Infrared sauna: features and contraindications

This is a relatively recent invention that was made in Japan by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa. Despite the fact that such saunas became known only recently in Western countries, they have become quite widespread. Statistics show that in Europe alone, about 30 thousand infrared cabins are sold per year. Today their popularity is only growing. People install them in sports complexes, medical institutions and even at home.

Infrared sauna benefits and harms

In order to determine exactly how an infrared sauna works, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of its operation and some scientific fundamentals. It is important to know that infrared radiation can heat objects. The naked human eye is not able to perceive this radiation, since it is outside the visible spectrum. However, a person will feel this radiation with his skin when it begins to heat the surface of the skin.

The waves are completely safe for health (it is important to know that such radiation comes from any heated objects). In fact, this is ordinary warmth that everyone is accustomed to. This does not include X-rays or any other radiation harmful to human health.

But how, in this case, does an infrared sauna differ from any other, if it is solely a matter of using heat? The fact is that such radiation can quickly warm up human tissue up to 4 cm in depth. Warming has a healing effect on all organs and tissues where it spreads, as a result of which metabolism improves, nutrition of organs and tissues is significantly enhanced, and immunity becomes stronger.

Such waves are emitted by any heated object. The most powerful source is the Sun. Infrared radiation should not be confused with ultraviolet radiation, which can be hazardous to health. Heat can, in principle, be transferred in only three ways:

  • contact, when heat is transferred from one body to another directly;
  • convection, in this case heat is transferred from one body to another through air, water or any other medium;
  • wave, which is used in infrared saunas.

In traditional baths and saunas, the convection method is used. In contrast, an infrared sauna uses a wave method.


From the very first minutes, the infrared sauna begins its effect, having a positive effect on the body. Within a few minutes, the body temperature rises to 38 degrees. Thus, a large number of pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. At the same time, the pores expand and harmful substances are released from the body through sweat. Heat triggers a natural sweating response.

It is important to know. In a traditional bath or sauna, about 5% of harmful substances are removed along with sweat. In an infrared sauna this figure increases to 20%.

Finishing the structure

A variety of materials can be used to decorate the cabin. In most cases, this is natural wood with antiseptic characteristics, although there are glass and fiberglass products equipped with a shower on the market.

The most optimal raw materials are linden, oak or cedar, since these materials are characterized by antibacterial and health-promoting parameters. However, often leading companies use popular types of cedar only as a marketing gimmick. Although elite wood looks very beautiful, its service life is much lower than that of linden or pine. At the same time, cedar structures are very expensive.

The advantages of finishing with high-quality wood are obvious and are as follows:

  1. Durability.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. No harmful emissions when heated.
  4. As the cabin heats up, it releases useful substances and odors.

And although plastic structures are much cheaper, they can emit toxic formaldehyde, becoming hazardous to health. As a result, instead of the expected therapeutic effect, the infrared cabin causes harm.

Experienced cosmetologists advise additionally finishing the floor and walls with high-quality Himalayan salt tiles. It is characterized by excellent healing qualities, which increase as it heats up and have a positive effect on the respiratory system and the general condition of the body. In traditional steam saunas it is impossible to implement such a plan, since under the influence of moisture the salt begins to break down.

The effect of an infrared sauna on a person

The difference between a traditional sauna and an infrared sauna essentially lies only in the path of heat transfer. Let us recall that in traditional heat is transferred through air, and in infrared through waves. This approach saves significant resources. Only 20% of the energy in an infrared sauna is used to heat the air, while in a traditional sauna it takes up to 80%.

The infrared sauna cabin contains several radiation sources. Which emit waves with a length of about 5 microns. Such waves penetrate the human body to a depth of 4 centimeters. Compared to a regular bath, this is a huge difference, since in it you can warm up to 5 mm. As a result, the most effective therapeutic effect is exerted on the body.

Deep heating of the tissues in the body, as well as increased sweating, allows you to achieve a positive result much faster and more effectively than in a traditional bath. The pores open wider, which allows much more harmful substances to be removed from the body (80% water and 20% heavy metals and subcutaneous fat). After visiting such a sauna, your well-being will significantly improve, blood circulation will accelerate, and your body will be filled with unprecedented lightness and energy.


