Features of a plastic font for a bath made of polypropylene

Hunters of strong steam and lovers of fragrant brooms will certainly want to plunge into cool water after visiting the steam room. If there is no river flowing near your location, there is no suitable body of water, and your soul requires contrasting sensations, then a solution has been found - you need to buy a font for a bath.

The most practical and economical option would be to buy bath tubs made of plastic, which are particularly tight, highly resistant to sudden temperature changes, and have a solid base that can withstand severe shock loads. With such indicators, plastic polypropylene hot tubs will last at least 50 years.

bath font is made within 10 days, taking into account your instructions and wishes. The company’s specialists and product manufacturers will provide assistance in installing plastic bath tubs made of polypropylene, connecting water supply and drainage units, and also ensure safe transportation of cargo to the destination.

The variety of shapes, dimensions and colors of polypropylene ponds offered by manufactured companies is the first reason why you should buy them. Of no small importance is the fact that the polypropylene material is environmentally friendly, made from food-grade plastic, and is most advantageously suited for the manufacture of plastic bath fonts.

Material for making a font

The most common material for making a font is wood or plastic, or rather polypropylene. Bathtubs made of wood look aesthetically presentable, but these types of bathtubs have one significant drawback: the wood shrinks when it dries.

To give an analogy for comparison, a wooden font, like a barrel, must be constantly in a humid environment in order to avoid shrinkage of the wood and the natural appearance of cracks in the sides of the product. So, recently, bath fonts made from blue polypropylene have become increasingly popular. Thanks to the modern properties of the plastic used, polypropylene hot tubs do not require much attention to operate. In everyday care they are no different from enamel bathtubs; it’s also easy enough to wash with a cleaning agent and that’s it.

How to make a font yourself

It is not difficult to make the design; home craftsmen will be able to cope with such work. Let's consider three possible options for arranging the font.

Plastic container

The simplest possible method of making a font. First you need to decide on the installation location and purchase a plastic tank. Actually, all that is required from the master is to prepare the base for installation, place the container and cover it with a decorative screen. To make it, you will need to make a frame from bars, which is subsequently sheathed with the selected material.

Photo: Instagram vamwood

It can be wood or plastic panels. In the first case, wooden slats will be required. Hardwoods that will last the longest in such conditions are beech, larch, oak or cedar. In any case, the tree must be treated with protective compounds. Plastic as a cladding is easy to assemble and operate, but is very vulnerable to mechanical stress. The plates are easy to damage, so you need to be careful.

Photo: Instagram poolblog

Concrete font

Making such a tank will be more difficult than installing a plastic container, but still quite simple. The sequence of work looks like this:

  1. The foundation pit is being prepared. Typically, concrete fonts are made quite deep and small in area. The average pit depth is from 130 to 160 cm.
  2. The fittings are being installed. First, the mesh is placed at the bottom of the pit, but not on the ground, but on special clamps. They will raise it to a height of about 50 mm. Next, the reinforcement is placed on the side walls of the future tank.
  3. The formwork is being assembled. It must be taken into account that the future bottom of the font must have a thickness of at least 100 mm. If necessary, a hole is made in the formwork, with the help of which a drain will subsequently be installed.
  4. The solution is prepared and the walls of the structure are poured. It is important to perform this operation in one step in order to obtain a monolithic structure. Then the bottom of the future font is poured.
  5. Next, you should wait until the concrete is completely dry and dismantle the formwork. The walls of the structure are plastered and finished. The finishing material can be film, tiles or a special composition for painting.

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At the end, lighting is installed, a staircase and any other accessories are installed. The font is ready for use.

Wooden structure

Perhaps the best wooden font of all, it is also the most difficult to make. The process is very similar to making a wooden barrel (they are usually made by master coopers), so it will be quite difficult for a beginner to make such a font. The production of a wooden container occurs in several stages:

  1. Assembling the bottom of the tank. Wooden flat slats are glued together to form a quadrangular board of sufficient size. The bottom of the future font is cut out of it. Two bars are placed on its lower part, which will become a kind of legs for the container.
  2. Arrangement of drainage. To do this, a hole is cut in the bottom where the water will go.
  3. Assembling the walls of the container. They are made from specially prepared slats. Their edges are milled, thanks to which the parts are inserted into one another. So that the walls can be inserted into the bottom, a special groove is cut out on each of the slats.
  4. Installation of metal hoop strips. The finished walls of the container are tightened with metal strips. For an average-sized font, three such strips, secured with nuts and bolts, will be quite enough.
  5. The assembled bowl is sanded inside and out.

