Rating of bath stones: which stones to choose for a bath?

What stones are best for a sauna stove? This is the question that should be asked to everyone who is planning to build a bathhouse. Why is such attention given to stones? The answer is simple: it is with them that water comes into contact, and steam is produced, i.e. The quality of the stones directly affects the quality of the steam itself.

Next we will talk about how to choose stones for a bath yourself: what to pay close attention to, how to check their quality?

Subtleties of choice

For sauna stoves, round-shaped stones are used.
When purchasing, you should pay attention to specimens with small crystals. The smaller the crystal size, the more durable the stone is considered and the longer it will last. Regardless of the purpose for which dolerite is purchased, it must be intact, without cracks or splits. Diabase is inferior in strength to jade, but a high-quality stone should withstand a moderate impact.

Another simple way to test the quality of diabase for strength is to heat it to the maximum, and then quickly splash cold water on it - the sample should not crack. A newly purchased stone should be used for idle heating for the first time, so that all possible foreign impurities burn out.

Sometimes careless sellers try to sell another rock instead of dolerite - for example, granite. Outwardly, these two stones may be very similar, but upon closer inspection, it is clear that dolerite has a more uniform color, and granite contains small particles of quartz. They are visible even to a non-specialist. In gabbro-diabase you can also see crystalline particles - this is sulfite, which differs in appearance from quartz.

Gabbro-diabase is quite affordable, so there is no need to save even more and buy suspiciously cheap raw materials. The highest quality product and the best price can only be obtained from a company that independently produces it. You should not collect stones yourself in unverified places, near railways or in close proximity to industrial facilities. The stone tends to absorb various microparticles and odors, which can subsequently affect the quality of the supplied steam.

You can learn about the features of using gabbro-diabase in a bath in the following video.

The most important characteristics that stones for baths and saunas should have include:

  • uniformity;
  • good heat capacity;
  • strength;
  • no toxic odors when heated;
  • low level of water absorption.

Why do experts recommend purchasing certified and already packaged products, rather than collecting the first river stones you come across for a bath?

Acting this way without having experience and special knowledge of geology is very dangerous. Constant and significant temperature changes in the steam room can destroy even stone. And if you have collected unsuitable stones for the stove in the bathhouse, they can split when heated, shooting out fragments, which can lead to serious injuries.

But that’s not so bad. Many minerals emit toxic gases when heated, and stones of organic origin saturate the generated steam with harmful microelements. As a result, under no circumstances use stones for baths and saunas whose properties are unknown to you.

In addition to all of the above, the quality of steam is also influenced by the size and appearance of the stones. Pay extreme attention to the arrangement of the backfill itself.

A good heater on the stove:

  • durable;
  • heat-intensive;
  • dense;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • the stones in it have optimal sizes.

For electric furnaces, you need to select medium-sized stones. For wood-burning analogues, choose a combination - medium and large backfill.

It is worth noting that all experts agree that the best types of stones for a steam room are volcanic. The logic here is simple - since they underwent the action of gigantic temperatures of the Earth’s magma during formation, then they will withstand bathing procedures calmly.

Let's take a closer look at the stones for the bath: which ones are best to purchase.

What are the requirements for stones?

There are a number of requirements for the quality of minerals, ignorance of which can lead to undesirable consequences. Many natural materials contain harmful elements, which subsequently escape along with steam.

When selecting stones yourself, you should take into account the objects near which they were collected. When purchasing quality products in a store, the packaging indicates that it has passed radiation control.

The main criteria that stones for a sauna or bath must meet:

  • heat resistance The stones must withstand the temperature created in the steam room and not crack in the fire. To test a cobblestone, it should be heated and placed in cold water. A good quality stone will not crack or burst as a result;
  • size and shape . They are selected depending on the type of stove. For a large wood-burning stove, large cobblestones with a diameter of 80 to 120 mm are suitable. When using small electric furnaces, you need to select smaller stones - with a diameter of approximately 50 mm. The shape of minerals can be different. Laying flat small stones is easier.
  • heat capacity , which determines the ability to accumulate heat and generate heat. Stones that retain heat for a long time are heavier and have a dense, homogeneous structure.

The best option for saunas with a heater are salt bricks, which can be purchased in special stores.

In addition to the basic qualities that allow you to retain heat, the aesthetic side of the issue is of no small importance. Combinations of different minerals can harmonize with the overall interior of the steam room. Natural materials can be processed - sanded or rolled.

This gives the boulders a more rounded shape. Many stones look good in their original form. Complex combinations can be created. For example, shungite goes well with jadeite, basalt with white quartz or colored quartzite.


Natural diabase is an igneous rock of cainothyr origin. It contains volcanic glass, which hardens too quickly. Whereas the material that modern construction stores offer us belongs to cenotype rocks. These are more recent formations and in them the volcanic glass has been transformed into secondary minerals. They are stronger than volcanic glass, so it is advisable to classify dolerites as a separate group of rocks.

However, scientists came to the conclusion that from the consumer's point of view this difference is insignificant, and in 1994 the Petrographic Code recommended merging these two concepts into one common name “dolerite”.

Externally and in its chemical composition, the stone has some similarities with basalt, but unlike it, it is more resistant. The color of the stone is predominantly black or dark gray, sometimes there are samples with a greenish tint.

Dolerite has a crystalline structure system. It contains crystalline minerals such as plagioclase and augite. All the chemical bonds of which it consists are constant and not subject to change, therefore this rock is resistant to water and does not react with oxygen.

How to choose?

