How and where to store bath brooms - six important points

Types of bath brooms

Brooms can be made from young branches of birch, oak, maple, willow, and linden. There are bath brooms made from nettle, juniper, spruce, rowan and other plants and trees. Most of the brooms on this list should be prepared in the summer after Trinity, when the leaves are green and full of vitamins and healing oils. If you store them correctly, you can provide yourself with a bath tool for the entire fall, winter and spring - just until the next season.

Oak brooms will be more fragrant if you put herbs (wormwood, mint, nettle) and eucalyptus sprigs inside them.

When preparing rods for a broom, try to treat the wood with care. Remember that it can serve you for many years. Do not touch too young trees, do not destroy them for the sake of a few branches. Some harvesters specifically plant oak and birch seedlings every year to replenish nature’s storehouse.

Healing properties

A broom made from birch branches has a huge number of healing components. Many essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, carotene and ascorbic acid have a positive effect on the human body.

It is recommended to make mixed brooms. To the birch branches you can add several branches of juniper or bay tree, a little wormwood, chamomile, St. John's wort, and nettle. This will add more aroma and double the healing properties of the broom.

Using such a broom will help with pain and aches in joints and muscles, and relieve tension after training or physical activity. Essential oils will help combat rashes and dry skin. After the bath, you can prepare a healing infusion from birch branches to strengthen your hair and eliminate dandruff.

Preparation for drying

The process of making a broom can be divided into several stages:

  • the branches are cut;
  • sort and collect together;
  • tied tightly in several places;
  • form a handle.

The ability to skillfully knit brooms is acquired with experience. Branches for them must be taken from the middle of the tree. There they are quite flexible and rich in nutrients. You can buy ready-made brooms at the market, learning how to choose them correctly.

The height of the finished product can be from 30 to 60 cm. Everyone chooses the density as desired. Some people like fluffy little brooms, while others like big, loose bundles. Be sure to take care of the handle. It should be free of knots, properly rounded, neither thin nor thick, so that it is comfortable to hold on to in the bathhouse.

Timing for collection of raw materials

The collection of raw materials should be carried out in dry and clear weather.

An important condition is that the sheet is already strong enough, but in no case is it rough. From mid-July, the product harvesting season is considered over.

If there is rain on the day chosen for collecting brooms, the hike must be moved to a sunny and more suitable day. It is prohibited to cut wet birch branches - they will soon turn black and acquire an unpleasant odor.

To check the readiness of a birch tree for cutting branches, you can conduct an experiment: lick a birch leaf from its upper side. Roughness and hardness indicate that the harvesting period was too late, while velvety and tenderness indicate the right time.

It is not recommended to make the preparation early, since the young leaves adhere very weakly to the branches, so they will crumble even during drying. And the finished product will become slippery and will not serve you for long.

Drying and storage

The branches collected together and compacted must be dried properly. They are dried by tying them in pairs and hanging them in a well-ventilated dark place where they cannot fade from the sun and where mold will not grow among the leaves. What kind of place it will be, choose for yourself.

Experienced harvesters hang bundles in attics, sheds, hay barns, spacious dry storage rooms, and in the corridors of bathhouses. There should be a distance of 15–20 centimeters between them for free air circulation. The main thing is to prevent the leaves from drying out and falling apart. It is necessary to preserve the aroma and nutrients in each branch.

It is not recommended to store brooms under the roof if it is too hot there. Sometimes the thermal insulation of roofs leaves much to be desired and the temperature in the attic rises above 40 °C due to the heated roofing material. Drying and storage cannot be done under such conditions, because the leaves will dry out and fall off. Here are a few more storage rules.

  • You can wrap the brooms in paper so that less aroma escapes from them. At the same time, the paper will protect them from dust and allow air to pass through.
  • Do not place birch and oak branches on tightly folded boards, as this may be prohibited.
  • It is better to hang recently made bundles that have not yet dried rather than lay them out flat.
  • Dry branches are highly flammable, so keep them away from stove pipes and heating systems.
  • The best place to store brooms is dry, cool and shaded.

