“Bani Derevenka”: the champion of Russia in steaming will give you garlic steam and... an evening of poetry

Tea break

The body secretes large amounts of fluid through sweat. Therefore, while relaxing, in order to increase the effect of visiting the steam room, you need to drink juice, still mineral water, or better yet, herbal tea
. Drinking alcohol in any form, smoking during breaks, drinking cold liquids are excluded! Although Peter the Great is credited with the saying “sell your underwear, but drink after the bath,” you still shouldn’t put such stress on your body.

Photo: ProfLady.ru

It's better to drink mint tea,

which contains menthol and improves the patency of the upper respiratory tract, soothes and relieves pain. Or lemon balm tea,

which normalizes heart rate and blood pressure, activates the body's metabolic processes.
Thyme, chamomile, lingonberry leaf, currant leaves, rose hips, raspberry leaves or linden blossom
- tea for every taste.
And it will be even more beneficial if you add a little honey to it.
By the way, women, while relaxing between visits to the steam room, can
apply scrubs and masks to the heated, steamed and cleansed skin of the face and body.
But Yellmed will discuss their preparation in more detail in the next article.

Brightening Serum DermaQuest

Designed specifically for the comprehensive fight against age spots - contains 2% retinol , enriched with snow-white lily stem cells and Bakuchiol.

  • A high working concentration of 2% retinol effectively normalizes the functioning of melanocytes, while effectively repairing damage and rejuvenating the skin.
  • A rich complex of whitening ingredients with multidirectional action : Snow-white Lily stem cells,
  • Bakuchiol (Vitamin A simulator) further increases the effectiveness of the drug,
  • Hexylresorcinol is a safe analogue of hydroquinone, its activity is 4 times higher
  • Botanical extracts with brightening effects
  • Contains antioxidants – Vitamin C in modern form , Vitamin E, green tea extract – restoration of skin protective mechanisms;
  • How to properly prepare a decoction

    It is best to use enamel cookware. Stainless steel cookware will also work. The decoction should be prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of water. First add the dry mixture, then add boiling water and place on high heat. Don't forget to cover the pan with a lid. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 45-60 minutes. Then cover the pan with a kitchen towel and simmer until completely cooled. The cooled liquid must be filtered through a sieve or gauze and poured into glass bottles. Should be stored in a dark and cool place.

    Usually a decoction is prepared in this way for two to three months. To preserve it better, you can pour a little alcohol into the bottle. A teaspoon is enough. The consumption rate is 100-150 milliliters per basin of hot water.

    What kinds of bath scents exist and what are they for? This question, as well as their recipes, can be found in the following articles:

    • Eucalyptus decoction.
    • Coniferous.
    • Mint.
    • From St. John's wort.
    • Lime.
    • Oregano infusion.
    • Infusion of thyme (thyme).
    • Broth of coltsfoot.
    • From chamomile.
    • Go to the selection of articles about bath scents.

    Go to the main article about bath procedures.

    Bath procedures with healing infusions have a beneficial effect on the health of the human nervous system and the entire body as a whole. Eucalyptus, pine or garlic baths have an antiviral effect and treat the respiratory system.

    The benefits of steaming in a sauna for the body

    For people in good health, a Russian bathhouse with a broom is recommended without fail. It helps strengthen blood vessels, joints and ligaments, improve immunity and relieve fatigue.

    By following the rules and recommendations for visiting a steam room, people are less likely to suffer from colds and viral diseases, recover faster from injuries and tolerate stressful situations more easily.

    A broom is the main attribute for carrying out procedures. It has a healing aroma, effectively affects the skin, improves blood circulation and cleanses pores of impurities.

    The health benefits of bath procedures are as follows:

    1. Maintaining optimal temperature conditions up to 75 degrees with humidity from 40 to 60%. This promotes rapid relaxation and general detoxification of the body, strengthening bone tissue, improving blood circulation and lymph flow.
    2. Regular beneficial effects of steam can replace full-fledged fitness classes. So, 60 minutes of staying in a Russian bath is equal to 2 hours of exercise on exercise bikes.
    3. The bath helps stabilize blood pressure, improve the movement of blood and lymph, and normalize the functioning of the excretory system. In addition, the steam room allows you to get rid of constant headaches, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, strengthen joints and relieve pain syndromes in muscle tissue.

    Avoid smoking

    Smoking not only increases the risk of contracting and transmitting COVID, but also causes irreparable damage to lungs, which are already vulnerable. Smoking and tobacco put extra strain on your vital organs and increase your likelihood of developing other lung problems and infections in the long term.

    Cardio exercise can improve breathing function

    Walk regularly (if safe), choose home workouts and cardio exercises that are good for your respiratory health. Yoga asanas can also help restore functionality and boost immunity. Aerobic exercise may also help.

    Remember to exercise regularly, but do it slowly at first. Athletes are also advised to begin their recovery with rehabilitation exercises that benefit lung health before moving on to other fast, intense movements.

    Avoid exposure to pollution and smoke

    People who have just recovered from COVID-19 or who have impaired lung function should avoid unnecessary exposure to smoke, polluted environments, and any activity that may interfere with the functioning of the respiratory system. Pollution can not only increase your risk of reinfection, but it can also expose you to carcinogens and other potentially dangerous irritants that can lodge in the cavities of your lungs and make breathing difficult.

