Decorative stone for finishing baths and saunas

Ceramic tiles are not as durable and reliable as natural stone. Stone finishing in a steam room does not crack or fade; the stone can withstand many heating and cooling cycles and accumulates heat well.

A stone-lined wall behind the stove will reduce the heating time of the stove and make it possible to obtain uniform heat. Stone is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing; it goes well with wood and Himalayan salt. Natural stone with a relief surface is suitable for finishing Russian steam rooms and saunas; for hammams it is better to choose products with a smooth surface, which is more consistent with the concept of a Turkish bath.

Finishing the steam room: choosing wood and stone. Part 2. Stones in sauna decoration

The stone perfectly accumulates and releases the resulting heat. Therefore, in the bathhouse, stones are used for lining the walls around the stove, for directly lining the stove itself in the sauna (steam room), and also as decorative finishing materials.

To decorate a sauna with stone, it is better to use natural minerals such as jadeite, serpentinite, soapstone. The same materials can be used to finish a sauna stove.

To decorate the walls of the bathhouse, you can use stones of different sizes. As well as specially processed stone in the form of tiles, corners and other finishing elements.

Questions and answers

What is the best way to wash a stone so as not to spoil it?

Do not use aggressive substances. Choose a solution marked for natural stone, or simply choose soft and gentle products, be sure to rinse them off with water.

Is it possible to alternate sea stones with ordinary ones? Will this help avoid cracking of the former?

No, in any case, sea stones do not tolerate heat well and will quickly lose their properties.

Is it possible to treat some stones with coloring pigments to make the interior unique?

Don’t, at high temperatures any paint can begin to release harmful substances. In addition, such treatment reduces the service life of natural stone.

What is the best way to place stones in a bathhouse?

If materials of a non-standard shape, reminiscent of cobblestones, are selected, the masonry proceeds from bottom to top. Large stones are placed first, and then small stones. Form minerals are placed in any order on a suitable solution.

How dangerous is it to use chipped stones?

This is not dangerous, it’s just that such material will quickly crumble. Therefore, all chips must be cleaned.

Interior decoration of a bathhouse with stone is an excellent option to diversify the design of the room, while increasing the sound insulation of the room and its thermal insulation properties several times. The main thing is to choose the right material and install it correctly.

Stones in sauna decoration

Serpentinite or serpentine

This is an inexpensive natural mineral, good thermal protection and a wonderful decoration for your steam room. Serpentinite is most often used for cladding walls in the sauna (especially behind the stove) and the stoves themselves, finishing the floor and ceiling. The coil is available in the form of tiles for baths and corners. It is very strong, durable and safe.

The serpentinite bath stone (coil) has various shades of green interspersed with marble highlights - decorating the steam room with this stone in your sauna will look very beautiful.

In addition, the composition of serpentinite is rich in various microelements and has useful healing properties. A sauna with a coil coating (walls, stove) is indicated for frequent headaches and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, helps get rid of colds and digestive diseases. Serpentinite stabilizes blood pressure, relieves nervous tension, and eliminates inflammation in the kidneys.

Soapstone chlorite

Bath stone or soap stone (other names for soapstone) perfectly accumulate heat and release it for a long time and evenly. Allows significant savings on electricity and fuel consumption.

Finishing a bathhouse with tellchlorite stone involves lining the bathhouse stove (facade) with decorative stone, as well as finishing the walls in the bathhouse around the stove and the floor in the steam room. Soapstone tiles look attractive, have a rich texture, and do not slip. It is pleasant to walk barefoot on the soapstone tiles in the bathhouse.

Soapstone for saunas combines perfectly with wood and increases sound insulation. The soft thermal radiation of soapstone coincides with the thermal radiation of a person (8-9 microns), and therefore has a particularly relaxing effect.

The properties of soapstone are very beneficial for health. When heated, it activates the production of vitamin D in the human body, helps increase immunity, improve memory and mood, and activates thinking. Helps in treating colds and lowering blood pressure.

