Bath thermometer: types, features. How to choose a thermometer for a bath?

Requirements for sauna instrumentation

Devices for monitoring bath microclimate values ​​differ from similar attributes located in residential premises. They will have to work in extreme conditions. Their measurement range is wider and the scale is longer. In addition, developers and manufacturers must take into account the requirements for safe operation, ease of mounting and comfort of reading information. Therefore, the list of standard characteristics of watches, hygrometers, barometers and thermometers purchased for baths and saunas includes:

  • resistance of the materials from which the body and open structural parts are made to water, steam, accidental impacts, and high temperatures;
  • tightness of parts through which control measurements are made;
  • the ability of the body materials not to heat up to levels that burn a person;
  • constructive sophistication, which makes it difficult to damage the measuring elements of devices;
  • bright, clear scale markings, allowing you to see instrument readings at a sufficient distance and distinguish them under conditions of increased vaporization.

All parts of control devices used to measure microclimate characteristics in baths and saunas are made of safe materials. When heated, they do not release toxins or other substances that can cause the slightest harm to health. Devices should be purchased exclusively from specialized stores, without relying on the competence of handicraft manufacturers. In addition, the scale and readings of homemade control devices may differ significantly from calibration standards.

Classification of medical thermometers

Human senses cannot determine temperature with the necessary accuracy. For this purpose, special devices have been created that contain substances or materials that are sensitive to heating or cooling. It is by their reaction or state that one or another temperature value of the environment is judged.

The following types of thermometers are most often used in domestic conditions:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • infrared;
  • thermal strips.

Each of them deserves a separate description. You can figure out which thermometer shows temperature more accurately - mercury or electronic - by comparing their design and technical characteristics. They depend on the measurement method and the build quality of the device.

Mercury thermometer

The action of a mercury thermometer is based on the property of a liquid to change its volume depending on temperature. Its main working element is a sealed glass container partially filled with mercury. One end of it is made in the form of a thin capillary, along which, when heated, the boundary of the liquid metal moves.

Only the edge of the flask containing the bulk of the mercury comes into direct contact with the body. To reduce the influence of the environment on the quality of measurements, the capillary is placed in a tube with a vacuum.

Mercury thermometer gives accurate readings

The scale located next to the capillary shows the temperature quite accurately. For ease of observation, mirror strips are inserted into the thermometer, visually increasing the thickness of the mercury column. A special feature of medical thermometers is the local narrowing of the glass tube, which prevents the liquid from returning to the main container during cooling. This allows you to determine the maximum reached, but requires shaking the device after use.

Important! Mercury thermometers have a fragile structure and require careful handling. You need to be especially careful when measuring temperature in children

Hygrometer for a bath: choice and features of use

To configure the bath hygrometer you must use:

  • plastic bag;
  • kettle;
  • a stand for the device of such a size that the device can be placed at the same level as the spout of the kettle.

Sequence for setting up a bath hygrometer:

  1. The bag is placed over the device so that the other half is placed over the spout of the kettle. This design can be secured using threads, elastic or twine.
  2. Then the device is placed on a stand opposite the spout of the kettle so that the package does not burn.
  3. The burner is lit and the kettle is brought to a boil.
  4. Then you need to make sure that the device’s arrow reaches the maximum mark and remains there while the water boils (about 3 minutes).
  5. If there is a significant deviation from the 100 percent mark, it is necessary to tighten the thread tension using a screwdriver.

What are they for?

Such measuring instruments are designed to control temperature, regulate air humidity in the sauna, so that there is no overheating and vice versa. They are necessary to create a safe, proper microclimate, which is important for people who prefer to steam at specific temperatures.

It is correct to hang the device 15 cm below the ceiling directly above the heater.

Another useful item is a hygrometer. It indicates the humidity, which usually ranges from 10% to 35%, depending on the amount of water used in the steam generator.

High temperature combined with high humidity is an aggressive environment for human health. The hygrometer, at 100 – 110 ͦ C, should show no more than 30%, at 60 ͦ C and below, the reading is 85%. Fluctuations in water vapor in the air can cause diseases, so you should take seriously the criteria for choosing equipment, its functionality, features, and permissible measurement errors.

Why do you need a thermometer in a bath?

There are some people who do not understand why a thermometer is needed in a bathhouse. In the old days they steamed without it and nothing bad happened. It should be noted that the conditions of today are radically different from past centuries.

Studies have shown that high ambient temperatures create extreme conditions for our body that not everyone can cope with. For example, it is almost impossible to withstand more than 100˚C in a Russian bathhouse, and it is also very dangerous.

In this case, it is necessary to reduce the degrees of wet steam to 60-70˚С. It is almost impossible to do this without a thermometer, which can affect the health of the steamer.

How to choose the right thermometer

If we talk about the cost of the device, open thermometers for baths and saunas with an arrow can be considered the most inexpensive, but their readings should not be completely trusted; there is an error, although not critical. In a steam room, it is usually recommended to install equipment made of steel and wood.

Currently, there is an increased demand for equipment that contains both a thermometer and a hygrometer, which is purchased by lovers of Russian baths. Many people prefer a beautifully designed accessory to quality.

And yet – what to choose

Let's try to summarize what was said above.

In this way we can come closer to understanding choice.

  1. Accuracy . All devices, including digital ones, have errors.

For this indicator you can bet on:

  • I place – electronic thermometers;
  • II place – capillary;
  • III place – switches.

It should be fairly noted that the error is not that big.

  1. Cost and personal preferences. When choosing a bath thermometer, many people pay attention to the appearance of the equipment so that it matches or at least harmonizes with the surrounding environment. However, you will have to pay extra for exclusivity.

Measurement scale

When choosing, pay attention to this component, since there is no point in paying extra for unnecessary degrees. Very often there are thermometers with a top mark of 180˚C, but there are also lower ones.

  1. Two in one . Thermohygrometer is a new type of measuring equipment for baths. After purchasing it and installing it correctly, you will be able to control two important components - humidity and temperature.

The accuracy and durability of the equipment directly depends on its installation.

Follow the rules provided by the thermometer instructions, and you can reduce the measurement error to a minimum.

  1. Install dial thermometers from the floor at a distance of about 160 cm, which is approximately at eye level.
  2. Do not mount the thermometer with your own hands near the door or close to the stove, otherwise the readings will be incorrect.
  3. The electronic version of the thermometer makes it possible to control the temperature of the steam room from another room by installing a sensor there. But, think about it, will it be convenient for you to constantly leave the steam room to find out the temperature?

Installation recommendations

How to install a thermometer yourself, but at the same time do it correctly? In order to properly mount a thermometer on a moonshine still, you need to perform a series of sequential steps. First, decide on its location: as a rule, it is placed near the pressure gauge. If your moonshine still is made at home, then the best place to place the thermometer is the lid of the still.

Drill a hole of the required diameter in it, then install a seat for the device in the hole (usually included in the kit), where the thermometer will be placed in the future. After this work has been done, the structure must be fastened with a bolt to the outside of the distillation cube. Now everything is tightened together with a fixing nut, and the device is mounted inside the landing cylinder. Before starting the moonshine still, it is necessary to check it.

