Homemade bath scrubs for gorgeous, glowing skin

A body scrub is a popular way to exfoliate your skin. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but it is better to make your own homemade scrub using affordable ingredients that everyone can find.

Body scrubs are like dessert in the skin care world. Exfoliators not only feel physically, but often smell like a real treat. They do not replace washing products, but complement them, turning the process into a real pleasure. Scrubs after a bath are especially effective.

No matter how busy you are, your skin needs proper care, which is where scrubs come in. Learning how to make them yourself is not at all difficult. In addition, homemade scrubs do not contain harmful substances or preservatives that can harm the skin.

Benefits of using body scrubs

Regular use of scrubs can improve the health and appearance of your skin. Mechanical exfoliation removes the top layer of dead cells and stimulates collagen production, which helps the skin remain firm and taut.

Don’t discount the fact that massaging your skin with a scrub is a great way to relax, makes you feel calmer, relieves stress and accumulated fatigue.

As dermatologist Howard Sobel said:

“Exfoliating your face and body is incredibly important because it rids the skin of buildup and dead cells. Scrubs make it brighter, smoother and healthier.”

Including scrubbing in your body care routine is the key to beautiful, glowing skin. Scrubs help keep it clean and reduce the likelihood of rashes. "Exfoliators help cleanse the skin, remove impurities, and prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads," says dermatologist Shari Sperling.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

If you have sensitive or very dry skin, talk to your esthetician or dermatologist to find out if exfoliating with a body scrub is right for you.

Hair masks in the sauna

All women, without exception, dream of well-groomed and healthy hair. A trip to the sauna is exactly the time when, with the help of homemade cosmetics, you can significantly improve the appearance and structure of your curls.

The most effective hair masks in the sauna are:

Masks consisting of different oils. You can take burdock, castor, olive oil, mix with glycerin and shampoo, apply over the entire length for 30 minutes. Create a thermal effect on your head using a plastic bag and a towel. Home lamination is in no way inferior to expensive salon procedures. To do this, you need to melt food gelatin in a steam bath and mix it with a store-bought hair mask. After application, wrap your head in cellophane and a towel for 1.5-2 hours. After this procedure, your hair will look like that of actresses from shampoo commercials. A mixture of eggs and honey will add shine to your hair. Mix burdock oil with egg, honey and glycerin, keep on your head for no more than 20 minutes. It is not advisable to visit the steam room with such a mask.

So, having become acquainted with a number of useful recipes and tips, you shouldn’t put your new knowledge into the back burner. It is advisable to take recommendations that are suitable for yourself and put them into practice tomorrow, because thanks to the gifts of nature and human ingenuity, you can maintain health and beauty while enjoying it! The main thing is not to be lazy to use such opportunities.

Bath and scrubs

Homemade scrubs are in no way inferior to those bought in a store or pharmacy. Everyone can prepare them to their own taste and taking into account the characteristics of their skin, excluding harmful components or those ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.

Using scrubs after a bath increases the effectiveness of creams applied to the skin. Thanks to scrubbing, the cream will be able to penetrate deeper into the skin, maximally nourishing and moisturizing them.

It has been proven that daily use of scrubs does not do any good and can make your skin dry, sensitive and irritated. That is why the combination of bath procedures with skin care will be simply ideal.

It is safe to exfoliate your skin two to three times a week.

What benefits does using a scrub in a bath provide:

  • getting rid of dead skin and its dead particles;
  • skin regeneration, oxygen and water exchange in cells improves;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • better absorption of skin care products;
  • effective cleansing of pores;
  • allows you to maintain and make your tan more even.

Skin preparation

Both store-bought and self-prepared scrubs should be applied only to previously prepared skin. It should be steamed thoroughly. According to bath lovers, the first visit to the steam room is not the right time to use any care products. The ideal moment for this would be to exit the steam room after the second session, when the pores are maximally opened. Moreover, it is recommended to take a shower first and only then apply the scrub to clean skin.

What do you need to make your own body scrub?

Preparing a homemade scrub is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare everything you need in advance:

  1. Measuring utensils (bowl, cup, spoon).

  2. A container in which everything will be mixed.
  3. Base oil is the basis of the scrub. You can take coconut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, almond oil or olive oil.
  4. Sugar or salt (exfoliant).
  5. Optional additional ingredients - essential oils, honey, green tea, coffee, cocoa, etc.
  6. An airtight container for storing the finished scrub.

If you want to add essential oils to your body scrub, do a test with the diluted oil on your skin first to make sure you are not allergic to the oil.

The best essential oils with a healing effect:

  • Based on citrus fruits (bergamot, orange, lemon, tangerine) - in addition to the invigorating and refreshing nature of the oils, they have mild antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, helping damaged skin.
  • Geranium – Due to its ability to balance sebum secretion, this essential oil is ideal for all skin types. Geranium also has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe itchy skin.

