The addresses of places for swimming in Moscow for Epiphany have become known

Construction materials for baths

The most common of them are logs (wild or calibrated), timber (profiled, glued, etc.).
Next in popularity is stone, which is also often used to raise walls (brick, gas concrete, foam concrete, wood concrete). Well, there is one more technology - frame structure - the most budget-friendly, lightweight option, whose clear advantage is the speed of construction. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages, but since we are talking about projects, and not about construction itself, they should be mentioned only briefly - in the form of a table.

Material Advantages Flaws
Wood Eco-friendly and natural, the ability to create a favorable microclimate, low thermal conductivity, pleasant aroma Long-term and large shrinkage, cracking, fire hazard
Stone Fire safety, strength, light weight of blocks, speed and ease of construction (except brick) High cost of the building, tendency to absorb moisture, need for finishing materials
Frame Lightweight building, excellent thermal insulation, all-season construction, breathable material Long-term shrinkage, need for insulation, waterproofing, cladding

Bath font - 115 photos of manufacturing options and the best finishing ideas

A bathhouse in a modern concept is a small pool with cool water into which you can plunge after a steam room. Its importance for health and pleasure cannot be overestimated. It is not difficult to make a font in a room equipped with running water and a heating device, and it can serve both as an attribute in contrasting water procedures, and autonomously - as a container for taking baths.

The photo shows the interiors of bathhouses with a font in various styles: it can be a concrete pit at floor level or a large wooden barrel with a ladder. The choice of models depends on individual preferences, but the presence of a concrete pool in the foundation pit must be foreseen at the design stage of the building for the bathhouse.

Floor-standing containers made of wood and plastic can be easily added at any time: installing pipes for supplying and draining water is not difficult.

According to tradition, the depth of the dipping container should be one and a half meters; other dimensions depend on how many people it is designed for. The idea of ​​making a font with your own hands or to order gives a certain freedom in choosing sizes and shapes.

Concrete font

The simplest shape of the pit is rectangular; it is dug in a designated area before proceeding with the flooring. After removing excess soil and leveling the walls, a hole is made in a corner convenient for planning at the bottom of the pit for a drain pipe, which is discharged into the sewer.

If necessary, the drain is equipped with a pump. The length of the pipe must be calculated with a margin; the excess part is cut off after pouring the concrete.

Depending on the installation features, the water supply pipe can be built into the wall, or a separate mixer can be installed.

For a waterproofing cushion, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand, which is soaked and compacted, then an even layer of gravel is poured. A reinforcement grid with cells of 20x20 or 30x30 cm is fixed to the bottom and walls, then formwork made of chipboard or OSB sheets with timber supports is laid around the perimeter, which forms the edge of the pool of the required height. The inner surface of the formwork must be insulated with film material.

To build a font, you need to use high-quality concrete with water resistance and strength standards. Cement grade 500 and higher, construction sand - purified coarse-grained, crushed stone with a fraction of 10 to 20 mm.

The mixing is done in the proportion of 1 part cement - 3 parts sand and 5 parts crushed stone with the gradual addition of water, then, according to the proportions indicated on the packaging, special additives are introduced to increase the water resistance of concrete.

The mixture is poured first into the wall openings, then onto the pit floor, after which compaction is carried out with a vibrator. It takes at least 7 days for the concrete to completely bond and dry. After a week, you can remove the formwork, repair the defects and make a thin face screed for the floor.

The next stage is finishing. The inside of the tank can be covered with ceramic tiles or painted with pool paint.

A concrete bath font must be equipped with a comfortable and safe staircase with handrails.

Wooden font

In order to make a wooden bath font with your own hands, you need to have experience and knowledge. This simple, at first glance, design of a large barrel with outlets for water and an adjacent staircase from the outside must be durable and airtight.

At the first stage, you need a professional drawing in several projections with an exact breakdown of the dimensions and number of required blanks. The boards for the walls are sawn, then milled along the edges to create semicircular tongues and grooves that will hold them together along the radius.

Also, blanks for the bottom are made using the tongue-and-groove system, and it is necessary to ensure an ideal fit and a smooth surface of the prefabricated parts.

