Health Steam wisely: What you need to know about the bathhouse, sauna and hammam

Finnish sauna is dry heat with a tonic effect, hammam is an oriental ritual aimed at relaxation. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is healthier, a sauna or a hammam - there are too many differences both in the surroundings of both rituals, and in the mechanism of action of each bath.

To choose “your” steam room, you can go in two ways - based on a specific goal (indications) or conduct an experiment and make a choice based on personal feelings. For example, the gentle warmth of a hammam is ideal for getting to know bath culture in general, and a sauna is for seasoned people with a strong cardiovascular system.

Which is better to choose?

When choosing between a soft hammam and a hot sauna, you need to proceed solely from personal preferences, well-being and other subjective factors.
Some people, especially the elderly, do not tolerate hot air quite well, therefore, based on microclimatic characteristics, they prefer a more gentle hammam. Many users, on the contrary, like the heat, so they prefer a Finnish sauna. The sauna is suitable for people without heart pathologies. The fact is that it is difficult to breathe hot air even despite the fact that it contains little water and a lot of oxygen. When the heating of air masses in a room exceeds 36.6 degrees, the body of any person begins to intensively produce sweat. In conditions of low humidity, it evaporates quite quickly from the surface of the skin.

A Finnish sauna will be the optimal solution for:

  • users who are advised to stay in a damp environment;
  • those who prefer a mild thermal effect on the body;
  • relieving nervous tension, stress and depression;
  • removal of waste and toxins from tissues;
  • reducing symptoms of fatigue;
  • training of hormonal levels and the functioning of the autonomic system;
  • increasing immunity;
  • treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, pathologies of the urinary organs and the musculoskeletal system.

In a hammam, the humidity is high, and it tends to condense on the skin, which is why sweating in these baths is minimal, and a wet body is nothing more than a consequence of the formation of condensation. The epidermis and hair do not dry out during the procedure, so this effect is considered more favorable for allergy sufferers and people with skin diseases. In such a sauna, the pores open much faster than in a Finnish bath, so hammams are more effective from a cosmetological point of view.

Hammam is indispensable for:

  • fans of solariums and spa treatments;
  • restoration of the heart and blood vessels;
  • uniform heating of joints, ligaments and muscles;
  • getting rid of stressful conditions;
  • treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • general rejuvenation of the body.

The topic of weight loss deserves special consideration. To begin with, let us note that you will not be able to get rid of the hated kilograms with the help of a bathhouse alone, be it a hammam or a regular sauna. Of course, both types of procedures can help to lose excess body weight, but in the very near future it will return - immediately after the volume of fluid in the body is restored. However, if your goal is to acquire a well-groomed and beautiful appearance, then it is better to give preference to the hammam. It is especially effective in combating skin diseases, flaking and orange peel.

There is no clear opinion as to whether a hammam or a sauna is preferable after an intense workout. Thus, staying in a Finnish sauna disperses lactic acid accumulated in muscle tissue and effectively relieves pain. Usually, trainers advise doing a little stretching after a hot sauna - it allows you to maximally train your muscles.

A Turkish hammam after sports helps you relax, as well as restore wasted energy, normalize breathing, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and cleanse the skin. You can visit it both before and after sports.

For the fundamental differences between a sauna and a hammam, see below.


Let’s answer the question: “what is better: a sauna or a hammam after a workout?” There is no clear answer here.

The sauna helps to disperse lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, relieving them of pain. After a sauna, fitness trainers recommend stretching in order to maximally and properly train your muscles.

Hammam after training allows you to recuperate well, relax, restore breathing, improve the activity of the sebaceous glands, tighten and cleanse the skin. The body warms up deeply, but there is no stress on the heart. It is useful to visit hammam both before and after training.

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Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the hammam?

During pregnancy, not everyone is prohibited from going to the hammam, because the benefits of the hammam for women in an “interesting” position are difficult to ignore:

  • reduces swelling;
  • reduces unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis;
  • prevents numbness of the limbs;
  • reduces the risk of varicose veins.

Despite all the beneficial properties of the Turkish sauna, it is necessary to take into account some nuances, otherwise you can harm the fetus.

  1. You can start going to the hammam only after the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Consult a gynecologist.
  3. If you haven’t visited such places regularly before, you can’t start steaming right away.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids to reduce stress on your kidneys.
  5. Visit the hammam only with an accompanying person.

If you follow the above rules, then even during pregnancy you can get great benefits from the Turkish sauna.

What temperature should be in the steam room – from optimal to maximum

How many degrees does it get in the sauna at bath attendant competitions? It is there that maximum and even extreme temperatures for a bath are reached. Unfortunately, there are sad outcomes at such competitions. The maximum temperature can reach 150 degrees Celsius.

In ordinary life, it is rare for anyone to take a steam bath in a Russian bath at a temperature above 120 degrees. This is more than enough to satisfy even the most demanding bath attendants.

Many people like to visit the steam room. But in order to relax, get a positive result from the procedure, and at the same time not harm your health, you need to know what the optimal temperature in the bathhouse is. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of air humidity and the quality of steam.

The human body feels heat more strongly with high air humidity. The microclimate is different in different types of bathhouse buildings, so it doesn’t hurt to understand their features, as well as find out how best to steam.