Appearance, of course, plays a role when choosing the breed that is planned to be used in the stove, and you should not forget about it either. Smooth stones with a surface in which foreign inclusions are not visible may well be a suitable option, and besides, they will be safe to use.

It happens that mica veins or traces of another rock are visible in the body of the stone - such stones will not withstand constant temperature changes, since their solidity (homogeneity) is broken, and the formation of cracks is more than likely. Taking such material for a heater means facing the need to quickly replace it.

The stove stone can be chipped or polished. Here are their differences.

The crushed stone is preferred by regulars in the steam room for the reason that it has large heated edges that are capable of generating a larger volume of steam when water is splashed onto them.

Polished stone, due to the fact that there is more free space between the rounded sides, creates better circulation, but you have to wait longer for them to warm up than when using chipped stone.

When choosing to fill your stove with rocks, it is important to consider their origin. Those stones whose rock is igneous (volcanic) have a greater degree of heat resistance

Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are not suitable for use in the steam room.

If a rock contains silica in large quantities, it is acidic. It is also not used in the heater. When choosing a stove stone from specialized retail chains, you should always check that the packaging contains a mention of its passage of special radiation control.

The use of only medium and large stones (supposedly they reduce the area of ​​evaporation, therefore, the volume of steam will be insufficient) is not justified, since without using stone of very small fractions, too much water will have time to flow through and get on the metal of the top of the furnace firebox. This will lead to an unpleasant “metallic” taste in the steam and premature wear of the stove due to rust.

How tightly the stone needs to be laid can be determined experimentally - if the steam does not enter the steam room well enough, the laying is broken, something was done incorrectly.

The optimal result is a masonry thickness of a quarter to a third of a meter. In this case, all the water will probably have time to turn into a state of steam, since it will visit both the (relatively) coldest stones and the hottest ones. As a result, the different layers of steam will mix and it will acquire the desired “softness”; it will not be too dry, which can burn you, or too wet.

In no case should limestone rocks be used in the steam room, since limestone is a soft bottom rock and, not having sufficient resistance to sudden temperature changes, has high hydrophilicity, and when dried is prone to destruction into a dust fraction, which subsequently ends up in steaming lungs.

It is strictly not recommended to collect stones where railroad tracks pass, because all substances and materials that are located near the railroad contain creosote. This is a harmful chemical substance, which, when heated, with its fumes can cause severe poisoning if inhaled. The same applies to stones collected near construction sites, waste dumps, etc.

Granite rocks are not suitable for a steam room for the same reason - they have a high silica content.


Gabbro-diabase stone is similar to marble or granite

This volcanic rock is similar to marble or granite and is uniformly dark in color. It has high density, strength and low water absorption. When heated, gabbro-diabase expands evenly. In addition, these bath stones are mined in the most environmentally friendly corner of Russia - Karelia, and are inexpensive.

One of the disadvantages is that diabase takes a long time to heat up and cools down quickly. In addition, if these stones are heated strongly, they begin to emit a not strong, but specific odor.

The therapeutic effects of this breed have not been identified.

Types of stones, their characteristics and effects on the human body

Scientists from the Moscow Scientific Center conducted a whole study in 1999 and determined which stones are best suited for steam baths. The main criteria that were emphasized:

  • Harmful additives and impurities are not allowed in the composition;
  • meet quality characteristics (tolerate high temperatures, keep warm, warm up quickly and evenly, etc.;
  • Suitable for use in wooden saunas.

The first places in all indicators were given to: soapstone, jadeite, gabbro. Less persistent, but beneficial for human health: white quartz, crimson quartzite, peridotite, basalt. All of them are well suited for a bath and will benefit those who take a steam bath. Let's look at the breeds in more detail in the form of a table:

Breed nameCharacteristicAverage price in retail chains, rub./kg
JadeIt has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system. It has a dense round shape and good heat dissipation. Low moisture absorption coefficient, durable. In ancient times it was used to make weapon tips; in the Middle Ages it was used to build fortresses and castles. Semiprecious stone. From 980
Soapstone chloriteHelps improve immunity, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation, and cleanses the respiratory tract. It tolerates high temperatures of more than 1000 °C and can hold heat for more than 24 hours. Used to make heat-resistant cookware. From 860
Gabbro or DiabaseBlack colored stone. It has a positive effect on the respiratory system and is useful for asthmatics. It practically does not absorb water and heats up quickly. Used to make building material. From 530
Raspberry quartziteCan heat up to 2700 °C and holds heat well. Due to its unusual appearance and color, it is used not only for filling the heater, but also in declaring elements. It has a positive effect on male potency and improves blood circulation. The steam formed on the stones has healing infrared radiation. Due to its low cost and high quality characteristics, it is a real find for a bathhouse. From 520
Quartz whiteThis is the most common type of bath stone, which is why it is popularly known as “bath stone”. It acquired its white color due to the high concentration of oxygen in it. When cooled, the breed releases ozone, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. White quartz is used to charge water in cosmetology. Holds heat well and warms up quickly. The only downside is that it doesn't last long. From 120
PeridotiteThis is a very beautiful stone. which can have a color range from light gray to rich black. But the stone has poor healing properties, so it is used for laying on the bottom of the heater. Heat accumulates quickly, but also cools down in 2-3 hours. From 120
BasaltIt retains heat well and is used to make protective elements against fire. In baths, peridotite is used as a base for medicinal rocks. From 70

The price of bath stones may vary depending on the region and volume of purchase. But you can save money and collect the material yourself.

Where is it used?

The scope of its application is quite diverse. One of the most widespread applications is tombstones and monuments.

