How to insulate a chimney pipe with your own hands: why and what to wrap it with, which insulation is best for thermal insulation of metal

Stove heating with a pipe through which smoke from fuel combustion comes out is one of the most common in private homes. With the development of technology, new heating systems appear, but still, when boilers and furnaces using hydrocarbon fuels are used, combustion products are discharged through the chimney.

Chimneys can be either part of a heating stove or a separate structure connected to it or the boiler by pipes. Sometimes chimneys are even installed on a separate foundation next to the house. In cold climates, they all need to be insulated with non-combustible materials.

Why is it important to insulate the chimney?

Chimney insulation is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Fire prevention, because when a chimney passes through various types of coverings (walls, floors and ceilings), a fire may occur.
  2. With sudden temperature changes, the material from which the chimney is made may begin to collapse. A similar thing can happen as a result of the formation of various acids and alkalis during the combustion process. They can destroy not only the pipe itself (this factor applies mainly to metal products), but also everything that surrounds it: walls, floors, ceilings.
  3. The rapid heating provided by the chimney, against the backdrop of a rapid increase in temperature in the room, negatively affects things and furnishings in the room, including humans, so thermal insulation will help prevent this adverse effect and ensure normal regulation of heat exchange.
  4. Reduce the release of condensation that appears due to temperature differences during the heating process. The released moisture forms harmful chemical compounds, reacting with many other substances contained inside the pipe.

Important! The main goal of providing high-quality thermal insulation to pipes is to minimize the risks of harm to human health, things and directly to the structural materials of the room.

Causes of chimney damage

A chimney pipe can become unusable for many reasons. The most important of them is external damage to the structure. It can occur not only as a result of incorrect installation actions, but also due to exposure to unfavorable climatic conditions.

Causes of damage to chimneys:

  • Expiration of the chimney structure. After a certain time, a structure made of any material becomes unusable. For example, a brick chimney begins to deteriorate within 3-5 years from the moment of installation. Metal products are primarily damaged by corrosion.
  • The appearance of condensation on the inside of the chimney pipe. Hot air causes steam to appear, especially if air flow is poor in cold weather. As a result, the resulting moisture begins to flow down the inner surfaces of the pipe, sticking soot to itself. This problem is especially dangerous for chimneys that have bends, slopes and angles.
  • Accumulation of soot along the entire internal surface of the chimney duct. It is natural that combustion products begin to settle on the inside of the pipe over time. As a result, the hole for the passage of smoke becomes narrower and narrower until it becomes completely clogged.
  • Deterioration of traction due to violations in the design or the use of low-quality materials.

The accumulation of soot can cause smoke in a house or bathhouse indoors. As a result, people inside may suffer carbon monoxide poisoning.

As you can see, each problem provokes another, so there is no need to delay solving them immediately after the first signs appear. It’s even better to regularly carry out preventive maintenance and keep the structure in good condition.

Positive factors of an insulated chimney

After building a house, carrying out work on roof insulation, and insulating it, it’s time to start waterproofing the channels. There are several positive aspects to such work, which we will look at later. So, insulating a chimney pipe allows you to:

  • Reduce thermal energy consumption, it is noticeably reduced.
  • Preserve and secure the passage through the roof itself.
  • Ensure high wear resistance of the structure.
  • Create a certain interior style without relying on a pipe.

In principle, this work should not cause any particular difficulties, but it is still worth understanding that in order to properly insulate, you need to choose the type of insulation that is suitable specifically for your home and performs the functions assigned to it.

Regulatory requirements for installation of thermal insulation

Insulation of a chimney in a bathhouse or house must be carried out according to the following requirements:

  • the holes between the walls and the pipe must be at least 35 cm;
  • the remaining free space must be completely filled with thermal insulation material;
  • in order to make a frame box for insulation, it is necessary to use durable metal sheets;
  • To avoid the risk of fire, the entire area of ​​the wooden structure should be treated with a special fire-resistant agent.

To avoid fire in wooden areas, it is necessary to treat this area with a fire-resistant agent.
Only if the chimney pipe is properly insulated with high-quality materials, it will last a long time. Work on the installation of heating equipment and pipes, as well as its insulation, must be carried out strictly following regulatory requirements.

Do not use the stove indoors to burn garbage or other inappropriate items. It is advisable to heat your home stove with high-quality wood.

Materials for insulation of chimney pipes

It is advisable to start a project for insulating chimney pipes at the time of construction of a house or cottage, but thermal insulation work can be carried out at any stage, even if the dwelling has already been built. Next, we will consider the main methods, methods and materials that are suitable for carrying out this procedure.

