Method 2 of 5: Classic Toga Front Tie

Drape one end of the fabric over your shoulder. Fold the sheet in front of you. Take one end of the sheet, drape it a couple of meters in front of you and throw one end over your left shoulder. The draped end should go down the back to your butt.

Wrap it up. Take the long end of the sheet and fold it diagonally across your chest and under your right arm. Then across your back, under your left arm and around your chest again.

Wrap it up. Tuck this long end (which comes from under your left arm) under the part of the fabric that already encircles your chest. Here you can adjust the length of the toga. Fold and pin the material at the length you like. The fabric should touch your feet. You can start by trying to pin the fabric several times until you find the length you want.

Secure and check. Work on the beautiful folds of your toga. Then secure it with pins.

Method 3 of 5: Women's version of tying a toga in the front, strapless

Fold the fabric lengthwise. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until you reach the desired length. It should go from your armpits to your feet. Whether your legs are covered completely or just a little will depend on you and what you want.

Wrap the fabric around your chest. While you hold the fabric in front of you, wrap one side of your chest first and then the other, as if it were a towel.

Secure and check. Work on the beautiful folds of your toga. Then secure it with pins.

Add a belt. Tie a belt or rope under your chest. This will help secure the toga and highlight the waist.

Method 4 of 5: Women's version with loop

Fold the fabric lengthwise. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until you reach the desired length. It should go from your armpits to your feet. Whether your legs are covered completely or just a little will depend on you and what you want.

Wrap the fabric around your chest. While you hold the fabric in front of you, wrap one side of your chest first and then the other, as if it were a towel. Leave about a meter of fabric free on one side in front.

Make a loop. Twist about a meter of fabric several times until you have something that looks like rope. Wrap this rolled fabric around your shoulder and neck. Tie the end of this rope to the fabric that goes around your torso.

Secure and check. Work on the beautiful folds of your toga. Then pin it to the top. Carefully secure your loop.

(Optional) Add accessories. Tie a belt or rope under your chest or at your waist.

Method 5 of 5: Unisex option based on saree

Fold the fabric lengthwise. While standing, hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold the sheet widthwise until you reach the desired length. It should go from your waist to the ground.

First, wrap the fabric around your waist. Fold the fabric horizontally in front of you at the waist. Wrap the fabric around your waist to create a skirt. Secure it at the back.

Wrap the other end around the front. You still hold the fabric horizontally in front of you. Now wrap the long end of the fabric around you. When you bring the fabric forward, pin the top of both ends of the fabric at the waist.

Continue wrapping the fabric. Continue wrapping this long end of the fabric around your body, across the front of your waist, under your arm, and behind your back. Then again in front and under your arm.

Throw the fabric over your shoulder. As soon as the long end of the fabric is back in front, move it across the chest to the opposite shoulder. Place the end over your shoulder and onto your back.

Ways to tie a bath sheet

There are several of them: most are suitable for both sexes, some only for women. Much depends on the dimensions, thickness of the product and aesthetic preferences of the individual user. The longer and thinner the canvas, the more interesting, lighter and more elegant it will look (this is especially true for girls).

From the back

To get something like a Greek toga, you need:

  • throw the sheet over your shoulders from behind with the wrong side facing you so that its left corner hangs forward to the ribs, but does not fall on the forearm;
  • With your right hand, lower the fabric from your right shoulder, stretch it under your arm and wrap it around your body counterclockwise;
  • Tuck the free corner inside from above.

Representatives of the fair half can tie the ends on the shoulder with a beautiful knot.

By the way! For left-handed people, it may be easier to start wrapping from the right shoulder and wrapping clockwise.


The same manipulations can be done in mirror image:

  • unfold the sheet in front of you with the front side facing away from you;
  • throw one of the corners (let's say the left one) behind your back;
  • Wrap the free end around the body and secure.

With bare shoulders

This is the simplest model, for creating which even a large towel (including a thick terry one) is suitable:

  • you need to stretch it horizontally behind you;
  • wind in a circle, completely covering one transverse edge with the other;
  • tuck or pin the free end.