The use of innovative technologies has made it possible to create smaller sauna cabins without losing quality. Therefore, searching for the nearest IP is simple, thanks to their massive use in fitness clubs and sports. halls and beauty salons. The listed establishments include them due to:

  • skin cleansing effects;
  • reduction of colds among clients;
  • help in the fight against extra pounds.

An infrared sauna is a small cabin inside with built-in emitters. They emit rays that warm the human body. Their effects are within the range that is safe for the body. The energy source is normal mains voltage.

How does it work? The waves have a strong effect on the skin tissue and heat it to the required degree. A huge advantage of this procedure is the cleansing of muscle tissue from excess lactic acid. Which is a necessity for athletes with intense training.

The healing effect of an infrared sauna

Everyone knows that Japan has one of the best medicine in the world. And this invention differs for the better from the alternatives. The therapeutic effect of an infrared sauna includes many aspects.

  1. Regular use of an infrared sauna can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood. In turn, this significantly reduces the risk of various cardiovascular diseases and improves blood pressure.
  2. The walls of blood vessels strengthen and become more elastic.
  3. The functioning of the immune system is improved, the body's resistance to extreme conditions and pathogens is significantly increased. While visiting an infrared sauna, body temperature rises to 38 degrees Celsius and higher. This effect is very similar to the body's natural response to colds. It is for this reason that pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed.
  4. Increased sweating during the session helps stabilize kidney function, dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation.
  5. Infrared radiation is known for its ability to alleviate and even completely cure diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
  6. An infrared sauna is an excellent pain reliever that helps with menstrual, headaches, joint and muscle pain.
  7. Significantly speeds up the healing process of various injuries, including fractures, bruises, sprains and much more.
  8. Infrared heat is quite comfortable, so such a sauna also has a relaxing effect and has a positive effect on the human nervous system. An excellent opportunity to relieve stress after a hard day at work.
  9. Researchers say infrared radiation reduces the growth of cancer cells. However, this veil is not recognized, so it is not worth relying on it as fundamental.

Based on all of the above, we can safely say that an infrared sauna is a comprehensive prevention of the entire body and general health improvement.


This type of heater is ideal for organizing a warm corner somewhere on a loggia or veranda. It is used for zonal heating, although no one bothers to cover the apartment with “warm films” over the entire area.

In film infrared heating, the main material is a thin layer of graphite, which is applied to a thermoplastic film. Instead of graphite, a carbon thread can be used - when heated, it creates a heat flow. Note that film heaters create a single integral system, but it consists of separate modules. If some section fails, it is not difficult to replace it with a new one without compromising its integrity.

These panels do not have high power, so their efficiency is low. For this reason, they are used for local heating and are rarely installed along the entire perimeter of the apartment.

Cosmetic effect of an infrared sauna

Overweight people will appreciate the cosmetic effect. The fact is that during a session in an infrared sauna, profuse sweating occurs. It is worth remembering that during this process a large amount of subcutaneous fat is released. The number of calories burned during one session in an infrared sauna is comparable to a 10-kilometer run. It is for this reason that an infrared sauna can be used as a means of losing weight. In combination with a skillfully selected diet and sports exercises, you can achieve a significant effect within just a few days.

However, the cosmetic effect does not end there. It is worth remembering that under the influence of intense infrared radiation, the pores expand and profuse sweating begins. As a result of this process, the skin is deeply cleansed of dirt and harmful substances. Dead cells are exfoliated perfectly. Blood flows to the skin, which ensures its supply of nutrients. All ointments, creams and other products applied to the skin after a session in an infrared bath give the most positive effect. If you regularly visit an infrared sauna, then you may not be afraid of some skin diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • dandruff;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis (according to unverified data);
  • scars and scars in some cases heal.

Infrared radiation penetrates deeply into the human body, which, in combination with regular physical activity, can effectively combat cellulite. The body will begin to break down the interfering cells on its own. It is important to maintain proper nutrition to achieve maximum results.

What damage can an infrared heater cause?

