sure to drain the water from the heating system.

Such heating systems are:

  • with bottom or top wiring;
  • passing or dead-end;
  • single-pipe or double-pipe;
  • vertical and horizontal;
  • with a pump or natural movement of water.

Two-pipe systems are less aesthetically pleasing than single-pipe systems.

Electric heating has several advantages:

  1. The heat supply level is easily adjusted.
  2. Small dimensions of heating devices.
  3. The heating is environmentally friendly and silent.

Air heating has only one advantage - high penetrating power.

But there are many more disadvantages:

  • large stoves and fireplaces;
  • very low heat transfer;
  • uneven distribution of air in the room;
  • expensive heating systems.

Before installing systems, you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages and possibly consult with a specialist in the industry.

Heating in a bathhouse is the most important thing that needs to be paid attention to during construction. The bathhouse is one of the best relaxation places where you can have a pleasant time with family or friends. If it is warm and cozy there, then you will rest in body and soul

If it is warm and cozy there, then you will relax your soul and body.

Heating from the central heating main

When the household is connected to the heating main, then it is possible to connect the bathhouse building to it. This method of heat supply is the most effective and economical.

Before heating the bathhouse from home, you will need to install an additional circuit in this room. This type of work is best done by a professional with special equipment and relevant knowledge. Before connecting to a centralized heating main, it is necessary to develop project documentation and obtain permission, which is issued by the relevant authorities.

Heating by stove-stove

For small baths, a traditional heater remains a viable heating option. In this case, it is enough to purchase or manufacture a heating unit of the required power.

Calculation of equipment power is determined by the formula: 1 kW of power per 1 sq. m of premises. To ensure a comfortable stay for visitors in the steam room, a thermal power reserve of 35 to 55% is additionally taken into account.

The popularity of the heating heater is explained by the following advantages:

  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • accessibility of operation;
  • using available fuel.

When giving preference to a sauna stove, do not forget about some of the disadvantages of the device:

  • impressive dimensions and weight;
  • inability to automate the process of heating rooms;
  • high fire hazard;
  • formation of fuel combustion products.

Modern heaters operate on wood, electricity, liquid and gaseous fuel. The choice of the appropriate option depends on the financial capabilities and technical capabilities of the equipment.

To ensure effective heating of the room, heating the bath from the stove in the steam room is done as follows: the firebox is placed in the dressing room, the heater is in the steam room, and the tank with warm water is in the washing compartment.

Need for additional heating

The classic option for heating a steam room for bathing procedures is a brick or metal heater. In this case, additional equipment is used to maintain a given air heating temperature both in the steam room and in other rooms.

It is impossible to ensure fast and uniform heating of the dressing room and rest room from a sauna stove.

And if in summer this does not cause problems, then in winter such a situation can lead to a decrease in comfort when organizing a bathing holiday. In this case, all the heat produced will be accumulated in the steam room, and the dressing room and other rooms of the bath will remain unheated.

Installation of additional heating equipment will ensure the maintenance of a comfortable temperature necessary for a long stay in the dressing room.

Gas heating

The implementation of such a heating system has several options.

  • Firstly, as I wrote above, it is possible to install a “classic” heater, in which a gas burner will be used instead of firewood.
  • Secondly, you can use a standard gas boiler (the same as in residential buildings). But in this case, you will have to take care of the equipment of heating systems (installation of heating radiators, laying pipes, connecting a gas-carrying pipe to the bathhouse or a cylinder connection system).
  • Thirdly, there is the possibility of installing heating from the house. In essence, this is the same option as the previous one, but with its own characteristics and disadvantages. A separate heating main is laid from the boiler used to heat the house to the bathhouse. This option is very convenient if your steam room is adjacent to the house or is very close to it.

Gas heating baths

If the distance to the bathhouse is relatively large, then in order to use this system in winter it is necessary to bury the heating main below the freezing level of the soil and insulate it well. This will prevent the possibility of defrosting and help reduce heat loss.

True, the undoubted advantage of this option is the complete elimination of the problem of maintaining a constant positive temperature in the bathhouse. In addition, you can do all the necessary work (if you have a certain skill) with your own hands.

Heating from the central heating main

In this case, we are not talking about thermal heating pumps, although devices that can provide heating for several buildings on the territory of one household are already being actively sold in Europe.