With a noose around your neck

In this exclusively female version, it is recommended:

  • apply the sheet to your back at the level of your shoulder blades, with its edges being at an equal distance from the spine;
  • Stretch your arms forward, then transfer the right edge to your left hand, and the left edge to your right (cross);
  • twist the ends (possible, but not necessary) and tie at the back of the neck.

Reference. Such drapery will look good if only it is made of very thin and soft fabric.

Indian method

The sari, the traditional clothing of Indian women, is made from a large rectangular cloth. It’s possible to build something similar from a bath sheet. To do this you will need:

  • wrap one edge of the sheet over your waist;
  • pin the resulting skirt at the waist;
  • stretch the remaining long edge diagonally from the hip to the opposite shoulder and throw it back;
  • If you wish, secure it with a belt.

Attention! The fabric must first be folded lengthwise as long as necessary so that the skirt does not drag on the floor.


By using your imagination and adding bright accessories (belt, pin, brooch) you can create very bright and beautiful images. However, everything should be in moderation, for example, you should not pull it too tight or use a lot of additional elements. Nothing should interfere, constrain or prick, because the bathhouse is a place where you can not only cleanse and heal the body, but also relax, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, and get a lot of positive emotions.

Author of the article:

Alexandra Popova

The path to authorship was very long and decisive. I always knew that a passion for fashion and style could help someone. There are a lot of ideas in my head, but it all starts with them. I don’t strive to make a revolution in the world of fashion, but I want you to hear and feel them.

If you disagree with something or want to ask a question, then I am always open to you and ready to help at any moment

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Contrast procedures

After each entry into the steam room, the body requires cooling. For seasoned bathhouse regulars, even diving into an ice hole or swimming in the snow will be normal.

But if you are a beginner, you should not subject your body to much stress. It is quite enough for you to stand under a cool shower or plunge into a warm pool. Not icy and cold, but warm. After a few months, when your body and cardiovascular system become more trained and accustomed to heat/cold changes, you can try more contrasting sensations.

Rubbing with snow after the steam room

Ways to tie a bath sheet

There are several of them: most are suitable for both sexes, some only for women. Much depends on the dimensions, thickness of the product and aesthetic preferences of the individual user. The longer and thinner the canvas, the more interesting, lighter and more elegant it will look (this is especially true for girls).

From the back

To get something like a Greek toga, you need:

  • throw the sheet over your shoulders from behind with the wrong side facing you so that its left corner hangs forward to the ribs, but does not fall on the forearm;
  • With your right hand, lower the fabric from your right shoulder, stretch it under your arm and wrap it around your body counterclockwise;
  • Tuck the free corner inside from above.

Representatives of the fair half can tie the ends on the shoulder with a beautiful knot.

By the way! For left-handed people, it may be easier to start wrapping from the right shoulder and wrapping clockwise.


The same manipulations can be done in mirror image:

  • unfold the sheet in front of you with the front side facing away from you;
  • throw one of the corners (let's say the left one) behind your back;
  • Wrap the free end around the body and secure.

With bare shoulders

This is the simplest model, for the creation of which even a large towel (including a thick terry one) is suitable:

  • you need to stretch it horizontally behind you;
  • wind in a circle, completely covering one transverse edge with the other;
  • tuck or pin the free end.

With a noose around your neck

In this exclusively female version, it is recommended:

  • place the sheet on your back at the level of your shoulder blades, with its edges at an equal distance from the spine;
  • Stretch your arms forward, then transfer the right edge to your left hand, and the left to your right (cross);
  • twist the ends (possible, but not necessary) and tie at the back of the neck.

Reference. Such drapery will look good if only it is made of very thin and soft fabric.

Indian method

The sari, the traditional clothing of Indian women, is made from a large rectangular cloth. It’s possible to build something similar from a bath sheet. To do this you will need:

  • wrap one edge of the sheet over your waist;
  • pin the resulting skirt at the waist;
  • stretch the remaining long edge diagonally from the hip to the opposite shoulder and throw it back;
  • If you wish, secure it with a belt.

Attention! The fabric must first be folded lengthwise as long as necessary so that the skirt does not drag on the floor.


By using your imagination and adding bright accessories (belt, pin, brooch) you can create very bright and beautiful images. However, everything should be in moderation, for example, you should not pull it too tight or use a lot of additional elements. Nothing should interfere, constrain or prick, because the bathhouse is a place where you can not only cleanse and heal the body, but also relax, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, and get a lot of positive emotions.