    If you must go out, take all necessary precautions, take your medications, and take care of yourself. Steam inhalation and detoxification methods may also be helpful.


    Dishes with horseradish added

    Delicious dishes containing medicinal roots have a stimulating effect. As a rule, horseradish snacks are prepared for male potency according to the following recipes:

    1. Beet salad. Boil 200 g of beets and grate them, add 20 g of peeled and diced horseradish. Pour in 15 ml of olive oil and 10 ml of vinegar. Mix thoroughly and serve.
    2. Adjika. Grind 2.5 kg of fresh tomatoes and 500 g of sweet bell pepper using a meat grinder. Peel horseradish (250 g), chop finely and add to vegetables. Take 250 g of red hot pepper and garlic, mince, mix all ingredients together. Salt to taste (you will need about 80-100 g of salt), add 1 tbsp. l sugar and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Place the prepared adjika into jars and put it in the refrigerator.

    A more gentle remedy is horseradish water. You need to add a few circles of root to drinking water, leave for a day and drink in any quantity. This is beneficial for erection, but does not cause side effects. The course can be continued for up to two months without a break, then give the body a rest and resume treatment of impotence with horseradish.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the DIY bathhouse from scrap materials

    The effectiveness of diuretics against excess weight

    After taking diuretics, weight actually decreases quite quickly. But it also quickly returns again.

    Long-term use of drugs in this group without medical indications is fraught with serious complications. And no dress that you absolutely need to fit into tomorrow is worth your health.

    The magic pill for lasting weight loss can only be adequate nutrition and regular physical activity.

    The best cure for excess weight is regular exercise.

    What to do if there are still signs of fluid retention: slight swelling of the hands and ankles, and the usual shoes become tight in the evening?

    Such phenomena often occur in hot weather, after salty foods, and during the premenstrual period.

    There are several natural ways to reduce the amount of fluid in the body:

    • Reduce salt intake to 5-6g per day. This means excluding highly salted foods and dishes: sausage, semi-finished products, ready-made sauces, mature cheeses, delicacies, canned food, chips, pickled and salted vegetables.
    • Provide sufficient protein in the diet. Proteins in the body play an important role in ensuring water balance. On average, 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day is the inclusion of a protein product in every main meal.
    • Include foods rich in potassium and magnesium. These microelements prevent water retention. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, bran are the main sources of K and Mg.
    • Adequate drinking regimen – at least 6-8 glasses a day. When there is a shortage of fluids, paradoxical fluid retention occurs, the mechanism of protection against dehydration is activated and water is not excreted.
    • Do not get carried away with simple carbohydrates (sweets, accessible starches) - if not all eaten carbohydrates are spent on energy purposes, they are deposited in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen. And each gram of it is associated with 3 g of water. Of course, the amount of glycogen reserves is limited to 600-800g, but this is already 2-2.5 liters of water.
    • Physical activity, walking, training - not only use glycogen reserves (while reducing the amount of fluid associated with it), but also improve blood flow and excretion of water by the kidneys.

    To prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, it is useful to include foods that have a mild diuretic effect in your diet. It is mainly associated with potassium salts, as well as with other, specific components related to polyphenols and anthocyanins.

    Eating which foods will help prevent unwanted edema:

    • all types of cabbage;
    • melons - melons and watermelons;
    • fresh cucumbers;
    • parsley, dill, cilantro, celery;
    • cranberries and lingonberries;
    • lemon and ginger;
    • beets, asparagus and garlic.

    Many natural products can be used to regulate the water balance in the body, although in a healthy person the body copes with this on its own.

    Useful, but not critically necessary things

    When visiting the bathhouse, “cleaning” is mandatory. At the same time, all natural components are most effective, and “chemistry” remains far behind and does not constitute any competition at all.

    Before the cleansing procedure it is recommended:

    Bring a lemon with you. Before the steam room you need to thoroughly rub your body. This fruit has special properties that help the pores open quickly and widely.

    Honey mask. Making a mask from honey: add sea salt (150 g), coffee (boiled grounds from a finely ground product), sugar, sour cream (2-3 spoons), a little essential oil (a few drops) to liquid honey (can be melted) (200 g). ). This mask is rubbed in before the steam room, where you go for 10-20 minutes. After this, the skin becomes soft and silky like a baby's.

    Nourishing cocktail for the face. You need to combine cream, ground bran, and yeast. The mass should be applied to the face at the end of the bath procedures. After this mask, the face becomes soft and has a good shade.

    Age spots

    After 55–60 years, unattractive spots often appear on the face, which cause grief and concern for many.

    • Gives an unkempt look
    • Emphasize age
    • Causes cancer alertness or fear of cancer development

    There are two types of age-related pigmentation: seborrheic keratosis and lentigo senile.

    Senile lentigo

    It occurs during the period of hormonal age-related changes, the reason is a decrease in sex hormones produced by the body.