The damage from infrared heaters can be quite significant. For example, a quartz heater, often used by people in various devices, can act in this way:

  1. Its effect causes the skin to dry out due to the intense release of moisture from the side where the infrared rays come from.
  2. A quartz heater can cause burns. This often happens in infrared saunas.
  3. Heat flow has a biochemical effect on people due to its effect on the protein of the skin. It changes the permeability of the blood cell membrane.
  4. With prolonged exposure, the heater can cause damage to the eyes: the retina and lens suffer. This often causes the occurrence and development of cataracts.

Infrared heating installed in an apartment can have exactly the same effect on people’s skin.

Large doses of infrared radiation are harmful to health. Workers in workshops where glass or metal processing is carried out by an infrared apparatus were examined. It was recognized that the skin of workers in such industries loses its protective qualities due to the high intensity of heat.

Many people ask whether a quartz heater, which is used in physiotherapeutic procedures, is harmful or not. There is no great danger from such a device, since in medical institutions all radiation parameters are strictly regulated, and such an infrared heater affects patients for a very short time, so it cannot cause any damage to the patients’ skin.

There are established sanitary standards for long-term human stay in a room where an infrared heater is located. In infrared saunas, the effect of heat on people is short-term, so it is possible to use intense irradiation with a power of up to 450-490 W/m², but the technology must be strictly adhered to, otherwise a burn is possible. Scientists consider such saunas useless, since they have no advantages over traditional stoves.

What does an infrared sauna look like?

Externally, this is a fairly large cabinet, consisting of environmentally friendly materials (usually wood). Infrared sauna doors are most often made of glass. Infrared radiation sources are installed under the seats. The size of the sauna may vary. Depending on this, the capacity of the closet varies from 1 to 5 people. Such a cabinet will not take up too much space, so infrared saunas for home

- perfect solution.

Advantages of IR heaters and recommendations for use

But when figuring out whether an IR heater is harmful to a person, you should understand that if used correctly, it will not only not harm your health, but will also become an excellent means of heating. After all, an infrared heater has numerous advantages:

  • silent operation;
  • fast heating speed;
  • long service life;
  • uniform heating of the surface;
  • the ability to heat only the necessary zones, and not the entire room.

Much depends on the material from which the heating element is made. You should not purchase devices that use a halogen lamp as a heating element. It emits short waves, which pose the greatest danger to human health. Such devices should not be used for household purposes, as this will negatively affect your well-being.

As mentioned above, a lot depends on the installation location of this climate control device. Much depends on the size of the room and the height of the walls. Especially if you intend to mount it on the ceiling. The device must be at a certain height.

Before installing an IR heater, you should remember that the waves it emits should spread evenly throughout the room, and not be directed only to one part of it. Not only the quality of heating, but also the state of your health depends on how correctly this device is installed.

Please ensure that the specified technical specifications correspond to reality. A modern IR heater is often equipped with a tip-over and overheating protection sensor and has a built-in thermostat, with which you can set and maintain the desired room temperature

There should also be a control panel. All this additional equipment allows you to make the process of its operation more comfortable.

Remember, the safest heaters are long-wave ones. They must be correctly located in the room and made of quality materials. This is the key to their safe use and quality of room heating. In addition, you should follow the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Infrared heating devices are a first-class type of climate control technology. Are infrared heaters harmful? No. After all, if you choose and install them correctly, they will be safe, convenient and versatile. With their help, you can not only effectively heat the room even in severe frosts, but also save a lot of money.

Features of the session

The bath procedure in an infrared sauna is significantly different from what we are used to. Here the session is not accompanied by work with birch, fir, oak and other brooms. During the procedure, the body does not perceive it as overheating of the body, so contrasting water procedures will be unnecessary.

A full session lasts about half an hour. At this time, the ideal position relative to all infrared emitters would be a sitting position, with your legs down, your arms extended along your body and your back straight. It is important to know that during the session the body loses a large amount of moisture, so it needs to be compensated. Green tea or mineral water is best suited for this purpose, which should be consumed after the session in an amount sufficient to quench thirst.

