Metal stoves for baths - features, varieties, popular models

Ferrite (C interstitial solid solution in α-iron with a body-centered cubic lattice) Austenite (C interstitial solid solution in γ-iron with a face-centered cubic lattice) Cementite (iron carbide; Fe3C metastable high-carbon phase) Graphite stable high-carbon phase

Ledeburite (eutectic mixture of cementite and austenite crystals, which turns into pearlite upon cooling) Martensite (highly supersaturated solid solution of carbon in α-iron with a body-centered tetragonal lattice) Pearlite (eutectoid mixture consisting of thin alternating plates of ferrite and cementite) Sorbitol (dispersed perlite) Troostite (highly dispersed pearlite) Bainite (ustar: acicular troostite) - an ultradispersed mixture of crystals of low-carbon martensite and iron carbides

White cast iron (brittle, contains ledeburite and no graphite) Gray cast iron (graphite in plate form) Ductile cast iron (graphite in flakes) Ductile iron (graphite in the form of spheroids) Half cast iron (contains both graphite and ledeburite)

Heat-resistant (scaling-resistant) steel

- steel that is resistant to corrosion damage to the surface in gas environments at temperatures above 550 °C, operating in an unloaded or lightly loaded state.

What metal is best to make a sauna stove from?

Homemade sauna stoves cost on average 3-5 times cheaper than factory products. The savings will be even greater if you do the welding yourself. When making it yourself, you will need to decide on the following:

    What metal to make a sauna stove from?

What metal thickness will be optimal?

  • What type of electrodes should be used to ensure maximum weld strength.
  • The speed of heating of the steam room, the duration and intensity of operation of a self-made stove depend on the answer to all these questions.

Differences in heat resistance and heat resistance of metal

The ability of alloys to remain resistant to gas corrosion for a long time when exposed to high temperatures is a characteristic of heat resistance.
To ensure the operation of structures in an aggressive environment when heated from 500 0, and what is important, without heavy loads on them - in this case, steels with a high content of chromium and other alloying additives are used.

This is nichrome, silchrome, steel marked 36Х18Н25С2 or 15Х6СУ.

Heat-resistant materials are able to withstand increased temperature overloads during heating and friction without significant deformation of structures and materials.

The level of these materials is assessed according to 2 criteria:

  • ability to withstand short-term loads during heating. Tests are carried out on a special stand. Here, metal samples are tested for tensile strength at a certain heating temperature;
  • alloys that can withstand heating and long-term loads over a certain period of time, while maintaining strength.

Which brand of steel is best for a sauna stove?

The heating temperature of the flue gases inside the furnace reaches 450-550°C. When heated at such intensity, deformation of the metal is observed.

Direct exposure to fire causes the steel to burn through. Of course, you can simply use metal with a thickness of 10 mm or more, but then you will have to heat the steam room for a long time and spend a large amount of fuel to warm it up. Due to the use of thick-walled steel sheets, a durable furnace will become economically unprofitable.

The task facing the master is to make the structure strong enough to prevent deformation, burnout and at the same time have good thermal conductivity. In the factory, for the manufacture of sauna stoves, metal with a high degree of heat resistance is used.

Alloy steel differs from structural steel in the following characteristics:

Resistance to moisture – alloy steel used in the manufacture of sauna stoves, stainless steel. There is no tendency to corrosion even with intense heating. Domestic brand of heat-resistant high-alloy stainless steel 08Х17Т. Some sources indicate almost complete identity of the characteristics of heat-resistant steels of this type. Structural iron is not corrosion resistant, which must be taken into account when calculating the thickness of the furnace walls.

Operating time – the service life of furnaces made of structural steel is 3-4 years. AISI 430 becomes unusable in 5-8 years.

Possibility of repair work - grades of heat-resistant steel for the manufacture of wood-burning sauna stoves, AISI 430 and 08Х17Т, have a low carbon content, which makes welding work possible. Structural iron contains sulfur and phosphorus compounds, which make it brittle and brittle.

Heat resistance – grades of heat-resistant steel for bath ovens, AISI 430 and 08Х17Т, can withstand heating up to 850°C without changing the structure of the metal and its crystal lattice. When the temperature rises to 600 °C, the tensile strength remains around 145 MPa. Scale formation occurs only when heated to 8500°C. The metal in a sauna stove with intensive combustion heats up to a temperature of 450-550°C. The structural material has lower heat resistance parameters.

Chrome-containing heat-resistant steel is expensive, and not all components experience the same thermal and corrosion load. For this reason, the design of a sauna stove is made of several metals:

    Firebox - AISI 430 or an analogue 08Х17Т is used for the combustion chamber. For independent production, steel 10 GOST 1050-88 is used.

Screen - convection channels do not experience the same load as the firebox, therefore, for their production they take 08PS or 08YU GOST 19904-90.

