Infrared sauna: benefits and harms, how often you can visit


  • Infrared sauna: operating principle
  • Types of emitters
  • Features of the effect on the body
  • The healing effect of an infrared sauna
  • Cosmetic effect
  • Contraindications
  • Features of the procedure
  • Pros and cons of infrared sauna
  • Advantages of an infrared sauna compared to traditional baths
  • Rules for visiting the infrared sauna
  • The benefits and harms of an infrared sauna
  • Infrared sauna for children
  • Infrared sauna for pregnant and nursing mothers
  • Conclusion


Who is not recommended to visit the IS

Certainly, infrared rays, within reasonable limits, have a huge number of advantages. They have 2 disadvantages:

  • you cannot be under their influence for a long time;
  • Under no circumstances should people with specific illnesses be visited.

The first minus is quite clear, but the second minus should be clarified. For certain diseases, high temperatures will lead to the active manifestation of the virus or disease. If you have such diseases, you should not expose your body to infrared rays. It is important to study contraindications.

A complete list of diseases for which visiting an infrared sauna is prohibited:

Liver and kidney diseases Infectious diseases Processes of putrefaction
Cachexia Cold Bleeding
Chronic alcoholism Parasitic diseases Tumors
Some forms of tuberculosis Any disease in the acute stage Postthrombophlebitic syndrome

Infrared sauna: operating principle

All people have different preferences. Some people like to visit saunas and turn trips to the bathhouse into good traditions. And some people have a hard time withstanding the heat and avoid such places. Most likely, opponents of saunas do not know about the existence of infrared saunas. They would probably change their minds regarding procedures of this type.

An infrared sauna (IR sauna) is a small room made of natural material, such as wood, where infrared emitters are installed. Under the influence of emitted waves, bodies that fall under their influence are heated.

Most often these are small cabins for 1-2 people, which can be found in fitness clubs, beauty salons, or even in some people’s homes.

In order to understand the principle of operation of such a sauna, you need to know what infrared waves are.

IR waves are part of the light spectrum that can heat objects. Such radiations cannot be seen, but they can be felt by the skin. The strongest source of infrared radiation is the sun. If you are under its direct rays, you feel warm. These are IR waves.

It should be noted that any body emits or transmits infrared radiation, including the human body.

All baths have one thing in common. In them, heat is transferred from one object to another. There are several ways to transfer heat:

  1. Contact - when you touch a cold object, you transfer your heat, i.e. infrared radiation comes from you, which is absorbed by the object you touch.
  2. Convection is an option when one object is heated thanks to intermediate coolants. Most often it is air or water. In a traditional sauna, the human body is heated by heated air.
  3. Wave - when objects are heated using infrared waves.

The operating principle of an infrared sauna is as follows. The person receiving this procedure is exposed to harmless infrared waves. They penetrate 4 cm into the skin and warm it, as well as joints, organs, etc. The person begins to sweat heavily, despite the fact that this radiation does not heat the air. Therefore, the temperature in the sauna itself does not rise above 50°C (in ordinary saunas it reaches 110°C).

Differences between infrared saunas and Finnish saunas, Turkish and Russian baths

The heat waves emanating from special emitters almost do not heat the air, but act mainly on the body, penetrating into it through the skin to a depth of 4-7 cm. At the same time, the temperature in the infrared sauna is quite comfortable and reaches approximately 40-60°C.

This is one of the significant advantages. Unlike a traditional steam room, where the temperature can rise above 100 degrees, an infrared sauna does not cause discomfort for those who cannot tolerate heat and/or high humidity.

Another important feature of infrared saunas is their independence from water communications. Thanks to this autonomy, the IR cabin can be installed anywhere in the house or city standard apartment. Wherever space allows, there will be access to a standard electrical network.

For example, this infrared sauna with ceramic heaters occupies an area of ​​only about 1 square meter.

PHOTO: For example, this IR sauna with ceramic heaters occupies an area of ​​only about 1 square meter. Read more…

Structurally, the infrared sauna is a prefabricated structure that can be assembled within 1-2 hours, after which it is completely ready for use.

Comparing a traditional Russian or Finnish bath and an infrared sauna, I will note a significant difference in time. Just getting ready to enter a regular steam room can take a lot of time. In the sense that warming up a Finnish sauna or lighting a Russian bath takes quite a long time. Sometimes up to an hour. That is, you should prepare for a trip to the steam room in advance.