To do this, you need to fill two-thirds of the cube with plain water and begin the distillation procedure. Use the device to monitor the temperature readings. We try to adjust such data as the stability and accuracy of indicators, the tightness of connections. If the test results were successful and the distillation temperature remains within 19−20 °C, feel free to start distilling the mash. If the outlet water temperature exceeds the norm, the cooling system most likely needs to be modified.

Now you know all the main points regarding the thermometer that is installed on the moonshine still. Whether you need this device and which model to give preference to, decide for yourself, but remember, you can only get high-quality moonshine with experience, good equipment and knowledge of what you are doing.

Where should the device be hung?

It is important to choose the right location and height for placing the thermometer. In this case, several features should be taken into account, the size of the room


Principles for choosing a location:

  1. It should not be hung near the door, because if it is opened frequently, it will not be able to show the exact temperature.
  2. It is prohibited to place near the stove. This will compromise the accuracy of the measurement.
  3. Mercury and mechanical products must be installed inside the steam room.

Electronic devices should be hung inside the dressing room or any recreation area. A temperature sensor should be placed in the steam room. It can connect to the main device via a wire or work remotely. The second option is easy to install, but may cause some errors.


You also need to pay attention to the height of the device. The optimal indicator is 1.5 meters

It is important that it does not interfere with bath procedures. To accurately determine the temperature in the steam room, you need to install a thermometer

There are different types of devices on sale - mechanical, electrical, liquid. Studying the features, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages of devices of each type will help you make a choice.

To accurately determine the temperature in the steam room, you need to install a thermometer. There are different types of devices on sale - mechanical, electrical, liquid. Studying the features, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages of each type of device will help you make a choice.


Despite the higher price compared to traditional mercury thermometers, which starts from 350 rubles, and the need to change the battery from time to time, electronic thermometers are currently considered optimal in terms of safety and quality.

However, often the simple procedure of measuring temperature can become a problem - holding the thermometer under the armpit of a restless child for as long as 7-10 minutes becomes an impossible task for parents.

In this case, the most technologically advanced temperature measuring device available today will help - a non-contact infrared thermometer. Unlike an electronic thermometer, which takes measurements using a temperature sensor, a non-contact device reads infrared radiation from the human body.

Photo: Vladimir Saraev, | Buy illustration

“When using an infrared thermometer, there are some nuances,” says Olga Babich. “After turning it on for the first time, you need to let it run for about five minutes so that it “feels” the temperature of the room.”

According to her, if a person is sweating, it is necessary to dry off, as wet skin will lead to incorrect measurements. Moreover, the measurement itself, for which the forehead is usually used, lasts only two seconds, which makes such a device very convenient for small children.

“By the way, an infrared thermometer is convenient because it can measure not only body temperature - if necessary, it will show the temperature of the room or, say, wine,” continues the interlocutor.

The main disadvantage of non-contact thermometers is the high price, which averages 3 thousand rubles. Despite this, the demand for them is now the highest, since they are really very convenient, the expert says.

Photo: Vladimir Saraev, | Buy illustration

Checking the device

It is not enough to choose a suitable measuring device; you also need to check it after purchase. Experts say that it is best to check the accuracy of the readings before installation. This is necessary to ensure that the products provide accurate data. If you select a cheap device, then you can suspect that its readings will be inaccurate. You should not save on purchasing products, because a low-quality device can lead to a distortion of the real picture, a decrease in the efficiency and reliability of the system.

It is quite easy to carry out the test; for this you will need to take a device and a sensor with a remote spike for water. It is necessary to check the product near an open fire source. It will be enough to bring the thermometer to the fire for 10 seconds, and then do the same with the sensor.

Taking into account inertia, it is necessary to evaluate the readings that will appear on the instruments. You need to compare the readings on the sensor and the thermometer. The lower the difference, the more accurate the device will be.

Measuring the temperature in the steam room

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a steam room without a thermometer, although 20-30 years ago it was not considered such a necessary thing. What can I say, in some village baths you won’t see it even now. There, the temperature is determined the old fashioned way - by how it feels. This was done many decades ago, in bathhouses in black and then in white.

And since they managed quite well without it, then maybe it’s not really needed now? Maybe the presence of this little thing is just a tribute to the modern bath interior? Let's try to answer these questions.

Do you need a thermometer in a bath?

A true broom fan and couple knows everything about their favorite bathhouse and, in particular, about the capabilities of the installed stove. Of course, he knows when to start heating, how much wood will be needed and how quickly it will cook. The time of year, weather conditions, type of firewood and structural features leave some imprint on the preparation of a bathhouse, but still an experienced bath attendant quite accurately determines how much it needs to be heated and what temperature it will ultimately be.

Then maybe it is needed for control during bath procedures? But even here we can answer that no. Patting yourself with brooms or warming yourself on a shelf, you certainly will not be guided by a thermometer about the time when to stop, but solely by a feeling of comfort. Everything is simple here: it’s hot - you go lower, it’s cool - you give in to the parka. Many people have probably noticed how the same t is perceived differently. It happens that you are ready to sit in a hot steam room for at least half an hour, but sometimes you can’t even sit for 10 minutes. And here it is not so important what the thermometer shows - the main thing is the sensations.

It turns out that this device will really come in handy for those who find themselves in an unfamiliar bathhouse, have built a new one, or are simply inexperienced.

But even in this case, rely on the thermometer, and don’t make a mistake yourself. After all, there is one interesting point here - everyone’s baths are different, and accordingly there will be different air conditions.

And it depends mainly on the type of stove - iron or brick, open heater or closed. So it turns out that + 60 degrees C in a simple rural bathhouse is not at all the same as in a bathhouse complex, where at this temperature you can freeze, with, of course, low humidity.

So why is a thermometer still needed? The answer is very simple - convenience. Still, it’s more convenient with it:

And it is simply necessary to prevent water from freezing in systems (shower cabin, heat exchangers, built-in tanks, etc.).

Types of thermometers

Thermometers for measuring t appeared a long time ago, but special ones for baths and saunas only recently, which, however, did not stop them from immediately flooding store shelves.

Considering that a thermometer for a steam room is more of an interior item, its main advantage is its appearance. It should organically fit into and complement the decor of the steam room and give the mood. That is why modern temperature meters are cheerful bathhouse attendants, tubs, mugs, brooms, samovars, wishes for health and light steam.

Despite all the frivolity of these products and a slightly larger error in measurements than other similar devices, they are fully consistent with their purpose.

All bath thermometers are household thermometers and are divided according to their design into three categories: liquid, dial and digital.

Liquid (TTZh-M)

Or capillary - the most common, contain at their base a straight tube filled with an organic liquid. Previously, mercury was used entirely as a filler, but now this is a rarity; it is replaced by toluene, alcohol or kerosene. The price of scale divisions varies greatly among many, but the range of temperature measurements is usually from O to + 140 - 160 degrees Celsius

Taking into account the specific application of these products, they must meet a number of requirements, which is what most bona fide manufacturers do:

- do not contain hazardous substances, - withstand high t values, - be resistant to changes in humidity, - be durable and safe.

