Bucket for dousing - principle of operation: technical requirements with installation instructions, description of advantages and disadvantages

Spray device for a bath: advantages and disadvantages. Installation of a shower bucket for a bath

  1. Dousing bucket for a bath: principle of operation, advantages, disadvantages
  2. Where to install a bucket for dousing with cold water?
  3. Dousing bucket for a bath: installation. How to make a bucket with your own hands?

A visit to the bathhouse is a whole ceremony that includes a number of stages: warming up in the steam room, cooling down in the pond, relaxing in the relaxation room or on the terrace. But what if there is no lake or river nearby? Of course, someone has a bathhouse with a pool or a font, but it is not always possible to install them. A cheap alternative that takes up very little space is a dousing device.

Dousing bucket for a bath: principle of operation, advantages, disadvantages

The dousing device is a classic large wooden bucket mounted on the wall. It is often called an upside-down bucket, because the device has a chain or cord; just pull it and the bucket will turn over and pour water on it.

Such a bucket has been used since ancient times; in the old days it was made from birch bark or from a solid log by hollowing out a cavity. Later, the container began to be made from wooden planks connected by metal strips.

The dousing bucket works as follows: open the tap, fill the container with water, when it is filled to the required level, the float switch will shut off the flow. When the rope or chain is pulled, the water pours out, the float goes down, and the water is again drawn to the required level.

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Each dousing device for a bath consists of the following elements:

  • the container itself;
  • brackets for mounting to the wall;
  • water level control systems;
  • rope, with the help of which the container is turned over.

As you can see, the design is incredibly simple, so even a novice master can make a dousing bucket for a bathhouse with his own hands. If you don’t want to make a bucket yourself, you can buy a ready-made one.

Such a device will cost several times less than a swimming pool, plunge pool or even a shower.

The disadvantage of a dousing bucket is that it must be filled with water in advance, because the bucket must swell, otherwise cold water will pour out through the cracks.

At the same time, you cannot keep a wooden container filled with water all the time, because the water will begin to become cloudy, an unpleasant odor will appear, and the wood will rot. For this reason, some people prefer plastic containers.

DIY making

Since the buckets have a simple design, they can be assembled by anyone without practical skills. You need to select in advance the volume of the bucket, the location and height of the structure, and prepare the tools.

Preparation of tool materials

To make a homemade waterfall system for a bath, you need to prepare:

  • rope or twine for turning the bucket over;
  • water level control device;
  • boards of different shapes for walls, bottom;
  • brackets.

Design of a bucket that is mounted on the wall
Metal hoops with rivets can be used as a decorative element and additional fasteners.

Choosing a location and height

In order for installation work to proceed quickly, you need to select in advance the location and height of installation of the dousing bucket. Selection principles:

  • it is necessary to provide access for water supply;
  • it is better to place the structure above the drain;
  • The bucket should be kept away from heated surfaces.

If the location of various elements is designed before construction, it is recommended to allocate a separate place for the drip structure.

You can combine the hanging system with some other washing item to save space.

The optimal height for securing the container is 200–220 cm.


The dimensions of the container depend on the amount of free space

Attention should also be paid to the number of people who regularly visit the bathhouse. The volume of the container depends on this

Water supply


  1. The water pipe must be located above the waterfall system.
  2. It is better to install the valve to shut off the liquid at a height of 1.5 meters.
  3. A strong hose must be attached to the end of the pipe and connected to the float valve.

It is better to hide the pipeline in the wall so that it does not interfere with visitors. The tap is then brought out.

Manufacturing stages


  1. Cut planks from the boards to make containers. Sand them so that there are no rough spots left.
  2. Glue the planks together with waterproof wood glue and place crimp hoops on the structure.
  3. Wait for the glue to dry. Secure decorative elements or cover it with waterproof paint.

Drill holes in the walls to secure the turning mechanisms. Install a water control system with a float.

Separately, you need to assemble two triangular supports from wooden blocks.

