How to properly steam bath brooms - rules for different types of branches

A bathhouse is a leisurely, gradual and consistent affair. Everything must have its own order. The oak broom is the real ruler of the bathhouse empire and it requires special treatment. It is necessary to steam an oak broom for a bath in advance.

Oak broom differs from birch broom in greater strength and density of leaves. A properly steamed broom in a steam room practically does not fall off.

A dense and wide oak leaf captures and brings more bath heat to the body. This broom warms the body well and softens the skin.

However, in order for the beneficial properties of the broom to reveal themselves in full force, you need to know the subtleties of steaming. An improperly soaked broom will lose its leaves, quickly break and scratch the skin.

An overly steamed broom will also not bring pleasure. The branches become limp, the foliage becomes heavy, it heats up very quickly and steaming with it is unpleasant and dangerous. Boiling water drips from the hot leaves onto the body, the leaves stick to the skin and burn very strongly.

To avoid such troubles in the steam room, you need to steam and soak the broom according to the rules.

Oak bath brooms

Photo from the site
Everyone has long known firsthand about the healing properties of the Russian bathhouse. In addition to a pleasant pastime, it is also a cleansing and healing of the body at all levels. But this happens not only thanks to steam, but also to a properly selected broom. Its effects on the human body will differ depending on the branches of which tree or shrub it is made from.

In this article we will talk about the most important bathing tool made from oak branches. We will tell you how to properly steam an oak broom for a bath and what its benefits are.

  • 1. Prepare a sleigh in the summer or when and how oak brooms are prepared for a bath 1.1. When to prepare and collect oak brooms for a bath?
  • 1.2. Process of collecting raw materials
  • 2. How to prepare an oak broom for the bath: knit, dry, brew
      2.1. How to properly brew an oak broom for a bath
  • 3. What are the benefits of an oak broom for a bath?
  • 4. As a conclusion
  • Photo from the site

    Types of brooms: features and benefits

    Extracts from plants are used as a basis in modern medicinal products, but during processing some of the beneficial properties are lost. In a Russian bathhouse, a broom is a kind of supplier of all useful substances and vitamins to the human body, since its production does not involve any processing, which ensures that all properties are fully preserved.

    It is important to know before starting massage procedures what “cocktail composition” is needed. The choice is made based on the goal: prevention, treatment

    In the latter case, the type of disease is taken into account.

    Branches of trees, shrubs, grass and their combinations are used as starting material.

    Let's look at what kind of bath brooms there are depending on the main component:

    • birch;
    • oak;
    • lime;
    • eucalyptus;
    • nettle;
    • coniferous;
    • rowan;
    • bamboo.


    Birch contains not only essential oils and tannins, but also vitamin C, provitamin A, and flavonoids. This composition provides a complex effect on the body in several directions at once: it eliminates cramps, has a diuretic, choleretic, and expectorant effect.


    This type of wood is rich in tannins and coloring properties. In terms of advantages and benefits, oak brooms are not inferior to birch brooms. The use of such “massagers” is advisable for the treatment of depression, oily skin problems, and hypertension. As for the skin, it is impossible to overestimate the effectiveness of this product: it becomes clean, matte and takes on a healthy appearance.

    The leaves of this tree are large, which provides excellent sweat absorption. When steamed, they release a persistent aroma that lowers blood pressure and has a calming effect on the nervous system. Such procedures significantly speed up the recovery process physically and psychologically.


    This tree has firmly established its status as a means of peace of mind and serene tranquility. Linden brooms can easily be called an effective “cure” for headaches, anxiety, irritability, colds and other diseases. They are successfully used as preventive and therapeutic measures for vegetative-vascular dystonia, a disease whose course is often accompanied by insomnia and migraines.


    It has gained well-deserved popularity as an effective means for warming up the bronchi and inhalations due to its powerful antiseptic effect. Eucalyptus tincture is used as one of the ingredients for the composition that is poured over the walls in the steam room.


    Contains formic acid, has analgesic properties. Nettle brooms are an excellent remedy for the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, skin diseases (including boils, acne, inflammation). To soften the effect of nettle, it is recommended to soak the broom in boiling water for a few minutes (no more than three).


