Horseradish sauna or how you can use horseradish in a sauna

Many people like to wash in the shower or bath without wasting precious time going to the bathhouse. But these are just hygiene procedures. And only in the bath does healing occur, hardening of the body and strengthening of the immune system. Yellmed reveals the secrets of bath procedures.


How is a bath useful? This is what the combination of high temperature and humidity gives us :

  • the body is cleansed of accumulated waste and toxins
  • muscles relax
  • improves blood circulation and increases the elasticity of ligaments
  • venous congestion is eliminated
  • cleanses pores and smoothes out wrinkles
  • blood vessels are strengthened and blood pressure stabilizes.

When the body warms up to 40 degrees, most viruses die

. In a word, it is difficult to overestimate all the benefits of visiting a bathhouse with a steam room. But in order to get all these bonuses, as well as the pleasure of visiting the bathhouse, you must follow some rules. Let's talk about them.

Preparing for a visit to the bathhouse

Firstly, a trip to the bathhouse needs to be planned in advance and prepared for it.

In order not to harm your body,
you should not visit the bathhouse either with a full stomach or on an empty stomach.
The best option would be a light snack, maybe fruits or vegetables, but 2-3 hours before the bath.

Before entering the steam room, you should take a warm shower, without soap or washcloth,

to warm up the skin. They should be gradually prepared for exposure to high temperatures. Under no circumstances should you wet your hair.

You should enter the steam room with a dry head, covered with a headdress made of natural fabrics: felt, linen, wool, cotton. Women need to remove makeup and jewelry,

so as not to get burned.

How to drink without going crazy

The most important thing is in moderation. As with any other strong drink, low, thick glass shots of 50-100 grams, slightly turned at the top, are appropriate for horseradish. Horseradish, whether in everyday life or in the bathhouse, requires a delicate approach and understanding of the aftertaste. Cool it thoroughly. Freeze the decanter without hesitation. Do not swallow in one gulp. Drink slowly, aspirately, savoring it, holding the liquid in your mouth a little. Properly prepared horseradish will never take you harshly by the throat and will not let you burst into tears from bitterness, if only it squeezes out a stingy tear of tenderness. Don't forget about a proper snack. Jellied meat, hot chop, liver steamed with spices - that’s it.

This is probably the most appropriate drink after hard physical work and from the cold. Some experts unequivocally and categorically recommend it as a powerful means of recovery after taking a bath with an ice hole. Yes, perhaps, as a prevention of colds, few can compete with it. And just like that, if you’re in a bad mood, there’s snow and slush outside the dressing room window - don’t forget that there is bad vodka, in the good sense of the word.

First run

The purpose of the first visit to the steam room is to warm up the body and sweat.

Therefore, it is better to start from the bottom shelf, where the temperature is lower. You can just sit, or lay down a sheet, lie down and relax.


For better sweating, you can rub yourself with lemon,

then the pores will open quickly and widely.

The time of the first visit to the steam room should not exceed 5-10 minutes,

depending on how you feel. In general, you should not act like a hero or perform feats in a bathhouse; all procedures should be carried out with pleasure and listening to your body.

After warming up, you need to rest a little. At the same time, there is a rule that you should rest more time than you steam.

You don’t need to sit down or lie down immediately after leaving the steam room, but it would be nice to walk leisurely for 5 minutes and wash off the toxins released with sweat under a warm shower.

With lemon for hangover

Alexei Eromenko, the head master of public baths of the highest category “Parovozov”, demonstrated oriental steaming with an oak broom, which has long been considered masculine and gives strength. First, a person heated with steam is rubbed with lemon; its juice allows you to sweat faster.

“Then we warm it up, turn it over, and steam it through the sheets, after rubbing it with honey and herbs. These are fresh lemon balm, eucalyptus, mint. The duration of this soaring is 20 minutes. Thanks to the sheets, the effect of a cedar barrel is created. This is a warming up of the body and a phytoprocedure,” said the parmaster.

