On the lower tier, the sunbeds are usually wider
Bath canopy: what you need to know to do it right
The installation of shelves in a steam room or sauna is a very important point in construction, which
How to make a headrest for a bathhouse - proven methods
To fully enjoy your relaxation in the steam room, experts recommend performing wellness treatments in
Wooden table and benches
DIY sauna table: review of projects with step-by-step instructions
We have already mentioned the fact that most of the time a person spends on
We build a hammam with our own hands: structure and differences from a steam bath and sauna
The starting material for the construction of Turkish baths (hamams) are structural, heat-insulating panels. There are two types
Bucket-waterfall for dousing in a bathhouse: principle of operation, making and installing it yourself
Safely cooling a steamed body in an artificial or natural body of water is a mandatory bath procedure. She
Bath font: interesting options and making it yourself
Everyone knows that the bath procedure includes two stages - warming the body with steam and washing.
Furniture for a bath: varieties and rules of choice
Features of bath furniture, popular models and recommendations
Features The main feature of bath furniture is moisture resistance. This is a mandatory condition, since interior items
Shelves in the bathhouse: step-by-step instructions for making your own, photos, diagrams, materials, location and width of the structure
Tree species used for making stands, bath chairs, backrests When choosing material for equipment
Wooden bath shelves
What height and width should the shelves in the bathhouse be?
Popular wisdom says: “there are no generals in the bathhouse.” However, one quick glance at the shelves is enough
What height and width should the shelves in the bathhouse be?
The height of the shelves in a bathhouse is an important parameter on which comfort, ease of stay and
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