How to cover an iron stove with bricks in a bathhouse: necessity or decoration?

In a classic Russian bath, the main source of heating was a wood stove. The heater was made of refractory bricks and clay and served for many years. In modern baths, a metal stove has become an alternative to a brick stove.

In both design options, brick lining is popular. If for a traditional heater this is done more for the purpose of decoration, then for metal ones it is about longer heat retention, fire safety and only then decoration.

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Is it necessary to line a sauna stove?

The answer is ambiguous and directly depends on the material from which the structure is made.


Lining a brick kiln is not necessary. The main raw material for masonry is refractory brick. The solution is a mixture of fireclay clay, sand and water. If the proportions and laying technique are followed correctly, the product is strong and durable. Such a stove retains heat well - the risk of burns upon contact with the surface is minimal, and has increased fire resistance compared to metal.

Cladding with tiles, stones, and tiles is used to decorate the product.


When choosing a finished metal stove, it is important to consider a number of requirements:

  1. Compact so that it does not take up much space in the room.
  2. The power of the equipment must correspond to the size of the room. If you buy a very powerful oven, it will be difficult to maintain the desired temperature.
  3. It is always necessary to remember to comply with SNiP and fire safety rules.

SNiP standards warn that a metal stove should be located at a distance of 15 cm or more from wooden floors.

The reasons why brick cladding is recommended are as follows:

  1. An iron stove heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly.
  2. Hot iron through radiation negatively affects the health of those present.
  3. When overheated, the metal loses its working properties. The product will need to be insulated.
  4. High risk of burns upon contact with hot metal.
  5. The air in the steam room becomes dry.

Advantages of brickwork around the stove:

  1. The air acquires the necessary humidity. It becomes pleasant to breathe in the steam room.
  2. The stove looks nice and neat.
  3. Warm air is distributed evenly throughout the room.
  4. The equipment retains and retains heat indoors longer.
  5. The level of fire safety is increasing. The risk of burns is minimal.

Most modern models of factory-made metal stoves are suitable for later covering them with brick.

Construction on foundation

If a metal sauna stove lined with brick is not suitable for installation according to the table, then in this case it is necessary to make a foundation. This task is simplified if you have just started building a building with your own hands and you do not need to dismantle the stove and floors.

To build a foundation, a hole about half a meter deep is dug around the perimeter of the masonry and filled 3/5 with crushed stone or a mixture of gravel and sand. It must be taken into account that contact with the bathhouse foundation is unacceptable.

After laying the cushion, a cement screed and a layer of waterproofing are made, after which formwork is made, which is filled with concrete mortar. For such a product to harden properly, it must be regularly moistened with water to avoid cracks.

The next stage is the construction of brick pillars that serve as support. It is recommended to do the masonry using clay mortar. All work must be carried out taking into account the level, avoiding distortions.

When everything is ready, the metal product is installed and covered with brick.

Stove cladding options in photographs

Below are ready-made options for cladding stoves that will fit perfectly into the interior of frame baths, as well as baths made of logs and blocks. The furnace firebox is located both in the steam room and in the dressing room.

Construction process

If you plan to cover it with bricks on all sides, then it will be a full covering, if only some sides are partial. When completely surrounded, it is possible to control the movement of warm air masses. To do this, doors are made at the top and bottom of the screen to stop the movement of air when closed.

The model, completely covered with masonry, creates an ideal microclimate typical for a Russian bath. If at least one open wall remains, it will be more like a sauna, and the stone will protect you from burns and accumulate heat.

What kind of brick is best to line an iron stove in a bathhouse?

Below we will look at the materials that are recommended for cladding and those that cannot be used for stove masonry.


It would be best to line the stove in the bathhouse with ceramic bricks.

It is very durable, lighter than fireclay. The completed finish looks beautiful and neat. It is allowed to use used bricks.


Fireclay is suitable for lining.

Its advantages:

  1. It is fireproof, which minimizes the risk of fire.
  2. Lasting. If you follow the masonry technique, the stove will last for years.
  3. Excellent heat retention.

But there are also disadvantages:

  1. The high price is why red ceramic is in great demand.
  2. The brickwork comes out rough and not very beautiful. Therefore, owners often have to re-finish with porcelain stoneware or tiles.

Fireclay is often used to line the internal parts of the stove, such as the firebox, line the chimney pipe, and lay ceramic on the outside.


The advantage is the choice of textures and colors. Will fit into any style of bathhouse design.


  • retains heat worse;
  • less durable compared to ceramic.

Hollow cladding is not used to decorate stoves, only solid cladding.