In addition, the process of traditional steaming itself occurs in several stages, and is a real ritual, the intricacies of which only true lovers of steam and brooms thoroughly understand. Entering and exiting the steam room, drinking large amounts of liquid, dousing yourself with ice water after a scalding steam room - the bath procedure can take several hours. No, of course it’s just great, useful and sincere. But with today’s crazy workload, you can only afford the luxury of spending virtually half a day on yourself no more than once a week.

Entering an infrared sauna is a completely different matter. It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare. And the procedure itself can take a little more than half an hour. However, the effect of time spent in an infrared cabin will be comparable, and in some cases even higher, than from sitting for many hours in a regular steam room.

Ceramic heaters in an infrared single-person sauna

Why higher?

Infrared heat waves, affecting the human body, promote profuse sweating at a fairly modest temperature. At the same time, the composition of the sweat released in an infrared sauna differs significantly from the composition of the moisture that appears on the human body in a traditional steam room. The processes of cleansing and rejuvenating the body in an infrared sauna occur more actively, this is a fact. Most likely due to the fact that in an infrared sauna, along with sweat, only 80% of the water leaves the human body, and the rest is accumulated harmful substances (the so-called “waste”: cholesterol, fat, heavy metal salts, toxins, lactic acid, etc. .P.)

In a regular steam room, sweat is 95% water, and only 5% consists of solids, which must be disposed of regularly.


When in an infrared sauna, the human body temperature reflexively rises to 38.5°C. The body imitates a natural reaction to infections, while the vital activity of possible viruses and bacteria is suppressed.

IR saunaSauna
Heat TransferLong IR wavesHot air
Temperature during procedures40-60°С80-120°С
Warm-up time5-10 minutesUp to 2 hours
Time of acceptance of procedures20-40 minutes2-3 hours
Electric power1-2 kW4-9 kW
Electrical voltage220 V220 - 380 V
Electricity costMinorSignificant
Installation locationAny roomFixed
Installation time20-30 minutesUp to several days

Types of emitters

The most important element of an infrared sauna is the emitters. They are different, depending on the wavelength they produce. In turn, the waves are divided into:

  • Long – from 50 to 200 microns;
  • Medium – from 2.5 to 50 microns;
  • Short – up to 2.5 microns.

The shorter the wave, the more it heats objects.

Long waves are considered the safest. This is because they are as close as possible to the radiation that comes from a person (waves with a length of 70-200 microns emanate from our body). Therefore, the human body does not perceive radiation in this range as hostile.

Medium and short waves are used to heat large areas.

So, we found out that long waves should come from the emitter in an infrared sauna. Now let's look at the material from which the main element is made.

The following materials are used to produce infrared emitters:

  • Ceramics;
  • Metal (stainless steel, chromed or galvanized metal, incoloy);
  • Quartz glass.

Incoloy is a special alloy of chromium, iron and nickel. This is what is most often used in the manufacture of emitters for infrared saunas.

Design features

Structurally, the infrared sauna is represented by a cabin of various geometries and sizes with a separate entrance. The minimum dimensions of the device are 1000×1000×1950 mm.

The dimensions of the sauna are determined by the internal volume and the total number of visitors for which it is designed. Additionally, the design features and dimensions of the room in which it will be installed are taken into account.

To make a sauna, heat-resistant wood species are used that have a powerful therapeutic effect on the body - linden, aspen, cedar, hemlock, pine and kambara. The internal elements of the structure are carefully sanded and tinted.

All materials are environmentally friendly and safe to use. Infrared wave emitters are installed in the benches and wall surfaces, ensuring effective heat exchange in the cabin.

In addition, the sauna is equipped with an effective control system and additional options in the form of built-in equipment for color therapy, an acoustic system, an ionizer and an air humidifier.

The main source of infrared waves is a spiral-shaped resistor installed in a hollow tube and filled with finely dispersed quartz.

Features of the effect on the body

If you don't like hot baths, then an infrared sauna will definitely appeal to you. This is because the air temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 50-60°C. But, despite this, the rays penetrate deep enough into the body and warm the body better than in a regular bath.

For comparison, we note that in a Russian bath the body warms up by 3-5 mm, and in an infrared sauna - up to 4 cm.

