A functional relaxation area in the office is not a luxury, but a means of attracting the best specialists

If in the last century people visited the bathhouse for the obvious and understandable purpose of washing themselves, today going to the sauna has become both a therapeutic and hygienic procedure and a form of pleasant pastime.

At all times, people considered the bathhouse a means by which they could get rid of a whole list of health problems. It is not surprising that one would like to constantly have such a “medicine” nearby.

But how can you make this dream come true if the dimensions of the bathroom only allow you to install a shower and a corner sink with a corner toilet. A shower cabin with a sauna is the solution to your problem, which we want to tell you about today.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bath at home

If doctors do not forbid you to use the bathhouse, then you should not deprive yourself of such pleasure. But we never have enough time to go to the sauna. After all, to take a steam bath for your own pleasure, you need at least two hours of free time.

A shower cabin with a sauna, which you can install in your own apartment, is an excellent way out of the situation.

A compact shower cabin with a sauna is an achievement of modern science, allowing you to receive full bath procedures without leaving your own home

The home sauna will always be at your disposal, and you can use it any time you have free time.

Let us list the main advantages that we get from using this equipment at home.

  • This is a compact structure that will fit perfectly into the bathroom of the most ordinary apartment.
  • We get the opportunity to operate the system with many useful functions.
  • The characteristics of a home bath are largely the same as a traditional sauna.
  • A regular shower cabin and a shower with a sauna differ slightly in terms of purchase costs.

Bath procedures have a beneficial effect on the immune system and tidy up the skin. A neat and compact design, as a rule, serves as a real interior decoration.

Often these cabins are equipped with dispensers for aromatic oils, which means that you can enjoy aromatherapy at any time.

This is an excellent opportunity to prevent colds and protect yourself during the season of mass diseases.

Regardless of the style of your bathroom interior, you can always find a shower stall with a sauna that will decorate it

Another function of the device is hydromassage. For this purpose, the shower stall is equipped with special nozzles. How wonderful it is to relieve fatigue and muscle tension with the help of hydromassage after a hard day at work!

Complete relaxation is what a shower with a sauna can provide you with.

However, in addition to the obvious advantages, this design also has disadvantages that you definitely need to know about before you buy this model.

  • A shower stall with a sauna is not cheap: if you come to buy it, first calculate your financial capabilities.
  • If something breaks in such a cabin, it is very difficult to identify the cause of the breakdown. Difficulties in maintenance lead to significant repair costs.
  • Numerous electrical appliances with which this design is literally packed consume electricity, so be prepared for additional costs for this type of resource.

Buying a shower stall with a sauna only makes sense if you are not financially constrained. Otherwise, this expensive equipment will sit like a dead weight in your bathroom, reminding you of wasted money.

Types of booths, their main differences

When you visit a plumbing store in search of a shower with a sauna, you will see two types of cabins that differ from each other in design:

  • shower combined with sauna;
  • shower cabin with sauna effect.

These two options differ from each other not only visually. They are designed differently. The effect that can be achieved using one or the other model also differs.

In the first option, two devices with different functions (shower and sauna) are adjacent to each other through a partition, forming a single structure, and in the second case, the functions of these two products are combined in a single housing.

It is in vain that there is an opinion that shower cabins are used only when there is not enough space for a bath: a shower with a sauna effect is a luxurious purchase

Let's take a closer look at the differences that exist between these two types of plumbing fixtures.

  • Principle of operation. A cabin with sauna functions is equipped with a steam generator, and a sauna, which is combined with a shower cabin, is usually equipped with electric or infrared heating elements.
  • Functions of models. A shower cubicle combined with a bathhouse can be considered a full-fledged home sauna. It has a large list of functions. A shower with a sauna effect has much less potential.

In this shower stall, the sauna is separated from the shower compartment by a partition, it is finished in wood and looks very attractive

Of course, the right to final choice of model belongs to the homeowner. And he, giving preference to one or another model, must be guided by his own needs, preferences and financial capabilities.

Russian style

This is exactly the picture that appears in the minds of many Slavs when they hear the word “bathhouse”.

