I went to the village bathhouse alone and returned with my husband

Daily chores, work, caring for family lead to severe fatigue. Rest is necessary for recovery. It can be different - from relaxation in a spa salon to a trip abroad and attending a concert of your favorite performer. One of the most useful and affordable holidays is the Pereslavskaya Sloboda bath complex, which has all the amenities. It’s not for nothing that in fairy tales a tired traveler is offered to take a steam bath. Alternating steam and heat made it possible to relieve accumulated fatigue and tone the body. Now city residents can visit a Russian steam room, a Finnish sauna or a Turkish hammam. It provides quality recreation both for one person and for a group of friends or colleagues who decide to have a fun corporate event.

The advantage of rest

This is one of the most useful ways to heal the body. When the first signs of a cold appear, it is recommended to visit the bathhouse. With a properly organized process, you can effectively prevent the development of complications by destroying harmful bacteria. Relaxation in the bathhouse is available to people of all ages. When choosing a temperature, it is necessary to take into account the state of health and the characteristics of the body. If the temperature and humidity were chosen correctly, then the holiday will bring great pleasure. A bathhouse is a place where you can spend pleasant leisure time with friends or family. There they have conversations over herbal tea or cool beer, and play cards and chess. Here you can talk about your fishing exploits, laugh at a new joke, or show off your new car. Bath complexes often have a swimming pool, billiards, and several steam rooms. This allows you to spend time not only comfortably, but also interestingly.

List of what you need to take with you

When going to such an establishment with friends, you should think about what you need to take with you. There is a whole list of things that you need to have with you in order to calmly enjoy the effect of the steam room.

Among these:

  • Rubber slippers;
  • Hat made of natural materials;
  • Bathrobe or soft towel;
  • Bedding made of soft material;
  • Cosmetics (soap, balm and others);
  • washcloth;
  • Comb;
  • Linen and change of clothes.

You must have these devices with you. Often, towels or bathrobes are provided in the bathhouse itself, but it is better to have your own in reserve in order to feel more comfortable and confident. If you wish, you can also bring penza, manicure accessories and much more.

Benefit for health

The owners, trying to attract regular customers, offer brooms and apartment accommodation as additional services. They ensure cleanliness and maintain the steam room, pool and relaxation room in good condition. You can relax in the bathhouse at any time of the year. Periodic visits to a sauna or steam room can cleanse the body of waste and toxins accumulated in the body. Bronchopulmonary diseases are treated in the bathhouse. After visiting her, you can breathe easier and your body tone increases. To avoid heatstroke in the steam room, you need to cover your head with a felt cap and lie down or sit on a shelf. Girls who want to improve their figure and appearance regularly visit the bathhouse with their friends. High temperature and humidity lead to increased sweating, increased heart rate, and activation of metabolic processes. This allows you to remove excess moisture and burn up to 500 calories. The skin is tightened and moisturized. It is very useful to walk over the skin with a birch or oak broom. These plants have phytoncidal properties. Visiting the bathhouse is beneficial for your psycho-emotional state. After the procedures, a person feels light, accumulated stress and fatigue go away. Nervous tension goes away, sleep and mood improve.

The whole family washes in the bathhouse

And what's shy about that? The Internet is full of tits and pussies, if a child wants to look, he will look. I have two sons, 14 and 16 years old, and I’m not shy about them, and they aren’t shy about me either. Sometimes we go naked at home, we like to go to the bathhouse. Yes, their peppers are worth it and this is normal for boys. They looked at me all over. And the fact that they masturbate on me, I only welcome it, they grow up to be men and not fagots. The eldest has a girlfriend and she knows about us and she liked our relationship, at night she was embarrassed by her younger son and now calmly undresses in front of him.

What fantasies, you sick people!

I go with my son to the sauna, he’s 16, I’m 41. We pray, I don’t see anything wrong with this. He washes my panties/.