The integrity of the chimney pipe is affected by two main factors that must be taken into account during insulation work:

  1. Dew point. This point concerns the release of condensate, the negative impact of which was discussed above. The fact is that in the absence of proper thermal insulation, the dew point moves inside the pipe. That is, the warm air that rises during the heating of the room rises up from the direct heating source, reaches a certain point inside the chimney, and settles there in the form of condensate drops. This is especially dangerous for metal and brick products, since excess moisture is absorbed by the material and destroys it from the inside, freezing and turning into ice;
  2. aggressive negative impact of gases released from combustion. During the heating process, harmful chemical compounds inevitably appear, which destroy the entire home heating system. This especially applies to weak acidic solutions of nitrogen or sulfur. With prolonged exposure, they can destroy a chimney made of almost all materials.

To protect yourself from such harmful factors, you can choose one of the following insulation materials:

  • non-flammable insulation for chimneys made of slag wool;
  • glass wool;
  • basalt wool.

The most popular and widely used are thermal insulators made of basalt wool.

This version of fire-resistant insulation for chimney lining is available in two forms: in rolls and mats. It also varies in density and size, depending on the individual characteristics of the pipe, the purpose of the lining and other design factors, which are taken into account separately in each specific case.

Their main feature: preservation of structure and properties even with strong heating up to +400°C. They are fire-resistant and non-flammable, therefore reducing the risk of fire to a minimum.

Metallurgical slags are used as raw materials for production.

The disadvantages of this material include:

  • presence of residual acidity;
  • the possibility of a hostile environment occurring when moisture gets on the material.

Despite these negative aspects, this fire-resistant chimney insulation is widely used in repair and insulation work, as it maintains an ideal price-quality ratio.

Glass wool is an insulating material with a fibrous structure. It is produced from broken glass or raw materials used during glass melting.

Depending on the manufacturing method, glass wool is divided into:

  • thin, which is obtained by spunbonding (pulling) from glass melt;
  • rough through the blowing method.

Glass wool is sold in the form of rolls or slabs.

Basalt rocks are used as raw materials for the production of insulation.

  • The method of using inorganic elements provides complete resistance to rotting and fungi.
  • Basalt wool for chimneys has high strength and heat resistance, so it is preferred to be used as non-combustible thermal insulation to prevent fire inside the chimney.
  • The insulator fits well and adapts to the insulation surface. Has a long service life. After installation, it serves without loss of its characteristics for 30-40 years.
  • Based on strength, basalt wool is divided into: soft, semi-rigid and hard.

Basalt wool has an additional useful property in the form of protection against moisture, therefore it is a more universal method of thermal insulation in comparison with glass wool or slag fiber.

Why is thermal insulation needed?

One of the important reasons is to ensure fire safety. Flue gases can have temperatures up to 400 degrees. Overheating of the chimney often causes a fire. Therefore, it is especially carefully insulated in places of contact with house structures: ceilings, roofs, walls.

The second reason for insulating the chimney is to combat condensation. Water vapor, saturated with combustion products, cools and settles in the form of a tarry liquid on the internal walls of the chimney. The substance not only clogs the pipe and reduces its permeability, but also corrodes its walls. Another negative consequence is the unpleasant odor that enters the living space from the chimney.

The formation of condensation occurs especially intensively in winter, when there is a large difference between the temperatures outside and inside the chimney. This is one of the main reasons for the appearance of condensation. Therefore, thermal insulation of the chimney is an important step that will significantly extend its service life.

Chimney insulation design

The insulated chimney has a sandwich-like appearance. This design includes two pipes - external and internal, between which there is basalt insulation for chimney pipes.

Such a structure will help prevent the formation of condensation. In the manufacture of the inner pipe, which bears heavy loads from the interaction of combustion products, high-quality steel is used.

The outer pipe is decorative. For its manufacture, copper, stainless steel or any other material coated with colored enamel is used.

But with an industrial chimney everything is a little different. As a thermal insulation material, you need to use insulation that can withstand temperatures up to 4,000 degrees.

Such material should also provide protection for the outer skin, since the constant influence of temperatures and temperature changes can negatively affect the outer (cement) layer.

The most popular types of insulation

Often the thermal insulation of chimneys is done by hand. In this case, the main attention is paid to the section of the chimney, which is located outside the heated zone. That is, the part of the chimney that is on the roof is insulated. Sheet insulation is stuffed or glued onto brick pipes, and a sandwich design is used to insulate round metal pipes for wood stoves. Most often, stone and mineral wool, foamed polyethylene, and kaolin fabric are used to insulate chimneys.

Fireproof thermal insulation: oxygen index of the material

The oxygen index of insulation is the degree of fire safety of a material, indicating the minimum amount of oxygen per unit volume of insulation.

The oxygen index has several flammability thresholds:

  • 40% – high level, composite polymers;
  • 31% – cellular and fibrous and non-combustible insulation;
  • 20% – building materials that burn well in air.

When choosing insulation for your needs, first of all you need to pay attention to this indicator.

How to make non-flammable thermal insulation of chimneys

When fuel burns in stoves and fireplaces, carbon monoxide is formed. They are removed through the chimney. Despite its apparent simplicity, this design is complex. Chimneys are installed to provide the necessary draft, so they should be correctly brought to the roof, the height determined and connected to the roofing. Properly made thermal insulation for chimneys is also important.

