Do I need to sand a rounded log before painting?

Preparing a log house for painting

First of all, you must clearly understand that the result will differ from what was expected. In 90-95% of cases, the color does not match, the paint does not adhere properly, and consumption increases as painting progresses. Experienced painters, when calculating the required amount of paint, always add up to 30% of the supply, since it will almost certainly be used. Key points to consider:

  • It is necessary to select paint based on the color of the joint sealant or an easily painted shade that will not affect the color of the building outside. Painting the walls should be done quickly, and work with the sealant will have to be done after the timber has settled.
  • Sometimes, when painting takes longer, the wall may have a different tone. To avoid this effect, the outside of the log house is bleached with special compounds. After leveling the tone of the walls, the log house is treated with an antiseptic and painted.
  • Compliance with painting technology deserves special attention: paint dilution for the starting layer, drying time of the layers. Ignoring this nuance, the walls will soon begin to peel off.
  • Immediately before painting, it is necessary to blow out any remaining dust and sanding from all cracks with an air compressor or vacuum cleaner.
  • If the log house is painted with brushes, then 2 layers will be enough to achieve a reliable and durable coating. If you work with a spray gun, you will need at least 3-4 layers.
  • Walls painted with a roller or brush turn out matte, while with a spray gun they turn out to be more glossy and shiny. Since it is necessary to paint a log house quickly, it is better to use a spray gun if it does not matter to you whether the final log house will be matte or glossy.
  • It is not advisable to use paints for interior decoration outside the house, and vice versa. Since manufacturers produce paints based on chemical solvents - for exterior use, and water-based - for interior use. Using them for other purposes is not only ineffective, but also harmful.
  • The lack of sanding cannot be hidden under paint! No matter how many layers you apply, unsanded or poorly sanded logs will become a carrier of dust, which will remain on the rough surface.
  • If the sharp edges and corners of a wooden structure are rounded and sanded, the paint on them will last longer.
  • The color of the sample boards will, as a rule, differ from the final color of your walls. It's not the color or gloss itself, but the huge difference in the area of ​​objects.

There is also a drawback to painting a log house for all those who love the smell of wood - this pleasant aroma will disappear after applying the first layer of paint. However, ease of breathing, fresh air, warmth in the winter months and coolness in the summer - all this will remain.

Selection of materials and tools

How to paint a log house is an individual decision, depending only on your preferences and desires. An important factor when choosing coloring materials is their good permeability into wood, the presence of antiseptic and fire-fighting properties.

If you want to emphasize the natural texture of a wooden frame, then it is better to choose a transparent or translucent color varnish for painting.

In order to emphasize the architecture of the house, the log house can be painted. The color range of paint products is quite diverse.

If you need to focus on details, you can paint individual parts of the house in a different shade from the main color. This could be painting the ends, ridge, cornice.

To paint the ends of wooden logs, do not use varnish or oil paints, which can delay the release of excess moisture from the wood. You can mix starch and ocher in equal proportions. A decoction of oak bark will not only give the tree a dark brown color, but will also highlight its design. You can also use lime, acrylic and water-based paints for the ends of the building to allow the logs to breathe.

When finishing logs inside the house, only water-based interior paints should be used. These are mainly acrylic compounds. Painting with paints based on exterior components is impractical and life-threatening.

Preparation and painting of logs is carried out with the following tools:

  1. Hand grinder (“grinder”) and special attachments for it.
  2. A flat chisel that can be used to perform work in hard-to-reach places where regular grinding with a wheel is impossible.
  3. A set of sandpaper with different grain sizes: from number 40, which can remove bark residues and clean up large irregularities on the surface, to numbers 80–100 - after rough sanding, they are used to produce the finishing touch for painting.
  4. Spray bottle for antiseptic treatment.
  5. A set of paint brushes of various widths, as well as a paint roller for processing even areas.
  6. Hammer.

We should not forget about personal protective equipment. Grinding is a process accompanied by intense release of dust, so a respirator or gauze bandage and safety glasses are required. The same protective kit is also necessary for painting work.

Useful tips

  1. For the exterior walls of the log house, it is advisable to choose dark colors - this will help protect it from exposure to sunlight. On the street side, it is not at all necessary to use water-based paint; you can also use it containing alkyd resins (based on a chemical solvent).
  2. It is better not to treat the steam room with glazes and paints, because this room has the highest temperature and humidity. For this purpose, you can use water-resistant, heat-resistant acrylic varnishes based on water. Their use will protect and emphasize the structure of the wood, avoid a strong odor, and make it possible to touch the walls without the risk of getting burned.
  1. In the washing room, it should be taken into account that here all surfaces often come into contact with hot water and steam. This makes them vulnerable to rot and insect pests. Before painting, this room must be treated as thoroughly as possible with an antiseptic.
  2. After impregnation, it is better to cover the remaining rooms inside the log house with varnishes or paints based on water, and not on a chemical basis.
  3. When choosing a protective impregnation, it is better to give preference to one that contains insect repellents.
  4. When painting outside walls, remember that the ends absorb paint more strongly. They can and should be applied 1-2 more layers.
  5. Chemical compounds must be applied only to previously cleaned and dry surfaces.
  6. Before you start painting the floor, it should be treated in several layers with moisture-proof and antibacterial impregnations.

These simple recommendations will help you easily cope with cosmetic repairs and significantly extend the life of the structure. If you take care of your bathhouse in a timely manner and competently make minor repairs, it will please the owners for a long time.

Sanding a wooden house in Yekaterinburg

A good house is created, not bought¤. Ask us what yours will be like!

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If you are interested in sanding a wooden house, the price of the service per m2 from the RosSrub company will be a pleasant bonus to the professional work of the master. We guarantee efficiency, high quality and advise on any current issues.