I go with my son to the sauna, he’s 16, I’m 41. We pray, I don’t see anything wrong with this. He washes my panties/.

We also treat nudity calmly! My daughter, at the age of 15, began to feel embarrassed, I started walking around in panties, and my mother-in-law, on the contrary, went naked! . no leftist views. everything is the same in the bathhouse!

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We also treat nudity calmly! My daughter, at the age of 15, began to feel embarrassed, I started walking around in panties, and my mother-in-law, on the contrary, went naked! . no leftist views. everything is the same in the bathhouse!

I don't see anything wrong. Everyone is equal in the bathhouse.

I’m also surprised that the kids themselves are not against this. Have they ever felt ashamed themselves? For example, I never even changed clothes in front of my mother, but I constantly heard all sorts of reproaches from her about how crazy I was, how shy I was.

Our son is 6 years old, he washes only with his dad, and our daughter, too, since she was 4 years old, only with her mother - now the daughter is 11, the son is 13. No child should see the naked bodies of adults, no matter if they are relatives or not, especially of the opposite sex. The child does not understand, so the responsibility lies with adults. It's disgusting! Perversion is unacceptable! Ugh disgusting

Our son is 6 years old, he washes only with his dad, and our daughter, too, since she was 4 years old, only with her mother - now the daughter is 11, the son is 13. No child should see the naked bodies of adults, no matter if they are relatives or not, especially of the opposite sex. The child does not understand, so the responsibility lies with adults. It's disgusting! Perversion is unacceptable! Ugh disgusting

Our son is 6 years old, he washes only with his dad, and our daughter, too, since she was 4 years old, only with her mother - now the daughter is 11, the son is 13. No child should see the naked bodies of adults, no matter if they are relatives or not, especially of the opposite sex. The child does not understand, so the responsibility lies with adults. It's disgusting! Perversion is unacceptable! Ugh disgusting

And if a child sees his mother or father naked, what will happen to him?

We have two sons, 9 and one year old! We don’t go there on purpose! And before going to bed, naked after a shower, we don’t hesitate to change clothes! Well, the bathhouse is also naked!

Ahhh! There is still no way to come to a single and indivisible conclusion. Apparently, we will have to ask for the highest instructions on what to do. And so that these instructions are printed in all newspapers. And for food for thought, I will share information from some book by European geographers or demographers who studied the interior regions of Latin America. There, in the upper reaches of the Amazon, local Indian tribes recently lived (and apparently still live) in complete isolation. And these scientists one day, sailing along the river, noticed a group of local men engaged in fishing. And since these people did not make contact well, the Europeans sent their guide from more advanced local residents with gifts for negotiations. And when the guide returned. then said that they agreed to talk. but they ask to swim back across the river, because they are in the water without any clothing required for communication and conversation with strangers. The researchers obeyed, but were secretly being watched from around the bend. And those guys came out of the water, approached some tree, took something there, and then waved their hands that now it was time to drive up. And when the Europeans approached, it dawned on them that the entire company continued to remain completely naked, but all these guys had rings inserted into their noses, which they left on the shore and without which they were considered indecently naked. And this is not a joke, but a scientific fact. And this was at the beginning of the twentieth century.

My sons and I often go to the bathhouse, but I have to hide it from my husband. He is against boys seeing me naked (the youngest is 14, and the eldest is 17). I don’t hide from children, they might slap me on the butt or touch my breasts. I understand that they are of such an age now and I try not to hide anything, I show them, I let them touch them, I allow them to masturbate, but we don’t go any further. Let them go through this period of life better with me than with some dissolute girls. Now it’s true that this wasn’t enough for them and asked for a blowjob. I agreed, but with one condition: whoever finishes school without 3 will get a blowjob. In the end, the game was worth the candle, both finished with three 4s, and all other subjects with 5s. I’m only afraid that my husband will find out, he is very strict and jealous.