Experts recommend not looking for futuristic, obviously time-consuming and expensive methods of heating bathhouses, but simply choosing the appropriate option for heating the bathhouse from home.

The economic part of the solution to the problem is obvious:

  • There is no need to buy expensive gas or electric boilers. Laying communications from the heating boiler in the house to the collector in the bathhouse will cost an order of magnitude less;
  • There are no grounds for possible claims from Energonadzor, fire and gas services;
  • The larger the heating boiler, the higher its efficiency, so the kilocalories of heat obtained from a home heating system will be cheaper than the energy obtained by burning gas in a low-power sauna appliance.

The only significant problem is the correct choice of insertion scheme into the heating circuit of the house. Typically, water heating in a private house is built in the form of a closed ring with convective or pump supply of coolant.

If you try to simply cut a pipe into the “hot” part of the manifold of a heating boiler at home, then due to different hydraulic resistance in the pipes, a “stagnant” zone may form in one of the lines. Simply put, all the heat will either flow mostly into the bathhouse or remain in the heating system of the house.

To ensure that stagnation and the complex balancing procedure using throttling washers are avoided, when connecting a bath, an additional boiler with a heat exchanger built inside is used. The reservoir is included in the heating system of the house, the internal circuit is connected to the heating pipes of the bathhouse. The hot water accumulated in the boiler will be used as a thermal buffer, which will prevent the pipes of the main system from cooling down in the winter.


Water heating is rightfully considered one of the most convenient and effective methods of heating. In such a situation, there are also several options for manufacturing a system, which in any case will be powered from a furnace with a water circuit.

Fortunately, today in specialized stores you can easily select stoves that are ready for installation, equipped with a heat exchanger. This greatly simplifies the task of any builder of his own bathhouse. And now directly about the options.

Water heated floors

  1. External heating. It is done very simply and, in fact, is arranged in the same way as a brownie. Pipes located along the walls are connected to the furnace. Depending on the area of ​​your bathhouse, a certain number of heating radiators are connected to the pipes. Hot water passing through them heats the structure and, when cooled, returns back to the boiler.
  2. Water heated floor. The principle of its operation is the same as in the first option. The only difference is that the pipes are hidden in the floor, which was previously insulated (I wrote about insulating floors in a bathhouse in more detail in other articles). This design is considered non-separable (although, of course, there would be a desire to break everything), and therefore requires a very careful approach to the procedure for its manufacture. In this case, I would recommend seeking help from specialists.

Recommendations when choosing a heating system

All systems can be divided into two types of heating:

  • equipment with forced circulation;
  • equipment with natural circulation.

With forced circulation, the coolant moves thanks to the pump. It maintains the required temperature and pressure in the system. It requires electricity to operate.

Natural circulation includes the boiler, batteries, expansion tank and pipes. We need competent pipe routing and correct calculation of their slope. The disadvantage is that the expansion tank must be at the highest point.

Homemade boiler for a bath

You can build a boiler for heating a bathhouse with your own hands. You need a pipe of a certain diameter, a welding machine and a grinder.

You can do . For this, it is very convenient to use sections of thick-walled pipe. The best option is a piece with a diameter of 51 cm and a length of 100 cm. Such a boiler, even in a very cold winter, can heat not only the steam room itself, but also other rooms.

Prepare the following tools for work:

  • electric welding machine;
  • “grinder” with metal circles;
  • pipe of suitable length and diameter.

The selected section of thick-walled pipe will serve as the body of the future boiler. Inside the housing, 3 supports should be welded parallel to the ground at 3 different levels. These supports are made from ordinary reinforcement bars 30 cm long and 14 mm in diameter.

The lower support will make it possible to install the bottom of the heating unit. The height of the second support is selected in accordance with the size of the blower door installed in the boiler. The third support will be installed at a distance of about 20 cm from the top of the unit base.

To construct the bottom of the boiler, a solid metal circle with a thickness of at least 4 mm is used. Grate bars can be made from a metal circle with slots. Choose a circle as thick as possible, then the lid can also be used as a support for stones. The lid is made of a metal circle with a thickness of at least 5 mm. A hole should be made in the cover, which will be used to attach the adapter ring of the chimney pipe.

The system for placing supports under the partitions implies their location one above the other. Stove and blower doors are installed in the hole for the box, which must be cut in the side of the pipe from the very bottom.