Prices for polishing hand-cut logs

Name of materialUnitsCost, rub
Sanding a painted framem2350
Grinding a log frame in one pass with 60 abrasivem2220
Sanding a log frame in two passes with 120 abrasivem2390
Grinding of ends in one passm/n210
Grinding the ends in two passesm/n390
Surface polishing (grit 150)m2150
Set of consumables for grindingm240

Sanding a wooden house: price, features, timing

Often, the cost of polishing logs from a log house is added to other ongoing work - trimming, sawing out door and window openings. Craftsmen recommend performing the above tasks in parallel: as a result, this significantly reduces the surface area to be treated.

There are other cases when sanding of log houses is in demand: the price also depends on this.

Sanding a wooden frame before painting (the price is the highest, since a wide range of work is required and finishing to an ideal result). As a result, the paint will lie smoothly and neatly on the surface, and the wood itself will acquire a natural color and naturalness. Especially after long-term shrinkage.

Sanding logs before applying varnish (the cost of such work is much lower, since only fine sandpaper with a light abrasive is required).

It may be necessary to sand a wooden house if the wood is infected with fungus (the price per sq. m. in this case will depend on the condition of the wood and the type of abrasive chosen by the master).

Whatever the price per square meter, the sanding of a wooden house is carried out by professional RosSrub craftsmen right on time. Of course, everything depends on the volume of the surface being treated, but with us you can be sure that there will be no delays.

How to paint the walls of a bathhouse from the inside

Painting the walls of a bathhouse requires a special approach. Logs inside the house are constantly exposed to heat and moisture. Some types of wood are not painted at all, but over time the surface of the walls darkens, so it is better to protect them.

The paint must withstand a temperature range from -25 to +120 degrees. Another requirement for paint quality is elasticity. This property ensures that the coating layer will not crack. Cracks lead to a decrease in the protection of the wall surface from moisture.

Most often, when treating interior walls after sanding, water-based varnishes are used. They protect the surface from moisture and rot, preserving the color and aroma of natural wood.

Foreign and Russian manufacturers produce special products for painting Finnish hot air saunas and Russian baths with high humidity. These products include antibacterial components that protect the surface of the walls from fungus. If the paint is chosen correctly, drops of moisture flow down the walls without being absorbed into them.

The shelves in the bathhouse are covered with oil or wax impregnation. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the surface to protect the wood from cracking, darkening and bacteria. Varnish cannot be used for these purposes, because the wood will heat up in the sauna so much that it will be impossible to sit on it.

Thus, in order to preserve the attractive appearance of walls made of natural logs and preserve the ability of wood to regulate the level of humidity in the house, it is advisable to use water-based paints. When preparing walls after sanding for the next stage of processing, carefully select mixtures for bioprotection. Such impregnations should not create a vapor-proof film on the surface. The same requirements apply to means for improving the fire resistance of wooden walls.

Painting wood will help maintain the attractive appearance of the house, make it more comfortable inside and extend the life of the log house.

Sanding a log house: tools and step-by-step instructions

Sanding increases the service life of the house and preserves the attractive appearance of the structure for a long time. Some people believe that such processing is not necessary for rounded and chopped logs, since they already look aesthetically pleasing. However, experts in the construction of wooden houses and bathhouses recommend sanding the walls, because this provides additional protection for the wood.

Why is grinding needed?

Sanding a log frame prevents wood from rotting and increases resistance to moisture and insects. It removes defects and irregularities from the surface of the walls of a wooden house, protects the wood from mold and mildew. Please note that unpolished logs, even after treatment with antiseptics and paints and varnishes, still darken over time and lose their original appearance. Sanding will help avoid this problem.

Benefits of Sanding

  • Sanding rounded logs preserves the natural, even color of the wood. Without sanding, wooden walls will darken over time due to exposure to sunlight;
  • After grinding, the surface of the logs becomes smooth and even;
  • The procedure removes the top layer where fungus and mold have already accumulated;
  • Sanding before impregnating wood with antiseptic agents helps to distribute the product evenly over the surface without layering or staining;
  • Sanding removes dirt from the surface of the walls that has accumulated during transportation and installation of the log house;
  • The procedure improves the penetration of paints and protective agents into wood, reduces the volume of consumables;
  • Sanding a log frame increases the wood's resistance to moisture and insects.

Sanding a log frame is a labor-intensive process that is best left to professionals. After all, the appearance of the walls and the service life of a wooden house depend on the quality of work. Sanding a log house with your own hands will cause a lot of trouble, since you need to carefully follow the rules and strictly follow the sequence of work. In addition, the sanding process produces dust that can get into your eyes, nose, and respiratory tract. Therefore, be sure to use special protective equipment during work!

Required Tools

The right tool is the key to quality grinding. For easy and fast work, choose a tool that is not too heavy and has high power. Too heavy a weight will reduce productivity by 2-3 times, and low power will increase operating time!

Sanding the walls and ends of a house or bathhouse is done using a grinder, grinder and special discs. A standard belt sander will not work for a semicircular log. This tool is used to process a flat surface. It is suitable for a bathhouse or a house made of timber.

For a house made of rounded logs, it is better to use a grinder with attachments made of a sanding disc with sandpaper in the shape of petals. Choose a lightweight angle grinder with a power of 850 W. It is better to take a tool from a well-known and trusted brand. Preview photos on websites, collect reviews on forums and among friends. Do not take the first tool you come across, as it may turn out to be of poor quality and simply fall apart after two or three days of work.

It is important to choose the right nozzles. For external sanding of rough parts of walls, choose a No. 80 wheel. Wheel No. 120 is suitable for external processing of smoother and softer areas. Grinding of the ends begins with wheel No. 30, and nozzle No. 60 is used to remove the old paintwork. Tools with larger grain attachments are used for primary processing, and smaller ones for finishing.

Be prepared to change attachments frequently. The abrasive wears off during operation and becomes clogged with resin and wood dust. To extend the life of the attachment, the tool is treated with a wire brush and white spirit. However, even after cleaning, the speed and productivity of work will still decrease.