Juniper and spruce brooms cannot be dried. If you want to store them for a long time, then put them in the freezer.

What is good about freezing brooms?

Many of us freeze mushrooms, berries, vegetables, and even herbs for the winter. I want something fresh and fragrant in winter. The situation is the same with freezing brooms.

Not everyone has the opportunity to keep an excellent steam room broom intact. Often, by the end of the cold season, the kings of the steam room lose their properties and their appearance deteriorates.

Thin branches dry out, bend and the broom becomes more like Baba Yaga's broom

Let's not forget about the most important element - the foliage. A dry leaf withers and crumbles in any case

Often, the owners of their own bathhouse kingdom use the attic of the bathhouse to store brooms. Warm, hot air, according to the laws of physics, rises and sometimes it gets hot in the attic under the roof - the brooms simply dry out

When brooms are frozen, such troubles are not terrible. In the refrigerator there will be constant sub-zero temperature conditions without fluctuations and tearing of the sheet tissue.

Storage in the apartment

Residents of apartment buildings are better off buying ready-made brooms shortly before going to the bathhouse. But if you decide to make a broom with your own hands, then set aside a place for it on the balcony in a specially prepared cabinet. It must be dry, dark, and air must circulate. Owners of personal garages can store bath accessories in them.

Two or three small brooms can be placed in the freezer, wrapped in cling film or wrapped in a bag. This method allows you to preserve the color and smell of the branches. After defrosting, the leaves look fresh.

Before using in the steam room, the broom must be steamed. Birch and linden are poured with hot water; oak and juniper brooms can be poured with mild boiling water. Leave them for 30–60 minutes to soak. Linden branches can be left for only 10 minutes, as they become slippery after getting wet.

It’s even better to first soak the broom in cold water for a couple of hours, and then just water it with hot water. In this case, the aroma will be more intense. A good-quality oak and juniper broom can be used several times if you do not share it with anyone. Rinse it and dry it by hanging it on a nail. Linden and grass brooms quickly crumble, they are enough for only one, maximum two, baths.


Due to the density of the leaves, in order to maximize the release of the essential oils and tannins contained, an oak broom, in comparison with accessories prepared from the branches of other trees, requires a slightly longer steaming time. Under no circumstances should it be immediately immersed in boiling water to prevent the leaves from falling off. The water remaining after soaking the broom can be used for rinsing, foot baths or pouring into the heater. Add broom water carefully in small portions so as not to flood the oven and fill the steam room with a pleasant aroma. When reusing the attribute, you need to rinse it, soak it for 3-5 minutes in cold water, and then pour boiling water over it and cover it with a lid for 3-5 minutes. At the end of the bath procedures, the broom should be dried thoroughly.

How to store birch brooms for a long time

Many people, especially those who like to spend time in the sauna or have their own sauna, do not know how to store birch brooms so that they can serve for a long time and retain their properties over a long period of time. First of all, it is necessary to note that the brooms must initially be dried. Proper drying is essentially the first stage of proper storage of a birch bath broom.

It is necessary to dry the brooms under a canopy; to do this, you need to stretch a strong rope and attach the brooms to it. There should be some distance between them, through which a flow of fresh air can easily circulate. If there is not enough space, then the brooms will need to be turned over periodically, otherwise moisture will remain in the places where they come into contact with each other. After they are completely dry, they should be stacked tightly one on top of the other. This will give them a certain shape that will visually resemble a fan.

How to dry properly after harvesting and mating

After you have tied the branches, they need to be hung in a dark, dry place, away from drafts and moisture. The best places are attics, garages, sheds and dressing rooms.

It is important not to overdry, for example, for deciduous trees the optimal drying time is 1.5-2 weeks

How to make it flat?

It is worth knowing that a good oak, birch or pine broom should have a flat shape and look like a fan!

To give a flat shape, the branches are placed on thick plywood, giving them the appearance of a fan, and pressed down on top with a board or sheet of plywood and oppression is applied. After a week, the products can be inspected and turned over to dry evenly.

How to prepare brooms for a bath for the winter?

