What and how a bath treats: the benefits of a bath, contraindications and techniques for using a broom

It has long been noticed that the bathhouse has a healing effect on the human systemic organs. The steam room helps get rid of all kinds of symptomatic manifestations, serious diseases of the respiratory, blood, endocrine systems, and skin. People often ask questions about how the bath affects various organs and what healing effect it has.

The steam room helps to get rid of all kinds of symptomatic manifestations, serious diseases of the respiratory, blood, endocrine systems, and skin.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the First St. Petersburg State University. I.P. Pavlova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Areg Artemovich Totolyan.

Editor: Hello, Areg Artyomovich! Everyone knows that steaming in a bathhouse has a general strengthening effect, but how does a bathhouse affect human health from a medical point of view?

A. A. Totolyan: Hello, dear readers! Indeed, the Russian bathhouse has a long history and traditions. What could be more wonderful than taking a steam bath with a birch or oak broom, and then drinking aromatic tea, after which you feel healthy and full of energy. But, as they say, everything should be in moderation. There are a number of restrictions.

Vaping promotes the leaching of a large number of beneficial microelements through the skin pores, which is simply dangerous for some people.
Attention! First of all, the bath is not recommended for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertensive patients, patients of endocrinology clinics, and people over 75 years old.

We should not forget that vaping promotes the leaching of a large number of beneficial microelements through the skin pores, which is simply dangerous for some people.

How is the therapeutic effect achieved?

A bath is not a superficial, but a deep warming of the body, which is achieved in several ways:

  • first: heating through the skin with hot steam passing through the pores;
  • second: wave - thermal radiation of stones in the heater;
  • third: active targeted impact on the surface of the body (and directly on problem areas) using a broom. Therefore, a steam room is many times more effective than a hot bath;

Thermal radiation from stones warms the body deeper than the hottest steam!

  • There is a fourth way! Everyone knows the expression “scorching cold”: if you douse yourself with cold water, the vascular system responds by expanding the capillaries - the thinnest blood vessels. And alternating heat and cold enhances this effect several times.

By plunging into the ice hole, you... warm up!

This is an excellent cardiovascular workout. But let's remember that this is a training session, not a record race! In order not to harm yourself, it is advisable to do without fanaticism!

Effects on the cardiovascular system

The health benefits of a bath are determined by the effective impact of the procedures on various systems of the human body.

Proper alternation of temperatures helps stimulate the cardiac system, strengthen the heart muscle, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent heart attacks. The heart rate increases to 155 beats per minute, which leads to significant heating of the body and increased sweating.

A visit to the steam room helps stabilize blood pressure. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to carry out contrasting thermal procedures - alternating a steam room, a cold shower or a swimming pool. Such procedures help improve blood circulation and reduce vegetative-vascular imbalance in the body.

When to postpone going to the bathhouse

The bath is strictly contraindicated for any inflammatory processes . If you have a toothache, you’ll get gumboil after a bath; otitis externa can easily turn into inflammation of the middle ear; an abscess on your finger won’t end well either. Even simple heating is contraindicated for inflammation and abscesses, and the thermal radiation of the stones will act on them like a microwave on an egg! Bath is undesirable:

  • for severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and urolithiasis in the acute stage;
  • for any bleeding;
  • with exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • with high blood pressure, tachycardia.

In general, in all exacerbations it is harmful, in all stable conditions it is useful. But the best way to understand whether you can go to the bathhouse is to see a doctor. He will tell you a lot that we have not mentioned: it is impossible to list all the restrictions and contraindications in one article, but we are talking about your health. By the way: if at a very high temperature even in the steam room it’s cold and shivering, you’re late for the bathhouse! Go to bed immediately and call a doctor!

The “correct” bathhouse for expectant mothers

Does a bath affect conception? This question is often asked in gynecological consultations. There are various restrictions under which women are strictly prohibited from visiting saunas and baths. In addition to acute and chronic diseases, for which the fair half of humanity is prohibited from steaming, there are other reasons:

  • increased blood or intracranial pressure;
  • inflammatory pathologies in the pelvic area;
  • menstrual period;
  • complications caused by pregnancy.

In case of inflammatory pathologies in the pelvic area, visiting the bathhouse is contraindicated.
In order for the pregnancy to be successful, a woman should be careful about steam rooms, since the bathhouse affects conception. Why is this so, and what should women consider?