Broom is the best currency for entering the bathhouse

It's a popular truth: the only thing better than a broom in a bathhouse is two brooms! The broom will massage and steam, and release the aroma with beneficial substances. But what kind of broom is a matter of taste; the choice allows you to find an option for your soul and body.

Tip: Individual packaging will give you more natural flavors and preserve the integrity of the leaves. Never throw away the water after steaming the broom; you won’t find a better product for rinsing your body and hair after washing!

  • A birch broom caresses the skin, clings to it, absorbs sweat and gives an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • An oak broom is stronger and lasts longer. It draws in steam like a fan, ideal for powerful heating.
  • Eucalyptus broom is a tropical guest in a Russian bath. Its oils work wonders, relieving colds and coughs, calming nerves and boosting immunity.
  • Herbal broom - a pantry of useful properties in one bundle! Flowers and herbs are more tender than tree branches, but they fill the air, the water in which they were soaked, and the skin with aromas.

Secrets of the herbal broom

The most valuable herbs are wormwood and nettle.

Wormwood intoxicates with bitterness, relieves pain, acting as an analgesic, and clarifies memory.

Nettle is a green healer of joints, rheumatism and back pain, your own chiropractor in the bathhouse.

St. John's wort - heals nerves and strengthens the heart, heals the most complex skin diseases, heals wounds and relieves colds.

Currant and lemon balm are a vitamin cocktail for the skin with a fresh, invigorating aroma. They can lift your spirits and fight depression.

It is no coincidence that oregano is included in many cosmetic products. It nourishes the skin and turns on its renewal mechanism. The spicy smell of oregano helps with colds and bronchitis almost from the first steaming. And what an appetite after using it!

Chamomile is a modest field beauty and the queen of the home medicine cabinet! Calms the nerves and helps to forget about insomnia, relieves headaches and helps with women's ailments. Gently heals wounds and burns, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Chamomile decoction and gentle stroking of the head with a broom is the first remedy for strengthening hair.

Mint – tender, refreshing soft. The menthol in mint gives it a bactericidal effect, relieving inflammation and eliminating acne. A mint broom relieves swelling in tired legs and energizes you. Mint in a steam room is very useful for colds, digestive problems, headaches and tense nerves.

Tip from a Noble Bath Attendant : when doing a massage with a broom, we move from the feet to the head, then back.

Working on mistakes in a steam room with brooms

What can’t you do when going to a bathhouse with brooms?

  1. It is wrong to steam alone; you can strain relaxed muscles and joints. That’s why they call an experienced bathhouse attendant for help or take turns steaming each other.
  2. The broom should not dry out: it is first steamed and then moistened in warm water. When the broom leaves dry out, they curl and fall off.
  3. They do not whip with a broom with all their might; this is not punishment with rods. Learn broom massage techniques. Sometimes it’s enough to blow hot air towards the body; I regulate it with gentle movements.
  4. Do not wave a broom zealously in a hot bath; the risk of getting burned by steam or drops of water is too great.

In skillful hands, a broom turns into a magic wand that gives health and pleasure.

Is Bannik good or evil?

Initially, when the bannik first appeared in the worldview of the Slavs, this spirit of the bathhouse was not evil and did not harm the common people in any way.

But they began to perceive the bannik as an evil, grumpy and unfriendly creature when Christianity entered the life of the Slavs. People began to believe that the bannik was not at all kind, because he lives and guards such a mystical place where two worlds meet - the dead and the living. Our ancestors generally believed that in a bathhouse a person has one foot in the world of people and the other in the world of spirits.

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And the bannik’s favorite place is the threshold. You have often heard that it is not recommended to stand on the threshold, and it is undesirable to give money over the threshold. This is because there is an unkind spirit sitting there who may not like the intrusion into his space and will harm the people who disturbed him.

The bannik protects the entire space of the bathhouse, and therefore the space where one world passes into another. The time reserved for this creature is night. It is at night that he gains special strength and becomes powerful.