Dolerite is an excellent building material. For example, slabs are made from it, which are used to cover large surfaces - city squares, sidewalk paths, and other solid stone products. Due to the high wear resistance of stone, such roads do not lose their original appearance for decades.

In addition, diabase has proven itself well as a finishing material, both external and internal. For these purposes, polished slabs are used. They make excellent countertops, window sills, railings and stair steps.

The most famous objects made from dolerite are the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka (Crimea), the English castle Stonehenge, and Red Square in Moscow.

This breed has also found application in high-precision mechanical engineering. Small polished tiles for machine tools are made from it.

Diabase is also actively used in the jewelry industry as separate components or as an independent product.

In addition, dolerite is included in the group of stones suitable for baths.

Top 5 stones for sauna stove

After analyzing the technical characteristics and healing properties of various minerals, we can come to the conclusion that the best choice for a bath would be:

  1. Jade. Suitable for cladding the walls of a steam room and as a filler for a stove. Durable, with high heat capacity and long service life. It has a good effect on health and helps cope with many diseases.
  2. Porphyrite and ceramic balls. They have the same thermal conductivity and heat capacity. They have a positive effect on the immune, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Eco-friendly. Placed on the top layers of the oven.
  3. Dolerite. Good for backfilling. Keeps warm for a long time. Lasting. Steam has antibacterial properties.
  4. Soapstone chlorite. A very valuable type of mineral. Able to keep warm for a day. Helps with many diseases. But its service life is limited, so the material is laid on top and requires frequent inspection.
  5. Basalt. Requires careful inspection before installation for foreign inclusions. Inexpensive, environmentally friendly. Stacked down. It is better to fill the top with more valuable rocks.

Soapstone chlorite

When heated, soapstone emits soft, comfortable warmth

This rock has a denser and more durable structure than diabase. Externally, soapstone bath stones are discreet, but interesting and have a variety of shades of gray.

The rock has good heat capacity and resistance to chemically aggressive environments.

The most important advantage of the stone is that it heats up extremely quickly. It accumulates 2.5 times more heat than a stove brick and releases it evenly and for a long time. This means that soapstone generates “light” steam.

Among the beneficial properties of the rock, it can be noted that when heated, it emits soft and comfortable heat, in the infrared spectrum, similar to the sun. It increases our immunity and normalizes metabolism.

When choosing which stones are suitable for a bathhouse, keep in mind that soapstone may generate dust. You will get rid of this drawback if you rinse and heat the stones before the first bath procedure.

Places where you can collect stones

Bath stones can be collected along the banks of rivers and lakes.

The best stones can be collected in mountainous areas, in the south of Russia or near reservoirs. River stone is even better, as it has withstood the test of water and direct sunlight over time.

You should choose a medium size, after knocking them together. The sound of strong bath material should not be dull. Sandstone is also not worth taking, it quickly collapses and is not at all intended for stoves. It is better to collect dark round stones right near the water. These will last a long time, but they still need to be looked after.

The heater is not filled with water, but with herbal infusions and aromatic oils. It is necessary to wash the material once a year and do not use chemical compounds for steam, as this will quickly deteriorate the material.

You need to choose stones based on their healing properties and quality characteristics. This is the only way the steam will be “light” and the steam room will be useful.

How and where is it mined?

Gabbro-diabase has a high density and is therefore difficult to process. Its extraction on an industrial scale requires specific equipment, which is reflected in the final price of the product. Currently, Australia and China are considered the largest deposits. On the territory of Russia, there are massive deposits of diabase in Crimea and Karelia. There are small deposits of dolerite in Kuzbass, as well as in the Urals.

Crimean stone is considered the cheapest and least quality due to the large amount of iron impurities in it. The quality of Karelian stone is valued higher than Crimean stone, but it may contain a large amount of sulfates, which emit an unpleasant odor when heated. The Finnish breed differs significantly from the Karelian in price, but is identical in composition.

Gabbro-diabase is often used as a building material. Therefore, when extracting it, it is necessary to ensure its maximum possible integrity. To conduct exploration of the supposed location of this rock, a shaft is first drilled inside the rock - a special well for taking soil samples.

Further, the stone can be broken using an explosion or under air pressure. Wooden pegs are also sometimes used to break rock. They are driven into the crevices, then water is supplied. When exposed to moisture, the pegs swell, increase in size and split the stone. The highest quality raw materials are obtained by using a stone cutter, which allows you to cut blocks of the correct shape from stone.

Finishing stones

These include breeds that look beautiful, but have poor resistance to temperature changes.

Let's look at the most commonly used minerals for cladding.


Location in our country is Nigrozero. The extraction method is open. The sawing technology is diamond-wire, performed seasonally on the mountainside: this way the blocks are almost the same size and of high quality.

Garnet amphibolite received several names - “Tundra”, “Nordic Sunset”.

The mineral consists of the following components:

  • pomegranate – 15%;
  • quartz – up to 20%;
  • amphibole – up to 35%;
  • aegirine – 2%;
  • plagioclase – up to 28%.

It has a polychrome color, where black stripes alternate with white splashes and white stripes alternate with black splashes.

Amphibolite is a beautiful stone, therefore it is widely used for cladding:

  • fireplaces;
  • ovens;
  • stairs;
  • house facades;
  • parapets;
  • steps.

This is an excellent raw material for durable tabletops and sculptures.

Among the advantages:

  • salt resistance – up to 0.28%;
  • water absorption – 0.09%;
  • the level of compressive strength reaches 144.4 MPa;
  • resistance to low temperatures and wear.


Marble finish adds elegance and is suitable for different types of cladding.

The material is durable. Its strength is due to its high quartz content.