The depth of the box should be selected in accordance with the thickness of the wall that will be used to make the boiler firebox. A partition installed inside the box is necessary to separate the combustion and ash compartments. The level of this partition must coincide with the grate partition installed in the inside of the boiler.

The installation procedure is as follows. First, the box is welded, after which the bottom, grate and top cover are inserted into the boiler body

When performing work indoors, you need to pay attention to the fact that the box passing through the wall goes into the furnace room or outside, and not into the dressing room

At the next stage, a chimney is installed and stones are placed on the top cover of the boiler. The boiler is directly installed on a special foundation. you can organize such heating with your own hands.

Water and infrared floor installation

Gas boiler diagram.

A water heated floor is a pipe system located between the base of the floor and its subfloor. The pipes are laid in loops over the entire floor area, a separate circuit is made for each room, the flow of coolant is regulated by taps that are installed on each circuit. Coolant circulation is carried out by pumps. Boilers (wood, gas, electric) are used to heat the coolant. When installing a water floor with your own hands, you must take into account the possibility of heat leakage through the base of the floor; to prevent this from happening, the pipes are laid on a heat insulator with aluminum foil.

An infrared heated floor is a film with radiating elements or a heating mat made of carbon rods. In rooms with high humidity, which is what a bathhouse is, it is better to use heating mats. Infrared radiation from the floor heats surrounding objects, which transfer their energy to the air in the room.

This heating method is more efficient than convection heating, and therefore the energy consumption for heating is significantly lower than that of an electric convector. Installing an infrared floor with your own hands is easier than installing a water floor. Waterproofing is laid on a dry and clean base, then a substrate on which a system of heating mats is mounted. During installation, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances specified in the manufacturer’s instructions.

Convectors, heating a bathhouse from a residential building The easiest way to heat a bathhouse is to use electric convectors. To feel at home in the bathhouse, just connect the convector to the network. However, this heating method requires significant energy consumption. Gas convectors are more complex devices; for their operation, it is necessary to install a gas and air supply system into a special chamber where the gas is burned, and to ensure the removal of combustion products. It is not possible to install such heating with your own hands; specialists must work with gas equipment. The installation of these devices is justified in production facilities, warehouses or garages. They are not suitable for a home or bathhouse.

If the home is heated with liquid energy, then the bathhouse can be easily connected to the heating system of the living space. Radiators are installed in the bathhouse and connected by pipes. The pipes are removed, insulated and laid in a trench; the depth of the trench should be below the freezing level of the soil. Next, we bring the pipes into the house and make a connection with the heating circuit. That is, another room appears near the house. But before you do such heating, you need to make sure that the boiler power is sufficient.

Main components

In order to heat the dressing room efficiently, with minimal heat loss, you should take into account all the nuances of finishing the room. Without careful insulation, no heating device will have the desired effect. The choice of heating device must also be carefully thought out. A properly selected sauna stove can heat not only the steam room and dressing room, but also create comfortable conditions in the wash room or rest room, if any. If replacing the stove seems troublesome and expensive, or is impossible for some other reason, you can use additional devices and methods for heating the dressing room.

An example of a brick stove for heating a dressing room

Let's consider all the components of a warm dressing room in order.

Insulation of the room

In order for the heating of the dressing room to be effective, it is necessary to insulate the room in such a way as to avoid heat loss. When insulating, special attention should be paid to the floor and ceiling so that cold air from the ground and attic space cannot penetrate inside.

The material most often used to build a bathhouse is a log. If its diameter is large enough and the joints are well caulked, additional insulation of the walls may not be required. If the dressing room is made of thin timber or made in the form of a wooden frame bath, then the walls will need insulation. The principle of finishing the main planes is almost the same. First, a vapor barrier is laid, then a layer of insulation is laid, and waterproofing is placed on it.

An example of waterproofing a floor when building a bathhouse

The finishing layer is the material chosen for decoration. Its role in insulating the floor in the dressing room is often played by a floorboard; for the ceiling and walls, timber, lining, or a blockhouse are suitable. It is better not to use concrete floors - in winter such a floor will always be cold. The exception is concrete floors that have an underfloor heating system installed.