When cutting the bottom and assembling the walls, precise calculation and accuracy are also required. At the last stage, the assembled cylinder is tightened with at least three metal rims, which are secured by screwing on a bolt. Then all that remains is to build a ladder and install a small bench inside the barrel.

A less labor-intensive option that preserves the special comfort of the wooden finish is to purchase a plastic bath tub and decorate the outside with decorative slats.

Bath font - 115 photos of manufacturing options and the best ideas for finishing work

Photos and instructions for making concrete and wooden bathhouses. Expert advice on how to build a font for a sauna. Review of the best options and methods for their implementation.

Price question: how much does a font cost?

If you compare the cost of baths by materials, then a concrete or cast iron bowl will cost you the most. Concrete work will require the construction of a foundation, installation of formwork, metal frame and pouring. This work will take a lot of time, and the finished font will need additional decorative design and high-quality waterproofing.

It is difficult to talk about a specific cost, since hot tubs can have different volumes, and their installation locations have their own characteristics. PHOTO:

It’s easier to navigate with wooden barrels: here a medium-sized font made of cedar will cost about 70 thousand rubles, from oak - 110, from larch - about 45. Barrels made of laminated wood will be cheaper - about 27 thousand.

Plastic bathtubs, depending on the size, cost from 20 thousand rubles.

Examples of finished buildings

On the Internet you can find unusual ideas for building a bathhouse with a swimming pool. Most of them involve placing the font outdoors in close proximity to the steam room. Such a pool is protected by windbreaks in the form of trees and shrubs. There are paths made of paving slabs around the bowl. It is pleasant to walk on it barefoot, and it is not afraid of water.

The water in the font tends to bloom, so ready-made projects imply the presence of an expensive water recycling system. Regular water cleaning and water disinfection makes the bathing process not only enjoyable, but also safe.

The pool attached to the bathhouse is securely closed to prevent debris and dust from entering the water. This project is also good because in the cold season the reservoir can be used for heating the room. In order not to build a separate extension, you can use a garage to organize a pool.

Modern bath complexes look like a fairytale castle. An outdoor swimming pool, equipped with beautiful lighting and a counterflow system, adds uniqueness to the summer cottage area. The counterflow system is remotely adjustable, which provides additional convenience.

Bath complexes are often designed taking into account the wishes of adults. But there are a lot of interesting ideas that involve organizing children's leisure time. To prevent children from getting bored, you can arrange a playground. To do this, it is enough to place a sandbox, swing, carousel and hammock near the gazebo or attic. And for safe swimming, you need to purchase an inflatable children's pool, in which children can splash happily while adults swim in a large plunge pool.

You will see a detailed overview of the project for a timber bathhouse with an attic floor and a swimming pool in the following video.

Criteria for choosing a sauna font

Before purchasing a hot tub, decide what you expect from it. If, first of all, durability is important to you, then this is either a cast iron or concrete structure. They will require capital investment, but will also last a very long time. For those who want to save money, the most reasonable choice is polymer materials. They are not only cheaper than others, but can also be installed independently, without the expense of professional services.

If, first of all, the health effect is important, then you need a wooden barrel PHOTO:

Other significant criteria include:

  • shape - oval models are more convenient, they consume water economically and fit easier into doorways during installation. You can dip in such a barrel alone or as a couple;
  • height – for a bathhouse with low ceilings, it is better to choose a font with a height of no more than 120 cm. Deeper models are also suitable for outdoor installation;
  • build quality - all parts of the barrel must fit tightly, and the metal parts are made of stainless steel;
  • quality of processing - wooden containers must have a wax or polymer coating for better preservation of the material.

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A long-lasting bathhouse, created from timber, can be erected on a strip or columnar foundation.

To construct a strip foundation, formwork is built and filled with concrete mixture. Inside the foundation there will be a strip of sand or crushed stone.

A couple of weeks after the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin laying the frame.

However, no matter what type of foundation you choose, it is important to strengthen it with reinforcement for durability.

You also cannot do without practical waterproofing created between the original crown and the base. For these purposes, bitumen is applied to the foundation surface in molten form, which is laid with an even layer of roofing material. As soon as it hardens, the procedure must be repeated.

If you have decided to build a reliable and beautiful bathhouse, then be sure to get a project and, based on our recommendations, make your dreams come true.

