Which is best for you - a bathhouse made of aspen, linden or pine

Last year I sheathed my two-story bathhouse. There are four rooms on the first and second floors: a living room, a cold sink, a steam room, and a bedroom.

It was necessary to choose lining for 4 different surfaces:

  • veranda (outside);
  • bedroom, living room (inside), walls and ceiling;
  • sink (inside), walls and ceiling;
  • steam room, walls, ceiling, shelves.

The most inexpensive lining is pine. This one was used for external walls (veranda, lower roof slopes).

A story from my reader Valentin.

Aspen - characteristics of the tree, beneficial properties, use of aspen in everyday life and medicine

What an aspen tree looks like, where it grows, what are the beneficial properties of the tree and where aspen is used, we will now learn about all this.
The aspen tree is common in temperate climates. This species must be distinguished from poplar, its closest relative. With a slight blow of wind, its crown begins to move, which is why this plant is also called the “trembling poplar.” However, it is valued not only for its decorative qualities. Various parts of the tree are used for construction purposes and medicine, and the shoots are used as animal feed.

How much does lining for interior decoration cost?

Lining price

No.dimensionsPrice (cash/non-cash)
class “A” 96*12.5mm 6000 mm
250/280 rub.
class “A” 96*12.5mm 3000 mm
250/280 rub.
class “A” 96*12.5mm 2700 mm
250/280 rub.
class “A” 96*12.5mm 2500 mm
250/280 rub.

Description of the Aspen species

The Aspen tree grows up to 15-20 meters in height, some representatives can reach more than 30 meters. This species has a straight columnar trunk up to 1 meter in diameter and gray smooth bark with an olive tint. On average, aspen trees have a lifespan of 80 to 100 years, but some long-lived trees can grow to 150 years or more.

Aspen has several characteristic features:

  • the bark remains smooth even in mature trees, sometimes shallow longitudinal cracks appear;
  • rounded leaves that are light green at the beginning of the season, then darken, turn yellow and fall off;
  • flat, but powerful and wide root system;
  • The flowering period occurs at the end of July or beginning of May.

The leaves are round in shape and located on long, flat stalks.

In the photo, the aspen tree can be confused with poplar. To distinguish between these two varieties, it is enough to compare their leaves. They are round and jagged along the perimeter, and their width exceeds their length. Their peculiarity is that they are attached to flat cuttings. Thanks to this shape, they bend well, and at the slightest breath of wind the crown begins to move. The front side of the plate is shiny, the back is matte.

When describing an aspen tree, the shape and color of the flowers also matters. They are bisexual and form inflorescences - catkins. Female flowers are bright burgundy, male flowers are light green. In autumn, seed pods form on them, which are then carried by the wind.

Pine for log bathhouses

An essential characteristic of pine logs is a low degree of deformation and minimal cracking during drying. A significant disadvantage of wood is its high susceptibility to putrefactive processes and infection not only by fungi, but also by wood parasites. A characteristic feature is also the change in color of the tree cut: the initially yellow-pink tint becomes brown.

Pine is popular as a building material for baths due to its availability in almost every region and its relatively low cost.

Comparative characteristics of aspen and pine

When choosing a material for constructing a wooden bath, the following points should be taken into account:

What to choose for building a log house? Each person has their own preferences, plans and financial capabilities. To achieve what you want and create inner harmony, you should focus on personal feelings. One person likes the fresh coniferous aroma of pine, while another likes the sound of dry aspen. Experienced experts recommend using different types of wood in the construction of log houses for interior and exterior work.


What is the value of Aspen wood?

Aspen is grown on an industrial scale or parts of wild trees are used. The bark is prepared for the winter and eaten to tonify the body and strengthen the immune system. Branches are added to sauerkraut to increase shelf life. Previously, flour was prepared from this plant, which was used in baking bread. Now this tree is valued for its high-quality wood, and also continues to be used in folk medicine.

The sex of a tree can be determined by the color of the inflorescences.

Spruce, larch or pine?

– Boards sawn to size at a sawmill are usually called edged boards. Not a single construction site is complete without such a board. There are many myths among people about how to choose them correctly. They say that boards from wood cut down in winter are better than those from summer wood, they dry out less and do not rot for a long time. It is believed that preference should be given to boards made of pine or larch, but it is better not to take spruce boards, as they will begin to warp after drying. What is the truth here and what is the myth?