Soapstone is reliable and durable: it does not melt or fade, and does not produce microcracks.


We will select stones for finishing and equipment of the sauna. We will finish and decorate your sauna on a turnkey basis. We will help you with the project and realize any of your wishes.

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This emerald semi-precious stone is used in elite design and decoration of baths (steam rooms), and lining of stoves with stone. In saunas, jadeite is usually represented by a panel behind the stove and an original panel on the wall.

The use of jadeite as a material for finishing a bath is due to several of its main properties: jadeite retains heat for a long time (20 times longer than ordinary stones!), is durable and has many healing properties. Therefore, finishing a steam room in a bathhouse (and other rooms) with jadeite is not only very beautiful, expensive and prestigious. It is also very good for your health.

Jadeite absorbs harmful substances, including radionuclides. Clears the surrounding space of radiation, saturates the air with rare metasilicon acid, preventing the occurrence of varicose veins and the development of cellulite. Kills microbes contained in water. It is a source of soft infrared radiation, helps in the treatment of rheumatism and osteochondrosis. A steam room with jadeite is easier to tolerate.

Himalayan salt

Pink, red and black Himalayan salt is used in the sauna and Russian bath. The finishing of the bathhouse is carried out with building blocks (bricks) and tiles made of Himalayan salt. Not only the walls, but also the ceiling in the bathhouse can be lined with panels made of Himalayan salt.

Beautiful panels made of Himalayan salt with LED lighting and lamps are also very popular. Himalayan salt in the bath can also be found in the form of pebbles and crumbs used in the design of a sauna (steam room).

In conditions of high humidity and high temperature, Himalayan salt saturates the air with microelements that are beneficial for people. Helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, calms the nervous system, destroys salt deposits, removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. Improves the performance of the entire body.

Himalayan salt is a unique mineral

It has the same set and the same amount of mineral elements as in the human body. And when heated, it releases negatively charged ions into the air, creating a unique microclimate in the room, close to the sea.

Best options

Taking into account the budget and installation location, you should select the right type of material. For interior decoration, it is recommended to use only a few types of stones.


An affordable mineral that has excellent thermal protection and has an attractive appearance. Most craftsmen recommend using this stone when decorating the walls behind the stove, as well as the stove itself.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

By using serpentinite, you can improve your health. When heated, the stone begins to release special substances that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, eliminate symptoms of colds, and help fight headaches, vascular and digestive diseases. At the same time, the relaxing effect is enhanced and nervous tension is relieved.

Serpentinite will look good on the ceiling. The main feature of the stone is its convenient release form. It is purchased in the form of small tiles and corners, which are easily mounted on the mortar on the desired surface.

Because of its appearance, serpentinite received a second name - serpentine. Several shades of green and light marble highlights shimmer beautifully on the surface of the stone. Can be combined with ordinary wood and other finishing materials.

Soapstone chlorite

This material is better known as bath stone or soap stone. It collects heat well, retains it for a long time and gradually releases it. Thanks to this property of the coating, it is possible to significantly save on heating, using a minimum of firewood or electricity. Typically, soapstone is used for lining sauna stoves, as well as adjacent walls. To enhance the effect, the floor and part of the ceiling can be finished with mineral.

An additional advantage of soapstone is that it does not slip at all and improves sound insulation properties. Stone goes well with wood. An interesting fact is that with this choice of material, the bath stone acquires the same temperature as wood, preventing overheating of individual areas. In addition, the mineral has a long service life, does not melt when exposed to high temperatures and does not crack.

Soapstone has a beneficial effect on the immune system, allowing you to speed up recovery from colds. At the same time, intellectual and physical condition improves.


One of the most budget-friendly options for stones that can be used in a bathhouse. It heats up quickly, which saves on fuel. There are several color options, they depend on the location of gabbro-diabase extraction. The material quickly accumulates heat, but also quickly releases it back.