Everything is very simple: the preparation is not carried out for use at the current moment, but taking into account the fact that you will be steaming in the bathhouse all year long. Therefore, harvesting is carried out in anticipation of the winter period.

Storing a birch broom

After the brooms have been dried and laid one on one, they must be placed in dry plastic bags, securely closed and placed in a dark place. Moreover, the place in which they will be stored must have a cool air temperature. It is better to release as much air as possible from the bag. This is necessary to prevent water vapor in the air from condensing during a possible temperature change.

You can also use cardboard boxes instead of bags, as well as boxes made of plywood or natural wood. They will be even more preferable to bags, since the brooms will “breathe” in them. Boxes with brooms can be placed on the balcony, in the pantry or on the loggia. The main thing is that they should not be exposed to sunlight, which will cause your brooms to dry out quickly. Now you know how to store birch brooms, but these are only the simplest ways to store them. We'll talk about more clever ways to store them below.

Procurement: timing and features

You can cut oak shoots as raw materials for brooms from the second half of June until mid-August. It is at this time that the maximum amount of useful substances is concentrated in the plant, and the leaf blade itself, together with the petiole, is able to resist maximum loads.

Cut shoots are sorted, discarded and placed for drying in a shaded, well-ventilated place. 7 - 8 days is enough to lose excess moisture. After this, you can form the broom as such. At the same time, generally accepted rules are followed: thick shoots are used as the base, thinner ones at the edges, the handle is shaped for a comfortable individual grip, a diameter of 5 cm is sufficient in most cases. If you are sure that the preliminary drying was carried out efficiently, then the broom can be purposefully shaped into a fan, loading it evenly over the entire plane with a small weight. The broom ripens and is stored in a dark, dry room.

Using salt for storing birch brooms

If you want your birch bath brooms to be stored for a long time, and at the same time remain green and fragrant, with a characteristic pleasant smell, then you can sprinkle them with a small amount of ordinary kitchen salt.

Salt will help preserve not only the color and aroma, but will also ensure that birch brooms remain soft and flexible even for two years.

But it is worth saying that such long-term storage using salt does not occur at room temperature, but in the freezer. And if you intend to remove such a broom from the freezer, then this must be done approximately one or two hours before using it. During this time, it will be able to thaw at normal room temperature. It is not recommended to re-freeze this broom and it is better to use it immediately for its intended purpose.

Where to place the broom-amulet?

For the amulet to work, you need to know both how to make a protective broom and the rules for its use.
As a decorative element, it is undoubtedly hung inside the home. The best place for its location would be the kitchen - the heart of the house, where everyone at home gathers, delicious food is prepared there to maintain strength and create joy. Inside the house, a broom-amulet, created with your own hands, is hung with the handle up and the main part down. This symbolically serves as a way to remove everything negative from the house, the broom, as it were, sweeps away all the bad. It is also important to maintain the amulet itself in a neat form, because, according to legend, it is in the broom that the brownie settles, and for him to be happy, his home should always be cozy and clean , beautiful

Well, creativity always gives joy - through the process of ideation and mastery, and also through the result. You should create a broom-amulet with your own hands for two reasons: to decorate your home and give it a cute amulet that keeps you warm and cozy and helps you fulfill your wishes. Good luck!

Have you ever grown broom sorghum in your garden?

If not, be sure to try it. This is a very necessary crop in the economy. All parts of the sorghum plant can be used: panicles - for making brooms, seeds - for feed for livestock and poultry, and stems - for mulching beds

Sorghum is a high-yielding plant; in the national economy it is used as a grain and fodder crop. The sown area of ​​different types of sorghum in the world is more than 60 million hectares. In Ukraine, it is grown over large areas, mainly in the southern and central regions, since it is a very drought-resistant crop.

But due to global warming, sorghum is now being developed even in the northern regions of our country.

Preparing a broom for a bath

Note that a dry broom is not used immediately; it is pre-steamed in water. But in order to preserve the leaves on it, this must be done gradually, dividing the steaming into several steps. To begin with, simply rinse the broom with warm water. After this, pour almost hot water and put a broom there. Cover it on top and keep it this way for about a quarter of an hour. After this procedure, the leaves become silky and very pleasant to the touch. Severely dry birch brooms are doused with boiling water several times.