The body of the sauna stove is made of sheet structural steel.

  • Combustion chamber door - practice shows that this part of the device experiences the maximum thermal load. For this reason, the use of even high-alloy stainless steel is not sufficient. After several fireboxes, deformation of the doors is observed. The optimal solution is to hang a cast iron door.
  • Classification [edit | edit code ]

    Heat-resistant steels are divided into several groups:

    • chromium steels of ferritic class;
    • chromium-silicon steels of the martensitic class;
    • chromium-nickel steels of the austenitic-ferritic class;
    • chromium-nickel austenitic steels.

    Ferritic chromium steels [edit | edit code]

    Can be used for the manufacture of welded structures that are not exposed to shock loads at operating temperatures not lower than –20 °C; for the manufacture of pipes for heat exchange equipment operating in aggressive environments; equipment, parts, thermocouple covers, spark plug electrodes, pipes of pyrolysis plants, heat exchangers; for joints with glass. Heat resistance - up to 1100 °C. Example: 15Х25Т, 15Х28.

    Chrome-silicon steels of the martensitic class [edit | edit code]

    Used for the manufacture of valves for aircraft engines, automobile and tractor diesel engines, and engine fasteners. Example: 40Х10С2М.

    Chromium-nickel steels of the austenitic-ferritic class [edit | edit code]

    Used for the manufacture of parts operating at high temperatures in a lightly loaded state. Heat resistance up to 900-1000 °C. Example: 20Х23Н13.

    Chromium-nickel austenitic steels [edit | edit code]

    They are used for the manufacture of sheet parts, pipes, fittings (at reduced loads), as well as parts of furnaces operating at temperatures up to 1000-1100 °C in air and hydrocarbon atmospheres. Example: 10Х23Н18, 20Х25Н20С2.

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    Optimal metal thickness for a bathhouse stove

    When determining the thickness of the metal, two main characteristics are taken into account that affect the operating parameters of the sauna stove:

      Burnout of steel - if you use a thin-walled sheet of ordinary metal for the firebox, after literally six months of fire the firebox will have to be repaired. Regular steel 4 mm thick will provide quick heating of the steam room, but will not last long. For this reason, manufacturers make the combustion chamber from AISI 430, a heat-resistant chromium stainless steel with a thickness of 4-6 mm.
  • Thermal conductivity - the heating temperature of the furnace directly depends on the thickness of the firebox walls. It seems that it would be easier to make the combustion chamber out of metal 10 mm or larger, and thus prevent burnout, but this approach is impractical for several reasons. The thicker the metal, the more thermal energy and time it takes to heat it and maintain the required temperature. Furnace equipment becomes economically unprofitable. The optimal metal thickness for a sauna stove should be 6-8 mm.
  • The minimum thickness of steel in the combustion chamber is 4 mm, permissible only if AISI 430 and 08Х17Т are used. In other cases, a metal thickness of at least 6 mm is needed. Most craftsmen recommend using 8 mm thick structural steel when making a stove yourself.

    What electrodes should be used to cook a sauna stove?

    To weld the furnace, you will need electrodes selected depending on the steel used in production. Stainless steel is welded using argon arc welding. Suitable electrodes are TsL 11 and D4.

    After welding work, it is necessary to remove scale and etching. This way you can avoid corrosion at the weld.

    Electrodes for welding sauna stoves made of structural steel NIAT-5, EA-112/15, EA-981/15 and EA-981/15. The thickness is selected depending on the density of the metal and its heating temperature.

    Making a sauna stove with your own hands is not difficult if you have special skills and the right choice of components and consumables.


    Heat Resistant Stainless Steel Range

    Our warehouse in Moscow offers a wide range of products made from heat-resistant steel of various grades. The high quality of the products sold is confirmed by manufacturer certificates and meets the requirements of international standards. Domestic brands of heat-resistant stainless steel in our catalog include: 08Х13, 08Х17, 08Х18Т1, 10Х23Н18, 12Х13, 12Х17, 14Х17Н2, 20Х23Н18, 20Х13, 30Х13 and 40Х13. Among foreign analogues, AISI 310, AISI 310S and AISI 321 steels should be noted.

    Heat-resistant steel
    Phases of iron-carbon alloys
    Structures of iron-carbon alloys

    Read also: Why do you need a hone in cylinders?

    Heat-resistant stainless steel rodDiameter 3-500 mm, hot-smoked and calibrated, matte, price from 106 rub./kg
    Heat-resistant stainless steel sheetThickness 0.5-130 mm, cold-stained and hot-stained, matte, perforated, price from RUB 169.93/kg
    Heat-resistant stainless steel pipeDiameter 16-159 mm, wall thickness 1.5-12, matte, price from 620 rub./kg

    Product sizes and prices are constantly updated, so contact our managers to quickly and correctly place your order.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a stainless steel sauna stove

    Modern summer residents, when choosing a stove for a bath, increasingly prefer metal ones. Moreover, offers from manufacturers are becoming more and more diverse. Choosing a good, powerful stove for a sauna means completely ensuring a comfortable stay. If the stove is bad, cannot cope with the load, and does not supply the required amount of steam, then even in a well-equipped room, the heating result will be questionable. The power of the sauna installation must be high, because its goal is to heat the steam room to a high temperature as quickly as possible.