Warm floor

Heating the floor of the dressing room is an important component of comfortable bathing procedures. Modern technologies make it possible to organize heated floors that operate from different heat sources. At the bathhouse construction stage, you can create a water-heated floor, which will heat up while the stove is burning. The warm water floor system, powered by the energy of the furnace, consists of a battery tank, a heat exchanger and the furnace itself. Water circulation in the pipes should be ensured using a pump.

An example of a heated floor in a waiting room

If you do not use antifreeze liquids, the water from the system will have to be filled and drained every time there is a need to use the bathhouse, or the room will have to be heated all winter to prevent freezing.

The installation of a water floor from a stove requires taking into account the subtleties of the system. The main negative factors due to which more and more owners are inclined in favor of other types of floors:

  • high heating temperature (the pipe in the floor can become too hot, since the water in it can reach a boil);
  • difficulties associated with the frequency of heating (in cold weather there is a possibility of pipes bursting, even when antifreeze is poured into them);
  • the need to allocate additional space (for a warm floor you will have to create a separate circuit, which will require the placement of an additional stove tank);

    Additional tank for installing heated floors in the dressing room

  • decrease in the efficiency of the stove (heating the additional tank will require additional energy consumption from the stove, which will affect the heating of other rooms);
  • significant time costs (heating the floor to a comfortable temperature using this technology takes time).

Considering that modern technologies make it possible to create a heated floor, avoiding so much labor and ensuring its safe and, most importantly, controlled operation, the design of a water floor powered by a furnace is used quite rarely. A heated floor powered by electricity using infrared technology or the convection principle is attractive because when installing it there is no need to redo an already built stove. The availability of gas and financial capabilities allows some owners to create a water floor for the dressing room, based on the operation of a gas boiler.

The process of installing a water floor in the dressing room

However, the significant investments required with this option are hardly justified when using the bathhouse once or twice a week.


Gas heating is a possible way to heat the dressing room. However, for the reasons stated above, this type of heating is more suitable for commercial premises in which the bathhouse is used constantly.

This option is also suitable if the bathhouse is part of a residential building, when the rooms and the bathhouse can be heated simultaneously during the autumn-winter season.

In a separate building, a positive dressing room temperature can be created using a stove and electricity. We are talking specifically about the organization of heating, and not about the heating that a brick oven can provide. Heating device options:

  • water, operating when firing a sauna stove;
  • steam, based on a stove;

  • using convectors;
  • using IR heaters;
  • installation of a separate stove in the dressing room.


The fact that the water in the pipes will become very hot is a big plus of stove heating, as opposed to a water floor. All other disadvantages will remain. Antifreeze and a circulation pump will be required to ensure safe operation of the system. It will be necessary to equip the furnace with a heat exchanger and an additional tank, reducing the free area of ​​the room. The stove will have to be lit in advance, taking into account the time required to heat the system and the entire dressing room.


The operating principle of a steam system is based on the movement of steam. Heat exchangers are installed in the body of the furnace, where water is heated to boiling point. Water turns into steam, which heats a system of pipes or radiators.

A simple diagram of a steam heating device

Condensation occurs there, the steam is converted back into water and flows into the tank, from where it again enters the heat exchanger.

Advantages of steam heating over water heating:

  • faster heating of the room (the heat output of this system is higher, the heating rate of the room can be three times higher than the heating rate with water heating);
  • ergonomics (no installation of bulky equipment required);
  • safety (there is no risk of pipe rupture due to sudden temperature changes).

Considering that the best option for a steam heating device is to install heat exchangers in the body of the furnace, this option is not suitable for those who want to modernize the furnace. The existing brick structure with this heating option must initially be built with heat exchangers.

Diagram of the heat exchanger in the bath

Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the existing furnace and build a new one.


A fairly popular method of heating a dressing room is using convectors. It is due to the wide distribution and advertising of devices that allow you to create a comfortable temperature in the room. Using convectors in practice has a number of disadvantages:

  • the need for constant use (convectors do not cope well with heating a cold room; to a greater extent they are designed to maintain temperature);
  • insufficient heating (if the ceilings of the waiting room are high and the heated floor is not installed, there is a possibility that the warm air from the convectors will not reach the floor);
  • a question of costs (heating with convectors is not a cheap pleasure).

Otherwise, the convector heating system is quite good.

An example of placing heating convectors in a dressing room

For a small dressing room, one device may be enough, which will allow significant savings.