If necessary, the finished font is equipped with additional accessories, for example, a built-in bench or ladder, lighting, etc.

Photo: Instagram bentwood_ru

Bath connoisseurs recommend installing a font. Contrasting water procedures improve health, improve appearance, and simply improve your mood. You can make a font yourself using any of the methods described. The result will definitely please lovers of Russian baths.

In conclusion, a video telling about an alternative method of constructing a font.

How to fit a plastic font into the interior?

The plastic font fits amazingly perfectly into any interior. Thanks to the strong body, it can be manufactured according to your individual dimensions with curves that match the interior of your sauna or relaxation room. Fonts made of polypropylene are easy to decorate. For decoration, valuable wood, tiles and marble tiles, mosaics and many other various decorative elements are often used.

The bathhouse was and remains a very popular way to relax and cleanse your body of dirt and fatigue, and your head of sad thoughts. In addition, this is also a very useful procedure, especially if, in addition to sitting in the steam room for a long time, you use contrasting cold water and repeat such procedures several times.

invites you to buy a plastic font, which will allow you to comfortably conduct such events.

Product Description

is a large manufacturer of a wide variety of devices and containers made of polymer ethylene and propylene. A plastic bathtub made by us is not only a convenient and comfortable way to take water procedures. They have many advantages, including:

  • ease of processing - you can use the most common detergents to clean them;
  • ability to withstand high temperatures up to – 120 degrees;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • Absolutely environmentally friendly and safe for health;
  • light weight, which makes their transportation and installation extremely simple;
  • long service life, estimated in decades;
  • low price.

In addition, unlike traditional wooden ones, plastic does not absorb water, does not swell, does not shrink, and will not begin to rot after prolonged use.

If you are interested in a high-quality and durable plastic bathtub, the price of which will be affordable for you, I am ready to help you with this.


In our company you can buy plastic hot tubs of any shape and size. Typical options include:

  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • round;
  • square;
  • corner.

As for the volume of containers, we can find options from 900 to 20,000 liters. The same applies to linear dimensions. But if you have any special preferences, then we are always ready to make containers for you according to your drawings.

In addition, our hot tubs can be equipped with a wide variety of equipment, including lighting, a water heating system and much more.

If you want to buy a cheap plastic hot tub, contact us in any way possible. Our experts will be able to advise you on any questions of interest and help you decide on the specific parameters of the product.

Types and features of application

Font installed on the terrace

A font used in a bath or sauna is a small pool that is filled with cold water. Immersion in a plunge pool with cold water is perceived by steam room visitors as a contrast shower and, according to experts, produces a certain therapeutic effect.

The range of bathtubs presented on the domestic market is wide, and therefore you can choose the modification that will best suit your needs and the characteristics of the bathhouse. These products today vary in size, shape, color and materials used in production.

Manufacturing Features

Modification with steps for safe descent

At the moment, plastic baths for baths and saunas are made from:

  • sheet plastic by welding;
  • molded plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • acrylic;
  • polyethylene;
  • fiberglass.

Of course, the list of materials is incomplete, since manufacturers of such equipment regularly develop new technologies for processing composite and polymer compounds.

The production of mini-pools is carried out using several methods:

  • vacuum forming;
  • rotational molding;
  • sectional welding in production shops or directly on site.

There are a variety of shapes of plastic bathing containers on the market.

If necessary, you can order and purchase the following modifications:

  • traditionally oval;
  • barrel-shaped;
  • square;
  • corner;
  • round;
  • stepped.

Cylindrical font

Fonts used in baths vary in volume (from 1500 to 18500 liters), which also simplifies the choice of the most suitable model. Single and multi-place containers are available for sale. If a single-seat modification can be purchased for a small sauna, then a multi-seat modification is quite comparable to a small pool and can easily accommodate up to 9 bathers at the same time.