Beautiful examples

A beautiful bathhouse, built according to all the rules. The quality of the design is immediately obvious: such a structure will last for decades. The bathhouse is equipped with two heating systems, which is very unusual.

It is not necessary to build a bathhouse from rounded logs for it to look representative. Planed logs look unusual and original

This design attracts attention and decorates the area.

An extremely unusual log bathhouse made from a large diameter log house

Please note that such accent buildings can only be placed in the appropriate setting, placing them against the backdrop of a forest or matching them with a house already built in the same style. It is also extremely difficult to achieve the optimal level of thermal insulation, so it is better to entrust such construction to a professional

Another bathhouse against the backdrop of the forest. Structures made from logs of such a large diameter look like toys, however, this building is quite spacious and functional, despite its apparent diminutiveness.

In decoration, you can use interesting and original techniques, for example, highlighting the windows with dark colors, thereby complementing the ensemble of the roof and contrasting sections of the log house.

In this case, there is not a full-fledged room under the roof, but an attic in which all sorts of things are stored. If you wish, you can also arrange a place to store firewood there, but it is not very convenient to run upstairs for firewood every time.

On the second floor of such a bathhouse there is a full-fledged room. If desired, you could make a small balcony under the roof itself, equipping another corner for tea parties and gatherings with friends.

Bathhouses often look like full-fledged residential buildings, especially when they have a second floor. Here the second floor is a full-fledged living room, which is well lit, judging by the windows in the roof and on the side, and is visited extremely often.

Bathhouses made of roughly processed logs are a tribute to fashion, ecology and Scandinavian style. Complete with mirrored doors, the building looks ultra-modern while maintaining a rustic flavor.

A log sauna is an excellent purchase that will faithfully serve you for many years. Built with your own hands, it will preserve the warmth of intimate conversations with friends or household members, while forever preserving a piece of the soul of the builder. If you are still wondering whether to build a log bathhouse, then the answer is unequivocal - yes.

Tips for building a bathhouse are waiting for you in the next video.

DIY installation

Today, fonts are made not only from wood. And the containers no longer always look like a barrel. It might be something like a small swimming pool. Such containers are made from the following materials:

  • wood (original method);
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • concrete;

These pools can be round, square or even oval in shape.
One of the simplest and cheapest ways to make a font for yourself is to simply purchase a plastic pool, place it at the exit from the bathhouse (you don’t even have to dig it in) and fill it with cold water.

But the healthiest option is a wooden font. Despite the fact that this is essentially a wooden barrel, there are many different options for such a container. A wooden pool can be designed for one or several people. In addition, modern fonts are not just wooden barrels in the stereotypical sense . Such containers (pools) may have:

  • bench;
  • ladder;
  • water filter;
  • hydromassage;
  • heating and so on.

That is, they can be quite functional. They can even be installed in a city apartment in the bathroom.

Construction of a concrete pool

Concrete fonts are often made at the exit from the bathhouse. In fact - ordinary swimming pools .
To build such a pool, a hole of the required depth and width is dug, the walls and bottom are perfectly aligned, which are later secured with special metal reinforcement. After laying the water supply, formwork is made, which is filled with concrete.

After the concrete has dried, the formwork is removed, the concrete walls are leveled and puttied. At the end of the work, the pool is painted or tiled. If desired, additional pleasant additions such as a hydromassage, stairs, and the like can be installed.

Features of the room

Today, the bathhouse has become a favorite place to relax, combining the hot air of a steam room and the coolness of a font. A 4 x 5 bathhouse will fit even in a small area. It can comfortably accommodate 3-4 people, so spending time with loved ones, organizing a corporate party or accommodating guests is quite possible.

Everyone plans the bathhouse independently, because not everyone can afford to purchase a ready-made project. Interior design, ventilation, lighting, temperature and humidity, as well as the choice of building materials are often left to the discretion of the owner. But ready-made options from leading designers will help you plan the location of the bath sections.


This is a room with a constant low air temperature - from 0 to - 5 °C. There are benches in the room, the residence time is longer compared to the snow room. The air in the room is dry; no water supply is needed for operation.