    Fir or juniper brooms have a disinfecting effect. Massage procedures using them are an excellent preventive measure for respiratory viral diseases, and they also strengthen the immune system, give strength, and help in the fight against rheumatism, radiculitis, and back pain.


    Since a massage with a rowan broom has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, it is better to do it in the morning to get a boost of energy for the whole day. For the same reason, its use is not recommended in the evening, when you need to relax and calm down before going to bed.


    It is not traditional for a Russian bath, but it has its admirers. Young shoots or leaves of SASA (smoking bamboo) are used as a base. Contains a large amount of silicic acid, which is known for its beneficial effects on hair and skin (read: “Which bamboo brooms are best to use for a bath - types and features”). It has a calming effect, which justifies its use for the treatment of depression.

    Oak and bathhouse

    As we have already said, oak wood is the most valuable raw material for construction and ornamental timber. However, not every owner will be able to afford to build a bathhouse on his property from solid oak blocks or decorate a recreation room with panels made from this noble wood.

    In the oven

    Also, not every owner of a steam room will allow himself the luxury of heating a stove exclusively with oak logs. Although, oak is exceptionally good in the oven:

    1. Its wood has a high calorific value.
    2. The logs burn with an even, moderate flame and practically do not shoot sparks, like the same spruce firewood.
    3. It's a pleasure to split oak. Yes, cutting it across the fibers is not an easy task, but lengthwise, even with little effort, it pricks well, and being well frozen, one might say, it’s even fun.
    4. Oak is not inclined to clog chimneys with soot plugs, the fight against which is a very unusual matter. Even when not completely dried, it does not produce soot as much as other tree species, especially conifers.
    5. Finally, heating the bathhouse with oak wood immediately creates an indescribable atmosphere of some special comfort and an amazing spicy aroma. Yes, of course, it’s nice to heat a sauna with birch, alder, and fruit logs, but oak is damn good in its own way. Anyone who has used it will definitely confirm.

    And in the steam room

    Let’s now consider why the oak broom seduces users, at least in comparison with its direct competitors:

    • Due to the abundance of leaves, the size and density of the leaf blade, such a broom is excellent for controlling the “steam cake”. In German baths, and the Germans understand a good bath no less than they understand good beer, it is customary to “conduct” the steam with an oak broom, which, despite its fairly compact size, due to its special fan-shaped shape, performs its function to all twelve points;
    • It is very durable. It is not uncommon for particularly zealous owners to have a well-made oak broom that lasts five or six trips to the bathhouse. From our point of view, reusable use of a tool is not entirely correct, but this example illustrates the essence and capabilities of oak more than perfectly;
    • Oak broom is very fragrant. Well steamed, it incomparably aromatizes the atmosphere of a steamy room, where some synthetic aromatizers go;

    By the way! According to some experts, the aroma of a steamed oak broom acts as a deterrent to the rise in blood pressure, especially when taking steam procedures with high ambient temperatures.

    • An oak broom is preferable for users with oily skin. Oak leaves contain a large amount of tannins and are able to combat the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. In addition, village healers used a decoction of oak leaves to combat excessive sweating of the feet. Oak therapy is also good as a restorative for chronic muscle fatigue. It is not for nothing that Volga barge haulers preferred oak during bathing procedures.

    What made the oak tree famous?

    The oak tree is a powerful plant among its species, growing in Russia. There are beliefs that if you come into contact with an oak tree under any circumstances in life, a person will be able to receive the power of the tree. The body will have the potential for further life and work.

    For this reason, this tree was often planted in Rus' and people turned to them for help, asking for health. Today, many people live in high-rise buildings, so it is not possible to grow their own oak, so people decided to use bonsai. This art makes it possible to grow a small copy of a tree, in a mini form.

    Young leaves of the tree along with twigs are used for medicinal purposes.

    Almost everyone who likes to steam and leads a healthy lifestyle should know how to steam an oak broom correctly. Many people prefer to use an oak broom and do so for good reason; it has a wonderful effect on the body and spirit of a person.

    Steaming methods

    There are many ways to steam an oak broom for bathing procedures. Each of them has its own characteristics.