Another very interesting vaping, according to him, is “Hangover.”

“We bring the guest into contrast. First, we warm it up in a bathhouse at a temperature of 80 degrees, then take it out into an ice bath with a water temperature of 8 degrees. Then we start it and finish it. It invigorates and has a good effect on blood vessels, making the skin more toned,” explained Eromenko.

The steamer in the women's section of the Parovozov baths, Irina Shamshina, in turn, noted that ladies prefer a simple steam for ten minutes; they cannot stand it longer. There is also an invigorating steam bath with frozen mineral water.

“It's an invigorating vaping. “Karachinskaya” freezes in the bottle, I crack it and wipe the warmed-up person with a broom, he is invigorated by this, we turn it over and do the same. Vaping not only gives you energy. When the pores are very open, the skin is saturated with useful minerals from the water,” said Shamshina.

Second run

On your second visit to the steam room, you can use a broom

. It must be prepared in advance. First, the broom should be rinsed with warm water, shaken off and placed in a plastic bag. Tie the bag so that only the broom handle sticks out. If you immediately soak a broom in boiling water, then all the leaves may fly off it, and it will be very uncomfortable for them to steam.

Using a broom is not only a body massage, but also aromatherapy

Therefore, first apply the broom to your face and inhale its aroma. Then warm your feet and lower back with a broom. And don’t whip yourself too hard, but do it smoothly, stirring up the steam, and lightly touch the skin with the broom. how to choose a broom
in a separate article.

Cabbage's brother

Many people don’t believe it, but botanists classify horseradish as a member of the cabbage / cruciferous / family, which, by the way, includes another representative of the “evil and pungent” ones - the radish.

From time immemorial, these two plants accompanied the life of our ancestors. Who doesn’t remember the famous saying “Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes” - suitable for all occasions and situations.

Since ancient times, its powerful, richly emerald leaves have been clustered on garden boundaries and the outskirts of gardens. Not because there was no more worthy place for him in the garden beds. But because, like a real guardian, he kept and protected the gardens from various harmful brethren. By the way, he himself has practically no pests. The only one that can devour the plant is the cruciferous flea beetle, causing the horseradish leaves to become smashed into a small hole.

In an era when refrigerators were not mentioned even in Russian folk tales, the whitish root helped keep food fresh. What about pickles? Cucumber-tomatoes without the root and leaf of this non-trivial plant are a huge flaw and an irreparable loss in the recipe for a spicy brine. What about the seasoning? In native Russian cuisine, he is the king, without appeals or discussions. On Vasiliev's table, a pig's head is the main traditional treat of the winter holiday of St. Basil's, and they wouldn't even put it on display without it. Like any wonderful plant, our hero is shrouded in an aura of secrets and mysteries. The Slavic sorcerers truly believed that the evil, caustic root had the power to expel from the body not only the most inveterate illnesses and infirmities, but also to irrevocably drive away all evil spirits from the right place. That is why the most successful treasure hunters always carried in a canvas in their bosom three horseradish roots tied in a sophisticated cross knot with a harsh thread.

The healers treated his ulcers and wounds with fresh paste. And how many soldiers’ arms and legs were saved by the regimental military doctors of the Russian Imperial Army, who treated their grandfather’s healing potion with respect and pride.

How can such a wonderful miracle be possible without traditional Russian vodka? No way!

Her Majesty Zaparka

To prepare the steaming, you can use herbal infusions and essential oils.

depending on your health or your preferences.
For example, to create a bactericidal steaming,
mint, thyme, calendula, St. John's wort and sage herbs are taken in equal quantities.
For a relaxing effect,
you can use a mixture of mint, chamomile, thyme, and spruce needles.
This mixture is also very suitable for smokers. A mixture of tansy, bison, lavender will give a tonic effect.
You can make a simpler brew - from just one herb. For example, from linden color

It causes increased sweating, helps cure colds, and helps with insomnia. Wormwood
contains a large amount of essential oils that help improve performance, strengthen memory, and reduce headaches.
A sprig of wormwood can also be added to a broom. Chamomile
contains carotene and ascorbic acid – vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, and promotes general relaxation.
relieves muscle tension and reduces the level of stress hormones in the body.
Even an infusion of horseradish leaves
can be used for steaming. It strengthens the immune system and fights colds.


