Eye suppuration in an adult: causes and treatment methods

Often, when leaving the sauna, a person feels pain and an accumulation of purulent discharge from the organs of vision. If your eyes fester after a bath and other unpleasant signs bother you, then you should not ignore such symptoms. During the procedures, the body is cleansed and many harmful substances come out, including through the organs of the visual system. Often, such symptoms indicate that conjunctivitis and other serious ophthalmological diseases are developing. If after visiting the steam room your eyes constantly hurt and fester, then stop the bath procedures and contact an ophthalmologist.

What causes the problem: main reasons

When visiting a bathhouse or sauna, many people’s bodies are in a certain state of stress, which may slightly disrupt the functioning of internal organs and systems. During manipulation, metabolic processes greatly increase, the immune system begins to function more powerfully, as a result of which toxins, impurities, and accumulated dirt come out. A person may notice that after a bath not only do the eyes turn red, but also the eyelids stick together, sweating increases, and damage to the mucous membranes is possible. If pathological factors are not added to such a situation, then the problem does not cause concern and after washing the face it completely goes away without any special treatment. When the eyes water, remain red for a long time, and pus continues to be released after visiting the bathhouse, then the following reasons for the deviation are possible:

  • inflammatory reaction in the conjunctiva;
  • signs of keratitis or blepharitis;
  • thermal burn of the cornea;
  • insufficient maintenance of humidity in the bath.

The causes of red eyes after a bath that fester may be an allergic reaction to various oils used during the procedure.

Why do my eyes begin to fester after a bath?

For most people, visiting a hot bath and steam room is a stressful factor, that is, after this procedure, the body naturally enhances the performance of the metabolism and immune system, which results in the intensive removal of dirt, debris, microbes, toxins, and excess fluid from internal systems. Cleansing of the body is actively manifested on the skin and mucous membranes, that is, in the form of sweat or various secretions. One of the primary reasons why eyes fester after a bath is that the body’s immune system begins to “get rid” of pathological processes caused by a person’s prolonged exposure to polluted streets, dusty places, etc. This situation, as a rule, does not cause much discomfort and can go away on its own in a couple of days. In this case, additional eye treatment for pus is not required. If the discharge brings some discomfort, then you can use chamomile decoction to wash your eyes.

Radiation burns (sun, welding)

Ultraviolet radiation (powerful light with an ultra-short wavelength invisible to the eye) primarily affects the skin of the eyelids, the conjunctiva and the cornea; the latter is the most dangerous. When damaged by light radiation in the infrared (thermal) range, the destructive flow reaches the retina and blood vessels.

These types of burns are usually associated with visiting solariums, unprotected presence in the area of ​​electric welding or the action of a quartz lamp, as well as prolonged exposure to intense sun in blinding snow (especially in the polar regions). Symptoms usually develop several hours after the actual burn.

Radiation damage to the retina is a typical result of careless handling of laser equipment or unprotected contemplation of solar eclipses. In such cases, it may take several days for specific symptoms and/or decreased vision to develop.

Additional signs

Poor health can signal pathologies of the cardiovascular system. When purulence and redness of the eyes are provoked by pathological factors, then after visiting the steam room or bathhouse the patient will experience other unpleasant symptoms. Against the background of the deviation, a veil appears, which is why a person sees everything as if in a fog. It is possible to recognize the development of a deviation that worsens after bathing procedures by the following manifestations:

  • pain in the head, which is not always relieved by medications;
  • weakness throughout the body and malaise;
  • sticking of eyelashes and inability to open eyes normally;
  • increased secretion of tears;
  • increased body temperature;
  • impaired vision;
  • itchy sensations in the organs of vision;
  • yellowish discharge;
  • red eye whites.

Associated symptoms

Dry eyes

The development of a purulent process is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Strong headache;
  • general weakness of the body, fatigue;
  • eyelashes sticking together after sleep;
  • intense tearing;
  • heat;
  • itching in the eyes;
  • Yellow fluid comes out of the eyes.

Eye with pus leaking out

If the above symptoms appear, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications cannot be avoided.


Visiting a sauna is certainly beneficial for the health of the whole body. Evaporation enhances the activation of all metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Such procedures relieve stress. The body is influenced by different temperatures. Regular visits to the bathhouse remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

We recommend reading: An adult’s eyes fester

If your eyes fester after a steam room, this may be due to exposure to foreign substances or the ingress of a foreign body. Accumulated particles in the organs of vision begin to actively come out, since evaporation enhances the function of the mucous membrane. In most cases, these symptoms go away on their own. Within a few days, the discharge from the eyes should stop. If this does not happen, the reason may lie in other factors:

  • any conjunctivitis (acute form of purulent conjunctivitis);
  • burns of various etiologies;
  • sensitive reaction to bath brooms, essential oils and other accessories;
  • insufficient moisture level in the steam room.

The reason may also lie in genetic predisposition. Excessive dead skin can also cause purulent discharge. The reason for such phenomena may lie in excessive production of lubricating fluid.



