Bath stove: selection criteria and classification of modern models (85 photos)
Often a metal stove is installed to heat steam rooms and other bath rooms. The design is compact, but
How to make a deck oven with your own hands: instructions for laying
Principle of operation And the operation of these devices is no different from their analogues. The oven consists of
7 main stages of timber house assembly technology - from preparing the foundation to installing the roof
The main advantage of wooden buildings is environmental friendliness and ease of construction. In addition, such buildings are different
Waste oil furnace: photo examples, operating principle, instructions on how to do it yourself
It's always nice to put waste materials to good use. What if it concerns fuel and heating?
The passage of water supply and heating pipelines through wooden structures was not carried out correctly. Due to differences in temperature expansion, both the pipelines themselves and the ceilings with finishing can be damaged.
Selecting a sleeve for passing the pipeline through the wall
When laying an internal pipeline, most of it is located inside building structures: in the walls and
Making a floor in a bathhouse: self-installation technology and device diagram
Installation of a leaking floor in a bathhouse This option has an important advantage: the ability to freely give
Construction of wooden houses: the first crown on the foundation
On how accurately the first (or frame) crown of the log house will be assembled and installed, or
Composition of metal tiles
Chimney through metal tiles: instructions for installation and installation of sections of different shapes
The passage of a pipe through a roof covered with metal tiles requires a very serious approach during installation. Because
photo: how to attach a bathhouse to a house
Attached bathhouse to the house - features, types, advantages and recommendations
When choosing how to build a bathhouse on your site in order to save money, they often settle on an extension
We calculate the diameter, height and size of the chimney pipe for a bathhouse
Installation of a furnace requires determining the installation location of the product and, accordingly, calculating all parameters. Dimensions and
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