Efflorescence on brickwork: preventing and fighting them

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Brick has been and remains the most popular building material for buildings of any type. It is durable, reliable, a brick house will always be warm in winter and cool in summer. It would seem that this is an ideal solution for long periods of time and any budget. But brick can also bring surprises to the owners of houses and buildings. Especially in seasons such as autumn and spring. And the most unpleasant surprise is the appearance of efflorescence on the brick.

When a white coating appears on the wall of a building, the reasons for its appearance and how to deal with it - we will now deal with you.

What is efflorescence?

Efflorescence, in its essence, is ordinary salt that appears on the surface of a brick. Brick is a kind of hard porous sponge that perfectly absorbs moisture, and it, in turn, contains various salt impurities. At a certain temperature, salts naturally “evaporate” onto the surface of the brick, which, when dry, crystallize on the surface, forming sloppy stains.

Efflorescence varies in its chemical composition, so the approach to removing it is also different. Some efflorescence can be easily washed off with vinegar or, for example, water and diluted detergent (relevant for efflorescence that is just beginning to appear, for example, on decorative facing bricks). Other efflorescence may not come off the first time after treatment even with aggressive professional cleaning chemicals.

Efflorescence on brickwork appears for a number of reasons. Let's take a closer look at them.

Question answer

Question No. 4777

Question No. 4771

Efflorescence is a rather poorly soluble structure, since the whitish coating may contain sulfate-sodium compounds, carbonate-sodium, carbonate-calcium. In addition, efflorescence may include aluminum, silicon, and iron-containing inclusions. As a result of exposure to atmospheric and industrial emissions, soluble salts become insoluble, which significantly complicates their removal.

Technological means for cleaning walls from whitish deposits are solutions of acids based on phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid and others. NOTE! When choosing an efflorescence remover, you should test it on a small surface. Since not every chemical composition may be suitable for certain drugs.

Efflorescence remover NEOMID 550

designed to remove mineral and phosphate efflorescence and is made on the basis of hydrochloric acid. The composition works in 90% of cases.

If the efflorescence is of a different nature, then it is necessary to select a product with a different acid.

In some particularly difficult cases, chemicals based on organic and inorganic acids do not help.

The white coating may not have been removed from the surface of the brick due to its strong moisture. If the wall is still wet, or you wet it heavily while washing off the remaining solution with water, then when it dries, a new portion of salt appears on the surface from the thickness of the wall with evaporating moisture.

Reasons for the appearance of efflorescence on the wall of a house

On beautiful red brick walls, every attentive owner will immediately notice white stains, but not everyone will attach importance to this or begin to act promptly to quickly eliminate the strange whitish pattern in the masonry. And this wave-like pattern is efflorescence and should be removed very quickly.

If it seems to you that the area of ​​efflorescence is insignificant, do not delude yourself and do not hope for chance. Only a small part of all the salty “wealth” contained in the building material appears on the wall. It is better to wash off efflorescence regularly, avoiding the formation of salt crystallization.

The appearance of efflorescence - a white coating on brick - is a consequence of excess moisture. Salt deposits are found almost everywhere and their appearance on a brick surface does not depend on a person at all.

The very reasons for the formation of efflorescence on bricks are quite banal and lie almost everywhere:

  • The material from which the bricks are made contains a certain amount of salts. Thanks to the moisture easily absorbed by the brick, these chemical elements are dissolved and brought to the surface of the building material under the influence of high temperature during the evaporation of the liquid.
  • The water that is added during the brick production process introduces its own portion of salts. Therefore, cleaning bricks from efflorescence is a process that is carried out at certain intervals, and not once.
  • Another recipe component in brick production that adds a fair amount of salts is sand, which contains a lot of lime. And, if it is not washed between cycles: mining in a quarry - adding to the brick batch, then the brick will obviously be fairly “over-salted”.
  • The soil on which the house stands also tries to keep up with everyone and makes its salty contribution to the emergence of a salt problem.
  • Natural precipitation in any form - where would we be without it? And in cases where a chemical production or enterprise is located nearby, an increased portion of salt is provided to everyone. In this case, the fight against efflorescence may directly depend on the region and climatic conditions. In some places you will have to remove efflorescence once every 1-2 years, and in others more often.
  • Lack of conservation of masonry in the autumn-winter period, if the construction process is interrupted for any reason. In this case, efflorescence on the wall can appear both outside and inside the building, since the house has not yet been insulated or heated, and there is no interior decoration yet.

Do not take stains and white deposits on red brick as a death sentence for your building. Just like letting everything take its course. Efflorescence on brick is a kind of call for protective measures and preventive checks of roofs, eaves, drains, window sills, and the integrity and reliability of waterproofing. If you correctly carry out all the work to remove efflorescence on brick with your own hands or take preventive actions to prevent the appearance of efflorescence, then your head and conscience will be free for a long time from solving such a problem.