Furnace gases escaping from the furnace to the outside have a high temperature. When they rush up the chimney channel, condensation forms on its inner walls. This leads to the following problems:

  • if moisture is absorbed into the chimney material, it will deteriorate over time;
  • sometimes droplets of water settle on the surface of the outlet channels, which reduces their permeability and allows smoke to leak into the room;
  • when condensate constantly flows down the walls of the chimney, smudges, hanging drops and an unpleasant odor appear.

Thermal insulation of the chimney helps to avoid these troubles and extends its service life.

Note! The chimney is insulated to prevent rapid cooling. If you do it incorrectly, you can’t count on a positive result.

How to isolate the furnace channel depends on the material from which it was made. You can make insulation using:

  • crushed bricks;
  • slag;
  • expanded clay;
  • basalt or mineral wool;
  • kaolin, etc.

After installing the containment shell, the smoke exhaust structure is lined. For this purpose it is used:

  • brick;
  • slag concrete and reinforced concrete slabs;
  • galvanized metal casings;
  • wooden boards;
  • profiled sheet, etc.

On a note! The easiest way is to buy a ready-made insulated sandwich pipe and install it at the stage when the chimney is being built.

Let's take a look at some thermal insulation options separately.

Basalt wool insulation

This method of protecting chimneys is attractive due to its accessibility and is therefore used more often than others. Basalt wool has a thickness of 20-100 mm and can withstand temperatures up to 750 degrees. This fire-resistant material is wrapped in several layers around the pipe and secured with wire. A layer of plaster is applied on top.

Lining the chimney with stainless steel sheets is done in the following order:

  • measure the perimeter of the pipe, including insulation;
  • cut a piece of sheet steel up to one meter long and a width equal to the perimeter of the structure plus an allowance for fastening;
  • round the sheet and finish the edges with a roller;
  • put the resulting form on the stove chimney, pull it together and fasten it with metal screws;
  • In the same way, install several more metal casings on top of each other (make sure that the seams run at an angle of 120˚).

On a note! If you do not use steel casings, the insulation will not last long and you will have to replace it. Even if you insulate the chimney with foil or film, they will not be able to prevent moisture from penetrating into the basalt wool.

Applications of kaolin

Another method of thermal protection of chimneys is the use of kaolin. The material is characterized as:

Work on installing non-flammable thermal insulation for chimneys is carried out in the following order:

  1. first plaster the stove channel;
  2. then glue kaolin sheets to the wet plaster;
  3. Finally, sew up the chimney with facing material.

Insulation with mineral wool

Thermal insulation using mineral wool is done as follows.

  • Build a metal profile sheathing around the chimney. The profile size is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation, and the lathing pitch depends on the width of the insulating sheets.
  • Attach mineral wool to the profile in several layers (do not forget to space the seams).
  • Wrap the finished structure with vapor barrier film and seal the joints with tape.

Note! Sheets of metal corrugated sheets can be used as finishing. They are fixed to the sheathing using special screws with rubber gaskets.

How to insulate a chimney also depends on the material from which it was made.

Thermal insulation of steel pipes

The chimney, made of a round steel pipe, is insulated using a ready-made metal case. Large diameter galvanized pipe is suitable for this purpose. The difference in the diameters of the chimney and insulation is 16-20 cm. Thermal insulation is installed in this way.

  1. Place the casing on the steel chimney.
  2. Pour expanded clay, broken brick or slag into the space formed between the elements. You can also compact mineral wool, basalt wool or fiberglass between the pipes.
  3. Fill the open area with cement mortar, waterproof it and install a protective casing on top.

On a note! The profile steel pipe is sheathed using wooden panels or metal sheets (corrugated sheeting). The distance between the components of the structure is 8-10 cm. The space is filled with insulation and securely sealed on top.

Insulation of brick chimney

In this case, preference is given to mineral wool, which is attached as follows:

  • cut out pieces of insulation the size of which corresponds to the area of ​​the side walls of the pipe;
  • attach the blanks to the brick using plastic dowels with round heads, or use tape (this option is lightweight, but not reliable);
  • cover the attached material with asbestos-cement slabs, corrugated sheets or bricks.

Important! To reduce heat loss, plaster the brick on the outside of the channel, and then cover it with a frost-resistant compound.

Thermal protection of asbestos-cement pipes

Insulating chimney pipes from asbestos cement is done like this.

  1. First, clean the outer surface of the chimney from dust and dirt.
  2. Make a folding metal casing consisting of two halves. When assembled, its diameter should be 12-16 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe. The height of the case can vary within one meter.
  3. Place the bottom galvanized casing on the chimney.
  4. Fill or compact protective material into the resulting space.
  5. Install the next case and reinstall the insulation.
  6. Cut the top casing together with the asbestos cement pipe at a slight angle.
  7. Cover the insulation with a thin layer of cement mortar.

On a note! If you do not install a metal case, the mineral wool will become wet, heavy, crumpled or frayed in the wind. Birds, rodents or cats also take away the insulation.