    Characteristics [edit | edit code]

    Heat resistance (scale resistance) of steel is characterized by resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. To increase scale resistance, steel is alloyed with elements that change the composition and structure of scale. As a result of introducing into steel the required amount of chromium (Cr) or silicon (Si), which have a greater affinity for oxygen (O) than iron (Fe), dense oxides based on chromium or silicon are formed on the surface during the oxidation process. The resulting thin film of these oxides hinders the process of further oxidation. To ensure scale resistance up to a temperature of 1100 °C, the steel must contain at least 28% chromium (for example, steel 15Х28). The best results are obtained by simultaneously alloying steel with chromium and silicon.

    Alloy steel for bath

    The common name “stainless steel” hides a number of alloys. They are conventionally divided into:

    • Austenitic. This metal is not magnetic. Ideal for sauna stoves, but rare and very expensive. Excellent resistance to all kinds of influences - chemical and temperature.
    • Ferritic. Steels with a high chromium content can withstand loads well and can be used for stoves and chimneys.

    Important! Steels with low additive content rust and are not suitable for furnaces.

    A sauna stove made of stainless steel is more durable and lighter than one made of simple carbon steel. But this is typical only for furnaces made of austenitic or high-alloy ferritic steel.

    Definition and types of heat resistance

    Heat-resistant stainless steel is an alloy that, due to its physical and chemical properties, is resistant to aggressive chemicals and mechanical wear at temperatures above 500 °C. Such high performance properties are achieved due to the inclusion of a large number of alloying elements in the material composition. Chromium, nickel, titanium help strengthen the metal crystal lattice and prevent the active spread of oxidation processes. Heat-resistant material does not undergo plastic deformation at high temperatures and does not form rust or scale.

    The division of heat-resistant stainless steel into types is due to the different content of alloying elements, differences in alloying methods, and the final purpose of the steel. There are 4 groups of stainless heat-resistant alloys:

    • austenitic with chromium content up to 26%, nickel up to 25%, molybdenum up to 6%;
    • ferritic, which contain no more than 0.2% carbon and up to 27% chromium;
    • ferritic-austenitic (mixed, or duplex) steels with the inclusion of 18-28% chromium and up to 8% nickel;
    • martensitic contain 10-13% chromium and no more than 1% carbon.

    Which sauna stove to choose, which one is better?

    The heating temperature of the flue gases inside the furnace reaches 450-550°C. When heated at such intensity, deformation of the metal is observed.

    Direct exposure to fire causes the steel to burn through. Of course, you can simply use metal with a thickness of 10 mm or more, but then you will have to heat the steam room for a long time and spend a large amount of fuel to warm it up. Due to the use of thick-walled steel sheets, a durable furnace will become economically unprofitable.

    The task facing the master is to make the structure strong enough to prevent deformation, burnout and at the same time have good thermal conductivity. In the factory, for the manufacture of sauna stoves, metal with a high degree of heat resistance is used.

    Most manufacturers use AISI 430 grade of chromium, corrosion-resistant stainless steel. In budget models, the iron for sauna stoves is replaced with structural steel GOST 1050-88. Each metal has its pros and cons.

    Alloy steel differs from structural steel in the following characteristics:

    • Resistance to moisture – alloy steel used in the manufacture of sauna stoves, stainless steel. There is no tendency to corrosion even with intense heating. Domestic brand of heat-resistant high-alloy stainless steel 08Х17Т. Some sources indicate almost complete identity of the characteristics of heat-resistant steels of this type. Structural iron is not corrosion resistant, which must be taken into account when calculating the thickness of the furnace walls.
    • Operating time – the service life of furnaces made of structural steel is 3-4 years. AISI 430 becomes unusable in 5-8 years.
    • Possibility of repair work - grades of heat-resistant steel for the manufacture of wood-burning sauna stoves, AISI 430 and 08Х17Т, have a low carbon content, which makes welding work possible. Structural iron contains sulfur and phosphorus compounds, which make it brittle and brittle.
    • Heat resistance – grades of heat-resistant steel for bath ovens, AISI 430 and 08Х17Т, can withstand heating up to 850°C without changing the structure of the metal and its crystal lattice. When the temperature rises to 600 °C, the tensile strength remains around 145 MPa. Scale formation occurs only when heated to 8500°C. The metal in a sauna stove with intensive combustion heats up to a temperature of 450-550°C. The structural material has lower heat resistance parameters.

