Types of baths for beauty: hammam, Finnish, Russian, Japanese

Different countries have their own bath traditions, which from time immemorial have been supported by the inhabitants of a certain area. In particular, the Finnish sauna and Russian bath are especially popular all over the world.

The Finnish sauna is a story about dry heat. Its peculiarity is that the temperature inside can reach up to 100 degrees, while the humidity level is relatively low - only 20%. In a Russian bathhouse, wet steam reigns - the temperature here remains at 60-70 degrees, and the humidity can reach 60-100% (the ideal ratio is 60 degrees and 60% humidity).

Dry steam

At low humidity and high temperature, the warming process occurs faster. It is better to repeat the steaming procedure two or three times, the duration should be from five to twenty minutes, after which it is better to take a cold shower.

When using dry steam in a steam room, the effect of a sauna will be achieved. Since the humidity is low, the body is able to withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees. It is dry steam that is much easier to tolerate by the body.

It is recognized that dry steam saunas will help in the treatment of skin and musculoskeletal diseases. Another plus is the fight against excess weight.

In saunas with dry air, sweating occurs much more strongly, the skin is worked out much more strongly, and the removal of toxins is accelerated.

However, it is necessary to remember that people who have any problems with the respiratory system should not visit the so-called “dry steam rooms”, as they can harm the body.

Dry bath: features, indications and contraindications, rules of steaming

The peculiarity of a dry bath is that the air temperature in it can reach 100℃, while the humidity barely reaches 20%.

Dry and hot air has many advantages:

Indications and contraindications

Such procedures are indicated for people with the following health problems:

Dry vaping is more easily tolerated by patients, since the air is less saturated, which is especially good for those people who have problems with cardiovascular diseases.

But there are contraindications here too:

A bathhouse should bring benefits first and then pleasure.

If it becomes difficult to breathe in a dry bath, dizziness appears, or nosebleeds begin, then you should leave the steam room as soon as possible.

Safety rules and features of a dry air bath

To get the maximum benefit from vaping, it is important to follow the following recommendations from experts:

It is strictly forbidden to sit in a steam room for a long time, since dry and hot air puts an increased load on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to the development of some complications and the manifestation of dizziness and tachycardia.

It is best to go to a dry bath no more than once a week. Frequent visits can have the opposite effect, and the body, which cannot cope with the stress, can react unpredictably.

Be sure to remove all jewelry and metal objects that, when heated, can cause burns on the skin.

Wet steam

In steam rooms heated with stones, high humidity is achieved by constantly splashing water onto the stones. It costs no more than 20 minutes to warm up in such a bath.

Unlike dry steam, wet steam just helps to make breathing easier, like inhalation. It has been proven that moist air in a bathhouse helps get rid of a large number of diseases, such as cough.

It is the Russian bath with wet steam that allows you to choose a comfortable temperature and degree of air humidity.

A bath with wet steam makes sweating a little more difficult, but it warms the body from the inside much more than a dry one, which helps improve metabolism.

Dry or wet bath: features, visiting rules, indications and precautions

Going to the sauna is a great way to relieve stress, relax and improve your health. There are several methods of vaping: wet, in which the air temperature is relatively low, almost equal to humidity, and dry, when the temperature reaches 90-100℃ with a humidity not exceeding 25%.

Just as there is no single cure for all diseases, there is no single answer to the question of which bath is better.

Some people prefer less hot, but more humid air, which promotes the removal of sputum and effectively treats bronchopulmonary diseases. Others, on the contrary, are ready to withstand high temperatures and tolerate dry air better. Each method has the right to life, and, regardless of personal preferences, it also has advantages and disadvantages.

You need to steam properly

It is important to know that you should not drink alcohol either in a bathhouse or in a sauna with dry and humid air. Quite often, a trip to a bathhouse or sauna with friends simply turns into a huge feast. Such celebrations are strictly prohibited, as they greatly increase the load on the heart, and the consequences can be disastrous. It’s better to drink tea or just limit yourself to hot water.

By watering the stones with ordinary water, you can achieve the desired temperature and humidity. The prepared boiling water should be distributed evenly over the stones, which will facilitate a faster transformation of water into vapor. Otherwise, the water will simply cool and flow over the stones. You can also use special essential oils.

Is it necessary to “give in” in the steam room? (heat: dry or moist?)