    Clinical picture: flat brown spots with blurred boundaries, which indicates a sufficient depth of their occurrence. The size of the spots can vary and reach up to 1 cm in diameter.

    Seborrheic keratosis

    Formed in areas with an increased number of sebaceous glands, i.e. on seborrheic areas.

    Clinical picture: spots of brown and dark brown color, distinctive features - rise above the surface of the skin, the spots themselves have a greasy surface, covered with horny scales.

    The rashes have a characteristic localization - these are seborrheic areas of the skin - the back, chest and face (mainly the T-zone).

    The spots are benign, but it is necessary to exercise oncological vigilance, up to a 20% chance of their malignancy.

    Bath with garlic and onions

    Garlic steam has an unrecognizable aroma in the bath

    Onions, like garlic, are rich in phytoncides, so they help fight bacterial infections. A decoction for a bath is not made from onions. It is finely chopped and placed on the bath shelf in a plate. You can eat a few pieces of onion in a heated bath. When combined with garlic steam, it has a significant healing effect.

    Video: garlic bath

    Any aromatherapy in a bath should be approached responsibly. Onion and garlic steam will be beneficial if you inhale it for about 10 minutes. For a person with an allergy to essential oils of plants, such procedures are generally contraindicated.

    Hi all! Infusions of bath aromas and decoctions for baths are a source of not only a unique fragrant smell. They are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. There is a huge variety of recipes for such decoctions.

    To achieve effective benefits from a bath, you need to be able to not only prepare decoctions for a bath correctly, but also use them competently.

    There is no need to immediately water the hot stones with the prepared broth! High temperatures will have a negative impact on the quality of the steam. Many of the beneficial properties of which will be lost, and a burning smell may appear. The basic principle when watering stones is to water frequently and use little liquid.

    First, the stones are watered with ordinary hot water, then, almost immediately, a fragrant decoction is thrown on them, then again with clean water. It is the alternation of water and broth that allows you to achieve a unique aroma in the steam room. A quick and effective way to aromatize the air is to dip a broom in an aromatic liquid and quickly spray it throughout the steam room.

    To properly prepare the decoction, you need to use enamel containers. Store bath decoctions in glass bottles in cool and dark places. For longer and better storage, you can add a teaspoon of alcohol to the bottle.

    Natural essential oils

    Aromatherapy in baths and saunas has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. Soft and clean steam containing aromatic oils helps prevent and treat various respiratory diseases.

    Natural aromatic oils effectively saturate the bath air with beneficial compounds that actively penetrate the human body through the respiratory system and skin.

    Essential oils in baths and saunas have the following beneficial characteristics:

    They have metabolic, trophic, secretory, training and diaphoretic effects. Used for inhalation, massage, rubbing and baths.

    Oils for saunas and baths, depending on their composition, can have a comprehensive healing effect on the body.

    • Juniper, anise and dill oils are used for coughs and congestion in the upper respiratory tract.
    • Eucalyptus and peppermint oils have a powerful antiseptic effect, so they are used for colds.
    • To treat headaches and normalize blood pressure, it is better to use verbena and geranium oil.
    • For muscle and emotional stress, you can use geranium, wormwood and lemongrass oil.
    • If you lack strength and are tired, it is better to choose rosemary and rose oil.
    • To treat skin diseases, it is recommended to use sedative and wound-healing essential oils for baths and saunas - chamomile, sage, valerian, sea buckthorn and pine. In addition, such oils tone and increase skin elasticity.
    • Coniferous oil for saunas and baths - spruce, pine, fir and cedar - has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Such oils are best used as quick septic tanks for healing damaged skin.
    • Air saturated with aromatic oils promotes detoxification and cleansing of the body. The best natural flavors for a bath are lemon, sandalwood and juniper oils.

    The best varieties of garlic for storage

    When buying heads for planting, they are interested not only in the yield and resistance of a given variety to adverse factors

    It is important to know how long it can be stored at home - the shelf life determines whether the food supply or planting material will spoil ahead of time

    The following spring varieties of garlic retain their qualities longer than others:

    • Elenovsky - up to 24 months;
    • Sochi 56 – up to 18;
    • Gulliver - more than 12.

    According to experts, the most shelf-stable winter varieties are the following:

    • Alcor;
    • Belorussian;
    • Lyubasha;
    • Podmoskovny;
    • Sofievsky;
    • Saved.

    Best varieties for storage

    What are the benefits of a Russian bath?

    According to doctors, the Russian bath relieves fatigue and actively affects the function of internal organs, the cardiovascular system and metabolism in general. In the steam room, a person begins to actively sweat, an abundant release of moisture from the body occurs, which leads to its cleansing and renewal. Bath procedures help you lose excess weight and help get rid of cellulite.

    From time immemorial, our ancestors treated various ailments and illnesses with the help of hot steam and a broom. It was in a heated bathhouse that it was customary to give birth, at least among peasants. Thus, the mother and baby were protected from infections, since viruses and bacteria died from high temperatures. In addition, in a warm and relaxed environment, the birth process was easier.

    By the way, doctors claim that visiting a Russian steam room is beneficial for women with gynecological problems. The Russian bath alleviates the symptoms of menopause, treats complications after abortions and miscarriages, menstrual irregularities and even infertility. And it is also very beneficial for the skin. It is useful to go to the bathhouse for those who suffer from hives and various dermatitis.