This is because the infrared waves from the emitters have the same length as the heat waves emanating from a person. Therefore, our body perceives them as its own and does not prevent their penetration. The human body temperature rises to 38.5. This allows you to kill viruses and harmful microorganisms. This procedure has a rejuvenating, therapeutic and preventive effect.

How does the IP work?

Most of the cabins are made for one person. However, you can easily find options for 2-5 visitors. There should be more heaters in such cabins, but the temperature in the cabin should not be higher than permissible. The energy source, as mentioned earlier, is the electrical network.

Infrared sauna device:

  • interior decoration;
  • box;
  • heating elements;
  • glass door;
  • benches.

The calculation of internal parameters is done based on the parameters of the body in a sitting position so that there is enough space for comfortable rest and the space does not feel very enclosed. The average area for a comfortable stay inside will be 80 by 80 cm. Considering the thickness of the walls is 15 cm, the outside of the box will be 95 by 95 cm.

Heaters are installed at different ends to warm up the body as much as possible. Two in front, one under the bench, two behind the person sitting.

Infrared saunas often have more powerful heaters than other saunas. On the surface, the heater produces a temperature of 220 to 280 degrees. It is thanks to this temperature that heat penetrates much deeper, warming almost all layers of the skin.


The heat waves emitted by heaters are located within the usual limits of the human body. Because of this, the procedure becomes completely safe. The impact occurs not by heating the air to warm up the body, but by electromagnetic waves.


For the greatest efficiency of visiting the IS, it is desirable to provide a special microclimate and reduce the difference in temperature around the cabin. This effect is achieved by using natural wood to decorate the ceiling, floor and walls.

Thanks to this, the air temperature will not matter, and the body will heat up not due to the air, but precisely due to infrared radiation. The most favorable indicator is 50 degrees. And the minimum indicator for sweating is 35 degrees. At the beginning of the procedure, air humidity is about 40%, and by the end it rises to 60%.

The healing effect of an infrared sauna

In addition to comprehensive prevention and general health improvement of the body, an infrared sauna helps treat various diseases. Naturally, it is not used as the main method of treatment, but doctors include this procedure as part of complex therapy.

Infrared radiation promotes:

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • Stabilization of blood pressure;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Healing of wounds, various injuries (fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.);
  • Strengthening the protective properties of the body (increasing immunity);
  • Improving kidney function by increasing blood circulation;
  • Treatment of chronic ENT diseases;
  • Reduce and relieve pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • Rapid resorption of hematomas;
  • Reducing the pain of menstrual pain and headaches;
  • Eliminate stress;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, acne, pimples, dandruff, etc.);
  • Healing of scars and scars.

Losing excess weight by heating in an infrared chamber

It must be said right away for all interested women and girls that when heated in an infrared chamber, weight actually decreases and extra pounds disappear. You need to visit the sauna regularly, but you can speed up weight loss by simultaneously exercising, eating a healthy diet, and quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

Due to the fact that deep sweating begins and the body activates energy, one visit to the infrared sauna is equivalent to running 10 km. Metabolism is enhanced in the chamber, thereby accelerating the breakdown of fat and the removal of toxins, waste and excess fluid.

Weight loss due to the removal of excess moisture from the body occurs in the initial stages of the visit. When the bulk of the water is removed, weight loss will occur with the breakdown of fats and the intensity of their accumulation will decrease. For this type of weight loss, you don’t have to resort to effort, all that remains is to receive positive emotions.

Cosmetic effect

In addition to its health-improving, therapeutic and rejuvenating effects, an infrared sauna helps solve many cosmetic problems.

While under the influence of infrared waves, a person begins to sweat very much. Together with sweat, the skin is cleansed and dead cells are sloughed off. Such procedures are recommended for people with acne and pimples.

Very often, infrared cabins can be found in sports clubs. All because of the amazing property of an infrared sauna to help in the fight against extra pounds and cellulite.

30 minutes of such a thermal procedure can be compared to a 10-kilometer run in terms of the number of calories consumed.

But if you decide to lose weight only with the help of such a sauna, then the effect is unlikely to be noticeable. You will be able to lose extra pounds if you combine regular exercise, proper nutrition, visiting the sauna and using special cosmetics.

Athletes know another feature of the infrared sauna. The rays emanating from the emitters promote the resorption of lactic acid in the muscles, after which pain disappears and the body recovers faster.

