Laying jute on timber (inter-crown insulation). Laying jute on timber: description of technology, methods and recommendations
The caulking of the log house provides reliable insulation of the house for the entire period of its operation. This operation is not
What can a bathhouse with a veranda/terrace/gazebo under one roof look like?
Bathhouse with veranda. Photo ModulStroy Convenience comes first! Bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof
The problem of sinusitis
Is it possible to go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath if you have sinusitis and other sinusitis?
Many lovers of warming procedures are interested in the question of whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse with sinusitis. Inflammatory
Shelves in a bath (steam room, sauna) - design, dimensions, material, step-by-step installation instructions
Do-it-yourself bathhouse lounger: requirements for materials, types of loungers After the construction of the bathhouse is completed
We make a decision: how to paint the lining in the bathhouse and other wall materials inside and outside
There are many walls in the bathhouse and they are all different, based on the conditions of each room
Layout of baths with separate location of sink and steam room
Many owners of private houses sooner or later catch themselves thinking that
A Russian shower in a bathhouse is a sweet-sounding duet of invaluable benefits and indescribable pleasure!
Dousing bucket for a bath Hello, dear readers! Wow, our ancestors knew how to have fun and
Features and secrets of steaming in a bathhouse with a broom: basic rules and expert advice
The Russian bath is characterized by a combination of relatively low temperature (about 50-70o C) and high humidity (close to
Massage in a sauna and bath: benefits, contraindications, basic techniques
What are the benefits of massage in a steam room? Bath massage, performed using various techniques, provides muscle relaxation.
DIY bath kilt: pattern and manufacturing instructions
Why do you need a kilt and pareo for a bath? Kilt is not only
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