The first stage of the menstrual period is characterized by the maturation of the egg. This requires a comfortable temperature regime, which is determined by the indicators characteristic of a given period, which is at a lower level compared to the average temperature of the cycle. The middle phase is the period of ovulation, when the egg is ready for fertilization. Exposure to high temperatures can prevent the egg from fully releasing from the follicle. In addition, heat exposure can stimulate premature ovulation, which is also undesirable for a healthy body. However, the most unpleasant thing about how a bath affects the conception of a child is overheating after fertilization.

Exposure to high temperatures can prevent the egg from fully releasing from the follicle

ATTENTION! The high concentration of hot air in the steam room contributes to a negative impact on the vital functions and development of the fertilized egg, and this can lead to miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy.

Editor: Areg Artyomovich! After all, not only the woman is involved in pregnancy planning. How does a bath affect conception in men?

A. A. Totolyan: If we define pregnancy planning, then it is the steam room that can cause the main threat to the male body, since the bathhouse affects potency. Despite all the usefulness of bath procedures, this is perhaps the most negative point. The normal functioning of the testicles depends on the comfort of the temperature, which should be about 33°C. I would like to dwell on this point in more detail and understand how the bath affects testosterone and gonadotropin.

Bath and immunity

What is the preventive benefit of a bath after hypothermia? Cold slows down the human immune system. This is why we catch colds (that is, we become hypothermic). The faster, more active and aggressive antimicrobial cells - lymphocytes and leukocytes - the less chance bacteria and viruses have. Giving our “immune soldiers” vigor and speed is a task that the bathhouse copes with perfectly. Bath procedures and herbal tea will help strengthen the immune system. The mechanism of action on the immune system is as follows: with an increase in body temperature, the activity of our protective cells increases. With hypothermia it decreases. If during a long stay in the cold without movement (for example, on winter fishing) the advantage is on the side of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, then in the bathhouse, thanks to deep heating , the body's resources are rebuilt and deal a decisive blow to the enemy! This way we will catch most colds and upper respiratory tract (upper respiratory tract) infections at an early stage and can prevent troubles caused by radiculitis. Bath procedures for colds. Photo from the site asienda.ru What to spray on the stones : tar solution, kvass, beer (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:25!). What to drink in the bath : raspberries, tea with lemon and honey, apples and cinnamon, orange peels and mint, pomegranate juice with hot tea (wash one with the other). Brooms:

  • large broom - birch or oak;
  • small broom - juniper or freshly cut spruce.

Having built up steam, “adjust” it several times to the person you are soaring, use brooms to treat it crosswise from neck to heels, paying special attention to the heels and legs below the knees. We need to activate immune cells everywhere, speed up their movement throughout the body!

The healing embrace of the bath: properties proven over thousands of years

Bath procedures are useful for children, women and men, as they have healing properties. Traditional healer:

  • strengthens the immune system and protective functions of the body;
  • treats colds;
  • enriches the body with oxygen;
  • removes harmful substances and excess liquid;
  • stimulates the heart;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • prevents the early development of sexual dysfunction;
  • relieves physical and mental stress;
  • relieves various types of pain;
  • heals wounds;
  • fights insomnia;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • eliminates “orange peel”;
  • cleanses the skin of any kind of impurities;
  • normalizes and controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • exfoliates dead cells;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • prevents early aging;
  • stimulates the production of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • strengthens nail plates;
  • improves hair quality - stops excessive hair loss, promotes growth, prevents thinness, fragility, split ends;
  • eliminates hangover symptoms (within reasonable limits);
  • tones, saturates with vital energy, improves mood and increases performance;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, protective, antiviral effects.

I think enough. It is impossible to list all the beneficial properties of a bath. There are a huge number of them. In short, the place where 4 elements reign - Fire, Air, Earth and Water - has a miraculous effect on all systems of the body, and more precisely:

  • immune;
  • cover;
  • respiratory;
  • reproductive;
  • digestive;
  • urinary;
  • endocrine;
  • musculoskeletal;
  • lymphatic;
  • sensory;
  • nervous;
  • cardiovascular.

Therefore, regular visits to the bathhouse are the key to good health, eternal youth and magical beauty! Many Russian folk proverbs say exactly this...