Silicate (white)

Sand-lime brick is not used for the internal and external masonry of the furnace, because it cannot withstand sudden temperature changes and is not resistant to high humidity.

Under such conditions, it will begin to crack and collapse within a few weeks.

White brick is used for laying small buildings, garages, and outbuildings, which are then lined with other materials.

Briefly about the main thing

The main rule for laying stones in a bathhouse is that the largest elements should be placed closest to the heat source, leaving free passages between them for the movement of hot air. As it rises, it will heat up the next layers, composed of a smaller fraction. It is also advisable to take into account the thermal conductivity and heat resistance of stones, laying down the strongest rocks that easily give off heat. Ideally, you should choose the filling for the heater taking into account its design, so that one condition for proper installation does not contradict another.

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Plating methods

Stove makers use three methods:

  1. Continuous cladding. The method accelerates heat transfer. Rarely used, mainly for decoration.
  2. Creation of a heat shield. Acts as a partition. Increases the comfort of people sitting next to you in the bathhouse. Improves the level of heat transfer.
  3. The lining performs the function of a convector with vents. The best option for a bath. Suitable for any metal stoves. The area of ​​the steam room is not important.

The layout of the lining will depend on its purpose and the functions of the stove. For decorative purposes, it is made in full brick. If the equipment acts as a water heater, then it must be laid in half a brick.

To correctly calculate the distance from the brick screen to the stove body, you need to add 2 cm per 1 kW of unit power.

There is no point in placing it close to the body - the lining will not perform the necessary functions.

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Some useful tips


To ensure that the brick lining is correct and lasts for many years, you should use the following recommendations:

  • the masonry is carried out in the usual way with dressing in half a brick;
  • the structure cannot be connected to the bath walls;
  • withstand a seam thickness of 5 mm;
  • leave a gap of 3-5 cm between the metal walls of the stove and the screen;
  • in the lower rows it is imperative to make openings through which cold air can freely enter. Accordingly, in the upper ones there are the same holes for the release of hot heat. Both below and above there should be no more than 2-3 openings, otherwise the wall, as a heat shield, will not fulfill its direct function;
  • after laying each row, it is necessary to check it with a level: verticality and horizontality must be maintained everywhere;
  • Carefully remove any remaining solution from both the inside and outside.

Important! If there is a convection casing in the stove, it should be removed before covering.

Subtleties of lining a stove with bricks depending on the room

The stove is installed directly in the steam room or the firebox is placed in the dressing room. Let's look at the nuances of each option.

In the dressing room

The advantage of a stove with a remote firebox is that it heats two rooms at once: a steam room and a dressing room. Great for small baths. It differs from conventional metal units by the presence of a fuel channel.

When installing, it is important to remember fire safety rules. The minimum distance from the wall is 0.5 m. Sections of the walls near the stove must be sheathed with thermal insulation; a protective fireproof screen can be installed.

The distance from the firebox door to the wall or door is at least 1.25 cm. It should be located towards the door to the steam room.

For a unit with an external firebox, the installation of the partition is carried out in stages as follows:

  1. A place for the oven is selected. The foundation is poured (detailed instructions are given in the section below).
  2. After the foundation has completely hardened, the structure is placed on it. An opening for the firebox is marked on the wall. It should be larger than the camera itself, 25 cm on each side. The exact choice of opening dimensions for a specific stove model is indicated in the product data sheet.
  3. A hole is cut with a grinder. Pieces of excess material and debris are removed.
  4. It is recommended to place the stove on the foundation again to check the correctness of the hole made and the evenness of the base.
  5. The oven is being cleaned. Thermal insulation material is being prepared.
  6. Basalt cardboard is taken and cut into strips. Attached to the walls of the hole with a stapler. Then the ceramic fabric is fixed in the same way.
  7. Aluminum foil is attached to the stapler.
  8. Take two sheets of mineralite. Carefully cut out a hole for the firebox.

  9. The blanks are placed on the side of the steam room. Mounted to wooden walls using self-tapping screws.
  10. The brick for facing is soaked in water. The mixture is being prepared for ordering.
  11. The masonry work begins in the dressing room. The first row needs to be laid in half a brick. The last elements of the row are placed across, so you get beautiful protrusions.
  12. In the second row there is space left for an ash pan. Air circulation will occur through it.
  13. The minimum distance from the stove body to the partition is 3 cm.
  14. When the height of the masonry is reached above the firebox, two steel corners are placed in the brick row. This will prevent contact with metal.
  15. Now the foil and the remaining cardboard are carefully trimmed. When a gap is formed, it is filled with mineral wool. They compact well.
  16. At this stage, laying in the steam room begins. The stove is placed on the foundation.
  17. The chimney pipe is connected.
  18. Marking is being carried out. A partition is created in the same sequence.

