How to get rid of mold in a bathhouse: improvised means, special means, prevention
A fungus is a type of microorganism that multiplies especially actively in high humidity. In the bath
Decorative plaster on the stove
Features of the composition of plaster for stoves and fireplaces: preparation and application
Advantages of plastering the stove Without decoration, the walls of the stove do not look aesthetically pleasing, because for
Why is the blind area around the bathhouse needed and how is it properly made?
For any type of construction, the construction of a blind area is necessary; without it, the foundation will quickly become unusable.
Step-by-step instructions for constructing an asphalt blind area around the house
The construction of a blind area is an important stage in the construction of any building. It is she who protects the foundation from negative
Do-it-yourself shallow strip foundation from A to Z
Shallow strip foundations (MSLF) are used in the construction of low-rise buildings from lightweight piece building materials.
Scheme for laying a shallow strip foundation
Waterproofing strip foundation: Technology and materials
A foundation is a structure that takes on the load of a constructed building and transfers it
Finishing a bathhouse from a log house. Covering the walls of the steam room with clapboard
10/28/2012 The interior decoration of the bathhouse, and the lining of the walls of the steam room in particular, is of great importance. Not
Photo of a bathhouse with a floor
Bathhouse with floors: features, advantages and disadvantages. How to make a sauna bath with your own hands?
The acquisition of an empty plot of land opens up excellent prospects for its development. You can build a house, a bathhouse,
Sauna stove made from wheel rims
How to make a stove with your own hands from wheel rims for a bathhouse and utility rooms
The most expensive part of building a steam room is heating and heating, so craftsmen are always looking for
Cast iron stove for a bath - features, advantages, useful tips when choosing
One of the serious problems of traditional sauna stoves is their large weight and size. Massive
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