Of course, the volume and capacity of the font affect the design features of the product. For example, if single-seat models are made of plastic with a thickness of no more than a few millimeters, then multi-seat modifications have walls with a plastic thickness of 5 mm.

Classic square modification with stiffening ribs on the sides

Again, depending on the design features of the font, additional equipment depends.

For comfortable and safe operation, the container can be supplemented with a number of special accessories, among which we note:

  • Filtration and disinfection system;
  • Lighting system;
  • Aromatherapy system;
  • Hydro and air massage;
  • Podium;
  • Ladders and steps;
  • Benches;
  • Waterfall;
  • Headrests;
  • Thermostats;
  • Heating devices.

Installation features

Container made of composite materials

The font is a container that can be used with equal success both in a bathhouse and sauna, and in a private courtyard or summer cottage. There are no restrictions on the use of the container, and there are also no restrictions in terms of its installation (read also the article “What kind of furniture do we want for the bathhouse”).

For example, the product can be recessed into the ground. To do this, a pit is dug in the ground according to the size and shape of the container and utilities are installed.

The instructions for installing the container are not particularly complicated - the plastic structure is inserted into the recess, filled with water and rubbed against the foundation pit under its own weight. As a result, we get a mini-pool, installed with our own hands, the sides of which are flush with the ground level.

In some cases, the container can be partially buried or mounted on the floor of the washing room.

Tip: If the washing compartment is small and there is nowhere to install a full-size hot tub, you can purchase a model with a corner configuration. Such a container can be installed close to the walls, therefore, there will be a lot of free space.

Advantages of plastic hot tubs

The photo shows a plastic font with imitation wood

Fonts made of plastic have a number of obvious advantages in comparison with similar products made of wood or metal.

Among the advantages we note the following:

  • Low price;
  • A wide range of colors and, as a result, the possibility of purchasing the modification that will best match the interior of the room;
  • There is no need to restore color, since the plastic is painted throughout the entire depth of the material, and therefore does not turn yellow or fade over time;
  • There is no need for special treatment of the walls of the container, since the plastic does not rot and does not react in any way to high humidity;
  • Plastic mini-pools do not require special maintenance - it is enough to promptly update the water in them and periodically wipe the surface using household detergents.
  • A plastic font is not only easy to install, but also does not require additional finishing, since immediately after production it has a full, finished appearance;
  • Plastic mini-pools, unlike their metal counterparts, have a warm surface;
  • Plastic is easy to process, and therefore fonts can be made with an anti-slip textured bottom surface.

Important: Along with the advantages, plastic hot tubs have some features that you should pay attention to during operation. For example, plastic modifications are afraid of contact with metal objects, since scratches form at the point of contact, which then darken.

However, there are bathtubs made of composite materials, which are more durable and resistant to mechanical stress.

Bath font

In Russian history, from time immemorial, the tradition of washing in a bathhouse has been widespread, and one of the main features of the Russian bathhouse is a sharp, shock drop in body temperature to increase blood flow in the body and improve well-being. But how to achieve a sharp temperature change when there is no ice hole nearby? Of course, you can use a cold shower, but under it the body cools down gradually. And only a dip in an ice bath can provide you with a sharp shock drop after going to the steam room in the baths. Nowadays, a bathhouse is considered an integral part of a good rest. Various types of fonts are being developed for the bathhouse, which can also be used as pools for a more relaxing recovery of the body.

Our production company creates bathhouses from standard sizes to bathtubs based on private, individually prepared projects.

Plastic font

Let us analyze with you the production of a font for relaxation in a bathhouse from the most common material at the moment, this is blue polypropylene. Of all the varieties of materials used to create a hot tub, plastic is the most ideal material, and to be more precise, blue-blue polypropylene. A plastic hot tub, unlike its wooden counterparts, does not require additional, more complex care. Since plastic is not subject to rotting and cracking, the service life of a polypropylene bathtub is many times greater than that of other analogues.

How to make a font with your own hands?

If you wish, you can build a font yourself. It can be made of wood, poured with concrete, another option is to buy a ready-made plastic bowl and install it.

How to make a wooden font?

