Choosing stones for a bath: properties of rocks, their features and much more

If you know which stones are best to choose for a bath , then you can increase the effectiveness of the healing procedure several times, of course, if you give preference to natural materials and take into account their characteristics. Proper use not only allows you to increase the temperature, but also contributes to its better preservation due to the heat capacity of the stones.

By the way, we recommend paying attention to a good assortment of bath stones in the Teplokontakt online store. There is a large selection of various products for baths and saunas, which can be ordered with delivery throughout Russia.

What properties should stones for a bath have?

To correctly determine which bath stones are suitable for your steam room, you should first understand the basic characteristics of these stones. They must have the following properties:

  • Density. The heavier the stone, the more suitable it is for a bath or sauna.
  • Heat resistance - the ability to experience systematic heating to very high temperatures.
  • Heat capacity is the ability of a stone to store heat and smoothly release it into the environment. The greater the heat capacity of the rock, the longer the bath will remain heated.
  • Environmentally friendly : when heated, the stone should not emit harmful substances.
  • Uniformity of structure . It is not recommended to use stones with inclusions and veins in baths. Otherwise, heating will occur unevenly, which will quickly lead to destruction.

It is best to use stones with a uniform structure

  • No cracks. You can check the stones by knocking them against each other. If everything is in order, the sound will be clear and clear.

There are two opinions about the size of the stones. Some people think that they should be the same size. Then the heater will heat up evenly and release heat evenly.

Others say that it is better to choose stones of different sizes. Moreover, the largest ones should be placed down, medium ones above, and small ones at the top. This is necessary so that the large lower stones store heat and retain it for a long time, releasing it a little at a time and maintaining the temperature of the rest of the heater.

There is no clear answer to the question of which stones are better for a bath, the same or different in size: both methods have proven themselves well.

Now about smooth and chipped stones. The first ones serve for a very long time, do not crack or delaminate. The latter give off heat more intensely due to their large surface area, but require frequent replacement. Here the choice is yours.

Heat exchange in crushed stones is more intense than in smooth ones

Before laying, stones can be tested for heat resistance. To do this, they need to be heated over a fire, and then immediately lowered into a bucket of cold water. If no cracks appear, then the stone will last a long time.



  • lasting
  • high thermal conductivity
  • uniform heat
  • disinfects the air
  • maintains temperature for a long time


  • with a high percentage of sulfur in the composition it breaks down into parts
  • gloomy look

Dunite is soapstone, which is located deeper, igneous rock, absolutely free from radiation. When choosing, you need to focus on the number of sulfur veins; if there are more than 5% of them, you should refuse the purchase. It heats up quickly and well, and also cools quickly, durable (if it is of high quality). Suitable for the first layer of stones, as it is not visually attractive.

What types of stones are suitable for a bath?

Now let's talk about which stones are suitable for use in a bath or sauna, depending on their breed. Traditionally, everyone tries to choose natural samples, the shape of which was created by nature itself.

You can also find synthetic bath stones on sale, but it is worth remembering that they do not have any healing properties.

Jadeite and its unique properties

Greenish colored stone. Of all those used for laying the heater, it is considered the most beautiful. It belongs to semi-precious rocks, so it is expensive.

Jadeite is a very beautiful stone

In addition to appearance, jadeite has other advantages:

  • High heat capacity . The breed retains energy for an amazingly long time.
  • Healing vapors when heated. The stone has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary and endocrine systems, and also accelerates the blood.
  • Low moisture absorption. Therefore, high-quality steam is released.

Since it is too expensive to lay the entire heater with this type of stone, you can buy several copies and place them at the very top. A kilogram of jadeite will be quite enough for a medium-sized bathhouse.

Doctors say that jadeite is suitable for those with joint problems. It emits positive infrared radiation, ionizes the air and enriches water with metasilicic acid. Therefore, jadeite is suitable for those who are thinking about the question of which stones are best for a bath in a steam room for health.

The healing properties of jadeite have long been proven

The service life of this breed reaches seven years. But after five years it begins to gradually lose its effectiveness.

Crushed jadeite is more suitable for a Russian bath. Due to its large area, it produces a lot of steam. Polished stones are best used in a sauna.

Soapstone for baths and saunas

Soapstone is a beautiful and durable gray stone. It heats up quickly and accumulates heat well. A heater made of this type produces light and pleasant steam.

But for those who are thinking about which stones to choose for a bath and are considering soapstone, it is worth remembering that this is a very dusty rock. Although the problem can be solved: before laying, all stones must be thoroughly washed and dried in the sun.

The homeland of soapstone is Karelia and Finland. Therefore, it is considered a classic sauna stone.