The main material for decoration is wood; in the middle there is a stove with logs around it; various brooms and bundles of aromatic herbs hang on the walls.

This is approximately the case, except that the design can vary from ethnic antique to practical modern.

Finishing a steam room in a bathhouse

It is not for nothing that this item comes first, since this room is the most “picky” in the choice of materials.

Due to abnormally high temperatures and humidity, log baths must have certain properties.

These include resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations and low thermal conductivity to avoid burns.

Also moisture resistant and quick drying.

And also a long service life, high density and no release of resin when heated.

Acceptable wood species:

  • Linden is the most popular for cladding a steam room for several reasons: pleasant appearance, low thermal conductivity and zero resin. When heated, it releases a pleasant aroma and is relatively inexpensive.

  • Aspen - common in the northern part of Russia. It is quite cheap, has high strength and a bactericidal effect in addition.

  • Alder – has a noble appearance and is comfortable to the touch. Easy to maintain and durable in use, it also attracts with its low price.

  • Abash is a material that has only recently appeared in our regions. This tree comes from the tropical forests of Africa, for which humidity and high temperatures are its natural habitat. You can combine it with other wood and cover only the shelves.

Features of the main models

To help you better understand the models of plumbing equipment offered by modern manufacturers, let’s take a closer look at them.

Shower cabins with sauna effect

As a rule, these models are equipped with steam generators. They are almost no different structurally from standard shower cabins: they also have doors, trays and other elements.

They are simply additionally equipped with steam generators. Using this device, water evaporates, after which the steam is cooled to 50˚C.

Externally, a shower cabin with a sauna effect is similar to a regular one, but its additional functions make it an excellent “doctor” and “massage therapist.”

When buying a model with a steam generator, you need to pay attention to:

  • hardness of water; When operating the model in conditions of increased water hardness, a special filtration system must be used. Otherwise, the steam generator nozzles will be blocked by salts. If this is not taken care of in a timely manner, in just a couple of years you will have to replace the expensive steam generator.
  • water pressure; The requirements for water pressure in the water supply may vary. They depend on the equipment model and are no less than 3-3.5 bar. If the system pressure is insufficient, the steam generator will not operate efficiently. Then instead of pleasure you can only get stress. The only way out of this situation is to purchase an additional pump. With its help, the required pressure will be created in the pipeline.

So, when using steam generators, you need to be sure of the quality of the water and the serviceability of the plumbing system.

Combined shower cabin

This model allows its owner to use a product in his home that closely resembles a natural sauna. In fact, a full-fledged miniature sauna is simply attached to the shower stall.

The equipment compartment that is reserved for the sauna is usually lined with wood.

Wooden cladding is not created from any wood, but from Scandinavian spruce, Canadian fir, African oak, pine, cedar or other species with low thermal conductivity.

This is necessary so that the person in the booth is not afraid to lean against the compartment’s lining: he has practically no chance of getting a thermal burn.

A shower cubicle combined with a sauna does not always look compact. In this case, it is a full-fledged bathhouse, on the bench of which you can lie down at your full height.

These models have a control panel. It is usually located outside the sauna. On it you can set the desired temperature in the range of 60-120˚C. In the sauna compartment you need to control not only the temperature, but also the air humidity.

For this purpose, in addition to the thermometer, a hygrometer is also installed. The data obtained as a result of the measurement is transmitted to an electronic display on the control panel.

Design of a relaxation area in a bathhouse

The most enjoyable part of planning a future building is choosing a single design. In this matter, everything depends on the personal taste of the owner.

Currently, minimalist natural design options are especially popular.

  • A good choice for lovers of classic bathhouse design would be Russian, Scandinavian or chalet style.
  • The basis for their creation is always the predominance of wooden parts in the design.
  • For those who like more original and ornamental options, a bright oriental or restrained Japanese design style will suit them.
  • Japanese implies rigor and monotony. Eastern - the use of characteristic national mosaics and a certain color scheme.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct lighting of the future recreation area.