In order not to get yourself into trouble and not to anger the owner of the bathhouse, you should not enter this room at night at all, let alone stay there overnight.

What clothes does a child need in the sauna?

To choose clothes for the sauna for your child, focus on age. A terry corner is best for a baby after bathing. During the procedures in the sauna, a diaper on the bench and a headdress are enough. A child over 1 year old can be naked in the sauna, using a towel as a bedding. When taking a shower, it is best to wear special hats with brims to prevent soap suds from getting into your eyes. A child over 3 years old can choose his own robe for the relaxation area and a kilt or pareo.

Indications and contraindications for baths

Regular visits to a Russian bathhouse allow you to combat:

  • Osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Headache and migraine.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • ARVI.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the heart, respiratory and nervous systems.

There are diseases that are at risk when health procedures are prohibited:

  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Heart and kidney failure.
  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Internal bleeding.

Pregnant women, elderly people and small children under 3 years of age are also prohibited from visiting the steam room.

To get a powerful rejuvenating and therapeutic effect, you need to know how to properly steam in a bathhouse. To do this, it is recommended to follow the basic rules of bath procedures and take into account the physical condition of the body.

Health Steam wisely: What you need to know about the bathhouse, sauna and hammam

The list of contraindications for baths and saunas is extensive, ranging from asthma and cardiovascular diseases to epilepsy and cancer. You should skip the steam room if you just don’t feel well: no one in their right mind would think of doing sports while feeling unwell, and the sauna is a physical activity comparable to a workout. In addition, you should not steam with a full stomach (after eating you need to wait an hour and a half) or even slightly tipsy: the heart has to strain more than usual even without alcohol. And due to the fact that after intense sweating, urination decreases, alcohol is less excreted and guarantees a severe hangover. Of course, you need to drink while entering the steam room, but let it be water or tea. By the way, you shouldn’t rely on the fat-burning effect of the bath: after it, the weight does decrease, but solely due to the water that came out with sweat.

There is no need for special preparations before a bath or sauna: after a warm shower (make sure you have thoroughly washed off all your makeup), you can go straight to the steam room. If the stove is not electric, you should not constantly add water to the stones: it is in portions of 200–300 milliliters that the light steam in which it is pleasant to be is achieved. Heavy steam at high temperatures is less tolerated - that is why in a hammam with 100% humidity the temperature is a maximum of 50 degrees.

Usually they visit a bathhouse or sauna several times in the evening: when it gets really hot, they go out to freshen up in the shower or in the air (desperate ones - in a snowdrift), and then return to the steam room. The duration and number of sessions are individual, but the general formula is this: steam for 10 minutes, rest for 10, repeat all over again. It is very important to rest after the steam room, this way you allow the body to calmly cope with the load, and the rest should be passive - it is better to sit or lie down. On your first visit, especially for beginners, you should not climb onto the top shelves, where it is hottest: you need to get used to the high temperature gradually (that is why it is recommended to take a hot shower before the bath). It is also worth choosing places away from the stove: despite the fact that everyone understands the danger of burns, their number does not decrease over the years.

For those steaming for the first time, it is better to skip the brooms, and for the rest, take them only on the second or third go. If the air in the steam room is dry, you should bring a bowl of water to dip the brooms - otherwise they will dry out quickly. They start fanning themselves from the legs and gradually rise up to the back, and they don’t whip as hard as they can from the very beginning: the intensity of the blows should be increased gradually. It is more convenient if there are two people in the steam room at this time: one is lying down, and the other is working with a broom - this is also safer; an experienced partner will help recognize the signs of illness. After the last run, you should rest for at least half an hour, then take a shower, and get dressed only when the sweating stops.

What's the best way to have sex in a bathhouse?

To reduce the risks and get the most out of the process, listen to these recommendations.

