Why do you need a sauna: benefits, harm, how and when to steam properly, useful tips

Everyone knows that baths and saunas are the best means not only for relaxation and rest. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the general health of the human body: it cleanses of toxins, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the skin and internal organs. The rules of behavior in the bathhouse are quite simple; if you follow them and regularly visit the steam room, you can normalize the immune and nervous systems, activate metabolic processes, improve your general condition and get a boost of energy and vigor. In order for trips to the sauna and bathhouse to have the desired result, you need to prepare in advance.

The benefits of visiting a bathhouse and sauna

For deep cleansing of the skin, bath procedures are best suited: a dry bath (sauna) or a wet bath (steam room). The heat opens the pores well, dead scales are quickly rejected, excess fat, which is removed by the sebaceous glands, is removed. A visit to a Russian bathhouse also has a beneficial effect on internal processes: blood circulation is activated, the skin is better supplied with blood, and acquires a pink tint. The kidneys begin to work more actively, peristalsis improves, harmful substances are eliminated faster, waste and toxins leave the body.

Rules of behavior in the sauna and steam bath indicate that overheating of the body should be reasonable. In this case, the immune system begins to strengthen. But if the runny nose or cold has already been overcome, the steam room is unlikely to help at the stage of the disease.

By alternating heating/cooling, the blood vessels get a good workout. The body tolerates heat more easily in summer and does not feel lethargic and weak.

In the bathhouse, the air in the steam room warms up to 60 degrees, but the humidity reaches 90 percent. In such conditions, a person sweats less than in a dry sauna. The cleansing effect is enhanced by droplets of condensation that settle on the skin.

The benefits of steaming in a sauna for the body

For people in good health, a Russian bathhouse with a broom is recommended without fail. It helps strengthen blood vessels, joints and ligaments, improve immunity and relieve fatigue.

By following the rules and recommendations for visiting a steam room, people are less likely to suffer from colds and viral diseases, recover faster from injuries and tolerate stressful situations more easily.

A broom is the main attribute for carrying out procedures. It has a healing aroma, effectively affects the skin, improves blood circulation and cleanses pores of impurities.

The health benefits of bath procedures are as follows:

  1. Maintaining optimal temperature conditions up to 75 degrees with humidity from 40 to 60%. This promotes rapid relaxation and general detoxification of the body, strengthening bone tissue, improving blood circulation and lymph flow.
  2. Regular beneficial effects of steam can replace full-fledged fitness classes. So, 60 minutes of staying in a Russian bath is equal to 2 hours of exercise on exercise bikes.
  3. The bath helps stabilize blood pressure, improve the movement of blood and lymph, and normalize the functioning of the excretory system. In addition, the steam room allows you to get rid of constant headaches, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, strengthen joints and relieve pain syndromes in muscle tissue.

Preparing for a trip to the bathhouse

If you decide to heal your body by going to the bathhouse, prepare for the procedures in advance so that they bring maximum effect during your visits. Prepare your body in advance. What does that require:

  • The doctor's consultation. Visit your doctor and listen to his recommendations. It will help you understand the contraindications.
  • Eating. Before visiting the sauna or bathhouse, you must eat 2-3 hours before visiting. The menu should include only light dishes. During bath procedures, you should not load your stomach with food, since under the influence of high temperatures the digestion process slows down significantly.
  • Sport. Immediately before visiting the bathhouse, do not overload your body with intense physical activity.
  • Liquids. On the day of going to the bathhouse, drink as much water as possible, up to three liters. This will avoid dehydration, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole. Replenish your fluid supply during breaks between sauna visits. Alcoholic drinks are excluded.
  • Personal hygiene. Before going to the steam room, remove all makeup from your skin. Sweating should not be interfered with by any foreign substances. Do not use products that dry out the skin too much. Follow the rules of behavior in the bathhouse, and the procedures will only bring you pleasure.