When figuring out how many degrees the bath should be, take into account the type of steam room:

  1. Russian bath. The air here has high humidity, but the heat is insignificant. To regulate the humidity in the steam room, water is poured onto the hot stones that are heated in the oven. The higher it is, the more difficult it is for the body to cope with such a microclimate. The temperature in a Russian steam bath reaches 60-70 degrees with a humidity of 90%. But high humidity has its own advantages, for example, a person’s muscles, joints, and internal organs warm up efficiently. In the Russian version of the bathhouse, it is also customary to use brooms, which are like a massager. When visiting a steam room, blood circulation improves, the pores on the skin open, muscles relax and, as a result, harmful metabolic substances are eliminated.
  2. Turkish bath. The temperature and air there are noticeably different from the conditions in a Russian bathhouse. The body gets tired here less, and the atmosphere is better tolerated. The air warms up to 50 degrees, and the humidity reaches 100%. Despite the lack of intense heat, the steam is thick. You can stay in such a bathhouse for a longer time compared to a Russian one.
  3. Finnish sauna. In this place, the air humidity is noticeably lower than in other types of baths. The temperature remains high and the air is dry. This atmosphere is not well received by everyone - dry mouth appears, and a burning sensation occurs in the nose. Temperatures average close to 90 degrees, but can sometimes even exceed 110 degrees, and humidity is only 10-15%.

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Comparative characteristics

The main difference between a Finnish sauna and a hammam is that they involve different levels of heat and humidity. In saunas, air masses are heated to 100 degrees or more with a humidity of no more than 15%. In the hammam, the microclimate is completely different - the temperature does not exceed 45 degrees, and the humidity reaches 95%.

Users note that despite the heated air, it is easy to stay in the sauna, while the high humidity of the hammam can be too difficult for people with problems with the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

The Finnish bathhouse is lined with wood from the inside, while the hammam is a brick structure, which is decorated with stone inside.

In order to achieve the desired level of heating, a special stove is installed in the sauna directly in the steam room. A metal casing is formed around it, which is located at some distance from it - the hot air mass penetrates from the floor into the formed gap, passes near the hot stove, rises up and disperses throughout the steam room. Thanks to this structure, heating the room takes very little time.

The principle of heat distribution in a hammam is slightly different. Special equipment is installed here - a generator, which is responsible for generating steam. It is supplied to the steam room through an extensive pipe system, which warms up the hammam.

Bathhouse project with hammam for a private estate

The customer for whom we created this project focused not only on the mandatory presence of a Turkish hammam bath. Those who like to take a steam bath in a jar are different: some like that same oriental damp coolness, while others like it hotter and more extreme.

Therefore, in our project there was a place not only for a delicate Turkish steam room, but also for a traditional Russian bathhouse with a humidity of about 70% and an air temperature in the range of 60-80 degrees. A double-sided fireplace stove is responsible for heating and steam in this steam room.

And that's not all. Next - more details about the location of the premises in our project of a bathhouse with a hammam and a steam room.

Temperature and humidity

The significant difference between the two steam rooms lies in the humidity levels and temperature conditions inside the steam room;

  1. Russian baths provide comfortable relaxation at air temperatures from 55 to 70 degrees. Some steam room owners ensure that the steam compartment is heated to 90°C. The humidity indicator ranges from 40–70%. Such conditions are considered beneficial for health, since moist air particles help the passage of heat.
  2. The Finns heat their own steam rooms to 100–130°C. Humidity is kept at 15% percent. It is rare for the figure to reach 20%. High temperatures in dry conditions are well tolerated by visitors. Active sweating occurs, despite a significant excess of thermal exposure.

Steam rooms of both types improve health, easily coping with the task of removing toxins and toxic accumulations. When the body heats up, the pores expand and harmful substances are released.

When exposed to high temperatures, the body experiences stress. The more comfortable and mild the conditions of stay, the weaker the load on the internal organs.

The sauna has an increased effect on the heart, causing vascular spasm. The feeling of lightness is an imaginary feeling. Finns sweat more intensely in steam rooms, making it easier to tolerate high temperatures. The heart and blood vessels are under severe stress. The natural environment is provided only with moderate humidity and temperature in Russian steam rooms.

How does heat affect the body?

When a person takes bath procedures, his whole body temperature rises. In the first 5-10 minutes, only the skin is heated, in the next 10 - all internal organs. In order for the sweating process to proceed properly, you should periodically wipe away the sweat.

For health - go to the bathhouse!

When blood circulates faster, blood pressure rises. The legs and arms are filled with warmth, so such procedures are useful for stagnation of blood in the extremities. But for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, visiting a steam room can be harmful.

It is contraindicated to take such procedures for patients suffering from cancer, epilepsy, asthma, ischemia and brain diseases. Regular visits to the steam room and compliance with certain rules help get rid of some ailments:

  • Obesity
  • Colds
  • Allergies
  • Circulation problems
  • Temperature increase

Temperature increase

There are always three sections in the room: a locker room, a dressing room, and a steam room. Each next one is hotter than the previous one. The temperature difference in the first room compared to the last is approximately 40 degrees Celsius. In the locker room - 23-25 ​​° C with a humidity of 60%, in the dressing room - 27-29 ° C, humidity - 80%, and even higher in the steam room - 50-90 degrees with a humidity of 70%. The heat rises gradually so that the body gradually gets used to the heat. The water in the pool should not be hot. It is advisable that it be cool, 10-25 degrees Celsius, creating a contrast after the hot steam.