Bath and respiratory organs

The most effective effect of the bath is on the upper respiratory tract: both a runny nose and a cough (dry and wet) can be treated. The benefits for the respiratory system are multifaceted: there is internal heating, inhalation, and massage effects . But the main thing is that the body is activated in bath conditions. There is less oxygen in the steam room than outside. The blood becomes saturated with carbon dioxide, and breathing quickens. If a awake person in a calm state takes 15-20 full inhalations and exhalations per minute, then in a bathhouse - one and a half to two times more. A completely healthy person may experience signs of a runny nose or even begin to sneeze. In a bathhouse, a completely healthy person may feel signs of a runny nose or even begin to sneeze. This reflex sneezing under normal conditions is a reaction to hypothermia, but here it is a reaction to a sudden change in temperature and protection of the nasal mucosa. If you start warming up on the bottom shelf, this may not happen at all, but otherwise it will pass in a minute or two. It is important to remember: if any inflammatory process is already going on in the body, a bath is excluded. Let us allow ourselves a few recommendations:

  • what to spray on the stones for inhalation : mint, thyme, chamomile (decoctions), pine decoctions or natural turpentine (literally a few drops!);
  • what to drink in the bath: tea with mint, brewed breast mixture, tea or decoction of rose hips with honey. Hot drinks in the bathhouse are generally preferable. But you don't need a lot of honey. A spoon per glass is already a lot. Honey actively knocks on your heart, forcing it to work beyond normal. Yes, it has a calming effect at night. But in the bathhouse it’s the other way around! Tricky product. Heart valve disorders, diabetes, asthma - clear instructions: no honey is needed at all.

Herbal tea after a bath is both tasty and healthy! Broom technique:

  • large broom - birch + eucalyptus;
  • small - juniper or large birch + eucalyptus.

The arms of the one being hovered are extended forward or behind the head. We build up steam with a few strokes of a large broom, we also use it to sweep the chest, back and sides, and then we work precisely on problem areas: bronchi, throat, lungs - for prevention. And there is no need to deliberately hit the heart area (in fact, a good steam bath master should know anatomy), he will have to work in the bath anyway. There is no need to whip with a broom, especially if it’s flying around: the steam room is not a masochist’s corner. You can hover your face too! But not with a juniper broom, of course, and in a gentle manner.

Is the bath useful or harmful?

The physiological effect of a bath is directly related to air humidity. A steam bath always leads to more significant functional changes and faster overheating than a dry air bath. Due to the inhalation of hot steam, gas exchange and evaporation of sweat are hampered, and a significant load is placed on the pulmonary circulatory system.

The greatest danger posed by the effect of elevated temperatures on the body is the activation of the degeneration of cells into malignant ones in the presence of precancerous diseases, which one may not even be aware of, as well as in the case of a hereditary risk of oncology. Since after 40 years the risk of neoplasms increases significantly, this category of people should definitely not turn the bathhouse into a lifelong hobby.

Bathhouse and gastrointestinal tract

If your stomach began to boil in the bathhouse (and not from hunger, but from the movement of gases in the intestines), nothing is surprising: a visit to the steam room also activates the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motor-evacuation disorders, constipation and even indigestion. You should not eat “loud” (causing increased gas formation) foods before a bath. If (let’s not be prudes) after the steam room you want to retire to the toilet for a few minutes, that’s also normal. The bath is recommended for stomach and duodenal ulcers, but not in the acute stage, and only 6-7 months after surgery! The bath is recommended for stomach and duodenal ulcers, but there are limitations! What to spray on stones : There are no special recommendations. Hitting the stomach with a broom is also not worth it: the stomach and liver area are places for very delicate work by an experienced steamer, even if the one being steamed is healthy. What to drink in the bath: mineral water (recommended by your doctor for your illnesses, but not cold, but lukewarm), black radish juice. The only exception to their general bath rules: in this case, you can drink some beer, but not cold or dark. While taking care of your stomach, spare your heart and head!

How to properly visit a Russian bathhouse

A visit to a Russian bathhouse can result in poor health and cause unpleasant consequences if you do not follow the following rules:

  • Alternate heating and cooling. In the bathhouse, the blood vessels, blood and heart are on “combat readiness” - this is dangerous for the heart, so control temperature changes.
  • Keep it in moderation. The maximum length of stay in the bathhouse is 3-4 hours. During this time, you should enter the steam room no more than four times (for 7-10 minutes). You need to get used to the heat gradually.
  • Use a broom. The purpose of the bath is not to overheat, but to achieve good sweating. Massage procedures with a broom help with this.
  • Don't forget about water. Not only harmful toxins and waste products leave the body with sweat, but also a large amount of liquid. Replenish this loss with herbal teas, mineral water, kvass (try not to drink beer and other alcohol).
  • Don't go to the sauna on an empty stomach, but don't overeat either. This creates additional stress on the heart. As a result, you will experience not the expected vigor, but lethargy and weakness.
  • Do not wet your head before entering the steam room. It is dry hair that protects the head from overheating, so protect your head with special hats.

