Choosing stones for a bath: quartz, jadeite, profirite, soapstone, diabase

Criteria for choosing stones: which stones are best suited for a bath?

The most important characteristics that stones for baths and saunas should have include:

  • uniformity;
  • good heat capacity;
  • strength;
  • no toxic odors when heated;
  • low level of water absorption.

Why do experts recommend purchasing certified and already packaged products, rather than collecting the first river stones you come across for a bath?

Acting this way without having experience and special knowledge of geology is very dangerous. Constant and significant temperature changes in the steam room can destroy even stone. And if you have collected unsuitable stones for the stove in the bathhouse, they can split when heated, shooting out fragments, which can lead to serious injuries.

But that’s not so bad. Many minerals emit toxic gases when heated, and stones of organic origin saturate the generated steam with harmful microelements. As a result, under no circumstances use stones for baths and saunas whose properties are unknown to you.

In addition to all of the above, the quality of steam is also influenced by the size and appearance of the stones. Pay extreme attention to the arrangement of the backfill itself.

A good heater on the stove:

  • durable;
  • heat-intensive;
  • dense;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • the stones in it have optimal sizes.

For electric furnaces, you need to select medium-sized stones. For wood-burning analogues, choose a combination - medium and large backfill.

Another circumstance is that round stones heat up more evenly, and air circulates between them more freely. But it is worth noting that the best stones for a bath have slight irregularities and roughness. Water does not bounce off their surface, but evaporates gradually.

It is worth noting that all experts agree that the best types of stones for a steam room are volcanic. The logic here is simple - since they underwent the action of gigantic temperatures of the Earth’s magma during formation, then they will withstand bathing procedures calmly.

Let's take a closer look at the stones for the bath: which ones are best to purchase.

Properties of stone in a sauna stove

A high-quality stone for a sauna stove must have a number of key properties that will ensure that such a heater produces high-quality, light, finely dispersed steam.

Heat capacity

An indicator that characterizes the degree to which a mineral mass retains thermal energy received from a heating device as a result of the combustion of mineral fuel or the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy. The higher it is, the more efficient the heat accumulation in the heater will be, the longer the heat will remain after the end of the fire.

The above heat capacity indicator of 0.98 kJ/kg*C is quite sufficient for interaction with most standard heating devices, and the first place, to create a comfortable environment, comes directly from the quality of the thermal insulation of the steam room and its general thermal characteristics. We record this indicator in the asset of the mineral in question.

Heat resistance

The ability of a solid stone to resist the effects of an open flame, without showing residual deformation or, moreover, destruction. According to this indicator, quartzites are far from ideal and are prone to destruction of the massif after 20 - 25 minutes of direct contact with open fire. Based on this quality, when forming a stone basket and laying individual elements in it, it is worth taking care that the quartzites do not end up in the lower, most loaded layer in terms of heat resistance. White quartzite for a bathhouse is especially critical in this regard.

Ability to withstand alternating thermal loads

This is a very important quality for a heater. A stone heated to a high temperature is sharply cooled with water to generate steam, as a result of which an acute manifestation of internal stress is possible, up to mechanical destruction. In this regard, quartzites have moderate, or rather, sufficient resistance. The destruction of stone, the transition of coarse-grained backfill into stone fines, occurs primarily due to the progression of microcracks that form during its extraction at the quarry face and subsequent crushing to obtain an acceptable size of the mined mineral.

By the way! Microcracks, as a rule, are very small in size and are often embedded in solid stone, which is why they are not visually identified. For critical finishing work, large-sized quartzite is subjected to ultrasonic examination. To talk about the use of such a method for identifying defects for bath backfill means to assert that hammering nails with a microscope is a completely normal phenomenon. Unproductive and expensive. Responsible suppliers of bath stones use the tumbling method to reject material with critical and progressive cracks. In everyday life, we use the method of tapping the stone with a steel hammer with a hardened striker. However, only a person with extensive practical experience and a good ear for music can clearly differentiate standard material.

The presence of special healing properties

As they say, describing the special healing or, moreover, magical qualities of stones and this mineral in particular is not our priority, primarily due to the lack of any reliable positive data on this matter, confirmed by a number of objective sources. However, in this context we cannot help but touch upon one more factor, which is precisely important.