We also widely sell larch boards. Its wood is denser, it weighs almost twice as much when compared to a fir tree: a cubic meter of spruce weighs 350–400 kilograms, a cubic meter of larch weighs 700. Larch is an excellent finishing material, suitable for walls, ceilings, often larch boards placed on the floor of the bathhouse. The only negative is that even after chamber drying, boards made from this wood dry out greatly and cracks form.

Sound conductivity

The relationship of wood to sound vibrations is determined by sound conductivity, sound absorption, soundproofness and ability to resonate.

Sound conductivity is characterized by the speed of sound propagation in it. Sound travels much faster than through air, and the speed of propagation along the fibers is much greater than across. If the speed of sound propagation in air is taken to be 1, then the speed in wood in different directions will be 2-17 times greater, as can be seen from the table. 5.

Table 2. Sound propagation in wood

Speed ​​of sound*Breed
Along the fibers15,210,912,616,7
Across the grain
in the radial direction
in tangential direction2,62,64,23,0

* Compared to air.

As you can see, sound travels most slowly through the annual layers.

Floor board

– Why do tongue and groove floor boards come in different thicknesses and widths? How to choose them correctly?

– If the subfloor is already laid from edged boards, then you can put the thinnest tongue-and-groove floor board with a thickness of 27 millimeters on top, because in this case there is no point in buying a thicker one. The most popular flooring board, due to its versatility, is 35 millimeters thick. The width of the floor boards is also different, some are wide - 135 millimeters, some are narrower. Often they take a wide board, although a narrow one is best for the floor. I’ll tell you a secret: a narrow board shrinks less, which is why professionals choose it.

Aspen in medicine

Different parts of the aspen tree are a source of organic acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and other useful substances. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from its leaves and bark; shoots are used to prepare tinctures and ointments. The products can also be added to restorative baths. Depending on the method of application, aspen allows you to get rid of a number of problems:

  • decoctions - for wet cough and excessive sweating;
  • leaves - against hemorrhoids, seasonal diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • bark in the form of tinctures - for arthritis, cough, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, as well as to stimulate immune defense and improve appetite;
  • annual shoots - for bleeding;
  • baths have a general strengthening effect and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Medicines based on aspen can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Aspen is popular exclusively in folk medicine. Such products have a milder effect than pharmaceutical drugs, but before using them you should consult your doctor.

Video: Aspen - beneficial properties and applications

BelGreenHouse – Belarusian nursery of ornamental trees

From history, the first information about linden appeared in 285 BC. Linden (Tilia) is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Linden and has up to 40 genera and unites 500 plant species. Linden is a long-lived tree that lives 400 - 600 years, and sometimes lives up to 1000 years. Linden is a tree loved by bees. The linden has a straight trunk and a highly raised, thin crown, the leaves are simple, leathery with a heart-shaped base, jagged along the edge. The linden flowers are small, in false umbels, and have a very pleasant aroma. Linden seeds ripen in the fall and need to be collected from October. Linden is a shade-tolerant plant, frost-resistant, does not tolerate flooding, and is also considered a smoke- and gas-resistant species. Loves loose, fresh, humus-rich soil. Linden is a forest species. But thanks to its properties, linden is widely used in creating parks, alleys, it is planted around fields, gardens, and ponds. Due to the fact that linden tolerates pruning well, you can create a very beautiful hedge from linden, and its crown can be given any shape.

Linden is a honey tree, linden honey is considered very useful for colds, linden flowers are used in folk medicine as an analgesic, antipyretic, and sedative. Linden wood is white, with a pinkish tint, and has properties such as softness, elasticity, durability, and lightness. Linden wood is used in construction, in making dishes for Khokhloma painting, in making toys, etc.

linden hedge


Coniferous trees

The second group of trees are conifers. Needles are modified leaves. Coniferous trees include spruce, cedar pine, fir, and larch. A forest consisting of coniferous trees is called coniferous. Unlike deciduous trees, conifers do not shed their needles in the fall, which is why they are also called evergreens.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The crown of the tree reaches down to the ground, so the spruce forests are dark and damp. Spruce forests are called spruce forests. Spruce roots are located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, from strong winds, spruce trees fall, forming impenetrable thickets and windfalls. This is what a spruce branch with cones looks like. The cones are oblong.