How to properly sand logs - instructions

Once you have selected the tool, you can proceed to grinding. Remember that the log house is sanded only after the logs have completely shrunk! As a rule, this takes 6-12 months, depending on the design of the wooden house or bathhouse and the soil of the land plot. Sanding is carried out before the main finishing and installation of windows, doors, and ceilings. In addition, only dry materials can be sanded, as wet wood will scuff.

Before starting work, be sure to wear a protective mask, goggles or respirator to protect your eyes, mouth and nose from wood dust! Now let's take a closer look at how to sand logs better and more efficiently:

  • Inspect the walls and remove any loose pieces. They will slow down your work and may damage the tool. Treat such areas with adhesive and leave to dry for a day;
  • Check the caulk. If cracks appear, the walls will need to be re-caulked;
  • The resin is first removed from coniferous logs and only then proceed to the main stage of work;
  • Sand the walls first with large nozzles, and then with small ones. It is better to start grinding rounded logs with nozzle No. 100, and for secondary processing use No. 125;

  • Do not press hard on the surface or make large rotations. In the first case, you can “burn” the wood, but in the second, unevenness and grooves will remain.
  • Pay special attention to the processing of the ends, as they are most susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, insects and other factors;
  • Start processing the ends with nozzle No. 35 and gradually move to 120;
  • It is better to grind corners and hard-to-reach places using a chisel or a block with sanding paper;
  • After sanding, carefully remove dust inside and outside the house or bathhouse;
  • After sanding, you need to treat the walls with protective compounds. For this purpose, antiseptics and antipers are used. For the ends, choose separate special products! After the surface has dried, painting with decorative paints and varnishes follows.

In a new, newly built house, it is enough to perform surface sanding before painting. From old walls, you first need to remove the old layer of paint and varnish, and, if necessary, bleach the logs. After sanding, painting of the internal and external walls begins. If you sand and process the wood correctly, the surface of the walls will become smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Now you know how to avoid mistakes when sanding and get high-quality, smooth and beautiful logs. In any case, grinding requires certain knowledge and skills, so it is better to turn to professionals. The MariSrub company performs a full range of works on processing walls in a wooden house.

In addition to sanding, craftsmen will caulk and insulate the log house, and cover the surfaces of the walls with protective and decorative agents. Experienced specialists will perform the work efficiently and quickly, selecting the necessary tools and materials. Read more about the services at the link

Preparing the house for painting

By the time of treatment, the wall surface should be clean and smooth. A set of appropriate measures can achieve this. First, you should wash the surfaces using soft abrasives. For example, a brush with plastic bristles can remove the most severe dirt, dust deposits, etc.

Next is washing. At this stage, it is advisable to use special sprayers and washers with high pressure, or use a regular garden hose. In extreme cases, wet cleaning with a rag is performed.

Next, the technological process of preparing the log house for painting involves cleaning it using a hard abrasive. If at the first stage the brush eliminated foreign bodies, then this time the purpose of the mechanical action will be to refine the structure of the tree itself. Use hand sanders or brushes with metal fibers to polish the wood.

Then the washing operation is repeated again, which will complete the preparation for painting.

Is it necessary to sand the frame before painting? What are the features of sanding a wooden house?

Although building a house from hand-cut logs is an affordable way to get your dream home, there are many nuances that arise in the process that also require investment. These include polishing the frame. Is it worth saving on this important processing step or is the risk not justified?

Video of grinding at one of our sites

Purpose of grinding a log frame

1 There is a whole range of problems that can be solved by sanding a wooden house. First of all, it is an important condition for high-quality painting, as it allows you to smooth the surface of the log, removing all roughness and dust that appeared during shrinkage. As a result of high-quality sanding of a log house, the paint will apply more evenly, will better protect the surface of the log, and most importantly, it will simply look much neater and more attractive. In addition, this stage is necessary to remove the darkened layer of wood in order to return it to its natural color and expressiveness. Thus, you can significantly improve the appearance of the log house walls.

2 Also, sanding the frame with fine sandpaper is needed as a preparatory step before applying varnish. Bleached logs are also processed in this way. It’s worth noting right away that, given the need for high results and quality of the prepared surface, you should not refuse the offers of professional craftsmen. Moreover, the price of polishing a log frame is quite reasonable.

3 One of the key factors causing the need to sand a log house is fungal damage to the wood. Unfortunately, the spores of the fungus that causes wood to turn blue are spread by the bark beetle and penetrate the material while still in the forest, during its growth stage. As a result, the wood turns an unpleasant, sickly color even before the forest is cut down. In addition, non-compliance with drying technologies, improper storage of logs, high humidity, etc. can lead to wood contamination with mold, which will appear in the form of spots of various sizes and colors. Fortunately, these fungi in no way affect the strength characteristics of the material and only spoil its appearance.

  • The main thing is that this problem is easily solved: in order to get rid of infection and unattractive color of the wood, the logs must first be dried.
  • After installation, mandatory sanding of the log house is carried out, which removes the affected layers of wood and returns the material to its original beauty.
  • Within 2-3 days after this procedure, the sanded surface is treated with antiseptics and other broad-spectrum chemical compounds, which will avoid relapse.
  • It is worth remembering that before sanding a wooden house and applying the composition, you must wait until the moisture content of the log decreases to a level of less than 20%.

Price issue

The price of polishing a log frame is quite affordable: for professionals it starts from 250 rubles per square meter in the case of the first stage of processing. To carry out the second stage, you will have to pay almost half as much for the same area.