Impact principle

The effect of an infrared sauna on a person is different from any other bath. Let's look at all the stages and the processes occurring in them:

  • Before the start of the session, you need to prepare the internal space by setting the humidity above 45% and below 50, and select a temperature above 35 degrees and below 38.
  • In the first minutes, energy accumulates and this process takes no more than 10 minutes. During this period of time, the body sweats slightly, but the body temperature rises to 38.
  • During the second stage, the greatest sweating occurs. From the 11th to the 20th minute, sweat is released intensely. And along with sweat, toxins come out. Also, the speed of blood circulation increases, which improves metabolism.
  • Starting from 22 minutes, the volume of excretion decreases, but the body temperature rises.

After half an hour you need to leave the booth. At this stage, sweat production increases slightly, for about 6-9 minutes.


Any health procedure has its contraindications. The infrared sauna is no exception. In order not to harm your health or aggravate the course of any disease, you need to know about situations in which sessions in an infrared sauna are contraindicated for a person.

  1. In case of exacerbation of skin diseases.
  2. While taking medications (radiation can cause side effects from medications).
  3. Oncological diseases, all kinds of tumors.
  4. For menstruation or other types of bleeding.
  5. For any diseases of the prostate gland.
  6. For mastopathy.
  7. After surgical interventions.
  8. For gynecological diseases such as: endometriosis, fibroma, fibroids, etc.
  9. For colds and other infectious diseases.
  10. Heart failure, too high or very low blood pressure, tachycardia, anemia.
  11. During exacerbation of cystitis and nephritis.
  12. For inflammation of the joint capsules, development of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).
  13. If there are any implants in the human body.

Ideal time to visit IK

It is recommended to take time to visit the infrared cabin, for example, after visiting the gym. Since it is after physical activity that harmful substances reach the upper layers of the skin, and visiting IR promotes their most rapid release during sweating.

Also, an excellent procedure preceding the placement of infrared therapy would be a good massage session, which helps improve blood circulation, for example, anti-cellulite.

If you just decide to visit IR, it is better to allocate evening time for this procedure.

Features of the procedure

Visiting an infrared sauna is very different from a traditional procedure.

  1. Firstly, the session duration is 30 minutes. This is exactly how long it takes to get the maximum effect. However, you cannot leave the infrared cabin during this time. You can open the door (this will not affect the quality of the procedure in any way).
  2. Secondly, while in such a sauna it is very important to take the necessary position. You should sit on a bench with your feet on the floor. The back remains straight. The emitters are mounted both in the walls and under the seat. Therefore, it is in a sitting position that you can get the maximum effect from an infrared sauna.
  3. Thirdly, during and after the procedure you need to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.
  4. Fourthly, you should not take a cold shower after visiting the infrared sauna. The body does not perceive such a session as overheating. Therefore, just take a warm shower to wash away sweat and moisturize your skin.

Using the table, we will look at the main differences between a regular sauna and an infrared sauna.

Comparison criteriaIR saunaRussian bath
Sauna heating time10-15 minutes1-2 hours
Temperature inside the sauna45-55°C90-110°С
Total duration of the procedure0.5 hours1-2 hours
Feelings after the procedureEnergy boostDrowsiness and fatigue
How often can you do itEvery dayNo more than once a week
Energy consumptionLowHigh

Instructions for making at home

An example of making a cabin for a family of three. The optimal place for placement would be a room measuring 1155x3050x2400 mm. To secure the frame, use a 40x40 mm beam.

  • Make a small graphic drawing based on the drawing and determine the location of the IR heaters. Electrical wiring is carried out inside the wall and under the bench using heat-resistant cable. At the same time, we provide lighting.
  • We make waterproofing, for which we fix it on the walls in the described order:
  1. plastic film;
  2. insulation, see markings suitable for the type of work, which does not emit harmful substances even with slight heating;
  3. foil.
  • The heaters are mounted: three elements on the back wall, one on the sides, two more heaters are placed horizontally, under the bench. This is the optimal number that will not cause excessive heating of the air, and the location will ensure heat distribution. The control power supply is installed externally. Connect the equipment from the power supply panel. Extension cords are not permitted.
  • We install and arrange places.
  • We cover the surfaces of the ceiling and walls with clapboard. We sew up the benches and attach supports under the back.
  • We install ventilation using a corrugated aluminum pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, lead the pipe into the ventilation shaft and cover it with a grill. Forced exhaust is not required, because the process does not create steam accumulation.
  • Select lamps for use at high humidity and temperature.
  • We install the door.

