Types of mortar when laying a furnace.
How many bricks do you need for a stove - how to calculate correctly
The quantity of bricks should be known in advance, since, firstly, such goods are purchased or ordered in bulk: get
Bathroom ceiling height
How to make a ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands - step-by-step installation guide
Anyone who has started building a bathhouse with their own hands asks the question: how to make a ceiling correctly?
DIY removal of efflorescence from brick
Efflorescence on brickwork: preventing and fighting them
Attention! The construction portal Stroyka.ru is an all-Russian catalog of construction services and materials. We have
Painting the door
How to prepare interior doors for painting without removing the old paint?
Miscellaneous Decorative door coverings deteriorate over time and lose their attractiveness. If old
Do-it-yourself frame bath: step-by-step construction instructions
SHARE ON SOCIAL NETWORKS FacebookTwitterOkGoogle+PinterestVk Many steam lovers dream of getting a good, but inexpensive
Bathhouse in the country: planning and design, diagrams, drawings, insulation, photo review of the best options for DIY construction
Review author: Terrari Design School How pleasant it is to spend your free time at the dacha in
Is a sauna useful after the gym - truth from experience
Is it possible to go to the bathhouse (sauna) after training? Sauna is a modern derivative of the traditional one
Repairing the floor in the bathhouse after replacing the lower crowns
Basic information about decorating the interior of a bathhouse yourself
Any structure becomes dilapidated over time, including a wooden steam room, so
How to increase draft in a stove - simple ways to ensure reliable draft at any time of the year
Quite often we hear from owners of private houses that they have a very capricious stove.
Project of a house with a bathhouse with an attic
Projects of a house with a bathhouse: pros and cons, design features, photos and videos
Varieties of bathhouse designs Househouse designs with a bathhouse are usually carried out in three main versions, each
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