Scientists conducted research: what level of heat is dry air and how long the human body can withstand. They concluded: the higher the temperature, the less time a person can spend in the steam room:

  • 71 °C – 1 hour
  • 82 °C – 49 minutes
  • 93 °C – 33 minutes
  • 104 °C – 26 minutes

A person can breathe at 116 degrees Celsius, although there have been cases where people have endured temperatures of 130 degrees or higher. High temperatures of water and air have different effects on the human body. The more a person hardens, the easier it is for him to adapt to environmental changes.

With a humidity of 90-100%, the heat should not be higher than 70 degrees Celsius, but for elderly and physically weak people 45-55 degrees is enough. When humidity is low, heat levels can be high. Sweat is produced more intensely when the air is drier.

Procedures in the Turkish bath

A visit to the Turkish sauna involves taking a number of procedures:

  • First, people dress in Turkish sheets. Traditionally they are red with a checkered pattern. First, visit a regular sauna or jacuzzi (if available).
  • Then they go to the Turkish steam room. The differences between a hammam and a sauna are in temperature and humidity. In a Turkish bath, the temperature is much lower than in a sauna, ranging from 35-55°C, and humidity can reach 100%.
  • From the steam room, people move into the hall, in which there are warm marble loungers. Here bathhouse attendants provide massages and peeling to visitors.
  • Then there is a wash with water and a transition to the foam washing room.

Comparison of temperature conditions

If we compare the temperature and humidity of a hammam with a sauna and bath, we can see the following indicators:

  • dry sauna (sauna) - t 90 - 110C, humidity - 5 - 10%;
  • wet sauna (hot Russian bath) - t 75 - 90C, humidity - 20 - 35;
  • steam sauna (classical Russian bath) - t 45 - 65C, humidity - 40 - 65%;
  • steam bath (hamam or Turkish bath) -t 40 - 45C, humidity - up to 100%.

As we have seen, temperature indicators and humidity indicators differ significantly and the humidity that is achieved in the hammam is not achieved anywhere else. So why exactly does visiting a Turkish bath have a much more positive effect on the body than visiting other “steam rooms”. I propose to consider this point separately how the procedures in the hammam affect the human body:

  • breathing - it becomes faster and deeper, which leads to an increase in lung volume by more than 2.5 times;
  • blood vessels and heart - blood flow increases, pulse rises, blood vessels dilate;
  • skin - actively sweats and, along with sweat, carries away toxic metabolic products, which facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and improves water-alkaline metabolism.
  • metabolism in the body - protein metabolism is stimulated and oxidative processes in the body occur faster.

So, any human body benefits from visiting the hammam. Unlike saunas and steam baths, hammam has virtually no contraindications and can be visited if you have any illness.

Sauna hammam

– involves a combination of spiritual and physical cleansing. Traditionally, gatherings in such saunas can last up to several hours. In such baths there is relaxation and communication between people. Everyone is served aromatic coffee with oriental sweets, and the latest news is discussed while they relax. The temperature regime in such a bath is very gentle, it barely reaches 35-40°C. Therefore, a Turkish bath can be visited even by those who have contraindications to high temperatures. A special feature of the Turkish bath is the presence of a domed roof, thanks to which all the collected condensate flows neatly along the vertical parts of the bath, and does not drip on those who are inside.

Doors and windows

Owners of suburban areas sometimes assemble these elements for baths and saunas themselves. But most often in such buildings, ready-made factory structures of this type are installed. At the same time, owners of suburban areas can use glass or wooden doors for baths and saunas. Windows in such buildings are usually installed with modern sealed wooden or plastic ones.

Owners of suburban areas do not use glass doors for baths and saunas very often. Such structures are more expensive than wooden ones. In addition, they are more difficult to care for. Such doors are usually installed only in large baths and saunas with expensive interiors.

Hammam: visiting rules

Photo from the website

To get only pleasant emotions and maximum health benefits from visiting a hammam, you need to know how to properly go to a Turkish bath: how to steam in a chebek, use peelings or cosmetics, and how long you need to stay in the hammam.

First of all, before starting various massage procedures, you should sweat thoroughly. To do this, lie down or sit on a lounger for 20-30 minutes, which is previously covered with a cloth. The body is steamed, and all the pores are opened, so after about 30 minutes you need to start various types of massage. In a real Turkish bath he is quite energetic and sometimes even tough. Strong movements accelerate the blood, rub the whole body, which allows you to restore flexibility to the joints and stretch the muscles well.

Photo from the site

After such manual therapy, you can lie down and relax for a while, or you can do peeling. To do this, use a hard glove to cleanse all dead and keratinized particles from the skin. The stage following peeling is a light soap massage. A bar of regular soap is placed in a mesh bag and shaken a little, resulting in a thick and soft foam. They cover the visitor from head to toe, and then begin to massage. After this, you can go to the relaxation room - there everyone will be offered to relax and drink a cup of herbal tea.