Soft sauna for public use

All these solutions work great for saunas up to 18 m3, but how to achieve a soft sauna climate in a large commercial steam room?

The answer to this was the Tylo Tylarium system. In the Tylarium system, the source of humidity is a separate steam generator. The Tylo Commercial oven is responsible for the temperature. The operation of the furnace and steam generator is coordinated using the Elite remote control.

The complete Tylarium kit consists of:

  • Tylo Commercial ovens;
  • steam generator Tylo Steam Home or Steam Commercial;
  • relay unit RB Commercial or its Lite version;
  • Elite remote control;
  • sensor and synchronization cable.

Optionally, a steam distributor can be added. It releases steam from a steam generator directly above the stove stones. We have prepared ready-made configurations on the Tylarium page. The most powerful is suitable for a room with a volume of up to 43 m3.

Lang offers VapoTherm series stoves as a solution for public soft saunas. The most powerful VG90 oven is suitable for a room with a volume of 56 m3. The oven has a 3 kW steam generator built into it. Optionally, the oven can be equipped with an automatic water filling system.

Helo commercial ovens: Laava and Magma can also be supplemented with a BWT equipment package. As with stoves for private use, the system is very simple. Water tanks are installed in the stone compartment. The tanks are fed using a float top-up system.

The benefits and harms of dry steam

The human body tolerates hot air with low humidity more easily

With low steam humidity and high air temperature, the warming process occurs faster. The low water content allows the body to easily withstand heat above 100°C.

It has been proven that visiting saunas with dry steam enhances the effect of treating skin diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and also helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

In rooms with hot and dry air, the process of sweating occurs more intensely, which means a larger volume of impurities and toxins is removed through the pores.

People suffering from infectious and other pathologies of the respiratory system should refrain from “dry” procedures, as this can cause deterioration.


A wet bath is more suitable for children, as it perfectly strengthens the immune system. Temperature and humidity allow you to cleanse the mucous membranes and also gently calm the nervous system.

You may have weak blood vessels that burst when exposed to dry air, causing capillary bleeding. Try a wet bath or lower the temperature in the steam room. Before visiting the bathhouse, you can also lubricate the nasal mucosa with olive oil.

In a dry bath, the process of sweating occurs faster, the pores open as deeply as possible, sebum and toxins come out. After visiting the steam room, the skin becomes softer and more delicate, and cosmetic procedures will have a better effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of wet

The prepared boiling water should be distributed evenly over the stones, which will facilitate a faster transformation of water into vapor

“Wet” steam is heated air whose humidity reaches 100%. You cannot stay in steam rooms, where the temperature is maintained using hot stones on which boiling water is poured, for more than 20 minutes.

Unlike anhydrous air, moist and hot air acts on the principle of inhalation, making breathing easier. This can reduce the cough or get rid of it completely.

The advantage of a Russian bath that uses wet steam is the ability to regulate the temperature and degree of humidity of the surrounding air. And although the sweat is not released as profusely as during the “dry” procedure, the body warms up better from the inside, and at the same time the metabolism improves.

A steam room with “wet” air can harm people with cardiovascular pathologies, as well as those who are experiencing the acute stage of an infectious disease.

What's better

Benefits come from what a person enjoys

It would be incorrect to say unequivocally that any type of steam is better. Much depends on tolerance, health status and personal preference. Some people like it dry and hot in the steam room, others prefer “wet” steam with the smell of bread kvass. Lovers, for example, of the Russian bath appreciate it because the degree of heat and humidity can be easily changed, and obese people believe that the sauna is better, since there you can not only wash yourself, but also lose weight.

When choosing one type of steam or another, it is important to remember that maximum pleasure and benefits are guaranteed only if you approach the procedure wisely, namely: follow the rules and take into account the state of your health.

What to do before and after visiting the steam room


In the intervals between steaming, you can do contrast hardening or rest at room temperature. This increases blood circulation in the skin, has a positive effect on metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Before visiting the steam room, take a shower and cleanse your face. After steaming, water procedures are also recommended: the pores are wide open, and the sebaceous glands, narrowing, draw back harmful substances that are released with sweat. This leads to inflammation or worsening of the inflammatory process, for example, with acne. Warm skin absorbs nutrients more effectively, and after a shower it is recommended to apply skincare products: serums, creams or masks.