How to dry properly so that the leaves do not fly off

Properly drying birch brooms should be in the shade in the open air. The brooms are hung by the base in the shade, on the veranda or in the garden, and dried in this position for 5-6 days.

Avoid exposure to the sun as it will dry out the leaves and cause them to curl.

When the leaves become brittle and breakable, it means that the broom is already dry and you need to immediately put it away for storage, otherwise the leaves will fall off.

Advice! Before drying, place the brooms under a press for several days, turning them over periodically, so that excess moisture will be released from the leaves and branches.

How to properly store bath brooms in an apartment or house?

Anyone can assemble a bath broom, but not everyone knows how to store bath brooms correctly. The quality of steaming and whether the person steaming will benefit from this procedure depends on how to store bath brooms.

Basic rules for drying and storing brooms in the house and apartment:

  • It is advisable to mix different types of plants. You can add a sprig of laurel tree to the birch branches. This will add a noticeable aroma.
  • Fresh brooms, freshly picked and tied, are not stored. First they need to be dried.
  • When drying, it is necessary to get rid of the dried leaves, and it is better to tie the branches with gauze or cloth rope.
  • Using a knife, knots that can cause damage are removed.
  • The best month for harvesting is July.
  • Dry in a dark, ventilated area, hanging.
  • Can be preserved by freezing. To do this, use polyethylene, which is used to wrap the product and place it in the freezer.
  • Do not store in warm and damp rooms, near stoves, radiators and other heating devices.
  • It cannot be kept in a steam room or in a lying position on a wooden surface.

Best places for drying and storage:

  • Rest rooms in the bathhouse.
  • Attic, barn.
  • In the apartment they dry it and store it on the balcony, hanging it from the ceiling.
  • Canopy. Negative aspects include the effect of insects on products.
  • Bags and nets. This method is used for mass procurement to reduce the occupied area.
  • Hay. Storing in hay does not allow the product to become moldy or spoiled.
  • Forest. This method involves cutting branches for a broom in the forest immediately before going to the bathhouse.
  • It's cold in winter.

Features of brooms of different tree species

Let's look at the most popular types of plants used for making brooms. These include:

  • Oak - has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps lower blood pressure, calms and reduces the negative effects of stress on the body. An oak broom is recommended for those with problematic skin prone to oiliness;
  • Birch - perfectly cleanses the skin, promoting regeneration of the upper layers of the skin. In addition, a birch broom helps relieve pain in joints and muscles after prolonged physical activity;
  • Juniper - can be used as a prophylactic during the cold season, as well as for radiculitis and rheumatism;
  • Linden - most often used for colds, providing a bronchodilator and antipyretic effect;
  • Rowan - Best used during the day as Rowan helps increase activity levels. Can be used by people with weak blood vessels and problem skin;
  • Tansy - just like rowan, tansy helps eliminate loss of strength and fills you with energy. These brooms are especially good for women who have problems with cycle disorders;
  • Nettle - This plant can relieve joint pain. It is often used for rheumatism, severe nervous tension and stress;
  • Wormwood - used to treat rheumatism, jaundice and skin lesions. Wormwood vapor has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and stomach;
  • Eucalyptus - helps very well with a runny nose or cold due to its high content of essential oils;

Combining several types - the beneficial properties of these brooms directly depend on the plants that make up them. You can collect several types of herbs, relying solely on the characteristics of your own body.


The most important thing is to prevent the effect of direct sunlight on a fir bath product. The sun makes the branches dry, and the fir broom loses its beneficial and aromatic qualities. The needles become orange-gray in color, and the leaves begin to fall off.

The effect of high humidity also affects the needles, making them dark in color. The needles wrinkle and fall off. Therefore, the collection of fir branches is carried out in warm, non-rainy weather, at the moment the dew disappears.

It should be stored in a dark, ventilated and dry place.