  1. Assemble the bottom. To do this, you need to lay tongue and groove boards in a row on the work surface, coat them with glue and connect them into a rectangle, secure with clamps and leave until completely dry. Cut out the desired shape using a jigsaw. Make legs for the font: screw two bars on the bottom side with screws.
  2. Make a drain. Insert the tube, attach the siphon to the boards with self-tapping screws and connect it to the pipe. Treat the contact area between the bottom and the siphon with sealant to prevent the font from leaking.
  3. Assemble the walls. Using a cutter, make a groove on each board on one side and a protrusion of suitable size on the other. You also need to make a rectangular groove on the back of each board so that you can then insert the rail into the bottom of the font.
  4. Assemble the font. Connect the slats into a single structure by inserting the protrusions into the grooves. Strengthen the walls with metal clamps. Usually it is enough to make three inserts at equal distances from each other. They need to be nailed with small nails and tightened with bolts.
  5. Sand it with sandpaper. It is necessary to sand the outer and inner sides of the structure so that splinters do not appear during its operation.
  6. Install the font. Place the wooden bath barrel in a pre-selected location, connect the siphon to the sewer pipe and lead it to the drain hole.
  7. Install additional elements. If the font comes with benches, ladders, or shelves, then you need to attach them using self-tapping screws, and their heads should go slightly deeper into the board.

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How to make a concrete font?

The peculiarity of installing a concrete font is that if you plan to place it in a bathhouse, then you need to design it at the stage of building the bathhouse itself. This is due to the fact that such a font requires preparation of a pit.

  1. Prepare the pit. Dig a hole about 1.5 m deep. The width and length can be different, they depend on the desired size of the font. But you need to take into account that the width of the concrete walls will be approximately 15 cm.
  2. Prepare the drain. Usually, for concrete baths, water is pumped out using a pump, in which case you can skip this point. If you plan to install a drain, then you need to make a trench in the wall of the pit at a slope towards the drainage pit and lay a plastic pipe.
  3. Fill the bottom of the pit with sand, the layer thickness should be about 10 cm.
  4. Install fittings. Cut it and place it on the bottom in the form of a lattice at a height of 5 cm above the bottom. Connect the rods using wire. To lift the reinforcement, use special plastic clamps, hammer 4 pins, pieces of bricks or pipe cuttings into the base.
  5. Install formwork using plywood sheets or boards. They should be 5 cm above the reinforcing grid. Strengthen the formwork with timber to prevent deformation of the walls under the weight of concrete.
  6. Prepare the solution and pour it in stages. It is also recommended to strengthen the solution using a crowbar or metal rod. Smooth out the walls with a trowel and leave the concrete to dry. To protect the surface from cracks, you need to cover the sides with a thick film and moisten them. Strengthening the walls will take approximately 4 weeks.
  7. Carefully remove the formwork and level the floor with a screed about 7 cm thick.
  8. When the bottom is dry, plaster the walls. The layer thickness should be 0.3-10 mm.
  9. Treat the surface of the font with a special waterproofing mixture. On average you will need 3-4 layers.
  10. To decorate the sides, you can use ceramic tiles or rubber paint.
  11. Install the necessary elements: stairs, lighting, jacuzzi, etc.

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How to install a plastic font?

This method is the simplest, since in this case a ready-made container is used; you do not need to make it yourself.

  1. Make a hole in the font for drainage. Place it in the chosen place. When installing a drain pipe, you need to thoroughly waterproof the place where it connects to the font.
  2. Install a frame made of beams with a cross-section of 50×50 mm around the font, and secure wooden slats to it. The beams must first be treated with a water-repellent compound. The frame should follow the shape of the plastic container. Connect the beams using self-tapping screws, plates and metal corners.
  3. Cover the frame with boards 3 cm thick. They will serve only a decorative function; lining and plastic panels are suitable for this purpose.

The sauna font will make your visit to the sauna even more enjoyable and comfortable.

Why is it worth buying polypropylene bath fonts from us?

Our engineering and manufacturing company develops and produces polypropylene bath tubs to the highest international quality standards.
In the production and design process, polypropylene is used, only from proven European manufacturers with increased wear resistance and protection of the coating from UV rays, which is important when using a polypropylene hot tub in direct sunlight.

Producing hot tubs since 2000, our company pursues an open pricing policy in relation to customers of our products. Thanks to this marketing approach, our polypropylene bath tubs are considered the best-selling products on the market.


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