As an additional option, you can install an ice maker for wiping and a snow maker. Such a room was in the classical Roman baths; a pool with cold water was installed here.

Contrast procedures will bring tangible benefits to your health. Extreme cooling methods are combined with Russian steam rooms and saunas, Turkish hammams.

Exterior finishing

There is no need to be particularly sophisticated with the exterior decoration of a log bathhouse. The rounded log house itself looks very laconic. Therefore, all you need to do is cover the logs with a protective layer of varnish or antiseptic agents. This will slightly decorate the wood, making its texture more expressive and, of course, extend the life of the building.

In some cases, the room is also additionally insulated so that you can steam even in severe frosts.

It is recommended to begin the exterior finishing of the bathhouse not immediately after the construction of the bathhouse. It is worth waiting a certain time for the tree to settle well. When a couple of weeks have passed, you can already install the windows. And you should start decorating the walls and insulating them only a year or even two after construction. This way you can be sure that the tree will not “float”, and the structure will remain beautiful for many years.

The façade made of timber must be covered with a high-quality composition, which will subsequently prevent the reproduction of all kinds of insects or any other microorganisms inside the tree. Properly selected products, by the way, also decorate the base of the bathhouse, emphasizing the wood fibers. To protect the log house from rapid aging and rotting, methods of working with wood such as sanding and caulking are also used.

If you get tired of the look of a bathhouse made of logs over time, you can change it. To do this, it is enough to finish the facade using panels, a layer of brick or vinyl siding. All the proposed options look interesting, although not as cozy and traditional as natural wood.

You can also use carved beams, shutters, decorative fences or abalcons and other functional details to decorate the bathhouse. This will add personality to the finish and turn a simple steam room into a work of architectural art.

Contraindications to extreme cooling:

  • Exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases
  • The rehabilitation period after a heart attack or stroke
  • Hypertension III degree
  • Tuberculosis
  • Malignant tumors
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections
  • Thrombophlebitis in the acute phase

Before extreme cooling, it is recommended to consult a doctor who knows the condition of your body.

Difference between snow and ice

Ice Snow
Temperature -0.5 C° -10 C°
Shape over timeIt melts quickly, resulting in the formation of water. You get sharp pieces of ice floating in the water Retains its shape for a long time, over time it turns into wet snow, which remains loose
UsageTo wipe yourself with ice, you need to remove the ice crust, this takes time, due to which the effect of contrast procedures is reducedCan be used even when thawed. You can play in the snow or fall into a snowdrift
Effect on skinScratches the epithelium, wiping steamed sensitive skin is unpleasantCooling is not traumatic and brings pleasant sensations.

Dimensions of baths and fonts

Scheme of a bathhouse with a font, a relaxation room and a veranda.

First you need to decide on the scale of the building.

Its size, as a rule, depends on the dimensions of the interior, namely:

  • steam rooms,
  • washing,
  • locker rooms.

And, of course, you need to take into account the size of the bathhouse. What size to choose for these premises is up to you, but in order not to make mistakes with the calculations, consider how many people will be in the room at the same time.

If you don’t want to create a large building, but really want a bathhouse with a font, then there is an option for location outside the bathhouse. Thus, you will avoid additional work on conducting communications.

What types of fonts are there?

Plastic font.

There are no detailed instructions for choosing a font: it all depends on the preferences of the owner.

Containers come in different shapes:

  • round,
  • rectangular,
  • in the form of an ellipse,
  • square,
  • triangular.

In terms of space saving, it is best to choose triangular or rectangular shapes. But in terms of aesthetic appeal, of course, it is better to opt for rounded shapes.

In addition to shape and size, they also differ in materials of manufacture, including:

  • concrete,
  • metal,
  • wooden,
  • composite,
  • plastic.

Let's find out which types are suitable in our case.

  1. Installing concrete fonts is a very labor-intensive process. For this reason, if you don’t want to bother yourself with unnecessary work, then this option is definitely not for you. In addition, the price of such a bath is an order of magnitude higher than others.
  2. Metal models are relatively rare and difficult to install. But for outdoor placement they have the advantage that the water inside will maintain its natural temperature longer.
  3. Wooden bath tubs are the most attractive and widespread option, since in addition to aesthetic appeal, wood also has healing properties, not to mention a specific smell familiar from childhood.
  4. Composite hot tubs are made from composite fibers, which include special glass fibers and a polymer substance to connect them. This material is the most durable and elastic. By comparison, concrete is 176 times less durable.
  5. There are a huge variety of plastic models of bath fonts, since they are most widespread. They are durable, have medium elasticity, and the installation process is not particularly difficult.