Marble is expensive, so not every owner will be able to afford such luxury in the design of a bathhouse.


Jadeite has a pronounced healing effect:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Helps restore the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Positively affects the functioning of the nervous system and heart.
  4. Good for the respiratory system.

Its advantages:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Uniform compression, expansion with temperature changes. Doesn't crack.
  3. High density.
  4. Contacting water, saturates it with metasilicon acid.
  5. When heated, it saturates the air in the steam room with particles of zinc, argentum, and cuprum.

To fill the furnace, you need to take a large polished stone or one that does not need to be embanked - it will last many times longer.

It is allowed to take small crushed or large jadeite as finishing raw materials. The size is selected individually.


Refers to pyroxenes. Semi-precious mineral.

Depending on the mixtures in its composition, the color of the stone can be:

  1. Emerald or bright green (rich with chrome).
  2. Dark brown or black (iron predominates).
  3. Pink (contains magnesium).

Long ago in the East, jade was called a stone of health because of its healing properties and the ability to speed up the treatment of many diseases.

It is used in baths for decorative purposes, to decorate the walls of rooms. Durable, can retain heat for a long time.


Crushed and polished jadeite for baths

This semi-precious rock has an emerald or light green color and is not volcanic, but is a separate mineral.

In addition to their beautiful appearance, these stones for sauna heaters have the highest strength and service life (3 times longer than other types), low water absorption and high heat capacity. It is worth noting that jadeite stone for baths retains heat for a long time and generates very powerful steam. Jadeite is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

Jadeite colors range from light green to emerald green

Of its healing properties, the most important are the beneficial effects on the central nervous system, stabilization of blood pressure, cure of kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Useful tips for using stones

  1. When filling sauna stoves, large stones should be laid down first, and smaller stones on top of them.
  2. Before use, the stones should be heated until they turn red, and then doused with cold water: this will help identify cracked stones.
  3. It is advisable to inspect the stones for chips and cracks once every 3 months. Damaged stones must be removed, and good ones must be washed and dried well enough - this will extend their service life.
  4. Before using the stones, it is recommended to soak them in salted water for 60 minutes and then dry them thoroughly.
  5. To water the stones, it is preferable to use hot water, since this way the stones will last longer, and the steam will be of better quality than when doused with cold running water.

Choosing stones for a bath is not an easy matter, because the effectiveness of the entire healing procedure depends on their quality and healing properties. By following the above recommendations, you can make the right choice.

The article was written for the site.

Tags: Bath

Composition and properties

As already written above, diabase is not one stone, but a whole group of minerals, differing not only in the method of origin, but also in composition. It is customary to distinguish the following types of diabases.

  • Ordinary. They lack the component olivine, a mixture of magnesium and iron, which gives the rock a greenish tint.
  • Olivine (actually dolerites).
  • Quartz (or spar).
  • Mica. Biotite may be present in this group.
  • Malocolite.

There are also some other groups of diabases.

Characteristic properties of diabases:

  • high density of the material – about 3g/cm3;
  • abrasion resistance – 0.07 g/cm2;
  • high strength, greater than that of granite - compression 1400 kg/cm2;
  • frost resistance;
  • high heat transfer.


Next, according to our plan, we will independently extract stones for a bath in nature. Therefore, first you need to say which ones you can’t take. Firstly, granite. The main components of any granite (on the left in the figure) are quartz, which has already been mentioned, feldspar and mica. There is always iron in granite, even if it does not have the slightest red, brown or yellow tint, as well as quite a lot of water of crystallization. All this together, reacting when heated, releases volatile iron compounds into the air. Anyone who has ever tried “iron” steam, which leaves a sour taste in the mouth, and after a bath a headache and general fatigue, is unlikely to want to repeat it. All bathhouse attendants know very well that when supplying/adding water, it should not come into contact with iron or ordinary steel.

Natural stones and ceramic surrogate, unsuitable for baths

In addition, granite is a rock with increased natural radioactivity. It most often complies with sanitary standards for construction, but in a granite bathhouse, a decay product of radionuclides, radioactive gas radon, can be released. Which is very bad even outside the bathhouse.

In some places you can find beautiful inclusions in the rock or whole stones with a shine of gold leaf, often misleading inexperienced amateur geologists, in the center in Fig. This is pyrite, a compound of iron and sulfur. When heated, pyrite releases sulfur dioxide. Natural pyrite is a raw material for the production of sulfuric acid. It follows that in a bathhouse pyrite is no more desirable than a plague-ridden rat.

Finally, bath lovers sometimes try to fill the heater with electric porcelain products. Walnut insulators for antennas are attractive in size and shape (on the right in the figure), but the result is disappointing. Electric porcelain does not breathe at all, but with a heater the glaze on it quickly cracks, and pieces of porcelain begin to become very dusty.

Raspberry quartzite

This rock consists of 98% quartz. A valuable and quite rare mineral with a noble purple color. It has high density and low water absorption; in addition, it has the highest hardness, strength and wear resistance. Raspberry quartzite stone is extremely resistant to cracking if it is heated and then cooled.

Crimson quartzite has a noble purple color

This breed is durable and strong, resistant to chemical influences. When used regularly in a sauna stove, it retains its structure and shape, and does not emit toxic impurities when heated.

When you put stones in a sauna stove, keep in mind that individual pieces may crumble. This can be explained by the impact of mechanical processing using the splitting method. As a result, it is necessary to carefully sort the stones before use.

The healing properties of quartz have been known for a long time. It treats diseases of the chest as well as the respiratory tract. In addition, when choosing which stones to choose for a bath, take into account that quartzite stabilizes blood pressure and can improve blood circulation.