Insulation of the chimney in the ceiling

When a metal chimney passes through a wooden ceiling, the distance between them must be at least 30 cm. If the chimney is lined with brick, then this value is reduced to 10 cm. The opening is filled with basalt wool and closed from below and above with a metal sheet. Make sure that the chimney is securely fastened to the ceiling.

Thermal insulation for chimneys: types of insulation and methods of protecting chimneys, Portal about pipes How to insulate a chimney - non-flammable thermal insulation. What materials are used to insulate chimney pipes in the ceiling? Methods and nuances of insulating structures made of

Types of chimney insulation

It is necessary to insulate the chimney from two negative destructive factors: from overheating of structures and from leaks at the joints. Therefore, in this article we will consider two types of chimney insulation:

  • Fireproof thermal insulation;
  • Waterproofing.

It is recommended to immediately carry out comprehensive insulation, solving not only the main problems, but also improving the operating conditions of the furnace. For example, insulating a pipe running through an unheated attic reduces the risk of overheating of wood roofing elements and reduces the risk of condensation that can lead to excessive soot deposits, corrosion or pipe failure. Waterproofing the pipe will help avoid rotting of the rafter system and ceilings, as well as pipe destruction if it gets wet.

Methods of fireproof insulation of chimneys

The simplest and most reliable, but not always the cheapest, way is to install a “sandwich” chimney made of ceramic or metal. In such chimneys, the inner pipe, which performs the function of removing smoke, is made of heat-resistant steel or ceramics and is thermally insulated with non-flammable insulation: mineral, stone or basalt wool. The outer layer of a sandwich chimney is made of steel or ready-made expanded clay concrete blocks.

Prefabricated ceramic chimney - a safe solution to the problem

Prefabricated chimneys are equipped with elements for fastening, inspection, maintenance, as well as for connecting several heating devices. Installation of such a chimney is simple, but requires following the instructions, only then will it be completely safe.

Thermal insulation of sandwich type pipes

Video - sandwich diaphragm for passing pipes through ceilings

Another insulation method used when building a stove is a brick chimney. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the brick, its walls do not heat up to dangerously high temperatures, so no additional measures to insulate such a chimney are required, except for the correct implementation of fireproof cutting of the floors and roof. To save money and facilitate construction, a brick chimney is sometimes finished with a pipe made of metal or ceramics. In this case, they are thermally insulated using the technology described below.

Thermal insulation of metal and ceramic single pipes is possible using boxes made of non-combustible materials and mineral non-combustible thermal insulation - stone or basalt wool. It is possible to operate such chimneys without thermal insulation, but fire-proof cutting according to all the rules is mandatory in any case.

Methods of waterproofing chimneys

Chimney waterproofing is installed where it exits onto the roof. The larger the pipe and the farther from the ridge it is located, the more difficult operating conditions await it: when it rains, more abundant flows of water, in winter - an increased snow load. Rain and melt water, if waterproofing is insufficient, penetrates inside the house, leading to leaks, rotting of wood and destruction of concrete and brick structures, including the chimney itself.

The method of waterproofing depends largely on the shape of the pipe and the type of roofing. For round pipes, metal or polymer grooves are used, for rectangular pipes, metal aprons and junction strips are used. How to waterproof a pipe is described in detail in the article “Roof cutting of a chimney”, and then we will talk about the technology of thermal insulation of a chimney.

Safety when insulating a chimney at height

Before insulating a metal or any other pipe, you need to inspect the workplace to assess possible risks in order to minimize them. A ladder prepared in advance and tested for strength, boards for flooring over slate or tiles, strong, proven ropes - all this will ensure your safety during the work.

When laying boards on slate, observe the following rule: boards are laid across the waves. If you don’t have an industrial safety harness, make one from strong, thick rope or belt.

One end of such insurance must be firmly attached to a strong, fixed structure of the house or roof.

Clothing should not be unbuttoned, have drooping sleeves or a dangling collar, but it is best to use overalls.

When laying a chimney pipe through the thickness of the ceiling, do not skimp on insulation - lay it in this place, even if the ceiling material is non-flammable: heated concrete can ignite the decorative finishing of the ceiling.

You don’t have to lay basalt or mineral wool next to the stove or heating boiler, but such areas should be no more than 50 cm wide.

If the insulation material is able to withstand high temperatures (read the instructions for it), then it is better to lay it in these places.

Do-it-yourself insulation installation

Before starting work, you need to learn the basic rules for applying insulation, and learn how to insulate an iron chimney pipe yourself. Insulation carried out according to the rules will allow the owner not to violate the construction technology and not worry about reducing the draft in the chimney.

Required tools and materials

For installation work on insulating a chimney pipe from the outside, you will need a set of tools that are available in every household: a tape measure, a screwdriver, a grinder, self-tapping screws, metal scissors, a knife for cutting insulation, and protective equipment.