  • While visiting the hammam, it is prohibited to drink any alcohol or drink very cold drinks.
  • It is better to limit yourself to tea, diluted juices, plain or rose water.
  • There is no need to overeat before the bath. Ideally, more than 2 hours should pass after the last meal.
  • Never make sudden movements in the steam room. This can be bad for warm muscles, as they are easily damaged in this state.
  • It is not customary to go without clothes in such a bathhouse.

Instead of a total

So, there are distinctive features that are characteristic only of a hammam or only of a Finnish sauna:

  1. Finishing. The classic Turkish bath is a luxurious building with rich decoration. The cladding is dominated by marble or other natural stone, mosaic, and tiles. The Finnish bathhouse is more modest in decoration. Mostly natural wood is used in the interior.
  2. Heat source. The air in the sauna is heated by a stove or hot stones. In the hammam, the temperature is maintained by heating the walls, floor, and stone benches.
  3. Air conditioning. In the hammam steam room, humidity can reach up to 100% at a temperature of +45-50 °C. In a dry-air sauna there is no steam, air humidity does not exceed 10-15% at temperatures above +80-100°C.

It is not easy to decide which is better - hammam or sauna. Some people find it physically easier to be in the hot, dry atmosphere of a sauna than in the humid stuffiness of a hammam; for others it’s the opposite. Each bathhouse has its own characteristics, its pros, cons, indications for visiting. However, with proper design and arrangement, both will bring maximum health benefits.

Russian bath, Finnish sauna and Turkish hammam - what is the difference

Russian bath

Since ancient times, the Russian bathhouse has been considered a source of health and vigor. The temperature of such a bath is approximately 70 degrees, and the air humidity is about 90%. The first time you can go into the steam room for about 7 minutes, and you can pour water on the stones the second time. You can add various aromatic oils and herbs to the water. In the bathhouse you can use brooms: birch, oak or linden. A broom will help you warm up your body much deeper, and will also create an additional massage effect. And the water in which the broom was steamed can be used to wash your hair.

Finnish sauna

In a Finnish sauna, the air temperature reaches 100 degrees, and the humidity is low - only 15%. Thanks to this, such saunas are easily tolerated. Finnish sauna steam rooms are lined with coniferous wood, so you can feel a pleasant aroma while using it.

How to Simply Recommend

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Turkish hammam

The Turkish hammam, on the contrary, has high humidity but low temperature - about 45 degrees. As a rule, the hammam is lined with marble, which is heated. There is a fragrant fog inside the room, in which you can stay for a long time.

Why is the hammam preferable for some?

There are contraindications for such thermal procedures. People who have had a stroke or heart attack should not visit the bathhouse. If you have a high temperature or blood pressure, then it is better to postpone going to the bathhouse. People with cancer, varicose veins, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, epilepsy, mastopathy, urolithiasis and any infectious diseases in the acute stage should not visit the bathhouse

It is allowed to visit the hammam with caution and for a short time, as it has a gentle effect. The only limitation may be acute inflammatory processes on the skin

Baths bring great benefits to healthy people. Thermal procedures have a calming effect, can relieve pain, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. When visiting a bathhouse, blood circulation improves, blood rushes from the central organs to the periphery, muscles relax, profuse sweating begins, which helps cleanse the body as a whole and remove waste and toxins from it.


Today, phytosaunas have become quite widespread. Among their features, we note the following points:

  1. This design combines the effects of steam and saturated medicinal herbs.
  2. The structure is made of Siberian cedar; the substances released from this wood have a beneficial effect.
  3. Quite often, a steam line is connected to the structure, through which a healing herbal infusion is supplied.
  4. The steam temperature is maintained in the range from 25 to 55 degrees Celsius. Due to this, the procedure can be carried out over a long period, which determines the long-term beneficial effects of steam.
  5. Steam circulates freely throughout the system, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency of this procedure. To do this, the design has a compressor that creates pressure to circulate steam in the system.
  6. Wood cedar produces phytoncides that can fight various microorganisms. That is why the procedure has an antiseptic effect.

The design of most phytosaunas allows the use of both dry decoction and various balms. Due to this, the degree of beneficial effects of the procedure can increase.

In conclusion, we note that there are indications and contraindications for prescribing the bath procedure. Among the indications we note:

  1. Diseases of the upper tract.
  2. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Exudative diathesis.
  4. Injuries of the lower extremities.
  5. Primary signs of hypertension.

However, there are quite a few serious contraindications:

  1. Epilepsy.
  2. Various infectious diseases that affect the skin.
  3. Various tumors.
  4. Bleeding.
  5. Blood problems.

In addition, a bath should be prescribed with caution for children or pregnant women. Heart problems are also quite often the reason why taking a bath leads to even greater problems.

There are quite a few different recommendations on how bath procedures should be carried out. So, many experts recommend gradually increasing the temperature, as well as the duration of stay in the steam room. Also, you should not jump into the pool immediately after the steam room, as a sharp temperature change has a serious effect on the body. If there are chronic health problems, air parameters should be selected individually.

What is a Turkish steam room?

The steam room, commonly called a hammam, is considered a traditional place of ablution in Turkey. The indigenous people consider the steam rooms a sanctuary, suggesting that if you enter the hammam, shrouded in sins, you can emerge from it as clean as a baby. It is enough to steam the body for a few minutes for the sinful evil spirits to free the soul and mind. This is stated in the holy book of Muslims, the Koran.