How to properly place stones in a stove

Laying stones in a sauna stove is not an art at all, as professional sauna attendants sometimes say. There is a set of simple rules that allow even a beginner to cope with this task.

First, all stones must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried. Then they are sorted into three fractions: large, medium and small. Large stones are placed on the bottom of the oven with their end down. This allows vertical air flows to better pass between the stones and ensures uniform heating of all layers. If there are large gaps between the lower stones, they are covered with fine rock. A layer of large cobblestones is covered with medium ones, and small stones are piled at the very top.

This is a general principle. But when filling electric and wood stoves there are some peculiarities:

  • For electric heaters, stones of 50-80 mm are used and laid so that they cover the heating elements, but do not rest on them and do not deform them. In this case, you need to make sure that the stones do not lie too tightly, otherwise this will lead to overheating of the heating elements and their failure.
  • In wood-burning stoves, large stones are not only laid down, but also lined with them on the walls of the firebox. This is necessary so that the stones cover the hot metal and provide soft heat.

If the furnace holds a large mass of stones - from 100 kg or more, then you can mix different minerals.

Firstly, this way you can save on filling the heater: for example, put inexpensive gabbro-diabase on the bottom, and jadeite or jade on top. In this case, it is desirable that the expensive stone occupies at least 30% of the volume, and better yet, all 50%.

Secondly, mixing stones allows the differences in their properties to be used to the benefit of the steamer. In this case, the most heat-resistant and durable minerals are placed at the bottom of the heater and near the firebox or heating elements. It is desirable that they have high thermal conductivity - this way the stones will heat up quickly and transfer the heat further. It is better to lay heat-intensive rocks near the outer walls and on top. This will retain heat and ensure uniform heating of the entire mass of stones.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to its ability to retain heat, diabase is actively used in saunas and baths. The most common way is to use it for a heater in a bathhouse. The stones heat up quickly and hold the temperature for a long time.

Stone can be used as a finishing material for insulating walls indoors. Massage balls are also made from gabbro-diabase.

When this procedure is carried out regularly, some problems of the genitourinary system are eliminated, the functioning of nerve endings is improved, blood supply to all human organs is increased, tone and performance are increased, and blood pressure is normalized.

Dolerite is considered one of the most affordable stones used in steam rooms. Therefore, it is very popular among the general population. This breed is considered environmentally friendly, so it is safe for humans to use.

However, for all its positive qualities, the stone is not without some disadvantages. For example, this rock takes longer to heat up than its analogues. Another not very pleasant property of the stone is the formation of soot. Some people prefer to sprinkle essential oils in the bath. When droplets of ether fall on a stone, they leave oily traces that are almost impossible to remove.

Compared to other stones used in saunas, gabbro-diabase is not durable enough. If the stone is of low quality, it becomes unusable within the second year of use. When destroyed, an unpleasant smell of sulfur appears, which is also very harmful to humans. Therefore, it is recommended to lay it down the firebox, at the bottom, and sprinkle it with more expensive rock on top.

When heated, the stone may emit an unpleasant odor, which appears due to the presence of sulfites in its composition. If the breed is of high quality, then there are few of them and the smell is not very noticeable for most people, and it should disappear after several cycles.

Stones can also crack due to repeated heat. To prevent possible negative consequences of using this rock, the stones must be regularly sorted and damaged ones removed.

Rating of the best models in the mid-price segment

Heat contact polished jadeite for baths and saunas

A high-quality option that will last 4 years, but only with proper care. High lithotherapeutic properties are an additional feature of the product. The product is suitable for use in both baths and saunas. Sold in convenient packaging. Oval shape, easy to install. Hardness on the Mohs scale is 7 points, which is comparable to some metals.

The average cost is 4,800 rubles per 20 kg.

Heat contact polished jadeite for baths and saunas


  • Greenish tint;
  • Easy installation;
  • Service life – 4 years;
  • Does not break;
  • Does not deteriorate from heating;
  • Doesn't crack.



A good option, but it is only suitable for those who use an electric stove in their bathhouse. Heating occurs quickly and evenly; when water enters, thick but soft steam is released. The shape is normal, installation does not take much time. There are no impurities in the composition, the structure is completely homogeneous. The small size helps to warm up quickly, but in addition, heat is retained well.

Tylo stones


  • Attractive execution;
  • Convenience;
  • Doesn't take up space;
  • Good heating;
  • Long service life;
  • Reliability.


Harvia Jadeite Khakassia 20 kg

Large crushed stone, which is sold at an affordable price. Despite this, there are no harmful substances in the composition, so the products are completely safe for health. Sold in a convenient plastic bucket. Heating does not take time, and the product does not crack and retains its properties for a long time. It is convenient to place in the oven, but at first it will be unusual, since there is no shape as such.

Harvia Jadeite Khakassia 20 kg


  • Long service life;
  • Reliability;
  • Does not crack;
  • Price and quality;
  • Popular manufacturer;
  • Convenient bucket.


JadeBest Jadeite Polished 1st Grade Selected

A high-quality option that is suitable for every bath. Each stone has been thoroughly tested to ensure it contains no harmful substances. Sold in convenient packaging (20 kg). Designed for use in a bath or sauna. The mineral has healing properties, and after the bath the effect lasts for a long time. The fractions are large, which should be taken into account when laying out.

The average cost is 3,600 rubles per 20 kg.

JadeBest Jadeite Polished 1st Grade Selected


  • Healing properties;
  • Greenish tint;
  • Careful control;
  • Does not crack or crumble;
  • Convenience.