Environmental friendliness and safety of use in steam room conditions

This section consists of several points, namely:

  • Radiological safety - which determines the absence of increased radioactive background as a result of the radiation of elementary particles. As we have already indicated above, this mineral belongs to group 1 of materials that can be used without restrictions;
  • The absence of critical internal stresses, which, when a heated stone cools sharply, can cause its instant destruction with the formation of fragments. Surely many have heard of the expression that a low-quality stone “shoots.” Sometimes, the energy of destruction is sufficient to not only frighten those soaring. In this regard, quartzites are stable and calm. Destruction with the formation of stone fines occurs slowly and predictably, which, however, does not relieve the responsibility of the responsible bath attendant to periodically inspect the stone backfill and reject elements with pronounced surface defects;
  • There are no prerequisites for water to enter into a chemical reaction, with the formation of certain substances that may pose a potential threat to the health of visitors to the steam room or cause them discomfort. And in this regard, quartzites are quite stable and safe.

A word from Experienced! In this context, one circumstance is worth noting. The very popular crimson quartzite for baths from the famous Prionezhskoe deposit is composed in bulk, approximately 95% of metamorphosed quartz, and the attractive rich pink color is due to iron impurities in the form of oxides and hydroxides. Their local concentration and intensive generation of steam can provoke the sublimation of iron oxides into the atmosphere of the bathhouse, as a result of which the steam can get a harsh taste of burnt metal.

Durability of the mineral in a steam room

It should be recognized that quartzites should not be classified as materials with a long lifespan under conditions of stone backfill in a kiln basket. The high rates of extraction and the popularity of this mineral in bathing use do not contribute to the thorough defect detection of stones by manufacturers, and as a result, material with original defects and defects acquired as a result of mining and processing ends up in the retail chain.

The fracturing of the massif is the main reason why the average service life of quartzite in a steam room does not exceed 9 - 14 months or, in terms of a more objective indicator, no more than 270 - 280 hours of thermal exposure. This, in particular, should be paid attention to by the owners of bath complexes that have a purely commercial focus and operate in strict continuous cycles.

About visual appeal

Of course, the positive qualities of this mineral include its external attractiveness. The market offers stones of quite a variety of colors: pink, white, gray, yellowish, brown, with inclusions of purple or bluish locations. A combination of stones with different colors will help create interesting visual effects on the surface of a stone basket.


Gabbro-diabase stone is similar to marble or granite

This volcanic rock is similar to marble or granite and is uniformly dark in color. It has high density, strength and low water absorption. When heated, gabbro-diabase expands evenly. In addition, these bath stones are mined in the most environmentally friendly corner of Russia - Karelia, and are inexpensive.

One of the disadvantages is that diabase takes a long time to heat up and cools down quickly. In addition, if these stones are heated strongly, they begin to emit a not strong, but specific odor.

The therapeutic effects of this breed have not been identified.

History and origin of the mineral

Quartzite is formed from sandstone, the basis of which is quartz.
Under the influence of high temperature and pressure, sandstone combines with mica, talc, spar and other igneous rocks. This combination is particularly durable and fire-resistant. The primitive tools of ancient people found at excavations are made of quartzite. Stone processing was then minimal - a person took the most suitable piece of shape and hewed it against other stones.

In subsequent centuries, the mineral was used for architectural purposes for a long time:

  • Napoleon Bonaparte's sarcophagus was made from it;
  • tomb of Alexander II;
  • roof of the Mausoleum;
  • facing of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

Nowadays the stone is used not only by architects, but also by jewelers.

Soapstone chlorite

When heated, soapstone emits soft, comfortable warmth

This rock has a denser and more durable structure than diabase. Externally, soapstone bath stones are discreet, but interesting and have a variety of shades of gray.

The rock has good heat capacity and resistance to chemically aggressive environments.

The most important advantage of the stone is that it heats up extremely quickly. It accumulates 2.5 times more heat than a stove brick and releases it evenly and for a long time. This means that soapstone generates “light” steam.

Useful properties of soapstone:

Among the beneficial properties of the rock, it can be noted that when heated, it emits soft and comfortable heat, in the infrared spectrum, similar to the sun. It increases our immunity and normalizes metabolism.

When choosing which stones are suitable for a bathhouse, keep in mind that soapstone may generate dust. You will get rid of this drawback if you rinse and heat the stones before the first bath procedure.


The stone is very practical

The description of natural material includes:

  • fire resistance;
  • durability, which is ensured by tightly intergrown quartz inclusions;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high water resistance;
  • low degree of radioactivity;
  • high degree of hardness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to external aggressive environments;
  • retains its decorative effect for a long time;
  • in terms of crushability and frost resistance - 1st class.
  • the ability to maintain high temperatures for a long time.

Mineralogical natural bath material must be regularly checked for chips and cracks. The disadvantages of the material include the high probability of “crumbling” as a result of heating and polishing, which is typical for some samples of the mineral.


Crushed and polished jadeite for baths

This semi-precious rock has an emerald or light green color and is not volcanic, but is a separate mineral.

