How to glue penoplex to each other and to other surfaces
Types of adhesives In order for the choice of adhesive to be made correctly, you need to know exactly which one to use.
How to fix a floorboard correctly using self-tapping screws
Flooring is a long-awaited stage of transition from the state of “when will this construction end”
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Insulation of the bathhouse ceiling with natural materials. Advantages and installation features
For better heat retention and maintaining a special microclimate in a bathhouse building, insulation is not necessary.
Finnish bath complex Aura
Finnish bathhouse projects: how do they differ from ordinary ones? Step-by-step technology for constructing a modern Finnish sauna from timber
Glued materials, such as timber or logs, allow you to create projects that are unique in their architecture.
sauna stove portal
How to make a brick portal for a sauna stove with your own hands
Each bathhouse has a stove to heat the room. A portal is used for finishing and isolation
Only a specialist should calculate the support pillars for a bathhouse.
Columnar foundation for a bathhouse: types, design and installation features
The foundation is the basis of any structure, be it a bathhouse or any other building. From
Tanks with thermal insulation coating
Thermal insulation paint for facades, interior walls and pipelines
Traditional types of heat-insulating materials have their own specifics. It is generally accepted that to obtain a sufficient effect
How to finish interior walls and floors in a bathhouse using unedged boards
How to finish interior walls and floors in a bathhouse using unedged boards
I decided to consult with my neighbor in the country about what would be the best interior decoration for the bathhouse:
How to connect two beams in length: recommendations from experts and step-by-step instructions
During the construction of buildings from various types of wooden beams, situations arise when it is necessary to use
Treating the floor in a bathhouse from moisture and rotting: impregnation requirements
Why treat the floor in a bathhouse? Impregnation for the floor in a bathhouse is needed to remove moisture.
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