In general, you can experiment with parks. The main thing is to create aromatic steam

Humid air has greater thermal conductivity, so in the steam room the body warms up more deeply. Redness of the skin is a signal that the warming up was successful. At the same time, the blood accelerates, and strong blood flow cleans the vessels, removes cholesterol plaques and other deposits from them. You can also take crushed grass or a mixture of herbs,
sprinkle it on the body in a thick layer and “drive” it into the body with a bath broom.

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Horseradish leaves are the aromatic leaves of a plant in the Brassica family. Horseradish leaves are quite large, oval-shaped, oblong (see photo). The Latin name for horseradish is Armoracia. The vegetable received its familiar name thanks to the ancient Russian language, where the word “horseradish” meant “smell.”

The homeland of this plant is the Mediterranean. Horseradish gained its fame in Russia, then German chefs learned about it, and they also liked the product. In Rus' there was even a custom of testing the bride and groom with horseradish. At one time, horseradish was considered a magical plant; it was worn to protect against evil forces, and sometimes used as a “love spell” to win the heart of a loved one.

In Greece, horseradish was considered not just a seasoning, but a complete dish. In England, it was grown exclusively for medicinal purposes: horseradish was used for fever, digestive diseases, and to accelerate hair growth. This plant is widespread throughout Europe and is used as a seasoning.

Growing and care

Growing horseradish on your own plot is not difficult; it is a cold-resistant plant and grows from early winter until late autumn. The only thing this plant needs is regular watering; if there is insufficient moisture, the yield will be poor. Horseradish is propagated using cuttings, which are prepared in the fall, for which the upper end of the stem is cut off horizontally and the lower end obliquely. Until spring, the cuttings are stored in bunches in a cool place. Horseradish is planted simultaneously with the sowing of early vegetable crops. It can be fertilized, and at the beginning of the growing season it is better to fertilize with nitrogen, and in the second period with potassium.

Fresh horseradish leaves are harvested as they grow, and the root itself is dug up in early November. It is advisable to store horseradish in the cellar, sprinkled with sand. For simplicity and ease of storage, you can make flour from horseradish roots. For this purpose, horseradish roots are thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces and dried in the oven until the root becomes brittle. Small pieces of horseradish are crushed in a mortar. Horseradish root flour can be stored all winter; it is better to store it in a glass jar.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of horseradish are due to the presence of phytoncides in its composition - natural substances that kill bad microorganisms. Horseradish leaves contain carotene, vitamins B and C, as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, copper, and sulfur. Horseradish leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C, even more than lemons, making it an effective remedy against scurvy.

Unlike many other products of plant origin, horseradish leaves contain protein, carbohydrates and fats, which determine the beneficial properties of the product. Few people know that horseradish leaves cleanse the body of toxins and prevent the deposition of salts . An alcoholic tincture of the leaves, when used for a long time, helps remove salts from the body, which helps with joint pain. Regular consumption of horseradish promotes moderate regeneration of cartilage tissue.

Horseradish leaves increase appetite and have a beneficial effect on digestion . When ingested, horseradish activates the production of enzymes and gastric juice. The calorie content of the product is 64 kilocalories per 100 g due to the presence of vegetable proteins. In order to digest horseradish, the body spends more calories than it receives from it, so horseradish will definitely not cause weight gain.

Horseradish is considered a natural antibiotic because it kills bad microorganisms. Externally, horseradish leaves can be used as antiseptic dressings. The bactericidal properties of the leaves have been known for a long time; housewives added horseradish leaves to the brine for cucumbers and tomatoes to prevent the development of bacteria and mold. When horseradish is consumed, its active substances disinfect the oral cavity and help treat inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes.