    1. Basic. This method is used by most fans of bath procedures using an oak broom. This method involves steaming only a well-dried, durable broom made from elastic oak branches with abundant foliage. Initially, it is placed in a bucket of clean cold water for half an hour, after which it is transferred to a bowl of hot (but not boiling) water for 5 minutes. It is important to use a broom steamed in this way for bath procedures until it has cooled down. Cold oak branches lose their aroma and elasticity.
    2. Long. This method is usually used to soak very dry oak brooms, which begin to crumble under the influence of boiling water. They are soaked for 10-12 hours in cool, clean water until the foliage is completely softened. In this case, no additional treatment of the broom in hot water is required.
    3. Express steaming. This method is usually used in conditions of acute lack of time, when no more than 20-30 minutes remain before visiting the bathhouse (steam room). In this case, a dry bath broom is placed in an enamel basin, filled with boiling water and covered with a lid or a metal container of the same diameter. The broom should be kept in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, after which it should be used for its intended purpose.
    4. Express steaming in a steam room. This method is often used for steaming very dry and brittle oak brooms. This procedure is performed directly in the steam room of an already melted bath. In advance, in a steamy room, prepare a basin with cool, clean water, into which a broom is immersed for 1-2 minutes. Then the broom is moved towards the hot stove stones, holding it over them for 1-1.5 minutes. During this time, drops of cold water falling from the leaves onto the hot stones will turn into steam, due to which the broom will quickly soften and become suitable for use.
    5. Popular. This method is used for steaming hard oak brooms with firmly planted foliage. They are steamed several times, periodically changing the water. The first time they are steamed with boiling water, the second and third time - with hot, but not boiling water. The entire procedure usually takes no more than 40-45 minutes.
    6. Classical. This method is considered a little time-consuming, but it is what allows you to get a perfectly steamed, soft and fragrant oak broom. To do this, you need to soak a dry broom for 8-10 hours in water at room temperature, then wrap it in damp gauze and place it on the top shelf in a heated steam room. After 10-15 minutes it can be used for bath procedures.

    Steaming a linden broom for a bath

    Linden is a rather soft and delicate tree, so it is necessary to steam the broom so that the leaves do not fly off during the steaming process:

    1. Method number 1. To begin, rinse the broom with cold water, then pour water about +80 into a basin and place it there for 15 minutes. After this time, remove the broom and hold it over the hot steam of the oven for about a couple of minutes.
    2. Method number 2. It is necessary to rinse the broom well in cold water, place it in a bowl of water about +90 degrees and cover with a lid for 15 minutes. Then you can use it and slowly pour the water onto the heater so that the linden aroma spreads throughout the sauna.

    This is how you need to steam brooms for a Russian bath.

    Photo by ru.depositphotos: Linden branches are processed at high temperatures. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read other articles about the sauna: Choosing a stove for a sauna

    Tips for building a bathhouse Wooden houses and bathhouses ______________________________________________________________________________________________ How do you soak a bath broom? Share your recommendations with other gardeners in the comments.

    Methods for steaming bath brooms: key points

    So, before you start steaming the chosen broom in anticipation of a bath massage, you need to take into account the basic rule. It says that fresh brooms, unlike dry ones, do not need steaming. Unfortunately, boiling water has a detrimental effect on young foliage - it becomes sticky and heavy, and along with its beneficial properties, the delicate aroma is lost.

    Also, you can easily get a burn from such a “brewed” broom, because it will stick to the body, accumulating heat. Not the best prospect from such procedures is to get tired and disappointed instead of vigor and positive impressions. Therefore, below we will tell you how to steam a broom in a bathhouse. If you follow these basic recommendations, using a bath broom will bring maximum benefits.

    1. The first method, the main one , is optimal for well-dried bath brooms. Place the broom in a container of cold water for about 30 minutes. Then drain the water and pour in hot, but not boiling, water. Leave the broom in it for about 5 minutes.
    2. The second method, long-lasting , is a great way to refresh a dry bath broom. If time permits, you should leave the broom in a container with cold water for 15–20 hours. No further actions are required with hot water.
    3. The third method, very fast , is suitable for cases when there is very little time for preparation. To do this, you need to boil water in a kettle and pour it over a broom, previously placed in a suitable container, for example, a basin. Then it should be covered with a lid so that the steam remains inside, and left for about 7 - 10 minutes.
    4. Method four, the express method , will help refresh a too-dry bath broom directly in the steam room itself. It consists of alternating contrast effects. First you need to fill the container with cold water and lower the broom into it for 1.5 minutes (maximum). Then take out the broom and, without shaking it off, hold it over the heater for 1 - 1.5 minutes, turning it over evenly. Drops of water falling on the stones will form steam, which will create the effect of steaming a broom. This method requires extreme caution and attentiveness - the broom should be held only with gloves on, so as not to get burned by the rising steam. You should also ensure that leaves fall on the heater, which may begin to smolder and form burning and smoke.