How to paint a log house

  1. We clean the surface of the logs from the outside. The walls must be thoroughly washed from dust. To do this, use a soft brush and a damp cloth. There is no need to generously water the walls. They must dry thoroughly before the next step.
  2. We sand the walls. The walls should be smooth after sanding so that the paint will apply evenly. The surface of wooden logs is treated with sandpaper. Start with coarse-grained sandpaper and finish with fine-grained sandpaper. You can speed up the work if you use a grinder with an emery wheel for sanding.
  3. We cover the walls with protective compounds. Fire retardant impregnation is applied first, followed by bioprotection.
  4. Apply 2 layers of each product to the wall and wait until it dries completely. The instructions for the paint indicate the exact drying time for one layer.
  5. A water-repellent coating is applied. For this purpose, paints or special protective mixtures are used. After each coat of paint, the wall is allowed to dry for a couple of days. The first layer must be done with a brush. Subsequent layers can be applied using a spray gun, protecting the eyes with goggles and the respiratory tract with a respirator.

Modern industry produces painting materials that initially contain insect repellents and fire-retardant impregnations. The use of such mixtures can significantly speed up the painting of external walls after sanding.

Preparatory stages

Before applying painting materials to the frame, it should be thoroughly processed. First you need to remove all contaminants from the surface. A brush with soft bristles, a washing vacuum cleaner or an ordinary garden hose are suitable for this. Just be careful not to water the logs abundantly; the tree may become saturated with moisture and will take several weeks to dry.


Sanding of the log house cannot be performed immediately after completion of construction work. Wood with high humidity is poorly processed, and any further coating will look unsightly on a poorly polished surface. Therefore, the house must stand for at least a month. It is also recommended to carry out such work at an ambient temperature of no lower than 10–15 °C and no higher than 30 °C. For internal surfaces this circumstance is less critical than for external ones.

Before starting grinding, the log house should be checked for leaks. The result is to caulk possible cracks and gaps left after construction. If this stage is not necessary for houses made of laminated veneer lumber, then log buildings (especially in the crown joints) may have some leaks that must be carefully sealed using acrylic or silicone-based sealants.

Since wood of normal humidity is sanded quite easily, you should not use a massive tool. The optimal power of an angle grinder is 800–1000 W. In this case, the size of the grinding disc must be consistent with the diameter of the rounded log. Preference is given to machines that allow you to adjust the speed of the grinding disc.

When sanding with your own hands, work begins with the back walls and the most even areas: this makes it easier to get used to the tool. When calculating the required time, it is worth remembering that it takes about 5–8 minutes to process one linear meter.

Then you should sand the surfaces of the ends inside and outside the house with sandpaper. This processing stage is quite labor-intensive. The smoother the surface, the easier and faster the protective impregnation of the wood will apply. A grinder with an emery wheel will help speed up the grinding process. To sand wood, you should use two types of sandpaper: coarse and fine grit.

Grinding is performed using circular movements of the disc over all elements of the frame, starting from the top rows. It is not recommended to treat all walls and areas at once - the sanded surface quickly becomes weathered, and therefore requires immediate impregnation with an antiseptic. Therefore, the processing process should be divided into a number of successive stages.

In hard-to-reach places, grinding is done manually - using a chisel.

Antiseptic impregnation

Logs require immediate surface coating with anti-rot compounds, which should be done immediately after sanding. For this purpose the following can be used:

  1. Bioprotective compounds that protect wood from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and also increase the moisture resistance of wood.
  2. Fire retardants that provide adequate fire protection for your home. They are carcinogenic substances, so special precautions are required when handling them!
  3. Combined preparations that combine both fire-resistant and moisture-preserving impregnations. For example, acrylates are substances that, when painting a surface, simultaneously increase its resistance to adverse external factors.
  4. Antiseptic compounds. Antiseptics for internal and external use are produced separately.
  5. Compositions that destroy tree pests. For this purpose, fumigation (fumigation with special generators) is used after grinding. To do this, it is better to invite specialists. Also, to combat wood borers, they are treated with ultrasonic fields. In the interior of log houses, you can use a regular microwave oven with the door open, but you should be careful - it is dangerous.

Fire-, bio- and moisture-resistant impregnations are applied in 2 layers and left for 10–14 days for complete absorption and distribution throughout the wood.

In order to save money, you can use the “old-fashioned” secrets of processing a house made of logs. Wax and turpentine have long been used in equal proportions to protect against rodents. The inside of the log house can be treated with starch or laundry soap.

Machine oil can be used as a water-repellent layer on the outside.

Manufacturers and product prices

Bath paint is produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Its price depends on the material used and the quantity in the jar.


The manufacturer's product range consists of paints, glazing compounds, varnishes, and impregnations. They have a wide range of colors, which allows you to bring any design idea to life. When using materials, the structure of the wood is preserved. Belinka produces polyacrylate paints that have water-repellent and vapor-permeable properties.


Paint from the Russian manufacturer Tex has protective qualities, which guarantees an increase in service life. The company produces soil and glaze antiseptics, drying oils, wax compositions, and fire-retardant impregnation. This allows you to choose an acceptable option for painting the bathhouse.


The compositions are produced by a Finnish company in accordance with innovative developments. After production, the compositions were tested in harsh climatic conditions. The materials are developed using special components that protect the coating from ultraviolet rays and the wall from excessive absorption of moisture and rot.

The range consists of acrylate, oil and polyacrylate compounds. The paints are certified by the European Union, which ensures their environmental friendliness. The paint has a high cost, which is explained by its excellent technical characteristics. Before applying the composition, areas that cannot be painted are covered.


The compositions of the German manufacturer are developed on the basis of natural oils and waxes. This ensures the preservation of the structure for many years.

Grinding a rounded log frame

A mandatory preparatory measure before painting a log house or treating it with protective agents is preliminary sanding of the log. Using this technology allows you to:

  • Refinish walls that have darkened over time.
  • Change existing color.
  • Prepare wood for base or protective coating.
  • Protect timber from fungal diseases.

You can order sanding of a house made of rounded logs in excellent quality at a reasonable price on the website (Moscow) by calling the contact number.