Soapstone - a traditional stone for saunas

See also: Catalog of stone bath projects

Raspberry quartzite

When thinking about which stones are best for a sauna stove, you should pay attention to crimson quartzite. The breed has a bright brown-purple color. It stores and releases heat well and does not absorb moisture. It is considered the most crack-resistant stone. You can even pour ice water onto a hot stove lined with crimson quartzite.

Scientists know a lot about the healing properties of crimson quartzite:

  • Normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the circulatory system.
  • Pain relief for joints.
  • Treats migraines and helps with problems associated with weather changes.
  • Regulates the functioning of the reproductive system.

Crimson quartzite is a beautiful red-brown stone.
But the most important quality of raspberry quartzite or porphyry, as it is also called, for a bathhouse is that it can produce light steam for a long time, even after the stove is stopped. Therefore, washing in such a steam room is easy and pleasant.

What other stones are suitable for a bath?

When talking about which stones are best for a steam bath, you should pay attention to the following rocks:

  • White quartz is a translucent stone. It looks very impressive in the heater, because when heated it creates a glow, which is why it got the name “hot ice”. However, white quartz is fragile and unstable to high temperatures, so it is better to use it in open-type heaters. Although it is an expensive stone, it will not last long.

White quartz is a beautiful but short-lived stone

  • Gabbro-diabase is a durable stone that accumulates heat well. In many ways similar to soapstone. But there is a big difference in price. Gabbro-diabase is much cheaper, so it is found in many steam rooms.

Gabbro-diabase - a budget option for a bath or sauna

  • Basalt is a black stone. It lasts for a very long time, most likely the heater will not have to be updated until the very end of the bath’s operation. This is due to its high density and strength, low water absorption and resistance to sudden and frequent temperature changes. In addition, it has a surprisingly high heat capacity.

Basalt is popular among all fans of the Russian bath
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the construction of baths and related work

  • Sea pebbles. Interested in those who are wondering which stones are suitable for a steam bath, but are willing to spend a small amount on the purchase. To lay the heater, you can only take samples that have not been in contact with sea or river water for a long time. The fact is that if the stone is not sufficiently dried, then when heated it will give off an unpleasant odor. The structure of “wet” stone is also more prone to cracking.

Sea pebbles are the most affordable stone for a bath.
The heater in the steam room can also be made of such rocks as:

  • Neuritis
  • Jasper
  • Chromite
  • Dunit
  • Dolerite
  • Granite



  • good heat capacity
  • low radioactivity
  • inexpensive
  • light pleasant steam
  • heats up quickly


  • low strength
  • contains sulfides

Its composition is similar to jadeite (oxides of silica and metals). Due to sulfides, it is less durable and can withstand temperature changes for about 2-3 years. Environmentally friendly, free from radiation. Creates thin, light steam. Suitable for those who rarely use the sauna. When purchasing, you need to check the number of veins in the stone (no more than 5%).

Is it worth collecting stones for a bath?

The question of whether it is possible to collect valuable and effective rocks worries many who wonder how to choose stones for a bath. After all, this is a real opportunity to save money and at the same time create a high-quality heater.

It is quite possible to collect stones for a bath with your own hands

Most often, a stone suitable for a bath can be found on the slopes of mountains, on the shores of seas or rivers. Moreover, everything found near fresh water bodies will be of higher quality than marine samples. Although both stones were subjected to long-term processing by nature, the influence of sea water has a detrimental effect on the strength of the rock.

But when collecting stones yourself, you need to remember that many rocks can only be mined industrially. For example, gabbro-diabase, quartzite and jadeite will not lie on the surface. Therefore, manual collection implies that you will have to use only those specimens that you can find.

At the same time, there are many specialized stores that sell any breed. Here you can decide which bath stones are best to buy with unlimited choice.

Often, balanced sets with certain properties are created from stones. In this case, it is quite possible to line 80% of the heater with pebbles collected by yourself, and the remaining 20% ​​with purchased valuable rocks.

Specialized stores offer a large selection of bath stones


Daria Sitseva, 36 years old, Moscow.

I purchased gabrodiabase for a bath based on recommendations and reviews. This breed was recommended to me as the highest quality - dense structure, ability to withstand high temperatures. I gained about 35-40 kg. At first everything was great, but after literally 7-8 months, we had to get rid of most of the rock, as it began to collapse. I had to replace it with granite. We've been using it for over a year now, no complaints.

Larisa Streltsova, 54 years old, Tula.

I am incredibly glad that I was able to purchase such magnificent stones. I travel a lot and visit bathhouses in every new city. During all this time, I was pleasantly surprised and surprised by the greedy. I have never seen such nuclear and at the same time soft steam. With such stones you don’t even want to leave the steam room.