Let's figure out why your eyes fester after a bath. First of all, we note that eyeball discharge is a natural process that helps the eye get rid of dust, dirt, harmful microorganisms, etc. that get into it. Bath procedures activate all natural processes in the human body, including eye discharge. From time to time, particles of pus may appear in them. If they occur in small quantities, then there is no need to worry - this is a normal reaction. However, people quite often encounter the fact that after visiting the steam room their eyes fester. How to treat?

First, let's find out what could be the reason for this phenomenon.

What to do and how to deal with the problem?

If your eyes are watery and red after a bath, then you should not self-medicate; it is important to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. In this case, it is recommended to suspend bath procedures during therapy to avoid exacerbation of the pathology. To find out the source of the problem, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, after which the necessary therapeutic measures are prescribed. If it is not possible to consult a doctor at the first time symptoms appear, the patient can be helped by the following actions:

The eyes are washed with clean warm water.

  • Rinse the organs of vision with copious amounts of running water, removing accumulated pus.
  • Treat your eyes with boiled water, using a separate cotton pad for each. This measure helps prevent the spread of infection from one organ of vision to another.
  • You can brew a decoction based on chamomile or calendula inflorescences and rinse.

Drug treatment

After establishing the reason why the eye turned red and began to fester, the doctor prescribes medications. Depending on the severity of the pathology, systemic therapy may be required or local medications can be used. Eye drops help relieve itching, redness and other unpleasant symptoms that occur in the eyes after visiting a bath. The table shows commonly used medications to eliminate the problem:

Drug groupMedication
Preparations with antibacterial and antimicrobial effects"Albucid"
Antiviral drugs"Ophthalmoferon"
Pharmacy products with antihistamine effects"Opatanol"

If a patient’s eyes fester when visiting a bathhouse due to an allergic reaction to the use of essential oils and other similar substances, then it is worth refusing to use them. In this case, no special treatment is required and the problem goes away on its own.

Folk remedies: do they help?

Wash your eyes with chamomile decoction. Festering and red eyes after a bath, not associated with ophthalmological diseases, can be removed using natural ingredients. At home, you can make a decoction and tincture based on medicinal products that are suitable for compresses, lotions or washing the organs. After the bath, eyes that fester can be wiped with solutions that include the following folk remedies:

  • chamomile inflorescence;
  • calendula;
  • dope;
  • cornflower;
  • Black tea.


The main rule of prevention is timely diagnosis of diseases and drug therapy. It is worth noting that every person should be examined by an ophthalmologist once a year. If the cause of the pain is hidden in the development of other diseases, then an examination by specialized specialists will be required.

The development of dry eye syndrome occurs as a result of excessive stress and fatigue. Dryness provokes pain, burning, and itching. To prevent and eliminate such symptoms, you need to give your eyes a rest.

Adequate and healthy sleep is important. When working at a computer for a long time, you need to take breaks to rest. It is useful to do eye exercises at this time. To prevent dryness, you should use moisturizing drops. Instillations are done with strict adherence to hygiene rules. It is important not to touch the tip of the bottle to the mucous membrane. This may lead to infection. It is not recommended to take ophthalmic medications on your own. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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First aid for pus in the eyes

The appearance of pus in the eyes can occur for various reasons. If such a state of the body is a protective reaction to external harmful factors (dust, gas pollution), then the unpleasant discharge stops on its own after 1-2 days. Often the presence of pus in the eyes indicates more serious causes. In any case, only an ophthalmologist should determine the true causes of the pathological condition of the body, as well as prescribe possible appropriate treatment.

If there is no possibility of an emergency visit to a doctor, then it is necessary to provide primary care yourself.

  1. If pus forms in the eyes, it is necessary to rinse the organs of vision with warm boiled water;
  2. To prevent possible infection, each eye is washed with a separate clean cotton swab;
  3. Proper eye rinsing: move a cotton swab dipped in water from the outer corner to the inner one;
  4. Traditional healers advise using decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, calendula or strong brewed black tea, instead of water to wash the eyes from pus.

Preventive measures

To prevent your eyes from festering and becoming red after visiting the bathhouse, you should follow some recommendations before and after performing the procedures. It is important to be careful about hygiene, since in places with high humidity there are many pathogenic microorganisms that easily enter the human body, causing inflammatory reactions and other pathologies. If essential oils are preferred, it is important to first test for an allergic reaction, which can cause pus and watery eyes. If a person is prone to allergies, then it is better to drip drops with an antihistamine effect before visiting the bathhouse. During bath procedures, it is recommended to use personal products and hygiene items to avoid contracting any infection. It is also worth using homemade bath brooms to prevent pathological processes.

Principles of treatment

The basis of effective treatment is early diagnosis. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination and examination using devices. The conjunctiva festers as a result of infection. The result of bacterial culture determines the pathogenic pathogen. Skin tests reveal the substance that caused the body's allergic reaction.

Based on the examination results, therapy includes:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • treatment with antiseptic solutions.