Price from 650,520 rub/m2

Reduced price for painting the inside of a house

During the period from 09/01/2020 to 03/20/2021 (subject to the conclusion of the contract before December 31, 2022)

Benefits of working with us

  • More than 12 years of experience in painting houses
  • 5 year warranty
  • We use German paints
  • You choose the color, we do the rest

Our works


Home sanding prices

Grinding, rub./m 2from 300 rub.

* minimum volume of work 200 m2

* minimum volume of work 200 m2

Price from 550 rub/m2

For external and internal work

With a volume of 1500 m2 (including work, consumables and paintwork)

Sanding a log frame

Sanding a house made of rounded logs, even using a special tool, requires a lot of labor and time. In addition, the technological process is accompanied by a lot of dust, and, consequently, the need to use respiratory and eye protection.

Experts will solve the problem. They will complete the order in accordance with the client’s requirements, and he will save his health and time.

The technological process proceeds in stages:

  • Chernova. Performed with grinders, flap grinding wheels, and 60-80 abrasive.
  • Basic. Eccentric machines are used with an abrasive of 100-150. They completely eliminate the smallest irregularities on the surface of the walls.
  • Polishing. It is carried out to obtain a perfectly smooth, shiny surface. It is performed using vibrating machines, 150 grit.

Depending on the initial condition of the wall surface, the process may consist of 2-3 passes. If this service is ordered as a preparation before covering walls with paints and protective agents, then tools with an abrasive size of no more than 120-150 are used. As a result, the service life of the finished coating is greatly increased

After the facade, the ends, corner joints, and grooves are processed. An angle grinder or grinder with a thin attachment in the form of a special brush is used. The cost of polishing the end of a log frame made of rounded logs starts from 220 rubles per lin. meter.

Service price

Processing and cleaning a wooden surface is a labor-intensive process that requires accumulated experience and time. The cost of quality work cannot be low, but the costs will be justified by the long-term operation of the house in excellent condition.

The price of sanding a rounded log per square meter depends on the amount of work and the characteristics of the material. On average in Moscow, prices start from 300 rubles per sq. m. meter.

The final cost is influenced by factors such as:

  • Working volumes. They are performed on the entire object, or on a separate part of it.
  • Is the pediment sanded?
  • Type of material.
  • Height of work performed.
  • Number of passes.

Order rounded log sanding and you will receive a healthy, aesthetically pleasing house for long-term use. For consultation, please call +7 (495) 648-43-92. We work in Moscow and the region.


  • Interior painting
  • Painting the facade of the house
  • Sanding at home
  • Wood brushing
  • House sealing
  • Painting in the workshop

During the period from October 15, 2018 to April 10, 2019

For painting interior walls the price ranges from 490 to 580 rubles. m 2

Brand overview

When choosing varnishes, enamels and paints for painting baths and saunas, you should give preference to specialized lines, since the creators of such products take into account all the technical features and characteristics of wet rooms. The Finnish company Tikkurila is considered the absolute market leader in this segment. Among the most popular compositions from this manufacturer are the following.

  • Supi Saunasuoja is a high-quality impregnation for interior coatings based on an aqueous solution with acrylic. Can be used in rooms where the temperature exceeds 100 degrees. Available in a condition suitable for tinting.
  • Supi Laudesuoja – oil enamel, used for painting shelves in saunas.
  • Supi Saunavaha - this varnish is considered a universal product intended for all types of bath surfaces.

Users note that imported formulations are very effective, especially when it comes to Finnish manufacturers. They have only one drawback - the high price. That is why some bathhouse owners prefer Russian manufacturers who offer cheaper lines. Here are a few brands that are in demand when painting bathhouses.

  • “Senezh Sauna” is an acrylate antiseptic used to protect wood lining in bathhouses. Includes a fungicidal component and has no chemical odor.
  • Neomid 200 is an effective coloring agent that includes antiseptic components. The composition is in demand when processing shelves, benches and other wood coverings in saunas and baths.
  • Neomid Sauna is a translucent acrylic-based varnish, used for impregnation of wooden lining in steam rooms and other rooms with high humidity.

How to paint a log house correctly

To protect the walls of the house from the influence of precipitation, sunlight, wind, insects and mold, the walls of the log house are impregnated with special protective solutions and painted. In this way, the tree is protected from darkening, cracking of the ends of the logs, and the release of resin from cut knots.

When choosing a method of painting natural wood after sanding, they try to preserve its natural properties, leave the wood the opportunity to independently regulate the humidity in the house, and maintain the vapor permeability of the walls.

Sometimes only the outside surface of the walls is painted. For example, such a finish is often sufficient for an oak bathhouse. The walls are not painted to avoid harmful fumes inside the sauna under the influence of heat and moisture and to preserve the vapor permeability of the wood. The walls of a residential building are also treated inside.

Exterior painting of a log bathhouse

A bathhouse is a building with specific operating conditions; the interior of the log house is exposed to high humidity and temperature. Therefore, the main condition for the external coating is to maintain the vapor permeability of the walls. Otherwise, moisture will linger in the wood for a long time, creating a favorable environment for the development of mold microorganisms. When thinking about how to paint the exterior of a log bathhouse, do not forget about the nuances of processing the loghouse of a bathhouse:

  • The logs must be dry and clean


  • In order for the protective layer of the new log house to serve as reliable protection, lumber treated with stain before collecting the crowns


  • Before repainting, the structure must be cold and ventilated


Stages of processing and painting a bath Source

It is convenient to apply impregnations in the following sequence:

  • Antiseptic

    . Products based on natural and synthetic oils are optimal.

  • Fire retardant


  • Dye

    . The best option is acrylic facade paints, non-toxic, durable and vapor-permeable.

How to prime the log house?

Of “our” “priming” products on the market, I would like to highlight Neomid. What distinguishes it is good quality and reasonable price. The line of products for wood allows you to “close” almost all needs: Fire protection, bio-antiseptic, moisture protection, etc. Reviews for the brand are good.