Avoid alcohol

The life hacker has already talked about why alcohol is a bad companion for sex. Let us add that alcohol is also not a friend to bath procedures. Your blood vessels are already dilated thanks to the heat, and strong drinks will enhance the effect of The sauna and alcohol. Instead of great sex, you risk fainting, arrhythmia, dizziness and other troubles.

Use oils and herbal infusions

To heighten your senses and recharge your energy, spray aromatic oils such as lavender, citrus or geranium on the wooden shelves in your steam room. You can sprinkle a decoction of medicinal plants on the stones.

Prepare a birch broom

For a warming erotic massage in a Russian steam room, a fragrant birch broom is best suited. The oak or spruce version is good for men's health, but too harsh for delicate women's skin.

Don't have sex in a steam room

After foreplay in the steam room, cool off in the pool, then tease each other again in the steam room... And so on until passion covers you completely. You can merge in ecstasy in the dressing room, relaxation room or jacuzzi, but under no circumstances in the steam room. Sexual intercourse in hellish heat is too serious a test for the heart. And if you really want to have sex right on the bench in the steam room, cool the room at least halfway.

What a lady needs

Many ladies love the sauna very much precisely because, in addition to relaxing bath procedures, you can also take care of your own appearance, receiving a guaranteed effect. In this case, visiting the steam room becomes a regular, pleasant procedure, and you need to prepare for it thoroughly and in advance.

What should a woman take to the sauna? Eye shadows, powders, foundations - all of this clogs pores like cement mortar, which is easily and naturally removed in the sauna, so do not forget to take a set of masks with you. They need to be applied to steamed skin, and then the effect will be truly magical. Instead of factory-made ones, even the most expensive ones, it is better to use homemade masks made from natural ingredients or made according to folk recipes.

Very effective are such simple masks as crushed berries and crushed fruits, heavy cream or sour cream, ground coffee, cocoa, which perfectly cleanse and tone skin cells. It’s not difficult to make them, even if you didn’t plan a trip to the sauna in advance.

If you like aromatherapy, take with you infusions of medicinal herbs that are poured onto the stones. Pine needles, mint or lavender are good, they relieve stress like a hand. But thyme tincture causes drowsiness, so it is better not to use it if you plan to drive home.

If shapeless bath hats are purely aesthetically unpleasant to you, and you can’t imagine yourself in a felt “Budenovka”, replace the cap with a terry turban. Carefully assembled, it will create an oriental charm for you and, like a real woman, will allow you to show off your wardrobe even where it is not customary to dress in principle.

Important nuances

For those who are visiting a sauna or bathhouse for the first time, it is important to follow a few tips. To make such a useful procedure enjoyable, the following is important:

  • Enter the steam room only if you are dry . A person should wash only after taking a steam bath. This way you can get the best effect. A few minutes before steaming, it is useful to take a warm shower, but without using shower gels or soap.
  • Before entering the steam room, as well as while you are there, you should not wet your hair . In this case, it is better to wet the bath cap once with ice water before the steam room and once while in it.
  • When you enter the bathhouse for the first time, you first need to warm up properly . 5-7 minutes is enough for this. Afterwards you need to go out and drink green tea or kvass to warm up from the inside. Then you can start steaming using a broom.
  • Do not overuse the sauna . The main rule is moderation and gradualism.

On the first run, it is better to sit on the lower bench. This will make the adjustment more comfortable.

If the temperature in the booth is about 100 degrees, then it is better not to stay in it for more than three minutes for the first time.

If you wish, you can take a dip in the pool, but it is very important to listen to your body and monitor the sensations. Any action should bring only pleasure.

While in the sauna you need to relax your body and soul as much as possible . During the breaks between soars you also need to rest. Only then will a trip to the bathhouse be as useful and effective as possible, and the person will leave healthy and happy.

It is also important to know that if you have asthma or cardiovascular diseases, visiting the steam room is strictly prohibited. If in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor.

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