Names of elements and structure of the Russian stove, accessories

The damper is a structural part of any stove. Its role is to control the draft in the chimney - while the stove is already flooded, as well as at the end of the firebox. In complex furnace mechanisms (multi-channel), a valve is used to switch smoke passages. The valve solves its main task by moving in the grooves of the frame. During this process, the area of ​​the smoke channel changes, and accordingly this leads to a decrease or increase in vacuum. There are several options for the design of the damper. The first represents a frame within which a sheet of metal moves. For its manufacture, sheet metal is used. There are round-shaped structures, they are called views. To close it, use either a round lid or a washer. Views are made of cast iron.

Each valve has certain advantages and disadvantages. But, in particular, soot is deposited on each of them and therefore they must be handled carefully, otherwise you can get dirty. It is installed in a pipe through which hot air is removed. There is also a damper option that uses a rotating valve. It is also installed in the chimney, and by rotating the valve you can adjust the movement of hot air.

Control check

After the droplets of condensation have disappeared, you need to carry out quality control of the dried oven.
For this purpose, firewood is laid that will be used every day. The total mass of burnt firewood will be 20 kg. It is advisable to adjust the draft so that combustion efficiency is maximum. Over the course of several hours, the masonry in the firebox area is inspected very carefully. Ideally, no cracks should occur. But in some situations, the appearance of small cracks is considered normal. Small formations that look like cobwebs do not need to be sealed. The oven is ready for use.

The preparation went well

How to make it yourself

Materials and tools

If you want to make a stove door with your own hands, you will need:

  • Main material (cast iron sheet, steel sheet, wood).
  • Cardboard, felt-tip pen, scissors for making a template.
  • Grinder for cutting metal, jigsaw.
  • Wire with a diameter of 1.2 cm (for steel structures).
  • Handle blanks with fastenings (U-shaped steel rods are more often used).

For decoration you will need: masking tape, heat-resistant varnish, forged parts for decoration (optional).

Drawings and dimensions

No special drawings are required. You can make a cardboard blank with your own hands. Take a piece of cardboard slightly larger than the mouth and make a hole in the center.

The cardboard is placed sideways in the arch, held by the central hole, pressed from the inside to the wall of the firebox opening, and the borders are drawn with a felt-tip pen. Now you need to take out the workpiece, add 3-4 millimeters to the drawn line and cut out the template.

It's worth checking the cardboard stencil before you start creating the main door. You need to try to insert it into the mouth of the furnace. The template should easily move to the middle of the mouth, then rest against the walls (without falling inside).

Step-by-step instruction

The scheme for creating a furnace damper includes the following steps:

  1. The cardboard template is applied to the base and outlined.
  2. Holes are drilled for mounting the handles.
  3. The door is cut out along the drawn contour.
  4. Excess elements that appear during cutting are removed with a grinder or a grinding wheel.
  5. The shield on the reverse side is fastened with dovetail dowels.
  6. To prevent the sheet of iron from bending along the edge, it is wrapped with wire. The ends of the wire are bent from below - these “legs” will firmly hold the valve inside the mouth.
  7. The next step is installing the handle. The ends are secured with steel rivets into pre-drilled holes.

    Manufacturing scheme

If necessary, the door is decorated. The simplest decoration option is to cover it with special paint. This is done like this: the front part of the damper is covered with masking tape, and the back part is treated with dark heat-resistant paint. After drying, the masking tape is removed, and the front surface is treated with a heat-resistant urethane agent (clear varnish that gives only shine, or colored paint). You can apply painting on top or attach forged decorative elements by welding.

The design can be improved. Some craftsmen suggest installing timers and thermometers on the barriers. Others insert windows made of heat-resistant glass in the center (allowing you to observe the fire without having to move the door). This deprives the stove of its original national charm, but adds ease of use.

Fire safety in a bathhouse or sauna

Baths and saunas, popular and in demand by Russian people, can cause a fire if the builders of these facilities do not comply with basic fire safety measures.

The fire safety of a stove in a bathhouse or sauna will be ensured only if a brick stove with thin walls is placed on top of a layer of asbestos and additional roofing steel is placed in relation to the wooden floor.

And only a structure with a fireproof “bottom” can be installed flush with the floor. But these are just a couple of a whole list of important “little things”.