IR heaters

You can quickly heat up a cold room using IR heaters. The options for these heating devices are different and allow you to choose a model that fits perfectly into the interior of the dressing room. Inexpensive models of thermal curtains are unlikely to be able to quickly create a comfortable temperature. But stone samples will make it possible to create ideal conditions for its owners in the dressing room. In addition, they are economical and can retain heat for a long time.

Separate oven

A fairly simple way to heat a dressing room is to place a separate stove or household heater there. In this case, you can heat the room quite quickly. When choosing a device, you should remember that oil and ceramic heaters are very energy-consuming, and the electricity bill can overshadow the comfort of their use.

A more economical option is to install a small wood-burning boiler. A device whose lighting requires another solid fuel, such as coal or fuel briquettes, is also suitable. The price of heating materials such as firewood, coal and briquettes is low compared to the cost of electrical appliances and will allow for significant savings.

An example of a separate fireplace stove in the dressing room

If the bathhouse is still under construction and it is possible to plan the type and location of the stove, these are the best conditions for the profitable arrangement of heating all the rooms of the bathhouse at its expense, without resorting to additional heating options.


And finally, let’s look at several ways to use electricity to heat a bathhouse. I’ll say right away: take care of the electrics in this case. Since the load on thermal electrical appliances is large, the quality of the electrical wiring should not be in doubt. Consider the total load, wire cross-section, wiring diagram and quality of electrical work.

Electric heating

Firstly, your room can be heated using an electric heater. True, in this case you will have to take care of heating the water in the shower in advance (for example, by installing a direct or indirect heating boiler). This type of heater does not require additional arrangement of the chimney and is considered environmentally friendly.

Secondly, the bathhouse (in particular the relaxation room) can be heated using electric convectors placed on the walls.

Well, thirdly, infrared film can come to your aid - the newest type of heater, which allows you to easily and quickly create warm floors both in the house and in the bathhouse. Detailed technology for installing heated floors is discussed in other articles.

Please note that the installation of heated floors is possible without the use of infrared film, but by laying electric heating cables. They are used both in underfloor heating systems and for heating water pipes.

It is quite possible to use infrared heaters as an additional source of heat. I hung it on the ceiling and forgot about it.

Infrared heaters

Using electricity to heat a bath undoubtedly has its advantages. You can safely use all the structural elements (heater, heated floor, boiler) at any time all year round. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about fuel or worry about pipes freezing. The only serious drawback can be considered the high energy consumption.

Construction of a dressing room: preparation for new achievements

If you realize that the bathhouse needs more footage, then the best solution would be to erect a frame structure, since the walls in this case are erected quite quickly, and arranging the foundation will not require much effort - it is enough to make a shallow foundation.

A wooden frame has long ago become traditional for the Russian bathhouse, so it is necessary to properly prepare the wood. It needs treatment with several layers of antiseptic, otherwise the damp room will be captured by irreconcilable enemies - fungus and mold. Fire-fighting compounds won't hurt her either.

Particular attention should be paid to fastening elements, which must be galvanized; other options, due to their sensitivity to moisture, are not considered

The dressing room project is the first step towards defeating a cramped bathhouse. The minimum width of the room is 1 m, and for each family member (or friend) an area of ​​1.3 m2 is required. If the standard dimensions are 1.4x2.3 m, but only you can decide how much you need to increase them.

Several alternative options

Despite the fact that the options described above are the most popular and considered optimal, I decided to briefly mention some alternatives. In fact, they are varieties of stove heating, but have their own characteristics.

For example, if you have such capabilities, then you can install a diesel fuel boiler in your bathhouse. But this option requires a separate room (diesel fuel does not smell much), and you need to think about fuel storage.

There are also pyrolysis heating boilers. The undoubted advantage of such a boiler can be considered a very long, almost complete combustion of fuel. The disadvantage is the high cost and difficulty of operation (for example, raw wood does not burn in it).

It is also possible to use long-term combustion boilers, capable of burning a separate batch of fuel for up to 5 days, maintaining the desired temperature. There are even options for high-quality graded coal. But this is rather an “industrial” option, which is not suitable for a good traditional bath.

This is where I will finish the review of methods for heating a bath. Which heating is better is up to you to decide, focusing on your needs and capabilities. The main thing is that the rooms are warm and comfortable. Thank you for reading to the end. Until next time, see you on the pages of other articles. Bye!

Wisdom Quote: There are no dark times, only dark people (Roland Romain).