Composite font.

Types of bath tubs

The shape of the font can be oval or round, square or angular. In addition, the container can have different “fillings”, the purpose of which is to provide additional comfort. For example, a hydromassage, a device for filtering water, heating, a seat or a built-in ladder can be installed here.

Article on the topic: Is it possible to remove a cross in a bathhouse?

Depending on the location of the font, there are:

  • open - these can be placed indoors or outdoors;
  • recessed - these barrels are often part of a Russian bathhouse. They are installed in a pit and the installation of communications is no longer as simple as with the open version;
  • pourer - such bowls are attached to the wall at a height above your head.

If you pull the rope or chain, the tub spills with a stream of cool water PHOTO:


Ofuro on the apartment terrace

This bathhouse can surprise everyone with its originality and unusual appearance. In another way, it is also called ofuro - a heated barrel filled with hot water (can be compared to a hot bath).

1 4

Making it yourself is quite difficult; for this you need to have special skills. The ofuro consists of walls and floors that should not allow liquid to pass through. There is a special seat inside. External and internal stairs are installed for entrance. The main element is the stove, which is located in one of the parts of the ofuro and is separated from the general area by a special partition.

Drawing of a Japanese bath

Building an ofuro with your own hands

For production, wood of different types of wood is selected. The most popular are conifers. The oven is made of heat-resistant stainless steel.

The nuances of installing a barrel

Open installation of the font is the simplest option, in which all communications are connected without any problems. Most ready-made barrels usually initially have outlets for installing a sewer pipe and water supply. If there are no communications in the bathhouse, then filling and pumping water from the font is carried out with a simple pump.

A concrete font is a more complex design that requires certain installation skills. If you want to make your task a little easier, you can use ready-made reinforced concrete structures. How to build such a bowl - in this short video:

Why problems arise

First of all, you need to decide whether a bathroom is needed in the bathhouse. Maybe it’s easier to run to an existing toilet if necessary? This issue must be resolved taking into account all the features of the bathhouse itself and its comfort.

In most cases, the need for a toilet inside a bathhouse is quite urgent. As a rule, private areas are fenced off with an openwork or mesh fence, which does not allow you to run to the toilet undressed, and getting dressed and undressing spoils the entire bathing procedure. If the bathhouse is used in the cold season, then it is generally difficult to do without a warm internal toilet, especially during a leisurely process with relaxation in the relaxation room.

The bathroom is more suitable for a large bath or sauna with a relaxation room

What is the problem with placing a toilet in a bathhouse? The following circumstances can be highlighted:

  1. The need for a completely isolated area. Even taking into account the small dimensions of the bathroom, it is quite difficult to find additional space in a small bathhouse.
  2. Increased requirements for sewerage discharge. While wastewater from a bathhouse can be discharged into the soil through drainage wells, this cannot be done with toilet sewage. Feces must not be collected in pits or transported through chutes. They should be immediately collected in storage tanks or discharged outside through pipes. In this case, hydraulic locks are required that can eliminate odor.
  3. Ventilation. The role of ventilation is increasing, and in the bathroom it should have a forced exhaust character.
  4. Isolation. Water vapor should not penetrate into the toilet, which will condense on the structural elements. In addition, increased air temperature is also undesirable, because This all stimulates the spread of odors.


This is a new product in the spa industry. The first snow machine appeared in 2016. Unlike a snow room, there is no need for thermal treatment of the room before installation. The device operates at temperatures up to +40 C°. The snow generator is installed on the ceiling, thanks to which the snowflakes that fall down create the feeling of a real snowfall.

To create snow, you only need water, no chemicals are used. The unit weighs about 70 kg and produces up to 400 kg of snow per day. Productivity depends on air and water temperatures. To connect, you need cold water supply, sewerage and 220 V electricity. The device can be installed near the shower, in the dressing room or in a separate room.