Before entering the steam room or sauna, drink more liquid, relax and rest a little. After taking a shower, dry yourself well with a towel. You should not get your head wet, otherwise it will quickly overheat in the steam room. It is recommended to take warm foot baths. When your feet are warm, your body immediately begins to sweat better. When you enter the steam room, first sit on the lower tiers and gradually move to the upper ones. This is recommended in all rules of behavior in the bathhouse. This way the body gradually gets used to high temperatures, and the removal of toxins will occur gradually. The time spent in the steam room depends on the body’s endurance; it can last up to 10 minutes. The intervals between visits should be at least 15 minutes. In total, it is recommended to make no more than three visits to the steam room in one session.

Leaving the sauna

It is best to end your visit to the steam room with a cool shower. But you need to take it correctly, as recommended by the rules for visiting baths and saunas: first put the right foot under the water, then the left. The stream of water should first hit the foot and gradually rise up to the thigh. After this, rinse your hands. Starting with the palms, smoothly move to the shoulders. You need to repeat this procedure three times and then get completely under the shower.

Warm green tea is very beneficial after a sauna. It helps replenish and normalize metabolism and water balance. It is recommended to apply a variety of useful masks to steamed skin; they easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and help cleanse.

Herbal infusions or essential oils poured over heated stones have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and create a cozy atmosphere. First, a few drops of oil must be dissolved in a small amount of water.

General rules for visiting the bathhouse

Regular visits to the bathhouse can be considered sessions 1-2 times a week. The best time, when the body is more active, is considered to be morning hours - from 8 to 11 and evening hours - from 16 to 20. At this time, metabolic processes in the body are more active, and procedures are more effective.

There are few general rules, but compliance with them is mandatory. Pay special attention to the rules of behavior in the bathhouse. If you ignore them, you can harm your own health.

  • Drinking alcohol and smoking are prohibited in bathhouses of any culture. By violating these prohibitions, visitors risk a hypertensive crisis (a sharp increase in blood pressure) and vasospasm.
  • On bath day, completely give up alcohol and coffee. Drink mineral water, unsweetened tea, juices.
  • In the bathhouse, take off not only all your clothes, but also your jewelry. Wear a kilt, cap and bath slippers.
  • Do not enter the steam room with wet hair. Pull your hair into a bun to prevent it from scattering all over your body.
  • Before entering the steam room, pre-warm your body under a warm shower, then wipe dry with a towel.
  • The safest position in the steam room is lying on the bottom shelf, with your head towards the entrance.
  • Pay special attention to measured, deep breathing. It allows oxygen to intensively flow to all organs and tissues.
  • You should not stay in the bathhouse for more than three hours in one session. Also adjust the time you spend in the steam room.

Rules for using the pool.

1. Before using the pool, the visitor must wash himself with soap in the shower.

2. It is not allowed to rub various creams and ointments into the skin before using the pool.

3. Children under 14 years of age must use the pool only when accompanied by an adult.

4. Before going into the pool, you must remove your shoes.

5. To descend into the pool bowl, you must use a ladder. You need to go down slowly, holding onto the railing.

6. Do not allow foreign objects to get into the bowl - this can damage the pool equipment.

7. Move around the pool area must be careful to avoid falling on a slippery floor (water, residues of shampoo, soap, etc.)

8. It is prohibited: - To be in the pool hall wearing outerwear and street shoes. - Use the pool while intoxicated. — Bring glassware and glass objects (shampoos, colognes, diving masks, etc.) and shaving accessories into the pool or place it on the side; - Jump into the pool. — Run, push and play in the pool area. - Be on the water without hats. - Swim with fins.

9. Visitors with infectious or skin diseases cannot use the pool.

10. Please treat the equipment with care (if equipment is damaged, a fee will be charged in the amount of its cost, purchase and installation costs).