How to choose and install a shower bucket for a bath

Bathhouse is a traditional Russian way of spending leisure time. And this is not just an opportunity to wash. After taking a steam bath once, you always want to return, because it gives an unforgettable experience. The same applies to the sauna.

There are many traditions associated with the bathhouse, which have turned into a real cult. One of these traditions: after taking a steam bath, plunge into cold water. This is necessary primarily for hardening. In addition, such a simple procedure gives a whole whirlwind of emotions and sensations.

However, what to do if there is no pool in the premises and there are no bodies of water nearby? The best way to find yourself in a stream of ice water is a dousing bucket for baths and saunas, or a waterfall bucket. It allows both adults and children to comfortably douse with cold water.

How to use it correctly

The procedure of dousing with a waterfall bucket begins with psychological preparation for a sharp flow of cold water. After the person is emotionally ready, he should quickly enter the place of dousing and simply pull the rope sharply. The strength of the flow depends on the sharpness of the movement turning the bucket over. If you tug lightly, the cold water will pour out gradually, and with a strong tug, the entire volume of water pours out immediately, instantly cooling the hot body. It is the sharp temperature contrast that provides the healing effect. This procedure should be completed by wiping with a towel.

How to use a dousing bucket

The device, which is used for dousing in a sauna and bathhouse, is a wooden bucket reinforced with hoops. It is installed in a special way on the tilt system. This device is also called a bucket-waterfall. The entire structure is fixed to the wall or ceiling using brackets.

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It is better to install a dousing bucket for a sauna and bathhouse in a place where there is access to water and sewerage. Modern devices have special valves that work in a similar way to a flush cistern in a toilet. When enough water is collected, the float valve rises up, and when it is completely poured out, the valve moves down, stopping the flow of liquid into the bucket.

In order for water to independently flow into the sprinkler, the bucket is connected to the pipes supplying it using flexible hoses. The dousing procedure goes like this: a rope hangs from a bath bucket, attached to the wall of the container. By pulling this rope, a person turns the bucket over and showers himself with cold streams.

The harder you pull the rope, the greater the flow of water that will fall on the bathhouse visitor. This way the person regulates the pressure himself. Everything is very simple!

Principle of operation

This process is more complicated, but visually the effect will be different. First, prepare a template for cutting out the bottom and side strips. We cut out several elements to size from a smooth planed board, which should be enough to line the bucket. To do this, first measure the circumference with a tape measure.

Then sand all the parts and mark the front side with a pencil or marker. Now you will need a jigsaw, although if you have an electric plane, it will allow you to make smoother cuts. You need to cut the side walls of each plank at an angle of 3 degrees, so that when connected they fit snugly against each other, forming a circle.

Next you will need a flat plane. If the floor is tile, work on it. Having processed the planks, lay them out in a row, and step back 4 cm from the supposed lower part, draw a line. Make a cut along it using a hand router. This will be a recess for installing the bottom. Then turn all the planks right side out and number them, then do your first fitting.

This work is best done together. One assembles and holds the panels, the other ties them with wire. Having fitted the parts, measure the radius of the bottom using the grooves cut inside the bucket. Then make a template and cut out the bottom of the bucket.

Now that all the parts are ready, all that remains is to assemble the container. But to do this, first we cut off two metal strips, for the lower and upper contours. Repeatingly, it must be said that the material must be moisture resistant. Metal thickness 1–1.5 mm. Tap the strips with a hammer, making them round, and drill holes for the clamps at both ends. If electrical wiring is installed in the bathhouse, do it locally, checking how the clamps fit together on the bucket.

Further assembly work is carried out in the following order:

  • we assemble a bucket from the slats, having previously installed the bottom part;
  • holding it, first we circle the lower part with a metal bracket and attach the clamp;
  • Having aligned the strips as necessary, carefully install the top ring and fasten it;
  • then we check the evenness of the assembly and finally fix the fastenings of the contours.