If you follow all the rules of visiting a Russian bath, then it will bring you only pleasant moments: excellent health, good health and good mood.

Bath and radiculitis

If you have radiculitis, you are simply doomed to a bath! Pre-deep warming of the body. Then you need to strongly steam your lower back and problem areas on the spine. After the steam room, rub laundry soap, finely ground on a coarse grater, into your lower back. You can use hot (but not too much!) clay coating - also after the steam room. You can rub in infusion of wild garlic. The procedure requires a fair amount of stamina from the steamer. What to spray on the stones: a few drops of natural turpentine on the neck. What to drink in the bath : regular and herbal hot tea. Broom technique:

  • broom - birch + oak;
  • small - juniper or birch and spruce.

The work will require a fair amount of stamina from the steamer. But remember: this is a therapeutic procedure, not corporal punishment! Whip crosswise, periodically applying a hot leaf broom to the problem area. After steaming the lower back, apply a spruce broom to the problem area and “punch” the birch or oak needles.

You can't go to the bathhouse

  • on an empty stomach and immediately after eating;

  • after intense physical activity;
  • after and during drinking alcohol (high risk of dehydration, burns from hot air);
  • against the background of psychological stress.

Bath and rheumatism

For those suffering from rheumatism, a bath is recommended (and still recommended!), but very, very carefully. A sauna is ideal to combat this disease. And not an electric one, but a wood-burning one - one that needs to be heated for several hours. You need very careful deep heating , achieved due to the thermal radiation of the stones. A cool sauna (+70°C) will allow you to stay in it for about 10 minutes, and the heat will reach problem areas. But what you absolutely cannot do is dive into an ice hole or a cool pool, swim in the snow, or even douse yourself with cold water. The maximum that is allowed is a lukewarm shower, just below body temperature. If you have radiculitis after the steam room, you need to rest. Only warm and hot drinks. Some medications prescribed for rheumatism reduce the reactivity of the adrenal glands, so it is better to wait a month after finishing the course. Otherwise, the result may be the most disastrous. In general, a bath at an early stage is better than medication during an exacerbation. Rheumatism is a serious thing. Talk to your doctor, he will prescribe a bath or sauna as part of the strategy to combat your illness and provide the necessary instructions.

Health bath with contrasting water procedures

We cannot fail to mention the cold water, the font and the pool. Even our ancient ancestors knew and appreciated the short-term effect of ice water on our body. It’s not for nothing that people used to build bathhouses on the banks of the river and jump into an ice hole in the winter during bathing procedures. Hardening with cold water helps strengthen the immune system and promote a vigorous, rejuvenating state.

So, the effect of a health bath is to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, regulate the functioning of the skin, as well as train the entire cardiovascular system and immunity. In addition, the muscular system benefits no less than all other structures. The bathhouse is a useful folk remedy that leads to rejuvenation of the entire body.

The proverb “sauna soars – gives health” succinctly and accurately expresses the meaning of bath procedures. However, like any other means of improving health, it requires adherence to visiting rules. In everything you need to know when to stop.

We must not forget that you need to get used to the procedures in the bathhouse gradually. In addition, you should not consume food or alcohol before going to the bathhouse. And in conclusion - a short video about an interesting health complex...

Wisdom Quote: Treat a person as he treats others.

Bath and ODA diseases

ODA is not a poetic work, but a musculoskeletal system. He may have many illnesses, not to mention injuries. We remember the main thing: you can’t go to the bathhouse with inflammation! The banal flux there increases to the size of a pineapple. But muscle and tendon strains and bruises are here. But not ruptures: they can only be dealt with according to the doctor’s instructions! After the steam room, muscle pain will go away from you. The bath will provide you with faster and improved blood circulation in the muscles, after it bruises will resolve faster, pain from hematomas will be relieved, and swelling will subside. But! First, see a doctor. The steamer wants to bring you health, and not become your executioner. After all, he has a reputation and professional pride!