The microclimate inside the steam room was influenced by the hot natural conditions inherent in Turkey. In order not to cause harm to health, soft and moist air is maintained in the steam room. The steam filling the steam room warms up to 45°C

Such conditions do not have a strong effect on the body. Attention! It is not customary to use a broom when steaming. Gentle conditions in the steam room are a suitable solution for beginners in the art of bathing and people with heart disease

Optimal steam room operating mode

The perception of temperature in a bathhouse and sauna is different. This is due to air humidity. In dry air, heat is perceived more calmly, while with high humidity, a reading of 60°C will be perceived as 100°C.

The Finnish sauna has dry heated air. The optimal value is from 70 to 110 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature in the sauna can reach 130 degrees Celsius, but not everyone can withstand such intense heat, only true connoisseurs of steam rooms and trained people.

90 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature in the sauna, which can be easily tolerated by all categories of citizens. For children and the elderly, it is recommended not to exceed this value. With this indicator, air humidity is only 10 or 15 percent.

The Finnish sauna, in which the temperature reaches 110-120 degrees Celsius, makes it easy for a person to stay in it, since such conditions, with low humidity, are very well tolerated.

But there may be such things as dryness of the mucous membranes and the respiratory tract itself, as well as a burning sensation in the nose. If you start to feel unwell, it is best to open the door and let in cold air to reduce the heat and leave the steam room for a while.

Sauna temperature and humidity are the most important indicators, since the temperature must be high and the humidity no more than 15%. In general, this is a room that heats up very strongly and creates a steam effect.

The temperature in the bathhouse and sauna is very different in its indicators. The temperature in a Finnish sauna is much higher than in a bathhouse, for example, with optimal values ​​of 60-70 degrees for a bath, in a Finnish steam room this figure is 90 degrees. This happens due to the increased humidity in the bathhouse, which leads to such a perception of the surrounding atmosphere.

The air humidity in the steam room is an indicator that is usually equal to the humidity outside. Staying in a steam room has a positive effect on the human body by removing all toxins and harmful substances through sweat, but for this the optimal temperature for the sauna must be maintained. The best ratio is achieved only when the stove is made of stone.

The temperature in a Finnish sauna will always be the same if the stove is located in the same room where the steam room is located. But it may also be that the stove is in the rest room. Then the most important thing is that three of its walls are in the steam room.

In general, in a Finnish bath it is important to maintain the heating mode and constantly monitor the thermometer. What temperature is in the sauna at the moment will depend on how hot the stones are in the stove and, most importantly, that the stones are open

A very long time ago, a very interesting rule appeared: the lower the humidity, the higher the thermometer should be in a Finnish bath. High air humidity is not recommended and contraindicated, as this can lead to burns to the skin and respiratory tract. A humidity level of 25% automatically leads to injury.

Therefore, in some places it is strictly forbidden to splash water on stones, since you can greatly increase the air humidity without noticing it. Although, you can pour water on the stones, but its amount should be minimal.

The temperature in the bathhouse can reach up to 140-160 degrees, but under such conditions not everyone can afford to steam, as it is very easy to get colossal skin burns, so only trained people are able to withstand such heat.

To steam comfortably, you need to reduce the air heating and it is best to start at the end, when you are about to leave the room. By this time, the body is already sufficiently warmed up and ready for the process.

Baths are heated using two types of stoves:

  1. Kamenka;
  2. Electric oven.

An electric oven is usually located in the corner of the steam room. And the location of the heater should be such that the length of the chimney is minimal. It’s optimal when you combine hellish heat and access to cold water.

Proper finishing of the hamam

Carrying out work on the interior decoration of the hammam should not be rushed. In order to do everything correctly and efficiently, it will take approximately one and a half to two months, depending on the choice of finishing material.

Finishing work consists of several successively performed stages:

  1. Covering walls with expanded polystyrene panels, plasterboard or other moisture-resistant materials.
  2. Construction of a domed ceiling.
  3. Floor screed.
  4. Covering walls, ceilings and floors with decorative materials resistant to moisture and high temperatures. Most often, tiles, marble or mosaics are used for finishing.

The choice of finishing material depends on you and is discussed at the design stage of your bathhouse.


Before finishing the hammam with decorative materials, the casing is installed. It can be made using special moisture-resistant panels or plasterboard. After covering, plaster with a gypsum base is applied to the surface of the walls. Plastering is carried out in three stages. The waiting time before applying each new layer must be at least 48 hours. After the last third layer of plaster has dried, the walls are covered with a waterproofing membrane to ensure 100% steam retention inside the steam room. The finishing of the walls is completed by cladding with decorative materials.

The most common hamam finishing options:

  • marble slabs;
  • a natural stone;
  • porcelain tiles;
  • smalt mosaic;
  • glass mosaic panels;
  • natural stone - onyx.


The ceiling in the hammam must have a certain design. Traditionally it is made in the shape of a dome, but other streamlined options are also possible. For example, in the form of a vault or arch. Thanks to this shape, condensation does not accumulate on the ceiling, but gradually rolls down the walls onto the floor and flows into the sewer system. The ceiling can have a frameless or frame base. Currently, manufacturers of special panels have made the work of modern Turkish bath builders easier, since they produce dome-shaped panels for the construction of the ceiling. The hamam dome is faced with the same decorative materials as the walls: tiles or natural stone (marble or onyx) or mosaic.