To maintain the air temperature, water should be applied to the stones from time to time. They are distinguished by excellent steam generation, so the temperature in the steam room will always be high. The average service life of gabbro-diabase is 1.5-2 years. Gabbro-diabase can be placed in a heater to make decorative panels.

Quarry stone

This name hides ordinary stones that can be collected in any field or quarry.
They heat up quickly, but very quickly release the accumulated heat back. In the case of conventional material, the supply of water does little to maintain a high temperature. Quarry stones should only be laid on a heater, as they produce a lot of steam, which is important for a steam room. Conventional material wears out quickly, cracks easily and rarely lasts more than a year.

A simple stone does not have any healing properties, but at the same time it costs practically nothing. If you need cheap material with a minimal budget, this is the most suitable option.

Jadeite and marble

This is a very expensive stone, not everyone can afford it. In appearance it resembles an emerald and is used for finishing steam rooms and lining ovens. Can be used to decorate walls in a bathhouse, creating a beautiful panel from jadeite.

The main advantage of the mineral is its unique thermal insulation properties, which are 20 times higher than those of ordinary stones. The material is very durable, does not form microcracks and improves immunity, accelerating the removal of toxic substances from the body.

Marble also has excellent bactericidal properties, but also has a high cost. Marble can be used to decorate the floor and walls of a steam room. When laying it on the floor, you should choose matte rough coatings to avoid falling due to strong sliding.

The material has a wide range of colors, allowing you to choose the stone according to your desires. In addition, marble is not afraid of temperature changes, but is more difficult to maintain.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

If necessary, the described types of stones can be mixed and placed in different places, creating an interesting and individual design.

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Bath stones - theory, experience of the portal’s craftsmen

Despite the presence of a bathtub or shower, baths do not lose popularity and remain an attribute of country life. The effectiveness of bath procedures largely depends not only on the design of the room and the parameters of the stove equipment, but also on the “quality” of the steam. Therefore, for those who like to take a steam bath, the issue of filling for the heater is important, and FORUMHOUSE has specialists who can help you choose the “right” stones for the sauna.


Bath stones are both a heat accumulator and a steam generator; they accumulate heat through direct or indirect contact with fire and transfer it to the steam room, which allows you to warm up the room faster and maintain the operating temperature longer.

The stones can be located outside the firebox, in an open (lattice basket) or box closed on three sides, or they can be located inside the stove. There are also combined options - an internal, closed heater, with a water supply and steam outlet, and an external one, where the stone mass is loaded. The number of stones varies depending on the design and power of the stove; it can be a couple of tens of kilograms, or maybe a hundred.

The stone backfill must meet several requirements:

  • increased heat resistance;
  • high heat capacity;
  • safety.

For many, the aesthetic side is also important, so that the stones look beautiful; for others, it is more important to get the “tasty” steam generated by special rocks, but at a minimum, the stones must withstand strong heat and retain heat for as long as possible. As for safety: the backfill should not be radioactive and should not release harmful substances or tiny particles, and should not “explode”, flying into fragments. And this is possible if you fill in rock that, in principle, is not designed for strong heating. There is a lot of information on the Internet and on various specialized resources, as well as in booklets distributed by trading companies, but it is often contradictory.

To make it easier for everyone interested in the task of choosing stones for backfilling, one of the portal participants opened the corresponding thread, but it currently contains 104 pages, and not everyone has time for painstaking study. Below we will outline the main recommendations of the topic starter and other specialists who became involved during the development of the topic.

Workshop from jadestone

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Jadestone is a petrologist by training (study of rocks), and has been successfully working in the field of supplying stones for sauna stoves for many years; He has enough experience to give advice.

I already had experience communicating in this format, and I realized that competent information on this topic is quite in demand. For this reason, I decided to create a specialized topic here and, as far as possible, answer in an accessible form some common questions regarding stones for baths and saunas.

Due to their characteristics, two types of rocks are suitable for heaters - metamorphic and igneous, as meeting the requirements, although igneous rocks are more often used. Specifically: olivine, diabase, gabbro-diabase, gabbro, quartzite, dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite, jadeite, jade, basalt, basaltic porphyrite.