    Research concerning the influence of the Russian bath on the human body was also carried out by foreign scientists. Thus, Japanese researchers have found that moderate bath procedures in patients suffering from high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes lead to strengthening of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar. German experts found that children who do not visit a bathhouse or sauna get sick twice as often as their peers. In addition, the contact of water with hot stones leads to the formation of negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

    Do breathing exercises regularly

    Shortness of breath and obstructed oxygen flow are common symptoms of infection as COVID-19 begins to attack the lungs. COVID patients are often asked to practice simple deep breathing exercises and meditative postures, which can help them breathe better and improve blood flow to the lungs and bronchial tubes.

    Diaphragmatic breathing and deep breathing movements promote deeper inhalation and muscle movement in the lungs and chest. Taking deep breaths while lying on your stomach can also help increase oxygen flow.

    Pranayama is considered an excellent exercise for improving lung function. Patients suffering from breathing problems and fluctuating oxygen levels can exercise using a respirometer, which also helps improve lung health.

    Are there any contraindications?

    If you can tolerate the smell of herbs, then you can steam with horseradish. Naturally, a contraindication for such a therapeutic holiday is the general warnings when visiting a bathhouse. These are some skin diseases, increased body temperature, diseases of internal organs such as arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, and lung problems. If you are registered with one of the doctors, before going to the bathhouse, consult and get permission to visit the steam room.

    Herpes zoster can be localized in any part of the body, most often in the intercostal area. With such rashes, visiting the bathhouse is strictly contraindicated.

    A horseradish bath is a universal and affordable way to maintain your health. The main thing is to approach such a vacation wisely and, while in the steam room, carefully monitor your well-being, because even the most resilient man can experience a sudden change in blood pressure or feel worse when overheated, especially if you rarely visit the steam room.

    All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

    Olga Koroleva

    Published: 14-10-2017

    Updated: 08-11-2019

    Olga is responsible for the selection of authors and the quality of published materials on our website.

    Eat foods that increase lung capacity

    A good diet rich in vitamins and minerals improves immunity. There are certain foods that remove toxins and help you breathe easier. This is an easy way to improve your lung health at home.

    Be sure to eat plenty of foods rich in omega-3s, which are especially beneficial for controlling inflammation in the lungs and reducing the risk of other respiratory diseases.

    Experts also recommend people watch their nutrients. Avoid weight loss diets that may deprive you of essential nutrients for some time after recovery.

    Bath for the development of sinusitis

    Sinusitis is a very unpleasant disease when, as a result of the inflammatory process, pus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, which is the result of the struggle of leukocytes with harmful microorganisms. The resulting pus has an extremely unpleasant putrid odor, and inflammation of the nasal mucosa leads to swelling of the airways, leading to nasal congestion. Inflammation can be acute or chronic, but in the first stages it is easy to recognize by pressing heaviness in the maxillary sinuses, weakness, nasal congestion and copious mucous discharge.

    Some people mistakenly believe that during this period it is necessary to take a steam bath in order for the disease to go away. But a steam bath is unlikely to help here. The proliferation of harmful microorganisms can only be stopped by taking medications prescribed by a doctor, including antibiotics.

    In some cases, if the outflow of purulent discharge is difficult, a puncture is prescribed and the maxillary sinuses are washed with a sanitizing solution.

    Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. In the acute form, everything is quite clear - all the symptoms, as they say, are obvious: snot, tears, pressing heaviness in the sinuses, purulent discharge, weakness, fever.

    With chronic sinusitis, the course of the disease is less acute, but this does not mean that treatment should be treated less carefully.

    It is in a warm environment that harmful microorganisms begin to actively develop, and the lack of timely treatment only aggravates the situation.

    The fact that pus does not flow from the nose may not mean that there is no sinusitis. This may be an alarming signal that there are no ways for the natural outflow of pus from the sinuses and that you need to resort to flushing them through surgery.

    Therefore, if you suspect sinusitis, you need to go not to the bathhouse, but to the nearest clinic, where it is possible to take a picture of the maxillary sinuses and receive timely treatment.

    Bath "rules"

    Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Biryukov, states: “Regularly visiting the bathhouse, for example, once a week (preferably on Saturdays or Sundays), makes it possible to provide proper hygienic care for the body, as well as get rid of the fatigue that has accumulated over the week... Visiting the steam room - one of the methods of hardening and prevention of certain infectious, colds and rheumatic diseases. Therefore, you can visit the bathhouse several times a day, but subject to certain rules.”

    For example, the specialist advises, “when entering the steam room for the first time, beginners, the elderly, children and those who feel not entirely healthy should be placed in the “comfort” zone - on the bottom shelf, where the air temperature is not so high. The duration of stay should not exceed 6 minutes. After entering the steam room for the first time, you should rest for 8-12 minutes in a well-ventilated area.”