Spruce is a very interesting and useful tree. Its wood is used to make musical instruments and paper. Coniferous trees emit special substances that fill the air with a pleasant aroma and purify it. How much joy the green beauty brings to your home on New Year's Eve!

Aspen for soil cultivation

Aspen improves the properties of the soil on which it grows. In autumn, abundant leaf fall can be observed, and trees also shed small branches. Over the winter, this material undergoes a series of chemical transformations and becomes a useful fertilizer. In addition, the root system has its own characteristics. The roots are shallow, but spread over a considerable distance. In the soil in which the aspen grew, multi-level passages remain, which are used by more demanding crops. The cultivation of this species is practiced to improve clayey and insufficiently fertile soils with low moisture conductivity.

Aspen has a powerful root system and often displaces other plants.

Block house**

– This material imitates the outer part of a log, it looks beautiful, but is it justified to cover the outside of a house with it?

– In the Urals, wood is affordable for many people, thank God. In addition, finishing a house with a block house is comparable in cost to using plastic for this purpose - vinyl siding. And although natural wood looks more impressive, it has its drawbacks: in the open air it will become resinous and begin to deteriorate. It makes sense to use a block house when you need to hide some irregularities. Frame houses covered with a block house look beautiful - they can’t be distinguished from log houses.


It is curious that seed germination takes several days. Soon after falling out of the boxes they die. Thus, young shoots appear only from the seeds of this year - in the summer, where they fell into fertile soil. Optimal conditions for germination are bare soil and high humidity (rain). Since the soil in forests is always covered with dry grass or fallen leaves, aspen seeds germinate quite rarely.

In a forest or open space, a mature tall tree is always surrounded by young and low growth. Digging deeper under a young tree, it is easy to discover a thick root, tending towards the parent plant almost horizontally. The abundance of shoots is amazing - each root produces 10 or more shoots, with a large distance between them. Reproduction of aspen in the forest is almost always vegetative.

Aspen wood in construction

Aspen is also processed into boards. For construction purposes, mature trees that have reached the age of 40-45 years are suitable. The wood is light and has virtually no pattern. It has several features:

  • high resistance to high air humidity and precipitation;
  • soft but uniform structure;
  • long service life - it does not crack over time;
  • low cost.

Aspen wood is an unstable species and is therefore not suitable for residential construction. However, it is popular in the manufacture of wells, baths and other buildings, as well as in the production of matches.

Video: aspen for building a bathhouse

Shelf board

– A shelf is an attribute of any bathhouse; the boards on it should not burn or release resin. What type of wood should I choose for it?

– Wealthy buyers use boards made from African abash wood for these purposes. It has a porous structure, it does not heat up, but it is expensive - 380 rubles per linear meter, a 2.5 meter board will cost almost a thousand rubles. And you need a dozen or more of these. Linden is also suitable for these purposes, and aspen is a budget option.

Aspen in landscape design

It is important to understand where the aspen tree grows in order to use it in landscape design. It prefers well-lit areas and crowds out other plant varieties.

Representatives of this species grow quickly, forming up to 3 meters of young growth in the first years. They are not afraid of heat and frost, and quickly recover after winter. However, they have one problem - the center of the trunk often rots.

With age, trees become loose and fragile, so when growing them under cultural conditions, it is important to check their condition annually.

Aspen is popular in landscape design not only for decorative purposes, but also due to its beneficial properties:

  • aspen plantings provide good protection from the wind;
  • on the banks of reservoirs, wood prevents soil from sliding;
  • in large populated areas it is used for landscaping and air purification;
  • rarely catches fire.

Aspen is widespread everywhere. In most cases, it forms separate plantings, displacing less strong trees. In nature, it reproduces by seeds, but it is more convenient to purchase and plant seedlings. These are strong trees with a wide root system, unpretentious to growing conditions. They are popular in construction and landscaping, and continue to be used in the preparation of folk medicines.

How to choose the right lumber. When going for boards, grab a moisture meter and tape measure

To choose a quality board, you need to take the time to visit several warehouses and shopping centers. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Properly selected lumber will largely determine the quality of construction and finishing of your home. How to choose the right boards, lining and other wood products? Yekaterinburg entrepreneur Nikolai CHERNYSHEV, who has been involved in woodworking and selling lumber for many years, talks about this.

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