As for soapstone, the controversy over its use does not subside; some are completely satisfied with it, others are categorically against its use in heaters. The mineral composition of the stone is predominantly talc and chlorite in various proportions, which determines its characteristics. The main property of talc is to transform into a powdery state under mechanical influence; fluctuations caused by heating and cooling apply precisely to this.

Therefore, a characteristic “dusty” coating will form on the surface of the stones in the backfill, which, when vaporized, will be spread throughout the room. Chlorite, on the other hand, has a scaly structure, and under heater conditions, tiny particles of stone, reminiscent of mica, will be released into the air along with talc.

The highest quality steam and soft heat is provided by soapstone with a high content of talc and a low content of chlorite, naturally, and there is less suspended matter from such a stone.

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However, stones of this quality are rarely found on sale; they are mainly used for lining stoves, and waste and substandard materials are used under the guise of bath stones. Therefore, if you are not confident in the supplier, you should not take risks; recommendations to pre-rinse and calcine the stowage will not bring significant improvements.

But soapstone's brother, soapstone, is excellent for backfilling; instead of chlorite, it contains fireproof magnesite, which can withstand the highest temperatures without destruction. But even here there are some drawbacks - this is a rather rare breed, both in nature and in selling companies.

When the most important criterion when choosing is not the price of the issue, experts recommend jadeite, a stone with an optimal combination of physical characteristics and decorative properties. It is a refractory stone (but not intended for direct contact with fire) with a high heat capacity, which, due to its composition and structure, is capable of generating special steam. We are not talking about a comprehensive cure for all ailments, as marketers promise, but a certain effect is actually observed.

Jadeite has a property that we can speak about with confidence, based not on speculation, but on the sensations of different people who steamed at different times and in different places. Jadeite has a clearly expressed tonic effect. A person who has experienced this effect on himself will never exchange jadeite for any other stone, if finances allow him.

And Topicstarter is not alone in this opinion.

Until I tried jadeite myself, I also thought that there wasn’t much difference, and what was the point of buying stones at an exorbitant price. Then I tried it and realized that the difference was significant. Jadeite produces a different vapor; it cannot be compared with gabbro, stainless steel or cast iron. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s not a matter of self-hypnosis; there are some physical and chemical roots to this phenomenon. But whether it makes sense to pay as much for filling the heater as the heater itself costs, everyone decides for themselves.

Some portal users, for whom cost is still important, were interested in whether it makes sense to combine backfill, for example, 40 kg of diabase and 20 kg of jadeite on top. Or it is a waste and will make no difference compared to backfilling entirely with diabase.

It will be, and it will be very large, the diabase will have cooled down by the morning, and the jadeite will be hot - you won’t be able to hold it with your hand. And when you steam, the steam is different, especially noticeable in the first days when you change the stone, the price is justified. The stone, one might say, is eternal, but there are differences between jadeite and jadeite; if the crystals are not shiny, it is not worth spending money on.

If you don’t have the finances for even part of the jadeite, gabbro or the like is quite suitable, although it has a shorter service life and will require periodic renewal of the stone mass.

Gabbro is a very good option for a bath! Both from the point of view of physical properties and from aesthetics. It is a pity that there is significantly less of this breed on sale than the same gabbro-diabase. Personally, I would prefer gabbro, especially when it is possible to regularly replenish the backfill.

The largest stones are placed in the water supply zone - they heat up more strongly and do not cool down as much after steam is generated, therefore, they are able to generate heat for a long time, even if the stove is no longer placed.

More details about choosing the optimal rock for backfill can be found in the topic on the forum; it has been “living” for four years now and does not lose its relevance. About the common variety of open and combined heaters, see the article “Cast Iron Alternative...”. The video is about the Russian steam room.