How to lose weight in a sauna

Forget about beer! The bath reduces the level of fluid in the body, and you need to be very careful with drinking. With reasonable gradual warming up, you can get rid of a kilogram or one and a half pounds of excess weight in one visit to the bathhouse. But if you try to achieve more, you will most likely do it to your detriment:

  1. Your body is not a testing ground for implementing stupid ideas and conducting crazy experiments!
  2. Everything in it is interconnected. Consult your doctor! You are disappointed? Alas. Eating excess weight is easier than getting rid of it. And if we are talking about metabolic disorders, then nothing should be done without a doctor who has his own picture and strategy for dealing with your sores. If only because the doctor is smarter. He knows what he's doing, but you don't always.

Losing weight in a steam room is not easy. It is important to remember : the fight against fat (let's call a spade a spade) with the help of a bath is no less tiring and painful than exercise and dieting. Only as a result of significant dehydration does the body give the stoker cells the command: “Burn fats!” And for this you need to take a good steam and not drink anything at all! Are you capable of this? Will you feel well enough? Sure? Right. Better less flour and more movement. Exercises and diets. Slowly but honestly. No one has yet managed to deceive nature without consequences. A sauna helps you lose fat only in combination with other measures approved by your doctor.

And one more thing

This paragraph was written at the request of the author by Doctor of Medical Sciences Ernest Anatolyevich Shcheglov. I will say without unnecessary medical terminology, in simple and understandable language: drinking alcohol in general is an optional and risky thing, but drinking libations in a bathhouse is a risk not just for health, but for life! Your heart and vascular system do not always signal problems that have arisen with pain or poor health, and even more so in the extreme conditions of a bathhouse. The bath dilates blood vessels. Alcohol too, but not for long, then it definitely shrinks them. The nervous system does not calm down, but is excited; it reacts to the surrounding temperature, pressure, body temperature, humidity. Don’t drive your body crazy: how does it know who to listen to - your cheerful mood, hot steam or alcohol clenching your blood vessels? Yes, yes, any alcohol is alcohol, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s grain or grape. Alcohol and sauna are incompatible! Alcohol affects the diaphragm. If you start to hiccup in the bathhouse, this is the first sign that you shouldn’t drink. In addition, you will exhale the breakdown products of alcohol, and the steam room is a small room. You will voluntarily breathe in heated poison. Looking for a hangover five minutes after your first drink? Heart attack and stroke are faithful companions of vodka in the bathhouse. If they don't come to your steam room 10 times, don't worry. They will wait in the wings if you drink strong drinks in the bathhouse. What about vodka - an ordinary cigarette can kill a person after a steam room, it’s enough for the stars to “not align.” You have been warned. Some will listen, the majority - as always - will not. As sad as it is, alas, talking about alcohol in Russia is like a reminder of the rope in the house of a hanged man...

Classification and types of baths

The type of bath is determined by the specific microclimate of the thermal chamber (steam room):

  • A traditional Russian bath is characterized by saturating the steam room air with water vapor, which forms a fog with 100% humidity. The air temperature in a Russian steam room is 40-50 C.
  • The Roman bath is heated with dry air, the temperature of which in the tepidarium is 40-45 C, and in the thermal chamber - 60-70 C. Hot air is supplied through holes in the floor or walls.
  • Turkish bath - in it the air temperature reaches 40-50 C, the humidity is regulated by heating the water in boilers and often reaches 100%.
  • The Finnish sauna differs from all others in its special microclimate: the air temperature reaches 70-100 C, the temperature gradient in the floor and ceiling areas is 60 C, and the relative humidity is within 10-15%.
  • Japanese bath - involves washing in barrels with a temperature of 40 and then 60 C. The humidity in the room can also reach 80-100%.
  • IR sauna (infrared) - provides air heating to 45-60 C and humidity 45-65%. It is believed that an infrared sauna is beneficial for the body with minimal health risks, which is why many people install this type of bath even in apartments.