Stove in a metal bath

Even when developing a project for a recreational facility, numerous nuances should be taken into account; let’s consider which ones:

  • provide for the construction of the furnace after the period of shrinkage of the structure has passed;
  • include in the project indentations and cuts for the hot parts of the furnace in relation to the walls of the room, as well as covering nearby surfaces with felt or asbestos cardboard impregnated with a clay solution;
  • in the absence of fire-resistant protection, the surfaces of the brick stove should be located at a distance of 40 cm from the walls, and if the metal stove is in a bathhouse, then fire safety will be observed only if the interval is increased to 1 m;
  • impregnation of the wooden surfaces of the room with a fire-resistant composition will help to avoid fire from heating (with wood this happens at temperatures above 300°), but it will not be possible to overheat the stove;
  • between the floor and the ash pan it is necessary to provide a space of 13-15 cm, a gap of 20-24 cm should be to the bottom of the chimney.

Recommended: install primary fire extinguishing means near the bathhouse in your areas.

Fire safety of the bathhouse

Types of gate valves

Since chimneys are different, our gate valves are also different from each other. Basically, this difference lies in the form and method of functioning. There are several types of gate valves:

  1. A horizontal gate valve that retracts. This is the most common type of gate valve. Inside the structure there is a plate that is retractable; it is thanks to it that the cross-sectional area is regulated. Most often, this design is used for brick chimneys. To prevent the smoke channel from being blocked 100% in the closed position of the element, small holes are made in the plate. This is done for a reason, because the creation technology complies with fire safety. The peculiarity of the horizontal gate is its simplicity of design and ease of installation, as well as operating efficiency.
  2. Rotary gate. It also has a second name - “throttle valve”. The design is radically different from the previous version. It is made in the form of a pipe, inside of which there is a metal plate. Only it does not extend, but is located on a rotating axis. The device is equipped with a removable rotating disk, which becomes unusable over time. However, due to the rotary mechanism design, it is easy to carry out repairs and replace the part yourself. The valve is located inside the chimney pipe. The principle of operation is to rotate the plate located inside. The advantage of this gate valve design is that it is easy to operate. The home owner will not need to constantly monitor the position of the gate.

Since the second option is more difficult to implement, this chimney damper is not made by hand. Most often, it is the first option that is created – a horizontal valve. I would like to note a few more nuances. A gate valve is needed for wood-burning stoves and other heating equipment that runs on solid fuel. If we talk about gas boilers and those operating on liquid fuel, then the damper is needed more in order to protect the chimney structure from the penetration of atmospheric precipitation, debris and animals.

If we talk about installing a rotary valve for a bathhouse, then it is better not to do this. Why? During operation, the structure will partially allow steam to pass through when closed. And it is difficult to clean when open.

There are three ways to install the gate:

  1. Installation of the product in the fireplace insert. For this purpose, it is installed at a distance of 100 cm from the heating device (stove, fireplace, boiler), which simplifies operation.
  2. The pipe-to-pipe method is based on combining a gate valve with other elements of the heating system, without the use of additional fasteners.
  3. Installation of the valve directly in the ventilation pipe. The purpose of such manipulation is completely different. The valve is needed more to protect the channels from the penetration of foreign objects, debris, sediment and animals. This is done to protect the fan motor.

There are two options for how to proceed if you need to install a valve. The first is to simply buy a kit and carry out the installation yourself according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The second is to make a damper for the chimney yourself. We will consider options for creating both a rotary and a horizontal device.

The danger of intestinal coronavirus

This condition is dangerous not only because an inflammatory reaction develops, but also because during vomiting and diarrhea, the human body loses a large amount of fluid, which can result in dehydration (dehydration). Elderly people with additional chronic diseases are at particular risk. For them, this condition poses a threat not only to health, but also to life.


By analogy with the respiratory form of coronavirus, diagnosis of the intestinal form of the disease is carried out using a laboratory PCR test

The nature of the patient’s complaints is taken into account


As with the respiratory form of this disease, symptomatic complex treatment is more often prescribed. In case of severe clinical manifestations, a course of interferons is prescribed, which are one of the main links of immunity. Restoring the water-salt balance is key. For this purpose, a plentiful drinking regimen is prescribed, as well as medications containing the necessary set of electrolytes. The most popular drug is Regidron in the form of a powder for preparing a solution. The drug is used as rehydration therapy for diarrhea, regardless of the cause of its development. Selenium has proven effectiveness in the treatment of all forms of Covid-19, which helps strengthen the body's overall resistance.

A mandatory part of complex treatment is diet. Patients are prescribed a gentle regimen, which involves the complete exclusion of fried and fatty foods, alcohol, seasonings and spices, and sauces from the diet. With care for intestinal health, preference is given to mucous soups, water-based porridges, boiled fish, milk jelly and other products that help coat the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Regardless of the severity of the manifestations of intestinal coronavirus, it is important not to delay a visit to the doctor. Regardless of whether the disease is of a primary or secondary nature, this pathological condition disrupts the balance of intestinal and gastric microflora, which provokes or aggravates diarrhea

The restoration of intestinal microflora is facilitated by taking the metaprebiotic Stimbifide Plus. Stimbifid plus includes 3 active components that effectively restore the balance of the human intestinal microflora.