The main life hack for any steam room: use a broom to enhance the beneficial properties of steaming. The leaves and bark contain trace elements, phytoncides and aromatic oils that have a healing effect on the entire body.

After a sauna or bath, anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massages are especially useful, for example, in combination with body peeling.

Izmailovo Baths

"Russian style". Photo: izmailovskiebani.rf

The Izmailovo baths will delight the eyes of aesthetes: here much attention is paid to the interior, which is dominated by mosaics and popular prints. The bath complex is highly respected among the people for its fair pricing and quality service. True, in order to experience all the charm of relaxation, you will have to make a fuss ─ taking up space on the shelves can sometimes be problematic. But in a two-hour session you can steam yourself to your heart's content - the stoves in the Izmailovo baths are excellent, and the regulars skillfully flavor the steam with fragrant herbs and other natural garden bath cocktails.

st. 6th Parkovaya, 21

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Types and characteristics of sauna stoves

A fully functional sauna structure and equipment is impossible without installing a high-quality stove. As a rule, solid fuel stoves are used in saunas, mainly wood, gas and electric. True, gas devices have hardly been used lately, so we will not dwell on them in detail.

The advantages of wood stoves are:

  • high speed of temperature rise;
  • lower cost of fuel for operation;
  • independence from external energy sources;
  • the ability to heat up stones faster in heater stoves, which affects the microclimate inside the sauna - dryer, soft steam is obtained.

We also note a number of disadvantages of wood-burning stoves:

  • Wood stoves themselves give off heat much worse than electric ones;
  • due to the presence of an open flame, the risk of fire is increased, so the safety standards of such devices must be observed;
  • A prerequisite for installing a wood-burning stove is the presence of a chimney, the construction costs of which may exceed those of the stove itself. If there is no chimney, use electrical installations.

If we are talking about an apartment or a private country house, then for a sauna you need to buy exclusively electric stoves, since they are easier to operate and safer. Control is simplified due to built-in electronics, which allows you to set a certain temperature, humidity and not worry that the oven will overheat.

When calculating the power of the electrical network, it should be taken into account that for every 1 m3, about 1 kW of energy will be required. So, to power a sauna with a volume of 10-12 m3, you will need a power of 9 kW and a three-phase network. If it is not possible to provide a sauna with energy reserves in the apartment, it is better to opt for either infrared cabins or solid fuel stoves.

Baths built at the dacha

The types of baths installed in suburban areas are mainly limited to Russian and Finnish. Saunas with infrared heating are a small box for one or several people. The air in it heats up, but remains fresh.

The Russian bathhouse consists of a dressing room, which serves as a dressing room, and a steam bath. The stove is most often installed in the steam room, the remaining rooms are heated through the wall. Shelves are installed in the steam room; you can steam on them while lying or sitting. The oven is made of brick. It also performs the function of a heater. This stove is heated with wood.

The Siberian bathhouse can be built in different versions:

  • black firebox;
  • firebox in white.

An approximate diagram of a sauna visit.

A black firebox is the simplest type of sauna. The smoke simply comes out through the hole. In white - a pipe is erected above the heater. The dimensions of the bathhouse are on average 3x3 m, the dressing room - 2x3 m.

The main thing in a Siberian bath is the equipment of a special heater for heating the cobblestones. A shelf is placed near it, the width of which is about a meter, the length is 2 m. A small window is left on the opposite wall, which is opened when the firebox is heated. The dressing room is equipped with benches.

A boiler with a capacity of 6-8 buckets for hot water is installed in the heater. Place a container of cold water containing 8-10 buckets near the door. It is better to make walls and floors from pine, larch, and spruce. The inside of the stone structure is trimmed with wood. When the wood in the firebox burns out, you need to mix the coals and let the bath sit for 30-40 minutes. You should splash water on the heater so that the remaining carbon monoxide flies out along with the steam. After this, you can start washing.

A Finnish sauna is an insulated closet for 1-2 people. It is usually heated by an electric oven. The roof is not always done. People sit in the sauna, warm up, and wash.

Who should visit a wet bath, and who should abstain?

Wood-fired wet baths are worth visiting for those who like to take a good steam bath. Unlike a dry sauna, you can use a broom here, since in the humid air less protective sebum is released and the risk of burns is reduced. A wet bath is also useful for treating joints and colds, but the list of contraindications is a little longer.