    Chrome-containing heat-resistant steel is expensive, and not all components experience the same thermal and corrosion load. For this reason, the design of a sauna stove is made of several metals:

    • Firebox - AISI 430 or an analogue 08Х17Т is used for the combustion chamber. For independent production, steel 10 GOST 1050-88 is used.
    • Screen - convection channels do not experience the same load as the firebox, therefore, for their production they take 08PS or 08YU GOST 19904-90.
    • The body of the sauna stove is made of sheet structural steel.
    • Combustion chamber door - practice shows that this part of the device experiences the maximum thermal load. For this reason, the use of even high-alloy stainless steel is not sufficient. After several fireboxes, deformation of the doors is observed. The optimal solution is to hang a cast iron door.

    As a rule, when making a sauna stove yourself, you use metal, which is easier to machine and weld.

    To begin with, it would be worth getting acquainted with the conditions that the stove we need should create. But you can read about this in our other article. Be sure to read it to get an idea of ​​what means you have to create the desired microclimate.

    These, in brief, are the parameters of the best stoves for a Russian bath. Non-ideal metal ones can be improved by a brick casing and a well-thought-out ventilation system, which allows you to completely stop all convection flows in the steam room for a while.

    Let's take a closer look at the options that can be purchased on the Russian market today. We selected stoves for the Russian bath with a closed heater, because they are responsible for the correct steam. The creators themselves intend some of the models for lining with brick or natural stone, others have a cylindrical shape, which, however, is also suitable for lining with brick, and this is important, because without it we will not get controlled convection.

    Brands of heat-resistant stainless steel

    The main grades of heat-resistant stainless steels produced by the domestic and foreign metallurgical industry include:

    • 20Х20Н14С2, also known under the name EI211 (imported analogue of AISI 309) is a type of high-alloy chromium-nickel alloy containing chromium and nickel up to 22% and 15%, respectively;
    • 20Х23Н18 or EI417 (analogue of Western European and American manufacturers AISI 310) - austenitic refractory steel, products from which are used in reducing environments with temperatures up to 1000 °C and oxidizing operating conditions up to 1100 °C;
    • 10Х23Н18 or EI417 (AISI 310S) – a low-carbon modification of the AISI 310 alloy, the need for use of which is due to the presence of a corrosive environment due to the influence of condensates and high-temperature gases;
    • 20Х25Н20С2 or EI283 (analogue of foreign steel under the brand AISI 314) is a non-magnetic, non-hardening, austenitic alloy, resistant to ultra-high temperatures.

    Read also: Compressive strength of steel in kgf cm2

    Advantages and disadvantages of a stove made of cast iron

    A cast iron stove attracts buyers, first of all, with its good thermal conductivity and durability, and is considered the best offer for a bathhouse. It has a sufficient number of advantages:

    • Cast iron can maintain temperature for a long time due to its loose structure. Furnace efficiency is 82%. This is better than steel and brick structures. Due to the weight and thick walls (up to 10 mm), the temperature in the room is maintained for a long time. One portion of firewood placed in the stove will be enough for 6-7 hours of the heating process.
    • Cast iron stoves are heat-resistant, can withstand high temperatures more easily, and their coefficient of linear expansion is much lower than that of steel ones, that is, they hardly deform during heating. Such stoves do not burn out because they do not oxidize.
    • A product made of cast iron does not rust, and therefore does not require special care - anti-corrosion coatings, heat-resistant painting, tiling, brick cladding. Although all this is done at the request of the consumer, it is more for design purposes.
    • The appearance of a cast iron stove can be particularly sophisticated, which also attracts buyers. Carved or glass doors, various shapes - all this is available to equipment owners.
    • The fire safety of a cast iron stove is higher than that of a steel stove. The stove structure can easily withstand high temperatures without the formation of small cracks through which sparks can fly into the living room.
    • The durability of the stove, made of high-quality gray cast iron with a wall thickness of 10 mm or more, is beyond doubt. Such equipment will serve its owners for up to 35 years.

    As for the disadvantages of an expensive product, the main one is the fragility of the structure due to the increased carbon content. A stove made from sheet cast iron of low quality does not withstand temperature changes well and can break or burst upon impact. Imagine a bathhouse in which, during peak heating, cold water hits the stove. There will be an instant temperature change, the furnace will burst and it will be impossible to repair it, since the parts must be cast. Bathroom equipment made of high-quality gray cast iron (models Hephaestus, Svarozhich for baths with a volume of 25-45 m³ and Ermak for a steam room, sizes up to 12 m³) invariably delight customers.

    Ferritic alloy grades

    Such compounds contain about 30% chromium. The fine-grained structure of the metal is acquired by annealing. These steels include:

    • X28.
    • 1Х12СУ.
    • X25T.
    • X17.
    • 0Х17Т.
    • X18SYU.