Technology and methods of cleaning walls depending on the coating

The choice of method for cleaning a brick wall depends on the type of coating. When deciding how to clean a brick from mortar, the degree of contamination, the area of ​​the surface to be treated and the required level of efficiency in completing the work are also taken into account. If you urgently need to improve the aesthetics of masonry with complex formations in the form of fossilized mortar, you should give preference to chemical cleaners. In other situations, priority is given to environmentally friendly methods and technologies, which are selected depending on the nature of the coating.

How to clean brick from cement

Cleaning a brick wall from a cement coating involves the following stages of work:

  1. Softening the solution by applying water. This will make the composition more pliable and move away from the base material more easily. It is recommended to water the coating generously until the liquid stops being absorbed.
  2. Removing excess cement mixture mechanically. When deciding how to clean a brick from old mortar, they use tools depending on the nature of the contamination. Flat cement stains can be easily removed with a trowel, spatula or stiff brush. Fragments of the solution are first pryed off with a spatula, then the remains are cleaned off with a brush. Large cement pieces will have to be knocked down using a chisel and hammer. They work carefully so as not to damage the brick: you cannot apply perpendicular blows, they must be directed up or down in relation to the wall.
  3. Grinding. After the main part of the coating has been removed, the wall should be treated with sandpaper.

Why is efflorescence on brick dangerous?

If there is a white coating on the brick, then it must be dealt with immediately if for some reason you have neglected preventive measures. And efficiency here is not at all lost in aesthetic form. The danger lies in many factors.

If you do not get rid of efflorescence on the brick of the house and certain reasons for its occurrence in time, the process will go further, and the salt will begin to crystallize, turning into salty flakes that are toxic to the wall, which experts call “salt corrosion.” The brick is destroyed from the inside, and chips appear on the outside; the process is activated during seasonal temperature changes, which will lead to the destruction of the brick and masonry, and subsequently the entire structure of the building.

Therefore, as soon as you notice a white coating on a brick wall, this is a signal that you need to take a set of measures to eliminate efflorescence.

Why delete

A visible feature of efflorescence is the unsightliness of the front surface of the cladding. However, a more significant problem with efflorescence is the destruction of the brick structure . The front surface of the material first becomes scaly, and then large cracks form, which lead to the destruction of the block.

In this way, the entire facing masonry deteriorates not only in terms of external characteristics, but also its integrity is destroyed, which leads to a decrease in its heat-saving indicators, protective properties and other qualities.

It is especially important to take care of the brick if insulation is laid between the facing masonry and the load-bearing wall : if the lining is destroyed, the insulation may become unusable, especially if the cause of efflorescence is poor-quality waterproofing.

How to remove efflorescence on brick with your own hands?

If you think that efflorescence can be easily washed off with a stream of water, and this procedure can solve the problem of plaque, as well as avoid the consequences of a salt visit, you are mistaken, and you definitely need to read this material to the end. Only a light white coating can be washed off with water and vinegar or adding detergent. But such a measure is temporary; literally after a short amount of time the raid will appear again.

And some types of efflorescence cannot be washed off bricks. The brick absorbs water, which will dissolve the salts contained within the building material inside and bring them out to happily crystallize outside at the first temperature opportunity.

Removing efflorescence from the surface of a brick with your own hands should be carried out in several stages. The main thing is to comply with all technical conditions and do everything carefully and carefully.

So, are you ready? We begin to clean off the efflorescence from the surface of the brickwork.

The chemical composition of efflorescence can vary significantly, and therefore each case of salt deposition on a brick must be considered individually in order to understand what composition of the washer will need to be used. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a test wash on a small section of the wall. You can start testing with a universal remover, dissolving it in water according to the instructions, and then apply it with a brush to the damaged areas of the brick. Don't forget about gloves so as not to damage your hands, and it is advisable to wear glasses. The remover contains acids and is often aggressive, which can cause chemical burns.

You can also prepare the wash yourself. You will need a two to four percent solution of hydrochloric acid - this is in difficult cases. And in the rest, use regular detergent and add two or three tablespoons of vinegar to one of the above options. Mix everything well in a bucket of water. The second solution option is to dissolve a bottle of common alcohol in a bucket of water.

Professional anti-efflorescence products are excellent at removing salt from bricks. Currently, there are many technologies for how to wash bricks, removing salts, dirt, and even stubborn oil and other stains. Modern anti-efflorescence products are capable of removing whiteness from brick in one application, completely removing salt deposits from a facade, fence or other brick structure.

The efflorescence remover can be used to clean facing bricks, as well as all types of building bricks of any color.

The efflorescence removal solution should be applied with a roller or brush - it depends on individual preference and comfort. A couple of minutes after applying any solution, you can thoroughly rinse everything off with water from a high-pressure hose. It's best to use a high-pressure washer, but if you don't have one, you can use a stiff-bristled brush and carefully work it over the white residue that appears on the brick.