Types of stones for finishing the steam room

There are many options for natural stones that fit the bill. The most common minerals are:


This is a beautiful and durable mineral that retains heat for a long time and ionizes the air. Jadeite belongs to the group of pyroxenites, which are characterized by chemical inertness - when heated and in contact with water, they do not emit toxic substances or foreign odors. Finishing the steam room in the bathhouse with this decorative stone looks original. The mineral is used for lining stoves and walls. In saunas, a stone panel of jadeite is made behind the stove, but if desired, the decoration can be placed in another place.

Jadeite retains heat 20 times longer than other stones and absorbs harmful substances from the air, including radionuclides. When heated, it releases metasilicic acid into the air, which helps with varicose veins. Jadeite radiation occurs in an infrared spectrum that is pleasant for the human body, which helps in the treatment of rheumatism and osteochondrosis. A visit to a steam room decorated with jadeite is easier to endure due to the lighter steam.

There are three types of jadeite:

  • Imperial.
    This product is emerald green. It is a translucent or completely transparent stone that occurs only in the form of small veins. This gemstone is similar to emerald, but its price and durability are several times higher. The interior decoration of the bathhouse is not done with stones of this type.
  • Commercial.
    This opaque mineral can be green or gray in color with bright green veins. In the form of bricks and tiles, this stone is used to decorate walls in steam rooms and bathhouses.
  • Utility.
    The mineral is opaque and comes in green and gray colors. The color is non-uniform, it is used as a filler for heater stoves.

Soapstone chlorite

Another name is "soapstone", there are tiles and facing bricks of different sizes. This form of release simplifies the finishing of the bathhouse inside. The stone is used for finishing walls, floors and ceilings, and for lining sauna stoves. The floor finish does not slip due to the rough surface. Finnish also has stoves that are entirely made of this mineral.

Its heat capacity is 2.5 times higher than that of red brick. The evaporation of the mineral improves immunity and accelerates metabolism. The stone gives a soft warmth that resembles the sun's rays. Heat waves from soapstone have the same length as the natural radiation of the human body (8-9 microns), due to which heat penetrates 50 mm inside the body, which helps to release toxins and slow down the aging process. This heating activates the formation of vitamin D.

Soapstone is mined in Karelia. The rock contains 8% magnesium, the rest is chlorite and talc. Soapstone has a layered structure, which is why it absorbs water in small quantities. The surface never gets very hot, so there is no risk of burns.


The scope of application of soapstone is the same as that of soapchlorite - finishing walls, floors and ceilings, cladding and making sauna stoves. You can buy stone for finishing a bath in the form of bricks and tiles. The appearance is similar to soapstone, but the mineral is mined in Finland. Strength is higher due to the difference in composition.

In soapstone, 8% is chlorite, and 40-50% is magnesium. Due to the high magnesium content, when heated, the mineral produces light steam, which is saturated with oxygen ions. This stone does not absorb water even under pressure; it is not destroyed by acids and alkalis.

The mineral heats up quickly and cools down slowly; its surface is never hot, which eliminates the risk of burns if accidentally touched. Soft radiation slows down the aging process and improves immunity. The cost of soapmagnesite is twice as high as that of soapchlorite, but its service life is not limited.

Serpentine or serpentinite

This stone is often used to make tiles and corners that are used to decorate walls and ceilings. Also, this decorative stone for interior decoration of steam rooms is suitable for cladding stoves and fireplaces. The cost of the coil is low, it has a high heat capacity.

This is a strong, durable and environmentally friendly material. Finishing with serpentinite will look exclusive due to the original color of the mineral - various shades of green interspersed with marble highlights.

The coil helps fight migraines, upper respiratory tract diseases and manifestations of acute respiratory infections. In such a steam room, blood pressure stabilizes, nervous tension decreases and insomnia disappears.

Raspberry quartzite

This mineral consists of 95% quartz and is characterized by complete environmental purity. This solid mineral can withstand heat up to 1600 degrees and retains heat well. It is a metamorphic rock of volcanic origin. The color of the mineral is crimson. This is a durable stone that retains its structure under the influence of high and extremely low temperatures. The mineral does not accumulate radiation and does not release toxins when heated; it is considered an environmentally friendly mineral.