Finnish, Turkish, infrared

The most popular modifications of home saunas are the Finnish sauna, Turkish bath and infrared model. They differ from each other in the type of heating element used in them.

Let's take a closer look at these types of equipment.

For dry heat lovers

Connoisseurs of sauna relaxation are well aware that a feature of a real Finnish sauna is the use of dry and hot air, as well as the wooden decoration of the sauna room itself.

As a rule, the walls of the shower stall are made of glass or acrylic. There are expensive models in which both the walls and ceiling are made of wood.

The Finnish sauna uses dry hot air; the walls and objects in the sauna are decorated with wood. Just imagine what a pleasant smell these surfaces literally exude

The Finnish sauna is separated from the shower using a partition or door. The sauna room is heated by an electric stove. This model requires special care:

  • surfaces are cleaned with a soft cloth;
  • When caring for wooden sauna seats, no cleaning agents are used: the surfaces are simply rinsed;
  • A soap solution is used to wash floors.

Not everyone can use a Finnish sauna. Your doctor will tell you about existing contraindications.

For those who like to steam

Steam and high humidity are characteristic features of a Turkish bath. A steam generator is used to create the necessary conditions.

In a Turkish bath, the temperature reaches 50˚C and the humidity is 100%.

The Turkish bath is distinguished by the presence of hot steam, which literally envelops you, driving away all illnesses and bad moods

The Turkish bath comes in two modifications:

  • with a sauna as an additional section;
  • with built-in steam source in the shower cabin.

A Turkish bath can consist of two compartments separating the shower and sauna, or of one compartment, as in this case, which successfully combines both functions

The steam generator is turned on from a special electronic panel. It also displays other functions that are available in the model.

You can see how it works in this video:

Special infrared radiation

In this model, unlike others, it is not the air around a person that is heated, but his body. This happens due to infrared (IR) radiation, which comes from special panels installed in the sauna cabin.

The cabin itself does not require significant heating. You just need to connect the lamps to a power source. The radiation emanating from them will warm up your body.

The advantage of an infrared bath is that the air in it remains unchanged, your breathing will not be difficult

The advantages of this model are as follows:

  • an infrared sauna is used as a health and preventive remedy;
  • There are no age restrictions for its use, but you should definitely consult a doctor about how safe it is for you;
  • it is impossible to get burned in it due to the absence of hot elements; it is easy to breathe unheated air with normal oxygen content;
  • under infrared rays the body sweats more actively;
  • Cellular metabolism is enhanced, resulting in a rapid restorative effect and calories are burned.

Any influence on the human body changes its condition. This means that before you buy an infrared bath, you need to make sure that your health will not be damaged during the procedures.


Design nuances

In addition to choosing furniture for the relaxation room in the bathhouse, you should first design it correctly. To do this, you should stock up on a pencil, paper and a ruler. For a family of 5 people and guests, the ideal size would be a bathhouse of 6*6 meters, equipped with an attic. On the ground floor there is a steam room, an entrance hall, a relaxation room, a shower room with a toilet. A place for gatherings is supplemented with a kitchen, and the second floor is allocated for leisure and additional places are made to accommodate family members or guests. The entrance space on the second floor with an area of ​​18 square meters can be used as a billiard room or studio. Behind it there are 2 symmetrical rooms or bedrooms for children, each 9 square meters. The functionality of the bathhouse is significantly expanded, and there is no need to build a huge house. A compact layout with a sanitary unit will satisfy the needs of an ordinary family in a summer cottage.

With terrace

A bathhouse equipped with a terrace is an ideal option for summer relaxation in the fresh air after a steam room. The barbecue grill can be placed on the area in front of the bathhouse building or a grill area can be added to the veranda. To do this, the dimensions of the terrace must be increased so as to provide free access to the brazier, and also to avoid smoke from the windows and the dining table. The minimum distance between the table and the stove must be at least 2 meters. So, they install a ready-made metal brazier or build a stone brick grill with a chimney. A separate foundation is built for it, which is important to take into account during design. Floors on the terrace should be made of sandstone or paving slabs. Wooden floors are also used to glaze the terrace. Glazing is made from sliding plastic or aluminum frames. Lightweight structures protect from bad weather, but the temperature inside the covered space is only a couple of degrees higher than outside. A bathhouse with panoramic glazing and a barbecue on the veranda will become a place to relax after a difficult work week.

