Problems and common questions about connecting stainless steel tanks for baths

If you are “lucky enough” to install a hot water tank made of metals susceptible to corrosion in your bathhouse, you need to be prepared that sooner or later rust will appear inside the tank. The water will acquire an unpleasant yellow color and a specific smell will appear. But how to deal with the problem that has arisen? This is not difficult: just clean off any corrosion that has arisen and paint the inside of the hot water tank.

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  1. Drain gasoline
  2. Rinse with water, remove all dirt that has already peeled off and floats, rinse again with water.
  3. Pour 3% hot (!)...
  4. Drain the acid, rinse the tank with water, possibly with the addition of soda.
  5. wash with phosphoric acid or rust converter. ...
  6. Rinse with water, dry and that's it.

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How to clean the inside of a tank from rust?

It’s a pity that your tank is not visible (no photo), because it would be possible to understand whether to exclude the mechanical method of cleaning and stop only with chemistry. If access to the inner surface of the tank is free, not like those in the photo below (only for filling water) -

- then it will be most effective to simply clean all the rust to healthy metal, armed with a grinder and a drill with attachments in the form of brushes. This is the most effective. After cleaning, rinse with kerosene, wipe, and let dry. You can even heat it with a blowtorch.

But without immediate processing, these movements can be called “monkey labor” because even without the presence of water in the tank, the cleaned metal will begin to oxidize (rust) drawing moisture from the air. But we'll talk about processing below.

Now, what should we do if we cannot get inside the tank, not only with a grinder in our hand, but even with a rag?

If you do not want to cut out the top of the tank (although I strongly recommend this, because the treatment after cleaning still cannot be carried out properly if there is no access inside), then all that remains is to “chemically” and rinse, using the means that are already listed in the answers of other authors. But before using chemical rust cleaning agents, try this one - very simple and environmentally friendly.

You need to load potato peelings into a tank with water, how much depends on the size of the tank, but not less than a quarter of its volume, the rest is water, add table salt. You need to boil the more the better over low heat, you can do it for a whole day. Oxalic acid, contained in potatoes, especially in the surface layers of tubers, perfectly cleans rust, and also contributes to the formation and fixation of scale on the walls of the tank. Scale is also a kind of “anti-corrosive” and prevents the metal from oxidizing. After this, the tank is not washed with a rag (!), but only rinsed several times. Now we pour a full tank of clean water and boil it (just boil it for a long time). This makes the scale layer even thicker. Such manipulations will definitely be enough for a season and the tank will not have time to rust.

After washing in the bathhouse, make it a rule to always fill the tank to the brim with water. Rust will have no place to appear without access to air. After the end of the summer season, drain the water and wipe the tank dry. Wipe the tank with gasoline with a little wax dissolved in it, and your steel tank will be waiting for you in the spring without a hint of rust. And the wax will be removed during the first boiling.

One of the most effective ways to protect a hot water tank from rust is not the application of paint and varnish coatings, but copper plating and galvanizing (at least with Atotsinkor for cars, only a voltage of at least 24 volts will be needed, I think).

Ready-made formulations

Everything has already been invented - we buy a bucket of dye and coat the tank.

The first thing I can recommend is zinc-rich anti-corrosion enamel

. After application, the surface is covered with a high-strength film that is resistant not only to high temperatures, but also to mechanical stress. That is, scooping up water with a ladle and hitting the walls with it, you will not damage the coating.

Lead-containing paint.

Has an anti-corrosion effect. Withstands temperatures up to 300 degrees. Before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions for use.

Epoxy enamels.

Withstands temperatures (and changes) from -50 to +120 degrees. The composition contains elements that slow down the manifestations of rust.

Heat-resistant water-dispersion coatings.

The temperature limit is 120 degrees. An environmentally friendly option, since after application and contact of this coating with water (cold or hot - it doesn’t matter) no chemical reactions occur. The water will be absolutely safe.

The water in the sauna stove tank is rusting, what to do?

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Used for gluing decorative elements made of ceramics, stone or other mineral materials to heated surfaces. Recommended for masonry, cladding, putty, grouting and repairing stoves, boilers, fireplaces and sealing cracks in chimneys. The mastic is resistant to water and temperatures up to +1300°C. Excellent adhesion, high elasticity, ease of use, low consumption.