The basis for the manufacture of household t meters are many affordable and harmless materials, mainly based on plastics, but, of course, only wood would be appropriate in a bathhouse.


They are also called mechanical or bimetallic. In appearance, they are a little reminiscent of an ordinary watch: a round scale, numbers, but there is only one hand, which indicates the temperature value at the moment.

The principle of their operation is based on the ability of the sensing element (made in the form of a spring) to change the degree of compression depending on the ambient t.

Considering that the measurement error is higher than that of capillary instruments, the cost of divisions is higher - 5-10g.C

The advantages of such thermometers, in addition to their appearance, include a large scale. You can see how many degrees there are without getting off the shelf.


Very accurate and convenient devices. Small plastic or metal boxes with a clear LCD display. The temperature sensor is remote, built into the tip of the wire, i.e. This electronic device is intended to be placed outside the steam room.

Among the advantages, we note: temperature control at a distance, high accuracy and good perception of information.

There are also disadvantages: periodic replacement of batteries, increased error when measuring extreme temperature limits.

These are the types of devices that sauna lovers now equip their steam rooms with. As we see, all models have advantages and disadvantages, so the choice is yours.

In addition to the above thermometers, so-called bath stations have recently gained popularity, which combine a whole set of measurements - temperature, humidity, clock.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that the most correct placement of the thermometer, if the area of ​​the steam room allows, is considered to be from the stove at a distance of at least 2 m and at a height from the floor - 1.5 m.


Bath thermometer and bath station: how and where to install?

Most experienced bath attendants do not need additional devices for measuring humidity and temperature in the steam room. Their own feelings are enough for them, by which it will be clear whether the steam room is heated well enough for relaxation or not. But if you rarely visit a bathhouse and suddenly decide to build one at your dacha, know that when the bathhouse is ready for use, a thermometer with a hygrometer, or better yet, a full-fledged bathhouse station will not interfere with you.

How to install a thermometer in a moonshine distillation system

There are several options for using a device for measuring temperature - purchasing equipment with an already installed sensor or installing it yourself. In the first case, the manufacturer has already taken into account the specifics of mounting the device, and the product itself has been selected in accordance with the operating conditions.

Such models are initially easy to use, and if preference is given to units manufactured by professional companies, then you just need to study the alcohol production technology and the attached instructions. There are units where the measuring element is mounted in the evaporator or in the container itself for distilling the mash. If we compare these types of equipment regarding the accuracy of measurement in the process of preparing alcohol, then the installation option in the evaporator part is preferable.

The purchased thermometer should be securely secured inside the tank of the moonshine still!

  • Decide on the location where the sensor will be located. Most often they are mounted in the upper part of the distillation cube.
  • Estimate the size of the installation cylinder, which should come complete with a thermometer for the moonshine still, and make a hole of the required diameter in the body of the distillation cube.
  • Select the bolt and nut that you will use to secure the installation cylinder inside the still body.
  • Prepare a silicone gasket that will maintain the tightness of the cylinder installation location. It is better not to buy rubber products, since this material will give the finished moonshine an unpleasant odor and taste. In addition, with regular heating, such a gasket will quickly lose its properties.
  • Insert the cylinder into the prepared hole along with the seal, secure it with a bolt and nut.
  • Mount the thermometer inside the installation cylinder.

If you already have a system for making homemade alcohol, but it lacks a thermometer, then you can install it yourself. Technically, this is not difficult; it is necessary to prepare the hole and seals so that the tightness is not compromised. If a pressure cooker is used as a moonshine still, then a thread is made in the lid, gaskets that are resistant to temperature changes and the device itself are inserted.

It is important that the element does not come into contact with the surface of the apparatus, otherwise the indicators will be distorted and data will be recorded from the walls of the cube, not the environment

Adjusting indicators

As a rule, thermometers go on sale already calibrated. But failures during operation and inaccuracy of indicators are also possible. In this case, the device can be adjusted. For example, in bimetallic, adjustment is usually possible with a bolt or a screwdriver.

Sometimes it is necessary to calibrate an electronic device or two for installation in a cube and column so that they show the exact temperature. You need a container with cold water in which ice floats (conditionally, its temperature is 0°C). Immerse the probe in this water for at least 5 cm for 3 minutes.

Then press “CAL” (there is such a button for calibration) and hold for 3 seconds. The thermometer will adjust to zero temperature. After this, shake the probe in water with ice. If the readings change, perform the calibration again.

Regarding digital and infrared thermometers, see the instructions. As a rule, they do not need additional adjustment, and the error is no more than 0.2 degrees. Self-calibration may lead to even greater inaccuracy.

Temperature measuring instruments

In thermometry, a special measuring device is used - a thermometer to measure body temperature. These devices are also called thermometers. They are made from different materials (glass, plastic), have their own specifics and operating principle (contact, non-contact; digital, mercury, infrared), and measurement error. Each type of these devices has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Classification of devices

The main principle by which thermometers for measuring body temperature are classified is the principle of operation of these measuring instruments. According to it they are divided into:

  • mercury;
  • digital;
  • infrared (for non-contact measurement method).

Mercury thermometers are made of glass and work on the principle of expansion of mercury contained in their glass reservoir. When heated from the body, the mercury column moves up the scale, reaching a mark corresponding to the t temperature of the body. This method of determining temperature characteristics helps to obtain high accuracy of measurement results; the error in actual temperature when using this type of thermometer is only 0.1 degrees.

  • fragility of the body;
  • mercury toxicity (there is a danger of poisoning if you accidentally damage a mercury tank or break a thermometer);
  • measurement duration (up to 10 minutes).

Digital, electronic thermometers are widely used. They can have a different appearance, their body is made of plastic, and the temperature is determined through the operation of a thermodynamic sensor. Electronic thermometers are safer than mercury thermometers and help to obtain quick measurement results (within one minute), however, the accuracy of the readings of these devices is significantly inferior to mercury thermometers.

Infrared devices for measuring temperature indicators do not require direct contact with the body; measuring the temperature value takes several seconds. A special sensor displays a digital infrared image; the device requires configuration, produces an error of about 0.2 degrees, is expensive, and is often used in cases where the patient cannot be disturbed.

Especially for infants who cannot remain at rest for a long time, nipple thermometers disguised as a regular pacifier have been invented. They are made from silicone, the measurement duration is about five minutes, but this does not bring any inconvenience to the child. The deviation from the exact data can reach 0.3 degrees.