  • Lavender is the most popular essential oil, loved for its sweet aroma and ability to soothe the skin. Combines well with almost all base oils.
  • Frankincense – This ancient oil has proven effective against uneven skin tone caused by aging or sunburn and combats age spots.
  • Tea Tree – Tea tree essential oil has strong antiseptic properties. This is an excellent choice for products designed to treat common skin infections.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

When preparing homemade scrubs, it is very important to achieve the correct consistency of the finished product so that it is not too liquid (then the scrub will spread), or too thick (it will be very difficult to take), or too crumbly (the scrub will simply crumble like sand).

Below are some of the most popular and proven recipes for preparing body scrubs, which are convenient to use both in the bathhouse and in the shower or bath. Treat your body!

The right choice of honey for bath procedures

To properly steam in a honey bath, you need to know which product is suitable for such purposes. Many experts believe that honey in a bath should be soft and viscous, unsugared.

The soft structure of the liquid ensures ease of application and rapid absorption. When using the product as an anti-cellulite product, it is better to give preference to candied bee nectar. In this case, its consumption will be much less, and the positive effect will be higher: you will get a mild cleanser that will help warm up the muscles, disperse the blood and improve metabolic processes.

The choice of the most suitable type of honey is determined by the end result that needs to be achieved. Often, any bee nectar is used in baths and saunas, but the following products are in demand:

  • from linden – has antibacterial, wound-healing and rejuvenating effects;
  • from buckwheat – accelerates metabolism, improves immunity, promotes detoxification;
  • from wildflowers – has a sedative effect, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs;
  • from acacia - used in the treatment of various skin diseases;
  • from rapeseed – promotes regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin, slowing down the aging process.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best cleansing lotion for the face

How to use honey and other natural products to get the maximum effect from bath procedures? Honey in the bath has found its use as drinks, scrubs, rubs, massages and masks.

Sugar scrub with eucalyptus and orange essential oils

This homemade sugar scrub is perfect for tired legs and feet. The reason for choosing eucalyptus essential oil is that it has an amazing soothing effect, makes the skin cool and fresh, and also helps relieve joint pain.


  • 1/2 cup coconut or olive oil;
  • 1.5 cups brown sugar (you can use white sugar);
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.


  1. In a bowl, combine one cup of sugar and butter, stir until a paste forms.
  2. Then you need to add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. To obtain a thicker scrub consistency, add the remaining sugar gradually as you stir.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a container with a lid and store in a cool, dry place.

Lavender and lemon scrub for face, neck and hands

This sugar scrub is renowned for its soothing and moisturizing properties. And what a scent it has!


  • 1/2 cup coconut or almond oil;
  • 1.5 cups white (or brown) sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1-2 teaspoons dried lavender.


  1. Mix sugar and butter in a bowl.
  2. Add essential oils to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. Then add dried lavender and mix again.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

When using a scrub specifically for the face and neck, it is better to use ground sugar, since its particles are smaller and less aggressive for these sensitive areas.

If during storage the essential oils have evaporated or dried out, you can simply add more of them.

Bath scrub “Exotic rose and hibiscus”

If you're looking for a luxurious, aromatic body scrub recipe, this is it. Not only will your skin be smooth and glowing, but it will also smell divine.


  • 1/3 cup jojoba oil or coconut oil;
  • 1/3 cup almond oil;
  • 2 small cups white sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon dried rose petals;
  • 1 tablespoon hibiscus petals;
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of rose essential oil.


  1. Mix almond oil with jojoba oil and sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add essential oils to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. Then add rose petals and hibiscus and mix again. The flowers should be evenly distributed in the mixture.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

This scrub, combined with bath procedures, has antioxidant properties. It will help your skin tone and cope with age-related changes.


  • 1/2 cup jojoba oil or olive oil;
  • 1 cup white sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 8 drops of vanilla essential oil or half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix all ingredients. A thick paste should be obtained by adding or reducing sugar/oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Body scrub with coffee and sugar

Probably one of the most popular homemade scrub recipes. Coffee is rich in antioxidants that help fight cellulite, and the sugar in this mixture acts as an exfoliant that helps get rid of dead skin. Olive oil penetrates deeply into the skin, moisturizing it and keeping it healthy.


  • 1/4 cup ground coffee;
  • ¼ cup white sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil;
  • 3 capsules of vitamin E.


  1. Combine sugar and coffee.
  2. Add oil and capsule contents to them. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Homemade sea salt scrub

Sea salt is rich in minerals that help your skin look young and healthy. Using this scrub after a bath improves blood circulation and also helps reduce problems such as scars and stretch marks (not old ones).


  • 1 cup sea salt;
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil;
  • 5-15 drops of any essential oil.


  1. Mix all ingredients to form a thick paste.
  2. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Healing properties of products

Sea salt

The number 1 enemy of cellulite and wrinkles is sea salt.

The unique cleansing abilities of salt are based on changes in the osmotic pressure of cells. It literally dissolves and draws out harmful toxic elements along with excess fluid.

Exfoliates dead skin particles, heals microcracks, and promotes tissue regeneration.