    Also, Biryukov advises, it is better to be in a lying position in the steam room, as this reduces the load on the cardiovascular system and promotes nervous and muscle relaxation. You should not stand or sit with your legs down - this again puts a strain on the heart and also overheats the head. If there is not enough free space, then when sitting, it is better to stretch your arms along the shelf or pull them to your chest.

    So, in principle, you can go to the bathhouse every day, but you should take a steam bath only on special “bath” days and in compliance with all the rules prescribed by doctors. Of course, if you want visits to the bathhouse to bring benefits to your health and not harm.

    The secret of garlic infusion

    Garlic is an evil spice and requires a “scientific” approach to it. Preparation of the infusion begins in advance - 2-3 hours before the bath procedures, and ideally the day before. The recipe for natural flavoring is simple:

    1. Peel and chop the garlic bulb on a grater or in a special press. You can chop it finely - the healing effect of garlic will not decrease. When cutting, do not remove the husk (in the steam room it also releases useful substances).

    2. Pour boiled water heated to 85 degrees over the ground garlic. Keep the composition for several hours (ideally, leave the thermos with garlic overnight. This will allow it to better absorb the liquid).

    3. Strain the tincture through cheesecloth or chintz and dilute in water. One bulb of garlic requires 6-8 liters of water (depending on your preferences).

    What does the use of diuretics entail?

    Not a single manual for their use contains such an indication for use as “weight loss.” At the same time, there is a list of side effects and contraindications associated with the loss of both fluid and salts (potassium, magnesium, sodium).

    Uncontrolled use of diuretics is dangerous due to complications:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • convulsions;
    • heartbeat;
    • muscle pain;
    • thirst.

    Even deaths have been described from the ill-considered use of drugs in this group.

    Despite the fact that a person consists of 2-3 water, in most cases it is impossible to consider it excess and try to “drive it out” in pursuit of a rapid change in the number on the scales, especially.

    To summarize: all dosage forms of diuretics should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor!

    If there is an objective reason to lose weight (and diuretics are often used by patients with anorexia - without the need to lose weight), then the goal will be loss of adipose tissue. And any “water removal” method will not affect this very tissue in any way.

    How to properly prepare a decoction

    It is best to use enamel cookware. Stainless steel cookware will also work. The decoction should be prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of water. First add the dry mixture, then add boiling water and place on high heat. Don't forget to cover the pan with a lid. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 45-60 minutes. Then cover the pan with a kitchen towel and simmer until completely cooled. The cooled liquid must be filtered through a sieve or gauze and poured into glass bottles. Should be stored in a dark and cool place.

    How to use the infusion in a bath?

    When entering the bathhouse, do not rush to spray the composition on the stones. Instead of a garlicky aroma, you will get an obsessive burning smell that will take hours to dissipate. To avoid such consequences, first pour boiling water over the hot stones, and only then open the infusion. After garlic, splash clean water again to clean the stones.

    The use of the solution depends on the degree of its concentration.

    If you use less water for dilution, you will get a composition that is unsuitable for stones. To prevent garlic “essence” from causing suffocation, it must be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed gradually. A spray bottle will help you control the “dosage” of the infusion.

    Using garlic for treatment in a bath

    Of particular note is the use of such a unique plant as garlic in the bathhouse. Having a strong antiviral effect, garlic has long been successfully used in the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases. To prepare a garlic infusion, take 1-2 heads of garlic, chop them, place them in a thermos, add hot water and leave overnight. The next day in a bathhouse. You should use this decoction, adding small portions to the heater. We also recommend watching a video on how to steam in a sauna with garlic:

    • < What tea to drink in the bath?
    • Bath for inflammation of the sciatic nerve >

    Why retinoids

    To effectively lighten the skin from age spots, the same three groups of products are needed: lightening substances - reduce the production of melanin, antioxidants - reduce the number of free radicals that provoke melanin hyperproduction and exfoliating substances - accelerate cellular renewal and remove colored cells from the surface of the skin.

    IMPORTANT! Retinoids are involved in the activation of genes responsible for suppressing tumor growth.

    Therefore, some retinoids are used as a local auxiliary drug in the treatment of skin manifestations of cancer. Thus, the use of retinoids is the prevention of degeneration of age-related neoplasms.

    How to make a garlic bath: step-by-step instructions

    Garlic is widely used in medicine due to its antiseptic effect.

    Garlic infusion for the steam room is prepared several hours before use:

    1. The garlic bulb is peeled and grated. It is allowed to chop finely, then you don’t have to clean the cloves, the husk will also release useful substances along with the steam.
    2. Chopped garlic is poured with boiled water, cooled to 85˚C and left for several hours (you can leave it in a thermos overnight).
    3. The tincture is filtered.
    4. Before use, prepare a solution of 6–8 liters from the tincture.
    5. To ensure that the steam room has a garlic aroma without any burning smell, the stones are first poured with boiling water, then immediately with garlic tincture and again with boiling water.
    6. Breathe medicinal steam.

    When used in a bath, the medicinal components of garlic penetrate into the blood through the mucous membranes, and their effect begins immediately after using the tincture.

    Side effects

    Occasionally, men complain of nausea, dizziness, or rapid heartbeat when using home remedies for a long time. Such symptoms may indicate an increase in blood pressure caused by components that horseradish contains. If side effects are identified, it is recommended to stop treatment at home.