For osteochondrosis, traditional medicine recommends taking baths from horseradish leaves. Young leaves, about 500 g, are washed, dried, and then poured with boiling water (3 l) and left for a day in a closed container. Before taking a bath, the infusion is filtered and poured into a warm bath; the procedure lasts 30 minutes.

In cosmetology, horseradish is used to get rid of freckles and age spots . To remove stains, wipe the face with a water infusion of horseradish.

Use in cooking

In cooking, horseradish leaves are used for preservation, and horseradish itself is used for making sauces. Russian cuisine has long revered horseradish; it was added to salads and pickled vegetables. Horseradish leaves protect pickles from mold. In descriptions of Russian dinners, horseradish appeared as a traditional addition to jelly and roast pig.

Young horseradish leaves go well with meat dishes, adding a spicy kick; a few juicy leaves can be added to soup or used to decorate sandwiches. Powder from dried horseradish leaves will not only add flavor to the dish, but will also benefit the body. Horseradish goes well with jellied dishes, poultry, and pork.

Benefits of horseradish leaves and treatment

The benefits of horseradish leaves are enormous. They are used to treat many diseases. Thus, a tincture from the leaves of this plant helps with hepatitis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, metabolic disorders, and atherosclerosis . With osteochondrosis, the mobility of the thoracic, cervical and spinal region is limited, and pain often occurs. Essential oils and phytoncides help relieve pain. The most common methods of treating these diseases are tincture and compresses of horseradish leaves. The tincture is very simple to prepare: fill a glass jar with crushed horseradish leaves, then pour the mixture with vodka, then put the jar in the refrigerator. After a week, the mixture is filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. The tincture can be enriched with lemon juice or 3 tablespoons of bee honey. This remedy is effective for liver cirrhosis, female and male diseases, and viral hepatitis. The maximum period for taking the tincture is 3 months. The tincture helps with sinusitis and strengthens the body after winter. The tincture is used externally for muscle pain and back pain.

Compresses from young horseradish leaves are applied to the chest, neck or waist. The leaves are scalded with boiling water and applied warm to the affected area. The compress is left overnight, being sure to cover it with film; you can additionally wrap it in a scarf or warm handkerchief. In the morning, remove the compress and wipe off the white coating on the surface of the skin. These are the salts that horseradish extracted. Compresses should be done in a course of 10 nightly procedures; if the case is advanced, then treatment can be continued if necessary.

Fresh horseradish leaves are a good remedy for headaches . The leaves are applied to the temples for 10 minutes, and the smell of crushed horseradish root is inhaled for the same purpose.

Harm of horseradish leaves and contraindications

Horseradish leaves can cause harm to the body in diseases such as gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, and kidney disease. In large quantities, horseradish and its leaves negatively affect digestion.

“Eat horseradish and you will survive” - this is what popular wisdom says. For many of us, horseradish is primarily a spice, but do we pay attention to horseradish leaves? What is useful about them? How to use horseradish leaves for our health?

Horseradish is a perennial representative of the cabbage family flora. It grows in Europe, and comes from the Mediterranean regions. The medicinal properties of horseradish were well known to our ancestors. The Greeks still make a separate dish with it, and the British use it only as a medicinal plant.

Today it is a popular seasoning: there are people who are indifferent to horseradish in their diet, and there are many who cannot imagine a meal without it. Horseradish has the ability to increase appetite, makes food more aromatic and piquant, and improves the overall tone of the body. Horseradish root is used in cooking as a seasoning for fish and meat; it is especially good in Russian jellied meat. Horseradish leaves are used in marinades and vegetables sealed for the winter.

There are many varieties of this plant, including wild ones, and its relatives are radishes and mustard. The pungency and spiciness of horseradish already speak about some of its features, about the specific composition. Horseradish leaves are also widely used in cooking, as is its root. Ordinary plants that we are used to eating can be very beneficial for our body. We will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of horseradish leaves.