    Using the above methods, you can steam both oak and birch brooms, as well as maple or eucalyptus for a bath. The recommendations, although universal, will help maximize the beneficial properties of the plants from which the bath brooms are made. And this, in turn, will complement the positive healing effect of the procedures performed and the time spent in the steam room.

    Now we list the basic recommendations on how to properly steam brooms, except for birch and oak.

    • The pine broom should first be kept for 15–20 minutes in a container of hot water, covered with a lid to allow steam to condense;
    • To make the nettle broom less stinging, before use it should be placed in a container with hot water for 4 - 5 minutes, then with cold water for the same amount. Repeat the procedure several times. But, if the broom is used specifically for medicinal purposes, it needs to “burn”. In this case, you can limit yourself to simply rinsing the nettle broom with warm water;
    • By analogy with a nettle broom, wormwood brooms should be steamed in the same way.

    After studying this article, the questions of how to properly soak an oak broom for a bath or how to steam a nettle broom will no longer raise doubts. By following the clearest and most detailed instructions, you can be sure that the selected bath broom will not lose its foliage and its effectiveness while in the steam room. Enjoy Your Bath!

    How to prepare a broom?

    Its service life depends on what time of year and how to prepare an oak broom. This is usually done in July or August. You can cut brooms in the fall, but their wood is more fragile and brittle during this period. It is advisable to collect branches in a damp, darkened forest rather than from isolated trees. Oak has practically no single branches. Therefore, you need to choose a strong, wide branch with branches and good leaf cover.

    Be prepared to climb a tree. Good, suitable elements can rarely be cut off, choosing them at the level of your height. As a rule, you have to cut down entire branches, which are then, when directly knitting brooms, disassembled into smaller ones. In order not to cause great harm to the oak, try to use only the side shoots, leaving the central tree intact.

    The broom is also knitted according to certain unspoken rules. Small elements are placed side by side with some offset, like a fan. This arrangement is considered optimal for the oak version due to the wide and dense leaves. In this case, it is advisable to use a small number of branches, otherwise the product will turn out to be too heavy.

    To obtain greater benefits and pleasure from the bath procedure, you should follow certain tips:

    • You should not go to the bathhouse earlier than 2 hours after a heavy lunch.
    • You should not drink alcoholic beverages before visiting the steam room.
    • All metal jewelry must be removed
    • There is no need to rush in the steam room, let your body rest, warm up, and relax
    • It’s more comfortable to steam together
    • Before vaping, it is advisable to rinse with clean water and dry with a towel.
    • In the steam room it is recommended to breathe with an open mouth
    • It is useful to quench your thirst after a bath with strong tea, kvass, lemonade, juice

    There is a slight difference between oak and other brooms. The light birch version, for example, heats up, gives off heat when touching the body, and warm steam overtakes in a whirlwind a little later. In the case of oak, the steam “falls” on the body up to the broom. Wide leaves allow it to be pumped quickly, which is good for lovers of hot bath procedures. In other words, an oak broom is good for hardy people.

    Become a real massage master: proper use of a bath broom How to properly steam a bath broom Choosing brooms for a bath Secrets of the bath procedure

    Its service life depends on what time of year and how to prepare an oak broom. This is usually done in July or August. You can cut brooms in the fall, but their wood is more fragile and brittle during this period. It is advisable to collect branches in a damp, darkened forest rather than from isolated trees. Oak has practically no single branches. Therefore, you need to choose a strong, wide branch with branches and good leaf cover.

    Preparing a broom for a steam room

    It is necessary to start harvesting in June. There is an important rule: the earlier you prepare it, the worse its quality will be. You can knit a broom in September, but the material will become less durable. It is important to consider not only the preparation time, but also the method of steaming it. To prevent the broom from being hard, you need to learn how to steam it correctly.