What to take with you to the bathhouse

Prepare a decent-sized bag: you will need a lot of things. Required:

a bathrobe (it’s not for nothing that they call it that) or a large towel (also a bath towel);

  • clean sheet;
  • change of linen;
  • head cap (woolen or special felt);
  • regular towel;
  • flip-flops or other rubber shoes;
  • shower gel and shampoo;
  • a hard mitten for rubbing the body;
  • broom.

The broom is selected according to the state of the body and soul))
You can also take with you products to make first a scrub , and then a mask for the face and body , and herbal infusions to pour on the heater. a drink with you : herbs brewed in a thermos, tea or still mineral water.

How to tie a toga

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The toga, once the attire of the ancient Romans, has now become a popular costume at many events, including costume parties, festivals and masquerades. The good thing about a toga is that it can be created at the last minute, as a simple white sheet will do. From this article you will learn how to tie a toga on yourself and transform into a person from past times.

How to tie a classic toga from the back

  1. 1

    Fold the sheet in half lengthwise. Find a double sheet (150 cm wide and 190 cm long or more) and fold it in half. If you need a longer toga, tuck the sheet only a quarter of the way.[1]

  2. 2

    Throw the gathered end of the sheet over your shoulder. Leaving most of the sheet behind your back, throw one end over either shoulder. Adjust this end of the sheet so that it goes down to your waist.

  3. 3

    Bring the fabric from the back to the front. Holding one end of the sheet on your shoulder with one hand, with the other hand grab the part of the sheet that hangs on your back and bring it forward. Gather the fabric when it is at the front.

  4. 4

    Wrap the long end around your body. Hold the gathered long end of the sheet in your hand and wrap it around your body. Bring the fabric down your back, under your arms, and across your chest.

  5. 5

    Throw the remaining end of the fabric over the same shoulder. After wrapping the long end around your body (perhaps several times), bring the rest of the fabric over the shoulder you started with.

  6. 6

    Adjust your toga if necessary. Straighten or gather the material into folds and pin it with pins so that it falls to the level you need on your feet. You may have to make several attempts before you get it the way you intended. Take the time to smooth out the toga's layers and folds nicely.

  7. 7

    Secure the fabric to the shoulder. Use a safety pin or decorative brooch to secure the gathered fabric in place at the shoulder. You can also simply knot the two ends of the fabric at the shoulder.[2]

How to tie a classic toga from the front

  1. 1

    Fold the sheet in half lengthwise. Find a double sheet (150 cm wide and 190 cm long or more) and fold it in half. If you need a longer toga, tuck the sheet only a quarter of the way.

  2. 2

    Grab the sheet directly in front of you to throw one end over your shoulder. Take one end of the sheet to drape a few inches of fabric over your shoulder from front to back. This end should go down to about your buttocks.[3]

  3. 3

    Wrap the sheet around your body. Take the long end of the sheet and draw it diagonally across your chest and under your arm. Next, wrap the fabric around your back, pass it under your other arm, and pass it across your chest again.

  4. 4

    Tuck the remaining end of the sheet under the gathered fabric at the shoulder. Slide the end of the sheet that you wrapped around your body under the other end that is gathered over your shoulder.

  5. 5

    Adjust and secure the toga. Adjust the length of the toga by straightening or folding and pinning the fabric so that it reaches the desired level on your legs. You may have to make several attempts before you get it right. Take the time to smooth out the toga's layers and folds nicely. If necessary, pin the fabric.

Women's version of the toga with open shoulders

  1. 1

    Fold the sheet crosswise. Fold the sheet crosswise to the length that suits your height. The fabric should start from the armpits and go down to the legs. How much to hide or reveal your legs is up to you.

  2. 2

    Wrap the sheet around your body. Holding the folded sheet behind your back, bring both ends forward under your arms. Wrap the longer end around your chest and back, and then bring it forward again.[4]

  3. 3

    Tuck the remaining end under the layers of fabric on the chest. When you bring the remaining end of the fabric forward, slide it on top under the remaining layers of fabric, as you do with a bath towel. Make sure the sheet fits snugly across your chest.