Horseradish leaves not only enrich our taste, but also help in the treatment of many diseases.

Hot and cold

, contrast procedures give a very good effect

sudden dousing with cold water, diving into a pool or into a snowdrift, if possible.
At the same time, the pores quickly close, the heated blood flows from the skin into the body, washing and healing all organs. Of course, such procedures are not used on the first visit to the bathhouse. Everything needs gradualness. For novice bath attendants, it is better to take a cool shower
or swim in the pool after the steam room. After the steam room, it is not recommended to rub your skin with a towel, as this causes increased sweating. It is better to sit, wrapped in a sheet made of natural fabrics, and gradually dry off.

Let us remind you that you need to rest more than you need to steam.

. If on your second visit you spent 10 minutes in the steam room, then your rest time should be at least 20 minutes.

What are the benefits of garlic for the human body?

The aroma of garlic in the bath enhances digestion and improves appetite

Garlic is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and phytoncides.

The spicy plant is known for its medicinal properties:

  • helps in the fight against viral and bacterial infections;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • strengthens blood vessels and reduces cholesterol levels.

Eating garlic is an effective prevention of cancer and vitamin C deficiency.

Tea break

The body secretes large amounts of fluid through sweat. Therefore, while relaxing, in order to increase the effect of visiting the steam room, you need to drink juice, still mineral water, or better yet, herbal tea

. Drinking alcohol in any form, smoking during breaks, drinking cold liquids are excluded! Although Peter the Great is credited with the saying “sell your underwear, but drink after the bath,” you still shouldn’t put such stress on your body.


It's better to drink mint tea,

which contains menthol and improves the patency of the upper respiratory tract, soothes and relieves pain.
Or lemon balm tea,
which normalizes heart rate and blood pressure, and activates the body's metabolic processes.
Thyme, chamomile, lingonberry leaf, currant leaves, rose hips, raspberry leaves or linden blossom
- tea for every taste.
And it will be even more beneficial if you add a little honey to it.
By the way, women, while relaxing between visits to the steam room, can apply scrubs and masks to the heated, steamed and cleansed skin of the face and body.

But Yellmed will discuss their preparation in more detail in the next article.

Horseradish damage

Any spice, if overused or used incorrectly, can cause negative consequences. For people who do not have digestive problems, horseradish is beneficial, but harmful to the health of those who suffer from diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Even if the disease is in remission, eating spices can cause a severe exacerbation. Excessive consumption of this plant in healthy people can cause stomach problems, bleeding and high blood pressure. It is contraindicated to add horseradish to food for pregnant women and children under four years of age.

Taking into account all the beneficial properties and contraindications of horseradish, we can come to the conclusion that it can be consumed daily, but in reasonable quantities.

Third run

After your third visit to the steam room, you can rub your skin with a hard mitten.

for better opening of pores.
It cleanses the skin well of dead particles and activates skin circulation, and also increases sweating by rubbing with a mixture of salt, mustard powder and water.
Adding a
solution of sea salt
activates cleansing of the body through the skin, nasopharynx and lungs. Mucus and sputum are rejected. Through cleansed skin, the body is freed from accumulated waste and toxins.


With deep heating, the spine becomes more flexible, elasticity is restored in the tendons and muscles, the hematopoietic red bone marrow releases stem cells into the bloodstream, which restore any damaged tissues of the body.

So, alternating heat and cold, you can go into the steam room, depending on the state of the body, 3-4 times,

but no more than 7 times. If nausea or dizziness occurs, you must leave the steam room. You need to get out of it in small steps, while holding onto the wall. In general, for safety reasons it is always better to steam together.

You need to complete the bath procedures correctly.