The bucket is ready, all that remains is to drill a through hole to install it in the bracket and secure the rope. The outside of the container can be varnished, but first fill the bucket with water so that the wood swells a little and covers all the connecting gaps.

The shower device for a bath operates by using the principle characteristic of flush cisterns. The cycle includes several stages:

  1. The empty container is filled with tap water by opening the ball valve. When the maximum level is reached, the flow is shut off by a float switch.
  2. The container is tipped over by the tension of a chain or rope. The float moves down, which leads to the next filling of the bucket or tub.
  3. If it is necessary to prevent emergency situations, the water supply tap is turned off.

Materials and appearance of buckets

Traditionally, bucket-waterfalls for saunas and baths are made of wood. The most commonly used types of wood are natural and stained oak, larch, and cedar wood.

Less common raw materials in the production of drenching devices for baths and saunas are linden, birch and alder. This wood is characterized by excellent resistance to water and wear, and high strength. You can find dousing containers, the inside of which is covered with plastic. This is done for additional strength and to prevent the wood from drying out.

The appearance of dousing devices for baths and saunas is very diverse. You can find buckets of different shapes, colors, and volumes. Therefore, there will be no problems in choosing a design that will best suit the interior of the bathhouse. The capacity of the containers is usually 10-30 liters.

Types of buckets for baths

Water containers are round, oval or barrel-shaped. The choice of shape depends on your personal preferences and the design of the room.

The material of the bucket affects the service life of the product. We recommend choosing wood that is resistant to high humidity and water.

For example:
  • Oak.
  • Larch.
  • Linden.
  • Cedar.
  • Osina et al.

When choosing stained material, you don’t have to worry about the strength and moisture resistance of the product. The cost of stained materials is much higher. Wood dried using the basic method is also acceptable, but the performance characteristics of such products are much worse.

Buckets made of stainless steel and galvanized steel are also available on the market. This solution is suitable for those who are not interested in design issues and want to choose the most wear-resistant product.

What to look for when choosing:

  • Metal components must be stainless.
  • A bucket inversion cord is cheaper than a stainless steel chain, but the second option will last longer.
  • The inner coating of the bucket can be made of stainless steel or plastic, where the first option is more expensive but of better quality, and the second option is an excellent solution for a limited budget. Alternatively, you can use an additional plastic insert in the bucket.

The system must be safe and durable; consider these nuances when choosing a product.

Installation of a bucket in a bathhouse

Another undoubted advantage that a bucket-waterfall provides for bathhouses and saunas is ease of installation. Usually, when purchasing a kit, you can find instructions with a detailed description of how to install and use the sprinkler device. The optimal place to install the bucket is the washing room.

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Useful bath procedure

It can also be a shower, which is especially convenient, since there is a drain, a water supply, and a sewerage system. But it is better not to install a bucket-waterfall in the shower, since if several people take a shower, this will create inconvenience and can ruin the pleasure of the procedure. It is advisable that the shower fixture be located in a small separate room next to the shower.

The waterfall bucket should be installed at a height of approximately 2.2 meters so that a person of any height can be exposed to a stream of cold water without bending over or feeling the force of the water jet.

Like any other bath fixture, the shower bucket requires maintenance. It is advisable that there is always water in it, otherwise it may dry out, cracks and damage will appear.

If these shortcomings already exist, then a few hours before dousing it is recommended to fill the waterfall bucket with water. At the same time, the wood will swell, eliminating all openings and cracks. The most reliable is a dousing bucket coated on the inside with plastic. In this case, the tree will not be exposed to strong water, and the dousing device will last much longer.


If you don’t want to spend time and effort making a dousing bucket for a bathhouse with your own hands, a ready-made design can be found in specialized stores. True, the prices for wooden “shifters” are rather high. A budget purchase would be a bucket made of pine with a plastic interior with a volume of about 10 liters. Experts advise overpaying a small amount and purchasing a 20-liter bucket. The difference in price will be insignificant, and a larger capacity container is much more convenient and practical.