  • Many professional bath attendants do not immediately make a product from fir branches, but make a sheaf from them and dry them in straw in the attic. And before taking bath procedures, branches are removed and a broom is tied from them. This method protects against drying out and debate.
  • Dried grass is spread out in any dark place, and fir branches are laid on it at a distance from each other. They are covered with straw on top and turned over every three days.

After a month, they cover themselves with plenty of grass. In this state they can remain until autumn. If necessary, the branches are taken out and tied.

  • In apartments you can store a fir broom by wrapping it in a thick layer of paper.

Drying in hay

If you have a hayloft, you can dry brooms in the hay.
A large amount of dry hay allows you to create ideal conditions for drying and storing raw materials, promotes complete ventilation and rapid evaporation of moisture from the leaves. To dry in hay, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Cut fresh branches and prepare them. Remove diseased leaves, remove excess branches and jagged edges at the site of the future handle.
  • Cover the prepared branches with dry hay. It should cover them completely.
  • Turn the branches over once a day and replenish them with fresh hay.

Important! This drying method is only suitable for individual branches. The brooms themselves are tied immediately before use. Drying in hay is convenient in cases where you prefer to use prefabricated brooms consisting of different plants.

Keep in mind that different plants dry out differently. If 1-1.5 weeks are enough for a birch broom to completely dry, then for an oak broom this period will stretch to 3 weeks or longer. That is why you need to independently monitor and control the process.


Before storage, the eucalyptus broom must be dried. Drying it is done in the same way as with other types of brooms. For this purpose, choose a dark, ventilated place where there is no direct sunlight and high temperature.

The branches need to be tied, create a handle and hang them from the ceiling or on the wall of the room. When choosing the second option, it is necessary to constantly turn the products over to ensure even drying and to eliminate the possibility of rotting.

Eucalyptus must be stored very carefully, as its branches are characterized by increased fragility and brittleness. The best storage location would be an inaccessible, lockable room.

Basic moments

Important! You need to dry the broom in natural conditions. Do not try to speed up the process by using an open flame, heater, drying cabinet or oven. In this case, the broom will lose almost all its beneficial properties and lose its aroma.

To avoid common mistakes, remember the following rules:

  • Do not dry the broom in a draft. Drafts “blow” the scent out of the foliage.
  • Avoid direct sunlight . In this case, the broom will turn out to be overdried and will quickly lose its foliage.
  • Beware of high humidity . When exposed to moisture, the green mass will quickly rot and become moldy.
  • Use only healthy raw materials for drying . Do not take branches affected by diseases and parasites.

The most important thing is to ensure that sufficient distance is maintained between the brooms during drying. They should not hang close to each other. This may lead to damage to the raw materials.


A warm sunny day is used to harvest birch branches. If the humidity is high during harvesting, the leaves will rot, darken and curl, and eventually fall off.

Knitted products must be dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. An attic, barn, or balcony are suitable for this. Hanging dry.

Storage is carried out in dark places. The sun's rays negatively affect any broom, causing yellowing of the leaves and loss of aroma.

You can also store them in a box with holes for air circulation. The products are placed in a box and stored in a cool place away from sunlight.

For city residents, storing bath brooms on the balcony is popular. They are tied to a rope near the ceiling.

How to choose a place for drying?

Ideal places to dry brooms:

Waiting room

Attic of a private house


Some people dry brooms in garages. However, you need to ensure that there are no foreign odors in the room. Otherwise, during bath procedures you will enjoy the aroma of gasoline, not wood.

In the city, you can dry brooms on a glassed-in balcony. In this case, you need to ensure that the sun's rays do not fall on the branches. For security, you can hang thick curtains on the windows.

So, an ideal drying place should have the following qualities:

Do not have unpleasant or pungent odors.

Be dry and warm.

Have reliable dimming.

Only in this case can you count on a high-quality result.


Oak brooms are harvested in the summer. Choose branches in dark places where burdocks grow. These brooms will be durable when used.

Dry in dark, ventilated areas away from sunlight. Subsequently, the product is pressed under heavy pressure. This is necessary for convenient storage.

