Is it necessary to register a bathhouse on a summer cottage, and how to obtain ownership rights?

The question of whether it is necessary to register a bathhouse and other buildings on an individual housing construction plot interests many owners of such land.

Even if only one building was planned when purchasing a plot, it is likely that over time there will be a desire to add others, and a bathhouse is the most common option.

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Our cadastral engineers will take all the necessary measurements and collect all the necessary documents.

Our lawyers will send all documents to the necessary government authorities and obtain all permits.

But if you decide to contact another company, then with a 90% probability you will have to resolve all such issues yourself, run around the authorities, collect documents, write a bunch of cover letters, etc.

If you decide to go this route, then this article is for you, read it carefully and make notes. The article is complex, with many references to federal laws and regulations, you will have to “strain your brains.”

What buildings are subject to registration?

The law states that all buildings recognized as real estate must undergo a mandatory registration procedure on the site. Signs of real estate are indicated in the comments to Article 130 of the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code) of the Russian Federation.

Four components of real estate:

  1. Availability of foundation.
  2. Inability to separate a building from its foundation without causing serious damage.
  3. Presence of connected communications (electricity, water and others).
  4. The object was made from solid materials rather than prefabricated parts.

The legislation also establishes a list of buildings that fall under the category of capital structures that are subject to registration.

The following buildings on the site are subject to registration:

  • summer cuisine,
  • garage,
  • barn,
  • bathhouse

It is worth remembering that if the building does not have communications and it was built without using a foundation, then the official registration of a bathhouse on the land plot can be ignored.

Can land be seized from the owner?

Yes . The Land Code contains a provision on the termination of the right to a land plot. If a land plot granted with the right of permanent (indefinite) use or lifelong inheritable possession is not used for 3 years, then it may be seized .
A plot can also be confiscated if the land is not used for its intended purpose. For example, a site is allocated for agriculture, and a store is built there, or an activity organized on the site is harmful to the environment (for example, a car wash operates).

Features of registration under the dacha amnesty

Dacha amnesty is the abbreviated name of the law that establishes a simplified procedure for registering a constructed property on a land plot.

You can take advantage of the amnesty if:

  • registration of a site on which there are no buildings,
  • registration of structures that were on the ground before the purchase,
  • registration of real estate built on the site by its owners.

The dacha amnesty applies to all areas where construction is permitted.


Declaration of real estate is a document that is evidence of the construction of premises on private land. It is this certificate that is the basis for the construction to be properly completed. The standard form of the form is established by Order No. 447 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

From 2022, a separate form must be filled out in two copies for each building.

The document is filled out personally by the citizen who has the right to own the property. As an alternative, you can use the services of intermediary firms. They will take over the entire list of registration work.

The form indicates:

  • site address,
  • name of the building,
  • construction completion date,
  • land area,
  • materials used during construction,
  • owner contact information.

The declaration cannot be accepted:

  • if the document has tears or abrasions that interfere with the normal reading of the records,
  • if a pencil was used to fill out the form,
  • in case of corrections or deletions.

Each item of information to be filled out has its own cell. Data must be entered only according to established rules.

Assignment of address and registration details

In order to register in a private house, it must be assigned an official address. The municipal authorities to which the petition is submitted have similar powers.

List of documents:

  • passport,
  • application for assignment of address,
  • documents confirming the fact of ownership,
  • technical diagram of buildings, which describes the infrastructure in detail,
  • if available, redevelopment scheme.

The application is reviewed within a month. If the application was completed correctly, the building will be assigned its own address.

Do I need to register a bathhouse and outbuildings?

To answer the question of whether it is necessary to register a bathhouse on a plot of land, you should refer to the provisions of the law. The legislation states that a bathhouse and outbuildings must be registered and a construction permit must be obtained in cases where the property has signs of a capital structure.

Buildings will have to be registered if:

  • there are living rooms,
  • there is a second floor,
  • communications in the form of water or electricity are provided,
  • The foundation was laid for construction.

Accordingly, it is definitely necessary to register a bathhouse on a land plot - in most cases it is a permanent structure with communications and a solid foundation.

Features of the problem

Before building a bathhouse, it is necessary to understand in which areas the construction of real estate is permitted. The allocated lands have categories on the basis of which rules of use are formed.

Buildings are allowed to be erected on the following types of land:

  1. On plots of individual housing construction (hereinafter referred to as IHC), they belong to populated areas and are intended for the construction of buildings.
  2. Personal subsidiary plot - land allocated for agricultural work.
  3. Dacha plots, the rules of use of which are completely similar to plots of individual housing construction.

The remaining areas are not intended for the construction of buildings. In case of violation of the law, the owner will be subject to administrative punishment.

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