White quartz, also called "hot ice"

White quartz is very useful: it saturates the room with ozone

Quartz stone is ideal for baths. It is a translucent white mineral. It is absolutely environmentally friendly.

“Hot Ice” is highly valued for its spectacular appearance and medicinal qualities. Like jadeite, sea bath stones and crimson quartzite, this rock is quite expensive.

Quartz has a unique healing quality: when heated and then sharply cooled by sprinkling with water, it begins to release atomic oxygen, which saturates the room with ozone. This gas enriches the blood of steaming people with oxygen, and also activates brain function and improves well-being.

In addition, as a result of mechanical deformations, which are caused by sudden temperature changes, the “hot ice” crystals begin to emit electromagnetic vibrations. This phenomenon is called the “piezoelectric effect”. These waves, interacting with human electromagnetic fields, correct and restore the body's energy system.

The duration of use of this stone depends on its intensity. It is especially undesirable to expose “hot ice” to very high temperatures typical of a sauna - it will simply burst. It must be regularly sorted out, removing already cracked specimens.

Which stones to use for a steam room is a question that always arises when building a bathhouse. Most stones found on river banks and fields are not suitable for use in a heater. Bath stones must be special. They must withstand high temperatures without cracking. A broken stone leaves behind dust, which can get into the lungs and harm your health. Although, as I already mentioned, in our places for baths, red stones from the river bank have long been used. The stones hold heat well, do not gas, and do not split when heated. The service life of a closed heater is more than three years with weekly heating. Chip stones imported to strengthen the river bank. They were brought back in the fifties of the last century; it’s hard to know where from. Judging by its appearance, this is one of the quartzites of a reddish hue. The experience of using it over many years has made it possible to fearlessly use this stone for a steam room. Good bath stones retain heat for a long time and release beneficial substances, strengthening the immune system and improving well-being. They emit steam that relaxes and pacifies. Some types of stones help remove deposits from the body, and therefore reduce excess weight. In general, if you choose the right stones for a bath, there will be only benefit and no harm. Firstly, bath stones must be durable. It is not difficult to test their strength. Take a hammer, place a stone somewhere and hit it hard. A good stone will do nothing, but a bad one may crack or split. Another way to check is to heat a stone and throw it into the water. If it does not crack, then the stone is good. Secondly, stones can be rolled (smooth, polished) and chipped. There is no big difference between them, but in a heater stove it is preferable to use smooth ones, as they heat up more evenly. But the crushed ones have a larger area for evaporation. Each popular type of bath stones has its own beneficial properties. Let's consider those that are best suited for use in a steam room. Gabbro-diabase

This volcanic rock is similar to marble or granite and is uniformly dark in color. It has high density, strength and low water absorption. When heated, gabbro-diabase expands evenly. In addition, these bath stones are mined in the most environmentally friendly corner of Russia - Karelia, and are inexpensive. Black diabase is the traditional base of the sauna heater. This is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly black stone. It does not have any special healing properties, but it has optimal characteristics for use in a bathhouse. Therefore, it is recommended to place diabase at the bottom of the heater, and put useful stones on top.

Gabbro-diabase perfectly accumulates heat and releases it for a long time, creating an ideal microclimate in the bathhouse. The stone is durable and resistant to high temperatures. One of the disadvantages is that diabase takes a long time to heat up. In addition, if these stones are heated strongly, they begin to emit a not strong, but specific odor. In addition, essential oils and tinctures cannot be used on these stones - carbon deposits will immediately form on them.

Soapstone chlorite

This rock has a denser and more durable structure than diabase. Externally, soapstone stones for baths are discreet, but interesting and have a variety of shades of gray. The rock has good heat capacity and resistance to chemically aggressive environments. The most important advantage of the stone is that it heats up extremely quickly. It accumulates 2.5 times more heat than a stove brick and releases it evenly and for a long time. This means that soapstone generates “light” steam. Among the beneficial properties of this type of stone, it can be noted that when heated, it emits soft and comfortable heat of the infrared spectrum, similar to that of the sun. Soapstone strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood circulation, removes phlegm from the lungs, treats colds and promotes weight loss. So, after visiting a bathhouse with soapstone, a person can lose up to one and a half kilograms. The stone is useful in the treatment of rheumatism, osteochondrosis and joint diseases. When choosing which stones are suitable for a bath, you need to take into account that soapstone can generate dust. You can get rid of this drawback if you rinse and heat the stones before the first bath procedure. Quite often, low-quality soapstone is found on sale, quickly crumbling into dust. In addition, this stone quickly becomes brittle and porous, losing water during long-term heating.


This semi-precious rock has an emerald or light green color and is not volcanic, but is a separate mineral. In addition to its beautiful appearance, it is characterized by high strength and heat resistance, so it almost never cracks or crumbles. It also has excellent heat capacity, i.e. it releases the resulting heat for a long time and generates very powerful steam. In addition, jadeite has low water absorption, making it ideal for baths and saunas. It can be used for years as it is very strong and durable and does not require much maintenance. Jadeite is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. Jadeite has a lot of healing properties. It normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, stabilizes blood pressure, treats diseases of the genitourinary system and strengthens male potency, relieves joint pain, and dissolves salt deposits in the body. In other words, jadeite has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Jadeite colors range from light green to emerald. There is no need to completely fill the heater with jadeite; just lay it on top of other stones. Jadeite is a rather expensive stone, so it is irrational to fill the stove only with it. Jadeite is sold both dined and chipped. Beautiful green jadeite is perhaps the best stone for a bath.