The floor screed in the hammam is made in two layers using a mixture of cement and sand. A waterproofing gasket is installed between the layers of mortar. The floor in the hammam must be heated. It is possible to use a water or electric heating system. The same heating system is installed to heat benches or sun loungers. Brick or any other building material with good thermal conductivity is suitable for their construction.

For unhindered water flow, a drainage ladder must be provided, and the floor itself must be made with a slight slope towards the drain. The sewer system must be equipped with a water seal, which will save the hammam from the possible penetration of unpleasant odors from the drainage system. Finally, the floor and sun loungers are also lined with decorative materials.

Interior features

Having completed the decorative finishing of the walls, ceiling and floor, you can proceed to the next stage of the project to create a fabulous oriental atmosphere in the Turkish steam room.

At the next stage of creating the interior you need to install:

  • lighting;
  • taps and kurna.
  • HAMAM IN THE BATHROOM, HAMAM IN THE APARTMENT Hamam in the bathroom has long become a reality. Such construction does not require additional permits. Certainly,
  • HAMAM IN THE BATHROOM, HAMAM IN THE APARTMENT Hamam in the bathroom has long become a reality. Such construction does not require additional permits. Certainly,
  • HAMAM IN THE BATHROOM, HAMAM IN THE APARTMENT Hamam in the bathroom has long become a reality. Such construction does not require additional permits. Certainly,
  • HAMAM IN THE BATHROOM, HAMAM IN THE APARTMENT Hamam in the bathroom has long become a reality. Such construction does not require additional permits. Certainly,
  • HAMAM IN THE BATHROOM, HAMAM IN THE APARTMENT Hamam in the bathroom has long become a reality. Such construction does not require additional permits. Certainly,

What is a hammam and how was it formed?

Many have heard the word “hamam”. Translated from Turkish this is a bathroom. It is worth remembering that the ancestor of the hamam was the caldarium a long time ago. Such a scientific achievement was a bonus to the Roman conquests. Centuries later, the Roman Empire collapsed, but the baths with the Caldarii still remained. The Turks received the idea from the Romans, then began to develop it, resulting in a hammam with a national flavor.

The Muslim religion says that the soul and body must always be pure. Therefore, they made a chebek in the hammam. It is a large round shaped stone that is warm. It was on this stone that visitors to the Turkish bath were washed and then massaged. For the purpose of ablution, they placed kurnas around the walls. These are vessels that held water. In addition, the hammam is a place where visitors could communicate with each other. For this purpose the benches were widened. As for the Turkish hammam, its important architectural feature, it is worth paying attention to the dome. Thanks to it, condensation does not form on the ceiling.

The difference between a Russian bath and a Finnish sauna: comparison

We have already looked at the differences between a bathhouse and a sauna in general. The Russian bathhouse and the Finnish sauna have the same distinctive features, so we won’t go too deep, we’ll just summarize.

  • Yes, honorable, first place is moisture: In a Russian bath, the optimal temperature is 70 °C, with air humidity - 70-80%
  • But in the sauna the temperature can reach 130 °C due to dry air (10-15%). The drier the air, the higher the temperature you can withstand
  • The sauna certainly loses the residence time, since its interval can only be a maximum of 15 minutes. But in the bathhouse you can steam for at least half an hour. On the contrary, relaxing in the bathhouse is enough for 15 minutes, and in the sauna you will need at least 30 minutes.
  • We also looked at the design features, so we won’t discuss them again. In this they also have significant differences. And the main thing is the stove (location of stones) and ventilation.
  • Finnish sauna

    And now an indispensable attribute of a Russian bath is a broom. We have already mentioned above that it is prohibited to use it in a sauna. And in a Russian bathhouse, a broom acts as a highlight

    And I would like to pay attention to what it is made from and which one is better to choose. A birch broom is more suitable for a light massage. And the substances contained in birch leaves help open pores and prepare the body for subsequent procedures.

    It also helps fight acne and pimples, and is also prescribed against stretch marks. Oak broom has anti-inflammatory properties and is great for oily skin, making it elastic. Since it has a denser texture and volume, it pumps more steam into the body. By the way, oak branches also help lower blood pressure. A broom made from eucalyptus branches certainly helps in the fight against colds and serves to prevent them. But that is not all. It will help you cheer up and relieve fatigue after a hard day at work. Aspen broom is mainly aimed at eliminating germs and bacteria, as well as enhancing immunity. It also helps eliminate depression and restore strength. A linden broom perfectly helps you relax and relieve nervous tension. Also, it has a beneficial effect on those who have diseases of the kidneys or urinary system. And its leaves contain vitamin C, which improves immunity. A broom made from Canadian maple has an analgesic and restorative effect. It is indispensable for those who have back or joint problems. It also helps with various skin injuries. Coniferous brooms are very useful, but require careful use. For the first session you do not need to take it and beat it with such a broom very gently. Like an alder and juniper broom, it also serves to treat and prevent viral diseases and disinfect the room. There is even a nettle broom. In general, it helps to get rid of fatigue and relieve muscle pain. But the body must get used to the blows of such a broom. This is not a complete list of all possible bath brooms. We have listed only the most popular ones.