How to choose for cold and hot water

As a rule, two tanks are used in any bathhouse.

One barrel in the bathhouse is needed for cold water.

Another tank is for hot water. The container where the hot water will be located requires careful selection. It is much easier to deal with the purchase and installation of a cold water tank. You don't have to wait for the water in this container to heat up.

Accordingly, the material from which the barrel will be made for ordinary water, which you will not heat, does not matter much.

Stainless steel water tanks for baths are especially popular.

Pay attention to these models to effectively use your bathhouse for many years and not waste time on equipment repairs.


We have analyzed the main risk factors and mistakes of bathhouse owners. Provided that the tanks, heat exchanger and other equipment are connected correctly, the equipment will work for many years without the need for repairs. Also, do not rely on chance and neglect the water filter.

In general, using tanks and barrels in a bathhouse is not accompanied by great difficulties. The main condition for good operation is compliance with the rules of connection and operation.

Use of improvised means

Folk remedies can partly help temporarily solve the problem. The set of measures includes all stages of metal processing - cleaning, installation of a protective layer and its fixation on the inner surface.

To combat rust, acid-containing substances are most often used. Upon contact with metal, the acid reacts and forms a stable oxide layer on the surface. Experienced bathhouse attendants recommend pouring 50-100 grams of citric acid into 20 liters of water and boiling the tank. The oxide film will protect the surface for one to one and a half years.

A more modern option suggests treating the walls with a special anti-rust agent. This is a more effective method, but after it it is necessary not only to rinse the container, but also to apply a protective coating.

The following can be used as a coating using available materials:

  • Aluminum powder mixed with liquid glass (silicate office glue) - the composition forms a heat-resistant coating that can withstand 2-3 years of active use;
  • Red lead is a filler or the main primer for compositions used to paint metal surfaces (the bottom of sea vessels is painted with red lead);
  • The lime-cement coating is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to a dried surface. For best results, it is recommended to apply 3-4 layers of treatment.

From the video you can learn how to paint a container with red lead.

The disadvantage of these methods is the complexity of the coating application and the relatively short duration of the protection. On the other hand, these methods allow you to quickly and effectively provide rust protection with truly affordable means.

How to remove soot from walls and ceilings in a bathhouse

Soot deposits on walls and ceilings are removed in a few steps. Be sure to cover the floor with cellophane, and it is recommended to seal the joints with tape so that the removed soot does not soak into the floor. Plaque can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a dry broom using jerky movements, and then treat the walls and ceiling with a specially impregnated sponge.

The chemical composition is left on the surface for a specified period of time in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and then washed off with warm water along with any remaining soot and soot. If necessary, repeat the procedure. After completing the treatment, allow the surface to dry thoroughly.

Useful video

We suggest watching a video on how to choose the right tank for cold water in a bathhouse.

Let's see what can be in a stainless steel house:

And these are not all the objects that can be found in and around a human home. Near it we have already mentioned stainless steel fences and various fences. If we take kitchen containers made of stainless steel, then it is impossible to imagine our life without them. The same can be said about cutlery, office tools and other items. How can you imagine life without an electric kettle? Or a private house without stainless steel fencing? Thanks to its practicality, stainless steel has firmly entered our lives and is not going to leave.

Painting process

To paint the inner walls of a vessel, it is impossible to use the so commonly used and economical roller or spray gun; only a brush can be used. For work it is recommended to purchase:

  • wide paint brush for painting walls;
  • a small brush to paint seams and joints.

You can paint the inside of the tank in the same way as other metal surfaces:

  1. Using a wide paint brush, apply a layer of paint onto large substrates without drips or streaks.
  2. Weld seams and corners are carefully painted with a small brush.
  3. The product is left to dry completely for several hours (drying time is indicated on the packaging of the product used).
  4. After the first layer has dried, re-painting is carried out following the same steps.

The instructions for most coloring compositions state that one coat of paint is enough to provide reliable protection, but experienced craftsmen recommend applying another one. This is based on the fact that beginners can make mistakes in their work, for example, unevenly distributing the composition over the surface, poorly painting individual areas. In any case, applying an additional layer will take a little time and money, but the quality of the work will significantly increase.