Raspberry quartzite

This rock consists of 98% quartz. A valuable and quite rare mineral with a noble purple color. It has high density and low water absorption; in addition, it has the highest hardness, strength and wear resistance, and is resistant to chemical influences. Its other name is the royal stone. It not only has a lot of useful properties, but also an attractive appearance. This red stone was often used for cladding palaces. Crimson quartzite stone is extremely resistant to cracking if it is heated and then cooled. In addition, it produces a special light vapor that is very beneficial for health. Quartzite helps normalize blood pressure, treat colds and joint diseases, and remove salts from the body. A bathhouse with crimson quartzite will charge you with positive energy and vigor for a long time. When used regularly in a sauna stove, this stone retains its structure and shape, and does not emit toxic impurities when heated. Royal stone is one of the most durable when used in a heater. Crimson quartzite is mined in a single deposit on the shore of Lake Onega in Karelia. There have been cases where, under the guise of crimson quartzite, rocks of pink-red or red-gray quartzite are sold, which are inferior to crimson quartzite both in price and in the presence of impurities.

White quartz

The healing properties of quartz have been known for a long time. It treats diseases of the chest as well as the respiratory tract. In addition, quartz stabilizes blood pressure and can improve blood circulation. White quartz, also called “hot ice,” is very useful - it saturates the room with ozone. When heated and then cooled sharply when sprayed with water, it begins to release atomic oxygen. This gas enriches the blood of steaming people with oxygen, and also activates brain function and improves well-being. In addition, as a result of mechanical deformations, which are caused by sudden temperature changes, the “hot ice” crystals begin to emit electromagnetic vibrations. This phenomenon is called the “piezoelectric effect”. These waves, interacting with human electromagnetic fields, correct and restore the body's energy system. “Hot Ice” is highly valued for its spectacular appearance and medicinal qualities. However, white quartz is not very durable. It cracks when exposed to extreme heat and temperature changes. It is especially undesirable to expose “hot ice” to very high temperatures typical of a sauna - it will simply burst.


The characteristics of vulcanite and the subjective assessment of its use are exactly the same as those of gabbro-diabase.


Basalt is the most durable of all sauna stones. Does not collapse or crack. It doesn’t smell like anything and doesn’t absorb water at all. The heat capacity of basalt is enormous. When heated above three hundred degrees Celsius, it emits useful radiation that harmonizes well with the human body. Well suited for frequently heated baths.


When choosing stones for a bath, do not ignore peridotite, which attracts with its variety of colors. It can be of different shades: from light green to deep black. Peridotite has a high heat capacity, does not contain harmful components, and evenly distributes heat when heated. By reacting with carbon dioxide, peridotite purifies and disinfects the air. It is better to place it on the bottom of the oven, covering it with other rocks on top.

Karelian porphyrite

Karelian porphyrite is solidified lava. It is mined on the shores of Lake Onega in the south of Karelia. The heat capacity of this type of stone makes it possible to maintain high temperatures in the steam room for a very long time and thereby save fuel. According to this indicator, porphyrite is not inferior to expensive jadeite. This rock is essentially solidified volcanic lava and contains elements that are resistant to physical and chemical attack. Basically, these are oxides of calcium, silicon, and magnesium. The stone contains absolutely no harmful radionuclides and no less harmful sulfur compounds. As a result, porphyrite is the best option for use in sauna and bath heaters. It perfectly withstands constant sudden temperature changes, is not afraid of interaction with open fire, and does not crack or collapse when wetted with water in a heated state. Useful properties of porphyrite: The steam that these bath stones generate has healing properties. It can relieve headaches, stabilizes and equalizes our blood pressure, improves blood flow and has the most beneficial effect on the skin.

River stones

It is better to collect such stones on the banks of mountain rivers. Next, the stones need to be warmed up well. When heated, they should not emit odors, films or any substances should not appear on the surface. After the stones heat up (they need to be hot, almost until red), they need to be lowered into water. The remaining intact specimens can take a place in your kiln if they pass the last test - stones immersed in water should not “bubble”. The stones should be 10-20cm in size. There is no point in taking smaller ones, they will not be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of heat, and large ones will burst very quickly due to uneven heating. The same verification procedure can be applied to purchased stones.

Cast iron stones

Cast iron stones are industrially made balls that can heat a steam room three times faster than a stone and retain heat for a long time. Their disadvantage is that they rust quickly. In addition, their use does not provide the healing effect that can be obtained using natural stone.

Salt stones

One of the innovations is the use of Himalayan salt in the steam room. Salt therapy helps support healthy breathing, healthy sleep, and improves the condition of blood vessels. The healing effect of Himalayan salt manifests itself when it is heated, when the release of beneficial microelements occurs most intensely. The air, saturated with compounds of potassium and magnesium, iodine and chlorine, calcium and iron, barium, chromium and manganese, actively affects the respiratory tract and strengthens the immune system. The most salt is contained in the air at a temperature of 60 ° C and a humidity of 20-40%. But at humidity levels above 74%, the salt goes into solution. Therefore, in baths (with a moisture content of 50-70%) it is recommended to install a special ventilation system to ventilate and dry the room. In saunas, materials made from Himalayan salt can be used without restrictions; here their service life is comparable to the service life of the lining.