Bathhouse with plunge pool

Relaxation room in the bathhouse: photos, ideas, interior features

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Do-it-yourself steam room in a bathhouse: step-by-step instructions

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Japanese bath: types and features

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How to make a pool in a bathhouse? Step-by-step instruction

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Do-it-yourself washing room in a bathhouse: photos, design features

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Bathhouse with plunge pool

What material to choose for the font: wood, plastic, polypropylene. How to make a font with your own hands. Features of the construction of baths with a font.

The benefits of contrast procedures

  • Cheerfulness
  • Skin rejuvenation due to the production of collagen and elastin
  • Stress relief due to the formation of happiness hormones - endorphins
  • Improved metabolism
  • Acceleration of blood circulation and lymph outflow
  • Hardening the body, which leads to improved immunity
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • Stabilization of the nervous system
  • Reducing muscle pain after exercise
  • Stimulates hair follicles, which stops hair loss

Before visiting cold rooms, rubbing with snow and ice, it is necessary to warm up the body well. It is important to understand that preparing the body for radical procedures is a gradual process. Hardening is the same training, so there will not be an immediate effect, but it will certainly appear over time.

Beautiful examples for inspiration

Stepped shelves in two tiers, tubs with a birch broom, a stove with stones, a small window with a wood-like frame and the soft light of spotlights create a relaxing environment.

The stove located opposite the floors is safe, no one will get burned on it, and at the same time it is convenient to pour water on the stones to add steam.

The soft lighting of the shelves in the steam room creates a “floating” effect, adding unusualness to the entire interior.

Carved shutters, wooden furniture and a pot-bellied samovar with steering wheels invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of a traditional Russian bathhouse with long tea parties and intimate conversations.

In the corner there is a shower stall and a font, opposite there are shelves with bath accessories and a basket for dirty laundry. Nothing extra. The open door invites you to soak in the hot air of the steam room.

They came together: wood and stone. Corner shelves, soft lighting, neat stove and rough cladding. Stunning unity of composition and style.

When the dressing room is a rest room. Small windows and curtains on the walls create a cozy atmosphere, and the benches are so pleasant to sit after bathing procedures.

For an overview of the 4 by 5 bathhouse, see the following video.

Types of bath fonts

If we look in more detail, it is worth noting that these devices differ not only in the material of manufacture and size, but also in some other parameters.

For example, a font may look like a huge round or oval trough. It may resemble a traditional bathroom, which is made of wood. You can relax in such a font for a long time, as it is very comfortable. Some install gigantic fonts. As a result, they can easily replace the pool.

Barrel-shaped fonts look very interesting and beautiful. They create a special atmosphere in the room and can significantly save space in the washing room. A font of this type is a huge barrel, with a height of 1.3 to 1.7 m. As a rule, the main material for the manufacture of a font of this modification is wood, which is surrounded by brass hoops.

This is not to say that such a font is very comfortable and can be a complete means of bathing. Most often it is installed to give the room a classic Russian style. The barrel font takes up little space, so there will definitely be free space in the washing room to install a shower stall. So, in the barrel you can cool down after visiting the steam room, and then take a full shower in the cabin.

Fonts can also differ in the type of structure arrangement. They can be open or deep. The first option is the simplest and allows you to install the font anywhere in the washroom or rest room. With a recessed font, everything is somewhat more complicated. Its design should be thought out at the stage of developing the building plan. If builders already have a ready-made project for a one-story bathhouse with a plunge pool, then significant adjustments will have to be made to it in order to install an in-depth model.

Ice maker

The ice maker produces fine flake ice that can be used for icing. There are two types of equipment: floor and wall. You can place the equipment in the recreation area, near the pool or plunge pool, or in the shower room. An ice maker can become a real decoration of a bathhouse. The technical part itself is hidden; the fullness of the bowl is controlled by a special sensor. Connection requires cold water supply, electricity and sewerage.

The technical unit is hidden in an adjacent room or behind a false wall. In the spa area there is only a pipe from which the finished ice comes out. Productivity per day can be up to 400 liters of ice. Beautiful containers are used to store ice: marble kurns, ceramic and stone bowls. You can also make a concrete container of an original shape and decorate it with mosaics.

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