Another Russian manufacturer, the Senezh company, which produces a rich line of products. The assortment includes several protective compounds for different purposes (I mean, intended specifically for outdoor woodwork). In addition to primers, there are varnishes and paints on an organic and synthetic basis (acrylate, oil, etc.).

Neomid Biocolor ultra for painting the outside of a log house

Biocolor Ultra is an alkyd glazing composition, which is intended for decorative and protective finishing of log houses. It penetrates deeply into the wood and does not change its structure, but on the contrary, even emphasizes it favorably. After painting, a translucent, semi-matte layer is formed on the surface of the log house. It will protect the wooden material from the negative effects of sunlight, fading, precipitation and cracking. Also, this glazing composition will prevent the appearance of fungi, mold, insects, and dangerous bark beetles on the surface. There are 9 ready-made basic shades of paint; if desired, you can also tint using a colorless composition and special pastes. For 9 liters of this composition the cost is on average 2,150 rubles.

How to paint a log house?

The lower rims are treated with waste oil

Let's divide materials into two types: folk and modern. First, I will give a few folk recipes. What if someone wants...

Waste machine or transformer oil

Yes, the smell is not very good, but it will disappear after a while, but the impregnation will remain and will create a waterproof layer. Although dust sticks to it “freshly”. Apply the oil with a rough brush and rub in thoroughly.

Turpentine and wax

Mix in equal proportions. In addition to protecting against moisture, this composition provides good protection against wood insects and gives the walls of the log house a certain gloss of “well-kept antiquity.” Particularly suitable for painting baths “in years”.

Oak bark decoction

A nice darkened background, however, the wood pattern is clearly visible through it. An old and forgotten method.

My opinion is that you shouldn’t get carried away with environmental products. In a number of ways, it is no longer easy for them to compete with the products of the chemical industry. But if you are a principled supporter of natural raw materials, then, without a doubt, go ahead!

How to paint the walls of a bathhouse from the inside

Painting the walls of a bathhouse requires a special approach. Logs inside the house are constantly exposed to heat and moisture. Some types of wood are not painted at all, but over time the surface of the walls darkens, so it is better to protect them.

The paint must withstand a temperature range from -25 to +120 degrees. Another requirement for paint quality is elasticity. This property ensures that the coating layer will not crack. Cracks lead to a decrease in the protection of the wall surface from moisture.

Most often, when treating interior walls after sanding, water-based varnishes are used. They protect the surface from moisture and rot, preserving the color and aroma of natural wood.

Foreign and Russian manufacturers produce special products for painting Finnish hot air saunas and Russian baths with high humidity. These products include antibacterial components that protect the surface of the walls from fungus. If the paint is chosen correctly, drops of moisture flow down the walls without being absorbed into them.

The shelves in the bathhouse are covered with oil or wax impregnation. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the surface to protect the wood from cracking, darkening and bacteria. Varnish cannot be used for these purposes, because the wood will heat up in the sauna so much that it will be impossible to sit on it.

Thus, in order to preserve the attractive appearance of walls made of natural logs and preserve the ability of wood to regulate the level of humidity in the house, it is advisable to use water-based paints. When preparing walls after sanding for the next stage of processing, carefully select mixtures for bioprotection. Such impregnations should not create a vapor-proof film on the surface. The same requirements apply to means for improving the fire resistance of wooden walls.

Painting wood will help maintain the attractive appearance of the house, make it more comfortable inside and extend the life of the log house.

Sanding a log frame made of cylindrical logs

After initial processing, logs always have defects and irregularities that must be eliminated before painting or coating with compounds that prevent rotting and destruction of the wood. For this, a grinding process is used. It is carried out immediately, as soon as the log house dries in natural conditions and sag slightly. You cannot delay this operation, otherwise the logs will darken, harden and become less amenable to processing.

What does sanding a log frame provide?

No matter how durable a wooden house is built, it will be exposed to natural factors all year round. Therefore, it must be reliably prepared to withstand winds, frosts, scorching sun and precipitation. For this purpose, the log building is polished. This operation helps solve a number of important problems, namely:

  • stop wood aging;
  • prepare log walls for subsequent processing;
  • eliminate defects and give the wood a natural structure;
  • improve the adhesion of oils, paints and other protective and decorative compounds;
  • make a log building aesthetically attractive and noble.

Sanding a log frame made of rounded logs, the cost of which is quite reasonable, allows not only to extend the service life of a wooden structure, but also to give it a beautiful and more luxurious structure. Therefore, it is important that the grinding of a rounded log house is carried out with high quality and in compliance with technology, then it will fully perform both protective and decorative functions.

Prices for services

Type of workCost RUR/m2
Warm seamfrom 80
Sandblasting a log framefrom 200
Painting (one layer)from 50

Leave the sanding of the log to the professionals!

The cost of sanding rounded logs depends on the area of ​​the surface being processed and the quality of the initial processing. It is carried out in the presence of protective equipment, consumables and special tools - an angle grinder, a grinder with discs of different grain sizes. This process itself is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and therefore requires practical training.

Painting technique

This process generally resembles a regular painting procedure. It is advisable to use a brush as a working tool, which will allow you to treat even hard-to-reach areas.

Experts recommend using two types of compounds when processing log houses. As a preparatory base, you can use one of the antiseptic impregnations in one layer. Next, the main paint is applied in 2-3 layers - oil or acrylic.

Now another question: how to paint a log house with minimal drying time? To do this, you can initially use water-based compositions, the interlayer exposure of which ranges from 2 to 12 hours. For comparison: typical alkyd products require 24 hours for this period.

The painting process itself, regardless of the chosen product, is performed smoothly, but covering the entire target area

It is important to consider that even a modest uncovered area can become a center from which the process of biological destruction of the entire structure will subsequently begin.