Normal microflora helps speed up the healing process in the intestinal form of coronavirus infection, strengthen the body's defenses and prevent the development of dehydration. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven both in the treatment of the intestinal form of coronavirus and in the prevention of the disease. Metaprebiotic is equally safe to use at any age. A full course of taking the metaprebiotic Stimbifide Plus will help minimize the risk of developing complications of respiratory and intestinal forms of coronavirus infection.




/ Doctor Stimbifeed

Preparing the premises

After we whitewashed the stove, Misha told us to remove all flammable materials and other debris from it and warned us in the future not to place anything closer than 1.5 meters from it.

Then we climbed into the attic and checked the quality of the chimney. A small spark arrester, which was a curved sheet of iron, was installed at the pipe outlet.

Next we touched upon such an important issue as firewood. It turns out that you can’t store a large supply of them next to the stove.

All this again comes down to fire safety.

Rules for operating stoves and fireplaces

And so we finally decided to try heating the stove for the first time. Misha continued his teachings, from which I understood that:

  • Do not overload the firebox with wood;
  • the damper should always be at least slightly open during combustion;
  • It is better to add firewood in equal portions;
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the oven does not overheat.

Here it is, our beauty. Regarding our particular stove, the neighbor said a lot more, although I won’t undertake to cite half of it for reasons of censorship, but I must say his advice turned out to be very useful in further work with this miracle.

Natural drying

If you give the constructed structure enough time, then nothing will happen and moisture will not be able to leave the material. This will be facilitated by the natural humidity of the environment. Therefore, the oven is dried before being put into operation.

Drying the oven is a whole set of measures aimed at ensuring that moisture in the form of steam evaporates through the channels, and this process should occur gradually, without causing harm to the masonry.

Natural drying is exactly the state when the oven is left to its own devices. It stands with open channels for about 5 days. During this time, the evaporated liquid (evaporation occurs at any temperature) begins to move due to the draft in the chimney. Naturally, in the warm season this process will be more effective than in the cold season, but it will not be possible to completely dry the stove using the described method, because moisture will only leave the surface layers of the masonry.

Don't miss: How to properly assemble a stove from car rims with your own hands?

Good to know: Which brick oven is the best and most economical

To remove moisture from deeper layers, it is necessary to gradually increase the temperature of the material, and any intervention can no longer be called a natural process, so drying the new device also involves a forced stage.

First kindling

Material of manufacture

Copper. Due to its ductility, copper is most optimal for the manufacture of a heat exchanger. A copper tube is easy to bend and give any shape. It has a high thermal conductivity coefficient - more than 380. But copper is also not a heat-resistant material and is expensive. Stainless steel. Also quite flexible and responsive material. Although it has a lower thermal conductivity coefficient. But it is resistant to temperature changes. You can weld any configuration from it

IMPORTANT: Galvanized steel cannot be used; when heated, it releases toxic zinc compounds into the air. Metal-plastic. Easily available practical material

Technical characteristics of the gate

For the manufacture of gate valves for stoves and fireplaces, stainless steel is most often used - steel that is least susceptible to corrosion processes. The thickness of the metal should be one millimeter.

The surface of the part is ground to an absolute smoothness, which has no defects, so that it can be easily cleaned from dirt and soot deposits that accumulate over time. This circumstance contributes to the appearance of good draft in the chimney pipe, since there is no resistance to the exit of gas particles.

The damper for the unit can withstand high temperatures - up to 1000 degrees. Due to the fact that the part is made of stainless steel, carbon monoxide is better removed from the ventilation or chimney. The shiber is not at risk from temperature changes.

Signs that you're crazy

Carbon monoxide is very toxic. Symptoms of CO poisoning are:

  • Dizziness;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Deterioration of coordination;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Headache;
  • Confusion;
  • Labored breathing.

In the future, nausea and loss of consciousness may occur. At the first signs of poisoning, you should quickly leave the room. It is recommended to cover the lower part of the face with a wet cloth when moving. Under no circumstances should you sit on the floor - carbon monoxide is heavier than air, and its concentration is higher near the floor. Victims of severe poisoning must receive first aid and call a doctor.

How long does it take to dry?

It is not recommended to use the oven until the solution is completely dry. When using different materials, this period may vary. Using heat-resistant glue as a putty, the layer of solution will dry within a few hours.