Stored in rooms with good ventilation, outdoor humidity and temperature. Packed in paper to allow the broom to “breathe” freely. For long-term storage, products are placed in boxes and placed on a wooden surface.

If properly prepared and stored, this oak product can be used for more than two years.

Basic errors during procurement

If after the first steaming the broom falls off, it means that a mistake was made when preparing or storing it. The main mistakes when preparing brooms are due to a lack of experience and neglect of recommendations. Even the slightest failure to comply with harvesting rules can cause the fragility of a birch broom. Typical mistakes include:

  • Incorrect time for collecting rods. The optimal time for collecting branches is determined by the leaves. If you collect them earlier than expected or later, it will fall off. The best time to collect is mid-June, but you need to pay more attention to the leaves.
  • Incorrect drying. If you dry the branches in the sun, then all the leaves will certainly curl up and fall off. The broom must dry for a week in the shade, otherwise the leaves will wither or dry out.
  • Using wet branches. The rods should be collected in sunny weather. If you use wet branches, an unpleasant odor will appear and the branches themselves will become stiff.

Advice! Do not wash branches before harvesting. All dust will be washed away during use in the bath.

If you are making a preparation for the first time, then it is better to tie a couple of brooms and, following all the recommendations, collect, tie and store them as expected, so as not to be upset if something does not work out.

On a note

If you decide to try fir, you should know some nuances. Fir oil has a negative effect on the skin if it has fresh abrasions or damaged blood vessels. On an open wound, fir oil increases its pain.

An allergic reaction may occur, accompanied by itching. Therefore, you need to monitor your well-being. Pregnant women should avoid fir.

Now you know how to properly steam a fir bath broom. You know how to dry and store it so that it does not lose its medicinal properties. Follow all the recommendations and let the bathhouse become a pleasant procedure for you, aimed at improving the health of the whole body.

Which option to choose: hanging or lying

At the very beginning, it should be noted that the shape of the resulting broom primarily depends on the drying method. If you remember your visit to the bathhouse, you will notice that two forms most often occur:

  • Round;
  • Shovel-shaped.

This is achieved due to different drying methods. To obtain a rounded shape, the products should be suspended, and to obtain a flatter version, the resulting products should be placed in a stack or under a press.

Figure 2 - Example of a spade broom

Which drying method to choose largely depends on the type of the future bath accessory and the method of steaming. To ensure the best quality of the bath procedure, it is preferable to use flat options, as they scoop up more air. And for those who use this attribute to breathe in the foliage, it is better to choose rounded options.

The best option for drying is considered to be a combination of both methods. First, the brooms are tightly and neatly folded one on one, and placed under slight pressure, and then only hung. This is done only after the desired form has been taken.

For good drying, 1 or two weeks are enough. Some people store brooms this way until they are used. But if you have to store them for a long time, you should take care that they do not become dusty and cover them in paper.

It is also worth noting that today a new method of preparing bath brooms is becoming increasingly popular - freezing. More and more bathhouse attendants prefer to simply defrost the prepared attribute and go to the bathhouse. This accessory does not need to be steamed.

Figure 3 - New innovative storage method - freezing

To prepare a broom in this way, quick freezing is used at a temperature not lower than minus 18 degrees. Modern freezers have this capability. Thanks to this type of freezing, the formation of ice crystals does not occur, and, accordingly, cell destruction does not occur. It turns out that all processes in the foliage simply slow down, which allows you to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties of the future bath accessory.

How to steam: basic methods

It is best to visit the steam room together; one of those steaming should lie down, and the other should hold the broom with his hand in a mitten so as not to get burned . When using this attribute you need to remember:

  • It should be wet, for this it is good to place a bucket of warm water in the steam room.
  • You should not make sudden movements with the fan, so as not to injure the skin.
  • If the temperature in the steam room exceeds 60 degrees, then the steam from a high broom can cause burns.