Purpose of a thermometer, hygrometer and bath station

Bath thermometer

Bath thermometer

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the thermometer, and it’s clear why it’s needed in the steam room

You should only pay attention to the fact that thermometers can be mercury. switch and electronic

The principle of operation of a mercury thermometer is no different from the usual room thermometer. The only peculiarity of its design is that the thermometer flask is made of heat-resistant high-strength glass, and to complement the entire interior of the bathhouse, the thermometer is trimmed with wood. The wooden trim of the thermometer is usually made from treated linden lining of an unusual shape (leaf, plate with the inscription “Don’t sweat it,” etc.). The advantage of a mercury thermometer for a bath is maintaining a traditional interior. The disadvantage is the fact that the thermometer can break and the evaporation of mercury will greatly harm your health, especially at high temperature and humidity in the steam room

We draw your attention to the fact that an analogue of a mercury thermometer for a bath is a thermometer similar in principle of operation, in which instead of mercury there is a special organic colored liquid or a gallium alloy. This type of bath thermometer is capable of measuring temperatures up to 180 o C

As for the dial thermometer for the bathhouse, its main purpose is to complement the traditional Russian bathhouse interior. The dial thermometer is also made of wood and is highly durable. The disadvantage of a dial thermometer for a bath is the error in temperature measurement. It is rational to use this type of thermometer at temperatures up to 120 o C, because this is its maximum measuring range.

A digital bath thermometer is the most modern option. It is most often used by owners of baths and saunas, because... measurement accuracy is half a degree

Please note that the cost of a digital bath thermometer is much higher than a dial and mercury thermometer, but this is justified by its quality, durability and scope of application (the thermometer is capable of operating at temperatures up to 235 o C). Do not be afraid that the digital bath thermometer may melt, because

it is made of high-strength heat-resistant plastic or even stainless steel.

Hygrometer for bath

The purpose of a hygrometer for a bath is to control air humidity. A special sensor in the hygrometer determines the humidity in the steam room and displays it on a special display. It is also recommended to purchase a hygrometer for a bath so that you can fully control the climate in the steam room and, if necessary, make it suitable for relaxation.

A hygrometer, like a bath thermometer, can be decorated decoratively, so this equipment is often used simply as decoration.

Bath station

Another innovation in controlling the bath microclimate is the bath station. This equipment includes at the same time a thermometer, a hygrometer and even a barometer. All measurements are displayed on separate sections of the display and allow you to measure temperature, air humidity and pressure in the steam room as accurately as possible, making your stay in the bathhouse more comfortable! Despite its functionality, the bath station is quite compact and can also be decorated in the best traditions of a Russian bath!

Other accessories for the steam room

As we have already said, in addition to a thermometer and a hygrometer, you can also install a barometer in the steam room, which measures the pressure in the room. This equipment is useful for people with pressure problems who are prohibited from certain high or low pressure values.

We draw your attention to the fact that cheap barometers are not able to timely measure and display sudden changes in pressure, so if this indicator is necessary for you, it is recommended to invest in a better model

An hourglass will also be a good addition to the steam room, which will show how long you are in the steam room (don’t forget that the optimal time should be no more than 15 minutes).

Hourglass for a bath

Well, don’t forget about the classic steam room accessories: a ladle with a steamer and brooms!


Bath hats: features and types.
how to make a bath hat with your own hands: patterns, photos, instructions If we talk about manufacturers of bath thermometers, the most famous are Finnish companies. Probably the most famous among them is Sawo. This company from the country of Suomi aims to produce high-quality thermometers that are affordable. These devices are made from the very beginning for use in baths and saunas, thanks to which they have high quality, individual and pleasant design. Typically, thermometers from this company are made of wood.

Another well-known manufacturer of such products from Finland is Harvia. Its products are slightly more expensive, but it mainly specializes in creating thermohygrometers. A distinctive feature of its products is that they are made from deresined Finnish pine.

Thermometers from the Finnish company Rento, which usually produces them from aluminum, are quite good. They are distinguished by simplicity and accessibility.

But some of the most expensive and brightest thermometers are devices from another Finnish company, Cariitti. They are characterized by the presence of frosted glass, a scale made of stainless steel, and backlighting. Installation of such thermometers is carried out exclusively when covering the bathhouse with panels.

The Austrian company Sentiotec has quite interesting products of this type. It produces thermometers, hygrometers and thermo-hygrometers with wood housings and uses advanced technology to display the most accurate data possible.

The German company EOS Werke Gunter GmbH can boast of some pretty good devices. It is considered one of the most technologically advanced manufacturers of this type of equipment on the market. Usually makes hygrometers and thermometers for baths at a fairly affordable price. Another advantage is that the body of almost all devices is made of maple and walnut wood.

And if we talk about domestic manufacturers, then the products of such and “Teplodar” are presented on the market. The products are especially interesting - they make their products in a body made of natural stone.

Hygrometer for soft steam

In addition to taking into account the temperature, it is necessary to focus on selecting the optimal humidity in the steam room. Steam that contains no more than 30 percent moisture is considered dry and healthy. If this value does not correspond to the standard value, then the soaring procedure will not be effective.

It is worth noting that in Russian baths the air humidity can reach 85 percent, and in washing rooms - 95%. If the bathhouse has a relaxation room, then the humidity level in it should not be allowed to rise above 60% so that the rest is truly relaxing and enjoyable.

The functionality of a hygrometer for baths and saunas is in some sense similar to the operation of a mechanical thermometer. A special thread is installed as a sensor element in such a hygrometer. It lengthens or shortens with fluctuations in humidity, thereby transmitting the necessary information to the device scale. Over time, the sensitivity of the device decreases as the thread weakens, but it can always be adjusted manually.

To configure the bath hygrometer you must use:

  • plastic bag;
  • kettle;
  • a stand for the device of such a size that the device can be placed at the same level as the spout of the kettle.

Sequence for setting up a bath hygrometer:

  1. The bag is placed over the device so that the other half is placed over the spout of the kettle. This design can be secured using threads, elastic or twine.
  2. Then the device is placed on a stand opposite the spout of the kettle so that the package does not burn.
  3. The burner is lit and the kettle is brought to a boil.
  4. Then you need to make sure that the device’s arrow reaches the maximum mark and remains there while the water boils (about 3 minutes).
  5. If there is a significant deviation from the 100 percent mark, it is necessary to tighten the thread tension using a screwdriver.

If we are talking about setting up a thermometer-hygrometer system for a sauna, then you can also adjust the thermometer. When the kettle is boiling, the temperature should be between 97 and 100 degrees Celsius.

How to set up and calibrate?

Troika stove for a bath

Mechanical hydrometers usually require calibration and adjustment. They do not like falls and other mechanical impacts. You also need to check their settings after purchase.

To calibrate a moisture meter yourself, after purchasing it, you need to place it in a room where the humidity levels are known in advance.

Using a screw located on the rear panel, the readings are adjusted to the values ​​​​corresponding to the given room.

To set up a moisture meter, in addition to the device itself, we need a kettle of water and a plastic bag. We place the hygrometer in a bag and attach the neck to the spout of the kettle with a rope. We place the container with water on the fire, and the package with the device on a stand and at a sufficient distance from the fire, otherwise it will melt. You need to make a tiny hole in the side opposite from the kettle.

After all these manipulations, turn on the fire. After the water boils, watch how the needle fluctuates. Over time, it will show the maximum value, then we wait some more time.

If the limit position of the arrow shows +95-99 degrees and remains at this level, then it needs to be adjusted on the back cover. This can be done without removing the bag from the device - with a screwdriver. In this case, the hygrometer readings will have the most accurate value.