Calculation of the dimensions of the structure

To properly organize the work, you need to calculate the construction parameters and costs. The heating temperature of the inside of the outlet channel, as well as the insulating layer, depend on what type of fuel is used.

The amount of insulation is calculated according to the measurements taken:

  • external parameters of the insulated surface;
  • height of the structure;
  • distance from the lower outlet of the pipe.

For example: on a cold roof and above it, the outlet from a solid fuel heater is wrapped with a layer of 5 cm to 10 cm. The distance on the chimney from the ceiling to the roof in an insulated attic is insulated with a layer of up to 6 cm. The exhaust structure from a gas boiler is insulated with a layer of 3 cm.

The insulation consumption for a chimney for a solid fuel boiler will be, for example, as follows: with its height of 5 m, diameter 219 cm, basalt cylinders need 5 linear meters with a layer thickness of 5 cm, parameters for the internal diameter. Sheet insulation will require 3.5 m². For the protective casing, buy galvanized steel, 2.7 cm thick.

The height of the protruding end depends on the distance of the channel to the roof ridge. Located at a distance of 1.5 m from the center of the house, the chimney should be 50 cm higher than the ridge. Two meters from the center - the height at the level of the ridge, three meters on pitched roofs - the height is determined at an angle of 10°, between the line of the horizon and the ridge.

Work progress

Before installation, you will need to buy chimney sections, anti-corrosion agent, insulation, brackets and clamps, heat-resistant sealant, moisture-proof fabric, galvanized cladding, profiles for the frame, asbestos sealant, fire-resistant foam.

  1. Before using the insulation, an anti-corrosion substance is applied to the pipe. A protective film is formed on the surface, which protects the metal from destruction for a long time. Combine and secure the parts of the pipe so that moisture does not enter the joints when draining. The connection should be 5-7 cm long for stability.
  2. After connecting the segments, the metal pipe is wrapped with insulation. The edges of the insulation are wrapped overlapping and secured with steel clamps or aluminum wire. Externally insulated wire cannot be used. Under the influence of high temperatures, the insulation will melt, the fastening strength will weaken, which will lead to deformation of the winding.
  3. The soft surface is covered with a vapor barrier fabric, and sheets of galvanized steel are fixed on top of it. The galvanizing is fixed with an overlap, from bottom to top, with an overlap of 7-10 cm, fixed with clamps every 30 cm.
  4. A hole is cut in the roof, which corresponds in diameter to the insulated chimney.
  5. Under the roof and on the outside of the ceiling to the rafter structure, a horizontal fastening is installed to stabilize the chimney.
  6. The gaps between the roof and the structure are sealed with heat-resistant non-combustible materials, blown in with heat-resistant foam, and covered with a metal casing.

Non-combustible thermal insulation: insulation of brick, asbestos-cement pipes, stainless steel chimneys

The need to insulate high-temperature routes has arisen since their inception. And if the insulation of pipelines was solved quite simply - they were buried in the ground, then the insulation of chimney pipes caused a number of difficulties. And they were associated primarily with the danger of fire of the heat insulator itself. This is why non-flammable thermal insulation for chimneys is a priority when choosing insulation.

For information! In some sources you can read that such a layer is possible without reinforcement, but I would still like to remind you that reinforcement is an element of strengthening, and the layer that you leave will serve as a shield for the pipe, while independently taking on themselves against all temperature fluctuations and aggressive atmospheric influences. Therefore, the stronger the structure, the longer and without problems it will serve.

Next comes the application of the plaster itself, which must be prepared in two consistencies: pasty and more liquid. Layers are applied one after another, the last being a thick layer, which is leveled and whitened with regular whitewash.

Also suitable for a brick wall are basalt wool mats, foam glass and any other non-flammable thermal insulation material, and the technology will be as follows:

  • The pipe is wrapped in insulation: either mats of basalt wool (foam glass) are attached to umbrellas, or a roll is wrapped around the pipe and fixed with wire;
  • Next, either prepare another brick box around the pipe, followed by sealing the gap between the main pipe and the casing with cement mortar;
  • Either the insulation is wrapped in foil, the lower joining part is cemented to form a cement pad, the joints and seam part are closed with special foil tape.

Insulation of brick pipes is as follows:

  • At the end of all work, we need to get a layer of 5 cm, this will be quite enough for pipes, so we clean the pipe itself from dirt and unstable layers and reinforce it with a coarse metal mesh;
  • All the technologies we have described are quite simple, one might say economical, and easy to do with your own hands.

Pipes made of so-called stainless steel

The same materials are used for steel chimneys as for asbestos-cement pipes. Laying technology, materials, fastenings, all this is reminiscent of the previous chapter. Only in this case there are ready-made solutions that you can choose and not suffer. These are the so-called sandwich systems, when the pipe is already in the pipe, and non-combustible insulation is inserted between them.

General recommendations for carrying out work

Warming is a necessary process.