    Tips for parking a broom

    Here are some recommendations for properly parking your future broom:

    1. If you use fresh twigs, there is no need to steam them. It is necessary to clean them from dirt and dust using water.
    2. Be sure to keep an eye on the structure of the sheets while steaming. They should not be flabby or soggy.
    3. You can try soaking a broom made of oak branches before the steam room. To do this, dip your broom in warm water for about ¼ hour, then add hot water and cover the container.
    4. You can even steam a broom literally a few minutes before the steam room procedure itself. Dip it into the steamer, first fill it with hot water or boiling water. You need to let it stand for a few minutes, then place it on the stones.
    5. If you are going to the bathhouse in the evening, you need to soak the broom in the morning. Early in the morning, place it in warm water and then in boiling water. Then shake off the water from it and wrap it in a bag. Then indoors, spray it with water again and place it on the hot stones.

    There are many ways, and for any occasion

    So, in order to know the answer to the question of how to brew an oak broom for a bath, you need to do the following (or method No. 1):

    1. At first, the bunch of dried twigs must be rinsed in lukewarm water;
    2. then keep it in ice water for 3-5 minutes;
    3. then pour boiling water into the bucket from the container that was heated in the bathhouse and forget about it for ten minutes, but no more. For a better effect, you can cover the bucket with a linen towel (folded in four), so the broom will be more fragrant.
    4. when it becomes flexible enough and the leaves do not crumble from compression, then it is ready, this oak assistant will bring not only health, but also pleasure from a visit to the Russian steam room!
    5. just before the action, it’s a good idea to dry the broom a little over the heater (no more than 20 seconds) to reduce the pain from whipping.

    The next method is good to use when you have a lot of time. And in order to properly steam an oak broom for a bath using this method, and preserve the greatest number of compounds needed by a person in the leaves, you need to soak the broom in ice water at home approximately half a day before visiting the steam room. Then you won’t have to spend precious minutes in the bathhouse on the preparation procedure, instead of sitting in the steam room this time. How about going to the shelf in the steam room, pulling it out of the “icy bath,” wrapping it in a damp linen towel and forgetting about it for a quarter of an hour, on the bottom shelf, for “adaptation.” But this method is good for an “oak assistant” made from young twigs.

    And if it is “seasoned”, then this method will be good when “stale” oak twigs tied together are first “brewed” in boiling water for a quarter of an hour, and then they should be transferred to ice water for 3-5 minutes. Then they are plunged into boiling water again for a couple of minutes, and then just steam with them.

    If time is short and you need to get to the bathhouse as quickly as possible, then you can use the “hurry” method:

    1. dip your “oak bouquet” into a bowl of well “hot” water;
    2. then place them on well-heated stones of the heater and the steam rising from them will almost instantly “brew” it;
    3. You must repeat the above steps at least three times and make sure that the leaves do not dry out and “burn” while lying on the stove stones.

    There is also such a method, it can be called patriarchal, since old people, and grandfathers of great-grandfathers, steamed brooms in a similar way. At that time, the most trivial and fastest method was used for this.

    To properly steam an oak broom for a bath, it should be placed in an oak tub, with well-hot water, for a quarter of an hour or a little more, and after that, set it like a bouquet in a vase, that is, with the ends of the twigs down, for the same minutes. And while he was steaming, it was necessary to make a couple of visits to the steam room, so that the body was disposed to feel the whip of steamed oak branches on the skin.

    And with the advent of new technology, such a method as “refrigeration” appeared. So, before a trip to the bathhouse, individuals push their “broom” soaked in water into the refrigerator. And because of this, the need for “brewing” will disappear. And upon arriving at the steam room, you just need to “warm up” it in the steam room. Then rinse in hot water and dry over the hot stones of the heater. When all these procedures are completed, the broom becomes very plastic and fragrant, and its twigs become moderately elastic and not so hard.

    From time to time, the need arises to steam very dry brooms for a bath. In such a situation, bread or rye kvass, heated to a boil, but not boiling, diluted in half with water, will help. To do this, you need to place them in this mixture for 5 minutes. Then place the heater on the hot stones. All this is for better steaming and the release of vapors from damp leaves, which will bring the brooms into a “working” state. But if it did not become so the first time, then it is necessary to reproduce this method again - soak it in very hot kvass water, and then then soak it for 30 seconds on the hot stones of a heater stove. At the same time, do not overdry the leaves, otherwise they will flare up on the heater. And they will fill everything with a pungent smell, simultaneously ruining all the pleasure from the process in the steam room. You can sprinkle kvass on the stones of the heater, and after that the bathhouse will be filled with the “Russian spirit.”