In addition to their beautiful appearance, these stones for sauna heaters have the highest strength and service life (3 times longer than other types), low water absorption and high heat capacity. It is worth noting that jadeite stone for baths retains heat for a long time and generates very powerful steam. Jadeite is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

Jadeite colors range from light green to emerald green

Useful properties of jadeite:

Of its healing properties, the most important are the beneficial effects on the central nervous system, stabilization of blood pressure, cure of kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Raspberry quartzite

This rock consists of 98% quartz. A valuable and quite rare mineral with a noble purple color. It has high density and low water absorption; in addition, it has the highest hardness, strength and wear resistance. Crimson quartzite stone is extremely resistant to cracking if it is heated and then cooled.

Crimson quartzite has a noble purple color

This breed is durable and strong, resistant to chemical influences. When used regularly in a sauna stove, it retains its structure and shape, and does not emit toxic impurities when heated.

When you put stones in a sauna stove, keep in mind that individual pieces may crumble. This can be explained by the impact of mechanical processing using the splitting method. As a result, it is necessary to carefully sort the stones before use.

Useful properties of quartz:

The healing properties of quartz have been known for a long time. It treats diseases of the chest as well as the respiratory tract. In addition, when choosing which stones to choose for a bath, take into account that quartzite stabilizes blood pressure and can improve blood circulation.

A short excursion into mineralogy

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock whose main composition is quartz. It has a basic white, gray or crimson color, a fairly uniform structure, and high mechanical strength. This is a strong, but not sufficiently viscous rock, which is difficult to process when used.

Has the following physical properties:

  • Density - 2.60 - 2.68 g/cm3.
  • Compressive strength - 100 - 450 mPa;
  • Durability at the beginning of destruction in the natural environment - 150 - 300 years;
  • Radioactivity - 88 - 194 Bq/kg, which corresponds to the natural background of mineral raw materials suitable for use in construction according to group I;
  • Fire resistance - up to 1770 degrees Celsius;
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7 units;
  • Heat capacity - 0.98 kJ/kg*C;
  • Porosity - 0.015%.

Quartz makes up from 70 to 98% of this mineral, the rest comes from mica, feldspar, spar, talc and a number of other materials. As mentioned above, due to its high hardness, this mineral is processed only with tools with working bodies made of synthetic superhard materials, however, it is perfectly polished, which has earned large-block elements made from it the reputation of excellent finishing slabs.

High-quality quartzites, endowed with interesting colors, taking into account their ability to obtain a high-quality polished surface during processing, are readily used as inexpensive ornamental stones.

Quartzite stone is widely used for baths.

White quartz, also called "hot ice"

White quartz is very useful: it saturates the room with ozone

Quartz stone is ideal for baths. It is a translucent white mineral. It is absolutely environmentally friendly.

“Hot Ice” is highly valued for its spectacular appearance and medicinal qualities. Like jadeite, sea bath stones and crimson quartzite, this rock is quite expensive.

Useful properties of white quartz:

Quartz has a unique healing quality: when heated and then sharply cooled by sprinkling with water, it begins to release atomic oxygen, which saturates the room with ozone. This gas enriches the blood of steaming people with oxygen, and also activates brain function and improves well-being.

In addition, as a result of mechanical deformations, which are caused by sudden temperature changes, the “hot ice” crystals begin to emit electromagnetic vibrations. This phenomenon is called the “piezoelectric effect”. These waves, interacting with human electromagnetic fields, correct and restore the body's energy system.

However, white quartz is not very durable. It cracks when exposed to extreme heat and temperature changes.

The duration of use of this stone depends on its intensity. It is especially undesirable to expose “hot ice” to very high temperatures typical of a sauna - it will simply burst. It must be regularly sorted out, removing already cracked specimens.

Relationships with natural elements

Over the many years of its use, this stone has developed a special relationship with such a natural element as fire. If you place the stone near a fire source, the reflections of the fire will give the stone a fabulous glow. The ability to develop imagination is attributed to its magical properties.

A magical talisman made of white quartz helps its owner to free himself from negative thoughts

The presence of a large percentage of moisture and gas in the composition of the stones makes its color dull. It is quite easy to confuse it with a variety such as snow quartz. But unlike snow quartz, the milky quartz version does not have a pure white color. Quartz with this shade is considered less attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

However, this disadvantage is compensated by the more effective magical effect of the mineral. This mineral is prescribed such properties as a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the body. In addition, it helps in the treatment of stomach diseases.

Despite the wide variety of stones, they all have one common property. Without exception, all quartz minerals are prescribed the ability to conduct other people's energy. It is believed that all stones have the ability to transmit information over a distance, including across the vastness of the Universe. This stone of illusion can only be used by experienced magicians and fortune tellers without negative consequences. A magic ball made from this stone was used to predict the future.

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