After painting with paints and varnishes that prevent the development of corrosion, a sauna heating tank will last much longer. The main thing is to use the selected product in accordance with the attached instructions and carefully follow all stages of preliminary preparation of the product for painting.

Remove scale from the tank!

There is a bathhouse at the dacha.
Due to the hardness of tap water, scale accumulates on the walls of the tank and, when peeled off, clogs the ball valve. How to remove it from the walls? You can't get into the tank itself; the filler hole is small. The tank volume itself is only 50 liters. pour citric acid and leave for an hour every couple of months

THX! Who else can tell me what?

There are also all sorts of anti-scale agents - from the same opera. But one or the other - the scale will peel off and somehow it will be necessary to drain and catch it from there.

Place a mesh on the bottom in front of the entrance to the drain pipe. And wash it periodically, removing it. It is useless to fight scale - either change the water or scoop out the scale with nets.

Place a powerful magnet at the water inlet, heat it, and the scale will go away over time.

A standard industrial product for removing scale, deposits, oxides... is disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Found under the names Trilon B, EDTA (EDTA). PS. But a magnet is ineffective for solving these problems. And besides, this method is for continuously flowing systems, it seems.

citric acid or anti-scale agent

—————— — Burn the witch! - But she's so beautiful. - Fine. but then burn it

I can also recommend sulfamic acid. Lemon would be better. Magnets are all a marketing ploy; they won’t help. And ion exchange filters, which will help against hardness salts, will be very expensive.

Here’s another little thing, it’s placed in front of the tap, it’s called a sediment filter.

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Shower with heat exchanger: design features

The heat exchanger, which is installed inside the furnace, is necessary in order to maintain the highest temperature in the water tank.

In this case, it is necessary that the high temperature be maintained as long as possible until the bricks or metal are able to retain heat. It is worth considering the advantages of using a heat exchanger in a bath:

  1. If the heat exchanger is placed on the chimney pipe, then this design will have a great advantage in terms of ergonomics. Heating water does not require the use of heat that is obtained to heat the stove. The heat exchanger receives heat from hot gases that are released during operation of the sauna stove.
  2. It is worth considering that the device has a large volume. This is why the water heats up quite quickly. This is the advantage of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger has a simple design. Its design is not complicated. As a rule, there are no problems with it during operation. The main condition for good performance is proper installation.
  3. As for the disadvantages of the heat exchanger design, there is only one - a bulky type of design. This problem can be solved by competent design and correct installation of the system. For the same reason, horizontal sauna tanks are chosen, which take up minimal space.

The water in the sauna stove tank is rusting, what to do?

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Used for gluing decorative elements made of ceramics, stone or other mineral materials to heated surfaces. Recommended for masonry, cladding, putty, grouting and repairing stoves, boilers, fireplaces and sealing cracks in chimneys. The mastic is resistant to water and temperatures up to +1300°C. Excellent adhesion, high elasticity, ease of use, low consumption.

Homemade containers and problems with the operation of the heat exchanger and the system as a whole

Water circulation may be disrupted or not occur at all if the tank is not connected correctly. What signs can be used to identify this problem?

In this case, the air will have to be vented, otherwise the entire system may simply explode. If circulation is disrupted, hot water may flow from both pipes.

All the problems described above occur due to incorrect connection of the tank to the register. To fix the problem, you will have to disassemble the entire system with the tank and heat exchanger and rebuild it according to the correct scheme.

How to paint a brick oven?

To paint brick sauna stoves, it is best and most environmentally friendly to use lime or chalk. It has a lower percentage of toxicity, but requires regular care. In addition, over time, the finish becomes covered with small cracks.

You can also use oil compounds or enamel; they will significantly increase the service life of the device, but during initial heating they can release some toxic substances into the air. Today, in specialized stores you can find paint compositions specifically designed for treating sauna stoves:

  • heat-resistant enamels that can withstand temperatures up to 800 degrees ;
  • moisture-proof varnishes for external treatment of a brick stove, for example, KO - 815, KO - 85.

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Photo 2. A jar of heat-resistant varnish brand KO-85. Used as a protective coating. .

As for the color scheme, usually the choice is between: black, gray and silver.

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