The technology of the health procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. Massage helps improve blood circulation and normalizes metabolism. First, the body is stroked from the feet to the head in one direction and the other several times: first from one side and then from the other. Therefore, in the office you need to turn off your mobile phone (phone search service, take a break from everyday worries and immerse yourself in the sensations that the touch of the massage therapist’s hands will give.
  2. Compress. The fan captures the steam and it falls onto the lumbar region for a couple of seconds. This procedure helps with injuries, muscle pain and sciatica.
  3. Stretching. It is practiced for sacral pain. To do this, use two brooms. They are first placed on the lower back, and then one is moved to the back of the head, and the other to the legs. All these movements are repeated several times. They should be slow, the broom should not be lifted at all, and if a burning sensation occurs on the skin, it should be cooled in cool water.
  4. Quilting. With quick and light movements, the end of the broom is rubbed over the back and rear parts of the body for a minute. Then they are quickly stroked. The same is done for twice as long when shifting onto your back.
  5. Whiplash. With this procedure, greater steam capture occurs when the fan is raised high. Every 2-3 such movements are combined with a compress (stage No. 2).
  6. Plowing. It is carried out by lightly touching the skin with a broom.
  7. Shaking. This is a strong heating of the body, alternating with its cooling with the help of a fan, which is first lowered into cool water. First, raise the broom high, and then press it for a couple of seconds to different parts of the body.
  8. Trituration. During this procedure, using the palm of your hand, pressing on the leaves, rub the body in different directions, and rub the legs and arms only lengthwise.

You need to sit down and stand up after a set of procedures slowly and carefully, for fear of dizziness.

Carefully! The steam room is contraindicated for people with various diseases. In each case, the duration, intensity and temperature of this bath procedure are individual. Before doing this, you must consult a doctor.


To make a broom last longer, you need to follow some rules and know the characteristics of the plant. Before making a bundle, you need to study the principles of collecting branches.

Optimal time and place of collection

Principles for choosing a time and place for collecting branches:

  1. It is better to choose trees that are located away from roads, industrial enterprises, and large cities.
  2. It is recommended to cut branches in the last month of spring and before the beginning of summer. During this period, the shoots are the most elastic and durable.
  3. It is necessary to collect twigs in sunny weather.

If it rained before the scheduled collection day, you need to wait 2 days after it ends.

Selection of branches and collection rules

Rules for choosing and cutting branches:

  • to cut branches you need to use sharp pruners;
  • it is important to choose straight, even branches from which you can assemble a flat broom;
  • The optimal length of branches is 50 cm.

You cannot cut shoots from trees that are too young. This may lead to their death. You can cut branches from one fir once a year.

How to cut branches correctly

To prepare a fir broom for a bathhouse, you need to choose mature trees located away from highways, industrial facilities and large cities. The cleaner the atmosphere in the place where the conifer grows, the more useful the steamed shoots will be:

  1. For the bath, choose the straightest, even branches, from which you will get a neat bundle. Their length should be at least 60-70 cm.
  2. You need to cut the spruce branches with sharply sharpened pruning shears. Immediately after separating the branches in their lower part, about 20 cm, small shoots and needles are removed, forming the handle of the future broom.
  3. The prepared paws are not stacked on top of each other, but side by side, making sure that the tilt is in one direction.

It’s convenient to steam fir branches; if they are the same size, the bundle turns out more neat.
Tip! You need to collect branches to steam them for a bath from the same fir no more than once a year. It is better not to touch young trees at all; severe pruning can lead to their death.

How to knit fir brooms correctly

The photo of a fir broom shows that it should be dense, neat and even enough to be convenient for steaming. The correct knitting algorithm looks like this:

  • the collected branches are inspected for cracks, breaks and other damage, bad specimens are immediately thrown away;
  • Thicker paws are placed in the middle, and thinner and more fragile shoots are placed along the edges;
  • the lower ends of the branches, cleared of needles, are aligned so that they are located at the same level;
  • the handle is tightly wrapped with twine; this must be done in two places at once so that the broom does not crumble or fall apart, otherwise it will be inconvenient to steam and use.