Pros and cons of infrared sauna

Based on the features of such health procedures, the following advantages :

  1. Easy to tolerate by humans. Because the temperature in an infrared sauna is not very high, most people feel quite good throughout the entire session.
  2. The procedure takes quite a bit of time. If a regular sauna involves several short visits, after which time is needed for recovery, then you need to enter the infrared sauna once.
  3. Sessions can be carried out even in the morning. After the sauna you will not feel “broken” and tired. On the contrary, such a procedure will give you strength and energy for the whole day.
  4. Compactness. This sauna can be installed even at home. It takes up minimal space and consumes little energy (less than an electric kettle).

It is quite difficult to name the disadvantages of this procedure. Disadvantages may appear if the booth is not used correctly or the rules for staying in it are ignored.

Which is the best infrared sauna to buy: price and recommendations

The range of infrared saunas on the market is quite wide. Therefore, buying a booth turns into a difficult task. To choose the best option, just follow a simple algorithm.

  1. How to choose an infrared cabin:
  2. Decide on the installation location and, taking this into account, calculate the size of the sauna.
  3. Choose the shape and external design.
  4. Decide on the material for making the booth.
  5. Select a heating element with the required characteristics.

As a rule, infrared saunas have clear and convenient control systems

Make sure that the booth has a convenient and understandable control system.

If you take into account all these nuances, the cabin will bring joy and health for many years. Of course, manufacturer and price remain important selection criteria, which have a direct impact on the quality of the structure and its durability. It is not recommended to water the cabin or violate the operating rules, otherwise the sauna will quickly become unusable.

How to choose and buy an infrared sauna with optimal characteristics

To install an infrared sauna in a house, you will need a space of at least 1.2 x 1.2 m. This is the size of standard cabins, which are designed for one person. A single design can be installed in a city apartment, for example, on a loggia or in a bathroom. If you have additional space, you can install a booth with dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m, designed for 2-3 people.

An interesting design of the infrared cabin suitable for a home gym

Three- or four-person saunas are usually installed in private and country houses. There are cabins on sale that can accommodate 5 or more people at the same time. Such designs are intended for gyms and spas.

The shape and design of the booth is selected taking into account the design of the room where it will be installed. Designs are rectangular, angular, hexagonal.

Helpful advice! To ensure that the sauna fits optimally into the style of the room, you can order a cabin with a suitable design of the outer panel, which can be made of glass (mirror, frosted, transparent) or MDF. Handles, trims and other fittings will help diversify the appearance of the booth. All these little things will allow you to achieve unity in the design.

Overall dimensions of a single cabin infrared sauna

The following types of wood are most often used to make booths:

  • Siberian cedar;
  • deresined pine;
  • aspen;
  • Canadian cedar;
  • alder;
  • Linden.

Average prices of infrared saunas using the example of the manufacturer KOY:

ModelDimensions, mprice, rub.
KOY H01-JK711x1x287000
KOY R05-K11x0.96x2111000

Many buyers have already appreciated the benefits of an infrared sauna; consumer reviews from forums confirm this.

“I visit the sauna after working out at the gym. I like that the temperature in the cabin is low, but at the same time you sweat more intensely than in a sauna. After 10 procedures, my skin condition noticeably improved, it became clear, and my pores became smaller. And the absence of muscle pain after playing sports is an additional plus.”

Marina Fomicheva, Moscow

“Last year my husband gave me a small infrared cabin for his birthday. The feeling is great. After several sessions I lost a little weight. Great stuff. I advise you to try it."

Ekaterina Shcheglova, Ekaterinburg

Installation dimensions for installing a corner cabin of an infrared sauna

Advantages of an infrared sauna compared to traditional baths

The actions of all baths and saunas are aimed at warming up the human body. The difference between the types of baths is the resulting effect.

While a person is inside the sauna, he actively sweats. Sweat releases water and solids such as sodium, copper, lead, etc. When using an infrared sauna, the sweat produced is 80% water and 20% toxins and solids. While in a regular bath, sweat consists of 95% water and only 5% consists of harmful substances.