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How to lay stones in a stove

The heating rate of the heater directly depends on the installation method. A conventional stove for a Russian bath requires gradual, uniform heating. The heating process is a long-term operation, and active steam formation will begin after all the fuel has burned out. Proper placement of stones can significantly reduce the time it takes to get the steam room into working condition.

Proper installation of the heater is the key to quick heating

The two most important characteristics of bath stones are heat capacity and thermal conductivity. It is better to place stones that are more thermally conductive, but have less heat capacity, closer to the fire. This way heat will be transferred faster from bottom to top. This rule is especially relevant when using different breeds.

It is advisable to place stones of different fractions in the heater: the smaller, the higher. After all, the larger the stone, the longer and more intensely it needs to be heated. Small stones are necessary in order to create a large heat transfer area.

Smaller stones should be placed on top

What to look for before purchasing and laying

Regardless of which material is chosen, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • when laying stone in the form of tiles, it must be the same size and without chips;
  • the stones should not be chipped or damaged;
  • if you plan to make panels, be sure to build a sheathing when choosing heavy stones;
  • natural stone can have different patterns and shades, this is not considered a defect;
  • the solution for fixing the material should be taken with an antiseptic additive;
  • The ceiling should be decorated with stone only where people will not sit;
  • Only non-slip materials should be laid on the floor or sanded first;
  • if stone is combined with wood, the joints should be well sealed and treated with an antiseptic;
  • You should not place a stone next to plastic, especially in a steam room, where the stone can accelerate the deformation of such panels.

The service life of the finished masonry depends on how well you look at the material.

Proper care of bath stones

Even natural stone, a seemingly very strong and durable material, becomes unusable after some time of use in extreme bath conditions. Over the course of a year, the heat output of the furnace can decrease by 15-20%.

Due to the constant high temperature, bath stones quickly lose important properties

It is recommended to carry out a complete inspection of the entire heater at least once a year. Damage, chips, cracks are a signal. That the stone needs to be changed. After inspection, it is advisable to rinse everything with clean running water. Every two years it is worthwhile to completely replace all the stones, however, if the sauna is used relatively rarely, then the service life can reach five years.



  • does not contain harmful impurities
  • high specific heat capacity
  • does not crack
  • takes a long time to cool down
  • creates thick steam


  • service life up to 3 years

One of the safest, environmentally friendly. Able to withstand many cycles of temperature changes, cracks will not appear. High melting point (1850 degrees), heat transfers well, releases for a long time, the steam is thick and rich. Capable of withstanding heavy loads. Suitable for sauna stove.

Video description

Here is an interesting video on how to wash bath stones:

In order for the steam room to function properly, it is necessary to correctly calculate the mass of stones. It is believed that there should be 5-6 kg of rock per square meter. Then the desired effect and maximum durability of the heater will be achieved.

Different types of stone differ in their service life

For stoves with a closed heater, a type that is more resistant to high temperatures is needed. In open stoves, the heating is less intense, so deciding which stones are better for the heater in the bathhouse is much easier.


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*** We wish you to find the most useful stone or mix that gives the perfect steam for you and your guests. For more materials on stones, see the section page.

And when the best breed or mixture has been chosen, it’s time to read about placing it in a stove or electric heater.

Briefly about the main thing

The main properties of stone for a bath are heat resistance, the ability to store heat and not absorb moisture, density and uniformity of structure.

  • Jadeite is an expensive and rare stone that has a healing effect on the human body.
  • Soapstone is a northern stone often used for saunas.
  • Crimson quartzite is a beautiful brown stone that is resistant to high temperatures and produces high-quality steam.

To lay the heater, you can use gabbro-diabase, white quartz, sea pebbles, and basalt.

You can find some types of bath stones yourself. But you shouldn't do this on a railway embankment.

You need to place stones in the heater, placing them on the bottom. At the bottom there should be the most massive specimens and the most heat-resistant rocks.

It’s not enough to know how to choose stones for a bath; you also need to carefully care for them. Be sure to wash them and periodically replace damaged ones.

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  • high strength
  • the most durable (up to 10 years)
  • can be used on open fire
  • heats up quickly
  • high heat transfer
  • the steam is soft


  • price

The ranking of bath stones puts jade in first place. It is characterized by durability and high thermal conductivity. Heats up very quickly, the steam cleanses, soothes, improves metabolism. Suitable for any heater, the only negative is that it is expensive. Because of this, it is often crafted; in order to distinguish the original, you need to hit it with a hammer - real jade does not split. It is sawed to be cut into pieces.

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