Work order

As it has already become clear, the main goal when choosing a product for painting the outside of a log house is to protect it from various types of influence

But to ensure 100% protection, it is not enough to buy a high-quality coating; it is also important to carry out the painting work correctly. Here are some valuable tips that should help

It's better to paint it yourself. This will not only save the family budget, but will also provide benefits in paint quality.

It is important for the construction team to deliver a beautiful object visually, so they will not worry about the thorough processing of each element. Namely, small unpainted places can later cause the appearance of rot, fungus and other troubles.

Proper preparation of a log house for painting. Before painting, it is worth preparing the log house for this stage of finishing work. First, the surface of the wood is cleaned of dust and dirt. It is best to wash the wood and then let it dry. It wouldn't hurt to do some sanding. After this, several layers are applied to the surface of the wood:

  • primer;
  • antiseptic;
  • fire protection agent.

Figure 5 – Painting a wooden frame with sealant treatment

It is best to paint the ends of the logs with lime or a similar composition. This is worth doing so that steam can move along the log along the fibers, as when a tree grows. This is much better than across.

There is no need to leave gaps when painting. To do this, add a little colored tint to the colorless antiseptic. After applying it, let it dry thoroughly. This way you can avoid the presence of even the smallest unpainted areas, which can subsequently lead to quite serious problems.

In conclusion, it should be advised that when choosing, you should focus on the most beautiful options, because a bathhouse should please not only the soul, but the eye.


A round log or profiled beam itself looks impressive without any additional processing. The quality of the sharpening depends on the quality of sharpening the knives on the machine, and the more often and more professionally the sharpener works, the better the quality of the surface of the log and timber.

Sanding a wooden house is a labor-intensive job and it will require a lot of special equipment, as well as the experience, knowledge, and skills of a craftsman. Therefore, only a real specialist can perform it with the highest quality possible, and with a special tool.

We have extensive experience in the construction and finishing of country cottages, we have the professional tools necessary to complete the assigned tasks, and the cost of the work, with excellent quality, will be affordable.

We provide finishing services for wooden log houses in Moscow, the Moscow region and beyond; when ordering a range of services, volume discounts are provided. The complex includes:

Remember that unskilled processing of logs with your own hands with an inappropriate attitude can ruin the walls, so we recommend turning to Russian craftsmen with a full set of tools, who have many projects of varying degrees of complexity behind them. It is important to correctly select the roughness of the abrasive material and the rotation speed of the power tool, as well as the direction of movement during work.

We use professional tools, and only high-quality abrasives or nylon brushes specifically designed for high-quality work with wood. For internal and external grinding of walls, we make the right choice of grain, taking into account the features in each individual case.


Is sanding necessary for a wooden frame made from rounded logs? If this is a country house for permanent residence, then it is advisable to carry out such work. If it is a bathhouse or a summer house or another building, then the need for work is determined whenever possible.

Polishing timber walls is an event that is an important stage of finishing; it allows you to remove excess fibers, defects and irregularities from the timber. In this case, eccentric (orbital) grinders are used. Vibratory and delta grinding tools are used for grinding corners.

Sanding a wooden house made of timber enhances the attractiveness of the wood, thanks to it the natural pattern becomes more noticeable. We are ready to offer you this type of work in Kolomna, Moscow and the Moscow region. With excellent quality, prices for work using professional grinding tools will be acceptable.

It is necessary to understand that it makes no sense to sand a rounded log for painting at the factory, since the pile will “rise” two hours after polishing. Therefore, it will be most effective to carry out this type of wood treatment immediately before painting.

  1. The surface quality of a sanded log that has been sitting for some time will still be higher than that of an unsanded log, but to achieve the highest quality, sanding on site is necessary.
  2. Processing rounded logs and hand-cut logs is more difficult from a technological point of view than polishing a house made of laminated veneer lumber, due to the presence of a curved surface, but is fundamentally no different.
  3. If the procedure is performed efficiently, the likelihood of fungus and mold appearing is reduced. Also, after cleaning the walls, it prepares the surface for further treatment with paints and varnishes, and ensures better absorption of protective compounds when painting a wooden house

When restoring old facades, the walls are first sanded with a coarse abrasive, and abrasive 80 is used in the second pass. After applying 1 layer of paintwork, an abrasive of 120 is used to remove raised lint.

Sanding inside and outside of wooden houses and all types of buildings:

  • from timber - glued, profiled, planed;
  • from logs - chopped or rounded;
  • frame houses - sheathed with imitation timber or block house;
  • remove old paint;
  • we remove “blue and blackness” from old surfaces;
  • We grind the ends and internal corners.

Now I turn to modern materials

I will talk about those that are intended specifically for wooden buildings.


The Belinka brand has long proven itself well. The range includes not only paints, but also varnishes, various impregnations, and glazing compounds. The range of shades of varnish and paint is very colorful, allowing you to preserve the texture of the wood, emphasizing it with a decorative background. Belinka polyacrylate paints create a film on the surface of wood that, on the one hand, has water-repellent properties and, on the other, is vapor-permeable.


Professionals speak positively about the Russian manufacturer Tex. In addition to paint, the company has several types of antiseptics, including ground and glaze, drying oils, fire retardant impregnations and wax-based compounds.


If finances allow, contact the Tikkurila brand, respected in Russia. The paints of this Finnish manufacturer have been tested in the harsh conditions of the northern climate. They contain components containing various additives that prevent the formation of rot, moisture absorption, and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

You can choose from acrylate paint called Pica-Techo, oil Techo, polyacrylate, Ultra-Classic. This brand, in addition to its relatively high price, has another drawback - names that are difficult to remember. Here they are.

And of course, the Finnish company has all EU certificates confirming environmental friendliness.

In general, recommendations for painting a log bathhouse boil down to what needs to be taken into account:

  • Firstly: the better (that is, more famous) the manufacturer, the better and more durable its primer and topcoats;
  • Secondly: use special-purpose compounds, in our case, intended for external wooden walls. If you find among well-known manufacturers special paints for facades made of rounded logs, it will be even better, but, unfortunately, I don’t know such paints.


