A camp sauna is an indispensable thing for lovers of long hiking trips.
Camping sauna - how to organize, features, useful tips
The strongest argument that supporters of organized recreation use in disputes with “savage” tourists is
What is a foundation grillage? Detailed study of an important element
Hello, dear blog readers! I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming Old New Year! Strange Russian
Russian bath: features of the steaming procedure and rules for its implementation
Each nation has its own numerous traditions. In Rus', tradition occupies a special place -
How to properly take a steam bath with a broom: a detailed guide
How to properly take a steam bath with a broom: a detailed guide
For a Russian person, a steam room is a sacred place where you can improve your well-being and communicate
What is tar soap used for?
Useful properties of tar soap that you don’t know about
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
The benefits and harms of an infrared cabin (IR) - its differences from a sauna
An infrared cabin is a structure that is designed to warm the body using IR emitters. By
New SanPiN: recommendations from Rospotrebnadzor, useful for management entities and homeowners' associations
When designing, constructing and operating baths and premises of the built-in type of dry heat, that is
20 facts about the Russian bathhouse, which has become part of Russian culture and history (1 photo)
The sauna amazingly relieves stress. It is important, especially in the current living conditions and what, a sauna
Bath stoves from the Sibir company: a review of the good old “twenty” and “thirty” and models from “Teplodar”
Sauna stoves of the Siberia series can safely be called legendary - over several decades of existence they
The best homemade bath scrub recipes. How to make it yourself and apply it correctly to the body?
The sauna climate promotes healthy skin and therefore naturally increases the effectiveness of many cosmetic procedures. Moreover
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