During your last visits to the steam room, you need to sit quietly on the lower shelves. It is easy to sweat and gradually reduce the heat load. After leaving the steam room, you should rest until your breathing stabilizes, your heart rate is restored and your body temperature returns to normal. There is an important rule that you leave the bathhouse with the same body temperature and humidity as when you entered it.

Massage with a block of wood

The steamer of the Zhykharka bath house, Alexander Morozov, showed a health program based on ancient Slavic healing practices.

The head of the Academy of Bathing, Vladislav Vorobyov, commented on all the actions of his colleague. First, Morozov used birch brooms to introduce the man to steam.

“A soft warmth approaches a person who is lying down. He relaxes and is ready to feel the subtle touches of a thousand leaves. This put our ancestors into a deep trance. Alexander does a poultice with a simultaneous massage, rocking his body as if in a cradle. The guest has the impression that his mother is babysitting him. Makes a final massage with melting movements. Thus, removing the bad from a person, allowing the flow of energy to go upward - this distinguishes the Russian bathhouse from those that exist in the world,” Vorobiev explained.

Then Morozov took willow twigs and began massaging them with light tapping. After that, he began working with a birch log, preheated in a steam room to 80 degrees.

“Point thermal radiation passes through the skin to the internal organs. Toxins are removed and removed through the skin. All pores expand, and there is a powerful drainage of poisons through sweat. Then this sweat is shaken off with a broom,” Vorobiev continued to comment.

The soaring ends with a broom that closes “certain channels.” “At first I wanted to follow the algorithm. Then I got lost and relaxed and flew around the universe. It's nice. It’s just great,” the steamed Andrey Kuznetsov shared his impressions.

Morozov noted that it took him a long time to create such a healing program, but everyone can try to repeat it in their own bathhouse. Brooms with a secret: what makes a bathhouse right?

“The main thing is to maintain a good temperature of 60-70 degrees, high humidity and continue as soon as your hands are ready. Every person has the memory of their ancestors, if he is in a chopped wooden bathhouse, then his hands move on their own,” said the steamer.

He added that there is only one main contraindication to the bathhouse - if a person cannot enter it himself, but in the rest one can work and previously many ailments were treated in the bathhouse.

According to Morozov, the ancestors in the bathhouse used everything that was at hand: they wrapped a person in hot sawdust and hay, and covered him with hot birch logs.

But each person will react differently to steam. “They come to the bathhouse with a sluggish temperature. You steam one, do some contrasts with willow brooms, and the next day he gets better. Another has a fever, but this is a boost to the immune system; at a temperature, the body fights bacteria,” said the steamer.

Folk recipes

How to treat joints with horseradish leaves? There are many topical recipes. You can prepare tinctures, decoctions, rubs, baths, and gruels for compresses. For the best effect, it is recommended to combine different forms of drugs.

Products for external use

A simple recipe with an anti-inflammatory effect is a compress on the joint from horseradish leaves: cut the horseradish leaves and pour boiling water over them. Let the water drain, but the leaves should remain hot. Place the resulting mass on gauze folded in several layers, wrap it and apply it to the inflamed joint. When the horseradish leaves have cooled, they can be replaced with a new, hot product. Keep the compress for about an hour. It can be done before bed and left until the morning, but only after you are sure that there is no reaction to horseradish.

When preparing compresses, horseradish can be combined with other anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants.

  • Grind the horseradish leaves and mix in equal proportions with the grated apple. Use the resulting pulp as a compress.
  • Mix chopped horseradish leaves with grated radish in an amount of 1:1. Add a little mustard to the mixture and use as a compress on the painful area. Instead of radish, you can use another irritant - radish. Or if there are none, and the pain in the joint does not allow you to sleep, you can add only mustard to the horseradish leaf pulp. However, do not leave this compress on all night and monitor the skin reaction every 15 minutes.

The simplest is to use a heated horseradish leaf for joint pain. To do this, take a clean sheet and dip it in boiling water for a few minutes to soften it. Wrap in cotton cloth and apply to the area of ​​inflammation. When the compress has cooled down, you can repeat the procedure.