Then the wall should dry, and we can move on to the next stage of removing efflorescence from bricks with our own hands - this is hydrophobization or waterproofing. Simply put, we create a water-repellent film by impregnating the wall with substances based on silicone or acrylic components. The protective solution is capable of penetrating several centimeters deep into the brick, becoming a kind of armor for the entire structure of the house.

After the following procedures, we get the following effects:

  • Brick walls become impenetrable to all natural precipitation.
  • The strength of the building material increases significantly.
  • A brick wall will look clean and well-groomed for many years. The percentage of settling dust is minimal and is easily washed off by rain.
  • The salt is completely preserved inside the brick and has no chance of any movement or reaction. But the brick does not lose the ability to “breathe,” which is very important for interior spaces. Microscopic air bubbles will tightly grab the water molecules on the surface, preventing moisture from getting inside the brick to the salts to release them. And after the rains, the drying process of brick walls, thanks to this procedure, will become uniform and will take much less time.

Currently, there are entire lines of products for the care of brickwork, including both products for removing efflorescence on bricks and water-repellent solutions. Using these products in tandem, you can achieve the most lasting results. However, you need to understand that hydrophobization is not a panacea for the reappearance of white plaque on the masonry. Plaque will still appear over time. The water repellent allows you to delay the reappearance of efflorescence for a long time, which extends the life of the brick, prevents its destruction and provides the masonry with an aesthetic appearance.

Briefly about the main thing

To make the wall look like new always, and not just in the first months after construction, you must:

  1. Comply with all technological requirements for choosing a brick and store it under a film to protect it from rain or snow;
  2. Prepare a solution with a minimum of additives, river (or washed quarry) sand and water purified from salts;
  3. Observe the climatic and weather conditions of construction, installation and drying;
  4. Promptly clean the facade from emerging stains and protect the brickwork with a water-repellent agent from exposure to water.

You need to understand the causes and consequences of the appearance of efflorescence, that this is not some kind of problem that appears randomly, but a harsh reality that needs to be dealt with not later, but to organize the construction process in such a way as to avoid the very causes of salt deposits. It depends only on you what the appearance of the brickwork will be.

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Preventing the appearance of efflorescence on bricks

To prevent the appearance of efflorescence on brick, our grandparents had many recipes in stock. For example, chicken eggs were added to the cement mortar that was prepared for the construction of a brick house. But modern people have no need to be cunning with inventions, especially since there are a lot of chemical and organic solutions that prevent the problem and reliably control salts and moisture.

For independent prevention of efflorescence on bricks, any microfoaming agents-hydrophobizers based on naphthanic, rosin (resin) and fatty (regular vegetable oil) acids, as well as organosilicon compounds, will suit you. It is advisable, once every few years, to treat the brickwork of your walls with such solutions.

Upon completion of construction and application of the protective agent, allow the walls to “rest” and dry. You should not start finishing work right away. If you completed the construction of your house in the summer, then the best time to dry the house is winter. Moreover, hydrochloric lime dissolves perfectly at sub-zero temperatures.

During construction, under no circumstances should the masonry be allowed to become waterlogged. Therefore, it is better to suspend construction during the autumn-winter season, and reliably preserve the already rebuilt areas, otherwise efflorescence may appear indoors.

There is an opinion that before starting construction, bricks should be soaked. So this is a huge misconception. This cannot be done, just like diluting the cementitious solution.

For convenience, we have put together preventive measures to prevent the appearance of salt solution on bricks:

  • Bricks should be purchased from a reliable and trusted manufacturer. It is impossible to determine the presence and amount of salts in a brick by looking at it. Reviews from customers and professionals to help you before purchasing.
  • The cement mortar should be thick enough and always fresh, and not yesterday’s, diluted with water.
  • Use only coarse and well-washed sand for the solution.
  • It is advisable not to use any additives in the cement mortar. Even anti-frost ones.
  • Work with masonry only in dry weather. The ideal season for construction is summer. Otherwise, the appearance of efflorescence is inevitable in the first year after construction.
  • Preserve and cover the unfinished masonry from weather precipitation, or better yet, drive the masonry under the roof as quickly as possible.
  • Handle the cement mortar carefully so as not to stain the walls of the house. And remove any spilled solution with a dry brush without delay. If the solution has had time to dry, remove it with a damp sponge - this is worse than in the first option, but cleaning is extremely necessary.
  • Upon completion of the masonry work and its complete drying, the facade is coated with a water-repellent or water-repellent composition. But first, you can use an efflorescence cleaner from bricks and clinker.
  • It is very important to provide the building with a reliable and efficient drainage system, awnings and drains, so that even facades protected with solutions have minimal exposure to water.

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