In addition, with infrared wave exposure, deep heating of tissues and organs is observed, which cannot be said about a Russian bath or Finnish sauna.

Report on warming up in an infrared sauna with carbon heaters

Time, minutesFeelThe temperature inside the cabin is at head level, degrees Celsius.
0Has entered. The temperature feels comfortable - neither hot nor cold. 31
13It feels like your head is heating up. Then this feeling will disappear, but at this moment I noted that it was there and that a bath cap would not hurt. didn't look
19Sweat ran down my forehead.didn't look
22Shoulders sweat. It seems stuffy. The temperature is not objectively high. So this, apparently, is my personal peculiarity. 34
25Drops of sweat ran down his chest and back. The head no longer subjectively warms up, that is, the feeling that the head is hot has disappeared. 35
30Sweat rolls down like a hail. But my feet don't sweat. 39
35All the same. I'm waiting for my feet to sweat. Until they sweat. Knees are cold. 40
39All the same. Sweat is released very actively. You constantly have to wipe yourself with a towel. It just has to be with you inside. didn't look
42Felt my heartbeat. I counted my pulse. 110 beats per minute. My hands and calves were sweaty. 42
44I felt tired. This is even the second sign of “overkill”. I knew that when you felt your heartbeat, it was time to go out. But for the sake of experiment I endured it. The sweat just pours out. The skin on my shoulders turned red. I'm leaving. An experiment is an experiment, but health is more valuable. In general, if it weren’t for the test, I would have left 2-3 minutes ago 45

Rules for visiting the infrared sauna

An infrared sauna has a positive effect on the human body. But in order to get the maximum desired result from being under IR waves, you need to know how to visit such saunas.

Here are the basic rules for staying in an infrared sauna.

  1. Before taking treatment procedures, you must wash off all makeup from your face and rinse in the shower. Under no circumstances should you use any cosmetic products (creams, lotions, scrubs, etc.) before visiting the sauna. This can lead to an allergic reaction and even burns.
  2. In order for a visit to the sauna to bring maximum benefits, it is not recommended to eat food before going to the sauna and immediately after it. It is better if you eat 1 hour before entering the infrared cabin. At the same time, we recommend eating something light.
  3. While in the infrared sauna, wipe off sweat with a dry towel. The fluid released on the skin prevents the penetration of heat and slows down the warming up of the body.
  4. After completing the procedure, drink plenty of fluids. By warming up your body, infrared rays dehydrate the body quite strongly. Therefore, to restore water balance, we recommend drinking clean water or warm green tea.
  5. After taking a sauna, you can rinse off in a warm shower. It would be a good idea to rest for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cosmetics can be applied to the skin after taking water procedures.

Application of infrared cabin

Such sessions are considered by some people as a wonderful relaxation for body and soul, especially in booths equipped with effects for a pleasant pastime. Therefore they are used in this direction. If you choose the right cabin size, you can relax with your family or friends. Currently, cabin installation is popular in various places:

  • in the office;
  • apartment;
  • on a private plot;
  • in beauty salons and fitness centers;

Particularly popular is equipment for preparing and warming up athletes before a game or competition, or for relaxing after an important game. Due to the fact that the sunnas produce a lasting therapeutic effect, their installation has begun in modern medical clinics.

The benefits and harms of an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna definitely brings maximum benefits to the body. But if you do not adhere to the rules of staying in the bathhouse and neglect the advice that we will discuss below, you can cause harm to the body.

  1. Monitor the wavelength and radiation power. Otherwise you may get burned.
  2. Consider the individual characteristics of your body and read the contraindications. If necessary, consult your doctor.
  3. for yourself how long to stay in the infrared sauna. For an adult, 1 session lasts 30 minutes, and for a child – 15 minutes.

Benefits for the human body

While staying inside the cabin, a person’s sweating is activated, with which 20% of harmful toxins and 80% of water are removed from the body.

Interesting: in a regular steam room, dehydration is 95%. In an infrared sauna, the body temperature reaches 38.5 degrees - this destroys germs and bacteria. The procedure has cosmetic, medical and preventive effects.

Cosmetology is expressed in cleansing problematic skin. Cellulite is reduced. Accelerates tissue regeneration after injuries and operations. In combination with physical exercise and nutritional balance, it promotes weight loss.