Significantly more expensive are those made of linden wood with a stainless steel liner. There are several well-known companies that produce the highest quality wooden buckets designed for baths. When choosing a global brand, you will have to shell out a lot of money, but you will be sure that you are purchasing a product that will last for many years.

Products made from oak or larch will cost an order of magnitude more. On average, the price for an oak bucket with a volume of 20 liters is 150-200 USD.

Bath procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of the human body. It doesn’t matter which dousing device you choose: factory-made or home-made. Wellness bath treatments will help improve your health, lift your mood and resist viruses and germs. A wooden container for pouring is not only good for health. It will also be a pleasant addition to the eco-style bathhouse. Once you try the douche after the steam room, you will no longer be able to deny yourself this pleasure.

Pouring rules

When using a waterfall bucket, you should be careful and adhere to safety regulations. Of course, everyone knows about the benefits of this method of hardening: it increases immunity, normalizes the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, and even simply improves mood. Hardening gives a person vigor and energy. But to achieve the desired result, you need to act wisely.

Rules should be followed to make dousing safe and beneficial. For example, you cannot douse yourself with cold water, like from a shower: with low pressure and gradually. Water should pour out on a person in an instant, in a single stream. This way the visitor will not get hypothermic. It is not recommended to douse the head, since this organ is not only vital, but also very susceptible to cold.

If you follow these simple rules, then pouring cold water from a bucket will become a real pleasure, which also brings health benefits.

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A dousing device for baths and saunas is an excellent choice for those who love bath procedures. It will allow you to diversify your leisure time, temper yourself, and get a storm of emotions. In addition, a bucket-waterfall will decorate the interior of the room. After you try dousing at least once, you will inevitably want to repeat it again and again. The main thing is to do it wisely.

Description of dousing devices for baths and their installation

  1. What it is?
  2. What are they?
  3. Popular models
  4. Tips for choosing
  5. Installation stages
      Selecting a location
  6. Water supply

The bathhouse is a unique place where you can not only take water treatments, but also relax with company. Visiting her is a ritual that includes a number of moments. Warm up in the sauna, cool down in the snow or lake, relax. But if there are no reservoirs, rivers or lakes near the house, you can build a swimming pool. Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, the ideal option in this case (which will take up little space) is a dousing device.

What it is?

Many people know that dousing with cold water is hardening. It is especially good to do this after staying in the bathhouse. This effect is often compared to a contrast shower.

Previously, when there was no running water in the bathhouses, water was carried in buckets for the water heating tank. Therefore, there was no need for special dousing equipment. He took the bucket and went outside.

Gradually, when it became possible to install plumbing, many people had a question about how to douse themselves now. The answer is simple - a dousing device. But what is it?

The dousing device consists of three main parts, namely:

float that controls the liquid level.

This also includes the ropes that are used to turn the bucket over.

Such a device is installed in a bathhouse, washing room, sauna, bathroom, or in a specially designated place (above the font). And also some install this structure on the street, in a convenient place.

The device has a number of advantages that are worth paying attention to.

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Availability. In any specialized store you can find a bucket for dousing. You just have to ask a consultant and select the required size and additional elements.

Long service life. This unit does not have a limited time of use, which makes it more attractive to purchase it.

Ecological materials. Buckets are mainly made from wood (you can also choose the wood to suit your taste).

Easy to assemble and install. This design can be assembled and attached independently.

How it works? The bucket is filled with water. This is done in advance on purpose so that the wood swells and liquid does not flow through the cracks. The required volume is collected. If there is a water supply to the system, then a special float will control the water level, which will turn off the flow of water when it reaches a given level. If you pull the rope, the bucket will tip over and the float will start working again, filling the container.


The peculiarity of the bucket is that it can be made from different materials. Regardless of this, the design will always be the same, which is an advantage, since you won’t have to search for a suitable model for a long time.