    When using products for application to the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, you should monitor the body's reaction. Horseradish is a rather aggressive root that causes skin redness and itching. Under no circumstances should it be applied in its pure form to the penis, otherwise a burn may occur!

    Recipes for inhalations and infusions

    After an illness, to prevent relapse of the disease and generally strengthen the body, you can use folk inhalation recipes. Inhaling vapors saturated with beneficial substances contained in medicinal herbs can be very useful for preventing diseases of the respiratory system - rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc. For To carry out the procedure, some preparations must be made. Medicinal herbs should be brewed and then take the decoction with you to the bathhouse. As a rule, medicinal chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, yarrow, motherwort and other plants. You can watch how to properly prepare a decoction for a bath in the video below:

    You will learn the benefits of bath infusions, what herbs to prepare infusions from, how to use ready-made pharmacy tinctures and answers to many other questions.

    Recovery from coronavirus pneumonia

    Respiratory distress is common following COVID-19. Even young and healthy patients report worsening lung function after recovery, and some also require oxygen support and mechanical ventilation, which can also impair quality of life. Acute respiratory illnesses and decreased immunity can make a person prone to other problems. Environmental factors such as high levels of air pollution also aggravate the situation.

    We provide you with a list of measures you need to take to protect your lung health after COVID-19.

    Bath steamer - what is it? How to do it correctly?

    Bath steaming is dried herbs that are used in a steam room. They are brewed to form a decoction and poured over the stones. When the steam evaporates, the air is filled with vitamins, essential oils and other beneficial substances, which during breathing enter the body and fill it, having a beneficial effect.

    Previously, bundles of dried herbs were hung in the bathhouse, but today herbal mixtures for the bathhouse are more often presented in the form of powders. They are stored in bags and used during relaxation in the bathhouse to create a special atmosphere in the steam room

    It is important that the bags are made of natural materials: chintz, linen, calico, etc.

    There are certain rules on how to properly take a steam bath; the situation is similar with herbs: in order for them to bring the desired result, you need to know how to use them. First you need to decide whether you will use a ready-made decoction or a collection of herbs for a bath.

    Bath preparations differ from decoctions in that they are stored dried for quite a long time, but they are brewed quickly.

    Herbs can also be purchased ready-to-use, in which case all you have to do is brew them to make an infusion. But if you want to prepare the herbs yourself, then this must be done in advance, before going to the steam room. It is necessary to prepare the herbs: you need to collect whole leaves and stems that have no signs of rotting, damage by pests, etc.

    So, the herbs are ready, now we can talk about how to make a decoction for the bath. To do this, you need to boil water in a container at the rate of 3-4 liters per 100 g of herbal mixture. Afterwards you need to pour the herb into boiling water and continue boiling. When the water starts to boil again, reduce the heat to low and cook for a few more minutes, covering the pot with a lid. Then filter the broth and pour it over a hot stove or stones.

    There is no need to pour the entire broth onto the stones at once; it is better to do it gradually, so that the air in the steam room is filled with the aroma of herbs for the entire time you relax.

    No less popular is the herbal bath - the use of aromatic herbs for the preparation of medicinal infusions and steaming.

    Bath infusions have a pleasant aroma, which is enough to quickly saturate the air in the steam room. During the process of herbal inhalation, beneficial compounds penetrate through the upper respiratory tract and are carried along with the blood to all systems of the body.

    In order for bath infusions to be beneficial and provide a high therapeutic effect, you need to know in what cases each type of plant can be used.

    • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects - chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, sage, linden.
    • Sedative and calming effect - mint, lemon balm, chamomile, linden, lemongrass.
    • Normalization of blood pressure - hawthorn and motherwort.
    • Tonic effect - wormwood, juniper and rose.
    • Relieving nervous tension and fatigue - pine, fir, juniper, eucalyptus, thyme.
    • Anti-cold and expectorant - eucalyptus, lavender, linden, thyme, sweet clover.
    • Accelerate metabolism, strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body - lavender, chamomile, mint.

    To get the maximum effect from bath procedures, it is recommended to use fresh herbal infusions and bath steams. Steaming for a bath based on medicinal plants is sold ready-made at the pharmacy - small canvas bags containing the required set of herbs. If desired, you can make this decoction yourself.

    To prepare a decoction for a bath with your own hands, you should first buy medicinal herbs at your discretion. We brew the decoction according to the recipe strictly in compliance with the proportions proposed by the manufacturer.

    When performing bath procedures, it is not recommended to use alcohol tinctures to avoid drying out the mucous membrane.

    Bath "rules"

    Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Biryukov, states: “Regularly visiting the bathhouse, for example, once a week (preferably on Saturdays or Sundays), makes it possible to provide proper hygienic care for the body, as well as get rid of the fatigue that has accumulated over the week... Visiting the steam room - one of the methods of hardening and prevention of certain infectious, colds and rheumatic diseases.
    Therefore, you can visit the bathhouse several times a day, but subject to certain rules.” For example, the specialist advises, “when entering the steam room for the first time, beginners, the elderly, children and those who feel not entirely healthy should be placed in the “comfort” zone - on the bottom shelf, where the air temperature is not so high. The duration of stay should not exceed 6 minutes. After entering the steam room for the first time, you should rest for 8-12 minutes in a well-ventilated area.”