With private pool

The benefits of relaxing in a bathhouse will increase many times over if you install a personal pool or plunge pool in a relaxation area. The pool should be placed near the shower. The pool bowl is made of concrete and trimmed with tiles. It should be chosen to match the overall room decoration of the place to relax. Mosaic and floral patterns will give an oriental flavor. Brick, stone and wood sides are suitable for a Russian-style bathhouse. In one-story buildings, a complex is often made of a terrace with a plunge pool under a canopy. The font is made of wood and placed on a wooden platform in the fresh air. In the Japanese version, the hot tub is heated with electric heating elements, which are built into the body. Connecting a recreation area and a bathhouse for swimming in the summer, a ready-made frame pool is installed or a stationary one is made, and beach chairs or sun loungers are placed nearby. The reservoir must have strict geometric shapes or be close to its natural shape. In this case, the shore is decorated with plants and pebbles - cereals, astilbe and hosta. The bathhouse with the pool, which is located on the terrace, is closed from outsiders using a hedge of flowering bushes or vines, which are placed on supports. A comprehensive seating area requires good lighting, because it is used in the evening. Lighting with electricity can be done if there are communications, and a more economical option would be lighting with solar-powered lanterns/light diodes.

Small room

There are even small buildings. Yes, the disadvantage of a compact bathhouse design with a relaxation room is that there is no large set of rooms, and therefore a shower is often placed in the relaxation room itself. When decorating rooms with this planning solution, it is worth taking into account high humidity and choosing suitable materials - plastic panels, tiles, stone of artificial or natural origin. The shower should be fenced off from the resting area with a glass or plastic partition so that splashes do not disturb vacationers. Furniture items should be chosen from moisture-resistant materials. Choosing the optimal finish will make the shower comfortable, and your stay in the place to relax will be very comfortable.

Rules for using a shower with a sauna

Of course, manufacturers try to make their equipment as convenient and safe as possible for users. They also develop operating rules that must be followed.

  • Emitters and heating elements should not be subjected to extreme loads.
  • RCD - residual current device must be present in any model.
  • You cannot operate the equipment without grounding all electrical appliances.
  • The electrical wiring and outlet must be rated for 16 A.
  • Work on dismantling and installing heaters should be carried out only after turning off the power supply.
  • Elderly people, disabled people and children should not be left alone in the cabin.
  • The electrical cable should not come into contact with heated surfaces.
  • It is prohibited to pour any liquid, including water, onto the heating elements.
  • Do not place foreign objects behind the protective grille.
  • It is prohibited to remove the protective screen from the heating elements.
  • To illuminate the shower stall, do not use incandescent lamps with a power of more than 100 W.
  • Do not install homemade or faulty machines.

If you have enough money to afford such a pleasure as a shower cabin with a sauna, you can only envy: this is an excellent purchase

If you follow these simple rules, then you will be able to absolutely safely operate wonderful equipment that will allow you to carry out a whole range of various health-improving activities at a time convenient for you.

In fact, you are acquiring for yourself and your entire family the opportunity not to get sick or to quickly restore your health. You will feel invigorated, which will help you work effectively and rest fully.

What is it built from?

For a bathhouse complex, it is especially important that the rooms can be kept warm without excessive effort. Therefore, for the walls we chose large-format ceramic blocks Porotherm 250 mm thick from the trusted manufacturer Wienerberger Russia. These blocks are made of clay and are half hollow, so they not only have excellent thermal insulation, but also excellent sound absorption. Walls made from Porotherm blocks are erected quickly and easily, and their ideal geometry greatly facilitates finishing work.

For additional thermal insulation, we used 150 mm thick insulation, covered the walls with a gable roof and installed the structure on a strong, stable foundation made of a monolithic slab.

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