Each dousing device consists of 4 main parts:

  • The bucket itself, with a capacity of 10-20 liters, the choice depends on the number of users;
  • Fixing parts so that the structure can be easily installed in various rooms;
  • An automatic water control system will help you collect the required amount of liquid so that it does not overflow;
  • Rope or chain for quickly tipping the bucket.

There is nothing complicated in the device, which is an advantage, since you don’t have to use complex mechanisms. Many manufacturers make fixtures from wood, because it matches best with the interior of a classic bathhouse. The only drawback of the solution is difficult operation. Because before installation, a person will need to fill the container with water and let it sit for a while. This action is necessary because it promotes swelling of the wood.

It is also important to understand that the structure cannot be left empty for several days, because the container may dry out and water will begin to seep through the cracks formed. But there is also a downside - the liquid should not be constantly inside, as this will lead to it deteriorating, and the inside of the bucket will become covered with unpleasant mucus, and in some cases it will completely turn black

It is important to maintain a middle ground so that there are no unforeseen problems.

But if a person cannot constantly be at the dacha where the bathhouse is installed, it is enough to buy a bucket with a plastic insert; stainless steel is also suitable. The outer part will be made entirely of wood, but the inner part will have water-resistant material. Of course, compared to standard plastic buckets, this solution will be more expensive.

What are they?

The designs of the dousing devices themselves are no different from each other. The main differences are only in the material, but the operating principle is the same. But it’s still worth considering what they are.

Basically, the buckets differ from each other. The average volume chosen for one person is 20 liters.

A volume of 30 or 40 liters is quite large, and it is usually chosen by people who have been hardening for a long time, and their body is resistant to such a large amount of cold water.

For people who have just started using this system, it is still worth paying attention to 10-liter buckets. This will allow you to get used to the procedure and will not cause the body to go into shock.

Solid oak, cedar or larch are usually chosen as the manufacturing material. This wood does not rot under the influence of water, which means it will last a long time.

Modern Waterfall systems have the ability to directly replenish water without human intervention. To do this, it is necessary to connect the water supply to the system, and the float will be responsible for adjusting the filling.

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But over time, wood tends to dry out, so there are special plastic liners. They are either purchased separately for the required diameter, or built into the bucket itself.

Using the same principle, there are also models with a stainless insert in order to extend the service life. This is also quite convenient, since if the system is located directly in the bathhouse itself, then such inserts will prevent the container from heating up.

Rating of the best budget buckets

Russian fun with plastic insert (OPRZ-10)

A good budget version, which is intended for those who visit the bathhouse in a small company - 2-3 people. The design is highly durable and reliable. But the most important thing here is simplicity. You don’t need any special skills to install a dousing device yourself.

Everything is done quickly and does not take time. The plastic insert provides additional strength and also looks beautiful, as it has a pleasant white color. All main elements and spare parts are included in the kit. Therefore, you don’t have to constantly go to the store and look for the part you need.

The average cost is 1,830 rubles.

dousing bucket Russian fun with plastic insert (OPRZ-10)


  • Good quality;
  • Pleasant exterior treatment;
  • Convenient chain;
  • The interior is made of durable plastic;
  • Easy installation.


Not found.

Sprinkler 16 l with valve with plastic insert

An inexpensive option that is distinguished by pleasant performance and reliability. There is nothing complicated in the design. Everything is done reliably and will last for many years. The package contains the necessary materials that will simplify installation and make use easy and convenient for everyone.

To achieve a beautiful appearance, durable wood was used that does not have knots. During production, it was completely sanded and then impregnated with protective compounds. This increases the service life of the product in high humidity conditions. In addition, a person will not need to constantly care for the tree, which is also an advantage.

The average cost is 2,950 rubles.

dousing bucket Dousing device 16 l with valve with plastic insert


  • Smooth surface;
  • Durable plastic insert;
  • Equipment;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Long service life.


Not found.

Popular models

Several options are considered popular models among dousing devices.