    Beneficial features

    Oak has power and energy. It represents longevity, health and good spirits. Its bark and foliage contain tannins, polysaccharides and flavonoids that act against pathogenic flora. An oak broom in a bathhouse can improve well-being and prevent the development of chronic diseases. It is useful for hypertension or hypotension, varicose veins and sweating. Cleanses the skin, fights pimples and acne, and starts the process of restoring damaged tissue. Relieves stress, restores psycho-emotional state, improves mood, restores vitality, increases the flow of oxygen into the blood.


    It is impossible to imagine a traditional Russian bath without a broom. An accessory made from oak branches has excellent healing properties and is particularly durable . The abundance of tannins has a drying, wound-healing and disinfecting effect, and has a beneficial effect on skin prone to various inflammatory rashes. Inhaling the vapors of a broom increases immunity, and in case of colds it has a therapeutic effect - it relieves sore throat, helps to quickly eliminate a runny nose and discharge phlegm.

    Foot baths made from the decoction left after steaming a broom are useful - they help with rheumatic pain and such a delicate problem as excessive sweating of the feet. The aroma of oak leaves evokes a pleasant sensation and helps you relax. Due to the strength of the branches and the density of the leaves, this attribute is suitable for 4–5 uses when visiting the bathhouse. The only drawback of an oak broom, in comparison with the more popular birch broom, is its hard texture. It emits a powerful wave of hot steam, so great care should be taken during the vaping process.

    Important! The benefits of an oak broom are noticeable only when prepared correctly.

    Preparation of oak brooms

    Even today, people grow small copies of real oak in a flowerpot in order to purify the energy in the apartment and increase immunity.

    But let's forget about the esoteric for a few minutes and remember the beneficial substances that each oak broom preparation contains. The tree not only contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, but also tannin and protein components, as well as acids. The content of ellagic and gallic acid together with flavonoids significantly enhances the therapeutic effect of visiting the bathhouse and has a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

    The preparation of oak brooms is carried out during the season of strong movement of juice inside the plant to increase the beneficial substances in the composition. The loss of useful components can be avoided by drying without exposure to sunlight. In this case, oak bath brooms will retain their quality for up to 5 years.

    Moreover, not only the branches, but also the bark and acorns have beneficial properties. Acorns are dried, fried and ground, after which they are used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity and stop bleeding. Oak bark is used to create decoctions. They have a wide range of beneficial effects: strengthen the cardiovascular system, eliminate purulent inflammation, stop internal bleeding, and replenish zinc and iron deficiency in the body.

    • What beneficial properties does an oak bath broom have?
    • When are oak brooms harvested?
    • What to consider when collecting branches?
    • How to knit oak brooms?
    • How to properly steam an oak bath broom?
    • When will the results of a massage with an oak broom appear?

    What beneficial properties does an oak bath broom have?

    Experienced bath attendants use not only a broom, but also acorns, leaves and bark, as they have healing effects and are safe for health. From them, medicinal decoctions are created, which are gradually splashed onto the heater. The branches are used only during the preparation of oak brooms. Because they have wide, lush and durable leaves, they are great for creating heat and are suitable for massage. With its help, you can easily scoop up hot steam and direct it in the desired direction. Seasoned bath attendants note that this is the most important advantage over other brooms.

    oak bath brooms are especially popular among the fair sex because they smooth out wrinkles and make the skin soft and elastic. This effect is associated with the high content of tannins in the leaves. Additionally, excess oiliness of the epidermis, which provokes the appearance of acne, is eliminated. Improving tissue metabolism and eliminating sweating allows you to reduce skin inflammation and completely get rid of acne with regular visits to the bathhouse. In this case, active massage is not always required - you can simply press brooms to problem areas.

