Firewood for a bath - purpose and design features, manufacturing procedure
The dream of every owner of a country house or dacha is to have a sauna or bathhouse on his own
non-flammable materials
Non-combustible materials for wall decoration, roofing, bathhouses and chimneys
The minimal open fires that every home has require careful attention. Non-flammable
Traditional way to ventilate a house
How and why this or that type of vapor barrier film is used
Water suspended in the air and deposited on surfaces in the form of condensate -
Portal doors
We reveal the secret of the window in the steam room: why is it needed? Determining the optimal location for installation
Whether to install a window in a steam room or not is a moot point, since in any case
How to make a floor in a bathhouse: device, varieties, installation technologies
The technology and process of arranging floors in a steam room and washing area are significantly different from
How to make a ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands: a step-by-step guide
When the walls have already been erected and one or another roofing system has been installed - rafter or
how to build a sauna with your own hands
Building a bathhouse from timber with your own hands: step-by-step instructions
Bathhouse - what is the meaning of this word! The aroma of brooms, hot steam, cold water in
abash wood
Abash for a bath: characteristics, advantages, recommendations
As a person who is not a wood specialist, but still wants to do everything
How to properly install roof gutters with your own hands
The roof drain is responsible for collecting melted snow and rain and draining water from the foundation
Turnkey two-story bathhouses made of timber - their advantages, materials used, designs and cost
Winter but warm greetings, dear readers! Do you want to build a bathhouse? Don't know which project to give to?
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