    The production of ferritic steel goes through the stages of hardening, firing, and subsequently tempering. Due to the fine-grained structure, the alloy can only be heated at a temperature of 180 degrees. An increase in temperature will damage the integrity and make the alloy brittle. Such alloys are used mainly for heat exchange devices.

    Stainless steel sauna stove design

    The design is no different from other metal stoves. The stainless steel stove consists of the following elements:

    1. Firebox with ash chamber. Wood burns in it, the walls become very hot.
    2. Secondary afterburning chamber for pyrolysis gases.
    3. There is a bracket for loading stones. Direct radiation from the hot walls of a metal furnace dries the air and burns. Heat is transferred through heat accumulators - stones.
    4. Chimney. Needed to remove combustion products. Its main characteristic is tightness.

    Attention! Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide entering a room cause poisoning and even death. You cannot save money on the installation of chimneys - choose good materials and tight connections.

    1. Additional equipment - Uttermark channels and hot water tanks, decorative fences for stone loading.


    Stainless steel tanks

    Most often, hot water tanks are installed inside a sauna stove, in which the liquid is heated using an open fire directly in the firebox. However, now you can find tubular tanks for baths made of stainless steel, which are installed on the chimney pipe - in them the water is heated by the temperature of the combustion products.


    • Heat. In pipe tanks, water begins to heat up immediately after the fire begins to burn in the firebox. Regardless of its strength, as soon as combustion products appear, heat accumulation begins;
    • Location. A tubular container for a stainless steel bath can be located not only in the steam room, but also placed in the attic, which frees up useful space;

    Tube tank


    • Communications. Since the tank is located on the chimney, it is necessary to install additional communications to create a convenient drainage of hot water;
    • Strengthening. The chimney and stove may need additional reinforcement to support the weight of the water container;

    Optimal metal thickness for a bathhouse stove

    When determining the thickness of the metal, two main characteristics are taken into account that affect the operating parameters of the sauna stove:

    • Burnout of steel - if you use a thin-walled sheet of ordinary metal for the firebox, after literally six months of fire the firebox will have to be repaired. Regular steel 4 mm thick will provide quick heating of the steam room, but will not last long. For this reason, manufacturers make the combustion chamber from AISI 430, a heat-resistant chromium stainless steel with a thickness of 4-6 mm.
    • Thermal conductivity - the heating temperature of the furnace directly depends on the thickness of the firebox walls. It seems that it would be easier to make the combustion chamber out of metal 10 mm or larger, and thus prevent burnout, but this approach is impractical for several reasons. The thicker the metal, the more thermal energy and time it takes to heat it and maintain the required temperature. Furnace equipment becomes economically unprofitable. The optimal metal thickness for a sauna stove should be 6-8 mm.

    The minimum thickness of steel in the combustion chamber is 4 mm, permissible only if AISI 430 and 08Х17Т are used. In other cases, a metal thickness of at least 6 mm is needed. Most craftsmen recommend using 8 mm thick structural steel when making a stove yourself.

    To weld the furnace, you will need electrodes selected depending on the steel used in production. Stainless steel is welded using argon arc welding. Suitable electrodes are TsL 11 and D4.

    After welding work, it is necessary to remove scale and etching. This way you can avoid corrosion at the weld.

    Electrodes for welding sauna stoves made of structural steel NIAT-5, EA-112/15, EA-981/15 and EA-981/15. The thickness is selected depending on the density of the metal and its heating temperature.

    The service life of the stove largely depends on the proper implementation of welding work, including the selection of consumables and subsequent treatment of the seam. It is better to have a professional cook the firebox. Carrying out welding work on stainless steel requires a 5-6 category welder qualification.

    Making a sauna stove with your own hands is not difficult if you have special skills and the right choice of components and consumables.

    Heat-resistant steel Inox

    For the production of its products, TMF uses heat-resistant high-alloy stainless steel Inox with a chromium content of 13% and a temperature for the onset of scale formation from 750°C to 900°C, which is confirmed by certificates from manufacturers.

    The use of heat-resistant Inox chromium steel made it possible to reduce the wall thickness to 2 mm and eliminate the outdated contradiction: the thinner the walls of the furnace, the better it heats, but the faster it will burn out. The service life of a stove made of thin heat-resistant steel is no less, if not longer, than the service life of a stove made of thick ordinary steel. At the same time, the mass of a furnace made of heat-resistant steel is 2 times less, and the “rate of fire” is 2 times higher. The walls of the stove quickly heat up and just as quickly begin to warm up the air of the steam room, the stones and adjacent rooms of the bathhouse through the open doors of the steam room.

    In addition, heat-resistant steel, due to the oxide film formed, does not enter into an oxidative reaction with atmospheric oxygen, preventing it from “burning out.”