Health effects, main:

  1. immunity;
  2. strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  3. normalization of blood pressure;
  4. reduction of nervousness, irritability, normalization of sleep;
  5. prevention of chronic respiratory diseases.

An infrared sauna will not cause any harm if used correctly. But it has contraindications:

  • fever, cold, virus;
  • bleeding, any;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • any types of tumors.

If you have any complex chronic diseases, you should also consult your doctor.

According to reviews from fitness trainers and athletes, after using an infrared sauna, muscle pain that occurs during training and competitions is relieved. Recovery is accelerated. The elasticity of muscles and tendons increases.

A session for a child is no more than 15 minutes.

Infrared sauna for children

Infrared waves have a positive effect not only on the adult body, but also on children. With proper stay in such a sauna, the child improves his health, becomes calmer and his general condition improves.

But in order for your stay in the sauna to bring the desired result, you need to know about precautions when children are there.

  • The child's time in the infrared sauna should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The radiation power should be 65%. This figure for women is 75%, and for men 85%.
  • Children need to wear a Panama hat on their heads to prevent them from getting heatstroke.

Children are recommended to visit salt infrared saunas . They differ from ordinary ones in that the finishing material used is not wood, but tiles made of Himalayan salt.

We strongly recommend that you consult with your pediatrician before taking your child to an infrared sauna.

Report on warming up in an infrared sauna with ceramic heaters

Time, minutesFeelThe temperature inside the cabin is at head level, degrees Celsius.
0Comfortable. It seems to breathe easier than in carbon. But the legs warm up much better. This is understandable. The carbon fiber warms the feet and legs. Here, in the ceramic one, although there is no heater for the feet, in addition to the shin heater, there are 2 more front heaters, which warm up the legs and thighs, and partly the pelvic area. The heat coming from the rear heater is clearly felt. There was no such bright sensation in the carbon one. It was felt that the heat was coming from the back and sides. But in such a way that you don’t feel the heat. 26
6It’s harder to breathe than when I first came in. Warms up your back well. Please note that descriptions of sensations are subjective. Therefore, if you are particularly meticulous, do not ask: “What does GOOD mean?” Well, I can say – PLEASANT. 30
11My forehead was sweating.35
15It's even harder to breathe.41
25My arms and shoulders were sweaty.didn't look
26Sweat ran down my chest and stomach.42
31Sweat pours down your forehead, back, chest, stomach, arms. In general, everywhere up to the lower back. My feet were sweating. Felt my heartbeat. I counted my pulse. 130 beats per minute. Well, I'm going out. 48

Infrared sauna for pregnant and nursing mothers

During pregnancy, no one forbids carrying out such health procedures. But in an interesting situation, you need to be especially careful with infrared saunas. This is due to the fact that the rays warm up absolutely the entire body, including the stomach and lower back. No one can say how a pregnant woman’s body will react to such procedures.

If you really want to soak up the infrared waves, be sure to tell your doctor about your intentions to visit the sauna.

There are also no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but you must understand that in the sauna the body temperature rises to 38.5°C, and this can lead to the milk “burning out.”

If you have given birth to a baby and are not breastfeeding, you can go to an infrared sauna no earlier than 6 weeks after giving birth. Otherwise, this may lead to bleeding and worsening of your condition.


Epigraph -

And here 99% of respectable buyers step on the same rake.

That is, they, having surfed the Internet well, seem to understand the question “how to choose an infrared sauna.”

Then, even better, after surfing the Internet, they choose the parameters that suit them: size, wood, heaters, design, options.

Looks like everything is ready? OK. We start choosing by price. Who has it cheaper?

Have you forgotten anything?

No. Nothing.

Did not you forget. You didn't know WHAT else needed to be tracked. That is, which is not the last, but one of the most important parameters you need to find out.


I'm hinting -

Cheap, fast, high quality - choose two

Have you heard of this principle?

I heard.

One business coach argued that there is no balance in these three indicators. One of them is bound to fall out. But for two – no problem. That is:

  • or cheap and fast,
  • or quickly and efficiently,
  • or cheap and high quality...

But here he lied. Can you give some example of a product/?

Me not.

Can you? Bring it.

I'm willing to bet that the times of “cheap and high quality” ended in the last century.

Yes, this is obvious, intuitive, and experimentally understandable for the vast majority of people.

But not for “just everyone.”

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