    Now let's get back to the sauna. It doesn't use a broom, yes. But you can and should use aromatic oils. You need to pour a few drops directly onto the seat. They can also be completely different. For example, eucalyptus oil, as with a broom, serves to prevent colds and fights germs, but orange helps restore strength and awaken

    Also, a massage in the sauna helps you relax, you can do peeling or a mask. Similar procedures are now also carried out in the bathhouse, but initially they were not used. And let’s highlight one more nuance - how to behave in the steam room. In the sauna, in the steam room itself, you can move, communicate and hit each other with a broom. In the sauna, you need to sit or lie quietly. You can talk, but the hot, dry air may make it a bit difficult. Especially those who rarely go to the sauna. By the way, you also need to breathe deeply and evenly so that you don’t feel sick.

    Ventilation and pressure

    There is also something that distinguishes a Russian bath from a Finnish sauna - this is the method of ventilation and the pressure created inside/outside. For a sauna, good and constant ventilation is a prerequisite. It equalizes the pressure in the room, making it the same as in the locker room.

    In the traditional version of the Russian bath, the principle of excess pressure must be observed. This is necessary for the formation and uniform distribution of higher quality water vapor.

    To see the differences between baths and saunas, watch this video:

    Useful properties and contraindications of hamam

    So, why is the Turkish bath attracting more and more people? But people simply began to know more and began to care more about their health. After all, the Eastern Bathhouse is not just a place of relaxation and rest. She is also an excellent healer. Here are a few points of what a hammam can do:

    • Has a beneficial effect on the skin. It becomes velvety, elastic and young.
    • Excellent prevention for bones and joints. A Turkish bath can to some extent cure back diseases, arthritis, arthrosis and much more.
    • The muscles become elastic, flexible and toned.
    • Excess weight “goes away”, that is, losing weight with the help of a bath will not be difficult.
    • Metabolism improves.
    • The functioning of the cardiovascular system and all internal organs is normalized.
    • The overall tone of the body increases, the nervous system calms down.

    But, as everywhere else, when visiting the hammam, there are some contraindications:

    • For any acute illness: be it a runny nose or high temperature.
    • In the presence of infectious diseases.
    • If there are any oncological inflammations.
    • Heart and liver diseases.
    • For tuberculosis and asthma.
    • If there is a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
    • Pregnancy is also a contraindication.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that there are much fewer contraindications to visiting the hammam compared to other types of baths. So, if you come across a Turkish bath on your way, be sure to visit it. There will be something to remember and tell your friends...

    Wisdom Quote: You will never solve a problem if you think like the person who created it.

    Large bathhouse with hammam and swimming pool: everything for a good rest

    This project is a large bathhouse, the area of ​​which was 280 square meters. m., is notable for the fact that the experts placed the main emphasis on the presence of a swimming pool. It is allocated an impressive area - about 102 square meters. m. Proper use of space, as they say, is “visible” - the pool is located on the left side of the building, and all other rooms necessary for comfortable water procedures are on the right. Moreover, despite the small area of ​​the steam room, hammam and bathrooms, this was enough to wash a large family.

    When developing the project for a bathhouse with a hammam, the architects and designers thought through everything thoroughly, allocating a separate room for restoration. It is simply necessary here. The fact is that during bath procedures it is advisable to alternate high temperatures with intervals intended for the complete restoration of the human body. Actually, the rest room is designed to make these time periods as comfortable as possible. It has become an integral part of the bath complex, just like the steam room itself. For convenience, it was combined with the kitchen.

    Building a hammam yourself

    • The room must have a ventilation hood. To prevent moisture from entering the general ventilation system, an air dehumidifier should be installed in front of it. The ventilation valve must be open at all times.
    • The sewerage system must be equipped with a drain with an odor-blocking device.
    • A modern Turkish sauna is heated using a special steam generator.
    • To heat the floor, walls and seats, water or electric heating is installed. It is better to choose a water one, as it is more profitable to use and from an economic point of view. It consists of small-diameter pipes laid in three independent circuits (for seats, floors, walls) with hot water moving through them.
    • The room must be well insulated and waterproofed. The total pie of the walls together with insulation is approximately 7-15 cm. The pie includes mineral wool 5-10 cm thick, heat-reflecting insulation, a waterproofing layer, a heating system, plaster or cement screed for leveling the walls. Marble, ceramic tiles, mosaics made of marble, glass or ceramics are used as cladding.
    • The operating temperature must be above 30°C. Heated surfaces must be turned on 6-8 hours before the procedure. The heating temperature should be set to 45°C. The steam generator is started 1-2 hours before the procedure.
    • You should purchase a steam generator that will fit the parameters of the room. It has a built-in temperature sensor that turns it off if the room temperature becomes higher than the set temperature. The steam generator is also equipped with an automatic flushing system. The device is connected to centralized water supply and electricity. In private residential buildings it is connected to a separate circuit. This is done so as not to turn on the heating of the entire house during the warm season.
    • For wiring, use only cables that can withstand high temperatures. For lighting, it is allowed to use only those lamps that are protected from moisture.

    In Russia, the most common are steam generators produced by Tylo (Sweden), Helo (Finland), Harvia (Finland).