  4. 4

    Adjust and secure the toga. Take the time to smooth out the layers and folds of the fabric nicely.

  5. 5

    Tie a belt over the toga. Tie a belt or rope directly under the bust to secure the toga in place and give it an attractive empire silhouette.

Women's toga with neck loop

  1. 1

    Fold the sheet crosswise. Stand and hold the sheet in front of you. Fold it crosswise to the desired length. It should cover the body from the armpits to the legs. How much to hide or reveal your legs is up to you.

  2. 2

    Wrap the sheet around yourself. Holding the fold of fabric horizontally in front of you, place one end of the fabric against your chest and wrap the other around your body, like a bath towel. Make sure that from the forward end of the sheet there is approximately 0.9-1 m of free fabric for the neck loop.[5]

  3. 3

    Tie the toga around your neck. Twist the free end of the toga several times to create a tourniquet. Throw the tourniquet over your shoulder, pass it behind your neck and bring it forward. Tie the ends of the sheet together.[6]

  4. 4

    Adjust and secure the toga. Take the time to straighten out the layers and folds of the fabric, then pin the toga to the top you're wearing underneath it. Take special care to pin the neck loop securely.

  5. 5

    Accessorize your toga. Although accessories are optional, they will add interest to your outfit. For example, tie a belt or rope belt under your bust or at your natural waistline. Pin the brooch to your chest directly under one of the neck loop straps.

Saree style toga

  1. 1

    Fold the sheet lengthwise. Stand up and hold the sheet horizontally in front of you. Fold it lengthwise to the desired length for your height. It should cover the body from the waist to the feet.

  2. 2

    Place one end of the sheet at the front of your waist. Take the folded sheet horizontally behind your back and bring one end of it forward (a few tens of centimeters long) to attach it to your waist and form a skirt. At the top, tuck this end under the layer of fabric of the rest of the fabric, as if you were wrapping yourself in a towel. The long end of the sheet will still be on the back side.

  3. 3

    Wrap the other end of the fabric around the front. Holding the sheet at your waist, bring the other end forward. Then wrap it around the front and pin the two layers of fabric together at the top of the skirt (at the waist).

  4. 4

    Wrap the sheet completely around your body once again. Continue wrapping the fabric around your body: from the front, bring the fabric under your arm and across your back. Then pass the fabric under your other hand to bring it forward again.

  5. 5

    Throw the remaining end over your shoulder. As soon as you bring the free end of the fabric forward, place it diagonally across your chest and throw the rest over the opposite shoulder. This end should gather in folds over the shoulder and hang down the back.

    • If you have twine, tie it around the small of your back and grab the end of the sheet that hangs down your back.

Who should not go to the bathhouse?

Unfortunately, not everyone will benefit from visiting a bathhouse. There are also contraindications. First of all, this is any purulent disease. Even a small pimple with a purulent head will become large and painful. Not to mention more serious processes. If there is purulent inflammation somewhere, you cannot warm yourself. This is clear. So many conditions and diseases immediately disappear. In addition, going to the bathhouse is contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • tumor diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute conditions in diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonia in the acute stage);

You cannot take children under 4 years old to the steam room. There are also restrictions for older people. This procedure is also contraindicated for them. Doctors do not recommend visiting the steam room during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but many neglect these recommendations.

Expectant mothers ignore doctors' advice not to visit the steam room

Finally, watch a master class on steaming in Russian baths. A lot of useful information in this video.

Method 2 of 5: Classic Toga Front Tie

Drape one end of the fabric over your shoulder. Fold the sheet in front of you. Take one end of the sheet, drape it a couple of meters in front of you and throw one end over your left shoulder. The draped end should go down the back to your butt.

Wrap it up. Take the long end of the sheet and fold it diagonally across your chest and under your right arm. Then across your back, under your left arm and around your chest again.

Wrap it up. Tuck this long end (which comes from under your left arm) under the part of the fabric that already encircles your chest. Here you can adjust the length of the toga. Fold and pin the material at the length you like. The fabric should touch your feet. You can start by trying to pin the fabric several times until you find the length you want.

Secure and check. Work on the beautiful folds of your toga. Then secure it with pins.

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