How to install a stove in a bathhouse with an external firebox in the dressing room
The bathhouse has always been a traditional place for Russians where a person relaxes, as they say, “cleanses the spirit.”
Which stones for a bath are better?
The best stones for a bath: how to choose from many options?
If you know which stones are best to choose for a bath, you can increase the effectiveness of the healing procedure
Fluff lime - what is it, properties, application, types, slaking instructions
The most popular and practical material, which has found its wide application in construction, repair, agriculture
At what distance from the house can a bathhouse be built according to fire standards, SNiP 2022
When building a sauna on the site, it is necessary to maintain the distance from the house to the bathhouse as prescribed
bath soap
Bath soap: types, features. Do-it-yourself bath soap: recipes, photos, ideas
Many different products are used for hygiene. One of the most common is bath soap. It is advisable to purchase
Herbs for the bath: the art of application and rules of preparation
Hello, dear friends - lovers of healing and aromatic baths! Today we'll talk about herbs that
Steam room sizes - what they depend on, how to choose, useful tips
The size of the bath is chosen based on various considerations. This takes into account both the characteristics of the site and the quantity
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To prevent clay from cracking in the oven: rules for choosing a solution
Such a popular material as clay is actually a sedimentary rock. In the original
Steam room dimensions
What to build a bathhouse from: pros and cons of popular materials
Having your own bathhouse is the dream of owners of private houses and summer cottages. This is the place where you can
Do-it-yourself broom-amulet: step-by-step instructions, master class and recommendations
You can’t live without a good broom in an apartment or private house. Equipment used for cleaning
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