The stone is not subject to destruction under the influence of aggressive acids and alkalis.
Rolled crimson quartzite retains heat well and produces light steam. The steam room, decorated with crimson quartzite, is recommended for people with radiculitis and problems with the musculoskeletal system. This mineral has a finely porous structure, due to which water absorption is minimal. Our company provides turnkey finishing of steam rooms. We will choose the optimal stone for finishing the steam room in the bathhouse in accordance with your wishes and budget.

Stones for sauna stoves

Selected White Quartz Stone (10 kg bucket)

White quartz (white quartzite) is a temperature-resistant, high-strength material. The basis of White quartz is red..

Gabro-diabase stone (20 kg box)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (20 kg bag)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Jadeite stone “Black Prince” chipped (18 kg bucket)

Today, this stone has no analogues on the Russian market - it is the ideal combination of price and quality..

Jadeite stone “Black Prince” polished (20 kg bucket)

Today, this stone has no analogues on the Russian market - it is the ideal combination of price and quality..

Jadeite chipped medium stone (20 kg bucket)

Advantages: the stone is durable and fire-resistant, will serve you for at least 5 years. Our main difference and advantage...

Jadeite chipped medium stone (5 kg bucket)

Today, this stone has no analogues on the Russian market - it is the ideal combination of price and quality..

Jadeite stone, not calibrated, chipped (10kg)

Today, this stone has no analogues on the Russian market - it is the ideal combination of price and quality..

Polished medium jadeite stone (20 kg bucket)

Today, this stone has no analogues on the Russian market - it is the ideal combination of price and quality..

Polished medium jadeite stone (5 kg bucket)

Today, this stone has no analogues on the Russian market - it is the ideal combination of price and quality..

Stone Raspberry quartzite crushed (box 20 kg)

Porphyry (crimson quartzite), consisting of 98% quartz, is in great demand for sauna heaters. His p..

Talc-chlorite stone, bunded (box 20 kg)

Talko-chlorite is formed under conditions of colossal thermal loads and high pressure, therefore...

Jasper stone (10 kg bucket)

Jasper is often used in baths due to its homogeneous structure. Jasper cleanses the blood, promotes...

Porcelain ball d.60 *

Balls for heaters are made of special porcelain, which is hard. Balls are not cod..

Gabro-diabase stone (120 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (220 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (180 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (60 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (80 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (40 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (280 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (320 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (40 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

Gabro-diabase stone (100 kg)

Gabro-diabase stone is an environmentally friendly rock that does not have heterogeneities and is colored...

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Stones for the stove

Few people think about what function stove stones perform in a bathhouse and how important it is to choose them correctly. Fans of bath procedures devote a lot of effort and energy, choosing decent equipment, solving problems of arranging a steam room, and not at all puzzled when buying bath stones: this is such a trifle. But this can only be called a trifle (and even then with a stretch) if one has a mediocre attitude to the issue.

Sauna stones perform a number of mandatory tasks:

  • Steam formation. A stream of water (or herbal steam) thrown onto the stones instantly turns into clouds of miraculous steam, without which the healing properties of the procedure are unthinkable.
  • Heat storage. Maximum heated stones have a long period of heat transfer, thereby increasing the duration of vaping and allowing you to maintain heat in the room even a day later.
  • Aesthetic appeal. Bath stone is a natural mineral that never goes out of fashion; in addition to filling the heater, it is used in finishing the surfaces of a bath room and is a kind of measure of the overall aesthetic appeal of the interior.

Requirements for bath stones:

  • Ecological cleanliness. The absence of potentially hazardous impurities and accumulated radiation is a mandatory rule.
  • High resistance to temperature changes. Cold water splashed onto a hot stone can cause the rock to crack with flying fragments. Only stones that are resistant to extreme temperature changes are suitable for a bath.
  • Heat capacity. The larger and structurally denser the stone, the more heat it can absorb and the longer it will take to release it.
  • Size. Requirements determined by the size of the stones used are taken into account based on the volume of the heater.