A wet sauna is less tolerated by the female body than a dry sauna. It is not recommended to visit the steam room if you have a cyst, fibroids or other diseases of the reproductive system. People who have severe problems with the kidneys, liver and gall bladder should also avoid visiting the bathhouse, since under the influence of high air humidity they can become acute.

Both the dry sauna and the wet bath are undoubtedly popular, as they help in healing the body and have a relaxing effect. But, if there are contraindications to visiting the steam room, it is better to abstain and not cause harm to your health.



The traditional classic Russian version of the bathhouse is a separate building with a dressing room. There is a locker room in front of the entrance to the steam room. For the construction of the steam room, logs from pine, spruce, and deciduous trees are used.

The hallway serves as a place for mounting the stove unit, which mostly penetrates into the steam room. The operating principle of the device is aimed at generating the maximum amount of heat necessary to pump the required air temperature. Furnace equipment is usually built from brick, stainless steel, and cast iron. A pile of stones is placed inside. To preserve heat, the structure is covered with a door.

Finnish saunas come in a variety of shapes: tents, barrels. Steam rooms are placed in the forest, buried in the ground. There are also options made from ice. Such a variety of types is not found either in Russian or Turkish bath culture.

Important! For the construction of the Finnish steam room, wood that is resistant to high temperatures is used. Before erecting a building, the material is carefully processed to prevent rotting and the release of harmful resins

Cedar and aspen are more often used in construction.

The difference from a Russian bathhouse is the presence of a shower room and a spacious dressing room with furniture.

The external difference between the steam rooms of Russia and Finland is immediately noticeable. Russian baths are simple, without unnecessary frills. The Finns, on the contrary, try to give the steam room a luxurious, expressive look, complementing the interior with designer lamps, carved doors, and furnishing it with exquisite pieces of furniture.

Sauna design:

The effect of hot air on the body

A well-heated Russian bathhouse produces hot steam, otherwise called “fiery heat.” Under its influence, the body experiences a slight pleasant trembling. All systems and organs begin to work intensively, pushing out accumulated harmful substances (toxins, waste, fat) through the pores. Vital forces are mobilized. After bath procedures, relaxation sets in, which together gives a strong healing effect.

Interior of a massage room in a SPA salon with an infrared sauna cabin Source spa-sherbinka.ru

Step-by-step heating of the body in the bath:

  • first 5-7 minutes the body adapts to high temperatures;
  • if you continue to stay in the steam room for up to 10-15 minutes. (total) - then the skin warms up;
  • next 10 min. — internal organs are gently warmed up.

If in a Russian or Finnish bath there are serious deviations in temperature or air humidity, then instead of vigor and renewal of strength, you may experience discomfort in the form of burning and dryness. The body has to fight to keep the internal processes of different systems (breathing, heartbeat) normal. Then they leave the bathhouse not with ease, but with a feeling of exhaustion, weariness, loss of strength and energy.

Warsaw Baths

Women's category. Photo: varshavskie-bani.ru

Warsaw Baths building. Photo: Artem Geodakyan/ITAR-TASS

One of the oldest Moscow bath complexes was built in 1938. After a fundamental reconstruction, a restaurant opened on the first floor, a men's section on the second, a women's section on the third, and bathhouses from around the world on the fourth. Visitors note the excellent work of the steamers and the variety of spa treatments. Thus, in the Warsaw Baths there is an original ritual - a bath with the addition of precious substances from the antlers (in other words, antlers) of the sika deer, which are considered the source of eternal youth and the elixir of immortality.

w. Varshavskoe, 34

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In conclusion, it is worth noting that wet and dry baths have their own characteristics that make them unique and healing in their own way. To get the maximum benefit for your health, you need to follow all the recommendations of specialists and also monitor your condition.

If you feel uneasy, then it is better to avoid the steam room and spend time in the dressing room. In any case, before visiting a steam room if you have chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor.

Recommendations for beginners

For beginners, the optimal temperature in the steam room should not exceed 70-90 degrees Celsius, humidity - 30-40%. The duration of one visit is no more than 5-8 minutes. The duration of the next few runs should be increased by a couple of minutes. Frequency - after a 20 or 15 minute break, you can make 2-3 passes in total. Essential oil must be used with great care. This is especially true for public steam rooms. The best option is to dilute the ether with water and simply leave it on the bench, allowing natural evaporation.