"Waterfall". It occupies one of the first places because its operating principle is the simplest. By pulling the rope downward, the bucket tips over and the water pours out continuously in a waterfall. The system received its name for this ability.

  • The second popular option is “Tumbler”. Quite an interesting model. Its principle of operation is that you need to pull the rope down, as if starting a mechanism, and the container tips over and swings, pouring out liquid.

  • Easysteam "Cascade" is a modern model of a dousing system. It is made entirely of stainless steel, often square in shape. Its operating principle is similar to a shower. In this model, the trigger mechanism is a chain. If you pull it, water will flow in streams, like through a watering can. There is a “Rain” mechanism with a similar principle to this.

“Kolobok”, like the model presented above , is a modern version of dousing devices. It is made entirely of stainless steel, shaped like a cylinder, and has a small drain hole on the top side.

Tips for choosing

After a hot steam room, it’s always nice to douse yourself with cold water to “throw off” all the heat. This is not only pleasant, but also very useful. Therefore, if possible, it is worth purchasing such a system.

But what should you pay attention to? After a long study of the varieties of dousing devices, it is worth thinking about exactly how much volume you need to purchase. On average this is 20 liters per person. But there are models with a larger number of liters.

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Please also note that if you choose only wood as a material, you will need to take additional care of it. You should not constantly keep water in a barrel, as it tends to stagnate and freeze. Therefore, it is always worth draining the water. Drying can be avoided if you choose a coated bucket (plastic or steel). This, of course, is not necessary, but it will significantly increase the service life.

The main thing is the dimensions, namely the height. Due to the low height, sometimes one or another model may not fit and ruin the showering process.

Therefore, before purchasing this or that system, you need to make sure that the dimensions really allow for installation.


The peculiarity of the bucket is that it can be made from different materials. Regardless of this, the design will always be the same, which is an advantage, since you won’t have to search for a suitable model for a long time.

Each dousing device consists of 4 main parts:

  • The bucket itself, with a capacity of 10-20 liters, the choice depends on the number of users;
  • Fixing parts so that the structure can be easily installed in various rooms;
  • An automatic water control system will help you collect the required amount of liquid so that it does not overflow;
  • Rope or chain for quickly tipping the bucket.

There is nothing complicated in the device, which is an advantage, since you don’t have to use complex mechanisms. Many manufacturers make fixtures from wood, because it matches best with the interior of a classic bathhouse. The only drawback of the solution is difficult operation. Because before installation, a person will need to fill the container with water and let it sit for a while. This action is necessary because it promotes swelling of the wood.

It is also important to understand that the structure cannot be left empty for several days, because the container may dry out and water will begin to seep through the cracks formed. But there is also a downside - the liquid should not be constantly inside, as this will lead to it deteriorating, and the inside of the bucket will become covered with unpleasant mucus, and in some cases it will completely turn black

It is important to maintain a middle ground so that there are no unforeseen problems.

But if a person cannot constantly be at the dacha where the bathhouse is installed, it is enough to buy a bucket with a plastic insert; stainless steel is also suitable. The outer part will be made entirely of wood, but the inner part will have water-resistant material. Of course, compared to standard plastic buckets, this solution will be more expensive.

Installation stages

Self-installation does not require special knowledge, but it will still require certain skills. You need to know how to supply water, how to properly attach the frame, what height to choose, and most importantly, how to choose the right place.

Selecting a location

When installing, the first thing to do is choose a location. If the bathhouse is large and has a special washing room, then the device will be installed there, because the room is already equipped with a drainage system, water supply, and the walls are moisture-repellent.

The structure can also be installed outdoors, without any water supply. Simply fill the tank yourself before each use.

When the steam room and washing room are combined (due to the small area of ​​the bathhouse), it is best to install the system next to the water supply.

The most difficult thing in installation is the correct calculation of height. At what level should the device hang? This is especially difficult to do in rooms with low ceilings, because then you will have to figure out what to sit on (a small chair).