Some useful tips for installing a sauna stove

Heating system installation diagram.

Since a bathhouse usually has three rooms: a dressing room, a steam room and a wash room, the best option when installing a stove with your own hands is the option in which the firebox is in the dressing room, the heater is in the steam room, and a container with heated water is in the wash room. Existing models with a side-mounted heater will provide just such a configuration of the heating elements of the stove.

When building walls in a bathhouse, flammable materials (wood, insulation) are very often used, so when installing a sauna stove with your own hands, one should not forget about fire safety. Fireproof material is laid between the walls and the stove. The stove is installed on a steel sheet with non-flammable thermal insulation, and if it is heated with wood, then the same thermally insulated sheet is required in front of the fire door. The pipe is discharged through a ceiling device made of sheet steel and having a hole of the appropriate diameter. The stove is installed before finishing work begins.

A steel heater warms up the room very quickly, but requires constant burning, since it has practically no ability to accumulate heat. The heat from this type of heater is intense; ventilation will be needed to create more comfortable conditions.

A sauna stove made of brick has a number of advantages. Thick brick walls accumulate heat, gradually releasing it to the room. The process of heating the bath takes a long time, but the heat lasts a long time and there is no need for continuous burning. Making a brick heater with your own hands is difficult even if you have some construction skills. It is better to entrust the masonry to a qualified stove builder, but you can make a foundation of reinforced concrete for the stove on your own.

Construction of a brick stove

The main problem that arises when installing a brick heater is the massiveness of the structure. This requires the construction of a reinforced concrete foundation. For those who do not have experience in building sauna stoves with their own hands, the following tips may be useful.

If you put a thick layer of mortar between the brick joints, then under the influence of high temperatures it will begin to collapse and the heater will become leaky. On the contrary, a thin layer of mortar between the brick joints will negatively affect the life of the structure.

Each vertical layer of masonry must be covered with a top brick. It is advisable to make the ceilings in half a brick.

There are other nuances. So, if cut bricks are used, then the whole side should be turned inside the furnace. To ensure uniform linear expansion, cast iron elements are installed with a gap. To secure the upper part of the stove door, it is better to use a metal clamp.

Operating principle of the furnace

Let's talk a little about how the bathhouse heating system will transfer heat to the outside. If the heat radiation is at its maximum, you risk overheating or getting burned. Also, excess heat negatively affects the condition of the skin. To ensure comfortable conditions in the bathhouse, the stove must release heat using the principle of convection. Hot air comes from the oven and cooled air is supplied.

To achieve this result, the temperature of the furnace walls will be lower. But build the walls of the bathhouse from materials that will reflect infrared rays as much as possible. Heat accumulates well in the wall and in the stone backfill. In order for the stove to give off heat for as long as possible, build its walls thicker.

Don't forget about safety

But it is not advisable to install electric heated floors in the steam room itself. Yes, this will make going to the bathhouse more comfortable. After all, true connoisseurs of baths know that it is the floors, especially in winter, that can remain cool even after heating for many hours. All the heat rises, and near the ceiling the temperature can reach 70-80 degrees, but the floors will remain cool. This definitely won’t happen when using electric heated floors - they will heat up much faster than the bathhouse will heat up.

But do not forget that in the steam room, liters of water are spilled on the floor every minute. But water and electricity are not compatible. Of course, the electrical cable is mounted in a concrete screed, on top of which boards are laid. Yes, the cable is supplied with all the necessary insulation, which guarantees maximum safety.

In this state of affairs, an unfortunate combination of circumstances is enough for you, your loved ones or guests to receive an electric shock. How can this end? The consequences can be the most tragic. Therefore, despite all the persuasion of experts, you should not install heated floors in the steam room, at least not electric ones.

Moreover, not all bathhouse visitors tolerate the heat equally well. And the bathhouse, in combination with the laws of physics, seems to specifically provide for such an option. People who love steam and heat can sit on the top shelf, and those who just went for company or have heart or blood pressure problems can sit on the shelf below - there they will feel more comfortable.

Combined heating system for bathhouse and home

If a residential building is connected to a central heating system, it is recommended to install auxiliary equipment for heating the bath.

Thus, the heating main from the house to the bathhouse is a practical and economical way to heat residential and functional premises.

