Shelves in a bath (steam room, sauna) - design, dimensions, material, step-by-step installation instructions
Do-it-yourself bathhouse lounger: requirements for materials, types of loungers After the construction of the bathhouse is completed
A Russian shower in a bathhouse is a sweet-sounding duet of invaluable benefits and indescribable pleasure!
Dousing bucket for a bath Hello, dear readers! Wow, our ancestors knew how to have fun and
Benches for a bath - features, DIY production, useful tips
Additional functionality - awnings over benches If there are no shadow areas on the site, then for
How to make a wooden lampshade for a bath: fastening and installation
A wooden lampshade for a bath can serve not only as a wall item necessary for
Instructions for installing and connecting a steam generator for a sauna or hammam
Connecting a steam generator: a key point in arranging a hammam Domed vaults with stars, expensive decoration from
Rating of the best thermometers for baths and saunas for 2022
The most important condition for maintaining a comfortable temperature in a bath or sauna is the presence of a hygro-thermometer.
Steam generator for hammam. Which one to choose, rating, installation
Hamams All articles Saunas Spa areas Salt rooms Baths Snow rooms Impression showers Laconiums
Dousing bucket for a bath
Bucket-waterfall for dousing in a bathhouse: principle of operation, making and installing it yourself
The standard procedure when visiting a bathhouse is to cool the body. In this case, use a pool, lake,
How to make a steam generator with your own hands: practical advice for home craftsmen
Steam generators are widely used for arranging baths, steam rooms, cleaning all kinds of equipment and in the production of alcohol.
A sauna font is an excellent alternative to a cold or heated pool
How to choose the right font for a sauna, investing your money with maximum benefit? Before you
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