Specifics of installing a hygrometer in a steam room

In order for the device’s readings to be as accurate as possible, it is not enough to adjust it; you also need to position it correctly. An alcohol hygrometer-thermometer for saunas and baths is placed at a height of about 1.6 meters, at eye level, opposite the shelf. With this arrangement, monitoring indicators is as convenient as possible.

If dimensions allow, it is advisable to install the device at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from doors, windows and a tray with stones. Sources of heat or cold will interfere with the accuracy of the readings.

When installing the device in a steam room or auxiliary rooms, you need to know the recommended humidity standards in different types of steam rooms and their rooms:

How to choose a hygrometer for a bath - watch the video:


There are several types of moisture meters for baths and saunas.

Electronic (digital) are the most advanced and accurate devices. They have a low measurement error. Since such products cannot be placed in pairs, they have a remote sensor, and all indicators are displayed on a display located in a suitable location. This is quite convenient - you can find out the humidity without entering the steam room. Others consider this a disadvantage, because you need to leave the room to check the indicators. Digital hygrometers have a high price; you need to monitor the condition of their batteries and change them in a timely manner. Some moisture meters have an additional option - measuring temperature, and then they become hydrometers-thermometers.

Bath stations and other useful devices

The sauna station is considered the best option for a sauna. It consists of a hygrometer and thermometer and simultaneously indicates the temperature and humidity of the air. Indicators can be displayed on one dial or on two scales located side by side. Bath stations are rightfully considered the most convenient to use. A hygrometer can be purchased separately, but a sauna station will beat the cost of buying two devices instead of one.

It is generally difficult to do without a clock in a bathhouse. Scientists have long proven that in confined spaces a person quickly loses track of time: half an hour may seem like an eternity to him, or vice versa, time spent pleasantly will fly by unnoticed. On average, a steaming session should take about 15-20 minutes. If its duration is increased, it may affect health.

Many people neglect purchasing a barometer, considering it a useless device, because it shows atmospheric pressure, which has nothing to do with the bathhouse. In fact, it will be useful for those people who decide to take a steam bath, although they have contraindications for this or simply have poor health. Such a device will help you weigh the pros and cons before the procedure, because in addition to testing the bathhouse, a weather-dependent person can receive an additional portion of “stress” from the environment. The barometer is the only device that is installed in the dressing room.


It should be said that not every thermometer can be installed in a room such as a bathhouse. This place is characterized by high levels of humidity and high temperature. In addition, a thermometer in a bathhouse is needed to monitor the heating process and inform a person when a certain temperature has been exceeded. Taking this into account, a bath thermometer must meet several criteria.

  • Be resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Show the most accurate data possible. Although a deviation of 2-3 degrees will not be critical in this case.
  • Have a body that doesn't get too hot. This point is important so that a person does not get a skin burn in case of accidental contact.
  • Have a pleasant appearance.
  • Calmly tolerate mechanical impacts.

Bath timer

Bath procedures are a responsible process. The consequences that may arise in the event of an extremely long stay in conditions of elevated temperature have already been described above. In the steam room, to record the time spent in the room, you can install both a simple hourglass and an electronic clock.

Naturally, an electronic device cannot be installed in a steam room, but if it is installed correctly, you can get an originally designed accessory with increased practicality during operation. In the photo and upon visual inspection, such an element will look very beautiful and will create an atmosphere of modernity and technology in the room.

Additional accessories

As we said above, in addition to a hygrothermometer, you can install a barometer in the steam room, which measures the pressure in the room. This equipment is useful for people suffering from heart ailments. Please note that cheap barometers are not able to display sudden changes in pressure in a timely manner, so if you need this indicator, it is recommended to install a quality device.

Control the time you spend in the steam room - the optimal time should be no more than 15 minutes.

Pros and cons of sauna stations

Purchasing control and measuring instruments as a set will eliminate a lot of hassle in selecting an equivalent design for individual devices. On a single, impressively designed station panel, a different set of instruments can be located: from two main ones to all four. The type of measuring devices and their number depend on the location of the upcoming operation and the preferences of the owner:

  • a bath station with an hourglass is purchased to equip steam rooms;
  • electronic and mechanical complexes with barometers and clocks are purchased for installation in locker rooms and rest rooms;
  • digital stations with a temperature sensor are installed outside, not far from the steam room, and the measuring organ is brought into the room being tested.

The only disadvantage of a set of devices is that if one device breaks down, you will have to carry everything for repair.

After completing a detailed review of control devices, there will certainly be no doubt about their necessity. You can purchase a full set of instruments or limit yourself to purchasing a thermometer and a watch

It is important not to forget: monitoring the parameters of the bath microclimate will ensure ideal results and protect against negative consequences

Selection criteria

To figure out which thermometer is best to choose for a bath, you need to pay attention to a number of criteria

Accuracy. Here, as can be understood from the above, all devices have a certain error in the readings. Electronic thermometers will be the best according to this criterion, although they also have a minimal error.

Personal preferences and cost of the device

When selecting a bath thermometer, you should pay attention to the appearance of the device so that it matches the interior of the room. But if you want something exclusive, you’ll definitely have to fork out the cash.

Measuring scale

When selecting a device, this point should also be taken into account, because there is no point in paying for extra degrees. For example, most models have a temperature scale of up to 180 degrees. As a rule, you don’t need that much for a bath. Devices with a maximum level of 120 degrees will be sufficient.

The versatility of the device. Not long ago, thermohygrometers appeared on the market, which combine the functions of both a hygrometer and a thermometer. After purchasing one device, it becomes possible to control not only the room temperature, but also the humidity.

In general, today there are quite a large number of devices on the market from different manufacturers, varying in materials of manufacture, number of functions and principles of operation. This allows each bathhouse owner to choose the best solution, which will make the process of using the bathhouse as enjoyable and useful as possible.

For a review of the bath thermometer, see below.

Installation of a hygrothermometer in a sauna, bathhouse

You must make sure that the device is at a height of 1.6 m above the ground, at least 1.5 m from the door, windows, stove. Sources of heat and cold can influence readings and be misleading. When installing the product, you must know the recommended humidity levels for each type of sauna and adjacent rooms:

  • Russian bath: humidity from 75 to 85%, temperature from 60 to 70 ° C;
  • Turkish sauna (hamam): 95 - 100%, 70 - 100 °C;
  • Finnish (dry): 25% - 35%, 100 - 110 °C;
  • toilet room: 90 - 100%, 30 - 40 °C.
  • hall: from 30 - 60%, 20 - 25 °C.

Providing these conditions will make your stay in the bathhouse comfortable, enjoyable, and most importantly, beneficial for your health.

Rating of quality thermometers for baths and saunas for 2022

Our list is compiled based on real reviews from people who purchased the devices; it takes into account the opinions of buyers familiar with their characteristics and functionality. The review contains a description of the models, prices, and photos.


"Steam room"

In 3rd place is a device made to control the microclimate inside the steam room. It stands out from other products due to its original design, easy to read dial, and reliable design. The device consists of natural wood and high-strength steel.

