Electric sauna stove - design features, best models, useful tips
No. Name Rating Nomination The best electric ovens for small spaces: up to 10 cubic meters 1
Round timber floor joists
Distance between floor joists: table for calculating pitch
Logs - what are they? Installation of a wooden floor on logs in a private house -
Heated swimming pool - do-it-yourself luxury and comfort
Boiler This heating method is long, expensive, dangerous and is not suitable if the volume of water is large.
Fastening the rafters to the Mauerlat: consider the attachment points of the rafters to the Mauerlat
The reliability of the entire roof depends on the correct installation work. The main structural elements are considered to be rafters
Extensions can also be used to decorate openings without doors.
Accessories for interior doors: types and installation features
Replacing interior doors always leaves behind a damaged doorway. Previously, it was covered with plaster
How to heat a sauna: procedure for the right result
For beginners in the art of bathing, any business is a wonder. The question is how to properly heat a bathhouse,
Scheme-project of a two-story wooden house
Two-story bathhouse: TOP-125 photos of beautiful examples of structures made of timber and logs. Instructions on how to build a bathhouse with a second floor
Since ancient times, the bathhouse was just a bathhouse - they steamed, washed and occasionally rested in it. Today
Insulation of walls in a bathhouse: how and with what to insulate from the inside - tips and recommendations on materials
Which insulation is better depending on the type of construction From timber From brick From concrete
Important bath accessories
How to properly take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse, what to take with you, what you can and cannot do in the bathhouse? First, second, third entry into the steam room, contrasting procedures: description, rules and recommendations
In this article we will look at important rules for spending time in the bathhouse
How to make a joint between tiles and laminate without a threshold: materials, techniques, limitations
When combining two dissimilar floor coverings - laminate and tiles - an unsightly appearance may form.
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