If you pour essential oil on stones, there will be soot, it is better to use a bowl with aromas Source vodniy.amazonia-fitnes.ru

Temperature and humidity in different baths

Baths are different. They differ not only in the traditions of their use, culture or ethnic characteristics. The difference, first of all, is in the presence of high temperatures, at which the body is warmed up, the skin is steamed, and its pores are opened. The structure of the steam rooms is also different. In Russian baths and Finnish saunas, steam rooms are organized according to a tiered type - the higher the bench, the hotter the air. In a Turkish hammam or in an infrared bath, the body is heated at the same level.

On tiers of beds in the steam room of a Russian bath, the body is warmed up at different temperatures Source russkaya-skazka.su

All benches are located on the same level, the temperature is maintained the same Source siyaniekrasoti.ru

Russian traditions: sauna on weekends

To maintain the required humidity and temperature in the steam room, water is poured from a ladle onto a traditional stone stove. Many people value the Russian bath precisely for its effectiveness: all the conditions in the steam room are created in order to cleanse the pores throughout the body and expel toxins from the body through sweat. The cultural aspect cannot be ignored: the bathhouse has always been a gathering place for people not only to cleanse the body, but also for spiritual conversations.

The stove is made of natural stones, the pipe is also lined with stones - water is poured on them Source tepliepol.ru

The average stable temperature in a Russian bath is 70-75℃. Humidity - 60-70%. The average time for one visit to the steam room is 15-20 minutes. In total, you can make such passes from 2 to 4, and then the person will not feel much stress on the heart and the entire body as a whole.

The healing properties of the Russian bath cannot be overestimated. Hot, humid air with the addition of eucalyptus or pine essential oils strengthens the immune system, improves blood flow, normalizes the respiratory system, and removes toxins. Visiting such baths helps protect the body from colds and viral diseases.

Natural aromatization with herbs and aromatherapy in a traditional Russian bath Source vk.tula.su

A special feature of using the steam room is traditional massage with brooms. It is believed that such healing procedures can tone the entire body, cure some skin diseases, and strengthen muscles. Brooms are knitted from birch, oak, fir and other tree branches.

The tradition of steaming with brooms soaked in hot water is inherent in Russian baths Source irkutsk.bonodono.ru

When visiting public Russian baths, it is important to be prepared for different temperature conditions. There are steam rooms with a weak positive temperature level - 60-50℃. They are usually visited by beginners, people with contraindications to extremely hot air, or adults with children.

You can enter the steam room with children if the air is not very hot - the norm is 70-75 degrees Source tylohelo.com

The temperature in the steam rooms, where avid bath attendants gather, is always significantly higher than the optimal temperature for beginners. Not lower than 90 degrees. The highest temperature a person can withstand in a bathhouse is 120 degrees Celsius.

The bathhouse attendant maintains the air temperature, humidity level, and correctly performs massage with brooms Source kupeliru.ru

Comfortable Finnish sauna

The peculiarity of the Finnish sauna is dry and soft hot air. This is what distinguishes it from a damp, highly heated Russian bath. But the average temperature threshold is higher than in a Russian steam room - 70-110℃. The optimal temperature for good steaming is 90-100℃. Air humidity - 5-15%. One session includes 2 visits of 5-10 minutes each. It is advisable to take a 30-minute break between visits.

Traditional Finnish sauna with a stone stove and tiers of bench seats Source ivsbor.ru

Dry air is not for everyone. Therefore, to begin with, it is best to try sitting in the sauna for 5 minutes and observe how you feel. If you suspect that the body cannot cope with hot dry air, then it is better to leave the sauna. In this case, the best option may be a Russian steam room without extreme high temperatures or a hammam.

The Finnish sauna is decorated from the inside with natural wood - oak Source 39turov.ru

Exotic Turkish hammam

The most comfortable temperatures in a Turkish hammam. The halls most often have beautiful oriental-style tiles. The humidity is highest here! Higher than the previous two baths - up to 100%. These conditions are also not suitable for all people. For example, not every skin will benefit from dense, humid air.