Stone for baths and saunas

Healthy steam in baths and saunas is impossible without the use of stones. Bath stone largely determines the quality of steam, so its selection and installation have long been given great importance.

We offer to buy high quality stones for baths and saunas for wholesale and retail customers. For the convenience of our customers, the bath stone is packaged in corrugated cardboard boxes of 20 kg. We make direct deliveries without intermediaries and set prices for products that are favorable for Moscow.

To buy stones for baths and saunas or to receive additional information, please call 8-926-960-3217


Sauna stones

The Finnish sauna has some fundamental differences from the Russian bath:

  • Low humidity. The air in the sauna is very dry, its humidity is no more than 20%;
  • Higher temperature. In a sauna the air heats up above 100°C, in a bathhouse it is much less.

At the same time, you can buy stones for the sauna similar to those used in the Russian bath. Sauna stones must also meet the requirements of heat capacity, lack of radioactivity, high density, and be able to accumulate and release heat well. Unlike a sauna, the laying of stones for a sauna is open. They are placed on the surface of the furnace in direct contact with air. When heated, they effectively transfer heat into the room.

Stones for baths and saunas offered by our company can be used both in wood-burning stoves and in electric heaters and can create different effects depending on the type. So, some allow you to withstand mild temperatures, others provide strong steam. In our company you can buy stones for baths and saunas of the following types:

Purpose of stones

In baths and saunas, stones are necessary to accumulate and retain heat and create steam. With its help, a rise in temperature is achieved that can be maintained at the same level.

If desired, the steam can be made dry or wet. In the first case, the air will warm up to 120 °C. High temperature is a distinctive feature of dry steam. Low humidity makes it easier to withstand heating. In this case, a harsh effect on the body occurs, however, the therapeutic effect of visiting saunas with dry steam is more effective.

Wet steam, characteristic of a Russian bath, is generated by pouring boiling water over the stones. In modern buildings, closed heaters with water supply are used for this.

When heated, moist air acts like inhalation, but you cannot stay in a steam room at a temperature of 100 °C for a long time. This is especially true for people with cardiovascular pathologies. The air temperature is easily regulated and in most cases is maintained within 60 – 80 °C.

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

When choosing stones, you should pay attention to their size and heat capacity, which determines the intensity of heat transfer.

Types of bath stone

Soapstone chlorite

(stove stone, soap stone, pot stone) is a rock consisting of talc, magnesite and 8-10% impurities. The stone is often used in baths and saunas, as it quickly heats up, and then gives off heat of the infrared spectrum, similar to the sun, for a long time and evenly, forming soft, non-burning steam. When repeatedly heated to 1200 °C, soapstone does not change color and structure, does not deform or develop cracks. When hot, this stone has healing properties - it normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the immune system and metabolism. The service life of the stone is on average 3-3.5 years.


- is a frozen volcanic lava. Porphyrite is ideal for baths and saunas, since its properties allow it to withstand repeated large temperature changes and not be afraid of fire, and when exposed to water, it will not crack or collapse. Its greatest value is hidden in its medicinal properties. Porphyrite copes well with headaches, the steam from this stone relieves any migraines, has a good effect on the skin, and also fights many respiratory problems. The service life of the stone is about 5 years.


- This is frozen magma. Stone color: from light green to black. Dunit - can withstand temperatures up to 700º C, and will withstand open fire in the oven. It does not crack during temperature changes and guarantees the fastest heating of the steam room with high-quality steam. Dunite has a radiation background lower than the environment and does not contain toxic elements or harmful impurities. The healing properties of dunite: improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, and has a preventive effect against colds.