Recommendation: Be sure to apply products that contain a lot of horseradish to the joint through gauze or cotton cloth so as not to cause irritation to the skin.

An alcohol compress with horseradish has a good analgesic effect due to the irritating effect of alcohol. To prepare it, take finely chopped horseradish leaves and place tightly in a liter jar. Mix alcohol with water in an amount of 1 part alcohol to 10 parts water. Pour the resulting liquid into the jar almost to the brim, close the lid and place in the refrigerator. Infuse the product for 2 weeks and then use it as a compress under gauze.

Please note that horseradish tincture for joints can burn, so keep it for no more than 5 minutes the first time, then check the application site. Due to the fact that the product improves blood circulation in the affected area, the skin will become red, the area above the joint will become hot, and the compress itself may cause some burning. However, if the procedure brings discomfort and severe pain, do not use it. Find other traditional medicine recipes that use milder plants.

What are the benefits of garlic for the human body?

The aroma of garlic in the bath enhances digestion and improves appetite

Garlic is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and phytoncides.

The spicy plant is known for its medicinal properties:

  • helps in the fight against viral and bacterial infections;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • strengthens blood vessels and reduces cholesterol levels.

Eating garlic is an effective prevention of cancer and vitamin C deficiency.

Benefits of the plant

For those who do not know about the benefits of horseradish, the plant becomes a bothersome weed. Indeed, its roots grow so actively that it is very difficult to clean the area. But people who have blockages and are concerned about their health see only benefits in the plant. It has a rich composition: vitamins, essential oils, mustard oil, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. And this is not the entire list of active substances in the leaves.

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Leaves and roots can be used to treat joints. The latter are convenient to use in winter, but they should be prepared in early autumn.

  • The antimicrobial property helps with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • The rich vitamin composition improves the condition of scurvy.
  • Essential oils increase appetite and secretion of the gastric mucosa, which is useful for hypoacid gastritis (with reduced secretory activity).
  • Lysozyme, an antimicrobial substance, accelerates the cleansing of purulent wounds.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect is useful for inflammatory diseases of muscles, nerves, ligaments, and joints.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract in diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
  • The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of horseradish infusions and decoctions helps to cope with infections of the urinary system.

Recommendation: At the end of August - beginning of September, prepare horseradish for the winter. To do this, dry the clean leaves and chop them finely. Store in a dark place in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid. All colds and infections will pass you by thanks to this wonderful remedy.


Many housewives like to store horseradish in pickled form. This method is convenient because the product will already be ready for use. There are several pickling methods.

  1. Classical. They take horseradish and grate it. Then add sugar, salt and vinegar to taste. Then the workpiece is laid out in clean jars and sent for sterilization. After 5–7 minutes of boiling, the containers are removed from the water bath and tightly closed with lids.
  2. For spicy lovers. For 300 g of fresh product, take 1 kg of tomatoes and 100 g of garlic. All ingredients pass through a meat grinder, after which salt and 0.5 tbsp sugar are added to the resulting slurry. l. and 0.4 cups of vinegar. Mix everything well and place in clean containers. This workpiece can be stored under a nylon lid.
  3. Pickling horseradish and beets. Take 500 g of roots and grate them. Then pour boiling water, close the lid and wait until the mixture cools down. After a while, the liquid is drained, and 1 tbsp is added to the product. l. salt, sugar and 100–110 ml of vinegar. At the same time, boil 300 g of beets and grate them. After this, combine beets and horseradish. First you need to prepare containers for twists and sterilize them. The mixture is put into jars, rolled up and sent for long-term storage.
  4. The last option is for those who like milder seasonings. Horseradish recipe with sour cream. Take 300 g of horseradish roots and grate them. The resulting mixture is mixed with 2.5 cups of sour cream. Salt, sugar to taste. Place the mixture into prepared containers and cover tightly with lids. This horseradish can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days.
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