The “steam room” will certainly attract attention with its non-trivial design in the form of a village house. The device can easily be mounted on the wall in a bathhouse or sauna without taking up much space. The equipment is capable of taking readings from +20 to +120°С, the price of one division is 10°С. The measuring product is sold in a beautiful gift box, ready for use immediately, without additional calibration, and comes with a quality certificate.

Technical indicators:

For bath/sauna+
Housing materialWood, metal
Upper measurement threshold120°C
Packing size200x195x30 mm
country of manufactureRussia
Weight95 g
Division value, °C10
Lower measurement threshold20°C

Parilochka thermometer


  • readable divisions;
  • original look.


  • No visible cons were found.


2nd place is occupied by a device made in Finland from the company Sawo. It has an original design, in the form of an octagon with equal sides. A wide frame for the device, made of Canadian cedar wood, frames a large, round dial that informs the owner about the temperature level around. The device is specially designed for use in a sauna.

The device is capable of measuring temperatures up to 140 °C, which is more than enough for comfortable bathing procedures. The quality level of the materials used guarantees the wear resistance of the device and the accuracy of measurements. SAWO 240-TD will be a great addition to any interior.

Technical indicators:

MaterialWood - cedar (body)
Temperature Range0-120 °C
Value of division1 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D)135 * 135 * 30 mm.
Manufacturer countryFinland



  • long service life;
  • beautiful view.


  • not detected.

Sawo 290-TR

1st place is deservedly occupied by a device that allows you to instantly measure the temperature in a steam room. With Sawo 290-TR you can successfully control the ideal climate parameters for a comfortable bathing experience. Reduce or increase the heat in the required proportions without causing harm to yourself.

Sawo 290-TR is made of soapstone. This stone is widely used in the production of equipment and accessories that are planned to be placed in a bathhouse or sauna. The mineral is resistant to moisture and liquids that may accidentally get on it. Also, it successfully withstands high temperatures and sudden changes.

The device's scale has a dark color, on which white numbers are clearly visible; this combination of colors not only has a good effect on readability, but also gives it a pleasant appearance. The dial is designed to visualize readings from 0 to 140 °C. The device will take its rightful place in your steam room and will become an original touch in the sauna interior.

Technical indicators:

MaterialSoapstone chlorite
Width, mm110
Depth, mm30
Height, mm110
Guarantee1 year
Range0..+140 °С
Value of division10°C
ColorDark - gray
Case shapeCircle

Sawo 290-TR


  • Beautiful design;
  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistant;
  • accuracy;
  • lightweight, reliable design;
  • wear resistance;


  • not detected.


TT-03 (Big)

2nd place goes to the Russian-made unit TT-03 (large). A simple, inexpensive, but reliable design allows the device to be welcome in any bathhouse. Accurate readings of the TT-03 will tell you whether the temperature in the steam room is increasing or decreasing, which will help control the process of firing the stove or controlling the steam generator.

Choosing a quality thermometer is important because at high temperatures there is a chance of getting heatstroke and harming your health, and a cold bath will not provide any benefit when taking procedures.

Technical indicators:

NameThermometer (Large) TT-03 for sauna, bath
Type of equipmentMeasuring instruments
A countryRussia
Overall dimensions (WxDxH)64x16x275 mm.
MaterialWood, neutral glass

TT-03 (Big)


  • simple, reliable design;
  • not a high price.


  • not enough functionality.

TSS-4 "Sauna"

1st place - for a device that measures air temperature in a bathhouse, sauna, in the range from -20 to +160 °C, the price of one division is 5 °C, Delta TCC-4 is mounted on the wall. The color of the device is brown. An important advantage is the absence of mercury in the design, which will save your health in case of accidental breakdown of the device.

Technical indicators:

Brand countryRussia
Purposefor baths and saunas
Fragile goods+
measurement range0…100°C
Measurement accuracy±1°C
Capillary liquidMethylcarbitol

TSS-4 "Sauna"


  • no mercury;
  • acceptable price;
  • simple mechanism.


  • unpretentious design.



2nd place - for an electronic device, which is a device with a microcontroller. The principle of operation of such mechanisms is the interaction of a remote sensor that reads data about the environment with a processor that processes the information and displays it on a liquid crystal screen.

The equipment consists of two elements: an indication unit and a temperature sensor. At the front, on a wooden body, there is a display. On the right is a micro-USB connector for connecting a charger. Next to the socket there is an LED indication of the battery status and a “power” button. The operation of the device is ensured by a battery, which is powered through any cable from a mobile phone with a micro-USB socket.

Technical indicators:

Temperature measurement range, °Cfrom -55 to 200
Temperature measurement error, °C±2
Division value, °C1
Temperature sensor wire length, m3
Housing materialtree
Capacity of lithium-polymer battery, mAh at 3.7 V500
Operating life when fully charged, days. no less 14
Battery charging current, mA no more100
Time to fully charge the battery, hours no more5
Battery charging connectormicro-USB
Overall dimensions, mm (WxHxD)80x57x27
Weight, kg no more0.4
Total service life (except batteries), years not less10
Thermometer, pcs.1
Sensor with cable, pcs.1
Installation kit, pcs.1
Operating manual, pcs.1
Packaging, pcs.1

thermal power plant thermometer


  • accuracy of measurements;
  • the data is displayed on the LCD display.


  • high price.

RST 77110

1st place - for a unit with expanded functionality, it is used in rooms with high temperatures (baths, saunas). The device is equipped, usual for such devices, with an external wireless sensor that measures temperature. The advantage of RST 77110 is the ability to emit a sound signal when extreme values ​​are reached indoors or outdoors; this advantage helps to control the microclimate in the steam room. RST 77110 has a variety of applications:

  • Cooking;
  • food production;
  • pharmacology, chemical companies;
  • Agriculture;
  • scientific laboratories;
  • control of air conditioning and ventilation;
  • production of concrete, bitumen, asphalt;
  • energy efficiency;
  • car repair;
  • photo printing;
  • production of beer, alcohol;
  • canning vegetables, jam;
  • deep freezing of food;
  • control of various processes.

Technical indicators:

Main unit2 AA batteries
External sensor2 AAA batteries
Main unit120x106x12x56 mm
External sensor110x38x36.5 mm
Power saving systemSES;
Measured temperature range:
Indoors-50 to +200 °C
External sensor-50 to +70 °С
Sensitivity0.1 °C
External sensor radio sensorRST02252, RST02256, RST02259
Operating frequency of the radio sensor433.92 MHz
Range of wireless radio sensor60 meters
Contents of delivery:
digital deviceRST 77110
Wireless temperature sensor+
Instructions for use+
Warranty card+
Guarantee1 year

RST 77110


  • recording extreme values ​​with a sound signal;
  • indicators are entered into the device’s memory;
  • backlit screen;
  • installed on a table or wall;
  • advanced functionality, the unit is suitable for a wide range of tasks; battery status indication.


  • high price.


"Bath things"

3rd place - for a device from a domestic manufacturer; its products are successfully suitable for use in saunas and steam rooms. The sauna station, which measures t°C and humidity, controls the indoor climate conditions with a high degree of accuracy. The design of the measuring apparatus consists of reliable materials using advanced technologies.