It will take more time for the solution of clay and sand to dry and form. In this case, you will be able to use the stove only after a day. Then the brick oven, protected from cracks with mortar, will remain crack-free for a long time.

Therefore, we do not advise you to rush, immediately flooding your Russian stove with a stove bench. Repairing cracks in a furnace is a simple but important job. The choice of material for the solution is a purely individual matter. The main thing is to do the work carefully and responsibly. Then your house will always be light and clean, without the smell of burning and smoke penetrating through the cracks in the walls of the stove.

Why do people get burned by the stove?

Believing that the coal and firewood had completely burned out, the owners of the stove

The chimney damper is often closed to conserve heat. As a result, the remaining smoldering embers with a lack of air form carbon monoxide, which penetrates into the room through leaky areas of the stove structure.

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We start with competent laying of firewood

It is necessary to carefully prepare the stove mechanism for the heating procedure. In standard industrial furnace models, you need to work using three main components - a combustion chamber, a specialized smoke and burning exhaust system, equipped with a blower and a device for storing ash from firewood - an ash pan.

It must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining ash remaining from the time of the previous kindling - an excessive amount of this substance will interfere with the access of air to the stove. This will significantly slow down the ignition process. In most stoves, the ash pan is a small compartment, so cleaning it will not take much time and effort from the stove maker. After completing the preparation, you can proceed to the next stage - laying firewood.

When it comes to how to properly fire a wood-burning stove, working with the chimney and blower systems plays an important role.

  • Before starting work, open both channels to fill the combustion chamber with oxygen.
  • While interacting with the smoke exhaust duct, open the shaft damper leading from the combustion chamber to the roof outlet.
  • Prepare the required amount of fuel to start work, as well as to complete the entire heating process.
  • The initial mass of firewood for kindling should be at least one third of the total volume of the stove chamber.
  • Only good quality firewood must be used.

Examples of loading firewood:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

The first ignition is a responsible event. You should not try to light a stove with raw wood - all material for heating the stove must be easily and quickly flammable. Otherwise, there is a risk of wasting a huge amount of it, but not achieving the desired goal - to light the stove so that it is warm.

It is necessary to ensure that the base of the combustion material is well dried. At first, it is good to lay thinner wood logs first. It is possible to use various auxiliary means - dry paper from old books or newspapers, well-dried tree bark before starting work.

Some nuances of heating

  • It is recommended to heat the stove with whole logs after one, or better yet, two batches of small-sized firewood have burned out. It is not recommended to use overly large logs: they form coals that smolder for too long, and most of the thermal energy from them simply goes into the chimney.
  • During heating, it is recommended to move and turn the coals in order to get maximum thermal energy from them and optimize air flow.
  • When burning wood, you need to make sure that the flame is uniform and all the wood is burning, not just individual ones. To do this, turn over poorly burning logs and use a poker to move them closer to the epicenter of the fire.

Why close the damper?

Closing the damper in the furnace in the house is necessary to preserve heat and regulate draft.
It is installed in the upper part of the stove, under the ceiling, at the beginning of the chimney pipe. If you leave it open, the oven will cool down quickly. When the damper is open, ventilation occurs inside the stove: cold air from the house enters the inside of the stove through the blower, warm air comes out through the pipe. Accordingly, the bricks cool quickly.

This does not happen when the damper is closed. On the contrary, the walls of the stove heat up more strongly; it can hold heat for up to two days, providing a comfortable temperature in the house. Allows you to use the stove more efficiently and save on fuel.

Making a rotary gate yourself

Damper installation option
When using a chimney, it may be necessary to replace the damper, and a standard damper is not suitable for this design. In this case, the damper is made independently according to the dimensions of the pipe.

To work you will need metal scissors, a drill, a grinder and a welding machine.

  • A frame for the damper is welded from steel corners with a flange size of 35–45 mm. The size of the parts corresponds to the diameter of the pipe.
  • Holes are drilled in the frame to secure the axle. For a gate with straight rotation, they are located in the horizontal plane, and for an angular one, they are located diagonally.
  • Bushings are welded from two sections of half-inch pipe, which ensure rotation of the axis.
  • The damper is cut to the size of the frame; the material is a steel sheet 2–3 mm thick.
  • An axis on which the damper will be mounted is inserted into the holes in the frame. The second part of the metal piece will become the adjustment knob.
  • The plate is inserted into the frame and fixed to the axis by welding.
  • For safe use, there must be a 1mm gap between the flap and the frame.
  • To ensure the plate is fixed in the open state, a limiter is installed.

Drawing of a rotary gate valve

Note! The choice of damper model depends on the design of the chimney and the type of heating system, but its installation is mandatory. The device allows you to regulate the draft level and keep the heating system in working condition.

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