Another advantage of this design is that it reduces the risk of carbon monoxide entering the respiratory tract. Oxygen remains in the steam room, since fuel combustion occurs in another room.

In the steam room

This arrangement is less expensive in terms of materials, but requires increased attention and compliance with fire safety rules. There are open-type designs where stones are laid on top of the stove. By pouring water on them, you can regulate the amount of steam in the room.

A step-by-step guide to installing the unit in a steam room is described in the section below.

Recommended reading:

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  • Installing a stove in a bathhouse

Calculation of dangerous load on floors (kg/m2)

To assess how much load your floor can support, the technician needs to know what kind of joists are used. In the table below you can see the capabilities of different types of joists to support weight in kilograms per square meter.

Section (cm) Beam length between supports
2 m 2.5 m 3m 3.5 m 4 m 5 m 6 m
10×5 734 585 490 420 367 325 293
15×5 1650 1321 1101 942 827 733 665
20×5 2930 2347 1955 1675 1464 1303 1172
20×10 4867 4690 3910 3353 2933 2733 2607
20×20 11730 3987 7821 6705 5866 6215 4691
Cylindrical shape 20 6912 5528 4608 3950 3456 3070 2765
Cylinder. f. 22 9200 7360 6132 5256 4600 4090 3682

Other materials for oven cladding

In addition to bricks, tiles, stones, and tiles are often used to decorate structures. Let's look at the features of each material in more detail.


The following types are suitable for cladding:

  1. Clinker. It is based on clay. Molding occurs under a press, firing at high temperatures. The material's properties are similar to ceramics.
  2. Terracotta. It is obtained from a mixture of terracotta clay and fireclay powder. The finished tile comes out reddish in color. Has good strength.
  3. Majolica. To create it for industrial purposes, a complex technological process is used, which is why the price of this material is high. Glazed look of tiles. Its working properties are similar to terracotta.
  4. Porcelain tiles. Marble chips are added to make durable tiles. The material is reliable and lasts for years. It has a beautiful view.
  5. Chamotte. A fireproof type of cladding, but its decorative properties are several times inferior to other tiles.

Tiles are considered a separate type of facing tiles for stoves. Their properties and features of use will be discussed below.


Natural and artificial stone is used to decorate the stove.

Of the natural rocks that are distinguished by their strength, resistance to temperature changes and heat transfer, serpentinite and soapstone are used.

Artificial stone is an imitation of natural stone. The properties and installation method are similar to tiles. It is lightweight, so for compact stove models it is necessary to pour a foundation, and it is much cheaper than a natural one.

Fixation to the walls occurs using glue with a layer thickness of up to 2 cm.

If, as a result of manual masonry, a pattern or a certain design should be obtained, then it is better to prepare a drawing in advance, make markings and designate each of the elements with numbers.


Tiles are three-dimensional clay tiles. On the outside there are protrusions - rumps - with which the elements are connected to each other.

It is recommended to lay tiles immediately after the construction of a stove or fireplace (applies to brick ones). Correctly connected elements form a solid wall, which is very durable.

To decorate a metal stove with tiles, it is better to first make a brick partition and place pieces of wire in the seams between the bricks, with the help of which the elements will be connected to the masonry. The solution becomes an additional binder.

There are tiles on sale in round, square, triangular, and trapezoidal shapes. Wide selection of colors, reliefs.

Parts with multi-colored patterns, drawings of animals and plants are in demand.

What properties of stone are taken into account when laying

The choice of stones for a bath is influenced by their cost, as well as a number of physical and chemical properties. First of all this:

  • safety - when water is heated and evaporated from it, the stone should not release substances hazardous to health;
  • strength directly dependent on heat resistance - the material should not be destroyed by exposure to high temperatures;
  • Heat capacity – the ability to accumulate a large amount of heat and retain it for a long time.

Heat capacity depends on the heating temperature Source
Not all rocks have a full set of these important characteristics, so you cannot fill the heater with boulders of unknown origin found on the banks of a river or in the mountains. It is better to buy them in specialized stores, having inquired in advance about the properties of the selected filler.

But the listed properties have little effect on how to properly place stones in a sauna stove in order to get the maximum return and benefit from them. It is more important to consider thermal conductivity and size. And if great importance is attached to the aesthetic component of the steam room interior, then so is the appearance.