Salt has a lifting effect and helps return clearer contours to the figure. It enriches the body with healing natural minerals: magnesium, sodium, iodine, selenium, calcium, and many others.

Ground coffee

Fresh ground coffee or coffee grounds are a wonderful nutritious natural cleanser.

Coffee bath scrub gives the skin silky softness, restores elasticity and soft firmness. The healing tonic substances of the product give the skin natural energy and saturate it with valuable vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes.

Hair masks with coffee give a wonderful rich shade, treat dandruff, and give a natural healthy shine. Do not do the procedure before bed.

Natural honey

Fresh natural bee honey from the apiary is a unique healer for a fading and plump figure.

A bath scrub made from honey and salt instantly restores the correct metabolism of cellular substances, eliminates new fat deposits, and breaks down old reserves in the form of rollers and compactions.

It draws out toxins of any nature - organic microorganisms and non-living substances: heavy metals. Relieves tissue from swelling.

This is a surprisingly generous substance in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants.

Body scrubs in the bath, masks, honey wraps are a miracle of transformation of the most neglected figure from the first procedure. The only condition is that parts of the body must be treated one at a time, avoiding covering a large area of ​​skin at once.

Coconut scrub with salt and sugar

This recipe is a homemade analogue of the “Coconut” scrub from VkusVill. A dry scrub with a delicate coconut aroma perfectly cleanses, moisturizes and softens the skin, and has a rejuvenating effect.


  • 15 grams of small coconut flakes;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil.


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Use immediately on washed skin.

You can pound the coconut shavings a little in a mortar to soften the particles slightly.

How to use body scrubs correctly?

After performing bath procedures, the skin should be moistened with warm water and a scrub should be applied in a circular motion.

For greater effect, use your fingers to gently massage the skin with the scrub for several minutes. There should be no feeling of discomfort or pain. There is no need to rub very hard so as not to injure the skin.

Then rinse off the remaining scrub from the skin with cool water.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

It is better to massage the skin of the legs from the bottom up, from the ankles to the hips along the lymph flow, thighs, buttocks, abdomen - in a circular motion. This is necessary in order not to disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system and speed it up. Improving lymph flow allows you to get an anti-cellulite effect.

Body scrub is a simple and effective care product that can quickly put your skin in order. Making bath scrubs yourself is not difficult, but using them is even easier. They are an excellent alternative to purchased scrubs, they are more affordable and not dangerous, since the main ingredients are sugar/salt, oil and healthy natural additives. Homemade scrubs can be used to both cleanse and soften and nourish your skin.

What do you need to remember?

When choosing cosmetic procedures for a bath or sauna, you should take into account that under the influence of steam, the skin will become more susceptible to active substances and more vulnerable to irritants. Therefore you need:

be sure that there is no individual intolerance to the drug: under conditions of increased blood flow, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction increases significantly; use “aggressive” components with caution for dry skin prone to irritation: it is better to refrain, for example, from sea salt, and use oatmeal or candied honey as the basis for peeling; Do not peel or use scrubs if there are inflammatory elements (pimples) and pustules: the infection may spread further.

Important! Before visiting a bathhouse or sauna, you need to exclude the presence of health contraindications

The simplest homemade beauty recipes acquire special power in a bathhouse. Slimness, attractiveness and youth are just a few of the gifts of bath procedures. It is no coincidence that in Rus' they said: “steaming in a bathhouse is a day without growing old.” No beauty salon can compare in its effectiveness with the bath spirit!

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Question answer

Can a scrub be harmful to the skin?

If there are no irritations, wounds or microcracks on the skin, using the scrub will be absolutely safe. Scrubs work great on dry, rough areas of skin on elbows, knees and heels.

Which scrub is better: sugar or salt?

Sugar grains have a less pronounced abrasive effect (due to their rounded shape), so sugar-based scrubs are softer. This allows them to be used to care for even sensitive areas of the skin.

How long can homemade scrubs be stored?

As a rule, most homemade scrubs can be stored for several months, provided that storage rules are followed. The specific timing also depends on the ingredients included in the scrub.

Can I use homemade scrubs to cleanse my face?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to choose the most gentle oil-based scrub options.

What oil is best for a sugar scrub?

Olive oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or virgin coconut oil are good choices for sugar scrubs.

Hand care: basic rules

To prevent the skin of your hands from losing its external attractiveness, it is recommended to follow the basic rules for caring for the epidermis:

  • Wear gloves when working with soil or washing dishes;
  • after using cleaning agents, wash your hands thoroughly and use a special cream afterwards;
  • use protective equipment when going outside;
  • do not use cosmetic products for hands that contain alcohol or glycerin, as these components draw liquid from the epidermis, which causes dry skin on the hands;
  • follow the rules of proper nutrition and drinking regime, since the condition of the epidermis depends on this;
  • use special cosmetic preparations for hands;
  • Take baths every 7 days;
  • Massage your hands regularly as this improves blood circulation;
  • Use a hand scrub weekly to rid the epidermis of dead skin cells.
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