    Types of stainless steel sauna stoves

    Structurally, all such devices can be divided into 3 groups:

    1. Closed. Such metal stoves are lined with fireclay bricks to increase their heat capacity. There are also stoves that have a cast iron firebox and a stainless steel body, which also contributes to better heat retention.

    Open. They have a small tank and an open bed for bath stones, heat up quickly and cool down especially quickly. To increase the heat transfer time, special covers made of galvanized steel sheets are used.

    Depending on the type of fuel used, sauna stoves are divided into the following types:

    • Gas. These are modern, reliable, economical and safe devices. The power of such an installation is regulated by a special thermostat, and safety is ensured by a fuse that turns off the gas supply if combustion in the fuel chamber stops.
    • Wood-burning. Classic sauna stoves, proven over tens and hundreds of years of use. Bath connoisseurs prefer them for the unique aroma that burning wood exudes, as well as ease of operation. But they have many disadvantages - such stoves need to be cleaned of ash and carbon deposits, and firewood must be prepared in advance, which is not always and not available everywhere.
    • On coal. Quite a popular choice among users.
    • Electric furnaces. Such structures are made of stainless steel sheets, lined with thermal insulation, and inside there is a tubular electric heater.

    Stoves can also be divided into devices with a remote firebox and a standard one, with or without a water tank.

    Application of heat-resistant stainless steels

    The use of heat-resistant alloys of one grade or another is determined by the characteristics of the operating environment and loads:

    • 20Х20Н14С2 (AISI 309) – parts and assemblies of thermal furnaces, conveyors, and boxes for cementation are produced from steel of this grade;
    • 20Х23Н18 (AISI 310) is used for the manufacture of parts for conveyor belts, furnace conveyors, heat treatment units, fuel combustion chambers (including internal combustion engines), motors, gas turbines, doors;
    • 10Х23Н18 (AISI 310S) is used mainly in mechanisms, installations and units for transporting hot gases - turbines, methane conversion devices, exhaust systems, high-pressure gas pipelines, heating elements;
    • 20Х25Н20С2 (AISI 314) is used in the field of furnace construction - metal products made from stainless heat-resistant steel of this grade are used for the manufacture of furnace screens, rollers, and boiler hangers.

    Installation Features

    When considering a well-made stainless steel stove, pay attention to the following points:

    • Stainless steel has a high rate of thermal expansion. When heated, it “drives” and “twists”. It is leveled by the presence of stiffening ribs in heated surfaces and high-quality welds.
    • Heat dissipation must be uniform. Such a stove cannot be closely lined with bricks or too thick a layer of stones.
    • Hot stainless steel is easily deformed. Therefore, it is advisable that the stones do not put pressure on the stove body. This is achieved by constructing a false mesh shell around it.

    A well-designed stainless steel stove will last much longer than a regular one (20-30 years). When choosing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, steel grade, the presence of stiffeners in the firebox, and convex reliable welds.

    Austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steel

    The peculiarity of such alloys is the presence of nickel, which forms the structure of the material, as well as chromium, which provides heat resistance. Some steel grades in this category contain the presence of titanium and niobium.

    Austenitic steel is stainless. It is resistant to scale formation when exposed to a working environment up to 1000 degrees.

    The marking indicates the composition of the steel: 12 - percentage of carbon, X18 - percentage of chromium, H10 - percentage of nickel, T - presence of titanium (no more than 1%) Source

    Heat-resistant compounds are divided into two categories:

    • homogeneous;
    • dispersion-hardening.

    Homogeneous steels are used for the manufacture of fittings and pipes for operation under increased loads. The impact on the structure occurs not only at the temperature level, but also with high pressure and shock loads. Brands of this type of steel include:

    • 1Х14Н16Б.
    • Х25Н20С2.
    • 1Х14Н18В2Б.
    • X25N16G7AR.
    • Х18Н12Т.
    • Х23Н18.
    • Х18Н10Т.

    Dispersion-hardening compositions are used for the manufacture of turbine equipment and motor valves. They are characterized by long and regular heating, as well as frequent cooling. Temperature changes do not affect the performance characteristics of the alloy. Grades of dispersion-hardening steel:

    • 0Х14Н28В3Т3УР.
    • Х12Н20Т3Р.
    • 4Х14Н14В2М.
    • 4Х12Н8Г8МФБ.

    Austenitic steel belongs to the category of dispersion-hardening compositions. For high quality performance, carbide is added to them, as well as an intermetallic sealant. This type of heat-resistant steel is used for the furnace. The composition can withstand temperatures of 700 degrees.

    Austenitic and austenitic-ferritic metals are divided into three categories:

    • with a reduced content of additional metals;
    • alloys with a high carbide content;
    • steel with the presence of intermetallic hardening.