Stones differ in color, shape, type of processing Source

How to properly mix masonry mortar

For cladding, a solution of sand, cement, and clay is mixed. Clay and cement are taken in equal proportions and 30% of clean river sand is added to them.

The main condition is a uniform consistency, as thick as sour cream, without lumps.

It is better to mix the ingredients dry first, and then gradually add water. To speed up mixing, it is convenient to take a construction mixer.

Before use, let the mixture sit for about 30 minutes. You need to prepare the solution in small portions, otherwise it will thicken quickly.

A good mortar should not run off the brick.

If the thickness is insufficient, you can add a little sand.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles have the same fire resistance as brick.

At the same time, she simply has an incomparably greater variety of appearances.

Now, instead of tiles, almost all manufacturers have mastered the technology of semi-dry pressing, which allows you to create any designs and textures on the surface of the tiles.

This material received the trade name “Porcelain stoneware”, although it does not contain granite. Finishing a stove in a steam room with tiles has its advantages, and the main one is the variety of design solutions. Unlike brick, tiles can be any color.

The side of the old tile had a size of 10-15 cm. With modern porcelain tiles, the side length can reach 40 cm. The longer the side, the more accurate the coating. It has fewer seams, but the complexity of installation increases significantly. Porcelain tiles should be laid by specialists.

This requires a lot of experience. If the tiles are small, you can do the tiling yourself. There are no particular difficulties here. Laying is carried out using a conventional solution on a sheet of heat insulation. It is better to use a special solution based on a dry construction mixture for the appropriate purpose.

How to brick a metal stove in a bathhouse with your own hands

To make it comfortable to warm up near the sauna stove, it is recommended to cover it with bricks. We will discuss the main stages of work below.

Materials, tools

You need to prepare in advance:

  • red ceramic brick M150;
  • masonry mortar;
  • cement, sand, crushed stone (for pouring the foundation);
  • boards for formwork;
  • roofing felt;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • level, tape measure;
  • construction mixer;
  • shovel;
  • plumb line, trowel.

The masonry mortar is prepared after the foundation has hardened.

Selecting a location

There are two most popular options:

  1. Install the stove in the corner. The advantage of this approach is the minimum consumption of facing bricks.
  2. Install it on top of a brick base, which is made above the floor level by about 0.5 m.

When building a bathhouse from scratch, it is important to think through the foundation and protect the wooden floors from fire.

The walls are made of wood, the floor must be separated with basalt slabs. The height of the slabs should be approximately 0.5 m larger than the stove.

Foundation for the stove

When the reliability of the old foundation is in question, it is better not to risk it and build a new one.

An important point: the stove foundation should not be connected to the foundation of the entire building.

If the weight of a stove with brickwork is up to 700 kg, then it is not necessary to pour a separate foundation for it.

The work order is as follows:

  1. Marking in progress. According to it, the floorboards are cut.
  2. The size of the foundation should be 15 cm larger than the dimensions of the stove on each side.
  3. When the boards are removed, a pit is dug up to 40 cm deep.
  4. The formwork is made from boards around the perimeter of the pit.
  5. Waterproofing is carried out with roofing felt.
  6. A cushion of sand and crushed stone (layer up to 15 cm) is poured onto the bottom and compacted.
  7. Cement mortar is being poured.
  8. Reinforcing mesh is laid.
  9. A thin leveling layer is poured.
  10. The evenness of the filling is checked by level.

The foundation hardening time is up to two weeks. Until it hardens completely, a break is taken in construction work.


A brick pedestal is laid out in one layer on the frozen foundation.

The horizontality of the masonry is controlled by the level. Roofing felt is laid on top.

Then the iron sheet is laid. The dimensions are chosen 10 cm larger on each side than the base itself.

The oven is being exposed. To prevent the surface from becoming smeared during cladding, it is better to wrap it in plastic film during the work.

Preparing bricks for cladding

The first portion of ceramic bricks is cleared of debris. Soak in water for 12 hours. The procedure is necessary to ensure that the material does not take excess moisture from the solution.

Furnace lining

When working, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. The masonry can be solid or lattice. Solid - this is a large consumption of bricks, but high efficiency; with a lattice - a minimum of material consumption, but the efficiency of the screen is several times lower.
  2. If the body of the unit is round, in the form of a semicircle, then the masonry should completely follow the shape of the stove. If it is difficult to build it yourself, you need to invite a stove maker to help.
  3. The recommended distance from the body to the brick partition is 4 cm. There is no need to install jumpers between them. With a smaller distance, the brick will quickly begin to crack; with a much larger distance, the effectiveness of the cladding will be minimal.
  4. The average number of rows of bricks is 13-15.
  5. It is better to do the work more than in one day. First lay out 7 rows. Let it sit overnight. Check levelness in the morning. If there is no variation, then report the remaining rows.
  6. The thickness of the masonry is half a brick.

