Types of baths and saunas. Brief overview, characteristics, comparisons

Original design of a Finnish sauna
Warm greetings to all readers!

Today there are many types and designs of baths. Historically, the following types have developed - Roman, Eastern, Irish, Japanese, Finnish and of course Russian. Modern pundits distinguish the following types of baths and saunas:

  • — Russian (high humidity bath);
  • — Roman (dry with different temperatures in different rooms);
  • — Sauna – Finnish bath (very hot with dry air).

With this division, Russian and Finnish baths are practically antipodes. In fact, the original Russian bathhouse was dry. A real village bathhouse is usually equipped with such a powerful stove that obtaining high-temperature dry steam is not difficult. There is also the following division of baths into types:

  • Heater sauna (Russian or Finnish) with temperatures up to 120 degrees and humidity 5-20%;
  • Steam, with a humidity of 75-100% and a temperature of 60-70 degrees;
  • Water, according to the Japanese principle, with a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

To this division of baths by type, it is worth adding Turkish baths. Most likely, their prototype was one natural hot spring. The Russian and Finnish baths have a different origin - hot stones on which water splashed.

Russian steam bath is our people's favorite

Russian black bath

Traditionally, a log house with a powerful stove-heater is a true Russian bathhouse. In the ancient baths there was no room for changing clothes; the whole process took place in one large room - changing clothes, washing and a steam room.

The simplest modern bathhouse of this type consists of a vestibule, a changing room, a steam room, and is equipped with a stove, a water tank, a bench and stools. Sometimes the bathhouse is equipped with a steam room. It’s the 21st century, and two types of Russian baths have not lost their relevance, although the first option is very rare:

  • A) smoky Russian bathhouse,
  • B) smokeless Russian bathhouse.

The black sauna is one of the oldest structures. A smoky sauna is a log house with a heater stove that does not have a chimney. The smoke goes directly into the steam room. The walls of such a steam room are covered with a layer of soot and soot. Soot has an excellent ability to absorb foreign odors and the smell of sweat. The smoke coming out of the oven has disinfecting properties and contains substances that kill germs and bacteria.

Surprisingly, these substances are not harmful to humans. A bathhouse with this design was taken when it was ripe (the temperature of the walls and air was the same), by which time all the smoke had disappeared.

The smokeless sauna (“in white”) differs from the one described above in that the stove has a chimney. In a smokeless bathhouse you can provide all the amenities without which we simply cannot imagine a modern steam room.

How long after leaving the bath can you drink?

You should not drink alcohol immediately after a bath, as it is necessary to allow the body to recover - to cool down and replenish the water balance. Alcohol taken after a steam room will increase dehydration, and the body's reaction may be unpredictable. “It’s optimal if at least three days pass between visiting the bathhouse and drinking alcohol,” explains cardiologist Tatyana Chernushenko.

Going to the steam room immediately after a long feast is also a bad idea. A hangover usually causes your heart rate to increase, and vaping will only make it worse. There is no data on the delayed effect of such a process, so it is safer to avoid it.

Finnish dry sauna

A modern sauna is practically no different from a Russian steam room. The difference is that the steam room in the sauna is smaller, since the stoves used in the sauna are less powerful than the stoves for the Russian bath. To build a sauna you do not need a lot of building materials. If we talk about a classic sauna, you will need wood (aspen, linden or northern spruce), clay, brick, and stones for the stove.

When replacing the stove with an electric fireplace, only wood will remain what is needed. In modern construction, synthetic material is often used for thermal insulation, but the classics do not tolerate synthetics, only natural materials. A comfortable sauna consists of at least 7-8 rooms: a hall, a steam room, a dressing room, a bathroom, a locker room, a shower room and a swimming pool. The main difference between a sauna and other types of steam rooms is intense heat with a temperature of 110-120 degrees and a humidity of 5-15%.

Bathhouse, beer and food: discovering the secrets of the perfect light snack

If the thermometer does not deceive, summer has come. The most real thing, with sun and warmth.

It is, of course, difficult to believe this, but the fact is obvious.

The only thing that no one, including meteorologists, can say for sure is how long this happiness will last. The Urals are unpredictable in terms of weather, as is the final retirement age.

If you still didn’t have time to warm up or spent sunny days at work, don’t be upset.

There is at least one reliable way to stay warm.


First, of course, you need to choose a bathhouse. An image, an image, without citizens with reduced social responsibility and other excesses, but with the right service that maintains sterile cleanliness and comfort.

Photo: BC “Vysotsky” for 66.RU

If you don’t want to go far from the center, at the very top of Vysotsky there are bathhouses Bathhouse54; I’ve never seen such a view from a steam room.