But if the ceiling height allows you to take a contrast shower while standing, then on average a person’s height plus approximately 50 cm is taken into account. That is, if a person is 1.70 m tall, then the system should be at a level of 2.20 m.

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It is also necessary to select the correct fastenings, because the total weight of the water tank is about 60 kg.

Water supply

If the bathhouse is equipped with running water, then bringing water to the bucket will not be difficult at all. The water pipe should be raised to the level of the bucket mounting; the tap itself for supplying water to the tank is mounted at an average height of 1.5 m from the floor. A flexible hose is led into the bucket itself from the tap. After the water supply is completed, a bucket is mounted, the hose from the tap is connected to a float so that it regulates the flow of water.

Description of dousing devices for baths and their installation in the video below.

Where to install a bucket for dousing with cold water?

As already mentioned, most often the bucket is mounted in the washing room, since it is located next to the steam room, so you can rinse off immediately after warming up.
In addition, the washing room is already supplied with water and has a good drainage system. We recommend reading:

Eucalyptus bath broom

If the bathhouse is very small, where the steam room and washing room are combined, then the container is installed in the steam room.

Sometimes, especially if the sauna is used only in the warm season, a tipping bucket for a sauna is installed on the street. It collects rainwater, which is considered beneficial. In this case, you will not have to install a complex drainage system, since the water will seep into the soil.


A modern bucket is a waterfall for a bathhouse.

The bathing traditions of our people have always helped people not only cleanse their bodies, but also relieve fatigue after a week of work, strengthen their bodies, and drive away all sorts of ailments. Along with body massage with a broom, contrasting water procedures were always used.

Having had a good steam, it was customary to jump out into the street and throw ourselves into the snow, or even into an ice hole. And if there was no such opportunity, then the people happily doused themselves from head to toe with ice-cold water from gangs and buckets.

Later, they began to strengthen wooden buckets for the bath on the wall in such a way that they could be overturned sharply and pour water on the person standing below. This is how a contrast shower appeared, which to this day is considered the most useful procedure for hardening the body.


The photo shows an option for installing a dousing bucket in the shower for hardening procedures.

Today, many of the attributes and traditions of Russian baths are being actively revived. True, a modern bucket for pouring into a bathhouse is much more convenient than the buckets of our ancestors.

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Nowadays, more than ever, people need to relieve stress and improve their health. Bath procedures help remove harmful toxins from the body. They help improve metabolism and help harden.

A contrast shower has always been considered the best procedure that hardens and strengthens the nervous system. It is actively used for rehabilitation treatment in sanatorium and resort institutions.

Pouring ice water gives amazing results. The person becomes cheerful, the mood improves, and sleep is restored. This procedure can be used by all age groups.

Important. It is advisable to consult your doctor to see if you have any contraindications against such procedures.

Dousing devices

Some bath buckets are equipped with anti-overflow valves.

The most effective bath procedures are considered to be a massage with a broom in a steam room and subsequent dousing with ice water. Not everyone can afford to install a swimming pool or plunge pool in their bathhouse.

And a bucket for a bath will fit even in the smallest nook next to the steam room. The quite affordable price of these products allows you to install them not only in the bathhouse, but also in ordinary apartments above the bathtub for morning dousing.

Dousing devices should be made of wood, as before. This cooperage product is made by craftsmen without nails and without the use of adhesives.

The highest quality hardwood is selected for them:

  1. ordinary and stained oak, a very strong wood that is not subject to rotting;
  2. regular and stained larch, this wood is not afraid of water and does not rot;
  3. cedar is considered the most suitable wood in all respects; it softens water and emits phytoncides;
  4. tropical flounder tree.

Sometimes to make buckets they take:

  1. linden;
  2. birch;
  3. alder.

The wood of these species is also not subject to rotting, but it is softer than oak and cedar, and its service life is shorter. But manufacturers have found a way to extend their life. Buckets are produced with special plastic inserts, which slows down the aging of wood.