    Manufacturers of cast iron and steel stoves

    To choose a stove for heating and cooking, you need to carefully study the compliance of the range offered on the market with your requirements, as well as the installation standards in a particular room. We invite you to get acquainted with the most famous manufacturers who supply cast iron and steel stoves to specialized showrooms in the country, and also directly sell their own products through online stores. This list of manufacturers is provided for your reference. Be careful! Regardless of the brand and presence on the market, the history of the company and its product range, as well as the cost of a certain product item, the quality can be either really high or extremely mediocre. Therefore, the guideline when choosing is compliance with standards and declared technical characteristics, which we personally recommend that you check them on site before purchasing!

    Today, the following names of companies that we represent are increasingly noticeable: Nordica, Dovre, Harvia, Vermont Castings, Ardenfire, Bullerjan, Rud, Wamsler, Ecozhar, Novaslav, Mriya, Meta, Termofor, Teplodar, Hephaestus, Konvetika and many others. In the catalogs of these companies, as well as those not presented in this article, you can find convection boilers, standard or lined fireplace stoves, stoves with a water circuit, cooking and heating units made of cast iron and steel, as well as inexpensive potbelly stoves, if necessary heat a garage, workshop, small veranda. Make your choice wisely, because there are indeed many low-quality products on the market. And, be sure to listen to the recommendations of experts!

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    Share117-01-2013 17:37:30

    • Author: Ramzay
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    I'm baking and thinking about the topic of the message. There is a strong opinion among people that the thicker the better. Like, the thicker it is, the longer it won’t burn. For example, I have heard recommendations of 4mm stainless steel or 8mm black steel.

    From a durability perspective, it’s hard to disagree with this argument. But let's approach it from the functional side. Why do you need a stove anyway? Of course, to heat it up.

    Let's say we want to heat the steam room to 100 degrees. To do this, we need to heat the stove harder. Let's say we have 2 stoves of the same design, but one is made of thick iron, the other of thin. Which oven can heat up to 100 degrees faster?

    We can definitely say that the stove is thin. Will a thick stove heat up to 100 degrees? For this to happen, a certain amount of heat must first be transferred from the firebox to the stove, and then the stove must transfer the required amount of heat to the steam room. This takes time. And the thicker the metal, the longer this time.

    How to build a sauna stove with a tank and a chimney

    A stainless steel stove is expensive. Therefore, if you wish and have the tools, you can save money by building an excellent structure with your own hands.


    You can use a beer keg, the body of activator washing machines, steel sheets. When choosing a material, pay attention to:

    • Type of steel. The best option would be AISI 316.
    • Workpiece shape. Cylindrical products are suitable for our purpose - they have fewer welds and less strength when heated. It is easier to work with square sheets, but you will need to additionally strengthen the structure with stiffeners.
    • Steel thickness. The optimal thickness is 1.5-3 mm. It is not advisable to use anything thinner than 1 mm - a thin wall bends more when heated.


    Working with stainless steel requires special skills and materials. Required:

    1. Measuring equipment: tape measure, ruler, template.
    2. Welding equipment. Ideally - TIG in argon. If you don’t have access to such equipment, you can cook with special stainless steel electrodes.
    3. Auxiliary equipment and materials. The seams are etched with SE paste; when welding, a heat sink plate made of copper will be required.
    4. Protective equipment: glasses, welding helmet, overalls and leggings.

    Work order

    1. Two cylinders are welded from metal sheets through a heat-removing plate - for the firebox with a diameter of 500 mm, and for the secondary chamber with a diameter of 250 mm. The ends are jammed.
    2. The cylinders are welded together. The transition from the firebox to the secondary chamber should be away from the chimney exit. The chimney fitting is welded.

    Photo 1. Before welding the stone mesh to the sauna stove, measurements should be taken.

    1. A mesh basket is welded for loading with stones. The loading thickness is 10 cm. The stones are laid so that the iron is not visible.
    2. A chimney is being made. A water tank is welded onto the first bend of the chimney. The thickness of the water jacket should not exceed 30 cm; the tank copes well with cooling the outlet gases. The tank must be equipped with a steam outlet fitting, otherwise boiling water will rupture the wall. The second chimney elbow has a heat-insulated box for passage through the ceiling.

    A properly manufactured oven should be airtight. It is better to weld welds several times.

    Possible difficulties

    Difficulties in building a furnace:

    1. It is difficult to maintain the diameter of cylindrical products. To make the task easier, a pipe template is used, the seam is tacked and welded using a heat sink plate.
    2. In the firebox, the seam is placed at the bottom, in the ash pan.
    3. All seams are passed twice - fast thread and a convex bead is fused on top. The metal must not be allowed to overheat.

    Martensite and ferrite - steel grades

    It is worth noting that steel can be martensitic-ferritic. This material is used in mechanical engineering. A distinctive feature is resistance to temperatures of 600 degrees. With such exposure, even long-term, the performance properties of steel do not change.