11. Each client is personally responsible for their health while visiting the pool.

Avoid mistakes

Avoid the most common mistakes that bathhouse and sauna visitors make:

  • To stay in the sauna longer, some people try to occupy the lowest cold shelf and sit there the entire time.
  • It is not recommended to douse yourself with warm water instead of cool water after a steam room.
  • It is dangerous to sit on the highest shelf when your head is near the ceiling and your legs are hanging down.
  • Drinking in the sauna, especially alcoholic beverages, is strictly prohibited.
  • If you walk in a cool room wearing clothes, the hardening effect is reduced.
  • It is unhygienic to dive into the pool immediately after the sauna without washing off the sweat.
  • You should not swim in the pool between trips to the sauna. Water pressure causes damage to dilated blood vessels.
  • It is harmful to comb your hair in a sauna; it becomes brittle.
  • In the steam room you need to completely relax, there is no place for conversations here, they will only interfere with the state of complete peace.

These Rules are uniform for employees and visitors, who must familiarize themselves with them before using the services. Compiled in accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52, San P and N “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for placement, arrangement, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of baths and saunas” and other sanitary and legal standards governing the relationship between the user and the service provider.

1. General requirements

1.1. Before paying for the service, visitors are required to read these rules.

1.2. Payment for the service confirms that the visitor is familiar with these rules, fully agrees with them and undertakes to comply with them.

1.2.1. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility for violating them.

1.2.2. Visiting the sauna is a purely voluntary matter for visitors, therefore, all risks associated with using the service, in case of non-compliance with the rules, the visitor assumes.

1.2.3. By purchasing a check, clients confirm that they have no medical contraindications for visiting the sauna and take full responsibility for their health and the health of children visiting the sauna.

1.3. The price list of maximum maximum prices for sauna services is approved by order of the MKU UKSMP Administration of the city of Biysk.

1.4. Entry to the sauna is permitted on the basis of a payment document (check). The document is kept by the sauna maintenance worker and is returned to the owner after leaving the sauna. The visiting service is valid only on the day of payment.

You can visit the sauna after making a preliminary appointment with the administrator (or a sauna maintenance worker) and 100% payment according to the price list.

1.5. The sauna is open from 10.00 to 22.00 daily, last entry no later than 21.00. The administration reserves the right to change the operating hours of the sauna and declare non-working, holiday, sanitary and other days during the year. Information about changes in operation is posted at least 3 days in advance in the lobby and on the pool website or communicated to the visitor in person.

1.6. Visits to the sauna are subject to prior registration. The duration of a single visit is at least 1 hour. The paid period of time for visitors to stay in the sauna includes the time for cleaning the room at the end of the visit - 7-10 minutes (depending on the amount of cleaning).

1.6.1. If the Client is absent more than 10 minutes after the start of the booked time, the order is cancelled.

1.6.2. The client can notify the administrator about the delay in receiving the service, but no more than 15 minutes.

1.6.3. Filling the sauna from 1 to 5 people at a time. When visiting more than 5 people, an additional payment is made for each person according to the approved price list.

1.7. It is prohibited to visit the sauna if you have infectious, skin, fungal or other diseases, feel unwell, have a fever, or other signs of an unhealthy condition that pose a danger to personal health and safety, as well as to the health and safety of other visitors.

1.7.1. Visitors over 70 years of age and persons with disabilities require a doctor's certificate regarding their health status and the possibility of visiting the sauna.

1.8. The administration is not responsible for the state of health of the visitor when providing them with false information about the state of health, for harm associated with deterioration of health if it worsened as a result of an acute illness, exacerbation of injury or a chronic disease that the visitor had before visiting the sauna.

1.9. In order to ensure the safety of visitors and the safety of property, video surveillance is carried out in public areas.

1.10. The administration is not responsible for harm caused to visitors as a result of their violation of these rules, safety rules, rules for using equipment, as well as for children unattended (accompanied) by parents or adults.

1.11. Visitors bear financial responsibility for breakdowns and damage to equipment. If a visitor causes property damage to the sports complex, the administration has the right to demand compensation. An act is drawn up.

1.11.1. If the damage is caused by minors (under 14 years of age), it is compensated by legal representatives or parents in accordance with current legislation.

1.11.2. The client can make a payment in the amount of the cost of damaged property or equipment to the cash desk. A fee based on the estimated cost of repairs may also apply.

1.11.3. If any defects are discovered before the start of the session, the Client is obliged to immediately notify the administrator or technical staff about this.