Folk remedies

If your eyes stick together due to pus after a bath, you can resort to home remedies. Cotton pads soaked in herbal decoctions will help you open your eyelids painlessly. To prepare solutions, folk recipes are used:

  1. Dill water is prepared at the rate of one teaspoon of seeds per 1⁄2 cup of boiling water. The solution is infused for an hour and filtered. Used for rinsing or as a lotion.
  2. Chamomile decoction is prepared in a water bath for 10 minutes. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water. The finished solution is cooled and filtered. Tampons soaked in the decoction are used for rinsing or as lotions.
  3. If your eyes fester after a steam room, an infusion of strong tea will help soak off the purulent crusts. Abundantly moistened cotton pads soften purulent discharge.
  4. The eyes will stop festering if you wash them with a decoction of rose hips. Two teaspoons of berries are poured into a glass of boiling water and kept over low heat for 5 minutes. The broth is removed from the heat and infused for 30 minutes.

Protection Mechanisms

Every day, the organs of vision are protected from dust and dryness by a protective film. She is a kind of barrier, taking the blow on herself.

High temperatures and unusual humidity for the mucous membrane of the bath force the lacrimal glands to secrete secretions more intensively, activating metabolic processes.

It happens that these discharges are mistaken for pus.

But in some cases the eyes actually begin to fester.

After all, the atmosphere of the bathhouse predisposes the body to first relax, and then be subjected to a load of temperature and humidity, which is why microorganisms of opportunistic flora begin to actively work (every person has it and leads to diseases only when the immune system is weakened) and “wake up” » untreated diseases.

Why does pus discharge after a bath?

  1. Allergy. It occurs after non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in the bathhouse: someone else’s oils, broom, soap or shampoo are not worth it to eliminate the consequences later. Sometimes even stones can provoke allergic suppuration;
  2. Conjunctivitis. An exacerbation of a subsided disease or its appearance for the first time - the same violations of personal hygiene will “help”: shared towels or dirty water in the bathhouse are a carrier of infections from one person to another, and pathogens remain in those whose bodies are most weakened to their effects;
  3. Herpes and fungal keratitis also love temperature changes and situations unusual for the human body. After a bath, the listed diseases can easily provoke suppuration;
  4. A corneal ulcer is a disease caused by advanced, untreated eye injury. It has dire consequences: complete blindness. It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse until recovery;
  5. Corneal burn due to high temperature in the bath;
  6. Some people have a congenital feature - increased secretion of the lacrimal glands. This property is enhanced under stressful conditions for the body, such as staying in a steam room.

Symptoms of a purulent process

  • Discharge of yellow liquid, which dries up in the morning;
  • Severe itching;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Increased tear production;
  • Gluing eyelashes in the morning;
  • Weakness, fatigue, headaches.

How to avoid allergic suppuration of the eyes after a bath

  1. Follow the cleaning regime, keep the room clean, without raising dust to the ceiling on “Clean Thursdays”. Dust, settling on stones and cracks in the walls, rises into the air when the bathhouse is used for its intended purpose;
  2. If incidents have already occurred, place antihistamine drops in your eyes for prevention - they help with allergic reactions. Also, you can always go to another bathhouse;
  3. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, have your own washing products, towels and water.

Risks when visiting a bathhouse with conjunctivitis

But the most common cause of suppuration of the eyes after a steam bath is conjunctivitis, acquired even before going to the bathhouse. The appearance of “barley” (the popular name for the disease, associated with the visual similarity of the tumor near the eye to a barley grain) can be caused by a draft or the introduction of dirt onto the mucous membrane - by hand or even by a stale towel.

The bathhouse in this case is not the culprit for the onset of the disease, but ophthalmologists advise refraining from visiting the steam room with this diagnosis. The high air temperature in it can cause complications that will lead to the development of a pathological process in the mucous membrane of the visual organ. Due to extreme temperature conditions, the body's protective functions are reduced, which will cause a worsening of the clinical picture.

If you have been diagnosed with an infectious form of eye disease, then you should not visit the bathhouse with other people, since in a confined space there is a high risk of infecting everyone around you. The infectious form of conjunctivitis is transmitted by airborne droplets. So don't assume that you won't infect other people if you don't hug them. There is also an allergic form of conjunctivitis, in which, unfortunately, you will have to forget about relaxing in the bathhouse forever. Under the influence of high temperature, allergy sufferers experience dilation of the conjunctival vessels, accompanied by pain, itching and swelling.

In this case, subconjunctival hemorrhage may occur, when the entire white of the eye is literally filled with blood. Under the influence of high air temperature, a jump in blood pressure occurs, which is why fragile blood vessels can burst - this leads to such sad consequences.

You should not risk your child’s health by taking him to the bathhouse with pronounced suppuration of the eyes. The baby’s immunity is already weakened during this period. In the air filled with hot steam, the infection can spread further to the mucous membrane, which will worsen the course of the disease, and the organ of vision will begin to fester even more.

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