Photo: BC “Vysotsky” for 66.RU

Coming out of the steam room, steam from your ears, wet and pink, like an Abakan tomato. Wrap yourself in a fluffy robe with soft, cool bristles. Sofa. There is something elusively woody-warm, natural, real in the air.

There is fresh beer in the mug, with a cool hop bitterness under a dense foam cap. It's still hot outside, but cooler inside. The first sip was taken. It floated by itself, like a light cloud, and rolled down, refreshing.

The second one follows - as a gift to yourself, your loved one, to correct the temperature balance.

If it was really hot in the steam room - or in the sauna, as you wish - it could take an entire glass to lower the internal temperature.

Be more thoughtful with the second pour. It already requires preparation and understanding. Companies require, finally, because of appetite.

And here the path of a real bath samurai goes away from the well-trodden folk paths.

An ordinary alcohol-based snack is prone to excess calories and excessive saltiness, forming a vicious circle of “drank, ate, washed down.”

Pure physiology, no spiritual flight. Although it’s delicious, of course, I won’t argue.

But there is another approach, pure uncomplicated pleasure, when the aroma and taste of the drink merges with the snack in a sensual dance. Let's try it.

Help came from afar and from unexpected places - from Portugal through Japan.

A long time ago, when trade routes to distant countries were just being established, the inhabitants of the West and the East knew about each other about as much as we now know about aliens.

Everything is different - language, appearance, culture and, of course, cuisine.

And now the first ships of the Portuguese merchant fleet entered Japanese ports. The journey was long, but a true Catholic never forgets about faith, therefore all religious orders, including fasting, were strictly observed.

There was even a special type of dish: “ad tempora cuaresma” - “during Lent”, and the cooks constantly exercised their ingenuity in order to somehow diversify the contents of the plates.

We take something that is allowed, but is already very boring, dip it in batter, fry it in oil - and now it turns out different, and therefore more interesting.

The Japanese were little concerned about the Catholic faith, but the Portuguese missionaries watched what was happening in the kitchen with great interest.

From a long and incomprehensible name, Asian friends chose a more sonorous word, and in the 16th century, in the city of Nagasaki, something that is absolutely associated only with the Land of the Rising Sun was born - tempura.

In addition to its lightness, elegant taste, and excellent compatibility with sauces, tempura seems to be born for beer.

That's what we'll check.

The philosophy of tempura seems to echo the brilliant brevity of Japanese haiku poetry. The recipe is simple, like everything truly great, and it seems paradoxical, like many things Japanese.

Let's get started.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

Thinly slice the prepared. Quick, almost instantaneous cooking should only lightly brush the vegetable petals with the heat of the boiling oil, without intruding on the natural perfection.

The world is beautiful in its diversity. This should be kept in mind when selecting tempura products.

It is ideal to choose several types of juicy and crunchy vegetables with a rich and slightly spicy taste.

Sweet bell peppers with their crunch and juicy tartness, onions, cut into rings and causing tears of sympathy when cut, zucchini with eggplant, elastic and meaty.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

Let's look at the cutting board, estimate the number of vegetables with an experienced eye and pair them with the same amount of seafood.

Each of the sea inhabitants is good in its own way, but we will not waste our time and be distracted by details. The wisest choice would be the tempura queen, the shrimp, and her page, the octopus.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

If we got it frozen - and the chances of catching it in nearby bodies of water are minimal, the devil is very cunning and resourceful - it is necessary to defrost it correctly.

A night on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator will help her come to her senses and in the right condition.

The dough comes last, when everything else is ready. Vegetables are chopped, seafood is prepared. The oil is heated to 170-180 degrees - it’s very easy to check, throw in a pinch of salt and hear a ringing dry crack.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

That’s when we knead the dough in ice-cold mineral water. The future “fluffiness” and texture of the batter depends on the difference in temperature.

Beat two yolks with iced mineral water and add sifted flour to make it like low-fat yogurt.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

Don’t forget about the laws of the beer snack genre and add a couple of drops of Tabasco; the heat of this sauce will then turn into a warm and light spiciness. If you like it spicy, don’t be shy, it’s all yours.

Then everything is simple: dip the products into the batter, making sure that the dough fits the vegetables and shrimp exactly to the shape - and immediately into the oil.

The ideal volume ratio would be one part tempura to five to seven parts butter.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

Before our eyes, friends, a miracle is happening - the oil is boiling with tiny bubbles, the color changes almost at lightning speed, and now she is born, Her Majesty Tempura.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

We take it out and immediately onto a napkin. Lots of napkins. This is the very paradox of Japanese kitchen philosophy - there should be no oil in batter that has been fried in oil, it must be removed in the most thorough manner.