Lymphatic system, spine, skin

So, you are steamed, warmed up, the pain has gone away, your back bends like new, your chest has become free. But that's not all that a bathhouse can do for you! The soap compartment must have a movable bench that is not attached to the wall. But the main thing is washcloths! Spongy, prickly and, like our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, bast ! Bast washcloth. Photo from the site cs1.livemaster.ru In one bowl you whip up soap foam. And then you begin to treat the back of the person lying on the bench with a bast washcloth. Soap massage and massage with a washcloth are pleasure and salvation for those who have problems with the spine. On this bench there is complete equality between a taxi driver, a programmer and a minister! However, it is worth reading massage manuals so as not to cause harm. True, you still cannot become a good chiropractor or chiropractor without special education, many years of experience and communication with colleagues. The next stage in the soap compartment is massage with a mitten or soap bubble . Hot, thick foam is whipped in a bowl (this operation will take more than a piece of soap, so it’s good to rub it in advance; coarse tar will do more good). Handmade tar soap. Photo from the site cs2.livemaster.ru The movements of the mitten should follow the flow of lymph circulation in the body. The lymphatic system cleanses your body, returns water and electrolyte salts from tissues to the blood, removes excess, and supports the venous system. From capillaries in the periphery, lymph moves to the main veins. Massage helps the lymphatic system cope with its tasks in the simplest way - mechanically, accelerating metabolic processes. That is why the direction of movements must be correct, and the pressure of the mitten must be precise and not forceful. Soap massage You can also massage with a soap bubble: it can be easily done from a pillowcase or linen bag. I won’t even waste energy on a description - this is how a man who knew a lot about both the bath and literature did it: “... he rubbed me for a long time with a woolen mitten and, having splashed me heavily with water, began to wash me with a soapy linen bubble. The feeling is inexplicable: hot soap pours over you like air! ...a woolen mitten and a linen bladder must certainly be accepted in a Russian bath: connoisseurs will be grateful for such an innovation.” These are the words of Pushkin! By the way, soon the innovation appeared in Sanduny, and in the Androsovsky baths in Moscow, and in Astrakhan, and in the once famous, but already lost baths in Fonarny Lane in St. Petersburg. Soap massage is warming, improves the blood supply system and lymph movement. It is useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and is available to them even when their general condition does not allow visiting the steam room. But it must be done by an experienced person with sensitive hands. The more intense the massage, the more often rinsing from the gang is required! Soap massage is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system

Physiological changes in the body under the influence of high temperatures

Mechanisms of thermoregulation

Visiting baths and saunas with extreme temperatures for humans (from 40 to 100 °C and above) has not only a tonic, but also a stressor effect. Under such conditions, the body receives much more thermal energy than it is able to remove using the thermoregulation mechanism. In this case, two stages are possible:

1) Adaptations (positive effect): skin blood flow and lymph microcirculation are significantly increased, peripheral vessels dilate, sweat is intensely released.

2) Disadaptation (negative impact): regulatory mechanisms stop working, the balance of electrolytes and homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) are disrupted, the sweat glands malfunction, and the person overheats.

The art of a proper bath procedure is to take advantage of the positive effects within the framework of adaptation and prevent the body from overheating, when acute conditions and complications of chronic diseases are possible.

9 hormones that control the functioning of the body in the bath and sauna

When visiting a bathhouse or sauna, a person exposes himself to thermal baths and water procedures, such as dousing with ice water, cold showers, and immersion in a pool. As a result, short-term hormonal surges occur that control metabolism and affect well-being. Let's consider the most active biological regulators and their action:

1) Beta-endorphin - an increase in concentration by 2-10 times - creates a feeling of euphoria and well-being, relieves pain and depression, and inhibits intestinal motility.

2) Aldosterone - an increase in concentration by 3-6 times - retains water and chlorides, enhances the reabsorption (reabsorption) of sodium.

3) Renin - an increase in concentration by 1.5-2 times - increases blood pressure.

4) Norepinephrine - an increase in concentration by 2-4 times - increases peripheral vascular resistance, increases coronary blood flow and blood pressure.

5) Somatropin (growth hormone) - increase in concentration by 2-5 times - stimulates the breakdown of fats, activates protein synthesis, reduces blood glucose levels.

6) Adrenaline (epinephrine) - when immersed in cold water, the concentration increases 2-3 times - causes constriction of blood vessels in the skin, abdominal cavity and mucous membranes, leads to increased heart rate, increases tissue metabolism, and increases blood pressure.


7) Prolactin - an increase in concentration by 2-10 times - has an immunostimulating effect, reduces sexual excitability and pain sensitivity.

8) Angiotensin II - an increase in concentration by 3 times - narrows veins and arteries (pressure increases), causes a feeling of thirst, helps the production of norepinephrine and the loss of potassium.

9) Vasopressin - increase in concentration by 1.5-2 times - retains water, dilutes the plasma by reducing sodium content.

There are also hormones whose levels remain unchanged (testosterone, insulin) or may decrease by 10-40% (cortisol).

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