Finally, let’s touch on the German manufacturer SAICOS. The catchphrase - “True German quality” is very relevant to this day. The main feature of this product is that the base is only natural oils and waxes. The conclusions here are simple: such wood impregnation will preserve your structure for many, many years. In a word - I recommend it. I think that professionals will understand me...

How to sand and paint a log house.

Upon completion of the construction of a wooden house, multiple finishing works are performed, including sanding and painting the frame.
Many people consider the need for resurfacing to be an optional procedure. Experts recommend not to ignore this stage of work. Sanding a log frame is a rather labor-intensive job that requires some knowledge and skills, the availability of special tools and a sufficient amount of time to complete it.

Main goals of grinding:

  1. Restoration of appearance. Under the influence of external atmospheric phenomena, the surface of the logs begins to darken over time. Sanding returns the original appearance, the wood becomes light (as if it had just been cut down).
  2. To protect against fungal infections and mold. If the conditions of transportation or storage of wood are violated, fungal or mold damage may occur, and dark spots may appear. They can be removed by sanding.
  3. When sanding, the grain and texture of the wood becomes more apparent.
  4. Increased adhesion to paints and varnishes.
  5. Protection against premature aging of wood.

You can start cleaning the log house only after it has dried thoroughly. The roof must be installed. If you try to sand immediately after assembly, the wet wood will scuff and you won’t be able to get a beautiful smooth surface. Sometimes the logs of a log house may turn blue or darken; in this case, the first priority is treatment with a bleaching antiseptic. After the surface has dried, start sanding. If the sanded surface is not coated with a protective compound, it will darken within a week. When sanding a log house yourself, furrows and holes may appear on the log house - traces of too much pressure; we have a specialized team on staff that professionally performs this work. Particular attention should also be paid to the ends of the frame; it is impossible to make them perfectly smooth, but they need to be sanded - they absorb better, so you have to lubricate more generously.

To grind logs and beams, you can use two types of tools: grinders or grinders with appropriate attachments. For grinding, you need a supply of attachments with different grain sizes. For the initial processing of logs with bark residues and various types of unevenness, you will need sandpaper with a coarser grain, and for the finishing pass - fine-grain sandpaper.

There is another method of polishing a log house - sandblasting facades. This type of treatment eliminates the appearance of pits and furrows, helps to open the pores of the wood, this allows the protective composition to penetrate deeper and create a protective layer. There are various cracks and hidden surfaces on the surface of the logs; first of all, they contain various fungi that cannot be cleaned out with hand tools. Abrasive blasting cleans such areas uniformly, after which they must be protected with an antiseptic. The meaning of this technique is to clean the surface with sand particles under pressure, along with an air flow. Please note that regular sandblasting is not suitable for cleaning a log house. It will damage the surface. The advantages of this cleaning method: high speed of work, the texture is revealed most advantageously, corners and hard-to-reach places are well processed, opening the pores of the wood, no damage to the wood from sanders or grinders. Disadvantages: high cost, need to use equipment.

Our experts advise painting the log house within a maximum of 36-48 hours, after sanding at above-zero air temperatures. External processing of a log house consists of grinding and painting with various compounds; these measures can extend its service life several times.

There are a large number of paint and varnish products that are used to treat a log house after sanding. Please note that not all products are suitable for use in residential premises.

The main function of processing a log frame is protective; the natural texture of the wood is also emphasized and it is tinted.

Means for coating the log house after sanding:

First layer: antiseptics that prevent the appearance of mold and mildew;

Second layer: Painting. Compositions with glazing properties that make the appearance of walls more attractive or covering compositions that paint over the wood texture;

Finishing layer: fire retardants - solutions that increase resistance before fire.

It is better to paint a log house with a brush. This option, when painting, is the most preferable, in our opinion, since the composition is rubbed and penetrates deeper into the wood, and accordingly the protective properties increase.

The compositions are also applied using a spray gun (spray gun).

Coating application is ensured by pneumatic spraying through finely dispersed crushing of the paint composition. This technology applies only to a small area of ​​painting to avoid sagging and overlaps. Sagging and overlaps must be smeared immediately. It is important to maintain the same distance between the wall surface and the spray gun; the speed of movement of the spray gun should also be the same. The use of a spray gun is unacceptable for the use of translucent compositions, but for covering paints, a spray gun can be used, since when the paint is applied opaquely, the overlaps become invisible.

If you paint the walls of a house with a spray gun, to improve adhesion, a person with a brush should follow you, this way it is possible to avoid smudges and the composition will be absorbed deeper.

The main rule for durable wall treatment is the use of high-quality compounds. Saving on materials leads to the fact that the log house will suffer first, since wood is a rather vulnerable material that requires careful care.

We employ qualified craftsmen with many years of experience in sanding and painting log frames. Also, our own department of paint and varnish coatings and tinting equipment provides a wide selection of impregnations for wooden surfaces to suit every taste and budget.

Brief conclusions

I will answer a possible question - is it possible to paint a stove in a bath with oil, alkyd, vinyl, latex, acrylic, dispersion and other paints. I answer - it is possible. Just bake, don’t heat it later...

Tikkurila - heat-resistant paint

There is another option - experiment. For example, a friend decided to use paint for car mufflers, someone is trying something based on liquid glass, and so on. There are many different forums. If you do not want to paint an iron stove, you can do bluing. We associate this word with firearms. A good low budget option. How long will it last? Don't know. But good heat-resistant enamel is promised by manufacturers to last for at least 15 years.

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Anecdote: “My husband comes in the morning covered in lipstick, powder, and red hair.

Wife: - Where have you been?

“You won’t believe it, my dear, I fought with a clown all night.”

Wisdom Quote: Pleasure should be the reward for work.

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