1.12. Visitors are obliged to maintain public order, behave respectfully and correctly towards other visitors and service personnel, and avoid actions that create a danger to others.

1.13. In case of emergency, the visitor is obliged to leave the premises, remaining calm and not creating panic.

1.13.1. If a fire occurs, you must, without panic, put on outerwear as quickly as possible (if the situation allows) and leave the building using the main and emergency (fire) exits or stairs.

1.13.2. It is necessary to strictly follow the commands of the Zarya Insurance Company staff

1.14. Minor children are allowed into the sauna only if accompanied by their parents or during group visits accompanied by responsible persons.

1.15. Adults should not let children out of their sight, having first explained to them the rules for visiting the sauna.

1.15.1. Responsibility for the life and health of the child lies with the accompanying parent (or a person of adult age).

1.15.2. Responsibility for the life and health of children during group visits lies with the leader, who is obliged to ensure that the children comply with these rules.

1.16. Access to children's groups is permitted only in the presence of teachers (coaches, group leaders) under their personal responsibility for the life and safety of children, which is recorded in the registration log.

1.17. The administration is not responsible for accidents or injuries associated with violation of these rules.

1.18. For violation of the rules of visiting the sauna, the administration has the right to stop the visit (in this case, money will not be returned) and refuse to visit the sauna in the future.

1.19. The administration is not responsible for technical inconveniences associated with preventive, repair and construction work carried out by city services.

1.20. If necessary and for the comfort of visitors, it is allowed to introduce new rules.

2. Rules for using the sauna. Recommendations.

2.1. Before visiting the sauna, it is better to consult a doctor. You should not steam in a state of severe fatigue or an acute form of illness.

2.2. You need to take a robe and a towel with you to the sauna, which should be placed on the bench before sitting down. To comply with hygiene requirements, visitors must wear removable shoes (flip-flops, slippers, etc.)

2.3. Do not wear metal objects or jewelry.

2.4. You should not visit the sauna immediately after eating or on an empty stomach.

2.5 . Before entering the steam room, you need to take a shower, but without soap, gel, milk, but simply washing your body with running water so that a natural fatty film remains on the skin, protecting the skin from drying out .

2.6. Before entering the steam room, you should not wet your head so as not to suffer from overheating.

2.7. Before entering the steam room, put on a felt cap to prevent heat stroke.

2.8. When entering the sauna for the first time, sit or lie on the lowest shelf to gradually get used to the temperature (the higher you are, the hotter the steam).

2.9. If you do not often go to the sauna, do not lie down in the steam room on the highest shelf, where the temperature is highest. It is necessary to increase the temperature gradually.

2.10. You should not sit on the lowest bench in order to spend as much time in the sauna as possible.

2.11. You cannot sit on the top shelf with your legs hanging down and your head up to the ceiling.

2.12. Do not speak. Breathe slowly through your nose (not your mouth!). If you feel hot to breathe, cover your nose with your palms.

2.13. If you are lying down, sit for a couple of minutes before leaving the sauna.

2.14. After leaving, cool your body in the shower, pool or special cooling room. You should not douse yourself with warm water after a sauna.

2.15. The first entry into the sauna should last no more than 8–10 minutes. Monitor your own well-being.

2.16. If after 3-5 minutes you feel that your body is well warmed up, take a short break.

2.17. The sauna can be visited in several sessions. Each run should last a minimum of 7 minutes – a maximum of 15.

2.18. After the procedure, you should rest for the same amount of time as you were in the sauna - this will help restore normal activity of the cardiovascular system.

3. Visitors are obliged to:

3.1. Observe hygiene rules. Maintain cleanliness and order in the sauna room. Use trash cans, do not throw various objects and garbage at windows,

3.2. Leave the sauna room in a timely manner and provide the opportunity to do cleaning before the next visitors arrive.

3.3. Treat property with care and ensure its safety (windows, dishes, benches, plumbing, etc.).

3.4. Observe and maintain public order and generally accepted standards of behavior, behave respectfully towards others and service personnel.