The finished broom should be quite voluminous, soft and elastic.
The knitted product is weighed in the hand and several test strokes are made to evaluate its practical convenience. The tips of the branches can be trimmed a little if necessary. If there is no need to remake the fagot, it is hung with the handle up for storage or immediately lowered into water to steam.


Steaming process:

  1. Immerse the wreaths in hot water for 3-4 hours.
  2. Immerse it in cold water for 15 minutes.
  3. Hold the branches over the hot stones for 30 seconds.

After steaming the branches, you can begin drying.


To dry individual branches, you need to lay them out on a dry wooden floor or newspapers. Wait a day, turn over to the other side. When the branches become flat, they need to be hung on a thread stretched in any dry room. It is important to avoid exposure to sunlight.


Step by step knitting:

  1. Lay out the prepared branches in front of you. Place thin shoots in the center, thick branches outside.
  2. Trim to 50 cm.
  3. Choose a place for the handle, clean it from knots and irregularities.
  4. Tie the top of the handle with twine.

Try out a bunch of branches in action, see how convenient it is.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of fir brooms:

  • general malaise of the body;
  • muscle pain, cramps, tremors;
  • emotional fatigue;
  • colds without high body temperature;
  • cough, runny nose.


  • high blood pressure, temperature;
  • menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • ulcers, ulcers;
  • severe itching, redness of the skin;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Taking into account the contraindications, you can safely visit the steam room.

If after a few minutes of visiting the steam room you feel unwell, the smell begins to cause discomfort, you should leave the steam room immediately. Attention should also be paid to possible allergic reactions. To find out whether fir is safe for the body or not, you need to donate blood for allergy tests.

How to use?

If you are planning to steam and want to get maximum pleasure and benefit from the process, you need to prepare a broom and learn how to use it correctly. It will be much easier if there is one more person in the steam room - then you can massage each other with fir branches.

You need to take a horizontal position or sit on a bench. First you need to walk with a broom from the neck to the toes and treat the sides, so you will need to stock up on two massage tools. After stroking, you need to tap the pelvis, thighs, calves and feet about four times.

It is recommended to hold the brooms over your head for a few minutes and the process is complete.

The “quilting” method is also in demand among lovers of bath procedures. To do this, make quick and light movements with a broom, but only with the tips of the branches. The entire back, lower back, then the buttocks and so on to the tips of the toes are treated. Once the skin is red, you can turn over and repeat the process.

Restrictions and contraindications

Not everyone is allowed to visit the bathhouse. In some cases, procedures can be harmful to health. Fir spruce branches are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • skin diseases.

It is strictly prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages before visiting the steam room. It is also undesirable to overeat, since temperature changes negatively affect the process of food digestion. For the first time, stay in the steam room for no more than 10 minutes. It is advisable to take short breaks when going to the dressing room.

How is it prepared?

In order for a fir broom to give the desired result, it must be carefully prepared. Therefore, follow the recommendations of experts and you will be satisfied.

  • To begin with, it is important to choose the optimal time, as well as find a suitable place where you can collect the branches. Pay attention to places far from roads where fir trees grow, as they are less exposed to toxic emissions. It is better to cut branches at the end of spring or with the onset of summer, since the shoots at this time are strong and elastic.
  • If it rains outside, it is better to wait two days and then go in search of raw materials for a broom.
  • It is also necessary to cut branches correctly. To do this you will need a sharp pruning shears. Choose straight branches that will make flat brooms. The optimal length is considered to be 50 cm. You should not cut them from young trees that are just beginning to develop. It is better to use mature fir, and do this no more than once a year.
  • Once you have a sufficient number of branches, you can start preparing the brooms themselves.

If you don’t know how to make a broom yourself from individual branches, follow these recommendations:

  • it is necessary to lay them out on the table, there should be thin branches closer to the center;
  • the place for the handle is cleaned, knots and any irregularities are removed;
  • twine should be used for constriction, this way you will get a bundle that can be easily used several times;
  • It will be convenient if you make the spruce branches flat, and to make the broom easy to hold in your hands, it is better to wrap its butt (the tied part of the bunch of branches) with cloth.
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