Choosing the best IR booth

Let's try to figure out what you need to pay attention to when choosing an infrared sauna. First of all, you should rely on the following criteria:

Dimensions. The variety of models allows you to choose from compact, single-bed versions for small apartments, to three- or four-bed versions designed for country houses

Please note that the portable infrared sauna cannot compete in comfort with its larger counterparts. Shape and design. In this situation, everything depends on your desire

You can purchase a ready-made model of a rectangular, angular or round shape, give preference to a completely wooden frame or a device with panoramic glass walls. Interior decoration. Only a tree, but what it will be like is decided individually. There are many options: inexpensive hardwood, economical, resin-free pine, expensive Altai cedar or Canadian hemlock, or something else. The type of heater we talked about a little earlier.

Advantages of infrared saunas over a traditional bath

There are a number of advantages why modern people prefer an infrared sauna to a traditional bath.

  1. The air in an infrared sauna practically does not warm up. The temperature in the closet reaches 50 degrees maximum. In a traditional bath, this figure can reach over 100 degrees. Among other things, there is no steam generation in an infrared sauna. For these reasons, it is much easier to tolerate than a bath. An infrared sauna is not contraindicated for older people and anyone who feels serious discomfort from high temperatures.
  2. A traditional sauna takes a very long time to warm up. According to this indicator, it is also inferior to its more modern analogue. Warm-up time is only 15 minutes. This saves your time significantly and allows you to use it daily.
  3. Remember how you feel after a session in a traditional bath. Fatigue, drowsiness and deep relaxation. After visiting the infrared sauna, your body will be filled with lightness and energy, and you will immediately feel much better than before the session. People who use such saunas notice that after the session they feel joy, and their performance increases significantly.
  4. You will significantly save time not only on warming up the sauna itself, but also on the effect after the session. The fact is that after visiting a traditional bath, you leave flushed and steamed. From the infrared cabin, you can immediately get to work without wasting time getting ready. This means you can visit an infrared sauna

    even in the morning, before work. Is this possible with a traditional bath? visit

  5. Design features also have a number of advantages. A traditional bathhouse is, as a rule, a separate building with a large stove and dressing room. The infrared sauna cabinet will easily fit into your home. It has thin walls, no stove, and the materials used to make the cabin are quite light. This way you can save a lot of space in your home.
  6. Saunas are equipped with large electric stoves that consume enormous amounts of electricity. In contrast, infrared emitters consume practically no electricity. Operation and maintenance will cost you much less. This way you can save on electricity.
  7. In order to place an infrared sauna in your home or even apartment, you do not need to obtain permission from utility companies. Thus, you can create a small home fitness center, where after work you can visit the infrared sauna and relieve stress.
  8. Remember how much it costs to build a bathhouse, bring it into proper shape, provide everything necessary, and how much effort it will take. In this regard, an infrared sauna is also superior to a bathhouse.

In the modern world, infrared cabins are spreading at high speed, and the demand for them is only increasing. This fact in itself means that people see only advantages in such saunas. A traditional bathhouse for a Russian person is a real ritual, which is used along with therapeutic effects to be in pleasant company, have fun and have a good time. An infrared sauna should be considered solely as a tool for healing and stress relief. This treatment procedure does not require too much time, is quite comfortable and very easy to use. It can be used quite often and even for those people who do not tolerate high temperatures well or who have diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is important to know! You shouldn’t contrast too much between a traditional bath and an infrared sauna, as they are very different in action and purpose. Many people prefer to visit both a traditional bath and an infrared sauna in order to get the maximum benefit from both procedures mentally and physically.


Any health procedure has its contraindications. The infrared sauna is no exception. In order not to harm your health or aggravate the course of any disease, you need to know about situations in which sessions in an infrared sauna are contraindicated for a person.

  1. In case of exacerbation of skin diseases.
  2. While taking medications (radiation can cause side effects from medications).
  3. Oncological diseases, all kinds of tumors.
  4. For menstruation or other types of bleeding.
  5. For any diseases of the prostate gland.
  6. For mastopathy.
  7. After surgical interventions.
  8. For gynecological diseases such as: endometriosis, fibroma, fibroids, etc.
  9. For colds and other infectious diseases.
  10. Heart failure, too high or very low blood pressure, tachycardia, anemia.
  11. During exacerbation of cystitis and nephritis.
  12. For inflammation of the joint capsules, development of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).
  13. If there are any implants in the human body.
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