Whatever technologies you choose for insulation, there are general recommendations that, for some reason, are lost in the general cacophony of advice, but which are still worth listening to in order to avoid many embarrassments. So:

  • As you have noticed, in all works it is proposed to seal the bottom edge in a cement base, before carrying out such work, make sure that the roof base allows it to be done;
  • When carrying out insulation, keep in mind that neither the insulation nor the casing (if any) should come into contact with the roof. That is, it is necessary to think through the docking and drainage system;
  • When purchasing adhesive mixtures for fixing the same basalt wool or foam glass, as well as adhesive tape for fixing insulation, pay attention first to the area of ​​application, and then to the price, and not vice versa. The fact is that heat-resistant materials will initially be more expensive than conventional ones;
  • When choosing a thermal insulation material, consult the seller about the possibility of using the material. Although the material is imported specifically for your region, sometimes thinner insulation is left behind. Just keep in mind that for insulation work, a material of at least 40 mm is required;
  • More complete information may be in the accompanying documents for the material, as well as on the packaging, the official website of the manufacturer, do not be lazy to look at the information.

Insulation of the chimney using wooden panels

This method is also considered simple, and a person with only basic skills in the construction industry can implement it with his own hands. The work order is presented below.

  • First, build a wooden frame around the pipe from the stove or other heat-generating unit. To do this, use a 40x40 mm beam;
  • then cover it with colored paint intended for finishing the facades of houses. If funds do not allow, you can use flat slate;
  • Having completed the plating, fill the resulting void with either slag, sand, or pieces of glass wool. All these materials can be mixed. When filling the voids, compact this entire mass;
  • After filling the voids, proceed to create a decorative frame frame. The choice of material is limited only by your imagination and ease of installation. For example, fastening colored corrugated sheets to structural panels is done using roofing screws, and is not associated with any difficulties.

Good to know! The cost of colored paint is lower than that of siding. And modern industry produces these products in the widest range of colors.

Chimneys insulated in this way retain heat for quite a long period of time, and even their active use will not cause you problems.

Between the wooden frame and the pipe you need to lay a layer of any fire-resistant insulation

Brands of basalt insulation for chimney insulation

Various manufacturers offer consumers more than several dozen types of basalt insulation materials. Some are manufactured abroad, others at domestic enterprises.

Judging by customer reviews, the products of the following companies are popular:

  • Rockwool basalt wool is manufactured at the enterprises of the company of the same name, located in Denmark. In terms of its characteristics: hydrophobicity, sound and heat insulation, as well as mechanical strength, Rockwool is significantly ahead of analogues from other manufacturers. Rockwool basalt wool is used by manufacturing companies to insulate finished ceramic chimneys from Schiedel, Effe2 and others.
  • URSA basalt wool – originally manufactured in Italy. Today the company has 14 large production centers located in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, which as a result could not but affect the quality of the products. The URSA company specializes in insulation of industrial and domestic premises, and is popular due to the good price-quality ratio of its products.
  • Izovat basalt wool is an insulation material manufactured in neighboring countries, in Ukraine. The product range includes mineral boards with densities from 30 to 200 kg/m³. It is worth paying attention to the brand intended for insulating brick chimney ducts with subsequent plastering of the surface. The thickness of Izovat slabs is from 30 to 200 mm.
  • Basalt wool Paroc is a Swedish company that has been specializing in the production of stone wool since the 30s of the last century. Paroc production facilities are located exclusively in EU countries, which allows us to maintain a high level of quality and full compliance with safety standards in force in Europe.
  • Paroc basalt cylinders can be used to insulate iron chimney pipes. For this purpose, the company has developed the Paroc Pro Section and Paroc Pro Bend + covering layer series, which provide maximum thermal insulation and protection of steel structures.

When choosing basalt for pipe insulation, you should mainly focus on the thermal characteristics specified by the manufacturer. On the basis of large concerns, modifications specifically designed for smoke exhaust systems have been developed.

Everything about a bath pipe, which one to choose, how to insulate it and how to clean it

Sauna stove pipes: ceramics or steel?

The modern range of sauna pipes is simply pleasing to the eye: you can choose the ideal options for each type of sauna stove and for any steam room interior. This includes an expensive ceramic chimney for a bath, a universal steel one, and even a thermoplastic one. But pipes made of stainless, fire-resistant and acid steel are rightly recognized as the best today - they can withstand temperatures of up to six hundred degrees.

Here are instructions on how to make a pipe for a bathhouse: one pipe is inserted into the other by about 5-7 cm, and the entire structure is completely sealed - due to the perfect fit of the pipes themselves, and much less condensation and soot are formed. That's why the question of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse made of such material does not arise - they clog extremely rarely, and the process of working with them is significantly simplified.

But pipes made of ceramics of a special composition are used extremely rarely in baths today - due to its considerable weight, which can only be withstood by a massive stationary stove for heating an ordinary home. And, although they are truly durable, steel pipes for baths still have no less attractive advantages:

  • The cross-section of such pipes is perfectly round, due to which the traction is excellent.
  • Steel pipes for baths are lightweight and easy to maintain.
  • In such pipes, the so-called “dew point” is quickly overcome, and therefore condensation does not occur, due to which the natural effect of acid on the pipes themselves is minimal.