    Requirements for the hamam premises

    When planning to make a hammam at home, it is important to remember the following rules:

    • All surfaces in the steam room must be strong and finished with natural stone. Ceramic tiles can become a cheaper alternative to natural materials.
    • A hammam will require at least 4 rooms. In one of them there will be a steam room itself, in another there will be a technical room, in the third there will be a shower and in the fourth there will be a place for relaxation and preparation for water or health procedures.
    • The ceiling height cannot be less than 2.5 meters.
    • The ventilation system and sewerage are important components of any hammam.

    If the construction of a steam room is planned on the territory of a private household, then the technical room must be moved outside the building no more than 15 meters. The rest room should not be adjacent to the steam room. To build a hammam, it is better to use bricks or blocks. If the room is made of wood, then it must be pre-treated with a special protective compound.



    The sauna is known as the Finnish bath; it is present in almost every Scandinavian home, public institution and hotel. There are saunas in many sports facilities, clinics and factories. They are distinguished by hot, but dry steam. The heating temperature in the steam room can reach up to 140 degrees, while the humidity level does not exceed 15%. This combination makes the air in the room light. On average, the temperature is maintained at 60-70 degrees, which makes it possible to install a sauna in any cottage and even in an apartment.

    The principle of operation of a sauna is quite simple - the fire in the firebox warms up the stones, they release the resulting heat inside the steam room, thus heating the air to the required temperature. Saunas are equipped with chimneys that allow steam to be safely removed from the steam room.

    When the desired heating level is reached, sauna visitors sit on benches and from time to time add hot water to the firebox to obtain a new portion of steam. Many people add essential oils to it, which improve the functioning of the human respiratory system. Heated air causes intense sweating - this principle forms the basis of the entire bath procedure.

    Most often, after a steam room, visitors take a cold shower or plunge into ice water (a pool or even an ice hole) - this way the body cools down to normal temperature.


    The operating principle of the Turkish hammam differs in many ways from the traditional sauna, but this did not stop it from gaining a huge number of fans. The popularity of this bath is explained by its inherent oriental flavor and the specific effect on vital human organs and systems.

    The temperature in a Turkish hammam varies from 32 to 52 degrees, and the humidity remains at around 90-95%. The ceiling in such a bathhouse remains cool - this allows steam to settle and condense on its surface.

    A hammam in classical technology includes several rooms, which are conventionally divided into technical rooms and bath rooms. In the utility block the equipment is located and hot steam is generated, from there it is supplied through equipped channels to the bathhouses. In the past, steam was obtained by maintaining the boiling of water in a large boiler; nowadays, a steam generator is installed for this purpose.

    The bathhouse part includes three rooms, each of them has its own purpose. There is a comfortable locker room near the entrance; the temperature in it is maintained between 32-35 degrees. The design provides for the installation of a shower so that users can wash off sweat and dirt.

    Next comes the steam room itself, here the heating level is higher - 42-55 degrees. In spacious hammams there are additional rooms where, if desired, the temperature can be increased to 65-85 degrees, but such conditions are the exception rather than the rule.

    Highly humidified air is pumped into the steam room, so the steam is felt physically. In addition, the air can be additionally scented - this allows the vacationer to fully relax.

    The third zone in the hammam is a relaxation zone, where you can fully relax and unwind after treatments, drink a cup of herbal tea and chat with family and friends.

    Arrangement of the area near the steam room

    Simple arrangement of the area near the steam room does not require much effort. For ease of access to the bathhouse, it is worth laying a path to it. You can cover it with rubber tiles, crumbs, or garden parquet, but it is better to use small logs cut in half along the trunk. This method of arrangement is environmentally friendly and you can do it yourself.

    If you have the funds, you can make a pool with a size of no more than 5 by 5 meters near the bathhouse, install a gazebo with a barbecue, plant flower beds and arrange a small landscape park with dry riverbeds and streams, bridges, cart wheels and other interesting details.

    In the summer, garden loungers, swings or deck chairs can be placed near the steam room so that each user of the room can spend half an hour in the fresh air.

    Damp baths.

    The average air temperature is from 40 to 100°C.

    High humidity - from 70 to 100%.

    Russian bath.

    Initially, the Russian bathhouse was heated in a black way: it did not have a chimney, so the soot that settled on the walls of the steam room filled the air with a special aroma. Nowadays, most Russian baths have a chimney. The steam in them is generated by water that is sprayed onto the stove. The typical temperature for this type of bath is 40-45°C, relative humidity is 60-80%. Since the temperature in the steam room may not be uniform, it is better for the vascular system if you take a lying position. The Russian bath provides the best steam, which is why it is often recommended as part of detox programs.

    Roman bath

    in its classical form it consists of two rooms: a tepidarium - a warm room with a temperature of 45°C - and a laconicum - a hot room with a temperature of up to 70°C. Such a bathhouse is heated by dry air, which enters through holes in the walls. It is ideal for those who cannot tolerate both high temperatures and high air humidity.

    Turkish bath (hammam)

    It is distinguished by a rather low temperature - about 50 ° C - and high relative humidity - up to 80%. The Turkish bath has five rooms for different procedures. The temperature of each next one is higher than the previous one, you need to go through them in turn. Most people tolerate a visit to the hammam well. And many people love it for the pleasant massage it gives to a well-steamed body.

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