Main stages of lining:

  1. The order should start from the corner. Horizontality is checked with a level or a protractor is used.
  2. The solution is applied with a trowel. Excess must be removed immediately.
  3. There should be no leaks or excess mortar on the inside of the masonry. Otherwise, air circulation is reduced.
  4. In the second row, you need to leave two gaps the size of half a brick so that hot air can escape into the room. The same holes are left in the sixth and eighth rows.
  5. A metal mesh is laid on top of the second row.
  6. The first three rows are connected to each other with wire.
  7. The recommended seam thickness is 5 mm.
  8. In the row where there will be space for the ash pan and furnace door, a corner of metal is placed. To strengthen the row, the row is tied with wire.
  9. The firebox door is positioned so that when opened it does not come into contact with the walls.
  10. The last rows are laid out in any form at the discretion of the owners (arch, ladder, evenly).

The masonry can be finished at the level of the slab so that the hot coals are visible or the chimney can be completely covered with brick.


After tiling, you need to wait at least three days until the solution dries completely. After this, the remaining solution must be removed.

To give the bricks an even shade, laundry soap is diluted in water. Using a stiff brush, the soap solution is applied to the walls and washed off with water. Next, wipe the surface with a cloth.

If desired, the seams can be made in a different color, but for this you will have to buy special stove paint.

Features of the first firing of the furnace

Upon completion of the facing work, a test firing of the furnace is performed. You need to start heating gradually, filling the chamber with wood only a little at a time. The first heating should take an hour, the second – up to three hours. With each subsequent heating time increases.

After each lighting, the stove is allowed to cool completely.

A properly executed lining of a metal stove will create a cozy atmosphere inside the steam room, retain heat longer, and its decorative design will decorate the interior.


The solution may take time to set, so it is better to wait 2-3 days.
Finishing involves cleaning the brick from the mortar and giving it a uniform shade. It is more convenient to remove excess solution using a drill with a brush attachment. The work is dusty, so use a respirator and goggles.

After cleaning, stains of uneven color may remain on the bricks. To even out the shade, use a solution of laundry soap and water and a hard, dense brush. After this, the brick “coat” is washed with water. The result is a beautiful shade without blemishes.

Carry out the first fire after lining slowly, allowing the brick to gradually absorb the heat.

That's probably all. I think that you will feel the comfort of a lined stove right away. The heat will become more balanced, and the heat source will delight you with a pleasant view and pleasure from independent work.

Wisdom Quote: The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved (Hugo Victor Marie).


Tiles are a classic solution for finishing stoves. They have cheap production technology and very reliable installation. The external surface, finished with tiles, looks like high-quality, thick tiles.

This appearance will be achieved only if you use tiles without a pattern on the front surface. They do not produce a special decorative effect, since they do not differ much from the usual tiles. The only benefit is in the strength of the fastening, which is why other tiles with a three-dimensional pattern on the front side are more popular.

Tiles are laid in the same way as tiles, but require a significant thickness of the finishing layer. If a portal for a sauna stove is made from them, then part of the wall and floor is covered with tiles. They don’t have to be used on the floor if the stove foundation is raised above the floor by one or two brick rows.

If the tiles have holes for wire, then it must be used.

The diameter of the rods is selected according to the instructions. Larger diameter means higher strength, but the complexity of installation increases.

On average, tiles are the same thickness as one brick.

They can just as well be used to create the same protective layer.

Arrangement of the base

After the foundation has completely cooled, the base is laid out. Install waterproofing based on roofing felt. A plywood sheet is laid on top of which a metal stove will be built. Cover the top of the oven with polyethylene so that you don’t have to clean the surface of the solution later.

Next, the solution is prepared. It is better to take a mixture of clay and cement for this. There are no exact proportions; they are guided by consistency: the mixture should resemble thick sour cream and be homogeneous. Stove makers recommend taking equal proportions of clay and cement, adding 30% river sand. Stir the dry mixture in a bucket and then add it to the water. The liquid must be added little by little to prevent lumps from forming.

Stir with a drill or mixer and leave to thicken for 40 minutes. You should not prepare the entire volume of the solution if you have doubts about carrying out all the work in one day. It is better to knead as much as is required for masonry in a separate period of time. If the composition hardens, it will be difficult to work with.

When laying bricks, you don’t have to mix the whole mortar at once

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