As for asbestos-cement pipes, the reviews about them are the most negative - they are not suitable for bathhouses, because... They could simply burst and the bathhouse would simply burn down. Therefore, it is better not to take risks or skimp on quality and your own safety.

Insulating a pipe in a bathhouse: how to do it?

Folgoizol material is recognized today as the best insulation for bath pipes - it is often used for heating mains, pipelines and air duct insulation. It does not emit any harmful impurities at high air temperatures.

But if everything is done thoroughly, then you need to make a “sandwich” out of the pipe: inside it there is a stainless steel pipe, on it there is a layer of basalt and again a second, already external contour. Such a pipe in the bathhouse will heat up much weaker than a single-circuit pipe, which in turn will become an obstacle to the formation of condensation (which can even begin to flow into the firebox).

The bottom line is that this insulation layer is based on basalt rocks, which can withstand quite serious temperatures, and even when heated seriously do not ignite or emit any unpleasant odors. That is why such a pipe for a bath is called “warm” - it will never allow the metal pipes to quickly cool down from the outside air, and therefore all the water vapor that is invariably present in the smoke will not cool down and will not settle on the inner walls of the pipe along with soot. Thus, the flue gases from the sauna stove easily escape without clinging to anything.

On the other hand, the outer pipe for the stove in the bathhouse, thanks to the inner layer of insulation, practically does not heat up, which ensures complete fire safety of the bathhouse. And finally, such a chimney significantly improves the operation of the stove - it quickly warms up, and the stove immediately reaches the desired mode. And the traction is much better due to the absence of various obstacles-turbulence, like brick pipes.

Correct fireproof chimney protection

But, if it seems to you that the pipe is getting too hot, it is better to check the temperature not of it, but of the material surrounding it. For example, sprinkle drops of water on the apron and see if they hiss, touch the boards with your hand.

In extreme cases, it wouldn’t hurt to additionally wrap flexible asbestos around the pipe to be on the safe side - preferably so that there is a small air gap left. And the outer edge of the pipe must be hidden under the fungus to protect it from moisture.

How to clean a chimney?

Today, there are many methods for cleaning a bath pipe from soot - from special brushes to aggressive chemicals. But what to do if a branded stove with a blocked chimney was purchased for the bathhouse? Throwing snowballs into it to clean it is useless, as is trying to get something out with pipe cleaners. The only effective way in this case is to pour several liters of hot water directly into the chimney, and then heat the stove for a long time so that it does not rust. After kindling, the long-caked and compacted soot will come out of the chimney in a very thick cloud. But there will be no residues or odors - everything will be destroyed later by high temperature.

Features of chimney insulation with basalt wool

In addition to the correct choice of basalt insulation, you need to worry about compliance with installation rules. As practice shows, the following norms are especially often violated:

  • The thickness of the basalt wool layer in penetrations through wooden structures is at least 5 cm. The distance from load-bearing beams is at least 1 m.
  • If you need to lay the material in several layers, correctly lay out the fire-resistant basalt slab with an offset to overlap the joints of the bottom sheet with the top sheet. The same rule applies when installing cylindrical insulation. The longitudinal seam of each subsequent shell is shifted by 180°.
  • The installation of a chimney passage through a wooden ceiling using basalt wool involves the use of fire-resistant cutting. There should be a distance of 50-100 mm from the heating surface to the flammable material. The gap is filled with stone wool.

  • The thickness of the basalt fiber in the chimney should be no more than 40 mm, for external insulation, up to 100 mm. Density is selected depending on operating conditions. To insulate ceramic chimney pipes connected to solid fuel boilers, basalt wool with a density of 100 to 200 kg/m³ is used.

  • There is no point in using high-temperature basalt wool for thermal insulation of a chimney connected to a gas or liquid fuel boiler, since the temperature of the exhaust gases rarely exceeds 200-300°C. It would be optimal to install cylindrical insulation.
  • Calculation of the required amount of basalt wool for insulation of a steel chimney. The required thickness of the material is selected. The insulation packaging indicates the approximate consumption of cotton wool for different layer thicknesses. All that remains is to calculate the size of the circle in centimeters and the length of the pipe. After this, the number of packages is calculated.
  • After insulating a single-layer pipe with non-foil material, it is necessary to manufacture a protective structure.

In some construction stores, packages with basalt insulation can be cut in half, or the mats can be sold individually. This allows you to purchase the exact amount of material and avoid overpayments.