3.5. Follow requests, instructions and requirements of service personnel. Respond positively to comments from employees and bathhouse maintenance workers.

3.6. Observe discipline and personal safety requirements when using the sauna.

4. Visitors are prohibited


4.1. Enter the sauna without the permission of the sauna maintenance workers.

4.2. After taking a shower, leave it on.

4.3. Bring glass objects and detergents in glass containers into the shower and steam rooms.

4.4. Use detergents, creams, cosmetics, fragrances, oils, etc. in the steam room. Use clay, honey, salt, berries and other perfumery and hygiene products in the steam room (if you use similar items in other rooms, clean up anything that has been splashed on the floor, walls, etc.).

4.5. Eating food in the steam room of the sauna (allowed only in the relaxation room). If you visit the sauna to lose weight, it is better not to eat.

4.6. Spray aerosol liquids in the sauna;

4.7. Carry out hygiene procedures in shower cabins (washing, shaving, hair removal, etc.);

4.8. Throw toilet paper, garbage, personal hygiene items into the toilet;

4.9. Don’t care about the floor, relieve your natural needs outside the toilets;

4.10. Smoking inside the entire sports complex;

4.11. Bring and drink alcoholic beverages;

4.12. Use the services while under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

4.13. Carry firearms, gas, pneumatic and bladed weapons, piercing and cutting objects, as well as explosive and flammable, toxic and strong-smelling substances;

4.14. Visit the sauna if there are contraindications (malignant tumors, acute inflammatory processes, heart disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.);

4.15. Perform actions that pose a direct or indirect danger to a person’s life.


Failure to comply with these rules creates a threat to the safety and sanitary well-being of visitors, i.e. it is a violation of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” and San PiN. No. 982-72 dated June 19, 1972 “Sanitary rules for the design, equipment and maintenance of baths.” The perpetrators can be held accountable in accordance with current legislation.

The administration has the right to refuse subsequent visits to the sauna to unscrupulous clients who violate the rules of visiting saunas without explaining the reason for the refusal.

The administration is not responsible for the safety of visitors' personal belongings (documents, jewelry, watches, money, etc.) while in the sauna.

Contraindications for visiting the bathhouse

While having a lot of positive effects, bath procedures can also have negative consequences. The danger is associated with exposure to high temperatures and humidity; they can provoke the manifestation of some chronic diseases. Harmful effects can occur if visiting rules are not followed or contraindications to bath procedures are ignored. These include:

  • Any acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
  • Taking medications that affect metabolic processes.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy.

Of course, pregnancy is not a disease. However, the load on the female body during this period is too great, so bathing procedures are not recommended. It is possible to visit a warm bath, if the doctor allows it, he will determine the correct temperature regime. It is better not to use various essential oils and decoctions in this situation.

Dry bath: features, indications and contraindications, rules of steaming

The peculiarity of a dry bath is that the air temperature in it can reach 100℃, while the humidity barely reaches 20%.

Dry and hot air has many advantages:

  • It makes the body actively sweat, and waste and toxins are removed through the pores of the skin. Metabolism is normalized, pustular skin lesions disappear.
  • Improves the overall condition of the skin, making it softer and softer.
  • Disperses lymph, eliminating swelling.
  • Promotes maximum muscle relaxation, especially after physical activity.
  • Tones and invigorates, after such procedures you don’t want to sleep, as you do after visiting a wet bath.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

A dry bath is especially good for weight loss, having a complex effect on the body, removing excess fluid, and with it waste and toxins. Against the background of overall recovery, natural regeneration processes are launched, which help restore health not only at the cellular, but also at the mental level.

Indications and contraindications

Such procedures are indicated for people with the following health problems:

  1. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including muscle strains, joint diseases, pain and swelling in the ligaments. Warming up is especially good for a sore spine.

  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are in remission, when, against the background of an increase in general body temperature, the pathogenic flora living on the mucous membranes dies.

  3. Obesity and metabolic disorders.
  4. Asthma and allergic rhinitis.
  5. Skin diseases, including psoriasis, eczema, acne.
  6. Diseases of the genitourinary system: chronic cystitis due to constant hypothermia, urethritis, infectious and inflammatory processes of the genital organs.
  7. Liver diseases.