Turkish Ham, located in Turkey Source legkovmeste.ru

It's worth trying to visit the hammam! After all, it does not have high air temperatures, which in itself is comfort. The minimum heating reaches up to 40 degrees Celsius. Maximum - up to 50℃. The duration of stay in the hammam is not strictly limited. You can sit there all day!

You can wash, the body is not exposed, covered with a bath towel or sheet Source o-krohe.ru

Specific infrared bath

Infrared baths are cabins equipped with special equipment that emits infrared waves with a length of 0.76-3 microns to 7-14 microns. This radiation is completely safe for health. The range of its wave frequencies is identical to the wavelength that emanates from the human body. The average temperature is 45-50 degrees, the minimum is 35 degrees, and the highest is 55 degrees Celsius.

This is an innovation in the field of wellness recreation. When visiting an infrared bath, a person sweats in the same way, but the temperature is felt differently. What happens here is not the heating of the air, but the heating of the body itself. The temperature is perceived as soft, pleasant warmth, penetrating inside to a depth of 3-4 cm. In terms of load, visiting an infrared sauna is similar to the effect after light gymnastics or physical exercise.

The cabins are lined with natural wood panels inside and out. They are designed for one or two people to stay inside. Therefore, the device is oversized, and they can be installed even in an apartment. The most comfortable models are a sauna cabin combined with a shower stall. Everything (heating, lighting) is controlled via an electronic panel.

The heating equipment is clearly visible inside the infrared sauna. Source dnepropetrovsk.bodo.ua

The maximum time for one session is 20-30 minutes. But it is recommended to make several short-term visits instead of one half-hour. The body will gradually get used to the heat. After such a sauna, the blood vessels will expand, become more elastic, blood will circulate better, and all waste and toxins will be released through sweat.

Seleznevskie baths

Women's category. Photo: seleznevskiebani.ru

In this steam room you will have to hold on as best you can in order to withstand the high-temperature pressure brought on by “steel workers” - this is how strong and hardy bathhouse attendants are called in bathhouse jargon. However, having experienced all the delights of a proper steam room, you will later thank them: bathhouse masters with many years of experience gather here, and they know for sure that the bathhouse heals. The Seleznevsky steam baths have been considered one of the best in Moscow since 1851, and the buildings of the Seleznevsky baths, by the way, still stand on oak stilts.

st. Seleznevskaya, 15, building 1-2

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Vorontsovskie baths

Turkish hammam. Photo: vorontsovskie-bani.ru

Male category. Photo: vorontsovskie-bani.ru

In 1938, on Taganka, opposite the Novospassky Monastery, the first brick of Vorontsov was laid ─ as this bath complex was popularly called. After reconstruction, a unique, strictly luxurious apartment has been preserved here. Each category (2 men's and 1 women's in total), designed for 50 places, has a swimming pool.

The value of the Vorontsovsky baths for residents of the Tanaga region especially increases during the summer shutdown of hot water, because Vorontsy has an autonomous boiler house. And some avid Moscow bathhouse attendants claim that it is here that the true spirit of a public bathhouse and the optimal balance between the quality of steam, the level of service and the cost of services are preserved.

Vorontsovsky lane, 5/7, building 1

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Rzhev baths

Photo: Lori's photo bank

The atmosphere in the Rzheskie baths is modest, the morals are common, and the vaults of the steam room, beloved by many Muscovites, have not been altered since 1888. It seems that they provide the famous Rzhev “soft” steam. Rzhev baths have their own boiler house, so they operate regardless of seasonal water outages. Bath treatments here can be supplemented with a visit to the beauty salon, and visitors praise the local cuisine (and note the opportunity to buy an unlimited subscription for the whole day).

Banniy Ave., 3, building 1

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Video review of the properties and qualities of dry and wet baths



March 28, 2020

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Home » Articles » For which health problems is it better to visit a dry sauna, and for which ones is it better to visit a wet sauna?

Visiting the bathhouse has been practiced by the Russian people since ancient times. Nowadays, when the majority of residents prefer to move from rural areas to cities, city baths have begun to gain popularity, but traditional steam rooms in the countryside, in health centers and spas, where you can restore your health and relax with friends, remain in demand. Some people still choose a Russian water bath, rich in steam, while others prefer a dry sauna, but they both can bring both benefits and harm to health. Therefore, before going to the steam room, it is better to study the list of diseases in the fight against which it can help or, on the contrary, harm.

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