    Steel grades of the following composition:

    • 2Х12ВМБФР;
    • X6SYU;
    • 1Х12В2МФ;
    • 1Х13;
    • 1Х12ВНМФ;
    • 1 X11MF.

    A characteristic of the composition of martensitic-ferritic alloys is the presence of chromium no more than 14% and no less than 10%. Tungsten, vanadium and molybdenum are used as additional metals.

    Basic criteria for choosing a metal stove for the home

    • First of all, decide what exactly you need and set a budget for purchasing a new stove. Deal with the topic yourself, consult with your family, consider possible options initially for their intended purpose. Why do you need a stove: to cook food, heat the room and cook at the same time, or more to improve the interior? It depends on what kind of stoves and their characteristics to study, standard heating, heating and cooking stoves or fireplace stoves;
    • Next, decide on the material of manufacture, also based on the budget and the given characteristics. Try to consider products made from high-quality heat-resistant steel or cast iron;
    • Find offers from manufacturing companies in official retail outlets, in online stores, study the features, select several of the best and most appropriate models;
    • Make sure that they can be installed in the selected room, check the dimensions, weight, and fire requirements. Think about the installation of the chimney in advance, check its diameter;
    • Pay close attention to the visual assessment. You shouldn't buy a steel or cast iron stove if you've only seen it in a few photos;
    • Take time to inspect the structure and seams, read the description in the passport, talk to consultants and ask for product certificates. If you are an experienced buyer, during a consultation with the seller you will immediately determine at what points he is fussing and simply forcing the product on you;
    • Efficiency, power, and preliminary calculation of the stove’s capabilities for heating the room are important. As a standard, the calculation is made based on 1 kW of power per 10 square meters of room, provided its height is within 3.00 meters;
    • Specify the type of fuel, its burning period, request the operating instructions and maintenance rules;
    • Move on to external features and design additions that improve usability or design. Try to choose from stoves that have the classic configuration of an ash pan, grate, sealed doors, and a hob;

    Be sure to check the terms and conditions of the warranty, request a sales receipt and product passport, and make sure that all documents are completed correctly!

    Video text

    In what cases is it better to buy a stove made of cast iron, in which from stainless steel, and in which from carbon? Each metal has its pros and cons. UPD Here's a simple explanation of the difference between ordinary steel, heat-resistant and heat-resistant: Heat-resistant steel is a type of steel that is used at high temperatures for a certain time, as well as under low-stress conditions.

    Heat-resistant (scale-resistant) steel is a steel that is resistant to corrosive destruction of the surface in gas environments at temperatures above 550°C, operating in a loaded or lightly loaded state.

    Heat-resistant steels are able to withstand mechanical loads at high temperatures (400 – 850 °C). Steels 15Х11МФ, 13Х14Н3В2ФР, 09Х16Н15М3Б and others are used for the manufacture of steam superheating devices, steam turbine blades, and high-pressure pipelines. For products operating at higher temperatures, steels 15Х5М, 16Х11Н2В2МФ, 12Х18Н12Т, 37Х12Н8Г8МБФ, etc. are used.

    Heat-resistant steels are able to resist oxidation and scaling at temperatures of 1150 – 1250 °C. For the manufacture of steam boilers, heat exchangers, thermal furnaces, equipment operating at high temperatures in aggressive environments, steel grades 12Х13, 08Х18Н10Т, 15Х25Т, 10Х23Н18, 08Х20Н14C2, 1Х12МВСФБР, 06Х16Н15М2G2TFR-ID, 12Х12М1Б are used FR-SH.

    Structural steel can be simple (and not heat-resistant or heat-resistant) or boiler steel, with additives of rare earth metals - then, although it produces scale, it rusts just like regular steel, but it is more durable under thermal loads. By eye you can’t tell the difference between the construction and the boiler, this one is black and that one is black.

    As soon as chromium is added to carbon, it becomes “stainless steel”. If about 9% chromium, then rusting magnetic (feritic) stainless steel (in common parlance “squeaker”, such a soft tank-vats from it in the USSR were made plump, for public catering, matte color) If 13% chromium - then ferrite, but weakly rusty If 17 % or more - then austenitic (non-magnetic) - stainless, but it usually contains not just 17% chromium, but also the addition of rare earth metals, which makes it extremely expensive and solves specific problems, depending on the additives: either increased corrosion resistance or hardness. Well, all the stainless steel is light, the firebox is shiny. Typically stoves are made of 2mm 13% stainless steel, and the Pro series from Teplodar is 4mm 17% stainless steel.

    The weak point of a stove made of any metal (including stainless steel) is welding. By the way, in any stove made of stainless steel, the seam begins to corrode, since during welding the chrome is, so to speak, “burned out” and rusts on the weld seam. Well, like caries on teeth under crowns. Something like this. He told me what he knew.

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