The thermohygrometer is ready for use immediately after unpacking and does not require additional calibration. The dials are built into a case made of wood and plastic, while the mechanism itself is made of metal. The scales are clearly readable, which is important when there is dense steam in the bathhouse; the arrows of the device are of different colors.

Technical indicators:

Dimensions13.5x24.5x3 cm
Lower temperature threshold20….120°С
Humidity measurement+
Temperature measurement+
Packing size180x250x40 mm
Country of manufactureRussia
MaterialWood, metal, plastic
Weight260 g
CompletenessThermometer, hygrometer
Division value, °C1

thermohygrometer Bath things


  • readable dial;
  • reliable design;
  • arrows of different colors.


  • not pretentious appearance.

Harvia SAS92300

2nd place is occupied by a unit manufactured by a Finnish company that has been specializing in equipping saunas for many years. During this time, the organization has accumulated vast experience in this area. Harvia SAS92300 is a thermohygrometer with excellent functionality and a unique design.

The use of the device allows you to control with a high degree of accuracy the measurements of operational data on the microclimate in the steam room (temperature, humidity).

Technical indicators:

Case shapeRectangle with rounded edges
Range0..+120 °С
Humidity range0-100 %
Value of division1 °C
Value of division1 %
Hygrometer typeHairline
For bath/sauna+

Harvia SAS92300


  • attractive appearance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • high accuracy of readings;
  • mobility;
  • wear resistance, reliability;
  • made from modern materials.


  • not detected.

Types of devices

Let's consider several popular models. They can be mercury (capillary), pointer, electronic and complex, which combine several instruments (hygrometer, barometer, clock):

Electronic (digital)

The device has a remote temperature sensor, an LCD monitor, and meets all European standards. The product is considered the most modern, advanced, and will fit perfectly into the interior of the bath space. The reading error is half a degree and is characterized by increased reliability.

The electronic device, unlike other types of thermometers, must be installed outside the steam room (in the dressing room), and the sensor inside. This device is not always convenient to use; you need to go out to find out the temperature.

Mechanical (switch)

The unit is often used in saunas. This is a budget-friendly, easy-to-use, stylish device, with a bright scale that shows fairly accurate information.

The dial thermometer will perfectly complement the interior of a classic Russian bathhouse with shelves made of solid Karelian birch. The product is highly durable. The disadvantage of the device is the high error in temperature readings.

This type of device is effective at temperatures up to 120°C.

Capillary thermometer

The principle of operation is no different from a conventional thermometer. Its design feature is a glass bulb consisting of high-strength glass.

The advantage of a mercury device is its attractive appearance, combined with the classic interior of a Russian bathhouse. A serious disadvantage of the device is the increased likelihood of mercury evaporation if it breaks down, which can be harmful to health, especially at high temperatures and humidity in the sauna.

There is an analogue of the mercury device, where a tinted liquid or gallium alloy is used instead of a dangerous substance. This device measures temperature up to 180 °C.

Bath station

Another comprehensive solution for microclimate control is a sauna station. This equipment includes a thermohygrometer and barometer. All measurements are displayed on separate sections of the display, which makes the procedures even more comfortable. Despite its functionality, the equipment is quite compact and will fit into any interior.


There are different types of bath thermometers on sale, which differ in design, operating principle, and the substance located inside the device.


They are also called capillary. Externally, they look like a tube that is filled with liquid. Alcohol, toluene, and kerosene can be used as a filler. Liquid devices can measure values ​​between 0–+160 °C.

Some products are filled with mercury, but they cannot be used inside a steam room. If the flask is mechanically damaged or cracks appear, mercury under the influence of high levels of humidity can cause irreparable harm to the body.


This is a bimetallic device that looks similar to a classic wall clock with a round dial. Peculiarities:

  1. Possibility of measuring indicators from 0 to +120 °C.
  2. Work on the principle of spring compression when the temperature changes.
  3. The measurement error is lower than that of liquid ones.

Dial thermometer


Suitable for any interior style. Peculiarities:

  1. Capable of measuring temperatures up to +235 °C.
  2. The permissible error is 0.5 °C.
  3. Housing made of heat-resistant plastic or stainless steel.
  4. Equipped with a sensor for convenient measurement of indicators. It is installed in steam rooms and connected using wires. It transmits information remotely.
  5. Availability of sound notification function. It triggers when a certain temperature level is reached.

Disadvantages: high cost, regular replacement of batteries.

Features and useful functions of outdoor window thermometers

When purchasing a thermometer, pay attention to its characteristics and additional features that make digital window thermometers more convenient and functional

Features and advantages of electronic outdoor thermometers

Thanks to the achievements of modern technologies, digital thermometers are able to work under different conditions and are as convenient as possible in everyday life:

  • household electronic thermometers operate over a wide temperature range. For the indoor main unit, the operating range is from -10 to +50°C, the outdoor sensor maintains its performance characteristics at temperatures from -50 to +70°C. This allows the thermometers to be used in all climatic zones of Russia;
  • you don’t have to worry about the safety and accuracy of the device’s readings in any weather conditions: thanks to the sealed housing, the sensor is not afraid of snow, wind, rain and scorching sun;

Thanks to the sealed housing, weather conditions cannot affect the readings of the device

  • It is interesting that a radio transmitter with a thermocouple can be installed not only on the street. If you need to measure the temperature in a room or inside another object, you can place a capsule with a sensor in a greenhouse, garage, cellar, workshop and even a refrigerator;
  • wireless electronic outdoor thermometers with a remote sensor can be easily placed in any convenient place; they do not have to be near a window;
  • modern devices not only record temperature, but carry out full monitoring and analyze the data obtained.

Additional functions of electronic digital thermometers with a remote sensor

Modern devices have various additional features that expand the functionality of the thermometer. When choosing a thermometer, these characteristics can play an important role.

FunctionFunction description
Determining the probability of iceWhen the temperature ranges from -1 to -3°C, the device warns you of an increased likelihood of ice outside.
Data analysisThe thermometer records the maximum and minimum temperatures and records this data in memory.
USB connectionVia a USB port, you can connect the interface to your computer, copy, analyze and process the received data and draw up reports based on the information in the device’s memory.
Additional indicatorsThe thermometer can be equipped with a clock, a built-in alarm clock and a calendar, combining in one device all the useful indicators we need every day. Among the best multifunctional models are rst window thermometers, equipped with a clock and a smart alarm clock.
Humidity level detectionThe humidity indicator allows you to predict the likelihood of precipitation outside.

If you have a need for data analysis, make sure that the selected model is equipped with a USB port and the ability to process recorded data. If your only purpose of purchase is to find out the temperature outside, choose the simplest, most laconic thermometer model.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a device for a bath, you need to consider:

  1. Capabilities of the measuring scale. There is no point in buying a device that will show temperatures above 120 °C.
  2. Your own wishes for the design of the device.
  3. Temperature measurement accuracy. It is better to use electronic models. They have minimal error.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of pointer (mechanical) instruments:

  • simplicity of design;
  • harmlessness;
  • reliability, durability;
  • low price.