What came out in the end is a real temptation and a reward fund for the snack genre.

Photo: BC “Vysotsky” for 66.RU

All that remains is to pour in some cool amber and try it.

Photo: Yakov Mozhaev for 66.RU

Under the light, as if weightless, crunch is all the richness of the world.

The reality around you blossoms, and you feel gratitude for everything that exists - the steam room, the mug, the view outside the window, the landscape that goes down and into the distance.

It turns out that you can warm up not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Bon appetit and relax!

We express our deep gratitude to the Vysotsky business center and the Bathhouse54 baths for their help in creating this material!

Oriental bath - Turkish hammam

The Turkish bath that has survived to this day is a direct descendant of the Roman one. In baths of this type, the room is heated by warm air, which circulates through pipes under the floor of the steam room, and heating also occurs using a large boiler built into the wall. The boiler plays the role of a steam generator.

Turkish baths were built according to the palm type - a dressing room and five niches. In each niche the temperature gradually increased. In the last one it was about 100 degrees. The difference between Finnish and Slavic baths and Turkish baths is that in Slavic and Finnish baths granite and marble are not used in construction, and in Turkish baths, on the contrary, wood is not used. The main advantage of a Turkish bath is a warm floor. In modern Turkish baths, the floor temperature is adjustable.

Time for body, time for fun

Last January, Beer Couples opened in the center of Moscow. Prices here are higher than in the Moscow region. For example, a spa program for two guests costs from 7 to 14 thousand. Among our clients are many businessmen, top managers of large companies, famous designers, politicians and officials.

“The first time I came here was after a friend gave me a gift certificate for two,” says 32-year-old Irina, head of the marketing department of a large trading company. “I came together with my husband.” It turned out to be very original. By the way, my husband really liked it. Not all spa complexes offer beer. Now we try to come at least once a month. Together with all procedures, the visit costs approximately 13-20 thousand.

Over the course of the year, more than 500 clients visited Beer Baths, and approximately the same number of gift certificates were sold. The company estimates that approximately 80% of customers return again. According to Beer Baths employee Christina, most of the clients are people over 30 years old. The spa is very popular with couples, so the ratio of men and women among clients is approximately 50:50.

Still, doctors advise visitors to beer spas not to overindulge in the “unlimited beer” gift. Everything is good in moderation, otherwise you can get a completely opposite effect.

“Of course, there are benefits for the skin from brewer’s yeast,” says physiotherapist, founder of the Proparim.ru service Mikhail Komissarov. – Another thing is that any alcohol in combination with elevated temperatures must be treated very carefully. Especially people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. When a person is in an environment where the temperature is higher than body weight, there are risks of an unpredictable reaction of the body to alcohol. Up to heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, it is important to consider the temperature of the bath. The higher the temperature, the greater the risks. Of course, now beer baths have a wow effect. For Russia this is exotic. Moreover, the promise of an unlimited amount of beer looks very tempting. But this is where the danger lies. Not all visitors can control themselves. Therefore, I still would not mix spa treatments and alcohol. In any case, if you do not completely refuse to drink beer in such salons, then you need to limit it.

Japanese bath (ofuro)

The Japanese bathhouse has not undergone any significant changes over a long time. Sento, or public baths, are especially popular in Japan. Their structure is as follows: a locker room with several cabins, a bathhouse with a mosaic floor, in which there is a pool with hot water - 55 degrees. A home bath - ofuro - can be arranged in an ordinary bathroom, you just need to monitor the water temperature.

Here we briefly present the main types of baths and saunas that exist in the world today. A more detailed description is available in the relevant articles. They are all very different, but they have the same goal - health, health and once again health. Whatever you choose for yourself: a Turkish hammam or a Russian bath, a Japanese ofuro or a Finnish sauna, the result for your body will only be positive.

With light steam and pleasant bath procedures!

Wisdom Quote: Take what they give if they don’t give you what you want.

Temperature increase method

In the varieties presented above, the temperature is increased with special devices. The steam bath is heated by water pipes that are laid under various surfaces of the room.

In other types of steam rooms, stoves can be used. They also differ in design and heating principle.

What types of sauna stoves there are should be considered in more detail. The steam sauna uses a brick indoor heater. Sometimes a metal stove lined with a stone casing is used. Metal types of heaters are used in dry and wet saunas. To prevent the temperature from dropping quickly, stones are placed inside the iron sheathing. They gain heat and release it into space for a long time.

The water bath uses a wood-burning metal stove. It is in a barrel of water.

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