    Oak bath brooms are very beneficial for health because they have the following effects:

    1. They lower blood pressure and improve well-being, which is especially important for older people.
    2. The active components quickly enter the bloodstream when inhaled and have a positive effect on the central nervous system, which helps eliminate stress.
    3. The massage cleanses the skin. The pores are completely cleansed and the tissues receive a full range of vitamins and minerals.
    4. Increases immunity and protection against germs and harmful microorganisms.

    If oak brooms are harvested correctly, they will retain their beneficial properties for 5 years. In a steam room they can be used 3-5 times, since the leaves are quite strong and retain their qualities for a long time.

    When are oak brooms harvested?

    The harvesting season begins in the southern zone of the Russian Federation from May 15 to the end of the month. In the middle zone, it is recommended to collect branches from June 15-20 until the beginning of July. This is the best period because the leaves are small in size and soft in texture. At the same time, the branches are very flexible and not too thick, so they are great for massage.

    It is not recommended to collect branches in late summer or autumn because the leaves harden and the branches become thicker. For this reason, the fragility of the broom increases, and massage is inconvenient due to the increased mass. The same applies to premature collection. If you cut off the branches too early, they will contain less useful substances, so the healing effect of the broom will decrease.

    During collection, it is better to give preference to branches that are in the lower zone. In this case, you need to choose trees that are located deep in the forest. This is due to the fact that almost no sunlight penetrates there. Ultraviolet radiation can negatively affect the positive qualities of a plant. If dense and large burdocks grow under the oak tree, then it can safely be used to collect branches. It is almost impossible to detect single branches on old trees, so the choice falls in favor of spreading branches with leaf covering and good density. With a length of 50-60 cm, you can safely cut off the branch and start forming brooms.

    Young trees up to 4 meters in height can also be used to collect branches. They are optimal for forming brooms because they have the ideal length and thickness of the leaves. Often used is “winter oak”, which does not shed its leaves in winter. At the same time, the foliage becomes golden and confidently stays on the tree (sap flow inside is stopped). It is difficult to find such an oak because it grows on small hills or on high hills. But as practice shows, the highest quality brooms are obtained when collected in lowland forests with a large number of oak trees (single and old trees are less suitable for this purpose).

    Oak - how much there is in this word

    Among the ancient Slavs, oak was revered as a sacred tree and was dedicated to the head of the pagan pantheon, the god of thunder and lightning - Perun. A powerful crown, dense wood, and a deep root system very often provoke the fact that a spreading tall tree simply attracts thunderstorms, and if so, if Perun loves it, then people are simply obliged to honor it. Often Slavic settlements in forested areas were located on the edges of vast oak groves. The light energy of this tree provided the spiritual needs of the family, and the wood met the material needs. Still would! She is good in the hearth, and in construction, and in carpentry, and even in crafts. And today, in the age of high-tech polymers, oak provides a lot of humanity’s needs in a wide variety of areas:

    • Oak construction and semi-precious timber is very expensive, but at the same time, a favorite position for carpenters and joiners. Dense solid wood, beautiful texture, developed texture make the wood of this tree in demand at all stages of construction: from laying the main crowns of the bath house to finishing the dressing room with blocks. As for bog oak, not every craftsman can drive a nail into its face - its surface is so strong and unyielding, its characteristic blue-black color;
    • Oak acorns are a favorite delicacy of pigs and, oddly enough, gourmets. Yes, some connoisseurs prefer a drink made from acorns even to real coffee, rather than barley or chicory coffee;
    • Oak bark is a source of tannins. And if earlier this feature was used by tanners, now it is mainly used by pharmacists. Oak bark is very effective in stopping bleeding in the oral cavity, strengthening the gums, and the walls of blood vessels as well;
    • A strong decoction of oak bark can nobly color wood of less valuable species, giving it exquisite charm and depth of visual perception, and ink nuts provide raw materials for the preparation of universal dyes that will color everything: from paper to fabrics;
    • In the southern regions of the country, cork oak is feeling more and more confident. Its developed subcortical layer is an indispensable natural raw material for wine and cognac bottles;
    • Finally, oak leaves are a very valuable additive when preserving cucumbers. Knowledgeable housewives claim that the presence of oak leaf in the seasoning gives greens hardness, elasticity, and vigor. A truly crisp cucumber can only be achieved with an oak seed at the bottom of the jar.

    What is the value of oak in a bathhouse?

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