Dry vaping is more easily tolerated by patients, since the air is less saturated, which is especially good for those people who have problems with cardiovascular diseases.

But there are contraindications here too:

  • Respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis - dry air additionally dries out the mucous membrane, giving pathogenic bacteria a green light.
  • Diabetes mellitus in advanced form.
  • Chronic arterial hypertension, as well as previous heart attacks and strokes.
  • Acute kidney pathologies.
  • Epilepsy and other psychoneurological disorders.
  • Age after 60 years, when the risk of developing such a dangerous condition as embolism increases.
  • Oncological diseases.

A bathhouse should bring benefits first and then pleasure.

If it becomes difficult to breathe in a dry bath, dizziness appears, or nosebleeds begin, then you should leave the steam room as soon as possible.

Safety rules and features of a dry air bath

To get the maximum benefit from vaping, it is important to follow the following recommendations from experts:

  1. Stay in the steam room for no more than 10 minutes, and the number of visits can be 2-3-4-5 times, depending on your own well-being.

  2. Be sure to drink clean water, tea or compote, as moisture actively evaporates from the body and it is important to maintain water balance, otherwise there is a risk of dehydration.
  3. After each entry into the steam room, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. In this case, the water temperature should be cool, but not cold. The narrowing and dilation of blood vessels during dousing will be beneficial at any age.
  4. If children go to the bathhouse, then the maximum temperature should not exceed 60℃, while the time spent in the steam room should not exceed 5 minutes.
  5. After visiting the bathhouse, it is recommended to cool down and recover in the rest room or dressing room, then get dressed and get ready to go home.

It is strictly forbidden to sit in a steam room for a long time, since dry and hot air puts an increased load on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to the development of some complications and the manifestation of dizziness and tachycardia.

It is best to go to a dry bath no more than once a week. Frequent visits can have the opposite effect, and the body, which cannot cope with the stress, can react unpredictably.

Be sure to remove all jewelry and metal objects that, when heated, can cause burns on the skin.

Turkish bath

The Turkish bath is rightfully considered the coldest. Here the temperature ranges from 35 to 55 degrees. The rules of behavior in the bathhouse will be simpler here. The recommended time for visiting a Turkish bath is 1-1.5 hours. After visiting it, be sure to try all the services. Refusing them is simply considered incorrect.

  • The Turkish bath has a special room for pre-heating the body.
  • Full body massage plays a huge role here. It is carried out with special mittens with a large amount of foam.
  • Seaweed wraps are extremely popular in Turkish baths. Laminaria has a lot of cosmetic and medicinal properties. The aromas of the sea cause a relaxing effect.
  • Aromatherapy sessions take place in special rooms. Here visitors are offered delicious herbal tea.

Public baths

While in such establishments, do not interfere with the rest of other people. To make everyone feel comfortable, it is recommended to follow five rules of behavior in the bathhouse:

  • Do not attract the attention of others, talk calmly, do not make noise.
  • To protect yourself from various infections, follow all personal hygiene requirements.
  • Place rugs on the floor in the steam room. Use a set of clothes designed specifically for the bath.
  • Do not use products that contain overly strong odors.
  • Treat your employees' work with respect.

If you follow all the rules for visiting, as well as follow the recommendations of doctors, going to the bathhouse will bring only true pleasure and will have a healing effect on the body.

The effect of bath procedures on the body

Regular trips to the bathhouse can cure:

  • decreased tone of the epidermis;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • kidney disease;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

The benefit of a bath is that after warming up, the body actively secretes sweat. Along with it, waste, toxins, fat and various harmful substances are removed from the body. Blood flow increases and heart rate increases. With this activity, more nutrients are transported to the cells by the bloodstream. If you know how to properly take a steam bath in a Russian bath, then after the procedures the condition of the skin improves, breathing normalizes, and the body is cleansed.

The work of a bathhouse attendant using oak brooms is to force a hot stream of air towards the body Source blog.postel-deluxe.ru

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