- an ornamental stone, the basis of which is siliceous rock. The best jasper in the world is mined in Russia in the Urals. Jasper has healing properties for purifying the blood, healing wounds, is used in the treatment of female diseases, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and normalizes sleep if used among other bath stones in a heater.


is a stone of volcanic origin that quickly accumulates and releases heat for a long time. Gabbro-diabase is an environmentally friendly material and does not contain harmful impurities. The use of gabbro-diabase in heater has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system, and can stabilize the state of the nervous system.

The stones for baths and saunas offered are mined in the Urals and are an environmentally friendly material that do not emit hazardous substances when heated.

Our company offers to buy crushed and artificially rounded (rolled) stones for baths and saunas. This type of mechanical processing improves the aesthetic appearance of the stones for the heater, and also promotes better heat accumulation and extends the service life of the stones.

From us you can buy bath stones at a competitive price with delivery throughout Moscow and the regions of Russia.

Popular minerals and their characteristics

The characteristics of the stones most suitable for use in baths are listed below:


Heat capacity kJ/kg*С0 - 0.92

A natural mineral of igneous origin, 90% consisting of chrome spinels. It contains olivine, serpentine and pyroxene, and may contain Mg and Zn elements.

It has a high specific gravity, heat capacity, strength, is non-toxic and does not interact with the liquid medium even at high temperatures.

The stone has long been used in folk medicine to treat pathologies of the reproductive system. It has powerful energy, improves immunity, and treats colds.

Soapstone chlorite

Heat capacity kJ/kg*С0 - 0.98

Eco-friendly material that has the ability to retain heat throughout the day. Allows you to obtain a large amount of steam with a minimum number of cobblestones. Before first use, it requires piercing and washing, which eliminates the formation of dust.

It has a lot of healing properties: strengthens the body, adds vitality, increases immunity, promotes the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, and normalizes metabolism. Soapstone emits soft heat, similar to that of the sun.

White quartz

Heat capacity kJ/kg*С0 - 0.75

The material is not very strong and durable, it can crack when heated, but it has excellent aesthetic qualities. The translucent white minerals look stylish in the oven and produce a lot of steam.

A distinctive feature of white quartz is the release of fragrant ozone upon sudden cooling after heating. The mineral stimulates brain activity, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and enriches tissues with oxygen.


Heat capacity kJ/kg*С0 - 1.00

The black rock, consisting of olivine and pyroxene, does not emit harmful impurities when heated.

It has a low coefficient of linear expansion and high specific heat capacity. Thanks to this, it does not crack and can withstand high temperature loads.

The stones do not have decorative properties, but their natural irregular shape provides a large area of ​​evaporation. By interacting with carbon dioxide, peridotite purifies the air, helps cure colds, and stabilizes blood pressure.


Heat capacity kJ/kg*С0 - 0.70

Durable, wear-resistant cobblestones with high density and low water absorption. Quartzite does not lose its external qualities during prolonged use, does not crumble and does not emit harmful substances.

It comes in crimson, yellow and gray colors. Useful in the treatment of vegetative-vascular diseases and pulmonary pathologies. Helps improve blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and heals joints.


Heat capacity kJ/kg*С0 - 0.84

Basalt or vulcanite is naturally durable and resistant to high temperatures. It has very low water absorption properties and has a high heat capacity.

The mineral is capable of intensively generating healing steam. Increases blood pressure, helps with colds, joint inflammation, migraines, nervous system disorders and eczema.

Tips for using a bath stone

Before placing bath stones in the heater, it is recommended to rinse them well with running water. As a rule, coarse stones are placed in the lower part of the furnace, and smaller stones are placed higher. It is better to place stones in the heater vertically, leaving gaps between the stones for free steam escape. Only splash hot water on heated stones. If you regularly use bath stones, you should go through them several times a year, replacing cracked ones and removing dust.

The sauna stone lasts for several years and does not require frequent replacement. Subject to simple conditions of use, a bath stone will warm you with its warmth for a long time, bring health and create excellent conditions for relaxation.

Moscow, Minskoe highway, 25 km. Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Vnukovskaya, building 13

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