    Also, Biryukov advises, it is better to be in a lying position in the steam room, as this reduces the load on the cardiovascular system and promotes nervous and muscle relaxation. You should not stand or sit with your legs down - this again puts a strain on the heart and also overheats the head. If there is not enough free space, then when sitting, it is better to stretch your arms along the shelf or pull them to your chest.

    So, in principle, you can go to the bathhouse every day, but you should take a steam bath only on special “bath” days and in compliance with all the rules prescribed by doctors. Of course, if you want visits to the bathhouse to bring benefits to your health and not harm.

    Bath at the initial stage of sinusitis

    Sinusitis is a very unpleasant disease when, as a result of the inflammatory process, pus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, which is the result of the struggle of leukocytes with harmful microorganisms. The resulting pus has an extremely unpleasant putrefactive odor, and inflammation of the nasal mucosa leads to swelling of the respiratory tract, leading to nasal congestion. Inflammation can be acute or chronic, but in the first stages it is easy to recognize by pressing heaviness in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, weakness, nasal congestion and copious mucous discharge. Some people mistakenly believe that during this period it is necessary to take a steam bath in order for the disease to go away. But a steam bath is unlikely to help here. The proliferation of harmful microorganisms can only be stopped by taking medications prescribed by a doctor, including antibiotics.

    In some cases, if the outflow of purulent discharge is difficult, a puncture is prescribed and the maxillary sinuses are washed with a sanitizing solution. At this time, it is better to refrain from visiting the bathhouse and quickly consult a doctor to receive timely treatment.

    Who shouldn't

    You can visit the bathhouse at any time without exacerbations: at this time, only taking medications prescribed by a doctor is indicated.

    Any heating is prohibited, otherwise the inflammation may intensify.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the general state of health: the bath is contraindicated for any acute inflammatory diseases, circulatory disorders, vascular insufficiency, heart disease, hypertension.

    People with arthritis often take corticosteroids. You need to wait 3-4 weeks after completing the course of treatment, because they reduce the reactivity of the adrenal glands, and vascular complications can occur from overheating.

    Garlic in the bath

    Garlic in a bath, despite its “harshness,” is very appropriate. If we are talking about a bath for health. Of course, it is better to use garlic in a bath only in a family bath, since in a public bath your action will be misinterpreted.

    what is the purpose of cheskok Firstly, to maintain good health. Garlic has always been considered a universal remedy that cures everything from colds to plague. It is an excellent source of manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C and selenium. Garlic has properties that help our heart and liver: 1. good for blood and circulation 2. helps stimulate the immune system 3. helps reduce “bad” cholesterol 4. increases metabolism 5. helps better absorb iron 6. serves as a cancer prevention (includes in the top 10 best anti-cancer products) 7. fights bacteria and viruses 8. helps remove warts 9. treats toothache. Secondly, as a remedy: 1. For colds. Chop a clove of garlic and add a little hot water. Let sit for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the decoction. This is a natural cough syrup. During cold and flu season, eat 3 raw garlic cloves daily to prevent illness. 2. For acne. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub over the affected areas of the skin. Carry out the procedure regularly and your skin will become clear. 3. About herpes. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub on the sore area. This may cause discomfort, but it is as effective as expensive pharmaceutical products. 4. Treatment for foot fungus. Throw a couple of crushed garlic cloves into hot water. Let it brew for a bit. Pour the resulting liquid into a foot bath and soak your feet for half an hour. Thirdly, as a drug for controlling insects indoors and even garden pests: 1. Using a garlic-based soap spray gives good results in the fight against gypsy moths, which infect apple trees. It's quick and easy to make, it's economical, non-toxic to the environment and our bodies - and it works! Soap has been used for centuries as a universal pesticide. It destroys insect cell membranes and kills pests. The trick is not to use too much of it, otherwise it will kill the plant along with the pests. Grate the laundry soap and add water to obtain concentrated liquid soap. To prepare the solution, take 1-2 tablespoons of liquid soap per 1 liter of water. Chop 1-2 cloves of garlic and add boiling water. Cover and let sit overnight. Strain in the morning. Pour soap and garlic solutions into a spray bottle. In dry weather, treat the plants. The solution deteriorates quickly, so you need to prepare it as needed. 2. Repellent against mosquitoes and other insects. Everyone knows that the best remedy for vampires is garlic. That's why mosquitoes are afraid of garlic. You can rub garlic on your skin to repel mosquitoes, but if that's not your thing, you can place peeled garlic cloves where the mosquitoes have appeared. Fourthly, as a household product. 1. glass installation. If small cracks appear on the glass, you can squeeze garlic juice onto it. After some time, you need to wipe off the excess wax. Garlic is a natural glue. It will help glue the fragments together and prevent further damage. 2. Glue. Garlic can be used to glue other materials, such as paper. 3. Fighting ice. Garlic salt works wonders for removing ice from roads, sidewalks, and other surfaces. 4. Homemade surface cleaner. Chop 3-4 cloves of garlic. Place them in a spray bottle filled with white vinegar. Add a couple of drops of lemon oil and the sanitizer is ready!