The only drawback is the low measurement accuracy.

Advantages of liquid devices:

  • reliability, durability;
  • small measurement error;
  • measurement of indicators up to 160 °C;
  • low price.

If mechanical damage occurs, the glass capsule may break.


  1. Minimum level of error.
  2. Capable of measuring temperatures up to 235 °C.
  3. Durability, reliability, resistance to aggressive factors.
  4. Availability of additional functions.

The disadvantage is the high price.

Manufacturers and models


  • Sawo - Suomi;
  • Harvia - Finland;
  • Rento - Finland;
  • Sentiotec - Austria;
  • EOS Werke Gunter GmbH - Germany.

Russian, "Feringer".

How to install a thermometer in a moonshine still

The correct sequence of actions in this matter is as follows:

  1. Choosing a location.

A moonshine still has several zones at different temperatures, which can be monitored to control various aspects of distillation. The main thing is the temperature of the steam.

In this case, the measuring device is installed, if it is the simplest system of a cube, hoses, and a refrigerator, in the upper part of the cube; if the system is more complex and contains elements such as a reflux condenser or a full-fledged distillation column, then the thermometer is also installed in the unit corresponding for rectification, and in the distillation tank.

  1. Arrangement of the installation site.

In the selected location, a hole is drilled in the housing to match the diameter of the mounting sleeve, which is used to mount the device.

  1. Installing a thermometer on a moonshine still.

When installing the sleeve, a gap is formed between it and the body of the unit; to seal it, you need to use a gasket made of high-quality food-grade silicone. After this, the equipment is fixed in the prescribed manner.

  1. Equipment check.

The first time it is better to run the system filled with water. This way it will be possible to check the tightness of the installation site, its ability to withstand pressure and temperature, the adequacy of the device readings, and without risking damage to the raw materials.

The thermometer in a moonshine still is perhaps the most important of the optional parts of the system.

It is difficult to overestimate its influence on the accuracy of “head separation” or “tail cutting”, because each fraction of impurities has an optimal evaporation temperature, by monitoring which you can accurately understand when and what comes out of the refrigerator.

In addition, as the liquid evaporates from the mash, it is important to maintain the correct temperature, which allows both to evaporate the remaining ethanol and not to burn the dry remains of the mash, thereby spoiling some of the raw materials

Dummy thermometer

The thermometer in the form of a pacifier is designed specifically for small children. But this device can only be used if the baby’s nose breathes well, and when sick it is often blocked. The sensor located on the pacifier must be in close contact with the baby's tongue to ensure reliable readings. Therefore, the child should be calm, not cry or play with the device. The thermometer measures the temperature within 2-3 minutes. The result appears on the display after a beep.

The dummy thermometer must be washed after each use. To do this, you need to disconnect the pacifier from the device with a temperature sensor and boil it for 1-2 minutes. But if the design of the device does not provide for its further disassembly, then this cannot be done. After use, it will be enough to wash it with soap and boiled water at room temperature, then dry it and put it in a case.

Bath barometer

The air pressure in the steam compartment is also a very important parameter, which some bath attendants do not pay enough attention to

Indeed, temperature and humidity are fundamental parameters, but optimal pressure is also very important if the bath attendant wants to create the most comfortable conditions for his visitors

If we are talking about a Russian bath, then there is no need to use a barometer in the steam compartment, and optimal pressure should be achieved within the rest room. The use of mercury barometers is strictly prohibited due to safety regulations.

The simplest and most suitable for use in a bathhouse is the aneroid. This device is in the form of a regular box with corrugated walls. If the pressure decreases, the box expands and vice versa.

Types of measuring devices for baths

Based on the principle of operation, there are several types of thermometers: digital (electronic) - from 230 rubles, most accurate; capillary (liquid) - from 300 rubles, have a small error in readings, pointer (mechanical) - from 450 rubles. Least accurate. It should be noted that the price of measuring devices affects the quality. Inexpensive mechanical thermometers have a maximum rated error. Often, cheap devices are made from low-quality materials that cannot withstand constant changes in temperature and humidity.

Dial thermometers for baths

These bimetallic devices look like regular watches. Only the hand on the dial shows the temperature in the range from 0 to 120 degrees, and not the time.

The spring in such equipment changes the degree of compression with temperature changes. Accordingly, the error of mechanical devices is higher compared to liquid ones. The advantages include a rather large dial and various design options.

Capillary bath thermometers

Otherwise they are called liquid. Typically, liquid products provide readings in the range from 0 to 160 degrees. These devices consist of a straight tube containing an organic liquid (kerosene, toluene, alcohol). Previously, the filler of such devices was mercury.

However, mercury equipment is strictly prohibited from being installed in a steam room. If the glass flask is damaged, then in conditions of high humidity and temperature the evaporation of mercury will cause irreparable harm to your health.

Electronic bath thermometers

This device is distinguished by practicality and maximum accuracy. It is a compact case made of stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic with a liquid crystal display. The device can withstand temperatures up to +235 degrees, while its maximum error can be 0.5 degrees.

It is often equipped with a remote wired or wireless sensor and installed outside the steam room. Some models also have a built-in sound warning system when the required temperature is reached.

It is most convenient to install a remote thermometer for a bath in the dressing room or rest room. In this case, only the sensor is mounted in the steam room itself. This allows you to control the temperature from a distance. The device is especially popular in commercial baths with several steam rooms, since some models involve connecting three or more sensors to a common system.

Disadvantages include high cost and the need to periodically replace batteries. It is also not always convenient, since you need to leave the steam room to check the temperature. However, of all the varieties, a thermometer with a bath sensor is considered the most durable and high-quality.

Hygrometers for baths

Staying in a room with high humidity and air temperature can be hazardous to health. Therefore, hygrometers are installed in the bathhouse to measure humidity levels (from 300 rubles apiece) and control the microclimate in the steam room. When purchasing a device, give preference to models with a wooden case. They are the safest to use.

Sauna stations for steam room

Bath stations are considered a definite innovation in steam rooms and are especially relevant in Russian baths. The most common models of bath stations combine both a thermometer and a hygrometer.

In some cases, the device can even be equipped with a barometer, which determines the pressure in the steam room. Such a device is useful for hypo- and hypertensive patients, who are recommended to steam only at certain pressure levels.

The disadvantages of the device include expensive repairs. If one of the devices breaks down, you must take the entire set to the workshop. However, a high-quality bath station with the most accurate devices will last for many years without breakdowns, although it will cost more.

How to choose a quality product

When buying a thermometer, the first thing you should pay attention to is the body. The device must have a sealed, safe casing that can withstand high temperatures and high humidity. The best option is the one made of wood. Low thermal conductivity prevents accidental fire.

All transparent structural elements must be made of heat-resistant glass. It is also important to consider the range of readings. Ideally, a hygrometer should be able to show from 0% to 100%, with a thermometer above 100 °C. It is important to purchase certified products only from a reliable manufacturer - a guarantee of successful operation of the device for a long time.

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