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The dousing device is supplied with fastening elements.

The process of installing a dousing device with your own hands is not difficult; anyone who knows how to hold tools in their hands can handle it.

When purchasing this device, be sure to ask the seller for installation instructions. Such instructions from the manufacturer must accompany each device.

Advice. It is best to install the bucket on a wall at a height of at least 2.1 meters near the sauna. This height will allow people of different heights to use the device.


The dousing device can be installed outdoors next to the bathhouse.

A bucket shower can be easily installed in any bathhouse. When you pull the rope or chain, the bucket tips over. The effectiveness of dousing a body heated in a steam room with a large volume of cool water cannot be compared in effectiveness with a contrast shower.

The benefits of this procedure are much greater:

  1. Accumulated fatigue will instantly disappear;
  2. the blood rushing to the skin will give a powerful energy charge;
  3. After a cold douche, a person will feel fresh and invigorated.

But we do not recommend starting dousing with ice water if you have not performed this procedure before.

Here are some recommendations for dousing:

  1. Start dousing yourself with warm water;
  2. Transition to ice water gradually if you are doing this for the first time and your body is not accustomed to contrast procedures.

Dousing buckets require certain care:

  1. Before first use, fill a wooden bucket with cool water for 3 hours;
  2. after this, wash it thoroughly on all sides with hot water;
  3. do not use chemicals to wash the bucket;
  4. keep the bucket shower away from the hot stove;
  5. Do not store buckets near heating devices or in the sun.

Advice. If you live in an area with a clean environment, you can install such a bucket on the street, where it will be filled with rainwater. Such dousing will be doubly useful.

Some useful tips

  • Before first use, fill the bucket with water and leave it for a couple of hours to allow it to swell.
  • Do not keep the wooden container empty for a long time to prevent it from drying out. But be careful that the water in it does not bloom.

How to make a bucket for a bath

To make a waterfall bucket, take a first-grade board with a radial cut. They stock up on metal for making circles, and you will also need a hacksaw, drill, plane, and other carpentry tools.

  1. They begin to manufacture blanks, which are called rivets, and the bottom of the product. To do this, the prepared boards are given a given shape and the parts are processed with a plane.
  2. At the next stage, holes are made in each side element for mounting the bottom. At the same time, the ends are cut off to obtain a rounded structure.
  3. The blanks are pre-assembled into one whole, numbered if necessary, and at this stage the size of the bottom is determined.
  4. Metal strips are measured to make the upper and lower rings. The lower ring is mounted immediately, and the upper ring after fitting all the parts.
  5. At the final stage, operations are carried out to polish the finished product.

Operating rules

In order for the “Russian shower” to serve for the benefit of bath attendants for a long time, it is necessary to comply with simple operating conditions for the device:

  • before putting it into operation, it is necessary to hold cold water in it for two to three hours, so the container will acquire the required shape and will not dry out in the future;
  • after removing the water, the walls are thoroughly washed with water without using chemical detergents;
  • Do not place the container near a hot stove: this not only threatens to dry out the structure, but can also lead to a fire.

Another operating rule is related to installing a bucket outside: some steam room lovers fill it with rainwater. In this case, experts advise checking the state of the environmental situation in the area.

Tree species for making a sauna waterfall

Manufacturers use several types of wood, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Ordinary or stained oak produces expensive, durable products; oak is considered a durable wood, so oak products are suitable for exclusive premises;
  • linden has a pleasant light shade, resists warping, and is considered a durable wood species. From time immemorial, bathhouses have been built from linden, so an accessory made from it will fit perfectly into the interior of the steam room;
  • cedar is resistant to moisture; due to the content of essential oils in its composition, it is considered an effective material for the manufacture of bath accessories;
  • larch has an unusual wood structure and beautiful shades; larch products will decorate any bathhouse;
  • Aspen does not have outstanding properties, but its containers are durable and last a long period of time.
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