    Consulting: Bely Alexey Bathhouse, international-class technologist of the Kuban Bath Association.

    Natural essential oils

    Aromatherapy in baths and saunas has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. Soft and clean steam containing aromatic oils helps prevent and treat various respiratory diseases.

    Natural aromatic oils effectively saturate the bath air with beneficial compounds that actively penetrate the human body through the respiratory system and skin.

    They have metabolic, trophic, secretory, training and diaphoretic effects. Used for inhalation, massage, rubbing and baths.

    • Juniper, anise and dill oils are used for coughs and congestion in the upper respiratory tract.
    • Eucalyptus and peppermint oils have a powerful antiseptic effect, so they are used for colds.
    • To treat headaches and normalize blood pressure, it is better to use verbena and geranium oil.
    • For muscle and emotional stress, you can use geranium, wormwood and lemongrass oil.
    • If you lack strength and are tired, it is better to choose rosemary and rose oil.
    • To treat skin diseases, it is recommended to use sedative and wound-healing essential oils for baths and saunas - chamomile, sage, valerian, sea buckthorn and pine. In addition, such oils tone and increase skin elasticity.
    • Coniferous oil for saunas and baths - spruce, pine, fir and cedar - has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Such oils are best used as quick septic tanks for healing damaged skin.
    • Air saturated with aromatic oils promotes detoxification and cleansing of the body. The best natural flavors for a bath are lemon, sandalwood and juniper oils.

    With the right approach, you can get therapeutic steam with any aroma in the steam room by adding natural flavors and additives to the water.

    The classic aroma of a bathhouse is the bready aroma exuded by kvass or beer. Such drinks are infused with bread crumb and malt. Another natural flavoring for saunas and baths is honey, which will fill the room with the amazing smell of a field apiary.

    Lovers of forest walks can choose spruce or fir flavors - the steam acquires a rich aroma of pine needles. Mint and lemon balm aromas help relieve physical fatigue and stress. Exciting aromas of rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, orange and lemon can give vigor and confidence, lift your spirits and improve your well-being.

    A good alternative to drug treatment for colds is to use mustard powder to produce medicinal steam. Some bath attendants will like the smells of melons - melon or watermelon, while others will not refuse the aroma of ripe cherries or peach.

    A garlic bath is completely unusual for lovers of spicy aromas and piquancy. Garlic steam has a powerful antiseptic effect on the upper respiratory tract, so it is especially useful for colds.

    The secret of garlic infusion

    Garlic is an evil spice and requires a “scientific” approach to it. Preparation of the infusion begins in advance - 2-3 hours before the bath procedures, and ideally the day before. The recipe for natural flavoring is simple:

    1. Peel and chop the garlic bulb on a grater or in a special press. You can chop it finely - the healing effect of garlic will not decrease. When cutting, do not remove the husk (in the steam room it also releases useful substances).

    2. Pour boiled water heated to 85 degrees over the ground garlic. Keep the composition for several hours (ideally, leave the thermos with garlic overnight. This will allow it to better absorb the liquid).

    3. Strain the tincture through cheesecloth or chintz and dilute in water. One bulb of garlic requires 6-8 liters of water (depending on your preferences).

    Rules for using retinoids

    IMPORTANT! It is a serious mistake for a cosmetologist if he avoids prescribing retinoids for fear of side effects: redness, erythema, dryness and flaking. These symptoms can be easily avoided if you follow the recommendations:

    Use cosmetics with retinol from professional brands

    Are you tempted to buy an inexpensive retinoid product at the pharmacy? It is important to know the differences:

    In pharmaceutical forms, synthetic analogues of retinol are used, which are more aggressive on the skin and are more likely to provoke retinoic dermatitis ;

    Professional cosmetic preparations contain natural forms of retinol, which are gentle in operation, while providing all the necessary functions to the skin;

    Professional cosmetics with retinol contain ingredients with a brightening effect to enhance effectiveness, as well as a calming and restorative effect - for ease of use.

    Follow the recommended application regimens

    Each drug has its own scheme of use, which must be familiarized with before use. The difference in the frequency of application of the product is related to the percentage and form of retinol.

    1. Apply locally to age spots

    If there are no additional indications for the use of retinol, it is enough to apply the product only to the area of ​​age spots.

    1. Use only at night

    Retinoids are applied to the skin only in the evening - a single rule for all products with retinol! A single application is enough, it is important not to forget to apply sunscreen with SPF to the skin in the morning, as retinoids increase, thin the stratum corneum and increase the skin's vulnerability to ultraviolet and other rays.

    However, regular use of mineral SPF reduces all threats from the sun to zero and makes the use of retinol completely safe!

    The work of retinoids is physiological, so the result of use is not immediately visible. Expect a lasting visible effect in about the second month from the start of use. However, we hasten to please you - the result, thanks to the gradual physiological effects of retinol, is persistent and pronounced. It is possible to completely get rid of age spots within 6-8 months of use.

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