In this case, the connection of the bathhouse to the heating system from the house is carried out through insulated pipes laid underground. In the bathhouse they are connected to heating radiators or convectors installed in all functional rooms. A sauna stove is used to heat the steam room and washing compartment.

At a short distance from the heating equipment installed in the house to the bathhouse, heat losses in such a system are insignificant.

In this case, the heating main of a residential building can be used for additional heating of the bathhouse, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature regime in winter. This will prevent possible freezing of sewer and water pipes and buildings.

The choice of a suitable heating system depends on the design features of the bathhouse and the financial capabilities of the owner.

Some owners prefer traditional electric or wood-burning heaters, which provide soft and even heating of the premises. Others choose combination systems or advanced heating technologies.

But if you know how to make heating in a bathhouse, following the rules and recommendations, the operation of the building is possible throughout the year under any climatic conditions.

Warm dressing room

Most options for heating the dressing room can be used in the process of planning a bath. A preliminary analysis of the possibilities will help you choose wisely a sauna stove that will perform the functions of a heater and a device responsible for heat in the remaining sauna rooms. At the finishing stage, you can create an additional heating system.

If the owners are faced with the problem of a cold dressing room after the fact, and the room already needs heating, it should be modernized with a minimal investment of time, effort and money. Regardless of what stage of construction the bathhouse is at, you can organize heating of the dressing room with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Scheme for insulating the walls of the dressing room

To understand how to do this correctly and which heating system to choose, you should consider the main components of a warm dressing room and analyze the heating devices that allow you to heat the room.

Furnace air heating

Let us briefly consider this type of heating (warming up) of a bath. In fact, this option is considered the most common and most convenient. It is ideal for small spaces used directly for bathing procedures.

A good heater will be able to easily heat the entire bathhouse, and will not require the installation of an additional heat source and additional cash costs. Previously, to equip a good sauna stove, you had to find a professional mason or show good imagination to make it using scrap materials (what kind of stoves were invented).

Now everything is much simpler. You can easily purchase a ready-made product in almost any specialized store. Moreover, the installation of such heaters is quite simple and does not require any specific conditions.

The only thing you should pay special attention to when purchasing it is power (usually indicated in the product passport)

It is recommended to proceed from the calculation of 1 kW of power per 1 square meter of heated room. At the same time, in order to achieve maximum comfort and use the bathhouse at extreme drops in outside temperatures, it is worth taking into account when purchasing a power reserve, up to 30-50% exceeding your calculations. Here's an article about more detailed choices.

This type of heating also has another positive side. Most stoves of this type are heated with wood, which forms a unique psychological picture and allows true bathhouse lovers to preserve the tradition laid down by our ancestors.

By the way, the well-known company Teplodar recently released a new model of stove-fireplace called Siesta. She quickly gained authority among her “bathhouse brethren.” And this is no coincidence, since it is heated from the adjacent room, thereby simultaneously heating both the steam room and the relaxation room. Agree, it’s very convenient.

Naturally, there are options for heaters that use electricity, gas and even liquid fuel for heating. Well, here, I’ll tell you, everything is an acquired taste and depends on your capabilities and preferences.

Features of gasification of a bath

Russian government decree No. 509 of 2008 states that gasification of a bathhouse is allowed. The only condition is that its use for commercial purposes is prohibited.

If the boiler is equipped with an atmospheric burner, the inspector will check the ventilation device and draft

The project should include:

  • the presence of a separate entrance (heat-resistant materials are used to make the door);
  • availability of fire extinguishing and alarm systems;
  • the equipment must be industrially produced and have a quality certificate;
  • It is mandatory to have a ventilation system and a carbon monoxide detector.

Practice shows that the chance of obtaining permission to gasify a bathhouse increases if all work is carried out by specialists competently and efficiently. After the building of a bathhouse or sauna is built, it should be registered with the BTI. The next stage is a trip to the city gas supply office, where an application for gasification is written.

When the application is reviewed, an inspector will visit the gasification site. As a result of the inspection, changes may be required (installation of additional ventilation, alteration of the chimney). When permission is received, all that remains is to connect the equipment and insulate the bathhouse building.

After selecting and installing a gas boiler in the bathhouse, you can enjoy the result of your labor. Money and time costs are compensated by maximum comfort and safety. After all, modern equipment allows you to create an optimal balance between temperature and humidity, does not dry out the air and is ideal for lovers of a traditional bath.

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