Pros and cons of using basalt for chimney insulation

The main disadvantage of basalt insulation is its cost. Otherwise, compared to any other types of thermal insulation, basalt undoubtedly wins. The advantages of the material include:

  • Low thermal conductivity - even at flue gas temperatures above 500°C, basalt wool heats up to no more than 30°C. During a short-term ignition of soot and a temperature jump to 900°C, the outer contour of the sandwich pipe will not heat up more than 45°C.
  • Non-flammability - the material can withstand the impact of directed fire from a gas burner without igniting. Cotton wool begins to melt after exceeding 1100°C. Therefore, you can lay basalt insulation close to the chimney pipe and not worry about the safety of the room during the entire period of operation.
  • Simple installation - mats and sheets can be easily cut with a regular paint knife. The material is fixed using clamps or binding wire. If you lay basalt wool yourself when installing chimneys, you can significantly save on the work.
  • The specific gravity of even basalt fire-resistant wool is 30 kg/m³; accordingly, after insulation, the weight of the chimney structure increases very slightly.

Basalt wool has no analogues in its characteristics and is the optimal solution when choosing insulation for a chimney. The only thing that limits the popularity of the material is the high cost associated with the peculiarities of the production process.

Glass wool

Glass wool differs from basalt insulation in that it is made from waste from the glass industry and broken glass. The manufacturing technology is also similar to the production of stone wool. Glass wool is a more plastic non-flammable insulation than basalt and therefore it is more often used for insulating round metal chimney pipes.

To produce such insulation, you need to make a cylindrical casing for the pipe. For this purpose, galvanized or stainless steel sheets can be used. First, a pattern of this part is made, as it were. It is necessary to take into account that the casing must cover the insulation along the length of the pipe from its upper end to the attic floor.

After making the development of the casing, the insulation is fixed to the steel pipe. To do this, it is wrapped around the chimney and secured around it with steel tape clamps. The thickness of the insulation should vary from 50 to 100 mm depending on the climatic conditions in which the building is located. The casing pattern is mounted on top of the insulating material and secured with bolts or rivets.

On top, non-flammable insulation made of basalt wool or glass wool must be covered with metal plates, and the chimney itself must be equipped with a cap or deflector to protect it from precipitation.

The use of foil insulation

Foil-coated basalt wool has a wide range of applications due to its good performance characteristics. This heat insulator can be used for:

  1. Rooms with high humidity levels, for example baths and saunas. Hot air does not come out for a long time, and cold air does not penetrate inside.
  2. Warm pools. Thermal insulation with basalt foil wool will allow the structure to be used even in severe frosts.
  3. Fireplaces in dachas and country cottages. In this case, using basalt wool with foil can not only preserve heat, but also ensure safety, since the foil coating is protected from fire.
  4. Pipelines on private property. Helps protect the system from frost and unwanted moisture, which can lead to pipe damage.
  5. Foundations of buildings. When insulating the base of a house, basalt wool plays a dual role: a heat insulator and a moisture-repellent membrane.
  6. Sea and river vessels. Used to maintain a comfortable microclimate in holds and cabins.
  7. Walls, roofs and floors of private houses. Residential properties will be reliably protected from cold, noise, and moisture, while the cost of such thermal insulation is quite acceptable.

It will be possible to achieve a good thermal insulation effect only if you strictly follow the insulation algorithm recommended by material manufacturers and specialists.

Expert advice

Builders advise choosing thermal protection according to the following criteria:

  • fibrous base, light weight;
  • ready-made stainless steel sleeves;
  • resistant base to high and temperature changes, covered with foil;
  • the internal diameter must be larger than the outlet of the heating device.

Install a smoke exhaust channel according to the rules. It is also worth taking advice from experts. Thermal insulation is carried out according to the following standards:

  • thermal insulation must be applied in a continuous layer, without transitions, especially in places of contact with the ceiling and roof;
  • mats and strips are laid only with the markings facing outwards;
  • installation of parts is carried out from the bottom up, overlapping, the lower end is covered with the upper connection;
  • internal insulation is carried out in stages, during installation of the structure, external insulation after complete assembly;
  • a spark arrester is installed at the end if the roof consists of flammable materials;
  • use personal protective equipment.

The rules are simple; following them will help prolong the operation of the output channel.

The main mistakes when insulating a chimney

When thermally insulating a chimney with your own hands, the following mistakes are often made:

  • the use of low-quality or unsuitable material according to technical characteristics, which during operation can shrink and expose part of the structure;
  • lack of a protective casing for insulating material in the chimney head area;
  • The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is too small (less than 4 cm).



Which material to choose?

In order to insulate a steel flue pipe, you need to take into account that its heating temperature can reach three hundred degrees or more. To do this, you need to use a material that is completely devoid of flammability. For this purpose, as a rule, mineral wool, slag concrete slabs or other analogues are used. In addition, the insulation process can be carried out through the use of plaster mortar.

It is important that the weight of the insulating material is comparable to the supporting capacity of the roof. Because elements that are too heavy can damage it.

Most experts prefer mineral wool. It is lightweight and therefore ideal for this task.

You can also purchase special cylindrical insulation. They create a sufficient level of protection for the chimney. Because their design has a protective layer of foil. The sizes of the products in question vary. Therefore, you can easily choose an option for a pipe of the required diameter.

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