Sedimentary rocks (sandstone, limestone) are absolutely not suitable . Their disadvantage is their porous structure; when cooled sharply, they crack, and sharp fragments can fly several meters away. It is worth noting that all experts agree that the best types of stones for a steam room are volcanic. The logic here is simple - since they underwent the action of gigantic temperatures of the Earth’s magma during formation, then they will withstand bathing procedures calmly. How to place stones in a stove, how many stones are needed for a bathhouse, is a purely individual matter. On average, you can calculate the number of stones based on the volume of the steam room - for each meter of volume you need approximately 20-30 kg of stones. The recommended installation method is always written on packages with stones, but the basic rules for most sauna stoves were and remain the following: In a wood-burning stove with an open heater, the largest stones (12-15 centimeters in diameter) are laid on the bottom, followed by medium ones from 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter; at the end of the laying, you can again lay a layer of large stones. This scheme is a combination of heat capacity and uniform flow of water to all layers of stones of varying degrees of heating. The density of the stacking of stones also affects the steam - the softest steam is produced by a not very dense laying - the water, gradually evaporating, rolls over all the stones and part of it falls on the hottest bottom layer - therefore the steam is both hot and dry and, at the same time, soft enough - not scalding and, most importantly, gradual. Before laying, the stones must be thoroughly washed without any cleaning chemicals. Each stove requires its own placement of stones. Don't be lazy and experiment with placing stones in the stove. No one can give general advice here anyway - everyone’s stove designs are different, everyone heats them differently - some are hot even at 80 degrees, while others are just starting to steam at 120 degrees. After experimenting and choosing the best scheme for laying stones in the stove, it is good to occasionally go through them, removing and replacing cracked ones. In life, of course, based on your own experience, you only change the heater when the stove becomes difficult to heat due to the fact that all the passages are clogged with crumbs from stones (a heater with a smoke passage). It’s easier in an open heater - all the stones are visible. An alternative for filling the heater can be artificial ceramic stones , for example, porcelain, which perfectly withstand extreme conditions and have good heat resistance. Of course, they are not able to completely replace the gifts of nature, but they are quite suitable for the top layer of backfill.

Pebbles of river or sea origin

This is a very cheap option for arranging a furnace. These stones can be laid as the first layer, and a little soapstone on top of them. You just need to select the right pebbles, then the heater will turn out beautiful and durable.

It is recommended to take flattened sea stones, not oval or ovoid ones - in this case, more of them will fit in the oven. Thanks to this, accidental contact of water with metal will be practically excluded. You should look carefully at the stones - those with even slight red veins are not suitable for the stove, since these inclusions indicate the presence of iron, the evaporation of which in the steam room will not benefit health.

It is also not recommended to take soft stones for saunas and baths - limestone is harmful to health, especially in a steam room. In addition, it also quickly breaks down and turns into unpleasant dust, which is very difficult to get rid of.


The stone is of igneous origin and comes in a wide range of colors: from light gray to black. It contains no harmful impurities, so the stone is completely safe for people. Peridotite is well suited for a bath, because it has a high heat capacity, can give off heat for a long time and can withstand temperatures up to 1800 degrees. When reacting with carbon dioxide, the stone purifies the environment.

Typically, peridotite is placed at the bottom of the furnace, and covered on top with other stones that have a more pronounced healing effect.

It is quite difficult to say which stones are the best for a bath; each rock has advantages and disadvantages. Many people do the same thing with stones as with bath brooms, that is, they try different options: first one type of stone, then after 3-4 years another. This makes steaming procedures more varied, and also helps everyone choose an option to their liking.

Do you want to steam in a sauna with pleasure and pleasure? Choose the best stones for a bath, approach the issue with all responsibility. Then you are guaranteed good and fragrant steam in the steam room!


What about physical chemistry?

Whether these stones are good for a sauna stove is determined by a number of parameters, respectively. rock:

  • Heat capacity determines how long a sauna stove can hold steam without adding fuel;
  • The heating time of the bath and the fuel/electricity consumption for it depend on thermal conductivity;
  • The chemical composition of the rock indicates whether a given stone in a bathhouse will be beneficial, harmful or neutral from a medical point of view;
  • The surface strength of the stone and its coefficient of thermal expansion TCR determine whether this stone will not generate dust in the bathhouse;
  • Massive moisture absorption gives the depth of “inhalation” of the stone;
  • The rate of moisture absorption sets the time for the stone to “inhale” moisture;
  • The exchange vapor capacity determines how much steam the stone will “exhale” and what proportion of the moisture absorbed by it will remain in the stone mass;
  • The “exhalation” time of the stone depends on the rate of steam release;
  • The density of a given rock determines the volume and weight of the stone placed in the heater. The recommended value is 6 kg of stone per 1 cubic meter. m of steam room was obtained for a rock density of 2.75 g cubic. cm.

All these quantities are in a complex relationship. For example, a heavy stone with low thermal conductivity can hold steam longer and better than a light stone with high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. To determine this more accurately, it is necessary to recalculate the mass heat capacity from the reference book to the volumetric heat capacity, but is the furnace power enough to heat a thick stone bed? Surface strength, in addition to TCR, is determined by Young's and shear moduli and Poisson's ratio. Along with the heat resistance of the stone, its lifespan in the bath also depends on them. It also depends on the porosity of the stone, and on it - moisture absorption and steam loss, and their speed - on the microstructure of the rock. And that's not all.

Finally, lightness, softness and density of steam. The latter can also be expressed in absolute (in g/cubic m) content of water vapor in the air, but the first two concepts are subjective. The same person can perceive the same vapor differently depending on his state of health and mood. From this it is clear that it is currently unrealistic to “calculate” the most correct stone for a sauna stove. We will have to turn to empirics - the centuries-old experience of bathing specialists, but also in accordance with accurate data, in order to distinguish the recommendations of true masters from the fabrications of those who only pretend to be such.

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